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02x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 05/10/23 04:33
by bunniefuu
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Emma: Norman. You’re alive!

Norman: Mm.

I am.

( Emma crying )

Norman: You’re okay.

I missed you so, so much.

Emma: Me, too.

I’m so glad you’re alive,

so glad.

Hang on a sec.

You really are Norman,

aren’t you?

You’re not like his twin

or a ghost or something?

Are you? ’Cause, like...

we all saw you get shipped out.

( Norman sighs )

I swear it’s me.

They sent me

to a different farm.

How did you--( gasps )

Emma: Oh. Yeah, that.

I had to get rid of the tracker.

That’s how I escaped

from the House.

I took Ray’s out, too.

Norman: Hey.

( Emma and Norman gasp )

Norman: That was rude.

You didn’t even

say hello to me first.

See anything cool?

Ray: Yeah, thanks to you.

I’m glad you’re alive.

( crying )

But don’t you ever try

and get yourself k*lled again.

You got it, dumb-ass?

( Norman grunts )

Yeah. I got it...


( cloth flutters )

( wind blowing )

Gilda: No way!

Don: Whoa. Norman.

Nat: Y-You were alive?

A-All this time?

Anna: Oh, my gosh.

( Yvette gasps )

Children: Norman! ( laughing )

Mark: I’m so glad!

Yvette: You’re back!

Norman: Wow, guys.

You all got bigger.

( gasps ) Where are the rest?

Emma: We left the others

back at the House with Phil.

The plan

was to go back for them.

Norman: Hmm.

What about

the coordinates the pen gave?

Was it a shelter?

Ray: Yeah, it was

this nifty old bunker,

but a search party found us,

so we had to get out of there.

Norman: That’s unfortunate.

Gilda: Norman, wh-where were

they keeping you all this time?

( Norman sighs )

( cloth scrapes )

( all gasp )

Norman: I was

at Lambda Seven-two-one-four.

It’s a farm

where they experiment on kids.

Emma: Lambda?

Don: Experiment?

Norman: Remember...

that last night

when Mom took me to the gate?

She handed me over

to a team from Lambda.

The researchers were

both demon and human.

They drugged and performed

all kinds of experiments

on the kids.

Their goal

was to come up with a way

to mass-produce high-grade meat.

But what happened was the kids

started to show signs

of abnormal development

in their muscles,

nervous system, and senses

in ways the researchers

didn’t expect.

Ray: So that’s how

your friend k*lled that demon.

He’s from there, from Lambda.

- Yeah. He’s just one example

of what those experiments

did to us.

Emma: Wait.

They did that to you, too?

Are you like him?

Norman: No, they put me in

a room and made me take tests.

That’s pretty much it.

Ray: So how’d you

escape from there?

Norman: I was lucky enough

to meet an ally

of Mr. Minerva’s there.

He helped me destroy

the facility and get us out.

Rossi: Really?

Norman: Yeah. His name was Smee.

He knew Sister Krone.

He gave her the pen.

( Emma gasps )

Norman: They found out what he

was up to and k*lled him.

Nat: Like they did Mr. Minerva.

Anna: Both of them dead.

Norman: They won’t

have died in vain, though.

I took some files

from the facility.

With them, I made a drug

that makes demons degenerate.

Ray: Say what?

Norman: Degenerate.

Have you ever wondered

why demons eat humans?

Yvette: Mm-mmm. Why do they?

Norman: To maintain

their physical and mental state.

Don: Ohh.

Wait. What?

Norman: I’m sure

you noticed how demons

come in various

shapes and sizes.

That’s because they take on

the appearance and abilities

of what they eat.

And in order for humanoid demons

to maintain

their form and intellect,

they have to eat human flesh.

Ray: And human brains.

Norman: Right. That’s why

we took so many tests.

The demons wanted our brains

to be more developed,

to preserve their intelligence.

Anna: But then what happens

if they stop eating us?

Gilda: They’d regress

and become like

those monsters in the forest.

Jemima: They’d be

even more dangerous then!

Ray: No. Demons like those are

pretty much like wild animals.

They can be outsmarted

easy enough.

Norman: Better yet,

without intelligence,

they end up

attacking each other.

That’s where my drug comes in.

It’s incredibly potent,

even in small doses.

With it,

I can degenerate a whole town.

And if everything

goes according to plan,

as soon as they

get a dose of it,

they’ll never regain

their intelligence.

That means they won’t

be able to run the farms,

and then they’ll go wild

and k*ll each other off.

I planned it all out

in my cell at Lambda.

When we learned

about Grace Field, you said,

"If there isn’t a place

out there for humans to live,

we’ll carve one out

for ourselves."

