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02x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 05/10/23 04:30
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

Ray: So why’d you demons

bother saving us?

We’re supposed to be

your food, after all.

( gasps )

( Emma gasps )

Wh-Where are the others?

You said you made food.

- Did you--

- ( blade clanks )

( footsteps thumping )

( Ray gasps )

Sonju: When are you going

to learn the layout, Mujika?

You took the wrong tunnel again.

Mujika: I appreciate

you coming to get us,

but your timing

couldn’t be worse.

And why are you armed?

Sonju: Are you serious?

I don’t want

those kids touching this.

- It’s dangerous.

- ( Ray gasps )

Sonju: What’s wrong

with these two?

They look pale.

Emma: Where are they?!

( insects chitter )

- Sonju: Hmm.

- ( Emma swallows )

- ( grunts )

- Ray: Emma!

( gasps )

Sonju: Make a left at the end.

( Ray gasps )

( footsteps receding )

Sonju: "Demons." ( chuckles )

Long time

since I’ve been called that.

Emma: You guys!

Alicia: Emma! Ray!

- Christie: Emma! Ray!

- ( Gilda gasps )

Rossi: Thank goodness!

I’m so glad you’re better!

Gilda: She’s not better yet!

Emma: Is everyone okay?

- Gilda: Yes.

- Don: Yeah!

( both sigh )

Mujika: I’m sorry

if we frightened you,

but we don’t mean you any harm.

You have my word on that.

I am Mujika, this is Sonju,

and we do not eat human flesh.

So please be at ease.

None of you have a thing

to worry about around us.

( dishes clatter )

Careful now...

Ray: No one seems

to mind they’re demons,

which is weird.

Emma: Yeah.

Dominic: Here you go, Ray.

Rossi: Here, Emma!

Gilda: They made us

lunch earlier,

and it was fine.

If they wanted

to do something bad to us,

they would have by now.

Don: Besides, if they

wanted to eat us or whatever,

why’d they bother

nursing you two back to health?

They saved us,

so we can trust them.

( both gasp )

Mujika: Do you all

have enough food?

Children: Yes!

( Emma gasps )

Sonju: We are grateful to Heaven

and Earth for our lives

and this blessed meal

we are about to receive.

Both: Thank you

for this food.


Thank you for this food.

Ray: Thank you for this food.

Emma: Thank you for this food.

( Ray gobbles )

Emma: It’s good.

( children snoring )

Sonju: We can talk now

if you want.

Emma: Yes. We do.

Sonju: Have a seat, then.

Emma: I’m sorry.

Even though

you saved everyone’s lives,

we were suspicious,

because we thought

all demons ate humans.

Sonju: It’s fine. You were

smart to be cautious of us.

Human flesh

is special to demons,

the brain in particular.

Most of my kind

would drool and take a bite

if they saw a human.

It’s best to be wary of us all.

Ray: How come

you don’t want to eat us?

Sonju: For religious reasons.

( Emma gasps )

Sonju: In accordance

with our faith,

we choose

not to eat humans ever.

We’ll eat anything else,


We’re heretics.

Everything about demon society,

its ideology, authority,

the farms, we reject it all.

But I was curious about you.

That’s why I rescued you.

It’s been a long time

since I talked with a human.

And in this day and age,

the only place to find humans

is on a farm.

( Emma gasps )

Sonju: Anything else

you want to know?

( Emma shudders )

Actually, there is.

What happened to us humans

years ago?

Was the world always like this?

Sonju: What do you mean

by "happened"?

Emma: Huh?

Sonju: I’m not sure

where you got

your information from,

but the world has been like this

for far longer than years.

- Emma: How long?

- Ray: Then we’re not on Earth.

We’re on another planet.

That would explain

all of those weird creatures

we saw in the forest.

Sonju: Nope.

Ray: Then the calendar’s wrong!

It’s not . It’s way after--

Sonju: No.

This is Earth,

and the year is ,

according to one

of the human calendars.

Ray: Then it’s a--( gasps )

Sonju: Sit,

and I’ll tell you a story.

