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02x11 - Episode 11

Posted: 05/10/23 04:38
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

Peter: "We can all be free"?

Are you saying I’m not?

Emma: None of us are free here,

not really.

We don’t have a say

in our lives.

I bet you wished

you had something better

than the fate

you were burdened with.

Peter: You’re wrong!

This is all I ever wanted!

It’s why my...

brother had to die.

Emma: But that’s not

what you really wanted

in the end, was it?

Peter: What do you know?!


Both of you,

you and my brother.

Emma: Everyone’s suffering.

We can change that!

Peter: We can’t. ( crying )

It’s how the world’s

supposed to be.

Emma: That’s not true!

We can make this world

whatever we want it to be.

( Peter gasps )

( sighs )

Emma: We can change it

and our destinies.

It might be hard,

but we can do it.

We can all be free.

Peter: Protecting humankind,

that is the duty

of the Ratri clan,

the gatekeeper between worlds

for generations.

My brother was one...

and he was my hero.

Until that horrible day...

( slam echoes )

James: My God.

Our clan betrayed their comrades

for the sake of the Promise.

And the children on the Farms

are descendants of our allies,

not the rogues

who were against peace

and sought to continue the w*r.

Peter: The documents he found

were a long-lost confession,

the true history

buried hundreds of years ago...

the regrets of our founder.

James: We have to protect

the worlds from each other.

But we can’t

just take the children away.

What, then?

Peter: He was

tormented by guilt,

and his resolve disappeared.

Then I read it,

and I thought it was wonderful.

Our founder cast aside

his feelings to save humanity.

Nothing could be more noble.

James: No. This is punishment

for our betrayal.

It’s our curse.

Peter: That day,

my brother changed.

He called himself Minerva

and went to work

coming up with all sorts

of ways to save the children.

James is wrong.

I have to stop him.

The children

are a necessary sacrifice.

( rain pattering )

Is it done?

Did he say anything?

Smee: He wanted me

to tell you...

he was sorry.

( Peter crying )

( sobbing )

I decided

that no matter how much it hurt,

I had to sacrifice my brother

to continue the sacred mission

of the Ratris,

to protect humankind.

Was I trapped

by my family’s legacy?

By my destiny?


Our duty is noble, honorable!

James: Peter...

Peter: James...

were you trying to defy fate?

Did you want to be free?

James: I’m sorry.

Peter: Did you want to free me?

( chuckles )

You want us to be free.

You want to change this world.

You’re such a fool.

It’s obvious you know

nothing more than to be food.

The demon world isn’t the only

one you’ll have to change.

Do you think what the demons

do to you here is bad?

It’s no different

from what humans

have been doing

to each other for ages now.

Well, all except

for the eating-children part.

( Emma gasps )

Peter: Do whatever you want.

Go wherever you want.

I don’t care anymore.

After all this,

there’s nothing left for me.

But by all means,

change the world!

Good luck to you all!

I won’t be here.

I’ll be watching you suffer

and laughing my ass off in hell!

( Emma gasps ) No!

( knife slices )

Peter! Don’t die!

Peter: Idiots.

You can’t just throw away

your station in life.

I choose to die here...

as a Ratri.

( Emma gasps )

( gasps )

( crying )

Watch us.

We’ll change the world for sure.

( yells echoing )

( demon gasps )

( Sonju sighs )

( door clatters )

Messenger: Duke Yverk!

Yverk: How dare you?!

We are

in Her Majesty’s presence!

Messenger: Apologies, Milord.


an urgent matter has come up.

Yverk: Well? What is it.

Messenger: We received news

that Grace Field has fallen.

Emma: Thank you for

standing up for us like that.

Isabella: Like I

told you before,

we share the same goal.

Well, the human world

is waiting for you.

You should hurry along.

Emma: I was thinking it’d

be nice if you all came, too.

( Sisters gasp )

Isabella: I’m sorry,

but we can’t.

Emma: Why?

Isabella: We’ve done you

so much wrong,

and now we have to atone for it.

It was kind of you

to offer, though.

After all’s said and done,

it’s better we go off and

die alone, than be reminders--

( Ray scoffs )

Get over it already!

You think dying’s

gonna let you off the hook?

You hated the setup here, too,

so if you have any regrets,

might as well come with us

and deal with ’em.

( Isabella gasps )

Ray: I’m happy I’m still alive.

I got to make up for my mistakes

and clear my conscience.

We don’t hate you.

There’s no grudges.

We want you to come,

all of you.

- Rossi: Yeah, Mom!

- Yvette: Yeah, come with us!

Gilda: Yes. Please come.

( Don chuckles )

( Isabella gasps )

But why?

You should hate me.

Emma: Well, at first...

we sorta did.

But we didn’t understand.

When we found out

about this place,

we thought you were our enemy.

But once we escaped,

all we thought about

was how much you cared

and how kind you were.

It took us awhile,

but we figured out

why we couldn’t hate you.

It’s ’cause all the kindness and

love you had for us was real.

We could tell.

And after everything,

we all love you now

more than ever.

No matter how many times

you betrayed us

and even if you

can’t forgive yourself for it,

you’re the only mom we had,

and you did a great job

raising us.

So come with us,

and we can be

a family again, Mom.

( Isabella crying )

Children: Mom! ( laughing )

( Isabella laughs )

I love you.

( sobs )

Thank you, everyone.

Emma: Mr. Vylk!

Vylk: This is goodbye, then.

There is still much work to do,

and I’ll see it gets done.

Have a safe journey

to the human world, my dear.

Emma: Thank you,

and good luck with everything.

Vylk: Emma...

