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01x06 - 311045

Posted: 05/10/23 04:23
by bunniefuu
( Singing in japanese )

♪ Fire ♪

( Singing in japanese )

( Both gasp )

( Door creaks )

( Phil giggles )

Don and gilda: phil?

- Phil: shh.

- Don: huh?

Phil: I'm playing hide-and-seek

With naila and eugene.

( Both sigh )

Gilda: oh, I see.

Norman: so...

Emma: the next thing

We look at is...

All: outside.

Ray: we already got

Lots of stuff done

On the inside.

Norman: training's going well.

The trackers can be broken,

Which leaves...

Ray: learning about the outside

And outsmarting the adults.

Once that's done...

We can clear the wall for sure.

Emma: next is checking out

The escape route.

Norman: the escape

We've planned out

Consists of three steps.

One, we ascend the wall.

Two, we safely get

As far away as we can.

Three, we learn how to survive

And become self-reliant.

We have everything we need

To pass the first step.

As for the second...

The outside is key.

When we leave,

We should run as far as we can,

So let's examine and prepare.

Ray: we need info

About the area outside.

Emma: oh! When I climbed

Up a tree, I saw a big forest!

Ray: okay, but we've gotta

Confirm stuff like that.

Norman: let's look into it

Starting tomorrow.

( Emma grunts ) oh, yeah.

There was one more thing

I wanted to mention.

Norman: hmm?

Emma: I have someone

I want you to meet.

( Children chattering )

( Don sighs )

( Both gasp )

Don: oh! Sorry! I'm in a hurry!

- Mark: hey, mom, down here!

- ( Isabella chuckles )

Don: look. I actually did it.

( Gilda gasps )

( Don chuckles )

Naila: isn't it cool?

( Children giggle )

Emma: the person

I wanna introduce is...

Right here.

Norman: mr. "William minerva."


( Emma grunts )

- Norman: who's he?

- Emma: I don't know.

All I know is that he's

The former owner of these books,

But I think it's possible

That's he's on our side.

Norman: what do you mean?

Emma: he's been

Delivering a message

Through the books

In this library,

And not just a few books,

But lots of 'em!

- ( Lock clicks )

- ( Both gasp )

( Both grunt )

( Door creaks )

Norman: so this sticker is...

Emma: a bookplate.

Ray: it's a label

That shows who owned the book

Before it came here.

Norman: okay,

But where's the message?

Emma: look closer.

Norman: they're all

The same owl bookplate.


The circle...

It's morse code.

Ray: correct.

( Both gasp )

Don: eh?

( Gilda gasps )

( Foot clatters )

Don: huh?

( Matches rattle )

- ( Door rattles )

- ( Gilda gasps )

( Don gasps )

( Both grunt )

Norman: it says, "run."

And this one says, "doubt."

Then there's "danger."

And this last one is "truth."

Still, these don't mean...

Emma: hey, check these, too.

Norman: these ones

Are "harvest"...

"Monster," and finally...


( Gasps )

This is...

Ray: it's a message to us

From the outside,

Hidden from everybody else.

I think we can

At least trust these.

Norman: you sure?

Ray: I tend to be more

Suspicious than emma, so, yeah.

It's possible this minerva guy

Could be an ally to us,

But unfortunately we don't

Know if he's dead or alive,

So we shouldn't

Get our hopes up too much.

Emma: you're always so negative!

Norman: william minerva,

He's someone from the outside

Who's aware

That our farm exists.

And while it may be indirectly,

He's definitely

Trying to help us.

Emma: that's right!

Norman: an ally on the outside.

He might even still be there.

In which case, it's possible

A society of humans may exist.

Emma: exactly!

( Don gasping )

( Gasps )

Emma: these messages are only

In books that belonged to him.

It's hard to tell exactly when

These labels were put inside,

But at least

We know that this one

Was done after the year .

Norman: I see.

Are we aware of anything else,

Like if the books

Have some kind of similarity?

Ray: nope.

The genres are varied.

Same goes for the publishers

And years they were published.

Emma: but what about...

Uh, which one was it?

We don't understand

The morse code in these two.

Ray: one is a run-of-the-mill

Adventure novel.

The other's

A confusing mythology book.

Norman: there's

No morse code here.

As for this one...


Norman: what does that mean?

Don: why is little bunny here?

Gilda: so what emma

And the others said,

All of it was true, don.

Don: huh?

Gilda: mom was lying.

No one was sent

To foster families.

Don: stop it.

Gilda: because if they

Actually had been,

This wouldn't be here.

It would have been delivered

Straight to conny.

And it's not

Just little bunny, either.

Mom took

All of these toys from them

When they left the house.

Then they were taken

By the bad people.

( Don gasps )

Hey, would you cut it out?!

