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01x05 - 301045

Posted: 05/10/23 04:23
by bunniefuu
( Singing in japanese )

♪ Fire ♪

( Singing in japanese )

( Clock ticking )

( Ray chuckles )

Are you serious? Cut it out.

Norman: ray,

You've realized, right?

I set a trap for three people.

I told don

It was behind my bed,

And gilda was told

It was in the second floor

Bathroom's ceiling.

At least,

That's what I told you,

But I actually told don

The dining hall,

And I told gilda the library.

( Ray sighs )

Norman: the rope behind my bed

Ended up being gone.

So what about

The other two spots?

Should we go over

And check them out?

( Clock ticking )

( Ray sighs )

( Laughing )

( Laughter continues )

Aw, man.

And here I thought

I was doing so well.

Yeah, you're right.

I'm the one

Who's been spying for mom.

( Norman sighs )

Ray: so what gave it away?

Norman: it was when sister

First came to the house.

I was disgusted with myself.

I suspected you instantly...

My own friend.

It was really

The worst-case scenario.

I wished that I

Had been wrong about it,

Because you being the traitor

Would be

Quite problematic for us,

But, for the enemy, picking you

Was the obvious choice.

You would be able

To provide input to our plans,

Which would be perfect

For keeping control

Of the situation.

You were the best one

For the job.

Ray: can't get

Anything past you.

How embarrassing.

I walked right

Into your little trap.

Norman: there's one more thing.

You see, I have a feeling

This isn't the first time

You've done this.

If one of us suddenly

Started giving mom tips,

I doubt she'd be so trusting.

Just how long

Have you been mom's spy?

- Ray: for a while now.

- ( Norman gasps )

I can't remember

When I wasn't her spy.

Guess you could say that I'm

A sheepdog for a shepherd.

Norman: you knew

About all of this

And helped mom out anyway?

Ray: yeah.

( Chorus vocalizing )


Everything we talked about,

All the planning,

It was nothing

But a series of lies?

How much have you

Been telling mom?

Can the trackers

Even be broken?

Ray: what are you gonna do

With that info?

Gonna ditch me

Based on my answer?

Norman: no, I won't.

I want you to stay close,

Like you always have been.

( Ray sighs )

Norman: isn't it great, ray?

You get to hide your mistake.

You tried framing don

So you could keep

Spying on us, correct?

Ray: just tell me what you want.

Norman: three things.

One, you will continue

To stay with us

And promise

To guarantee our safety.

Two, I want you to share

All the information you have.

Three, flip to our side...

( Ray gasps )

Norman: and become

A spy for our team instead.

Ray: you're gonna use me

As your trump card?

- Norman: hmm.

- Ray: are you an idiot?

If that was your objective,

Then you should've kept quiet

And used me,

And, when it was time

To execute the plan,

You could have cast me aside.

It would have been easy!

Norman: you're right

About that, but...

( Chuckles )

( Ray sighs )

Norman: she reminded me

We're family, so...

( Clock ticking )

( Ray sighs ) huh.

Norman: that's what made me

Change my mind.

I wanna believe in you, too.

We're friends

Before enemies, right?

After all...

Aren't you the one

Who hid little bunny?

The night we went to the gate,

If you hadn't told us

We could make it in time,

We wouldn't have gone.

You laid out the bread crumbs

For us to find out the truth

About this house for ourselves.

You set this up for the three

Of us to escape, didn't you?

Why did you

Become mom's sheepdog?

Ray: why not?

Norman: if you were

Completely on mom's side,

Then it wouldn't make sense

To reveal the truth to us.

You've been controlling

Our actions,

About the trackers,

The timing of our escape,

And how quickly

The plan moved forward.

That's why you didn't want us

Leaving ten days from now.

But, at the same time, you were

Also keeping mom under control.

You're actually

Not our enemy, are you?

( Ray chuckles )

You still think that, huh?

- I volunteered.

- ( Norman gasps )

Ray: I guess it's more like

I sold myself, really.

And all of it was to prepare

For the escape

We're planning!

( Norman gasps )

Ray: if you're going to learn

More about the enemy,

It's best to do so

From the inside,

Which is why I ended up

Offering a deal to mom.

Norman: that's risky.

Ray: not really.

I'm one of the finest products

She's raised here.

She cared a lot for me.

She wouldn't throw me away.

That's how I saw it.

She's someone who cares more

About profit than rules.

I made sure

To ask for two things.

First was not to be shipped out

If I cooperated.

The second was rewards

In exchange for results.

Norman: what kind of rewards?

Ray: various junk.

If it isn't in the house,

She secures it for me.

- Norman: huh?

- ( Ray grunts )

My reason for doing it

Was to check what I

Could and couldn't get,

But also to research

The outside.

Turns out,

As long as it was safe,

She could get me lots of things,

But everything

She brings back is dated.

Norman: so, then,

When you said you had an idea

For breaking the trackers...