I am so happy to have met you.

Take care now.

Emma: You, too.

( rumbling )

( all gasp )

- ( rumbling continues )

- ( all gasp )

♪ ♪

Don: Here we go, guys.

( machinery hums )

( clanking )

♪ ♪

( footsteps shuffling )

Ray: Whoa.

The gate to the human world

is massive.

Norman: It looks

like the pen unlocks it.

Everyone ready?

Emma: Mm-hmm.

( clicks )

( rumbling )

( Gilda gasps )

Don: Yes!

Nat: We’re going

to the human world.

This is it, finally!

( footsteps echoing )

( all gasp )

( Phil grunts )



( children gasp )

Emma: We can’t go

with you guys just yet.

Thoma: What?

Lannion: But we

came all this way.

Alicia: Emma.

Emma: We talked about it,

and we’re staying.

Thoma: Why?

There’s no reason to!

( Emma chuckles )

I’m sorry.

I’m staying.

I wanna change things here.

( both gasp )

Emma: Leaving the House

and meeting both of you

taught me things about

this world I can’t unlearn.

I found out

about the human world

and the Promise

from a thousand years ago.

The Promise doomed us kids

to be raised on farms for food,

and that got me thinking.

Maybe we could make a new one.

- ( Mujika gasps )

- Emma: What do you think?

Can we make a new promise

that’ll be good for everyone?

If I’m gonna change things here,

I might as well start there.

There are tons more Farms

besides Grace Field.

Those kids deserve to be free

and have a future

on the human side, too.

I can’t just leave them behind,

so I’m staying

until I get them out.

( Ray gasps )

- ( Norman laughs )

- Emma: Huh?

Norman: I had a feeling

you’d want to do that.

I’ll stay behind and help you.

Emma: Really?

Norman: I’ve seen so many kids

from mass-production farms,

and it’s horrifying

what the demons do to them.

They need our help

as much as the others.

I have to go back for the kids

who stayed behind

at my hideout, too.

Emma: Thanks, Norman.

Ray: Man...

you guys sure are something.

I hate to say this,

but you haven’t

really thought this through.

Changing the world

and saving kids is great,

and I’m with you

all the way on that.

It’s just even if

we all escaped this place,

we still have a problem.

They might still come after us.

I’m talking about the demons

in charge here, the higher ups.

Norman: Right,

the queen and nobles.

Ray: Anyway, I was

thinking about that,

and I figured

I’d stay behind, too,

and keep an eye

on ’em or whatever.

( chuckles )

( Norman chuckles )

Ray: Guess we’re all stayin’.

Mujika: Emma.

I am with you. I also wish

to change this world.

( Emma gasps )

Mujika: I have never understood

why I was born

with this special blood,

but after meeting

all of you, I do.

It was to make this world

better for all.

If you are staying,

then I will stand with you

and help however I can.

( Emma chuckles )

Mujika, thank you.

( Mujika grunts )

Sonju: Destroying the Farms’s

reign is a tall order.

Like Ray said, the royals

aren’t going to like it.

Ray: However long we stay,

we’re gonna be hunted by ’em.

and they’re probably gonna

send their best to catch us.

Norman: You do

have a point there.

So we’ll need

to build up our defenses.

Cislo: Good thing

we’re staying, too, then.

We can be your defense.

Barbara: We’re pretty good

at bashing heads.

( Zazie grunts )


Leaving us out again, huh?

Don: It’s like a bad habit.

Come on. Tell us your plan.

Emma: Sorry

to spring this on you.

- Yvette: Emma!

- Alicia: Come on!

Don’t leave us alone again!

Jemima: I’ll stay behind, too.

Rossi: So will I!

I won’t go anywhere without you!

Christie: Say something!

You can’t be okay with this!

Emma: We’ll be sending kids

over to the human side

as soon as we free them.

We need you

to help them get settled.

Dominic: Us?

Gilda: Remember

how Mr. Minerva helped us

by setting up that bunker?

Don: It’s our turn

to pay that favor forward!

( Alicia gasps )

Mark: Uh...

( Rossi whimpers )

( Lannion sniffles )

Thoma: Okay, then.

Yvette: You can count on us

to help the new kids, Emma.

Rossi: We’ll be

their Mr. Minerva.

Isabella: Emma.

Emma: Will you stay with them?

They need someone who can

raise them and protect them.

They need a Mom.

( Isabella sighs )

( sighs )

Norman: There’ll be kids coming

who were poisoned like us.

They’ll need treatment.

Vincent: I’ll see they get it.

Anna: Be safe,

and hurry back to us.

Nat: Don’t do anything stupid.

Got it?!

Emma: Got it.

( gasps )

Will you help, too?

Phil: Hmm?

I guess.

Yeah. I’ll do my part!

I’m gonna miss you,

but we can play

when you get back.

Emma: Mm-hmm.

( rumbling )

Gilda: Emma.

Don: We’ll take care

of everyone!

Ray: Thanks, Don! See you soon!

( Phil gasps )

( crying ) Emma!

If you take too long,

I’ll come get you!

So please be careful over there,

and hurry back!

Emma: Yeah.

I’ll hurry. I promise.

( Phil crying )

( Emma chuckles )

( Phil laughs )

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

( chorus vocalizing )

- ( chorus ends )

- ( jet engine roars )

( waves lapping )

( Thoma laughs )

Can’t catch me, slowpoke!

Lannion: Wanna bet?!

( both laugh )

♪ ♪

- Emma: Phil!

- ( Phil gasps )

( no audible dialogue )

♪ ♪

Phil: Emma.

Emma: We made it.

We’re home.