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01x08 - 021145

Posted: 05/10/23 04:25
by bunniefuu
( Singing in japanese )

♪ Fire ♪

( Singing in japanese )

( Clock ticking )

( Krone grunts )

( Gasps )

"Number , sister krone...

We appoint you

To be mom of plant four."

( Gasps ) I'll be a mom?!

Isabella: yes.

( Krone sighs )

Isabella: it just so happens

A position suddenly opened

At plant four.

I've been pushing your name

For a while,

So they chose you to fill it.

Krone: you recommended me?

Isabella: grandma is

Waiting for you at the gate.

Hurry up, and pack so you

Can return to headquarters.

Krone: wait. Right now?

Isabella: that's correct.

I wish you luck

At your new location.

( Krone panting )

( Clock ticking )

Isabella: what's wrong?

Aren't you happy?

Krone: oh, of course I am.

I'll go get ready.

( Isabella chuckles )

( Footsteps recede )

( Krone gasps )

( Panting )

That woman,

She trying to get rid of me.

I'm just gonna have to risk it.

I refuse to let all of this

Go the way that she wants!

( Bell ringing )

Phil: hey, mom, sister krone!

It's time to eat now!

( Isabella chuckles )

Phil: okay, we're ready.

Where's the sister?

Girl: in her room?

Isabella: not quite.

She had work to do.

We're fine

To start eating without her.

( Krone sighs )

( Thunder rumbling )

( Chains clanking )


( Grandma chuckles )

( Krone swallows )

I'd like to report something.

( Grunts )

( Children chattering )

Girl: huh? Sister's not here.

Boy: where do you think she is?

Phil: mom said she had to work.

Boy and girl: aw, man!

Child: that was hard.

( Krone sighs )

Grandma: if I'm

Understanding this correctly,

In addition to what

I'm reading right here,

There are two other children

With perfect scores

Who know the secret.

Krone: and the two

Below them know as well!

I don't have evidence

Of their escape plan,

But please believe me!

We have to take action!

- If we don't, then--

- Grandma: but...

They're still under control,

Aren't they?

Krone: huh?

Grandma: if they remain

Under control, there's no issue.

Just like it was back in my day.

( Krone shudders )

Grandma: you see, sister krone,

I'm afraid I can't have you

Getting in isabella's way.

In case you don't know,

Isabella and her plant

Are quite special.

It's necessary

To keep her here as my pawn.

You are insufficient

To replace her.

You've become a problem.

( Krone gasps )

Grandma: to offer

The best plate at the tifari,

Everything at the farm

Has to be optimal.

( Krone sighs )

( Laughs )

I see. They were in it together.

( Laughing )

I had no chance...

Of winning this from the start.

( Laughing )

( Thudding footsteps )

( Krone gasps )

( Demon screeches )


Thank you for the food.


Thank you for the food!

( Gate squeals )

( Overlapping chatter )

( Isabella chuckles )

( Krone gasping )

( Demon growling )

( Krone chuckling )

( Music playing only )

( Gasping )

( Demon screeches )

( Krone panting )

( Panting )

( Whimpering )

( Demon growling )

( Music playing only )

( Panting )

( Grunts )

( Crackling )

- ( Demon hisses )

- ( Krone gasps )

( Shuddering )

- ( s*ab )

- ( Krone screams )

You brats better succeed.

You hear me?

You're great at tag, so...

Run away. Escape.

Survive this...

And then destroy

This awful world we live in!

Children: thank you!

It was delicious!

( Clock ticking )

( Knock on door )

Ray: are you ready?

Time to switch stuff out.

( Isabella chuckles )

Ray: let's review.

Norman and emma

Will inspect above the wall.

Don and gilda,

Stand outside where you can see

The second-floor window

To the south.

Stay alert. I'll signal to you

If I'm not able to distract mom,

And that's when

You two tell the others

To cancel the inspection.

Gilda: I hope

This goes smoothly.

Isabella: I got rid of her.

( Ray gasps )


Isabella: I removed krone

From the equation.

( Ray gasps )

( Isabella chuckles )

( Ray gasping )

( Clock ticking )

( Footsteps approaching )

Isabella: know why she's gone?

Because I didn't need her.

( Ray gasps )

Isabella: and you're next.

Ray: huh?

Isabella: our deal is

Officially over as of right now.

Ray: what? Y-you're joking!

Come on! How can you say

You don't need me?!

I was helpful to you, right?

You were using me

So you could stay in the shadows

And control them indirectly!

Isabella: precisely.

Ray: I was doing a good job.

To you, I'm...

Isabella: yes, you were

Quite the useful dog.

That's why I kept you

By my side.

Despite the fact

You're a liar and a traitor.

( Ray gasps )

( Isabella chuckles )

( Ray gasps )

I can still be

Of use to you, though!

It's a non-issue!

( Coughs )

( Grunts )

Isabella: yes.

It's true

There's no fault with you.

I know that it's unfair.

It affects me as well.

Initially, I had planned

To keep you around

Until the very end of all this.

- Ray: that doesn't--

- Isabella: but unfortunately

The situation has changed.

I'll be controlling them

On my own from now on.

( Ray gasps )

Isabella: I'm sorry, ray.

I hope you'll forgive me

For what I'm about to do.

( Ray gasps )

( Grunts )

( Isabella chuckles )

( Ray grunts )

( Door creaks )


Isabella: just stay

In there for a while.

( Ray gasping )

Isabella: I'll be sure

To let you out when I'm back.

