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02x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 05/10/23 04:37
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

( demons screaming )

( demons groaning )

( demon wails )

( wail echoes )

♪ ♪

( screaming continues )

( flames crackling )

( Norman gasping )

You brought them back.

I should have known you would.

Nice work,

but you’re too late to stop

the extinction of the demons.

Emma: You’re wrong!

It’s not too late!

When Mujika gets here,

you’ll see!

Norman: It doesn’t matter now.

The Farms will find out

what we’ve done here

and know

their days are numbered.

They’re finished.

Emma: I know you!

You can’t really want this!

( Norman gasps )

I do.

Emma: You’re not a m*rder*r!

( Norman shudders )


Emma: Would you

shut up and listen?!

I won’t let you

sacrifice yourself again,

and I won’t let you

go it alone any more.

I can tell you’re suffering.

Even though it’s horrific,

you picked the surest,

most logical solution.

Then you decided you’d bear

the responsibility for it...

like some kind of martyr.

I can tell you’re scared.

Norman: "Scared"?

Emma: Yeah. Right now,

you look like a little kid

shaking with fear.


Norman: Stay back!

You can’t stop this.

I won’t turn back now.

Emma: Too bad. I won’t let you

leave us all behind again.

( Norman gasps )

Emma: Listen, Norman.

No one expects you

to be our savior.

Even though you’re stronger

and kinder than anyone I know,

you can be arrogant

and a coward, too.

( Norman gasps )

Emma: Don’t be scared!

Have a little more faith in us.

Share your pain and

your suffering and your fears.

We’re your friends after all.

Don’t push us away!

Norman: All I wanted

was to keep us--

Emma: You don’t

have to protect us!

We can handle

whatever comes along together!

Norman: Ray, I--

Ray: You know this isn’t right,

but you’re doing it,

even though it’s crushing you.

Did you think

we’d be okay with that?!

- Are you kidding me?!

- ( Norman gasps )

Ray: We grew up together!

We’re family!

Come on. Be honest.

What do you really want?

Norman: There’s no point.

It’s too late.

I’ve gone too far

and can’t turn back.

Emma: That’s not true,

and you know it!

It’s okay if you’re scared.

We won’t look down on you

or judge you.

We just wanna live and

laugh and grow up with you.

We’re your friends

to the very end.

( Norman gasps )

( crying )

( crying continues )

Norman: To grow up together,

that’s all I wanted, too.

( sobbing )

Emma: You’re back.

You’re back.

Norman: I lied to you before.

They pumped me full of dr*gs

at Lambda.

I’m dying.

( Ray and Emma gasp )

( demon hisses )

( roaring )

( growling )

Ray: We gotta get out of here.

- ( demon shrieks )

- ( all gasp )

Demon Emma: Grandpa!

What have you done?!

( Human Emma gasps )

( demon squeals )

Gilda: Sonju!

Don: Where’s Norman?!

Sonju: Stay back, please.

- ( slice )

- ( both gasp )

( Sonju chuckles )

- ( hissing )

- ( both gasp )

( demon groaning )

Don: Whoa.

( Gilda gasps )

Child: Dad!

( sobbing )

( Mujika chuckles )

Mother: Um...

thank you so much!

Mujika: We are happy to help.

All you have to do

is take one sip of this,

and you won’t

degenerate ever again.

Hurry now, and give your child

a sip of that, too.

Mother: I-I will.

And thank you again!

Grandfather: You said, "Mujika."

Emma: Huh?


The Evil-Blooded Girl.

You know her.

( Emma gasps )

Grandfather: You do.

( flesh squelches )

That means she’s alive.

- ( demons wailing, crying )

- ( wounded gurgling )

( Barbara exhales )

- ( leaves crunch )

- ( grunts )

Sister: Please don’t k*ll us.

We won’t hurt you.

( gasps )

Brother: We’re just children.

Barbara: I don’t care.

A demon’s a demon.

( both whimper )

Barbara: No, don’t!

( Barbara gasps )

( Cislo sighs )

( Barbara shuddering )

( wails )

( thump )

( sister gasps )

Barbara: What’s with me?

Why couldn’t I--

( gags )

Cislo: Barbara!

( Barbara gagging )

( Zazie grunts )

Norman: Zazie, stop!

( demons shuddering )

Norman: It’s over.

Cislo: What?

Norman: We have to stop.

This has all been a mistake.

Revenge isn’t what I want.

I want to save my family.

I’m sorry, but I was wrong.

( Cislo gasps )

Barbara: You can’t be wrong.

Norman: I convinced myself

this horrible solution

was the best one to make,

even though I knew it wasn’t.

The truth is, Lambda gave me

the same dr*gs as you.

My symptoms are worse now,

Stage Four, in fact.

Cislo: What are

you talking about?

