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01x03 - 181045

Posted: 05/10/23 04:21
by bunniefuu
( Singing in japanese )

♪ Fire ♪

( Singing in japanese )

Isabella: I've set aside

This room for you.

Krone: thank you. It's perfect.

Ray: that's sure

Gonna be inconvenient.

Emma: she's between

The three childrens's rooms.

Norman: it'll be easier

For her to watch us.

( Children laugh )

( Overlapping chatter )

( Child grunts )

Norman: I was so focused

On the trackers

That another adult

Never crossed my mind.

Ray: we should

Be happy about this.

Emma: huh? What do you mean?

Ray: with carol

And sister krone here,

We have

Two new sources of info.

Norman: you're right.

Ray: first off,

Where did they both come from?

Norman: I suppose carol's here

To replace conny.

They must

Replenishing merchandise.

Ray: yeah,

If this place is a farm,

They must have a base where they

Prepare all the one-year-olds

To resupply the house.

Emma: so then,

Do you think we all came

From that place at some point?

Ray: probably. And I bet

Sister krone did, too.

Norman: it's significant that

There are adults other than mom.

It means there might be

Other farms similar to this one.

Are the adults who work for

The demons under their control

From the time they're born

Or after they're captured?

Knowing could change

How we survive after escaping.

Ray: but, first,

We need to find out

How to escape with everyone,

Plus find

The tracking devices.

Emma: I've searched

All over my body,

But there are no scars

To show something was implanted.


Nothing in our clothes either.

Ray: just based on mankind's

Existing technology,

They probably use radio waves

And need batteries.

Something battery powered,

That's small,

Doesn't leave a scar,

And lasts over years,

That kind of technology

Wouldn't exist in .

Emma: meaning?

Ray: it's going to be difficult

To find the location and

Then figure out how to break it.

And if it's demon technology,

We may as well give up.

Norman: you're right.

Emma: huh? That's it?

Ray: pretty much.

Emma: that's awful!

Norman: well...

If we can't solve it,

We can guess.

Ray: right.

Let's think like them.

It might help.

What would be the most

Convenient place to put it in?

Emma: mm...

( Clock ticking )

- ( Norman gasps ) carol.

- Emma: huh?

Ray: she might still have

A mark, since she just arrived.

( Emma gasps )

From where they put the device.

( Phil panting )

Krone: I'd like

To thank you personally

For giving me the opportunity

To come back to this side.


I simply made a request

To have an assistant provided.

It's not like

I called for you specifically.

Krone: I've heard a number

Of good things about you,

Like how you're the youngest

Ever to be selected

As a mom and caretaker

And producing

The highest-grade merchandise

Among any

Of the plantations ever.

For me to get to work

Under someone I admire,

I am truly honored.

Isabella: I have

No need for lip service,

And I have no time

For small talk.

Now, then, let's get to work.

These files cover

Each of my precious children.

Memorize all of them right now.

It should be easier

Than getting perfect scores

On your daily test.

( Krone chuckles )

Out of curiosity,

Why did you decide

To call for an assistant?


They discovered the secret.

( Krone gasps )

Isabella: and they

Saw the truck as well.

Krone: well,

According to the rules,

We must find them

And ship them out now!


Now hold it right there.

It's all right.

I already have a good idea

Of who the targets are.

Krone: you do?

Isabella: likely,

Two of the older children.

We just have to ensure they

Don't escape before shipment.

"Special" doesn't even

Begin to describe my children,

And this is all beneficial

For the plant.

Krone: so you're

Not reporting it?

Isabella: not yet.

I have procedures in place

To deal with this,

And you are my guard.

Don't think.

Just watch the children.

I am the mom of this house,

And you are nothing more

Than an assistant.

Do you understand, sister krone?

Krone: of course, miss isabella.

( Chuckles )

So that's how it is!

It's so surprising.

To think that

The amazing isabella

Would make such a huge mistake.

And she's

Not reporting any of it,

Instead trying

To cover up her failure.

If I help her,

She'll owe me big time,

And I'll be rewarded

For my hard work

With a mom position

To call my own!

Oh, my. What's wrong, sweetie?

Why are you crying so much,

My precious one?

Come on now. Don't cry.

You'd be happy,

Too, wouldn't you,

If I was promoted to a mom?

If that happens,

I'll be much busier,

But you'll always be here to

Support me, won't you, my dear?

Just try not to get jealous

And act selfishly

Because I'm paying attention

To the other children.

Wait a minute.

You really think so?

This could be

My chance to move up?

Then I can

Finally become a mom!

And I won't have to wait,

Because my time is now!

If I were able to capture

The children

Who know the secret

And report her violation

To the higher-ups,

Then isabella will be fired!

I think it's best

To pretend to obey her,

And then,

When she least expects it,

- Take her position away!

- ( Thumps )

♪ I'll capture the targets ♪

♪ Snitch on her ♪

♪ Then immediately ship

The kids out for processing ♪

( Squeals )

That's it!

I'm going to be

The mom of this house.

I need to find those brats fast.

