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01x03 - POSTBOT 3000/Boom Goes the Cloud

Posted: 05/09/23 16:59
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Once there was a captain ♪

♪ He was a serious dude ♪

♪ Well, he crashed into a mountain ♪

♪ But man, it lightened the mood ♪

♪ Speaking of lightening the mood ♪

♪ Speaking of thunderous joy ♪

♪ In comes Parker J, a rain cloud ♪

♪ Looking for new employ ♪

♪ The beautiful captain said, "Hey!" ♪

♪ The cheerful rain cloud said, "Hi!" ♪

♪ They started working together ♪

♪ What a magical sight ♪

♪ The Middlemost Post ♪

♪ Aah ♪

♪ The Middlemost Post ♪

♪ Aah ♪

[energetic techno music]

♪ ♪

- Well, if it isn't my favorite postman,

Angus R. Shackleton III.

- Mayor, we have a package for you.

[beeping - Make way.

Huge package coming through.

- Curious as to what's in the box, Angus?

- Nope.

- Bye!

- Ugh, the Middlemost Post has robbed us

from the sun for far too long, Ryan.

And I'm tired of freezing my tuchus off

in a day-long shadow of misery.

Mark my words.

This will be the last delivery

Angus R. Shackleton III will ever make.


- [deep robotic laugh]

- So you're telling me it's just bread,

but cooked a little?

- That's what I'm telling you.

- No way.

[heavy thumping]

crowd: Ooh!

Aah! - I want to ooh and aah!

I wonder what everyone's looking at.

crowd: Ooh! - [gasps]

crowd: Aah!



- What is that?

- Well, it's the package you delivered

just this morning.

It's called the PostBot .

People are saying it's the future of mail delivery.

- Ooh. Aah.

- Eh, you seen one robot uprising,

you seen 'em all.

Come on, you two. Let's skedaddle.

- What can it do?

- A good question, cloud.

If only we had some mail to test it out.

- Ooh, idea! Idea!

Hello. What about this box of envelopes?

Would that possibly work?

- I think it will, random citizen.


[exciting music]

crowd: Ooh.


- That was extraordinary!

- I've done some sweet backflips in my day.

I don't feel the need to brag about it, though.

- Ah, c'mon, show 'em, Angus.

Angus! Angus!

crowd: Angus! Angus!

- Fine. Back up.

Give me some room here.


Russell, mail, please.

[upbeat music]


[crowd gasps]

- You dropped these.

- I am thinking that the PostBot

should deliver our mail

and not Angus.

- You bring up a valid point, random citizen.

The fine people of Mount Middlemost

deserve the best when it comes to their postal service.

- That bot's nothing but a showboater.

I can out-deliver it any day of the week.

- Sounds to me like we need a...


Split a day's mail in half,

and whoever finishes first wins.

- Fine.

- And gets to run the Middlemost Post.

- [gasps]


[suspenseful music]

- The rules are simple.

There are no rules.

[dramatic musical flourish]

Just kidding. There's a rule.

First to deliver the mail wins.

- All right, now stay loose, big guy.

You got this. - [gurgles]

- Nervous, Angus?

- Nerves are for the weak.

Besides, I have a secret w*apon.

- A laser sword? [thunderclap]

- You, Parker.

You're my secret w*apon.

There's no one in the world that can do

what my little floating friend can do.

- Aww!

[mechanical whirring]

- Whatever is PostBot doing?

The PostBot has a secret w*apon of his own!

crowd: Ooh!


- It looks just like me.

Hello, Drone Parker.

- [whines] - Don't worry, girl.

They may have a drone,

but nothing can replace or out-haul you.

- [gulps]

- Still not impressed.

- Everyone, take your marks.

The mail-off for the fate of the Middlemost Post

is about to begin.


[air horn blares] - Go!

[energetic electronic music]

♪ ♪

- [belching]

- See? That glorified mail sorter

has nothing on the Middlemost Post.

- Angus is faster than we thought, sir.

