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02x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 05/10/23 04:34
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

( birds squawking )

Norman: Sonju and Mujika?!

The Evil-Blooded Girl

is still alive.

Ray: "Evil-Blooded"?

Emma: Then you know about ’em.

Did you meet ’em, too?

Norman: No, I never met them.

I only heard rumors.

They described a demon girl

who was an anomaly.

She never ate human flesh,

because she didn’t need it

to retain her form

or intelligence.

The stories about her

go back years, give or take.

Records say she appeared

after the Promise,

but before the Farms,

a savior figure...

who first showed up

in a starving village.

Emma: Really?

Norman: Yeah.

She transferred her power

to the demons in the village

using her blood.

She had them drink

one drop of it,

and they obtained

a humanoid form

and didn’t have

to eat human flesh

- ever again to retain it.

- ( both gasp )

Norman: Also their blood

could convert others,

just like hers could.

Emma: What? You’re kidding!

Ray: And that’s all it took?

One drop of her blood,

and they were all like her?

Norman: Mm-hmm.

And then the converted demons

went to other towns.

They shared their blood

with those demons,

saving them from starvation.

However, when the royals

and aristocracy found out,

they rounded up

the affected demons.

They had them ex*cuted

and devoured them all.

( both gasp )

Norman: The Evil-Blooded Girl

was supposed to have

been k*lled then, too,

but if she’s not dead...

Ray: They’ve been traveling

around this whole time,

hiding to avoid being caught.

Emma: Um...

I don’t understand

what the point of it all was.

Do you?

Like, why did they have to k*ll

the demons Mujika converted?

Norman: They were afraid of her,

of her blood and power.

Emma: They were afraid?

But there’s nothing

to be scared about.

All her blood did was make it

so they didn’t

have to eat humans anymore.

Ray: That’s the problem.

Emma: How?

Ray: The royals and aristocracy,

they control the meat supply

through the farm system. Get it?

With that, they can pick

who gets the meat,

how much they get, and when.

That gives them the power

to rule their subjects.

They can’t give that up,

so they had to k*ll ’em.

Isn’t that right?

Norman: Mm-hmm.

Ray: Maybe the Promise

wasn’t about keeping peace.

It was about the royals

grabbing all the power.

It’s easier

to control their people

if they control the meat.

Anyone who gets in their way

has to die.

Emma: That’s awful.


It’s not surprising, though.

In the end,

everyone’s out for themselves.

Not everyone is as kind

and virtuous as you, Emma.

( Emma gasps )

Norman: Anyway, I’m worried

about these other demons,

Sonju and Mujika.

With the power in their blood,

they can just change

all the demons back.

They’re a threat to our plan,

and we can’t trust them

to ally with us.

We have to find them

and k*ll them.

( both gasp )

Emma: Not even!

Sonju and Mujika

aren’t a threat!

They saved our lives.

They’re our friends!

I won’t k*ll them!

Norman: Emma...

they’re demons just the same.

Do you think they’ll stand by

and let us exterminate

their kind?

They won’t. You know that.

Emma: Then we shouldn’t

exterminate them!

( sighs ) Norman, I--

I don’t want to do this.

That’s what I came here

to talk to you about.

You said yourself

Mujika’s blood is special.

Maybe we don’t even

need her blood.

The royals and aristocrats

have it, too.

Since they ate demons like her,

their blood’s like hers.

And we don’t

have to k*ll them, either.

We just capture them and

the demons that manage the farms

and give a few drops

of blood to all the other--

Norman: No, Emma.

Even if they

don’t have to eat us,

it’s their nature to.

And when you think about it,

we’re the same way.

If someone told you

you couldn’t eat

your favorite food anymore,

could you stop just like that?

And what about your family?

Could you force them to stop?

Would the demons

have enough empathy

to not eat us

if they didn’t have to,

when all we ever

were to them was food?

Emma: Then let’s just go

to the human world!

Mr. Minerva’s message

said it’s a real thing.

We’ll be leaving the demons

to degenerate, but still...

that’s not k*lling them.

Look. We got these coordinates

to the human world

back at the bunker.

( display crackling )

Norman: You won’t

find anything there.