You said because you were

from Grace Field House,

they treated you different,

that you weren’t some kind

of guinea pig like us!

Norman: It was all a lie.

You wanted a leader,

one you could rely on,

but I was scared you’d think

I wasn’t capable enough, weak.

Originally, I wanted

to develop a drug to cure us,

and there were people I knew of

who could help,

but they were all

rounded up and k*lled,

so instead I dedicated myself

to change this world

before I died.

But now I realize

the solution I came up with

was wrong.

I don’t want to k*ll anyone.

I just want a solution that I--

I won’t end up regretting.

( flames crackling )

Barbara: Boss.

( sighs )

( sighs )

Vincent: You can’t be serious.

I committed to this plan.

We all did!

We swore

to give our lives for it!

Wiping out the demons

is the only way

to make this world safe!

And I won’t give up!

We’ll go on without you--

Cislo: Vincent.

You heard what he said.

That’s it. We’re done.

He’s human, just like us,

but we expected him

to be more than that.

That’s a lot for anyone to bear,

especially someone

we care about.

( Norman gasps )

Barbara: I want revenge

for everything

the demons did to me.

It’ll be hard to let that go.

But still...

you’re more important to me

than revenge, Boss.

( Zazie grunts )

( Cislo chuckles )

Norman: Thank you.

( steed galloping )

Emma: Mujika!

Norman: Amazing.

It’s really her.

( Emma gasps )

Mujika: No need to worry now.

Many of the villagers have

regained their form already.

They’re sharing their blood

with the others,

and soon they’ll

all be back to normal.

Emma: Ah, thank goodness.

Sonju: They’ll find out humans

were behind this soon enough.

You kids better leave the area

before they do.

Mujika: We’ll stay here and

do our best to explain to them.

Emma: Good luck with that.

Do you know

where to find us later?

Mujika: Yes, the old temple.

Don and Gilda told us.

( Emma grunts )

( Mujika gasps )

Here. Have a sip of this,

both of you.

You’ll feel better soon.

( sister gasps )

( Mujika chuckles )

( wind blowing )

Thoma: Ray!

( both panting )

Lannion: We just heard

on the radio tonight.

They said they’re gonna

ship out Phil and the others!

Ray: What?

Demon: How goes

the Lambda project?

Peter: Fine, actually.

Demon: "Fine"?

Your facility was destroyed,

and two-two-one-nine-four


That is quite the blunder.

And your brother helped

the children from here,

from Grace Field,

to escape, so--

Peter: Oh, we’ll get them back,

every single one of them.

They’ll all return

on their own, in fact.

Isn’t that right,

Grandma Isabella?

Isabella: That’s right.

There was supposed to be a radio

in the bunker

the children stayed in.

Our search party

noticed it was missing

after that botched raid.

We believe

the children took that radio

and have been monitoring

the Farms’s transmissions.

So we decided to set a trap.

We leaked our upcoming plans

to ship out

all the children at Grace Field.

If they want to save

their friends,

they’ll have to return.

Demon: Are you

shipping the stock?

Peter: Yes. We’re assigning them

to the Lambda project.

And not just them.

We’re integrating

all the farms into it.

It’s far more efficient

and cost-effective

than the old system.

The children’s brains will

develop faster with our drug,

yielding a higher-grade product

across the board.

You won’t need to wait for

the seasonal harvest anymore.

You’ll have only the best meat

year-round, forever,

a perfect system

guaranteed to provide.

Demon : Very well. But do leave

some mass-production farms


We still need a supply

for the commoners.

Peter: We will. Of course.

Consider the Lambda project


Isabella: Yes, sir.

( fire crackling )

Don: What are we gonna do?

Why the heck are they

shipping everyone out now?!

Ray: It’s weird.

They never shipped

anyone under six before,

so why now?

Norman: It’s Lambda.

We didn’t destroy

the data after all.

Emma: What do you mean?

Norman: The purpose of Lambda

was to create a drug

they could use on kids to make

their brains develop faster.

And once the drug was ready,

all the Farms would be converted

to this new system

of production.

Apparently, raising kids

on farms like Grace Field

took too long

and got too expensive.

This is my fault. I thought

destroying the facility

would stop the Lambda project.

Emma: Then that’s where Phil

and the others are going,

to a place like where you were?

Norman: I’m afraid so.

Cislo: Crap. Those bastards.

They’ll t*rture them, too.

Barbara: Damn them.

Emma: Then we have

to go save them.

Gilda: You’re right,

but we need a plan.

Ray: Hang on. There’s a chance

this whole thing

could be a trap for us.

Emma: Doesn’t matter.

We have to go!

Vincent: You’re crazy!

This isn’t just any farm,

you know. It’s Grace Field!

It’s the most secure farm

in the area!

We can’t break in,

much less save anyone!

- ( bell jingles )

- ( children gasp )

Mujika: It is us.