- ( Wheels squeaking )

- ( Gasps )

( Both gasp )

Emma: I'm pretty sure

There's some kind

Of meaning in these two,

A book with

The message "promise"

And one

That doesn't have morse code,

But has

A few ripped pages in it.

Norman: so you think

These ones are special?

Emma: yeah. If I'm right...

Then I think

It's extremely likely

That these'll become

An important guide for us.

Ray: based on what?

Emma: a hunch!

( Ray grunts )

Emma: what's with that face?!

Don: so who is mom

Communicating with?

Is it the base

Ray was talking about?

Are they the bad guys?

Ray mentioned that he

Had mom under control

And we're done for

If krone finds out.

What did he mean by that?

If either of them catch us,

Will they punish us?

And what if mom

Is really dangerous

And our siblings are--

Gilda: stop it! Norman told us

That he doesn't know

What happened to conny!

Don: no, those three

Are just hiding things from us.

Gilda: they must have

A reason for it. Maybe...

Don: I can't

Trust them like that,

Not when they

Obviously don't trust us

Enough to tell us the truth.

Norman: I think this is

All worth looking into.

Let's learn more

About mr. Minerva.

Emma: we're not just escaping,

Right, guys?

We're gonna find a way

For us to survive in this world!

( Norman grunts )

Let's run.

Let's live,

No matter what things

Are like out there.

( Clock ticking )

( Emma giggles )

- ( Door opens )

- ( Both gasp )

Isabella: just a moment, phil.

- I'll be right there.

- ( Both shuddering )

Norman: I'm kind of surprised.

I expected ray

To find the bookplates,

Since he reads a lot,

Ray: but how the heck did you

Manage to find them, emma?

Emma: oh, it wasn't me

Who noticed them.

Norman: huh?

Emma: phil was actually

The one who showed me.

- Norman: really?

- Emma: mm-hmm.

A kids's book he was reading

Happened to be mr. Minerva's,

And there was a part in it

That had morse code, so...

- ( Overlapping chatter )

- Emma: huh?

Don and gilda...


They're not here, either.

Emma: could they be...

( Both shuddering )

( Footsteps echoing )

( Chair scrapes )

( Papers rustle )

( Thump )

( Isabella sighs )

( Chair scrapes )

( Footsteps approaching )

( Both shuddering )

( Clock ticking )

( Isabella sighs )

- ( Gasps )

- Eugene: mom!

Isabella: oh, eugene.

What's wrong?

Eugene: this was on the floor.

( Isabella gasps )

Why, thank you.

( Eugene giggles )

( Door opens )

( Door closes )

( Emma gasps )

Don! Gilda!

Oh, good. I thought--eh?

Ray: where were you?

( Clock ticking )


Don: we were just

In mom's secret room, okay?

Emma: but how?

Gilda: you see,

Don stole the key, and--

- Emma: he what?!

- Norman: wait. Did she...

Gilda: I don't think

She noticed,

And we already

Put it back, so...

( Ray gasps )

That was a stupid move!

Did you not even stop to think

That the room could have

Had a camera or an alarm?

What would you have done then?

If mom or krone found out,

You two--no, we'd all be--

Don: tell us

What would happen, ray.

( Norman and emma gasp )

Don: would we all be k*lled?

When we searched

The secret room,

We found little bunny.

You kept us hopeful,

Said we'd save them...

But we can't save them, can we?

'Cause they're all--

Conny and the others are...

( Shuddering )

Emma: look...

I'm so sorry!

Gilda: then, they're really...

- ( Emma gasps )

- Don: you see, gilda?

They were lying to us after all.

What are you hiding?

Just tell us the truth.

( Emma sighs )

( Norman grunts )

( Inhales )

Don: demons? A farm?

Gilda: you're saying every one

Of us was raised to be eaten?

Don: and ray is a spy?

No way.

Norman: he did it for us.

Don: then you knew

What was going to happen

To conny that day, ray?

And emma and norman,

You guys lied

So we wouldn't know

You were taking us

Into a world full of demons?

( Sighs )

( Laughing )

( Laughing wildly )

- ( Norman groans )

- ( Girls gasp )

Don: seriously?!

Ray: wait, don! Stop!

( Emma gasps )

( Don growling )

( Gilda shuddering )

( Don sighs )

Gilda: don.

Don: are we

That much of a burden?

Do you think gilda and I

Are so weak and useless

That we can't get by

Without you three protecting us?

( Emma gasps )

Don: that time you asked us

To help you,

I thought you were

Actually relying on us.

Was that a lie, emma?

( Emma gasping )

Don: I know we're not nearly

As smart as you guys,

But we're family...

Aren't we? ( Sobbing )

We're siblings, right?!

I just want you to have

A little faith in us!

Sorry. I need to cool off.

I'm going outside.

Gilda: don, wait.

( Door opens )

( Door closes )

Emma: did I not have faith?

Don: honestly, that was just me

Taking it out on them.

