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02x04 - Meant to Be

Posted: 05/10/23 04:55
by bunniefuu
Help! Aspen!


Help! Aspen! Help! Help! Help!



Everyone, let's get out of here!

- Come on! Let's go, let's go, let's go!





- Jackie!




Stay low!

- There's no answer! The whole network must be down! Aspen!





- Oh, no.

No, no, no, no, no!

- Where are you going?

- I have to check the engine room.

- Well, I'm coming with you!

- No, stay here.

It's safer.

This thing is taking way too long! There's no way this building can make it! Daniel!


Brooke! Get back to the clubhouse!




- Please everyone, take cover! Take cover! Please stay calm! My name is Sophie Cardona! I'm a student at the Greenhouse! It is now 3:16 in the afternoon!



- Brooke! What are you doing?

- I'm looking for Daniel!

- No.

Stay with me.

You're not going anywhere until this is over! Help! Help!



Hayley, I'm coming! Hang on! Keep swimming! Leo, grab the rope! I'm coming! Grab the rope!


Just keep swimming.

You gotta keep swimming.

This is the longest earthquake I can remember! If we're gone and you find this video Sophie, listen! I just want you to know I've always wanted us to be together.

Sophie, I love you!





Tammy? Alex? You guys okay?




- I got you.

I got you.







Your resting pulse is back to normal.

Blood pressure stabilized.


I'm sorry.



Marcus, where are you?



Oh, God.



What took you so long? Had to check the servers too.

I hope for your sake that my son is safe.





Daniel, where are you?


Daniel! Daniel! Daniel.

Thank God! I was freaking out.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah.

What were you doing in there?

- Um, I was



- It's Judy.

- She's calling you? Hey, Mom.


Yeah, I'm fine.


I'm with her now.


We did a sweep of the school.

Um, the students are safe.

We've got maintenance clearing debris.

- Any injuries?

- None.

Thank God.

- You okay?

- Yeah.

All right, everyone.

Listen up.

Come close.

Come close.

Don't think I've ever been so happy to see anyone in my entire life.

- Suzanne? Is everyone here?

- Yeah? The rest of the Ravens are on their way back.

Everybody's fine.


Thank you.

So we got lucky.

This was a serious earthquake.

But everything appears to be okay.

We're all safe now.

We'll schedule extra emergency drills this month.

- There might be aftershocks.



That's a good idea.


So, we should clean up and get back to normal just as soon as we can.



- Okay.

Can I help? I'm I'm looking for something.

Can I help you? Well, actually, it's Emma's chess set.

Really? Why? It's a very delicate set and I wanted to make sure it wasn't damaged.

Oh, I'm pretty sure it wasn't.

I already mailed it off.

Emma had requested I send it back to her.

So don't worry.

Her precious chessboard was saved.


You guys heard Louis.

Let's clean this place up and try to get back to normal as soon as possible, okay? So, did you find it? Jason said he had it mailed back to Emma.



My name is Sophie Cardona!

- I'm a student at the Greenhouse! It




It's still a huge mess, but we got up most of the glass like you said.

Thanks, Parker.

So, uh a 5.

2 on the Richter scale.

That's pretty crazy, right? Yeah.

I mean, to me, it felt more like a 9.

0, though.

Right? Didn't it? It's scary.

It was.

So, um what you doing? Well, I'm just, uh, uploading some videos.

This always takes forever.


Listen, about that I kinda You know, during the earthquake, I I said some things that

- My head was just

- It's okay, Parker.

'Cause I'm I I just I feel like a complete idiot.

No! No, you're not an idiot.

- We were nervous, that's all.

- Yeah.

I, uh I actually thought it was kinda cute.



- It's cool? Yeah.

So listen, you're not gonna show anyone the video? Are you?

- Oh, no.

Oh, no, of course not! No.

- Okay.



How do you feel? I'm fine.

How are you, Aspen? I'm fine.

My hand hurts a little bit, but who cares? The important thing is that you're all right.

I didn't get a chance to thank you for You don't have to.

I did what anyone in that situation would have done.

You don't have time to think in a moment like that.

You just jump into action.


Yeah, I guess.

You know, I get goose bumps just thinking about what would have happened if I hadn't pulled you and Leo out of there.

So morbid.

Awful way to go.


- Hey, Michelle did you see this?

- What is it? That is a video blog that was shot by one of the students at the Greenhouse.

She shot it during the earthquake.


My name is Sophie Cardona! I'm a student at the Greenhouse! This is the longest earthquake that I can remember.

Get me this girl on the phone right now.

I thought you knew how to swim.

It was a whirlpool.

And I felt like an ant going down the drain.

And that nutcase just stared at you?


I don't know.

It was hard to tell.

But I could've sworn that she saw me.

If Leo hadn't showed up, then you wouldn't have a sister anymore.

If anything happened to you, I would've k*lled you.


