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02x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 05/10/23 04:30
by bunniefuu
( Emma panting )

( children panting )

( pounding )

( rumbling )

( Emma panting only )

( thinking ) "Quit worrying"!

"Like playing tag," he says!

- ( creature shrieking )

- ( children yelling )

( Jemima yelps )

( creature shrieking )

(Emma thinking) I didn’t think

freedom could be so wonderful...

and so terrifying.

♪ ♪

( birds chirping )

Yvette: Huh.

( Don gasps )


Did you guys ever see

trees this huge before?

Gilda: Uh-uh.

They’re nothing like

the ones we had

back at the house.

Yvette: These bugs look

kinda familiar, though.

- ( Christie gasps )

- Nat: Whoa.

Thoma: You butthead!

- ( Alicia gasps )

- ( Lannion laughing )

- ( yelps ) Thoma!

- ( Thoma gasps ) Lanni!

- Lannion: I’m fine. I’m fine.

- ( Alicia sighs )

( Ray sighs )

Emma: All right, guys,

let’s take a break.

But there’s a search party

after us by now,

and who knows what lives

in these woods, so stay alert.

- ( birds chirping )

- ( insects trilling )

Gilda: We only brought

so much food and water,

and we have to make it last,

so don’t gobble it all.

Just eat a little bit, okay?

Children: Okay!

( Emma sighing )

( Ray growls )

( Emma shrieks )


Ray: Quit worrying.

You remember our training?

This is like playing tag.

Emma: Huh?

Ray: Animals always

leave tracks or poop,

and I haven’t seen any,

so there’s nothing here

to worry about.

Go on. You need rest.

I’ll keep watch

while you’re gone, okay?

( Emma chuckles )

Okay, thanks.

( Ray sighs )

I’m sorry, Emma.

Emma: Why?

Ray: If I cooperated

from the start,

you wouldn’t have hurt your hand

or lost your ear.

( Emma chuckles )

Don’t worry about it.

It was worth it,

as long as you’re

alive and smiling.

( Ray chuckles )

Thanks for saying that.


I swear I’ll live...

to protect our family...

to protect them all

the same as you do.

I promise.

I swear on my life.

No matter what,

I won’t abandon them again.

( Emma gasps ) Ray.

Ray: We’ll carry

that load together.

( Emma gasps )

( grunts )

Ray: All right...

what’s the plan from here?

Emma: We’re almost out of water.

But you remember

that river we saw?

We can fill our jars up there.

Ray: Great idea.

Let’s do that first.

And I bet we can find

some food around there, too.

Emma: Mm-hmm.

Ray: Wait a sec.

We have to think like our enemy.

They would expect us

to go there.

Don: Emma! Ray!

Now that we’re free,

do you have any idea

where we should go next?

Emma: Yep. We’ll head southeast.

Don: Southeast?

Gilda: It’s between

south and east?

Don: I know. I’m not that dumb.

( Emma chuckles ) Show ’em.

Gilda: Oh.

That’s the pen Norman left us.

Does the "W-M"

stand for William Minerva?

Emma: Uh-huh.

We’re gonna let him guide us

to where we need to go next.

( fly buzzes )

- Gilda: Whoa!

- Don: What the heck?!

Emma: They’re our coordinates,

B zero-one, one-four.

Don: "Our coordinates"?

Emma: Mm-hmm! Check this out.

B zero-one...


That’s right where we are.

( children gasp )

Ray: These dashes and dots

are Morse code.



It’s telling me to touch it.

( children gasp )

Don: The circle around this owl

doesn’t have a code.

Ray: Most of the books

in the library

back at the house

had owls in ’em,

but only one had an owl

that didn’t have Morse code

around it, just like this one.

Emma: The book of mythology.

Gilda: "Mytholo--" Oh!

Ray: That’s the code book

for this pen.

We have to use it to decipher

this other code that popped up.

These numbers right here,

they’ll lead us

to a password in the book.

Go to page , line ,

second word.

( Gilda gasps )

Thoma: Huh?

Gilda: Uh...


Ray: "If you need my help,

come to visit me.

I’m at point

B zero-six, three-two."

Emma: "William Minerva."

( Yvette gasps )

( children laugh )

Emma: Thanks to Norman

and this pen he left us,

we know where to go.

Ray: Yeah.

Alicia: I wish

Norman were with us.

Mark: Yeah, so do I.

( Anna sighs )

- Yvette: I miss him.

- Rossi: I miss him.

