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02x22 - A Look Back in Anecdotes

Posted: 05/09/23 10:58
by bunniefuu
[up-tempo music]

♪ Look back down in a crowded hall ♪

♪ You see there's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection? ♪

♪ One always calls out to you ♪

♪ The other's shy and quiet ♪

♪ Could there be two different girls ♪

♪ Who look the same at ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

[up-tempo music]

[Tatyana] Hey, the yearbooks are in.

Where's class poll?

Found it.

Say Chello to SVH's BMOC,

Big Man On Campus.

Read the fine print, D-U-M-M-Y,

it's Big Mouth On Campus.

Hey, I got Most Sophisticated.

Bionic Spender.

[exhaling] Flirtaholic.

"Talks the most, says the least."

"Nicest smile.

Most Likely To Move Back in With His Parents"?

My mom does cook a mean pot roast.



Most Responsible?

Hey, that's great, Liz.

No, it's not.

It's awful.

Being voted Most Responsible is like

being voted Most Boring or Biggest Yawn.

It's a fact of nature.

Some people are responsible and some people are...



Is it fish stick day already?

Gotta run.

-Enid. -Hey, Enid.

-Hi, Enid. -Hey.

Hey, you guys, do you think I'm really responsible?


-Stable? -Yeah.

[Winston] Yeah.


Look, someone's gotta run the newspaper

and organize all the pep rallies.

And plan the prom.

Well, the only reason I do all those things

is because none of you will.

Well, we would do those things, too,

but you're so good at them already.

Well, from now on, you guys are on your own.

No more Liz to take care of all the details.

And that includes the prom.

No problem, we'll plan the prom ourselves.

Yeah, how hard could it be?

Good, that will give me more time

to be spontaneous and free-spirited.


[sighing] Two minutes late

for the student council meeting.

[scoffing] Which is no big deal.

Eight ball in the side pocket.

-Hey? -What?

You cheater.

[Jessica] What are you talking about?

Give me that.


I must be playing this game wrong.

Got it.

If you weren't so cute, you'd never see that ball again.

Oh yeah?


[throat clearing]

Hey, did you hear about that sponsor in Australia yet?

What sponsorship?

Oh, it's nothing.

There were some people interested

in taking me to Australia for

a motocross exhibition tour.

But I don't have a shot.

Of course you do, man.

Nah, maybe if I'd won the race,

but now there's got to be guys

they'd pick before me.

I don't know, you're still one of the best on the circuit.

I don't want you to move halfway around the world.

I wouldn't know what I would do without you.

Jessica, it's a great opportunity.

It could start his pro career.


Look, since I haven't heard from them yet,

I'm sure I didn't get it.

Jess, this is a total longshot.

Let's just forget about it, OK?


OK, we've got your chocolates here.

We've got your flowers.

And we've got your adorable token stuffed animal.

I just want to ask Enid to the prom.

Why do I need all this stuff?

Well, 'cause it says, hey, I'm fun,

I'm kooky, and I mean business.


Listen, I don't know why I listen to you.

I'm just gonna walk right up to her

and ask her myself.

That is really embarrassing.

Just in case.

So Cheryl, are you going to the prom?

Are you kidding?

These high school boys are way too immature.

Why, are you going?

Oh, no.

That immaturity thing really bugs me, too.

[Cheryl scoffs]

I'm not going to the prom either.

[Lila] See, even Enid agrees.

Actually, I like immature guys.

It's just, no one asked me.

Well, there's no reason we can't go stag.

You mean, dressed as deers?

No, stag means without dates.

-Oh. -What do you guys say?

Single girls out on the town?

Could be fun.

I'm in.

Me too.



Enid, would you like to go to the prom with me?


Very well then, see you Saturday.

Oh and, um, this is for you.


I gave her a rubber chicken?

[quirky beat]

What do you say we ditch next period?

Go to the park and, I don't know, climb a tree?

Are you kidding?

No, I thought it would be spontaneous.

Liz, it's no use.

Being responsible is in your nature.

It's just who you are.

Easy for you to say.

I suppose sexiest is just who you are.

Well now that's different.

[Girl] Hi, Todd.

Look, don't take this class poll thing so seriously.

So you're voted Most Responsible

and I was voted sexiest.

It's not like anyone cares.

[Liz] Oh really?

