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01x10 - I Know What You Did Last Mail-Off

Posted: 05/09/23 17:05
by bunniefuu
- * Once there was a captain *

* He was a serious dude *

* Well he crashed into a mountain *

* Man it lightened the mood *

* Speaking of lightening the mood *

* Speaking of thunderous joy *

* In comes Parker J, a raincloud *

* Looking for new employ *

* The beardful captain said, "Hey!" *

* The cheerful raincloud said, "Hi!" *

* They started working together *

* What a magical sight *

* The Middlemost Post, ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh *

* The Middlemost Post *

* Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh *

- Here fishy, fishy.

Psh, psh, psh.

Hey, man, you're not a fish.


- Ah.

Is this the perfect day or what, Russell?

[Russell tooting]

Just two best buds without a care in the whole world.

% completely chill.

- Hey ah, Parker, can you come down here please?

BRB, bub. Do you need anything while I'm up?

Cheese, sardines,

charcute, kombuch? Okay.

- Hmm. - What's up, big guy?

- Well, you got a letter kiddo. Strange though.

There's no postmark or return address.

Definitely not certified mail.

- Cool.

- Huh? That's it? What did it say?

"I know what you did last mail-off."

What does that mean?

- No idea.

- Well, we did have that mail-off against Mayor Peeve

and that PostBot back fella.

Maybe the letter's referring to that.

- Maybe.

- Yeah. But we b*at that PostBot

and his little drone buddy fair and square.

- Ha! Boy. Did we!

- Previously on "Middlemost Post"...

- It's called the PostBot .

People are saying it's the future of mail delivery.

The PostBot has a secret w*apon of its own.

- It looks just like me.

Hello, Drone Parker. Are you gonna give me a hug?

Stop it! Stop! No. No.


Oh my God! I destroyed Drone Parker.

May your light always burn bright, good buddy.

[both gasp]

- Great job you two. Any problems?

- No.

- Ah, Parker. You okay?

- Huh? Totally.

Yeah. I'm better than okay. I'm great. Bye!

- Huh. Kids!

- Previously on "Middlemost Post"...

- I know, Russell. Drone Parker is back!

You think it's mad at us? It's probably super mad, right?

What could he possibly want from us?


Zombie drone!

- [humming]

- Parker. Russell. You didn't see anything did ya?

- No. - Ha. Okay.


Tell me again why you two are wearing those silly get-ups?

- We're playing a game.

Right, Russell? It's called make-believe.

- And who are you supposed to be?

- You know, just a couple of cool cats

who would never zap anything and then hide the evidence.

No. What?

[Russell barking]

It found us, Russell!

- Would you be a dear and mail this please?

[both whimpering]

- Ah don't mind them. They're playing make-believe.

Parker, package please. Parker?

- Here you go, Angus.

- Out of Russell, Parker.

- What's up?

- I need you two to check with Mr. and Mrs. Short,

see if they have any outgoing mail.

- Me and Russell? Alone? Out there?

Without you? Totally exposed?

- Yes, Parker. I'll catch up after I deliver this package.

Now go on.

- Well, girl, at least we'll go down together. Right?

Zombie Drone Parker could be anywhere.

both: Ah! Ah!

[both screaming]

You think we're overreacting, Russell?

Me too. Maybe Zombie Drone Parker

mailed that letter to the wrong address.

I bet it wasn't even for us. We good.

We not good! We are not good!

Lily! I have to tell you something.

- Oh, I have to tell you something too, Parker.

- I haven't told my something to anyone

and you're my favorite someone to tell something to,

so here goes. Remember that mail-off we did?

Well, I did something--bad.

I-I-I-I can't say it, I'm too ashamed!


- [barking]

- Wow, you did all that to the drone.

- We did, and then we lied to Angus about it.

And now the drone is back. It's seeking revenge!

- Hmm. That might explain this.

I think that drone ate half my store.

That was the something I wanted to tell you, by the way.

- My toast! My beautiful toast!

- It's gone! Crumbs and all. Oh no!

- Not the Middlemost Toast too. I love the Middlemost Toast!

- Hey, you won't believe this,

but something ate Old Stinkhole.