Emma: Let’s hear what he says.

( Ray sighs )

Sonju: A long time ago,

the world was much bigger

than it is now,

and there were

plenty of humans around

for the demons to hunt and eat.

We were the predators.

You were the prey.

Some humans accepted their fate,

while others fought back

and hunted the demons.

In time, the humans

were getting eaten less

and k*lling more of us,

and that only made

the demons hate them.

It was endless k*lling,

constant fear.

And finally,

when both sides got sick of it,

the humans

came up with a solution.

"Let’s promise," they said,

"to keep our worlds separate.

We humans will stop hunting you,

and you will stop hunting us."

( Ray gasps )

Sonju: Everything began

with this promise between us.

One half of the world

was the humans’,

and the other half, the demons’.

The side you’re on

is the demons’.

In the end,

one of the conditions

of the agreement was for a group

of your ancestors

to be left behind here.

Ray: Wait. What?

Sonju: It was all

part of the promise.

To make sure it was kept,

the demons were given stock

they could breed and manage.

That’s the whole point

of the farms here.

And of all the different farms

there are,

Grace Field is one of the best,

turning out high-grade humans

year after year...

for the past , years.

( both gasp )

Sonju: It hasn’t changed since.

( Ray shudders )

( Emma gasps )

Ray: Different worlds.

Emma: A promise

between demons and humans.

( both chuckle )

- Ray: Yes! That’s awesome!

- Emma: Yay! That’s so awesome!

- ( both laugh )

- Sonju: Hmm?

Emma: We didn’t expect it,

but this is great!

A whole other world!

Ray: Damn straight!

It’s even better

than we thought!

Emma: There’s a separate world

where humans live,

a place where it’s safe,

without any demons!

- Ray: Yeah!

- Sonju: Um, kids...

before you get

too excited about it,

you can’t cross over

into the human side.

Emma: How come?

Sonju: It’s part

of the agreement.

No one’s crossed over,

not for the past

thousand years, anyway.

Emma: Are you absolutely sure

about that?

Sonju: No,

but that’s what I heard.

Ray: And the human side,

that’s for real, right?

Sonju: Yes.

That’s what I’ve been told.

Emma: Well, that settles it.

There’s hope, then!

All we need to do

is find out where to go

and how to get there!

Thanks, Sonju! That helped!

Sonju: It did?

All right. That’s good, then.

Get to bed now. It’s late.

Emma: Okay.

Sonju: We’ll show you the way

out of the forest tomorrow

and make sure you get out safe.

Emma: Thanks again.

Good night, Sonju.

♪ ♪

( birds squawking )

♪ ♪

Sonju: Don’t worry.

These tunnels are safe.

I made ’em myself

from the fallen trees.

Your pursuers

don’t even know they’re here.

Only Mujika and I can find

our way around this labyrinth.

Mujika: I still get lost.

( children laugh )

Ray: We’re makin’

good progress.

Sonju: The demons chasing you

don’t know the way

out of the forest,

but down here,

the way out’s this way.

Dominic: Have you lived

in the forest all this time?

Mujika: No, just for now.

We’re travelers, actually.

We tend to move around a lot.

Alicia: Look!

The plant that holds water!

- ( giggles )

- Sonju: You know about them?

There’s a spot up ahead

where there’s lots more.

We can take a break there.

Children: Okay!

Don: A thousand-year-old promise

between demons and humans?

Gilda: That must be

the "promise"

the code in the book meant.

Thoma: Everything

we read about the world

wasn’t about this place?

It was about somewhere else?

Ray: Something else

we found out,

Grace Field

isn’t the only farm.

There’s lots more out there.

Lannion: For real?!

Don: There’s more kids like us?

Then we can’t leave them.

We have to save them, too!

Emma: Right. And to do that,

we have to find

Mr. Minerva first

and ask him how to get

to the human side of the world.

Then we’ll figure out a plan,

and once we’re ready,

we’ll go get Phil and the others

and then the kids

from the other Houses.

Then we’ll all go

to the human side together!

