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02x07 - A Fair to Remember

Posted: 05/09/23 10:46
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

♪ Look back down in a crowded hall ♪

♪ You see there's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection ♪

♪ When the voice calls out to you ♪

♪ We are the shy and quiet ♪

♪ Could there be two different girls who look the same? ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


The official shall rule a touchdown

when any part of the ball breaks the plane of the goal line.

Why doesn't this make any sense to me?

Because it doesn't make any sense.

Why are you reading about baseball?


Like there's a difference.

Kyle quit the Oracle,

so now I have to cover the homecoming game.

Help me out here Jess.

You're the cheerleader.

You must know something about football.

All I know is when the players jump up and down,

we jump up and down.

Just give me the basics.

What's the point of the game?

Wait, I know this one.

Football is like when you're at the mall

and you find this k*ller dress

but there's only one in your size.

Then you see this girl scoping out your dress.

But you think, I mean, there's no way

she could possibly look as good as you do in it.

So you find someone else to run the interference.

If you get the dress and make it back to the cashier,

it's like a touchdown!

What's all this got to do with football?

[doorbell rings]


Since I spent all my clothing allowance

I can't think about anything but shopping.

Lila, I thought you weren't coming over 'till tonight.

The fumigation doesn't start until tomorrow,

but I'm just sick of the thought

of those repulsive little creatures

crawling around Fowler Manor.

Uh, I know, I hate bugs.

I was talking about the exterminators.

Where's your dad staying while they fumigate?

He's in Hawaii on business as usual.

Well, come on in.

Where should I put my stuff?

Oh, anywhere, it doesn't matter.



He made me feel tingly all over.

I thought we really had something.

Then I didn't hear from him for another six months.

Enid, he's your dentist.

But we really connected.

Believe me, sometimes it's better not to have a boyfriend.

It's nice to be independent.

I've had enough independence.

I'm going for a more clingy,

codependent obsessions kinda thing.

Who knows, the guy of your dreams could be in this room.

I gotta go.

-Hey Liz. -Oh, hi.

Guys, we got it.


Let's do it.

You miss being on the team, huh?

Yeah, I go to another school for six months

and those guys forgot all about me.

Hey, you had to give Ramon a chance.

Yeah, but I didn't plan on being cut

and then having to move back here like a total loser.

I know what it's like.

Until a couple of years ago, all I cared about was ballet.

It was my whole life.

Like basketball was for you.

[Todd] What happened?

One day, my teacher took me aside

and told me I wasn't good enough to be in the class anymore.

She suggested I take up origami.

You just made that up to make me feel better.

No I didn't, it was horrible.

You should see the paper cuts on my tongue.

So how'd you get through it?

It was hard at first but I just had to keep

on believing in myself.

That makes a lot of sense.

I'm glad someone understands how I feel around here.

You're really cool, Enid, thanks a lot.

[Jess] What are you doing?

I'm letting my clothes breathe.

They don't like to be all crowded and cramped.

Lila, they're your clothes, not your children.

I hope this will be comfortable.

That is so generous of you, Jess.

To give me your bed.


You're the best friend ever.

So you won't mind if I make myself

at home in your wardrobe.

You have tons of clothes.

Please, I left almost everything at home.

You really have it made.


You're the one with the cozy little house,

parents who care about you,

a sister right next door anytime you need to talk.

I'll trade you.

My sister for your trust fund any day.

There are more important things than money.

Yeah, all the things you can get with money.

Things aren't always what they seem.

No kidding, this blouse looks like it's yours,

but now it's mine.

Can I borrow it?

Look, if you wanna talk about Todd we'll talk about Todd.

I mean that's what friends are for, right?

Enid, there's nothing else to say.

He's been a jerk.

I'm over him completely.

But what if he, you know, wanted to date someone else?

Would that bother you?

He's free to do whatever he wants.

So am I.

It's time we both moved on with our lives.

I'm late for Biology. See you at lunch.

But Manny, what do you think this friend

of mine should do?

I mean, she really likes this guy but they're just friends

and she's not sure he feels the same way.

I think your friend should tell

this guy exactly how she feels.

I bet anything he feels the same way.