( Pounding on door )

Now, then, based on

The speed of the two signals,

It must be emma and norman.

So they're running

Through the forest,

Heading for the fence,

I assume, to inspect it.

- ( Ray gasps )

- Isabella: by the way,

I'm not the least bit worried

About the poison.

I know that you'll protect me.

For their sake,

You won't get me k*lled.

Isn't that right?

That's why,

When you try to suppress me,

I know you'll use

A different method.

( Ray gasps )

Isabella: goodbye, ray.

Thank you for all

That you've done for me.

Ray: damn it! ( Groans )

No! I've gotta get out of here!

( Grunts )

I can't believe this!

Don: huh. Nothin'.

Gilda: yeah.

Don: so far, so good.

- ( Door closes )

- ( Gilda gasps )

( Don gasps )

Gilda: wait. What's going on?

Mom came out even though

Ray didn't signal us.

( Footstep echoes )

Gilda: don, what should we do?

Don: stay here.

I'll go check it out.

- Gilda: don!

- Don: I'll be right back!

( Gilda shudders )

( Pounding )

( Ray grunts )

( Groans )

Just open up, already.

Don: ray, is that you?

Ray: yeah, it's me!

- Don: stand back!

- Ray: eh?

( Running footsteps )

- ( Don moans )

- Ray: hey, you okay?

Don: I'm fine.

But we gotta hurry!

Ray: yeah. You're right!

( Gilda sighing )

Don: gilda, let's go!

Gilda: does that mean

The plan's cancelled?

What do we do now?

Don: the inspection is still on!

We gotta stop mom!

Gilda: huh? Really?

Don: this is our only chance!

We need to make sure they get

To inspect the top of the wall

Before mom gets to them!

Gilda: r-right!

( Ray panting )

( Both grunt )

( Emma gasps )

Norman: emma.

Emma: yeah.

( Wind blowing )

( Footsteps crunching )

( Emma gasps )

Why is...

Hey, mom.

Is something wrong?

Isabella: ten years.

Emma: huh?

Isabella: that's how long

We've been living together,

But this is the first time we've

Talked without any of us acting.

( Emma grunts )

( Isabella sighs )

It's nice to meet you, emma,

And the same

Goes for you, norman.

( Both gasp )

( Isabella laughs )

Come, now.

Why do you look so worried?

It's only me,

So you're free to relax.

There isn't anyone else around.

You don't have to act

Like good little kids

Who don't know anything.

Right now, we're the caretaker

And the children

Meant to be food.

( Both gasp )

Isabella: however, I must admit,

I love every one of the children

I've raised. I do, truly,

As if you all

Were my own children.

That's why I came out here

To ask that you just give up.

Emma: you want us to...

Norman: give up?

( Both gasp )

Isabella: give up resisting.

I love you all

And don't want you to suffer,

And I especially don't want

To be the cause

Of your suffering.

This life is happy, isn't it?

You get to live in a warm house

Filled with delicious food

And love.

If you can stay

Oblivious to the truth,

Then you are able to die

Feeling satisfied.

So how does that sound

Like anything but paradise?

( Emma gasps )

That's what you think this is?

Are you saying

That this "happy life"

Was worth what conny

Went through?

Isabella: death happens

In an instant.

Until the moment she died,

Conny experienced a rich life

Full of smiles and laughter.

( Emma gasps ) what's the point

If it's all just fake?!

I'm going to live freely,

Even if I suffer for it!

Then I'll decide happiness

For myself!

( Shudders )

Norman: stop.

( Grunts )

Emma: norman...


Escaping is impossible,

And it's dangerous outside.

You don't really want

To go out there.

Now, why don't we all go back

To living happily together,

Like none of this happened?

My greatest wish is for the five

Of you to live joyous lives

Until your time

Eventually runs out.

Norman: five? Not three?

( Both grunt )

( Both gasp )

( Both sigh )

Norman: fine. You win, mom.

( Isabella chuckles )

Norman: I'll stop

Being a good kid.

Isabella: huh?

Isabella: go, norman!

( Chuckles )

( Crack )

( Norman gasps )

( Emma gasping )

( Wailing )

( All gasp )

Ray: emma.

( Emma sobbing )

( Isabella chuckles )

Shh. Shh.

You're going to be okay.

It doesn't hurt. Don't cry.

Aw, poor thing.

My adorable emma.

This is why

I told you to give up.

But I'm glad you hugged me

For the first time in a while.

( Chuckles )

And you realized it

Quickly, norman.

I'm impressed.

Yes, I'll control all of you

Until the very end,

Because you're different

Than most of the other children.

You're special food that only

A special one is able to eat,

The highest quality of children

I've ever raised.

( Emma winces )

Norman: so, then...

Isabella: that's why

I have to protect you all,

No matter the cost.

I was forced to do this,

Because it was clear

You weren't going to give up.

( Emma gasping )

( Wails )

( Children laughing )

Naila: mom!

Oh, no! What happened to emma?

Mark: did she get hurt?

( Chorus vocalizing )

Boy: look!

( Boy gasps )

( Children gasp )

Phil: huh?

( Emma gasps )

Isabella: you won't be able

To move for a while,

Which means I'll have

No worries for tomorrow.

Ray: tomorrow?

Isabella: yes. That's right.

You can stay

And celebrate, emma.

( Norman gasps )

Isabella: there was

A notice from headquarters,

So, congrats, norman.

The time for you

To be shipped has come.

( All gasp )

( Norman shuddering )

( Singing in japanese )