( Insects chirping )

( Overlapping chatter )

Norman: the kids all adore her.

- Girl: hey, me next!

- Ray: yeah.

How do we make

Someone out to be the bad guy

When everyone loves them?

- Norman: exactly.

- ( Dishes clatter )

I'm more worried

About the demons being notified.

As soon as they know

We've escaped,

They're gonna come after us.

Ray: there's only one way

We can prevent that.

The grown-ups will have to be...

- ( Child laughs )

- Child : don't move.

( Chatter quiets )

( Norman gasps )

Krone: you're norman,

And you're ray, correct?

Ray: yeah.

Krone: I heard

You get perfect test scores.

- Norman: yes.

- Krone: that's amazing.

Nice to meet you.

I know we'll get along.

( Chuckles )

Norman: uh...

( Krone chuckles )

Ray: did she hear us?

Norman: no. We're okay.

That woman...

I don't think she came here

Simply to watch children.

Ray: what are you saying?

Norman: the way

She looked at us,

She suspects us,

Since we're the oldest.

Ray: wait a sec.

How'd she find that out?

Norman: isn't it obvious?

Mom told her.

- ( Ray grunts )

- Norman: mom is on our trail,

And she's closing in on us.

- ( Carol cooing )

- Norman: let's hurry.

( Clock ticking )

( Carol laughing )

( Girl grunts )

( Carol giggles )

Emma: shift perspective.

Try to think like them.

Demons won't eat

The tracking device,

Which means...

It's somewhere easy to remove.

Girl: emma, i, uh...

Emma: but where?

Girl: wanted

To ask you something.

The other night...

( Carol coos )

Girl: what's that?

Is it a bug bite?

Emma: no, it's--it's a mark

From when they

Took our blood for testing.

At least, that's what mom said.

- ( Carol coos )

- ( Emma gasps )

Naila had it when she came!

So did mark, phil, and conny!

On everybody's ear.

Girl: mine, too?

Emma: no, it's already gone.

Girl: that makes sense,

Though, right?

I'm , and you're ,

So it's been years now.

Emma: yeah. It was way smaller

Than I expected it to be.

Girl: what was?

Emma: huh?

Oh! I was talking

About the scar

And how tiny it was.

It disappeared already!

Girl: yeah.

( Carol fussing )

( Cooing )

I've gotta protect them,

Every last one.

Isabella: regular check-in.

Regular check-in.

This is at plant three.

October th, situation normal.

Ending transmission.

Woman: isabella?

Isabella: grandma?

Grandma: I have a message

For you from the boss.

"Those three

Can still be shipped out

As scheduled, correct?"

( Isabella sighs )

Grandma: listen, isabella.

The other plants

Had a disappointing harvest

This year,

And only your plant can deliver

The highest quality goods

That are going to be offered

During tifari.

Isabella: yes, I understood that

From the start.

Please tell the boss,

"Everything is going fine.

You may have any child

Whenever you wish."

Demon: I see.

So they can be shipped?

The one will most certainly

Be pleased by this news.

Don't fail us.

Only the most special meal

Can be presented to the one,

Unlike our fare.

Now let us celebrate

The coming harvest

And offer prayers to the one.

- ( Emma panting )

- ( Overlapping chatter )

( Girl sighs )

( Emma grunts )


( Child giggles )

Ray: yeah, they're in a place

No one would notice.

Norman: I never knew

About a mark

From when they took our blood,

And it disappears that quickly?

Emma: yeah. I knew,

But I never even considered

That would be it.


Norman: oh, no.

You did great, emma.

We now know the location

And the size of the device.

On to the next step.

Emma: the next step is...

All: how to break it.

Norman: let's see.

If we tried to make

An incision...

Emma: mom might lift our hair

And see it.

Norman: she'd catch on.

Ray: you're right.

Well, whether or not

We can break the transmitters,

The tracking devices

Implanted in us

Aren't that useful

In the grand scheme of things.

Emma: what?

How do you figure that?

Ray: the signal's so crude,

It can't specify an individual.

Without checking,

She can't tell where we are.

Even if we get close

To the gate or walls,

It doesn't notify her.

Emma: but we still have them.

Ray: yes, but why?

They must be confident

They can come after us

As long as

The tracking device is intact.

Norman: hold on.

So that means if it

Were to send a notification,

It'd only be

After it's been destroyed?

Ray: that's

A definite possibility.

Emma: what do you guys mean?

Ray: weren't you listening?

An alarm probably goes off

Once the trackers are broken.

Emma: so mom

Would find out instantly?

Ray: if a notification function

Really exists.

Norman: but knowing

That mom purposefully

Clued us in

On the existence of the devices,

We can't ignore the risk.

Ray: it's dangerous

To even touch it.

Norman: so we can only

Destroy it when we escape.

Emma: what?

But how do we deal with it?

We have to know!

Ray: actually,

I've been thinking.

The shape and size of it

Brings something else to mind.

Leave it to me.

I'll figure out a work-around.

Norman: you sure?

Ray: uh-huh.

Emma: if you say so.

It's all yours.

Norman: now the issue of taking

The other children with us.