- Not for long, Ryan. Not for long.

What's the use of a drone if you don't use it to spy?

Or cheat! [beeps]

♪ ♪

[music speeds up]

♪ ♪

[all breathing heavily]

- It's okay, Angus. No big deal.

- Well, we'll lose our jobs and our home

if we lose this mail-off,

so it is kind of a big deal.

We need to split up.

- Split up?!

Is it something I said? Something I did?

Who's gonna get Russell?

- No, Parker, not that split up!

I mean split up the deliveries.

I'll finish Red Ridge

and you and Russell head to Purpleton.

We'll cover more ground that way.

- [barking happily] - Hear that, Russell?

I get to keep you.

Come on, girl!

[beeping and whirring]

- [whistles] [belches]

[gulps] [whirring]


[relaxed music]

♪ ♪

- Hold it there, feller.

Just what do you think you're doing?

- Delivering mail

like a total boss.

- Is that right?


I can go toe-to-toe with this guy.

What do you say, tough stuff?

You wanna dance?


- Grr!

- Grr! - Grr!

[funky music]

♪ ♪

- PostBot appears to be stuck.

Unstick it, Ryan!

I want that ship!

- Unsticking, sir.

- Come on, Russell.

Only a few more.

Uh, Russell?

You okay, girl?

[beeping and whirring]

Don't worry, Russell. I'll find out what's wrong.


Somebody in here?

[thunderclap] [tools clanking]

Oh, hi, Drone Parker.

Are you in here to help Russell with her tum-tum problems too?

Are you gonna give me a hug?

[laughing] Stop it!

No, really! Really! [thunderclap]


Oh. My. Cloud!

I destroyed Drone Parker.



- [belches] - [sobbing]

Oh, hey, Russell.

- PostBot dance.

PostBot boogie.

Dance. Dance.

- Ryan, it's time to put on your big boy pants.

The mayor is counting on you.

- I'm sorry I zapped you, Drone Parker.

You seemed like a really nice drone.

I bet we would have been real good friends.

May your light always burn bright, good buddy.

[guitar riff]


[dramatic music]

- Just one more switch.

That should do it.

[beeping and humming]

I did it. [laughs]

All booted up.

- You're all booted up. Boot.

- [screaming]

[faint crash]

Why, PostBot? Why?

- We got our share of the mail out, Angus.

Every last piece.

- Great job, you two.

Any problems?

- No.

- Then what do you say we win this thing?

That tin can can't be too far ahead.

- Help! Please!

Over here.

I'm stuck in the stinkhole.

It's real dark down here.

And it smells.

- We have to help that poor person.

- Hello? - Parker, if we stop, we lose.

- [crying]

All alone?

In the dark?

And it's smelly.

And they can't get out.

[sobbing] Oh, no!

- Someone's coming.

[cheers and applause]


[crowd gasps] - Yes!

That stupid ship is mine

and I can do whatever I want with it,

and I want to blow it to smithereens.

[mimics expl*si*n]

I mean, good for the PostBot.

And good for Mount Middlemost, right?

I mean, we're all winners here today, right?

Except for Angus.

He's a loser.

- PostBot rules.

Nailed it.

- Hold on a minute.

I see Angus.

And he's holding something.

No, he's holding someone.

- Who cares?

- It's Ryan.

- Ryan?

[dreamy music]

♪ ♪

- Ryan, what are you doing?

- Angus saved his life. Didn't you, Angus?

- It was no big deal.

- PostBot over here kicked him into old stinkhole.

[crowd gasps]

- Now, cloud, I seriously doubt

something as advanced as PostBot would--

- I totally kicked him.

[crowd gasps]

- Angus is my hero.

[cheers and applause]

- All right, all right, enough.

- Do you people want a true hero

to deliver your mail,

or do you want a robot

that's kind of a jerk?

- Your mom is a jerk. [crowd gasps]

- I say we stick with Angus and not the jerk bot.

- [mumbles in agreement] - I like Angus.

- Okay then, yeah, we'll just stick with Angus.