I'm not mad they treated us

Like we were weak.

I have no reason to be.

I couldn't do anything

For conny and the others.

I'm so ignorant and powerless.

I'm frustrated,

Because I really am weak!

( Sobbing )

Damn it!

I hate this.

I wanna be stronger!

Gilda: yeah, I know.

Emma: don! Gilda!

Gilda: emma.

Emma: look, I was way too naive.

I was ready for you

To resent me,

But not at all ready

To believe in you!

( Both gasp )

Norman: same here.


( Don stammers )

Uh, well, i...

I shouldn't have

Punched you like that. Sorry.

Are you okay?

You're not, are you?

Norman: I'll be all right.

Gilda: we realize that it was

A bad idea to act on our own.

Don: yeah. Ray had

Every right to get mad.

Don and gilda:

Please forgive us.

Norman: well, will you?

( Ray sighs )

Yeah, I forgive them.

If the worst happens,

I'll figure out

How to deal with it.

( Don sighs )

Ray: I should also apologize.


( Emma and norman laugh )

Emma: now that you two

Know the truth,

I need to confirm something

Before we continue.

The outside world

Is full of demons.

If we mess up, we die.

Knowing that,

Will you still come with us?

( Both grunt )

Both: of course we will!

( Emma sighs )

( Ray grunts )

( Overlapping chatter )

Emma: you know, I feel better

Now that we've

Told them the truth.

( Norman grunts )

One week until we escape,

And the preparations

Are going well,

But how do we get out

With all of our siblings?

Emma: oh, yeah.

- I should probably tell you.

- Norman: hmm?

Emma: I think

I have it figured out,

A way to escape with everyone.

( Wind blowing )

Is it reckless?

Norman: I'm afraid so.

Emma: norman, we can catch mom

Off guard with this plan!

It's the only way to actually

Escape with everyone.

Norman: hmm.

( Chuckles )

( Emma chuckles )

Should we tell ray?

Norman: no.

Emma: um...

Do you think he would

Really escape with all of us?

Norman: of course he would.

Everything ray has done

Up to this point

Has been for our sake,

All of it,

For me and you, emma.

Emma: huh?

Norman: nothing.

Anyway, don't worry.

I'll bring it up to ray soon.

Emma: oh.

( Children giggle )

( Wood clatters )

( Norman gasps )

"All of this just to make sure

You both don't die."

I see now.

Amazing, ray.

Don: I stole those things

You wanted, norman,

Some detergent and herbicide.

What are you

Gonna use these for?

Norman: they'll help out

With our investigation.

Gilda: we're going

Past the fence to climb the wall

So that we can inspect

The outside, right?

What about

The tracking devices?

Emma: oh, well, we make sure

They don't look at them.

Norman: it'll be easy.

All we need's a distraction.

We'll create a situation where

They can't check the trackers.

Don: but how do we do that?

Ray's working

On stalling mom now.

He's giving her false info

To throw her off.

Isabella: so you and norman

Got into a fight?

Ray: it was over something

We didn't agree about.

Isabella: now, what is it

You came here to tell me?

Ray: norman's working

On trying to k*ll you.

( Isabella gasps )

Of course he would go that far

To escape with everyone. And?

Ray: he's collecting items--

A hammer, detergent, herbicide,

Anything he thinks

He can use to get it done.

Isabella: including

That rope from before?

Ray: yup. I tried to stop him.

I told him

It was a stupid idea.

Isabella: and he

Gave you that bruise.

Death by poison?

That could be troublesome.

Ray: yeah, but don't

Ship them out because of this.

Let them live

In this house peacefully

Until they're

Old enough to age out.

That's all I want, okay?

Now, then, here's the plan.

We just replace the chemicals.

Isabella: do you know

Where he hid them?

Ray: yeah.

Isabella: then let's

Deal with this tomorrow.

Is that all?

Ray: yeah. Why?

Is there something else

Bothering you?

Isabella: not really.

- Oh.

- Ray: hmm?

Isabella: I'll let you in

On this early.

I received word from hq

During yesterday's check-in.

They say

That the next shipment is set.

( Ray gasps )

There won't be one in december.

Ray: january's next, then.

It'll happen

On my th birthday.

So the next shipment

Is finally me, huh?

Don: but even if ray

Manages to keep mom busy,

What about sister krone?

Gilda: yeah, if she finds out,

Then we'll be shipped out

Immediately, right?

Norman: don't worry.

I have an idea.

Norman: did you need something?

Krone: I saw it, you know.

- ( Emma gasps )

- Krone: that's right, children!

I saw everything!

All of you

Were talking last night

In the dining hall!

The ones who know

The secret about this house

Are norman, emma,

Ray, gilda, and don,

Five of you total.

( Chuckles )


You want to join forces?

Emma: huh?

( Krone laughs )

( Singing in japanese )