Ray: I've seen the real device.

I did testing.

It took me a few years,

But I figured it out.

It is possible

To break the tracking devices.

- ( Norman gasps )

- Ray: you get it?

Norman, I'm the strongest card

You'll ever have.

No one else compares.

And I don't just have info about

The tracking devices and mom.

You can't even begin to imagine

How much I've learned

Over the years.

From the moment

That I discovered the truth,

I started preparing.

Norman: ray...

Ray: I had you and emma

Go to the gate

Without having anyone notice.

All of this, just to make sure

You both don't die!

( Norman gasps )

Ray: it's like you said, norman.

I'm not exactly your enemy,

But I'm not your ally either.

Let's make a deal.

If you agree,

I'll become your trump card.

I'll tell you everything I know

And leak false info to mom

If you do one thing.

Norman: what's that?

- Ray: trick emma.

- ( Norman gasps )

Ray: we'll pretend

We're taking everyone,

Then ditch them later,

But we can take don

And gilda, too.

Norman: are you saying we should

Give up escaping with everyone?

- Ray: yes.

- Norman: but the training

Helped them grow

More than we expected.

You even said

That they had potential.

You meant it, didn't you?

- Then, all of us can--

- Ray: regardless,

It doesn't change the fact

That they're a huge burden.

( Sighs )

Norman: you said you were going

To help us, didn't you, ray?

Ray: what I'm doing now

Is helping.

You don't like it,

Then you two can die here.

Norman: but I thought you wanted

Me and emma to stay alive.

Ray: honestly,

I'd rather you get shipped

Than die once we escape.

( Norman sighs )

Ray: so do we have a deal?

( Norman sighs )

Fine, then.

( Gasps )

Ray: listen,

If I find out you lied to me...

Norman: don't worry.

I'll keep my word.

( Gasping )

( Ray chuckles )

( Norman sighs )

( Gasps )

( Chuckles )

( Gasping )

( Ray groans )

( Door creaks )

( Clock ticking )

Isabella: what took so long?

Ray: just talking to norman.

Isabella: about what?

Not much has changed.

They're still training

By playing tag.

The problem is sister.

She's on the move yet again,

So be careful.

Isabella: oh.

Ray: it wasn't a smart move

To summon her here.

I mean, I know you only did it

To deter me.

I've helped you for six years,

And you still

Don't fully trust me.

I might cry.


It's merely a precaution,

But I hope you're aware

That had you kept those two

Away from the gate,

Then we wouldn't even be

In this situation.

Ray: I said sorry.

Isabella: I never thought

That someone like you

Was capable of failing

Such a simple task.

I wasn't really

Asking for much.

Ray: I already made up for that

By spying for you.

I ratted on my friends,

And I report

Every move sister krone makes,

So you better

Give me my reward.

Isabella: well, of course.

That is part of our deal.

( Children panting )

Norman: we're all going

To escape this place together!

That means ray, too!

( Gasping )

Ray: see? And this is why...

I tried to tell you.

Norman: emma!

( Gasps )



( Demon hissing )

( Norman screams )

Boy: time to get up, nor-man!

( Norman panting )

( Boy giggles )

( Girl giggles )

Norman: uh...

Good morning.

( Both laughing )

( Overlapping chatter )

( Boy giggles )

Emma: morning, norman!

Norman: oh, hey. Morning!

Ray: morning, norman.

- Norman: morning, ray.

- Mark: hi, emma!

Emma: so?

What happened with the rope?

Did you find out

Who the informant is?

Norman: actually...

Ray: oh. That?

- It's me.

- ( Norman gasps )

Ray: I'm the one

Who's been leaking info.

Emma: uh...

It was you?!


( Sighs )

Oh, uh,

Sorry 'bout that reaction,

But I don't really understand,

- So can you please...

- Norman: uh, right!

- Emma: help me?

- Norman: let me explain!

Emma: so, ray is mom's spy,

But he's not our enemy,

And the reason why he was

Helping mom this entire time

Was for our sake?

Norman: yeah.

Ray: the truth is

I was planning on telling you,

As soon as you came back

From the gate, in fact.

( Sighs ) but you left

Little bunny behind

And mentioned

Bringing everyone with,

So I had no choice

But to hold off.

Then mom found out,

Which meant

I had to work around all that

While also handling

Your reckless actions.

I figured it was best

To stay quiet

And keep things under control.

Emma: basically

You were covering up

The mistake

That norman and I made.

Are you still

Against escaping with everyone?

'Cause we could use your help.

Ray: I had a change of heart,

So I will help you escape

With everyone.

( Emma gasps )

That's unlike you.

( Ray gasps )

Norman: do you think he's lying?

Emma: mm-mmm. I'm glad!

Having ray there

To help everyone escape

Is gonna be great!

And now we have

All kinds of info to use

So we can trick mom

From the inside!