You know, Louis was right about what he said to you on the first day.

- What?

- You are never gonna be bored here.



I could use a couple of days of boredom.


There's something else, Alex.

When I was underwater I saw something.

You mean, the way people say that your life flashes before your eyes? Yeah, but not my life.

I saw Mom.

I can't believe I'm talking to the Michelle Wallace.

I can't believe I am talking to the Sophie Cardona.

I mean you're in the middle of an earthquake and your first instinct is to record a story? You remind me of myself when I was your age.


Thank you so much! That is the mark of a great journalist.

We're always on the lookout for the next big story, right?


What? I'm sorry.

I just I can't breathe.

Relax, sweetie.

In fact I wanted to get your permission to use your videos for tonight's lead story on the earthquake.

Uh you're kidding, right? That is a yes, is it?

- Yes! Yes, of course.

- Great.

Oh, we're gonna need more footage, though, as soon as possible.

You do have some more, right? Sure.


I will get right on it.

- Great.

- Thank you.

The Eagles are gonna be on TV! Okay, you were scared.

You thought you were drowning.

I was drowning.


If I was in your position, I would've imagined Mom, too.

I didn't imagine her.

It's hard to explain.

It felt

- What?

- Forget it.

What is it? You remember how I used to get so mad at Dad when he would talk about Mom as if she's still alive? Well, what if he was right, you know? What do you mean? I really felt her presence.

You do realize that this is all part of this traumatic experience you've had? This is some form of PTSD.

This isn't post traumatic shock, Alex.

I saw her.

I swear.

- So, what'd the nurse say?

- Uh, I'm fine.

No concussion.

Well, I know what will make you healthy and strong.

My dad's world

-famous lasagna.

But it's taco night at the cafeteria.

No, silly, you're having dinner with us.

My dad invited you and your mom over.


Well, the client seems very happy with our work.

Happy? We almost destroyed the Greenhouse.

But we didn't.

We know the program works.

That's why it's called a test run.

And now, we know the parameters for the program and can fix the glitches before the next time.

Hey, aren't you guys coming over to watch Sophie on TV?

- Yeah!



That's not fair! Hey.

So how does it feel to be a celebrity? Come on.

I'm not the celebrity.

My story is the celebrity.

- But it still feels great!



Do you know what time your story will air? Oh, my God.


I have no idea.

Maybe you should call her and ask?

- You think?

- Go.

- Yeah.

- Yeah? Okay.

All right.


Yes? Oh, hey, uh, this is Sophie Cardona.

I was just calling to see what time my footage will air during the broadcast.

Oh, didn't my assistant call you? Uh.

No, why? I asked him to call you.

We decided we're not gonna use your footage.

Our show is jam


- I'm sorry about that.

- Oh.

But I thought you liked it.

I did, but when we watched it in the cutting room, it felt a bit stale.

Yeah, well, I was in the middle of an earthquake.

I know.

We have a lot of footage from the earthquake.

I was looking for a story.

A point of view.

Something emotional that our viewers could connect with.

What what is this? A reality show? Everything's a reality show these days, sweetie.

Actually there there is some footage that I never sent you.

Is it good? Yeah, It's good.



Hey, Dad.


I'm on my way.


What a day.


Ah, this lasagna smells so good.


This is exactly what we needed.

Some comfort food.

Brooke insists I should start up a food truck if I ever retire.



- Yeah.

You must be so proud of her.

I am.

He couldn't have picked a sweeter girl.



I'm so happy you two are back together.

Me, too.

We were meant to be.

What's wrong? Uh, I thought you didn't believe in fate.

You always talk about being in control of your destiny.

But some things are beyond your control.

Daniel, you can't control love.


- Hello, everyone!





- Hey, Jason.

- Hello, hello.

Hey, Jason.





Try this one.

- Thank you.


Oh, shh! It's starting! It's starting.

Shh! What would you do if a 5.

2 earthquake struck your school?

- For Sophie Cardona



a student at the prestigious Greenhouse, her first instinct was to record a selfie video of the entire event.

Today's earthquake was actually a highly localized microquake that only affected the five

-mile campus of the Greenhouse.

Thankfully, no one was seriously injured and there was no structural damage.

But for the Greenhouse students, let's just say that quake rocked their world.

This is the longest earthquake that I can remember.

It is now 3:16 in the afternoon.


I'm so grateful that none of our students got hurt.

The Greenhouse is one of the most competitive high schools in the country.

The academy is famous for training future leaders who are passionate about their ideals.

Like the passionate Parker Grant, who isn't afraid to say what's on his mind.

Look, there's my boy! If we're gone and you find this video Sophie, listen! I don't think we're gonna come out of this alive.

I just want you to know I've always wanted us to be together.

Sophie, I love you!


Welcome to Generation Viral, where privacy is a thing of the past and today's teens live their lives on

-screen 24/7.