Then who are those from?

[Bruce] So let me run some of the Patman genius by you.


I see a salute to Wall Street.

People can come dressed as their favorite

Fortune companies.

Wait, I thought we were supposed to get a jug band,

some sawdust on the floor and an old-time auctioneer?

No, no, it's gonna be a lunar landing thing.

I got pounds of freeze-dried ice cream

at this astronaut's garage sale.


Well, these are all, um, interesting ideas,

but what about decorations, food, a band?

Never thought of that.

[Winston] Me neither.

Sounds like you guys really have this under control.

[all voice agreement]


[Sam] This is beautiful.

It was really nice of Lila to let you use her place.

Well, it was really nice of me

to sit through her poetry reading.


Now, if you don't like it, you have to tell me.

I'm gonna like it.

Voila, roast chicken ala Jessica.

We can always order pizza.

I'm just kidding.

This is the best chicken I've ever had.

Sam, these last couple weeks have meant so much to me.

I don't know when I've ever been so happy.

Neither do I.

I love you.

Is something wrong.

Well, there is something I wanted to tell you.

What is it?


Well, I...

I love you, too.

I can't believe Enid deserted us like this.

What are you talking about?

She's going to the prom, with a boy.

That's the last time I trust anybody

that knows the names of all the Smurfs.

This cannot be happening.

Come on, it doesn't matter.

As they say, three's a crowd anyway.

So first, I thought you could spend the day

at Fowler Manor with me.

I'm having my portrait painted and you can watch me pose.



Want a refill?

Oh just say what you mean.

Of course I'll go to the prom with you.

[Bruce] Great.

What are you doing?

Just looking through all these junky catalogs.

Do you think Sam would like a

Kiss The Cook apron or heated towel rack?

He'd get better use out of a suitcase.

What are you talking about?

Well, we didn't want to tell you, but...

But what?

Sam got his sponsorship in Australia.

Some guys told me down at the track.

But he said he didn't hear from them.

He said he was staying in Sweet Valley.

Jess, he is staying in Sweet Valley.


Because of you, Sam is turning down

a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Guess who?

Ooh, soft hands, beautiful skin,

silky hair.

I know, Winston in a wig.

[scoffing] Ha ha.

Hey, I was close.

So, what are you doing here?

I thought we weren't meeting til tonight?

Well I just wanted to bring you

some homemade cookies.

Ooh, chocolate chip, my favorite.

Actually, they're sugar cookies,

they're just kind of burnt.

Mmm, burnt sugar cookies.

My other favorite.

So, what's the occasion?


I just...


I just wanted to ask you something.


Why didn't you tell me

you got the sponsorship in Australia?

Oh yeah.

Well, listen, don't worry, I'm not going.

I don't understand.

Going to Australia really isn't as great as it sounds.

I mean, there are a lot of other things to consider.

Like what?

Like leaving everything I've got going here.


Jessica, I don't want to leave you.

I don't want you to leave either.

Look, things are going great around here.

Mr. Dinardo is probably gonna give me a promotion soon

and more money.

And who knows?

So this is really what you want?

Look, I don't have to go halfway around the world

chasing some pipe dream

when my real dream is right here.

[Mr. Dinardo] Hey, Sam, move it.

You've got work to do out here.

I'll be right there Mr. Dinardo.

I'll see you tonight, all right?

I can't wait.

So Sam's next in line for a promotion at the garage.

You know, I think it's only gonna be a matter of time

before he's running the place.

That's great, Jess.

Yeah, it is.

I mean, Sam is so motivated.

You should see how hard he works.

I know, I've seen how much work

he's put into motocross racing.

What's that supposed to mean?


Good, because Sam wants to stay in Sweet Valley.

Australia's great, but he's got a lot of opportunities here.

I'm sure he does.

Don't give me that look.

I know what you're thinking.

Liz, I love Sam.

Don't you think I want what's best for him?

[Liz sighs]

I'm just hoping you know the difference

between what's best for Sam and what's best for you.

[phone rings]


No, no, it's OK.

A circus of trained chimps at the prom?

Yeah, you probably need a permit for that.


Goodnight, Winston.

[Liz Voiceover] They're capable human beings,

they can plan a prom.

All they need is a theme, a band, decorations.

Oh, my God, they'll never get it done.

Stop it, Liz, stop being responsible.