- We won, Angus! We won!

- Well, technically...

- Eh, don't overthink it, big guy.

- Wait. What is happening?

A bet is a bet.

PostBot is the winner!

- Well, the people have spoken, sir.

- I don't care about the people, Ryan.

What are we supposed to do with this hunk of junk now?

- [grunts] [whimpers]

[melancholic music]

♪ ♪

- Grr.

- Grr!

- Grr...

- Grr!

[funky music]

[relaxed music]

♪ ♪

- [giggling]

- [gargles]

Thanks, Parker. [yawns]

Last one to hit the sack is a rotten--hmm?

- You're an egg, Angus.

- I don't know why I keep doing that.

Solid day of work, you two.

- Don't forget fun!

- Of course. And fun.

Good night, Parker.

- Psst!

Hey, Angus?

Do you think tomorrow is gonna be

as great as it was today?

- Well, I don't see why not.

Now get some sleep, Parker.

- Good night, Angus.

Good night, Russell.


- [with a French accent] Huh-huh!

Now to add the finishing touch

to my masterpiece.


- [cackles]

Your colors are looking a little washed out.

- [screaming]

Sacré bleu!


- [whimpers]

- [screams]

- [whimpers]


- [high-pitched scream]

What? Who's there?

- It's only me.

- [whining]

- [whimpers]

- [gasps] Parker?

- I had a bad dream and I think I...

I...night thundered.

- Night thundered?

Uh, okay.

It's not a big deal.

I mean, it happens.

- It does?

- Sure.

Probably was a one-time thing.

- [worried groan]

- Don't worry about it.

- You think anyone else on the mountain heard?

- Parker, buddy, I'm sure you didn't disturb

a single soul.

[moans and groans]

- Angus, I think they did hear.

- Nonsense.

We've been delivering mail all morning

and not a single person has brought it up.

- I didn't get any sleep because of you, cloud.

- [shrieks]

- Well, how are you so sure it was my best buddy here?

- Hey, man, my house was struck by lightning.

- [gasps] [whimpers]

- Don't worry about that guy, Parker.


Parker, are you hiding inside Russell again?

- No.

- I got an idea.

What do you say we visit Ms. Pam

and get us some delicious toast?

- Yes, please!

[bell dinging]

Wonder where Ms. Pam is.

- [laughs] [bell dinging]

- Okay, okay, I'm here.

- You're not tired because of me,

are you, Ms. Pam?

- [laughs nervously] Oh, no.

What can I get you, sweetie?

- Whatever the little nimbus wants.

- Anything I want?

I'll have what I had yesterday.

- The Frooty Tooty Toasty Cutie?

Very popular.

- Extra Tooty, please.

[trumpet blares] Toot, toot!

- You know what?

Make it a full loaf.

- A full loaf?


[peaceful music]

♪ ♪

[thunder rumbles]

Oh, no. I almost boomed again!

What am I gonna do? I gotta stay awake.

Can't fall asleep 'cause if I do,

I'm gonna night thunder again.

Need toast for energy.

Don't judge me, Burt.

I'm really stressed out.

Staying up all night oughta be...


[burbled screaming]

[screams] [crashes]


I'm awake. [sighs]

I'm awake.

I'm awake!

[bubble wrap popping]


I'm awake. Ah! My face!

[crashing and grunting]

Wide awake! [crashing and grunting]

I'm awake. I'm awake. Wide awake.

[bubble wrap squeaking] Not gonna fall asleep.

Not gonna fall asleep.

[dreamy harp plays]

- And with the power vested in me, man,

I now pronounce you husband and--


- Is it too late to RSVP?

[thunderclap] [cackles]

[all screaming]

No. No. No more hail. No.

[all screaming] - This is all your fault, Doug.

- You ruined my one chance at love, cloud!

[grunts] - Doug!

- [groans]

- I'm sorry, Doug!

[lightning humming]

- [whimpers] [thunderclap]

[birds singing]

- Nails, please.

- Oof.