- Mark: Me, too.

- Christie: Me, too.

Alicia: I miss him so much.

- ( children sighing )

- Jemima: Yeah.

( Emma gasps )

Cheer up, guys!

If Norman saw you with

those long faces, he’d laugh!

Don: Yeah, Emma’s right!

Cheer up for Norman!

- ( animals chitter )

- Children: Yeah!

( birds chirping )

Anna: What’d you find?

Yvette: A weird plant.

It looks kinda familiar,

doesn’t it?

Nat: I’ve never seen it before.

Yvette: I know!

I read all about ’em

in this book back at the house!

Uh, the book was "The...

- Ray: "Adventures of Ugo."

- Yvette: Yeah!

Lannion: Oh, I remember now.

We all read that!

Anna: What’s inside these again?

Emma: Does anyone know?

- Children: Water!

- Oh, water!

Ray: They were

called sea anemones,

and they were filled

with water.

According to the book, it should

be safe for us to drink.

That’s great,

because it’ll save us

the hassle

of going to the river.

( children cheer )

( laughing )

♪ ♪

( Emma gasps )

Gilda: Come to think of it,

the book described a forest

just like this

and weird creatures

like those, too.

I wonder...

Emma: Maybe this is a guide

to survive out here.

Ray: What else could it be?

Look at the code.

What’s it say again?

Emma: "Promise."

Gilda: Maybe Mr. Minerva

means this book

is his promise to us to help.

Don: It has to be.

He’s showing us the way,

protecting us.

Emma: We know the outside world

is a dangerous place,

but at least

we’re not alone out here.

We have each other

and an ally.

And together,

we’ll get through this

and find Mr. Minerva.

We’ll find more allies,

and then we’ll go back

for Phil and the others!

( children cheer, laugh )

( Emma sighs )

( demon growling )

Demon : Which way did they go?

Demon :

They’re headed southeast.

( insects chirping )

( footsteps shuffling )

( lanterns rattling )

( Ray gasps )

( lantern flames crackling )

- Emma: Something’s off.

- Ray: Yeah.

( Don gasps )

( children murmuring )

( hiss echoes )

Ray: Douse the lights.

( heavy footsteps thudding )

( wings fluttering )

Emma: Something’s coming!

Don: You guys, this way! Hurry!

- ( creature shrieking )

- ( children screaming )

( Emma thinking )

"Quit worrying!"

"Like playing tag," he says!

( creature shrieking )

- ( Don chuckles )

- ( Gilda grunts )

( creature warbles )

( shrieks )

Don: That’s it.

Sniff around.

Take your time.

( creature warbles, hisses )

Don: Gotcha.

Run like heck,

and don’t look back!

Emma: See that?

Gilda split off from Don’s group

and took

the slower kids with her.

Ray: That’s why he signaled her.

They must have trained for this.

Emma: They’re okay for now.

It’s up to us to figure out

how to deal with that thing.

- ( twigs crackle )

- Ray: Watch it!

( Emma yelps )

( creature shrieks )

Emma: That was close.

Ray: "The Adventures of Ugo"

described traps like this.

( both gasp )

Emma: Oh!

Both: The snakes of Alvapinera!

Ray: Yeah. Whatever falls in

doesn’t come back out.

This is perfect. Oh, yeah.

Emma: Huh?

Ray: I’ll get that thing

to fall into it.

Emma: Good idea.

We’ll get its attention and--

Ray: No. I’ll do it.

Emma: What are you thinking?

You’re not gonna--

Ray: Relax.

I’m not gonna sacrifice myself.

There’s no reason to.

I wanna do this alone,

’cause I know I can do it.

- Emma: Uh...

- Ray: Look, it’s super simple.

Who’s better at tag, you or me?

( Emma sighs ) You are.

Ray: That’s right,

so leave it to me.

Now go join Gilda,

and run downwind from here.

You got it?

Emma: Yeah.

( creature warbles )

( hisses )

Ray: Hey, ugly, you hungry?

( creature warbles )

Ray: Come on.

Catch me!

( creature shrieks )

( Ray grunts )

( gasps )

♪ ♪

( creature groans )

( twigs cracking )

( body crashes )

- Demon: I found them.

- ( Ray gasps )

- ( demon sniffing )

- Demon : Well?

Demon : It didn’t eat them.

I don’t smell humans on it.

Demon :

I know you’re out there.

That was a close call.

I’m glad you’re all right.

You can come out now.