Emma: Mujika!

The villagers?

Sonju: They’re back to normal.

( Emma sighs )

Mujika: Now, I am worried

about the Farms.

Once they hear of this,

they’ll come

after the villagers.

( Emma gasps )


No need to worry, Milady.

We were on the verge

of starvation anyway

and would have degenerated

sooner or later.

You spared us from the horrors

of eating each other.

Mujika: Who are you?


My name is Vylk, Milady.

You saved my life once before

years ago.

( Mujika gasps )

You carry this blood?

( Vylk chuckles )

I’ve brought something

for the human girl.

( Demon Emma gasps )


Emma: Is this for a pen?

Vylk: I’m not sure

what it’s for.

Fifteen years ago,

outside of the village,

a dying human gave it to me.

The poor soul was already

half-dead when I found him.

The smell of his blood

was everywhere.

Although I could not see him,

I could tell his wounds

were most fatal.

I thought of leaving him,

but he would have been found

by wildlings and eaten.

a horrible fate.

When I moved closer to him,

he didn’t seem bothered at all.

He was dazed

from the blood loss,

going in and out

of consciousness.

He held on to that thing tightly

until he passed away.

Before he died,

his final words were,

"Give this to the children

of the farms.

I pray it will give them some

glimmer of hope for the future."

And then he died, and I ate him.

( Emma gasps )

Vylk: I carried out the Gupna

and took him home and

shared his meat with my family.

I never forgot

how hard he clung to life.

I realized humans

are not just food,

they have a will like us,

and they have ones

they love so much,

they would give their lives

to protect them.

And yet I ate him.

For the past years,

I hid the fact

the evil blood is within me.

I have eaten meat

I shouldn’t have

to protect my family and myself.

If I had shared my blood

with those around me,

suffering from starvation

and degeneration,

who knows how many lives

I could have saved?

But if I had intervened,

my family’s lives,

as well as mine, would surely

have been jeopardized,

so I continued to eat the meat

and chose to look the other way.

For many years,

I’ve come here to pray,

wondering if I’ve done

the right thing.

( Mujika sighs )

Vylk: Perhaps now, though,

I can finally help change

things for the better.

I don’t know what that thing

I gave you is supposed to do,

but I hope it serves you well.

Emma: Thank you.

( Norman sighs )

- ( display whirs )

- ( both gasp )

Emma: You seein’ this?

It says it’s

a blueprint of Headquarters.

Ray: It’s more,

way more than just the layout.

Guard placement, the building’s

wiring and circuitry,

this shows us

everything in there!

Emma: And look.

That’s the gate

to the human world, I think.

Cislo: She’s right.

It’s the whole deal.


Can it help us break in?

Norman: Uh-huh. Definitely.

( Vincent sighs )

( Norman gasps )

Vincent! Look at this.

Vincent: It’s a formula.

It’s for a drug.

Barbara: What kind of drug?

Norman: The cure

for our side effects!

It shows how to make it, too!

Barbara: Wait.

So you’re telling us

that’s the cure? Really?

Norman: Mm-hmm.

( sighs )

( Vincent shudders )

Barbara: I can’t believe it.

We’re not gonna die.

Cislo: We get to live.

( sobs )


Barbara: Boss, is this real?!

( Norman grunts ) It’s real.

Vylk: I’m glad I was able

to deliver some hope to you all.

( Norman gasps )

Norman: Wait!

I’m sorry.

I almost k*lled you

and your family.

( Demon Emma sighs )

♪ ♪

( Norman gasps )

Emma: We heard...

you and your friends...

you were treated horribly,

and it’s unforgivable

what they did to you.

I’m sorry.

( Norman shuddering )

Vylk: We’ll be on our way now.

- Emma.

- Emma: Eh?

Demon Emma: Eh?

Ray: "Emma"?

Demon Emma: "Emma"?

Emma: Uh-huh.

( Demon Emma chuckles )

( Emma chuckles )

( wind blowing )

Um, sir, before you go,

I just wanna say thank you.

( Vylk grunts )

( Vylk chuckles )

( Emma laughs )

Norman: Emma will never change.

With a heart as big as hers,

I had zero doubt

she’d save everyone.

I should have known

she’d save the demons, too.

We have this information now,

because she chose

kindness over revenge,

and thanks to her choice,

we have hope.

Ray: She made that choice,

’cause she knew it was right.

That’s all.

( Norman sighs )

Emma: If you’re all set,

let’s save Phil and the others.

Norman: Yeah.

( chuckles )

Emma: All right, guys.

Let’s get ready,

and then it’s back

to Grace Field House!

Children: Yeah!

( cloth rustles )

( footsteps shuffling )

- ( static crackling )

- Mother: This is Grace Field.

Who is this?

Vincent: I have information.

I want to make a deal.

♪ ♪