- ( Don grunts )

- ( children grunting )

( Lannion laughs )

Nat: You make it sound so easy.

( Emma gasps )

Nat: We barely made it this far,

- but with more kids with us...

- Gilda: You have a point.

Emma: Yeah, but I never thought

things would get easier for us.

- Don: Huh?

- Emma: Listen.

We started out

hoping for the best.

Hope’s all we had

when we escaped Grace Field,

but now we know

there’s a world without demons,

a world where we can

live together and be happy,

and I’ll get us there,

no matter what.

I don’t care

if they say it’s impossible.

We’ll make it!

This is our chance

to finally be free!

Ray: Yeah.

She’s right. We’ll make it!

Children: Yeah!

Sonju: The place you want

to get to is southeast, huh?

Okay. You should leave

the forest from the north side,

then go around and down.

Emma: Why?

Mujika: If you exit

from the southeast,

you’ll have to go

through two areas

- with wild demons in them.

- ( children whimper )

Sonju: If you leave

from the north,

it’s just wasteland,

no demons.

It’ll take about five days to

get through the forest, though.

But once you’re out,

you’ll reach your destination

in a day or so.

And before we part, we should

teach you a few things.

Emma: Like what?

Sonju: Things to help you

survive out in the wild.

Nothing too complicated.

Just the basics

and a few skills.

( Mark gasps )

Emma: Thanks, Anna.

Gilda: Emma, can we talk?

Emma: Hmm?

Gilda: There’s something

I’ve been wanting to say

since yesterday,

but it can’t wait any longer.

Emma: What?

Gilda: If you’re

not feeling well,

you have to say something!

Emma: B-But I--

Gilda: No buts! Never push

yourself like that again.

Do you understand?!

Well, do you?

Emma: Y-Yes!

Gilda: It’s beyond me

how anyone can be so reckless!

Like cutting off your ear!

That wasn’t part of the plan!

There’s no point

in being brave if you die,

so stop taking

such stupid risks!

Emma: I’m sorry! But--( gasps )

- Gilda: Never again.

- ( Emma squeals )

- ( Ray laughs )

- Emma: I won’t!

- Ray: Someone’s in trouble!

- Emma: I’m sorry!

- Christie: Yeah, you are!

- Ray: Hmm?


You used yourself as bait!

Yvette: We heard all about

how you got that lizard monster

to chase you.

Mark: Yup!

That was a stupid idea!

Alicia: Stupid!

Lannion: He’s always trying

to get himself k*lled

for no reason.

Thoma: Suicidal.

Ray: What are you

talkin’ about?! I am not!

Rossi: Would he have died

if you hadn’t come along?

Sonju: Oh, he would

have died horribly.

Christie: See?!

Ray: Oh, come on!

Jemima: You can’t die.

Please don’t die! ( sobbing )

( Ray gasps ) Easy!

I’m not dying.

Dominic: You made her cry!

Jemima: We were so worried.

- ( Ray gasps )

- ( Jemima sobbing )

Gilda: You didn’t

tell us you were ill,

and then you fainted.

We were all

worried sick about you.

Emma: I’m sorry.

Don: What did you guys expect,

that we weren’t

gonna worry about you?

You worry about us all the time,

so it’s only fair.

Nat: True. Don and Gilda

were a blubbering mess.

( Don yelps )

Gilda: If you need help,

then tell us.

Don’t try to push

through the pain.

We can help you, but we can’t

if you don’t say something!

We care about you

as much as you care about us.

We’re all family here.

We can pick up the slack

for you if we have to.

We’ll figure it out.

Let us help, please.

Emma: Okay.

I’m sorry. I will.

I’m sorry, everyone.

( fire crackling )

( Emma slurps )

No way. Who made this?!

Ray: I did.

Emma: It’s delicious!

What’d you do to it

to make it taste so good?!

Ray: I don’t know.

I just made it

how Mujika taught me to make it.

Don: Oh, not even!

It looked to me

like you were

just throwing stuff in!

- Ray: Guess I’m that good.

- Don: More like lucky!

Mark: We helped

getting the fire started!

