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02x09 - Blunder Alley

Posted: 05/09/23 10:47
by bunniefuu
[theme song plays]

♪ Look right down any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see there's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection? ♪

♪ One always call out to you ♪

♪ The other's shy and quiet ♪

♪ Could there be two different girls ♪

♪ Who look the same at ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

[crowd talking]

Watch your step.

Enjoy the ride.


Jess, what are you doing?

He was cute.

I was just givin' him my number.

That's Danny Porter.

He's been going out with Claire for two years.

Sounds like he needs a change.

You're ruthless.

I can't stand to see happy couples

when I haven't had a date in two days.

Mmm. Ryan has been going out with Julie

for six months.

Might be time for an intervention.

All I know is I'm glad I'm not Julie.

I'm gonna take a break.

[crowd talking]

Nice shot, you should be a basketball player.

I heard you're back on the team.

Yeah, but the new coach isn't starting me.

Why not?

I joined the team mid-season,

I guess he just thinks I'm not gonna

work hard enough.

I don't suppose working this booth

has anything to do with getting

on the coach's good side?

Never crossed my mind.

Check out this book I got at a yard sale.

It's guaranteed to double my audience

at this year's magic show.

Winston look at this.

Your book was autographed by Harry Houdini.

Oh um that yeah.

I wrote it myself,

you know, for inspiration.

[laughs] I think I should be going.

Go with me Liz.

The great Windini would like to saw you in half.

[Liz] Are you gonna buy me dinner first?

Hey, Wilkins.

Coach Bradford, hi.

Todd this is my nephew Jason.

I thought he could work the booth with you.

Sure, nice to meet you, Jason.

Same here.

Now look, he's a little shy so I'd

appreciate it if you'd introduce him

to a few people.

No problem, sir.

Great. I had a feeling I could count on you.

Have fun, boys.

[Jason] See ya.

Hey, after work I'll show you around.

Just point me in the direction

of the babes and I'll be fine.

Enjoy the ride.

[circus-like music playing]

Ready to go on?

I don't know.

My girlfriend, my ex-girlfriend

she used to love the roller coaster.

This is where we had our first date.


Yeah, it was terrifying.

All that screaming and crying,

oh and she was pretty scared too.

[laughs] So you gonna take a ride?

Nah, I'll just watch from down here.

That's not much fun.

Oh sure it is.

I enjoy watching happy couples.

Come on I don't believe you.

No really. In fact if you told me right now

that you're dating some terrific guy

it would make my day.

Sorry, I'm as single as you get.

Well, listen, if you ever want

to go out and be single together let me know.

I'll see you 'round.

[crowd talking]

Here you go, mmm.

Slow down you're eating all the profits.

It sticks to my fingers.

Hi. One please.

One cotton candy comin' right up.

Come on, Danny, there's people waiting.

I'm trying it's not working.

That's because the sugar's on the bottom.

Here, you take the tickets I'll fix it.


[Customer] Hi. I'll take two.

Ah, there. That's better.

[people laughing]



Hey, man, where you been all day?

I've been fishing and a beautiful

blonde just jumped right into the boat.

Liz Wakefield.

Listen, Jason, you better stay away from her.

Todd I'd love to stay and chat

but my uncle's waiting for me.

We're going over the starting lineup.

Later, man.

[people talking]

[light piano music playing]

We've been spending way too much time together.

Do you think I'm not as pretty as I think I am?

Don't be ridiculous,

you look great.

That's what I thought.

So explain to me why no guy has looked

at me in the past two days, hours,

and minutes.

Uh-oh. Here comes trouble.

Can I talk to you?

Yeah, sure.

Look, I know you have a date

tonight with this guy Jason.

Jason? How do you know him?

He's Coach Bradford's nephew.

Look you gotta stay away from him.

He's a total scammer.

Todd, I appreciate your concern

but I'm capable of making my own decisions.

Please stay out of this.


What was that all about?

You know how jealous he gets.

He can't stand to see me with another guy.

Do you think I'd look good as a redhead?

For months the teacher was just convinced

that I was descended from Swedish royalty.

I can't remember the last time

I had so much fun.

Liz, you know I've dated a lot of girls

but I've never met anyone like you.

Give me a break.

No, really.

There's something special about you.

You're so down-to-earth and spontaneous.

Me? No one has ever called me

spontaneous before.

I'm the type of person who plans for accidents.

Well, I bet you didn't plan for this.

That was no accident.

You're one of the best looking girls

in Sweet Valley and you're telling me

you've never modeled before?


Well, that's hard to believe.

But anyways I guess I'll see ya

in a couple days?

I'm looking forward to it.

Miss me. Okay who's next?

You're unbelievable.

I know it's a gift really.

[Girl] Hi, boys. How's it goin?

Got to go out and check out

the rest of the menu

if you know what I mean?

I think I still have a night free this week.

Oh, great, so who's the lucky victim this time?

I'll let you know in about five minutes.

Hey, Veronica, wait up.

[dramatic music]

Liz, I need to talk to you about Jason.

I don't think we have anything to talk about.

No, I think we do.

What's that?

It's lover boy's address book,

or should I say scorecard.

Let's see. Laura Wexler. Four stars.

Kate Arnfield. Three stars.

Why don't we see how many stars Liz got?

You have really sunk to a new low.

Me? Jason's the sleazebag.

Look, I know he's had other girlfriends,

but that's all in the past.

And actually I don't think this is

any of your business.

Okay, go out with him.

When you find out what he's really like

don't you come running back to me.

[dramatic instrumental music]

I didn't know you could sh**t pool.

There's a lot of things

you don't know about me.

Like my name.

I'm Jessica.