Emma: What? ( gasps )

Norman: Smee already told me

about those coordinates.

( pen slides open )

It was one of several gates,

and each had a device to open it

and let you through.

However, the ones

for these gates

were destroyed by the Farms

a while ago.

( both gasp )

Emma: Isn’t there another way?

They wouldn’t just

cut themselves off like that!

Norman: You’re right.

They did leave one gate

open for access...

at Grace Field House.

( both gasp )

( Ray chuckles )

We went to all that trouble

to escape,

and the way out was right there.

Emma: That’s okay.

We’ll just go right back there!

Norman: It’s not that easy.

This particular gate

is deep underground

in the headquarters. Besides...

( Emma gasps )

Norman: Even if we got through,

there’s no guarantee

we’d be accepted

by the humans on the other side.

Emma: Mr. Minerva

said they would.

Norman: Minerva’s dead.

All of his allies were k*lled,

not by demons, by humans.

If they’re both willing

to commit atrocities against

their own kind for profit,

who can we trust?

We won’t get past

the gatekeeper anyway.

Emma: The what?

Norman: Your ideas

are just too risky.

Taking this world for ourselves

is the safest option.

And to do that, we have

to get rid of all the demons,

or there’s no future for us.

Emma: I’ll admit...

everything you say

sounds logical enough,

and it makes sense.

But still...

if the only way to have a future

is by k*lling my friends,

I won’t be able

to live with myself.

- ( Norman gasps )

- Emma: Sure,

your plan’s logical

and isn’t as risky for us,

but is it the best solution,

even when we have other options

that don’t involve death?

You’re talking about

wiping out families, children!

I could never...

ever be a part of that.

Whatever the risk,

if there’s a chance for both

the demons and us to survive,

that’s a chance worth taking.

If all we did

was trust the safest bet,

we never would have

escaped the House.

You escaped

’cause I was shipped out.

Ray: That’s not fair!

We tried to get you to--

Norman: If I’m going

to save everyone,

I can’t take any chances!

( Emma shudders )

Norman: My way’s right.

Ray: Norman, what’s with you?

Norman: Go back to the temple

and wait with the others.

Ray: But we’re not done.

- Hey!

- ( footsteps echoing )

( Emma gasps )


I won’t let you

shut me out like this.

( Norman sighs )

Emma: Please...

I need you to listen!

Forget about what’s logical.

Think about what’s right,

what’s humane.

You don’t want to destroy

an entire species, do you?

You can see how wrong

that is, can’t you?

( Norman gasps )

- ( Emma gasps )

- Norman: No.

It’s the only way

we can survive.

( Emma sighs )

All right, then.

( Norman sighs )

- Emma: Let’s make a deal.

- Norman: Huh?

Emma: I’ll find Sonju and Mujika

and bring ’em back.

Norman: What?

Emma: You said

you wanted to find ’em.

I’ll go find ’em.

( Norman shudders )

Emma: But you have to hold off

releasing that drug

’til I get back.

( Ray gasps )

Emma: Just give me ten days.

That’s all I need.

( Norman sighs )

- Okay.

- ( Emma gasps )

Norman: But you have

three days to find them.

- Emma: Seven days.

- Norman: Five days.

( Emma breathes deeply )

You got yourself a deal, then.

Norman: Sound good?

Ray: Uh-huh,

and I’ll go with her.

Norman: All right.

I’ll wait five days,

and if you don’t

bring them back by then,

I’ll go ahead

with my plan, okay?

Emma: Mm-hmm.

That sounds fine to me.

Thanks for holding off, Norman.

( knock at the door )

( Zazie grunts )

( both gasp )

Norman: I’ll be there

in a little bit.

( both stammer )

Norman: Guys...

be careful out there.

( birds squawking )

( hinges creak )

Cislo: Hmm?

- Ah, hey, Boss!

- Barbara: ’Bout time.

Vincent: Here are my notes

from the final experiment.

It had the intended effect.

Cislo: So what’d your friends

want to talk about?

Norman: They don’t want

the demons eradicated.

- ( Cislo gasps )

- Barbara: What?!