We're at an advantage!

Although, that means...

You knew for a long time,

Didn't you?

( Norman sighs )

Emma: I bet it was tough,

Knowing and

Sending them all off,

So many of our siblings.

Hey, about the tracking devices,

They were tested

On our siblings, weren't they?

( Ray and norman gasp )

Emma: so, then, tell me.

What happened to all those kids?

You didn't make them

Get shipped out early, did you?

I sincerely hope you didn't

Sacrifice someone for us.

( Ray sighs )

Emma: actually,

I should thank you.

Because of that,

All of us can run away.


You have to promise me

That you'll never do that again.

( Scraping )

You're not alone.

You've got us now, so...

( Ray sighs )

All right, fine.

I give you my word.

Let's all escape

From here together.

Gilda: the three of them

Are talking privately

In the forest again.

( Don growls )

How long are we

Just gonna stand around

And plan?!

We gotta save conny

As soon as possible.

Gilda: what if

Something's preventing us?

Don: what do you mean?

Gilda: I don't really know.

- Phil: ready, set, go!

- Gilda: something tells me

This isn't dangerous

Just because of bad people.

It's more than that, much more.

Ray: she was pretty mad,

I guess.

Norman: by the way,

I wanted to ask you something.

Ray: yeah? What's up?

Norman: you said before

That you did this

So emma and I wouldn't die.

You're not planning to...

Emma: oh, yeah!

There was something

I had to report.

Boys: hmm?

Emma: gilda and I decided

To observe mom again,

And we noticed

Something strange.

She disappears

Right before : every night.

Norman: she does?

Emma: yeah. There are

No traces of her anywhere...

Meaning there's a secret room

In this house.

Don: whoa. Really?

Emma: yeah, located here.

It's right next

To mom's bedroom.

Mom's room is connected to both

The bathroom and washroom,

And then, past that,

Behind the wall,

Is where her office is,

But from what I've gathered,

This probably isn't a wall.

Gilda: mm. As for me,

What I noticed

Was that she disappears

Into either the office

Or the washroom.

Emma: that said,

I measured the distance

Of the inside of the room,

Along with the hallway

Outside of it.

Norman: oh!

That's what you were doing.

- Don: huh?

- Emma: yeah.

Don: okay. And?

Emma: they didn't match.

There's about ten steps

Worth of space here.

One side's a wall,

The other has bookshelves,

But I'm guessing there are

Hidden doors on both sides.

Gilda: and beyond those doors

Is mom's secret room.

Don: why does

Something like that even exist?

Emma: it's probably for--

Ray: standard check-ins.

I bet that's where she goes

To check in

With the headquarters every day.

- Makes the most sense.

- ( Girls gasp )

Don: headquarters?

Norman: the base

That supplies babies

And sisters like krone

To this house.

( Don gasps )

Emma: I'm curious, ray.

Did you know about the room?

Ray: no, but I

Had a feeling it existed.

Don: let's try to get in!

'Cause what if

There's a way to, like,

Talk to the outside in there?

Or some clues

About conny and the others?

Gilda: but don't you think

It'll be hard to get in?

Don: who cares?

We still have to try!

Ray: hold it.

There's no advantage

In doing that.

I've got a strong feeling

That the transmission device

Only connects with hq.

As for where our siblings were

Sent to, mom wouldn't know,

So I don't think

We'd find any clues.

And don't forget the trackers

Could show her we're snooping.

That is if the security

In the room doesn't first.

- It's too risky.

- Don: yeah, but--

Ray: I'm trying to tell you

That the risks

Greatly outweigh the benefits.

( Don gasps )

Norman: I agree,

And we still

Have to worry about krone,

So it's not really wise

To make foolish moves.

Ray: exactly.

I've still got mom

Under control,

But we're done for

If krone finds out.

Keep that in mind.

( Don sighs )

( Gilda sighs )

Ray: don, do me a favor,

And go make dinner, please.

If one of us doesn't go, then--

Don: yeah, I know!

Gilda: huh?

Don, but that's...

( Don sighs )

Gilda: are you really going in?

Don: I can't just stay calm

Like the rest of them.

( Gilda sighs )

Don: and I wanna know mom.

I mean the real mom.

( Gilda grunts )

( Both grunt )

( Clock ticking )

Don: there's a hidden door

Behind this thing.

( Grunting )

( Gilda gasps )

Don: why won't it budge?

( Grunting )

( Wood creaking, groaning )

( Grunting )

- ( Growls )

- ( Gilda gasps )

Don: is it really even here?!

Damn! We have to hurry up

And find some clues

That'll help us rescue conny!

Gilda: maybe...

( Don gasps ) huh?

Gilda: take a closer look

At the shape.

Don: ah.


Come on.

Oh, man. It's locked.

- ( Doorknob turns )

- ( Both gasp )

( Door creaking )

( Both gasp )

( Singing in japanese )