How can you be so sure?

'Cause he's been feeling this way a long, long time.

He has?

For me?

I mean for my friend?

Oh yeah, he's probably just, you know, shy.

Gosh, Manny, maybe you're right.


Dig in, ladies!

It's just my little way of saying thanks

for letting me stay here.

Lila, this is incredible!

You're the best.

I am, aren't I?

Now I know how Mother Theresa feels.

Lila, you don't have to buy us presents to stay here.

Sure she does.

I deserve whatever I get for sleeping on that moldy old cot.

My neck's k*lling me.

[Lila] How's this for a neck brace?

Just what the doctor ordered.

Go head, Liz, pick out some stuff.

I didn't know what you'd like,

so I just grabbed whatever caught my eye.

[Jess] Brilliant shopping technique.

Ravishing red.

Just what you need for all your hot dates.

Or you can just wear it around the house.

I'll take that.

So, Jess, I was wondering,

do you guys mind if I stay here for a few more days

while they finish painting?

Are you kidding?

You can stay here as long as you want.

I thought you said the house was being fumigated.

Oh it is.

After they, you know, finish painting.

Is that okay with you, Liz?


Thanks, guys.

Hi, Todd.

Oh hey, Enid.

Cool shirt, where'd you get it?

Gym class.

It's part of the uniform.

How are you?

I've been thinking about you a lot.

I mean, about our conversation the other night.

Me, too.

You really helped me out.

I did?

Yeah, I've been feeling so sorry for myself lately.

But you know what, I'm gonna try out for the team again.

Todd, that's great!

Yeah, thanks to you.

I owe you one.

Let's go out and celebrate tonight.

I know a really cool place down at the mall.

Sure, why not?



What's going on?

I gotta go.

But, wait...

Why is it everything I like

is the most expensive thing in store?

It happens every time.

It's the price you pay for having good taste.

I don't know why I t*rture myself coming here.

I can't buy anything.

Are you out of your mind?

Would you relax?

It's not like I don't spend truckloads of money

in this store.

They rip us off with these high prices anyway.

But you can afford anything you want.

That's what makes it so fun.

It's a total rush.

But what if you get caught?

I'm not going to get caught.

I'm way too good at it.

Well, what if you do?

What would your father say?

He'd just send one of his lawyers to take care of it.

Admit it, Jess, you'd love to steal something,

you're just too scared.

This belt would look perfect on you.

You were right, it looks perfect on me.

I can't believe we did this.

Were you scared?

My heart was beating right out of my chest.

Hey, guys, what's going on?

Where'd you get all this stuff?

Oh, we just...

Had the most awful day at school

so we decided to take a trip to the mall

to lift our spirits.

Jess, you don't have any money for clothes.

Who said I spent any money?

Lila just opened up her purse and-

Pulled out one of my credit cards.

Borrow anything you want, Liz.

But I get to wear it first.

I better go watch ESPN.

What a buzz crusher.


Who cares? It just means there's more for us.

Tomorrow we'll go back and really make a k*lling.

Hey, you wanna do something tonight?

A movie maybe?

A movie?


I'm not really in the mood for a movie.

Fine, we'll do something else.

I'm not in the mood for that either.

For what?


I mean that.

I mean anything like that.

Then we'll just hang out.

I can't.

I don't want to.

I have plans.

With who?

No one! I mean I...

I have a date with Todd.

-Todd? -Todd Wilkins.

You know, tall, blonde, used to be on the basketball team.

My ex boyfriend?

You said you didn't care if he went out with someone else.

You didn't say it was you.

Liz, I'm sorry.

It just happened.

Look, if you don't want me to go I won't.

Do whatever you want.

Wow, dinner was great.

I knew you'd like it.

I would've dressed nicer

if I knew the place was gonna be so...



How come it's so hard to tell people how you feel?

Probably because you're afraid

the person won't understand.

But they probably will.

I don't know.

It's been so long.

I wouldn't know what to say.

Just say how you feel.

Yeah, but when you been with a person for so long,

shouldn't they know how you feel?

Well, maybe they do know.

But it's still important to say it.

Maybe you're right.

-What are you doing? -I thought we...

Who did you think I was...