Jessica? But I thought your name was...

Maybe you met my twin sister Liz?


She's probably passing out lollipops

to sick children.

Don't get me wrong we're nothing alike.

Oh, really? Now, how's that?

Well, for one thing Liz's idea

of a wild time is not wearing her seatbelt.

Me, I need more excitement in my life.

Well, you're obviously a free spirit.

Uninhibited, and not afraid to take a risk.

And you're obviously an excellent

judge of character.

Well, listen.

Why don't we go grab a bite to eat

and get to know each other?

I'm all yours.


Wait a minute.

You didn't tell me your name.

Oh, I'm Cliff.

I'm new around here.

Hello, Todd.

Oh, and why are you so happy?

Oh, I just happen to have a date

with the other most beautiful girl

in Sweet Valley.

Jessica Wakefield.

I am dating twins, pal. Twins.


Can you believe it?

Friday night at the Moon Beach with Jessica

and Saturday night with Liz.

There you are Jason,

I've been lookin' all over for you.

Oh, hi, Uncle Jack.

Todd was just gonna show me how

to sh**t some pool.

Oh, I'm glad to see you two are getting

along so well.

Oh, we're having a swell time.

So, Todd, show my nephew the ropes.

Hope he hasn't been too shy with the girls.

You'd be surprised.

I'll call you later?

Okay, bye.


Boy that Jason sure is a friendly guy.

Give it up, Todd.

No, I'm serious,

he's such a friendly guy he just

made a date with your sister.

You're embarrassing yourself.

He told me himself.

He was bragging about dating twins.

I think I've heard enough.

So, what do you think?

Pretty cool, huh?

Guaranteed crowd pleaser,

the old escape from the handcuffs trick.

Yeah I'd like to use those on someone else.


Coach Bradford's nephew.

He's dating Liz and Jess at the same time.


I mean, wow, that's wrong.

This guy's so slippery he's all over the place.

If only Liz and Jess could see

what a je...

That's it. Thanks, Winston.

Glad to be of help.

Uh, Todd, you wouldn't happen to have

a blowtorch would you?

Hey, Jason, you just missed Jessica.

Hot, isn't she?


Oh, she says she wants to change

her date from Friday to Saturday

for some reason.

Guess I'm just gonna have to switch

Liz to Friday night.

Wilkins, I hope you're takin' notes,

'cause it's art juggling all these babes.

[rock music playing]

I know it seems sudden but I haven't

felt this way about a guy since

Todd and I broke up.

Jason is so sweet and warm.

If I want sweet and warm I'll eat a brownie.

Seriously, I'm really happy for you Liz.

I don't know what Jason's like but he's

got to be better than Todd.

Tell you the truth, Todd's been so rude lately.

I mean, you wouldn't believe what he said about you.

What? Did that jerk tell you I ruined

your yellow mohair sweater?

No, but you just did.

Jess, Todd told me you were going out with Jason.

That's crazy, right?

I can't believe him.

Nothing personal, Liz, but why would I

be interested in any guy you were dating?

Besides, I'm going out with Cliff tonight.

You know, the guy that hang glides?

Oh yeah.

Does Jason happen to fly off cliffs in Cancun?

I doubt it.

He's so romantic,

every time we have a date he brings me wildflowers.


Hey, maybe we could double date sometime?

Mem double date with Dull and Duller?

As if.

Hi, Cliff.

Hey, beautiful.

I've been thinking about you all day.

I thought maybe we'd grab a bite to eat

and then take a walk on the beach later.

My God.

Todd was right.

I know a great beach right around here.

[Jason] All right, sounds good.

You look great tonight, Liz.



You're not Cliff, you're Jason.

Wait, Jessica, I can totally explain.

Believe me, I understand perfectly.

You are complete scum.

You just couldn't stand me having

a date when you didn't.

Liz, I swear,

I had no idea that guy was Jason.

He told me his name was Cliff.

For once in your life admit that you're lying.

Admit that you don't care about anybody but yourself.

I told you.

It wasn't my fault.

It's never your fault, is it?

You know I wouldn't do anything like this.

Well, actually I would, but I wouldn't do it to you.

Okay, maybe I've done it to you before

but I didn't enjoy it, that much.

Tell me one reason why I should believe you?

'Cause she's telling the truth.

What's going on here?

I've been tryin' to tell you all week

that Jason's a liar.

Liz, he made a fool out of both of us.

I can't believe this.

How could I have been so stupid?

I owe you guys an apology.

Me first.

No, I have a better idea.

Let's not get mad at each other,

let's get even.

Pass me the phone.

This is incredible.

I've never had this many people at my show.

Well you know what they say...

Give the people what they want.

Yup. I hope this works.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the moment you have been waiting for has arrived.

Right now it'd be my distinct pleasure

to introduce to you a very special

group of girls.

[audience applauding]

Liz. Jessica. Girls.

You look nervous, Jason,

maybe this will make you feel better.

Hey, that's private property.

Give it back.

Oh, don't worry.

You'll get it back.

Kate Arnfield?

There you go.

I believe you told her you were the drummer for Green Day?

That's just wrong.

Brandy Brown.

It seems you told Brandy she looked like a model.

Coach Bradford.

It's really... Jason volunteered...

Relax. Elizabeth told me everything.

I'm just surprised you held out this long.

You told me your great uncle invented cotton candy.

Wilkins, you think quick on your feet.

I like that in a player.

Does that mean I'm back in the starting lineup?

Well, that depends.

How's your free throw?

Okay, but I work better with a team.

Guys, ready?

All right. Ready, aim... fire.

[crowd cheering]

[rock music playing]

[theme song instrumental]