The problem is

They all completely trust mom,

And they probably

Won't be able to handle

The truth of our situation.

Emma: if we want

To take them, too,

We're gonna have to lie to them?

Ray: there's another issue,

Insufficient abilities.

To put it bluntly,

They're a hindrance.

Emma: ray!

Ray: you know it's the truth.

Some of them aren't good

At physical activity,

Not to mention the babies

Who can hardly walk.

Emma: I actually have an idea

For how to deal with that.

Norman: which is?

Emma: by playing tag.

Boys: huh?

Emma: norman is it,

And everybody else runs.

Norman: we pretend it's play

When we're actually training.

Norman: then mom won't find out!

Emma: I'll teach them how to

Push their bodies to the limit.

As for sharpening their minds...

Boys: leave it to us.

( Children yell )

Ray: don't rush.

- Boy: eh?

- Ray: concentrate.

- What can you do to escape?

- Boy: hmm.

Ray: norman isn't going

To overlook any details.

Boy: huh.

( Grunting )

Ray: check the wind.

Which way is easier to run?

Don: let's see now.

That's downwind.

Emma: shh!

( Children stammering )

Boy : this is awesome.

I can last way longer

Than I did before!

Maybe I can even beat norman.

( Shrieks )

And I thought I was doing

So good this time, too!

Ray: you can't just focus

On your own footprints.

You gotta check out

Norman's too.

- Boy : really?

- Ray: that's right.

You also have to realize that

Norman is reading your habits.

As an example--hmm?

( Children laughing )

Krone: outside playing tag.

Looks like fun.

It's important that I get

To know all of you better,

So let me join in.

This match will have

A -minute time limit.

I'll be it this round.

Now then, run and hide!

( Boy laughs )

Krone: , , , and .

Now I get to see for myself

Exactly what isabella's crop

Of special children can do!

Let the game begin!

Ray: now, then,

How will the enemy move?

Norman: she'll probably

Come looking for us first.

Ray: and on the way,

She'll take out

The younger, slower ones.

Makes the most sense.

Krone: fake footprints?

That's strange.

How is it so quiet?

I'm gonna have to play

For real, then!

( Children murmuring )

Emma: she's not coming after us.

Ray: what's she planning?

- Girl: what's this?

- Boy: huh?

- ( Krone panting )

- ( Emma gasps )

Krone: guess I got you!

Emma: how'd she

Draw them all in?!

Norman: she left these

On the ground to lure them.

Ray: so she's got

A good head on her shoulders.

( Don gasps )

( Girls giggle )

( Clock ticking )

( Boy wails )

( Sighs )

( Krone giggles )

( Boy whimpers )

I can't believe it!

She's impossible to beat!


Don and gilda, too?

Don: she's crazy fast.

I couldn't get away.

Gilda: you're right.

She caught us in way less time

Than it usually takes norman.

Phil: hey, emma!

Emma: cover your mouths.

( Krone panting )

( Laughs )


Running while carrying two kids

Takes stamina.

You must be exhausted, emma.

( Emma breathing heavily )

Krone: you won't be able

To move unless you rest.

Know what I've learned?

Norman's failing point

Is his physical strength.

I heard he was feeble

When he was younger.

Ray's weakness

Is that he's always

A little too quick to give up.

He tends to make fast decisions,

But then abandons them

Just as quickly.

And you, emma,

Your weakness is your naiveté,

Like carrying others

When you're being chased,

Since they'd be

Helpless otherwise.

Give up, and come out, already!

I swear I won't do you wrong.

Listen, emma, why don't we

Level with each other?

If you saw the harvest

The other day,

Then you should know

I'm on your side.

I found you.

( Children stammer )

Boy : two more to go!

Don: how much time

Does she have?

Boy : eight minutes,


Krone: they are truly elite.

( Clock ticking )

( Krone gasps )

Ray: your time's up.

( Krone sighs )

( Children cheering )

Krone: norman, ray, emma.

( Emma laughs )

Krone: and...

( Chuckles )

Emma: krone hasn't

Done anything since then.

It seems strange.

Norman: she's probably

Just following mom's orders.

Mom used to suspect us at first,

But it doesn't

Seem like that now.

Emma: I wonder what happened?

Norman: thoughts, ray?

Ray: I'd like to hear

What you're thinking, norman.

Norman: I think mom

Did something behind the scenes

So that she wouldn't

Have to make a move herself.

- Emma: what do you mean?

- Norman: think like mom.

What's the easiest situation

You could hope for?

Emma: uh...

Norman: knowing

Your target's every move

Without ever

Having to do anything yourself.

Emma: but you said

There are no hidden cameras

Or listening devices.

( Gasping )

It couldn't be.

Norman: that's right. I think--

Ray: there's another person

Keeping an eye on us,

And it's someone among the kids.

Norman: so there's a traitor.

( Emma gasps )

- ( Bell ringing )

- ( Phil chuckling )

( Overlapping chatter )

( Phil laughs )

( Distorted chatter echoing ) line: %

♪ Line: %

( Singing in japanese )