Oh, Enid...

No, I was talking about Liz.

I'm really sorry.

[Lila] We've got plenty.

Okay, let's go.

Okay, girls, come with me.

[Jess] Let go of me!

Get your hands off me!

Do you know who I am?

My father spends thousands of dollars in this store!

I am not gonna be harassed

by some braindead fashion failure!

[Jess] We didn't do anything!

What's this doing in here?

And this? And this?

Look, be reasonable.

My hands were full.

I was gonna pay for everything, I swear.

Sure you were.

And I'm the Queen of England.

I hope you two realize you are in serious trouble.

Okay fine, I'll pay for everything.

I'll pay double.

Here's my credit card.

Don't insult me.

Miss Lila Fowler.

It's people like you who make prices higher for everybody.

I'm calling both of your parents.

No, please!

Don't worry, I'll handle this.

We just have to keep our stories straight.

You're right.

She made me do it!

I've never done it before, ever!

Jess, how can you betray me like that?

You're the one who talked me into this.

You two be quiet.

Now, give me your parents' number.


Go ahead, call my father.

I'm sure he's too busy with his new girlfriend

to care about anything I do.

New girlfriend?

I thought your father was in Hawaii on business.

No, he's at home with Monique.

He lets her prance around the place like she owns the house.

She's barely older than me.

If he thinks for one second

I'm gonna let her be my new mom...

I hate her.

I hate her so much.

Lila, you should've told me.

I tried.

But all you cared about was which outfit

of mine you were gonna borrow.

Nobody cares what happens to me.

Lila, I am sorry.

I should've listened to you.

I will from now on.

I promise.

But just because your father has a new girlfriend

doesn't mean he doesn't love you anymore.

You can't stay away forever.

Talk to your dad.

Tell him how you feel.

He probably has no idea.

You have to go home sometime.

You're right.

Well, I'm glad to see you two worked that out.

'Cause you're gonna be spending a lot

of your spare time together.

[TV plays in background]

Liz, we need to talk.

I'm not in the mood.

Please, hear me out.

My date with Todd didn't end up being a date at all.

He's not over you yet.

He said that?

You're all he talked about.

I made such a fool out of myself.

I guess I was just flattered someone like Todd

would be interested in me, even though he wasn't.

Did you forget I used to go out with Todd?

I know, I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have done it.

How could I get so caught up in my own stupid fantasy?

If I lose you as a best friend,

I don't know what I'll do.

You're not gonna lose me as your best friend.

You were honest.

Well, at least as honest as you could be.

Well, you're being honest now, right?


That's what counts with friends.

So, you don't think I'm terminally single?

Not a chance.

Believe me, you'll find someone when you least expect it.

♪ Ta tee tee too too ♪

♪ Ta tee tee too... ♪

Oh, hello.

You must be my new little helperinas.

Welcome to Miss Kitty's Korner.

That's corner spelled with a K.

Get it?

I'm Miss Kitty.

I'm Lila Fowler.

And I'm outta here.

Would you two young ladies care for a snack?

I've got raisins.

Fun size!


Now I made up a list of activities for all the children.

There's snacky time and there's story time

and there's puppety time and there's sleepy time.

Sleepy time, I like the sound of that.

Oh, the children are absolute angels.

Get ready for a fun-derful day.

Oops, Miss Kitty's late for her therapist.

I think Miss Kitty's been hitting the catnip.

Mmm, graham crackers.

Some thrill shoplifting turned out to be.

It's bad enough having to give everything back

and being banned from the mall.

We got off easy.

We read 'em a story, we stick a few graham crackers

in their mouth and we put 'em to bed.

How bad could it be?

How bad could it be? How bad could it be?

I'm the one that got grounded

and had all my credit cards taken away.

[children screaming]

[doorbell rings]

Hey, Enid.

I was just on my way home from school.

But you live across town.

I knew this neighborhood didn't look familiar.

And school got out six hours ago.

I'm a slow walker.

[Enid] Manny, what's up?

For you.

With strawberry filling?

-Yep. -My favorite.

Thanks, Manny.

♪ Look right down in a crowded hall ♪

♪ You see there's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere or a reflection? ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