( Emma gasps )

Norman: You were determined to

escape the farm with everyone.

You wanted to change the world.

I want that.

It’s all I ever wanted,

a future where humans

can live free and happy,

a world where we can

live together like family

and kids

have a chance to grow up.

I thought long and hard

about how to achieve that goal

and came up with a solution.

- We’ll make the demons extinct.

- ( Emma gasps )

Norman: We’ll end

this Neverland,

and together, we’ll make

this demon world our paradise!

( children laugh, cheer )

Don: Nothing can stop us from

getting Phil and the others now!

Rossi: We don’t have to be

scared of being eaten anymore!

- Gilda: Thank goodness.

- ( Emma gasps )

Gilda: Emma won’t have to carry

the burden of saving us anymore.

( Emma gasps )

Norman: Yeah. She’s right.

We’ll never lose anyone

to the demons ever again.

Christie: Emma,

that’s what you wanted!


Aren’t you thrilled, Emma?!

( Emma sighs )


Yeah, I am.

- ( Anna sighs )

- Emma: I am.

Norman: Right now,

time’s the real issue,

and we’re

running out of it fast.

Grace Field and Lambda

are hunting us.

If my information’s correct,

they’re heading this way.

Don: Seriously?

Anna: They’ll find us here

for sure!

Norman: That’s right,

which is why

I have to set my plan

in motion immediately.

( Emma gasps )

- Ray: Just like that?

- Norman: Yeah.

I just give the word,

and it can happen tomorrow.

Thoma: Whoa! That fast?!

Lannion: Really?!

Norman: To start,

I’ll degenerate

all the demons

in the town below.

Based on the data

we get from that,

we’ll launch

a coordinated attack

on all the other demon cities.

Then we’ll rescue Phil

and the others from the House

and then the kids

at the other farms.

The days of demons raising

us children for food are over.

We’ll take back our freedom!

Nat: Wow. Your plan’s better

than anything we tried to do.

Gilda: Thanks to you, Norman,

this will solve

all of our problems.

Norman: It will.

I know how tough

it’s been for you up ’til now,

but once the mission’s complete,

I want you to come live

at the base Smee left us.

We have food and beds

and showers, too.

Jemima: Really?

Rossi: Just like we had

at the shelter!

- ( children laugh )

- ( Norman laughs )

- Jemima: Thank you, Norman!

- Alicia: Thank you so much!

Rossi: I can’t wait

to take a bath!

Don: I’m so glad

you have showers!

Some of us were getting stinky!

Norman: Here.

That’s where you can find me.

Emma: Thanks.

( rope creaks )

( footsteps approach )

Emma: I still

can’t believe Norman’s alive.

I never thought

I’d see him again,

but here he is.

I don’t think

I’ve ever been happier.

Ray: You’re not

really happy, though.

Emma: Huh?

Ray: Norman’s master plan...

( Emma gasps )

Ray: You have a problem with it.

I can tell.

( Emma laughs )

What are you talking about?

I think it’s great.

If there are no more demons,

we won’t have to keep

living in fear.

- I’m all for that.

- Ray: Give me a break.

It’s me you’re talking to,


( Emma sighs )


must be wrong with me.

But you’re right.

I don’t like his plan at all.

I know that’s crazy to say,

but you heard

some of the others.

They’re not happy

’cause it’ll solve things.

They’re mostly happy

’cause they care about me,

and I--

I hate that.

I don’t want to be eaten

or for anyone else to be.

They hunt us. They raise us

on farms like livestock.

I know they’re our enemy,

but still...

As we walked through

their town, it hit me.

Demons are a lot like us.

They have names.

They have feelings.

They have families they love.

They’re our enemy,

but does that mean

they all have to die?

Isn’t there another option?

Besides, what about Mujika?

She’s our friend!

Ray: If you don’t like it,

then why didn’t you

say something?

( Emma sighs )

What’s the point?

I want a solution

where no one dies,

but I can’t think of one where

the demons don’t go extinct.

If we all go to the human side,

we’ll be cutting off

their food supply.

They’ll degenerate

and k*ll each other off.

It doesn’t matter if we use

Norman’s drug or not.

They’ll die either way.

I can’t accept that,

but there’s no other solution.

What do I do?

Ray: I don’t know.

( Emma gasps )

Ray: There’s no point

in arguing.

Norman’s right. Again.

There’s nothing you can do.

Welp, that’s one heck

of a pickle you’re in.

Emma: What?!

B-But how come

you wanted to know how I felt?

After all that, you don’t

have anything else to say?

Ray: Nope.

- Emma: No advice? Nothing?

- Ray: Nope.