Learn to stop taking control.


But there won't be a prom.

Let's see, call a caterer, find a band.

[Enid] I can't wait for the prom.

[Cheryl] Yeah, it's gonna be a blast.

You wanna go together?

We could rent a limo.

[piano riff]

Good morning, Lila.

Don't insult me.

So, do you have a date for the prom yet?

No, I don't have a date for the prom yet,

which I might remind you is only hours away.

You guys took the last two losers.

There has to be someone left.

Hey, Lila.

You want a chocolate-covered raisin?


Why don't you ask Winston to the prom?

Let's see, this year at the winter dance,

Winston wore a Honk if You Love Bald Women T-shirt.

He sang a three-hour medley to the Chipmunks Hanukkah album,

and for an encore, he set his rainbow frag wig on fire.

Why do you think I won't ask Winston?

[dramatic beat]

OK, what do you got?

The rodeo clown can't make it,

but I got Ronnie The Blazin' Cajun.

No, the guy who plays spoons on cable access?

I wish.

That's Donnie The Blazing Cajun.

Ronnie's Donnie's little brother.

He plays the spork.


Bruce, you get the decorations,

Manny, you call the catering company,

and, Winston, you're in charge of selling the tickets.


Move it.

But, um, but...

What about Ronnie?

He just got a new spork.


[Bruce] Geez, what's gotten into her?

Hey, what's up?


So glad you're not affected

by this whole class poll thing anymore.

I know, I can't believe I took it so seriously.

I'm so... ridiculous.

Why are you fussing with your hair?

I think Señora Freneta likes me.

[scoffing] She's like years old.

Yeah, she asked me to stay after class today.

Maybe because you didn't do your homework.

Well, if that's what you'd like to believe.

[Jessica] I'm serious, Sam, you've got to go to Australia.

[Sam] It's not that important to me anymore.

-But, Sam-- -I'd rather stay here.

[Jessica sighs]

Look, Sam, this is really hard for both of us,

but I think you should reconsider the sponsorship.

I mean, this could make your career.

And if I felt that I was standing in your way--

Jess, the deadline is tomorrow.

And I've already turned it down.

Now, you're the most important thing in my life.

I'm not gonna lose you.

Look, Sam, I've been trying to break it to you gently,

but you're just not getting it.

Do you really think I want to live

in a garage for the rest of my life?

What are you talking about?

It's fine with me if you want to throw your life away,

but I'm not gonna waste mine with some race jockey.


In fact, the sooner you're out of my life, the better.

Just go to Australia because we have no future.

Is this really what you want?

'Cause you won't get a second chance.


Now just get out of here.

I can't stand looking at you.

It hurts too much.

Don't even think about it.

Hey, look, prom pictures.

Let's capture this moment togeth--

[Lila] Dream on.


[Winston groans]

I look pretty, Enid.

I mean, I look Enid pretty.

[scoffing] Pretty is your looking, Enid.

Thanks, I think.

So, did you see stars?



[Enid] Manny?

Great, Peter Blake won prom king.

Maybe if you hadn't taken three hours

to get ready we would have been here

in time for the contest.

It takes time to look this good, OK?

You know, I'm glad Peter won.

He's so funny.

Well, he ought to be with a body like that.

Why's everyone staring at me?

No offense, Todd, but you were a lot more sexy

before you started being sexy.

It's a lot of responsibility being sexiest.

I mean, being Most Responsible has less... responsibility.

It's just people don't notice you as much.

Todd, do you want to stop now?


Listen up, we have an important announcement.

Attention, everybody, let's give a huge hand

to Elizabeth Wakefield.


[Student] All right, Liz.

Without her, this wouldn't be the most amazing prom ever.

-[applauding] -Good job Liz.

You know you're sexy when you're responsible?

What are you doing here?

Shouldn't you be off changing a spark plug or something?

[Sam] Jess, you can drop the act.

-I'm not act-- -I know what you did.

The sponsors said they got a call from you

telling them to hold my spot.

Sam, I just wanted what was best for you.

I didn't mean all those things I said.

I really wanted to help.

I know, that's why I love you.

So you're gonna take the sponsorship, aren't you?

My plane leaves first thing in the morning.

[Jessica sighs]

But I do have time for one last dance.

[instrumental music plays]

[instrumental music continues]