Dominic: I mashed the taters!

Jemima: I made the dumplings!

Mujika: For first-time chefs,

you all did wonderfully.

( children laugh )

Mujika: Now have a seat,

and let’s eat.

- Rossi: Yum!

- Children: Okay!

All: Thank you for this food.

Ray: What’s wrong?

Emma: Huh? Oh.

I was just thinking how

good food makes everyone happy.

Don: Mmm.

♪ ♪

( no audible dialogue )

( bowstring stretches )

Dominic: Here goes, Emma!

( children cheer, laugh )

- ( heavy footsteps )

- ( chain rattles )

( Mujika gasps ) What’s wrong?

Sonju: Nothing.

Just having a look up top.

I want to make sure

the exit’s clear

and the river’s safe to cross.

Mujika: Be careful.

Emma: Sonju!

Can I please go with you?

I want to see

what it’s like out there.

Sonju: Sure,

but stick close to us.

No wandering off, okay?

Emma: Okay.

( steed galloping )

( Emma gasps )

( birds chirping )


The river’s cold, not deep.

You and the others

can cross it easy,

but so can your pursuers.

- ( brush rustles )

- ( Emma gasps )

( animal chitters )

Emma: I thought...

Sonju: It was them? Good.

The enemy could be

hiding anywhere, so stay alert,

and always have an exit plan.

Emma: I got it.

Be ready for anything.

Sonju: So what did you

want to talk about?

Emma: Huh?

Sonju: Well, you didn’t

come along to sightsee

or to keep me company, did you?

Emma: Teach me something.

Sonju: What?

Emma: How to k*ll

a living thing.

You’ve taught me

so much already,

to cook, which plants

are safe for us to eat,

which herbs do what,

and how to use a spear

and a bow and arrow,

but I’ve never had to hunt

for my food before.

I want to know

how to do that on my own

before we say goodbye to you.

Up ’til now,

someone else has made our food.

We know how to get

fruit and vegetables,

but we should know

how to get meat and fish, too.

I need to learn how to catch

and k*ll an animal,

so please teach me how to hunt.

( birds warble )

♪ ♪

( gasps )

( gasps )

( sighs )

Sonju: You might have to k*ll

to protect someone,

your family or yourself.

( Emma gasps )

( bowstring creaks )

♪ ♪

( gasps )

It isn’t dead. It’s still warm.

Sonju: Nice shot.

The Gupna’s next.

Emma: Gupna?

( gasps )

No way.

Sonju: Careful. It’s

a vampiric plant we call Vida.

You need to pierce

the heart of your game with it.

You dedicate

your food to the gods.

If they accept,

the flower blooms.

Then you can eat the meat.

This is Gupna.

It’s how demons traditionally

slaughter their prey.

The plant helps preserve

the meat by draining the blood.

( drips echoing )

Emma: But it’s still alive.

Sonju: It has to be

to drain the blood.

It’s okay. It’s unconscious.

It won’t feel a thing.

If you don’t want to, I...

( gasps )

Emma: We have

to eat you to live.

You don’t wanna die,

and neither do we.

I am sorry,

but your life helps us survive.

( drop echoes )

( gasps )

( gags )

( coughing )

My friend’s heart was pierced

by a flower like this.

Sonju: Mm,

you’ve seen it before.

Emma: Yeah.

And now I know it was used

on her while she was alive.

And on Conny...

and Hao...


and Norman.

I hope it didn’t hurt for them.

I hope they weren’t scared.

Sonju: Gupna’s how we

give thanks to the gods.

It won’t work without respect.

Don’t worry.

I’m sure your friends

didn’t suffer.

They were at peace.

( Emma gasping )

( birds chirping )

Emma: Thank you, Sonju.

Dominic: Hey, Emma’s back!

Anna: Emma!

Mark: Welcome back, Emma!

Children: Whoa!

- Thoma: You k*lled something!

- Lannion: No way!

Christie: Uh,

is something wrong, Emma?

Alicia: Are you okay?

Did something happen?

Emma: Nothing happened.

I’m okay.