Oh, I knew it.

Norman: The Evil-Blooded

Girl’s alive, too.

- Cislo: What?

- Barbara: For real?!

Norman: Yes.

They said they met her

and they’re all friends now.

Cislo: Friends?

You gotta be kidding me!

Vincent: That’s both

convenient and inconvenient.

- ( slam )

- ( gasps )

Barbara: They’re friends...

with the demons?

( gasping )

So that’s why

she doesn’t wanna k*ll ’em.

That little idiot!

- ( ragged breathing ) What...

- ( slam )

- in the hell...

- ( slam )

- are they thinking?!

- ( slam )

We’re not supposed

to be friends with ’em!

They’re all out to k*ll us,

every last one!

( gasping )

( gags )

( groaning )

Vincent: Barbara!

Barbara: My head...

- ( groans )

- ( Cislo sighs )

It’s another one

of those Lambda side effects.

( Barbara groaning )

Vincent: Here you go.

Take these.

The att*cks happen

more and more,

and the symptoms

are getting even worse.

For Cislo and Zazie

and me, too.

( Cislo sighs )

Vincent: I don’t think

we have much time left.

Barbara: This--

this is what demons do to us.

Our lives mean squat to them.

We’re less than bugs.

We’re nothing.

That’s just

how it is in their world.

( sobbing )

Those bastards, they should die,

every one of them!

( sobs )

Cislo: Hey, Boss...

when you were gone,

we had a talk with Emma and Ray.

They’re naive as all hell

and made me wanna blow chunks,

but I can tell they’re a couple

of good kids in the end.

They’re your friends after all.

But I gotta know for sure, Boss.

You’re still with us,

aren’t you?!

You haven’t changed your mind?!

We’re still doing this, right?!

♪ ♪

( birds chirping )

You made a deal with them?

Vincent: If they find those two

and come back here,

are you going to abort

our mission on the town?!

Norman: No.

We stick to the plan.

Nothing’s changed.

And I’ll k*ll

the Evil-Blooded Girl.

I’ve come this far already.

It’s too late

to change course now.

( stomach grumbles )

( Thoma gasps )

( chuckles )

Down, stomach.

Lannion: We can’t go and eat

’til Ray and Emma get back.

Thoma: Yeah, I know.

Oh, man. ’Member how Sonju said

the birds that migrate here

were super-yummy?

Lannion: Yeah. Mujika cooked ’em

just right, too.

- ( stomach grumbles )

- ( gasps )

( both laugh )

Lannion: I hope they’re okay,

- wherever they are.

- Thoma: Look!

Children: What?!

Christie: You’re gonna go look

for Sonju and Mujika?!

Alicia: And you

only have five days?!

Emma: Yeah, crazy, huh.

Nat: I’ll say!

And what’s all this

about you not wanting

to rid this world of demons?!

Dominic: Norman said

his plan’s ready to go!

Jemima: Why are you

doing this, Emma?

Aren’t you scared of the demons?

Emma: Of course I’m scared

of ’em, as much as anyone.

But, like, I’ve been

thinking about ’em a lot.

About the ones

that live in the village

and the kids I saw playing there

and the old one

who comes to pray.

None of ’em deserve

to be wiped out for existing.

( Jemima gasps )

Emma: We have to eat to survive.

You think the food we eat

wants us to eat it?

So, like, is there

even a difference

between us and the demons?

( children gasping )

Emma: Sure, we could just leave.

But without their food,

they’ll degenerate.

Then they’ll go after their own

and start eating each other,

and all their horror and

suffering will be our fault.

( children gasp )

- ( stomach grumbles )

- ( Mark gasps )

( sighs )

Lannion: If I was hungry,

like, really, really hungry,

I’d eat anyth--

( Thoma gasps )

( Lannion shudders )

( children gasping )

( Don shudders )

Emma: I don’t want to be

the cause of their extinction,

and I don’t want

anyone else to be, either.

Ray: They’ll k*ll

Sonju and Mujika, too,

and none of us want that.

( children gasp )

Emma: Maybe I’m totally wrong,

but I can’t stand by and

let the demons be k*lled.