- Don't beat yourself up, Parker.

We can fix this.

- You really think we can fix my night booms?

- Oh, eh... [laughs]

I meant the giant hole in the ship.

- [sniffling]

- And your night booms.


- I just wanna help people.

Not hurt people.

Everyone must hate me.

- Hate you? Have you not met yourself?

Look in this mirror.

Go on, look.

How can anyone hate such a nice, sweet cloud?

[thunderclap] - [cackles]


Trust me, they can hate me.

Besides, fixing my night booms is gonna be impossible.

- Hmm. Huh. Hmm.

You know, has anyone seen Parker J. Cloud around?

Because all I see is Parker "Can't" Cloud.

We'll straighten this out, kiddo.

I've never let you down before, have I?


- Exactly.

And I'm not about to start now.

I got this. [triumphant fanfare]

I don't got this!

The kid feels horrible and I don't know what to do.

- Have you tried Thunderwear?

- [stammers] Thunderwear?

- I only have one pair,

and lucky for you, it's in size cloud.

- Ya think it'll help Parker from zipping and zapping

and ripping and rumbling while sleeping?

- Well, it is made with the most advanced

boom suppression technology in the world.

I've been working on it throughout my sleepless nights.

- Wait till Parker gets a load of this!

Hmm... - Industrial-strength earplugs.

They've been a hot seller lately.

- Well, don't keep us in suspense any longer.

How's it fit?

- Perfect, and it feels just, ugh, great to move in.

Hiyah! Oof.

- [chuckles]

Well, I sure hope it works.

- [grumbles]

- [stammers] But if not, don't worry.

It's not a problem.

[cool music]

- What's good? Like the new undies?

It's called Thunderwear,

and it's a Parker J. Cloud exclusive.

It even has a secret pocket sewn inside.

That's where I put my new favorite toast,

the Frooty Tooty Toasty Cutie.



My Thunderwear!



[intense music]

[maniacal laughter]

♪ ♪


Come get some!

[grunts] No. No!

All this destruction has made me hungry!


[both scream]



Ha. It worked.

[whistling] Oh, it didn't work!

[whistling and rumbling]

[sustained booming]

- Hmm...ah, looking good. Looking good, Terry.

[sustained booming]


- Uh, Angus?

You didn't hear that? - [snoring]

- Russell? - [snoring]

- [gasps] Earplugs?

"Hello, sleep. Goodbye, booms"?


You said I wasn't a problem.

Don't worry.

You won't have to deal with my booms

or me anymore.

[somber music]

- Parker?


- Don't come any closer, Angus!

I'm a horrible rain cloud

who does horrible, horrible things!

[wind whistling]

- [gasps] - No, Parker.

You're not a horrible cloud.

- In my dreams, I am!

I destroyed fine works of art!

I ruined Doug's wedding!

I even ate you and Russell!



- Kiddo, just because that happens in your dreams

doesn't make it real.

- My night booms are real.

I was born a rain cloud after all.

- Yes, you are a rain cloud.

But you're also a happy cloud, a friendly cloud,

but most importantly, you're a good cloud.

- [sighs] Thanks, Angus.

But I still don't know what to do

about my night booms.


[thunder rumbles]

- Hmm... [bell dings]

- Oh, yeah.

Lots of complaints

about the Frooty Tooty Toasty Cutie

causing all sorts of booms.

And by booms, I mean...


- [giggles]

- But it sounds like some of us were affected

a little bit more than others.

Sorry, PJC.

Here's a coupon for one free loaf of toast.

- [gasps]

One loaf of your Frooty Tooty Toasty Cutie, please.

- Parker, it's Pam's new toast

that's been giving you the night booms.

- It was?

- Well, I guess there's only one way to find out.

- [snoring]

- So far, so good, Russell.

No Frooty Tooty Toasty Cutie, no night booms.

We're in the clear!

- [whimpering] [thunder rumbles]

- Parker!

- [whimpers]



I had the best dream!

- Well, it sure beats the booms.