The hole is nothing but a--well, it's still a hole.

It's just a different hole.

- Ah! Old Stinkhole's gone?

- Someone ate my meat cart.

Ooh, my sweet and soggy briskets.

both: Not the meat cart!

- Ryan is gone, people. Gone!

- Has anyone seen my beanie?

- [whimpering]

I can't take it anymore.

This is all my fault because of something I did.

The truth must come out.

- Angus, ya big doof! Ha!

It was in my back pocket the whole time.

- Still, I'm gonna confess everything!

Even though I'm happy you found your beanie, Angus.

- Parker, what are you talking about?

- You remember when we had that mail-off

against the PostBot and that drone?

- Oh, whatever happened to that drone anyway?

- I zapped it with lightning, dumped it into a lake,

zapped it again with more lightning

and it totally blew up! [sobbing]

Plot twist-- it didn't blow up.

It's alive!

And now I'm pretty sure it's getting revenge on me

by erasing all the things I love the most!

- It's okay, Parker. Don't cry.

- I found the drone inside Russell messing around

and I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry, Angus.

- Parker, that drone had no business being inside Russell.

You did nothing wrong. In fact, some might say

you're a hero for helping out a friend in need.

- Really? - Sure.

And if that drone is really trying to erase

all the things you love, then how am I still here, huh?

Assuming you love your old pal Angus.

- [sniffles] Of course I do.

- Well, there you go, see? There's nothing to worry about.

- Angus!


- It's gonna erase me! It's gonna erase me!

- That's it!

Listen up Zombie Drone Parker!

I might have accidentally zapped you the first time,

but this time I'm doing it on purpose!

Okay. So that doesn't work anymore. Aah!

- This way.

- Oh, what have I done, Lily?

Angus and Russell are gone and it's all my fault.

- They're not gone, Parker. They're just inside

that mean drone. We can get them back.

- We can? - Probably.

But we'll need help stopping that drone first.

And we both know the best person to stop it.

- Terry! - PostBot.

- Right. PostBot can help.

The drone will for sure listen to PostBot.

But how are we supposed to find him?

He could be anywhere.

- I know how.

- Mayor Peeve, you can find the PostBot ?

- Of course, Cloud. I did purchase him after all.

Total rip-off!

The remote that came with that giant metal oaf

will tell us exactly where he is.


- Awesome! Come on, Lily, let's go get PostBot.

- I'm coming too.

- Cool. The more help, the better.

Hey, you know, we should ask Ryan

if he wants to come.

What'd I say?

- Will the PostBot

help bring peace back to Mount Middlemost?

Will loved ones be reunited with their family and friends?

Will Parker J. Cloud

remember that Ryan was eaten by that drone?

All this in the exciting conclusion of...

[dramatic music]

* *

- [screaming and laughing]

- Quick! This way!

- I wonder why PostBot's way out here in Orangefield.

- Probably hiding his stupid metal face in shame

for losing the mail-off and making me look like an idiot.

Sorry. I miss Ryan.

We found him!

It says he's somewhere inside that ugly barn.

- Hello, Mr. PostBot, sir?

- What do you want?

- We're looking for the PostBot .

- Never heard of him.

- [ahem] This is the mayor!

Open up the door, you big dumb bucket-a bolts!

- Didn't you hear?

There's a mechanical bird out there eating people.

Now scram!

- That's the PostBot. He's inside!

You know what to do, Lily?

- Got it.

- [bleating] - What is happening?

- You three got wax in your ears?

I told ya, there's no PostBot here.

- Oh, is that so? Then what do you call that?

- That big fella there? That's DanceBot.

He's the best darn boogie woogier in all of Orangefield.

- Possibly the world.

- Wow!

So now you know why we need your help so bad, Mr. PostBot.

You're the only one Drone Parker will listen to.

I mean, it did come out of your Postbutt.

- I am no longer PostBot. PostBot was a jerk.

I am now DanceBot. And I am no longer a jerk.

- You can't just change who you are.

You're programmed to do one thing and one thing only.

Deliver mail!

- Tell that to my boogie woogie feet.

After losing the mail-off, I was abandoned by everyone.

I had no place to go.

No mail to deliver, no purpose in life.