We k*lled the beast,

and it’s perfectly safe,

- so please come out.

- ( sword clanks )

Are you alone?

Did your friends

leave you behind?

The outside world

is no place for you.

It’s far too dangerous.

We’ll take you home.

Demon : I can drag him out.

Demon : No need. Stay back.

Ray: You guys are too late.

They’re dead.

I’m the only one left.

Demon : Ah, ,

the highest grade.

Catch it!

( whistle echoes )

Emma: Uh-oh.

That’s a new sound.

♪ ♪

Anna: I hope

that’s not the monster.

Gilda: Ray should have

been here by now.

Anna: Do you think

something happened to him?

Don: Like what?

( Jemima gasps ) Emma.

Rossi: Maybe a search party

found him.

( children murmur )

( Emma gasps )

Rossi: Emma?

Are you okay?

Your face is so pale.

Emma: Oh, I feel fine.

Don’t worry about me.

I’ll go see

what that whistle was about.

Keep going, and I’ll

meet up with you all later!

Gilda: Okay, will do.

Don: All right, guys. Let’s go.

( thump )



Anna: Oh, no!

( Emma gasping )

Anna: Her wound’s

opened up again.

Gilda: And she’s

burning up with fever.

Thoma: Ray’s gone,

and she’s down.

Lannion: Now what do we do?

( Emma panting )

Woman: Hurry!

( children gasp )

Woman: This way.

- ( Gilda gasps )

- Alicia: Who is that?

Rossi: It’s a girl.

Don: Krone did say

there were other humans

in the outside world.

- Lannion: Then...

- Thoma: She’s good.

Gilda: Hold on!

We don’t know you! Who are you?

Show us your face!

♪ ♪

( Ray panting )

( gasps )

( grunts )

Demon : It’s over.

There’s nowhere left

for you to run.

Give up.

( claw scrapes )

( Ray gasping )


I won’t.

I gave my word.

I’ll never give up.

- ( rustling )

- ( demon gasps )

- Get them!

- ( demon snarls )

Demon : You lost them?!

Demon : The smoke was so thick.

I-It blocked their smell!

Demon : Then use your eyes,

damn you!

They must have left tracks!

If you can’t find any,

then continue searching

for the others.

- Demon : Yes, sir.

- ( sword clanks )

Demon : I’m sure it was lying.

Its companions

are alive somewhere.

( Ray gasps )

( winces )

♪ ♪

( lantern rattling )

Emma! Emma!

Emma, it’s me!

Wake up!

( Emma sighs )

Oh, Ray. It’s you.

( Ray gasps, sighs )

( Emma gasps )

Ray! You’re okay.

Thank goodness!

You came back safe.

I’m so glad. ( cries )

Ray: I’m glad

you’re okay, too, Emma.

( Emma cries )

Ray: We were in two

different places in the forest,

and two different people

rescued us,

a man in a hood

and a girl in a hood.

They gave us blankets, water,

and a bell to ring for help,

and they didn’t bother

with tyin’ either of us up.

They sure aren’t treating us

like they’re our enemy.

Emma: Hey, maybe that man

is Mr. Minerva.

( Ray gasps ) Could be.

Or it could be someone else,

like an ally of his or--

- ( rattling )

- ( gasps )


( rattling )

( footsteps shuffling )

- Woman: Oh, good.

- ( both gasp )


The medicinal herbs worked.

I’m glad you’re up,

but take it easy.

You don’t want to faint again.

You escaped from that farm.

You’ve had a rough journey.

But you’re safe here with us.

Emma: The kids,

the ones I was with,

where are they? Are they okay?

Woman: They are all down there,

and I just finished

making something to eat.

Follow me, please.

( lantern rattling )

♪ ♪

( woman vocalizing )

Ray: Hey.

I was rescued

by a big guy wearing a hood.

Is he down here, too?

Woman: Ah, that’s Sonju.

Yes. He’s around here somewhere.

Emma: So he’s

not Mr. Minerva then.

- Woman: Who?

- Emma: You don’t know him?

William Minerva.

Woman: No.

- Emma: Oh.

- ( Ray gasps )

( vocalizing continues )

( sighs ) Funny.

I didn’t know demons

went around saving humans.

Emma: Uh, what are

you talking about?

( gasps )

( vocalizing ends )

♪ ♪

( gasps )

( shudders )

Ray: You are demons, right,

you and the big guy here?

You’re demons, all right.

So why’d you save us?