I don’t know. I just don’t wanna

make a choice that I’ll regret.

Alicia: Me, neither.

( boys gasp )

( children chuckle )

Gilda: You’re crazy!

Emma: Gilda.

Gilda: I get why you care

about Sonju and Mujika,

but the other demons?!

They all want

to k*ll us and eat us!

Did you forget

about the ones from yesterday?

They almost k*lled you!

Ray: Like you said,

Emma’s crazy.

( Emma gasps )

Don: Yeah, that shouldn’t

surprise anyone by now.

- Whatever. I think she’s right.

- Gilda: Don!

Don: At first, I couldn’t see

her point of view,

but now I do. And who

wants to live with regrets?

Heck, if we did, we would

have never gotten this far!

Besides, once she’s

made up her mind,

there’s no stopping her.

Gilda: I know.

I’m just worried

about you, Emma.

You’re putting yourself

in danger again.

Emma: Gilda.

I’m sorry.

I don’t mean to make you worry.

But the thing is

I have to do this,

or I’ll never be able

to forgive myself.

And then there’s Norman.

( sighs )

I don’t want him

sacrificing himself again.

Gilda: Wait. Norman?

Ray: Yup. Like last time,

he’s doing the same damn thing.

What he means is

Norman’s putting

all the pressure

of saving us on himself.

Ray: He thinks

our escape was successful

because he let himself

get shipped out.

Emma: And he

couldn’t be more wrong!

Our escape wasn’t successful

’cause he sacrificed himself.

Sure, we planned and trained,

and we made it out, but still,

he chose to get shipped out

when he didn’t even need to.

I don’t want to suffer

like that again,

and he shouldn’t, either.

I’ll bring back Sonju and Mujika

and show Norman

what’s possible when you try.

Don: Jeez!

Sounds like Norman

hasn’t changed one bit.

He should have had

way more faith in us back then.

Thoma: Heck, yeah, he shoulda!

Lannion: He didn’t have to get

shipped out to help us escape.

Next time I see him, I’m gonna

give him a piece of my mind.

( Gilda sighs )

Emma: Gilda...

if you’re up for it...

do you wanna help us

go look for them?

( Gilda gasps )

Ray: Good idea.

We can cover more ground.

Don, can you come, too?

( Don laughs )

Heck, yeah, I can!

( Gilda gasps )

( crying )

( Emma gasps )

Do you wanna stay here instead?

( Gilda crying )


- ( grunts )

- ( Emma gasps )

Gilda: But since I’m coming,

I’ll have my eye on you,

so you better not do

anything dangerous, got it?

Emma: Yeah. I got it.

( thump )

Thanks, Gilda.

Rossi: Wait.

Sonju and Mujika

could be anywhere by now.

Christie: In a different part

of the forest maybe.

Yvette: Oh! They’d go wherever

their favorite food was!

Rossi and Christie:

Yeah! That’s right!

All: Migrating birds!

Ray: Exactly. I’ve been seeing

flocks of them around lately.

It’s a good bet those two

are somewhere in the area.

Don: Aww, yeah!

Finding them’s

gonna be a piece of cake!

- Dominic: Good luck!

- Jemima: And be careful!

Nat: We can hold the fort down

while you’re gone!

Rossi: And we’ll keep monitoring

the other Houses, too!

Don: Thanks, you guys.

We’ll be back in no time!

Emma: Wait for us,

Norman, please.

( Norman gags )

( groaning )

( coughing )

Norman: Emma, Ray...

( crying )

I’m sorry.

( woman vocalizing )


Emma: Huh?

Norman: Thanks a lot.

Emma: Yeah.

Norman: Sorry I tricked you.

Emma: Yeah.

Norman: It’ll be okay.

Don’t ever give up.

( Emma cries )

( vocalizing continues )

( Norman chuckles )

( lantern rattling )

( gate clanking )

( vocalizing continues )

( grunts )

Isabella: Over here.

Norman: Huh?

Isabella: Please wait

in this room for a little while.

( door creaking )

( vocalizing ends )

- Male: Good evening.

- ( Norman gasps )

Male: Nice to meet you, Norman.

( door creaks )

( clang )