Emma: Then why’d you let me

keep talking all this time?!

( moans ) You’re such a jerk!

You made me expose

my deepest, darkest feelings!

Ray: You exposed ’em

by yourself.

Emma: Huh?

Ray: I didn’t make you

do anything.

Your true feelings

just came out.

If you wanted

to keep ’em secret so bad,

you’d have taken ’em

to your grave,

but you can’t do that.

Here’s the thing about secrets.

They’re tricky.

You can try keeping ’em.

But sometimes

they come bursting out anyway.

And knowing how you are,

you won’t be able

to hold ’em in,

and they’ll

just come rushing out

at the worst time possible,

screwing everything up

in the end!

- ( Emma gasps )

- Ray: If that happens...

and it will,

everyone’ll be in danger.

It’ll cause huge problems

for Norman and for me.

So if you have any doubts,

you need to let Norman know.

But you’d better do it fast,

’cause there’s no going back.

If you keep this to yourself,

you will regret it.

- Emma: Right.

- Ray: Damn right.

I’m fine if the demons all die,

but you’re not.

So think real hard here, Emma.

’Cause this is

as serious as it gets.

What do you want to do?

Emma: I don’t want more death.

I want to find a way to coexist,

but, like, I don’t know

how we can achieve that.

And to be honest,

I’m not sure it’s even possible.

Ray: Okay.

That’s pretty straightforward.

Let’s pitch it to Norman.

Emma: Wait. Didn’t you hear me?

I said I didn’t know what to do.

Ray: All the more reason

to talk to him.

Now’s the time to speak up,

not later.

You’re not just telling anyone.

You’re telling Norman.

We’re all friends, so we

can talk freely about anything.

- Emma: Yeah.

- Ray: Besides,

Norman wasn’t with us

when we met them.

Emma: ( gasps )

Sonju and Mujika.

Ray: Yup. They didn’t have

a problem not eating us.

Emma: That’s right.

They told us

they didn’t need to,

and they

sure didn’t degenerate.

Ray: They could have

been lying to us, too.

But if they weren’t, they can

maintain their human shape

and their intelligence

without eating people.

They’re, like, immune.

If only all the demons

could be like Mujika.

That’d solve the problem

of us coexisting with ’em.

Do you think Norman knows

a demon like her is out there?

Ray: I don’t know. Maybe.

But if he doesn’t know,

that’d be bad.

- Emma: Why?

- Ray: Think about it for a sec.

Would Norman’s drug even work

on any demon

who doesn’t need to eat people?

( Emma gasps )

Ray: And if he does

know about her,

he might be able to tell us why

she’s an exception to the rule.

Who knows? You might find

your answer there

on how us humans and the demons

can coexist.

Emma: You think?!

Ray: Maybe. Let’s go find out.

But we should do it now,

before Norman starts

the ball rolling on his plan.

To be honest,

I don’t think there is a way

we can live with the demons.

They see a human, and they

wanna stuff us in their bellies.

That’s just their nature.

Except for Sonju and Mujica,


Whatever you want,

I’ll support you.

And however you choose,

it’ll be the right choice.

You can pull this off

like always.

Let’s make a future

without regrets.

Emma: Thanks, Ray.

Wow. My head feels

a lot clearer now.

Ray: Well, I hope so!

( bird squawks )

( animals calling, chirping )

- Boy: What’s up?

- ( both gasp )

Girl: Hey, you’re

the Boss’s friends from, uh--

Oh, from Grace Shield!

Yeah, that’s it!

Man: Grace Field.

- Ray: I’m Ray.

- Emma: I’m Emma.

Thanks a lot for rescuing us

from those demons yesterday.

Boy: Ah. Yeah, that wasn’t us.

That was Zazie.

He’s with the Boss

right now, so--

Man: Sorry. The Boss is

a little busy right now.

You can wait for him inside.

( bird squawks )

Boy: My name’s Cislo.

That’s Barbara over there.

And him, he’s Vincent,

the smart one.

Ray: Hello.

Emma: You, um--

you keep saying, "the Boss."

Are you talking about Norman?

- Cislo: Yeah. Why?

- ( Barbara gobbles )

Emma: It’s just weird

to hear him called that.

Cislo: ( chuckles ) Really?

Wasn’t he, like,

your leader, too?

Barbara: He said

you guys all grew up together.

So what was that like, huh?

What was Norman like?

Come on. Tell us!

Emma: Oh. Well...

He’s really kind,

thoughtful, smart,

always in a good mood,

always smiling.

Cislo: Good mood?

Barbara: Smiling?


He’s totally different now!

- ( laughing )

- Emma: What?