That's when I found dance,

or I guess you can say dance found me.

But where there is dance, there will be DanceBot.

- Stupid. - Ah.

- That's beautiful.

- Got me right here, big guy.

- * Are you ready to dance? *

- This song is a real banger. DanceBot out.

* *

- Well, that was a complete and total waste of time.

What do we do now?

- Don't worry, Mayor. Lily's got great ideas.

- If we can't use the real

PostBot to convince the drone to stop eating the mountain,

we can make our own PostBot.

- Great idea, Lily.

Then we can get our friends back.

- Probably. I mean, how hard could it be?

- Uh, hard. Like really hard!

- We hear you, Mayor. Building PostBot.

[epic music]

* *

- Wow. It's a perfect PostBot.

- It sure is. - Are you two for real?

That looks nothing like PostBot.

- Well, but this one's dope.

- The whole point was to trick the drone

into thinking our PostBot was the real PostBot.

Which means they should look exactly the same!

- Oh, right. Parker, blow torch please.

- On it, Lily.

* *

- Hmm. I guess that's okay.

Definitely not made as well.

- Pffft!

- It's perfect.

So which one of you is gonna pilot this trashcan?

- One?

- There's surprisingly a lot of room in here.

- I was thinking the same thing, Parker.

- Speak for yourself. I can barely breathe in here.

- Oh no! Half the city's gone!

[all speaking at once]

- Has anybody seen my cat?

- Help! It's that way!

- It's coming.

- The drone must be that way. Sorry.

- There it is!

- Now which one of you is gonna pretend to be PostBot

and talk this stupid drone down?

- I think it's pretty obvious who should do PostBot's voice.

- Me! - Yeah.

- Oh, you too have terrible ideas!

Oh, so did Ryan.

- Hello, friend? What's up?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

It's me. Your robot pal, PostBot.

Drone, what do you think about not eating this mountain?

I know you're mad because someone tried

to destroy you multiple times.

But I think this someone probably didn't mean it,

and is really, really sorry.

Drone buddy.

Forget this whole revenge thing.

Let's go get a burger and chat.

How's that sound?

Of course fries.

Now, why don't you dock yourself into my Postbutt

and we'll go get that burger?

Mayor, open the panel on PostBot's butt.

- Open the what? Ah, no, thank you.

- Okay. But you're the only one that can reach it.

You're like literally the butt.

- I'll do it.

- Hey stop! Stop! Hey! Ah! I'm not the bot!

Stop touching me. Stop it! Ah!

- Hurry! Before Drone Parker figures out it's a trap.

- Owie! - Maybe it didn't notice.

- It noticed.



- I'm okay, Parker.

- Parker!

- Lily!

- Ah!

- Burt? No! Go ahead!

Eat me too. You might as well now.

You have everyone I love.

At least I'll get to be with them!

Wait! I know that song.

- But where there is dance, there will be DanceBot.

* *

- What are you doing, Cloud? - Remember?

DanceBot said,

"Where there is dance, there will be DanceBot."

Maybe dancing will get PostBot to help us.

- Let it go, Cloud. That bucket of bolts said no.

- What do we have to lose? Come on, Mayor. Join me.

- Oh, no. Me? Dancing? Okay. Maybe just a little.

* *

- It's not working. I don't see DanceBot anywhere.

- We need more dancing!

If you can hear me, join me and dance!

Keep dancing everyone.

* *

I'm sorry, Angus.

It worked. I knew it!

- So did I. So did I.

- I heard the music and followed it.

Because where there is music, there is dance.

And where there is dance--

- There will be DanceBot!

[dance music]

* *

- Hello good friend. May I have this dance?

We don't have to be jerks any longer.

- We did it! - We did!

- [giggling]

* *

- Here fishy, fishy, fishy.

- Angus! Russell! Lily!

- We tell no one what we did here, Cloud. No one.

- You got it, Mayor.

- Ryan! - Sir?

- Where have you been?

- Guys, Mayor Peeve and I

just danced and saved the entire mountain.

- No!

- There was all this wind and I was like,

"Guys, we gotta dance." And then everyone

came and danced, and we saved the day!

[chatter continues]