What do you mean

he’s different?

What’s Norman like now?

Come on! Tell us!

Barbara: Serious.

Vincent: Frosty.

Cislo: Bossy.

- ( Ray sputters )

- Emma: Norman?!

Cislo: Yup!

You got any stories,

like, really

embarrassing stories?

Ray: Well, he wet the bed

when he was little.

Emma: He was

kind of sickly, too,

so he was

in the infirmary a lot.

Barbara: No way!

Cislo: Man, that is

so weird to hear about him.

Ever since

he broke us out of Lambda,

we’ve always seen him

as this perfect kid genius.

( chuckles )

You’re right, though.

The Boss is kind.

Barbara: Duh!

That goes without saying!

I mean, he could have left us

behind to die, but he didn’t!

Vincent: His kindness

goes way beyond

what he did for us at Lambda.

For one thing,

there are all the kids

he’s rescued

from the mass-production farms.

- Emma: Really?

- Cislo: Oh, yeah.

He even makes it look

like demons stole ’em!

Vincent: Instead of sleeping,

he stays up working

to bring the demons down.

( Cislo sighs )

Can’t come soon enough.

I’m gonna k*ll

so many of those bastards.

Every time I k*ll one, I feel--

I feel so damn good.

( Barbara swallows )

Yeah. So do I.

Nothing makes me happier

than when I k*ll one,

then eat ’em.

Ray: Wait.

That’s not some animal?

- That’s a...

- Barbara: It’s a demon.

- I k*lled this one myself.

- ( Emma gasps )

Barbara: Hey,

if they’re gonna eat us,

I’m damn well gonna eat them.

I can’t forget

what they did to me at Lambda,

to my body, my head.

Every g*dd*mn day

was a living hell.

Cislo: "Hell" doesn’t

even begin to describe it.

Vincent: Some kids died

from the experiments.

Some were just k*lled.

We were like bugs in a jar.

Barbara: Demons deserve

worse than death!

It’s too easy an end.

They should all

go through what we did!

( cups clatter )

- What’s your problem?

- Emma: Huh?

Barbara: You look shocked.

What, you don’t agree with me?

They raised you for food.

you should hate ’em

as much as us.

Wait. Why do you

wanna see the Boss?

Did you wanna change his mind

about the plan?

Is that why you’re here?! Huh?!

Cislo: Hey,

dial it down, Barbara.

Barbara: Every single demon

deserves to be exterminated!

Cislo: Back off. Now.

( Barbara scoffs )

( sighs )

( door opens, closes )

Vincent: Apologies.

Cisco and I also think

demons should be wiped out.

We’re just not as loud about it.

Cislo: While we’re

all sitting here,

the Houses we came from

are still shipping out

the friends we left behind.

No time for compassion.

We have to destroy those farms

before they ship any more out.

You guys have friends

you left behind, too.

You wanna save them, don’t you?

Getting rid of the demons

is the only way you can.

( door opens )

Norman: Vincent, Cislo,

about the final phase.


( sighs ) Hey, guys.

Emma: Hey, we need to talk.

Norman: Sorry. I have

to take care of something.

Back in a bit.

( door opens )

( footsteps shuffling )

( door closes )

( Emma sighs )

Ray: Are you okay?

Emma: Yeah.

She eats them...

to get back at them.

I mean, they’re talking

about k*lling the demons,

but is it only

for revenge or what?

Shouldn’t saving their friends

be reason enough?

We hate what the demons

are doing and why,

but revenge?

It’s wrong. It’s evil.

Ray: Yeah, but we can’t tell ’em

it’s wrong to take it personal.

Those three,

they were tortured by them.

The hate they feel won’t stop.

It just grows.

We can’t do anything about it.

If you wanna start a w*r,

start by hating.

- Emma: Then we have to--

- ( door opens )

Norman: Sorry about that.

So how’s everyone holding up?

Emma: Norman,

we have to talk to you.

Ray: We wanna know some more

about the details of your plan.

We also have

some new info for you.

Norman: Okay, sure.

Ray: Is that the drug?

Norman: Yeah. That’s it.

Emma: I was wondering,

your drug,

do you know if it’s gonna work

the same on every demon?

Norman: What do you mean?

Ray: There’s demons out there

who don’t eat people

and don’t degenerate.

So, like, your drug

might not affect them at all.

Emma: Also, we--

Norman: How do you guys know

there are demons like that?

Emma: Huh?

Norman: Did someone

tell you about them or--

Ray: We met ’em, actually.

Norman: Them?

Was one a young-looking female?

Emma: Uh-huh.

Norman: You’re kidding.

The Evil-Blooded Girl

is still alive?