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Disney Intertwined Live (2023)

Posted: 05/09/23 06:30
by bunniefuu

Dude, can you mark me here? Yes, please.

I'll bring you the clapperboard. Thanks.

Guys! Are we all on set? Yes?

Is everything okay back there? Thank you.

Uh, dancers in position.

Okay? Please. Good.

Uh, Marco and Allegra? Mar...

Marco and Allegra?

Where have you been? Uh, Marco,

that's not your position. Down here, what?

- Okay, camera rolling?

- Rolling.

- Sound?

- Rolling.

Okay, clapperboard.



And action!


Reason always betrays me

And my heart controls me

I don't know how to fight love

I always fall in love

With the ones who don't love me

And that's why my soul weeps

I can't go on, I can't go on

It's always the same story

- I can't go on

- I can't go on

- I can't go on

- I can't go on

- I'm sick of spinning like a wheel

- Like a wheel

Living this way

Is like dying from love

Because of love my soul is wounded

Because of love

I don't want a life other than your life

- Melancholy

- Melancholy

Living this way

Is like dying from love

- I'm a beggar for your kisses

- I'm a beggar for your kisses

I'm your friend

But I want to be more than that


Cut, cut, cut!

Now what, Flix? We were doing great.

Yes, you were great,

but that wasn't in the script, eh?

If there's a script, we should follow it.

Otherwise there wouldn't be one, clearly.

So, from the beginning.

From the beginning?

- Allegra, tell him.

- It's your fault.

- No, okay.

- My fault? Flix!

- Okay!

- So aggressive.

When he gets an idea in his head,

- it's impossible to stop him.

- Oh, okay. Now that's it.

If he said from the beginning,

- hey, it's from the beginning.

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah?

- Thank you.

- Let's go, eh? With energy!

- Thank you. Go ahead, thank you.

Do you know what "from the beginning" is?


- I know what "from the beginning" is.

- You do? Easy.

No need to get aggressive. Easy.

Can you lower the curtain, please?

Yeah? There you go.

Ugh, Flix, this is what you get

for hiring amateurs.

All right.

- Uh, everyone ready?

- Yes!

Should we start from the beginning?

Or should we go to the past instead?

Ready or not here we come. And action.


Ready, set

There's no time to lose

Treasure to be found

And those enigmas to decipher

I know it's difficult

While exciting

I lead and tell you,

"Give it your all"

You'll pass the tests

If you listen to me, oh

I'm choosing to go beyond

I'm risking it all

I know I can take off and fly

Seeking, touching

I'll land right in place

- Are you listening? On your marks?

- Yes! Yes!

- And don't fall behind

- Oh, oh

And if you learn to look

The unexpected may occur

There may be hurdles to jump

Many rocks to dodge

- You can't finish without starting

- Finish

Your desire

And your resolution will collide


- I'll become who I want to be

- Oh, oh, oh

- Who I want to be

- Oh, oh, oh

Maybe I'm almost there


Keep going, we're almost there

Nobody shut off your engine

If there are stars that don't shine

We'll rise like the sun

If we lose our mind

We explore inside

My soul now understands

Where I'm going

The great treasure to be discovered

Is your heart

I'm choosing to go beyond

I'm risking it all

I know I can take off and fly

Seeking, touching

I'll land right in place

I'm going to be who I dream of being

I can do it

I can be someone who I never imagined

You'll see

Marco and Laura, much better.

What's going on, Greta?

You're not on point.

Always the same, Caterina.

The jump. You have to work on the jump.

You have to work on the jump.

And me?

- I need to tell you something.

- What?

- You never tell me anything.

- I've been thinking awhile

and I think that you need to play Ellie.

- Huh? No. No.

- Yes.

Plus, Coc would love for you two

to share the stage together.

Why do you say that?

You can do it as well as me. Or better.

- Because you were always Ellie.

- Ah, no.

It would make me happy to see you shine.

- You sound like Coc.

- Shh.

I already told you, I do this

because no one else could put up with her.


I want something else.

I want to write, tell stories,

read books...

- Caterina, Laura, we're ready to start.

- What?

- Everyone in position. Thank you.

- Yes.

Sorry. Sorry, Coc. Sorry, guys.

- But I'm going to step off to the side.

- Huh?

- Why?

- What?

I think that Caterina needs to play Ellie.

- Sorry?

- No.

I think that if it's not going to be her,

the fair thing is for us to audition.

- Perfect.

- Perfect.

Laura, there's no time now.

We'll do it as it is and we'll see later.

- Okay?

- Okay.


Five, six, seven and...

I know every atom

Science is my thing

I'm methodical and precise

But suddenly my system

Is changing for no reason

There's something mysterious inside me

The cycle of evolution

Is changing your destiny

- It all returns to where I started

- Ooh, ooh, ah

He comes closer, we don't even touch

And I feel his heartbeat

- All I've learned, where did it go?

- Where did it go?

I try to concentrate, I must

Concentrate, concentrate

And my cells give themselves over

To this strange rock and roll

Ooh, oh, ooh, oh

It's biology! It's so illogical

When your brain

Can't control your heart

It's biology! It's so ironic

That my instincts

Won't listen to reason

What is this dissection?

He's alive but inarticulate

Seems like he's an invertebrate

- No way to hide his immaturity

- His immaturity

And my frontal lobe

Is being hypnotized

- As my hormones race toward him

- Ah, ah

What technique, what flash

The scalpel's so cool

Holy cow!

So kind to think so well of me

Good Lord, I don't know what to say

La, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

It's biology! It's so illogical

- To be living this clich at age 40

- Ooh, ooh, clich, clich

It's ironic and claustrophobic

- So imprisoned while released

- Ooh, released

I'm starting to go crazy

She made a perfect cut

No one can believe it

The frog bowed down at her feet

I decide the rules

Today she's out of line

The Muppets lose Kermit

She's got something new and special

I never imagined it

She was always just another girl

No scientist

Could explain her intensity

- She's like a magnet

- The intensity

- The intensity

- I'm freaking out

It's biology! It's so illogical

Today my brain can't control my heart

Oh, biology! It's so ironic

I'm losing myself

I don't know where I'm going




- I don't know who I am

- I don't know who I am

I don't know who I am

I don't ask for much more

Than for you to stop asphyxiating me


Don't tell me what to do

Or what to eat

I don't know how much longer

To listen and to tolerate

Your whims, your cruelty

And your immaturity

If you could try

And put yourself in my place

It's so simple and you don't see it

There's nothing to lose

And put yourself in my place

And not see everything backwards

Put yourself in my place

And not cause me so much stress

Put yourself in my place

Put yourself in my skin, for once

- For once

- For once

Allegra, answer. Answer, Allegra.

How hard is it to answer your phone?

Ugh. It's been an hour.

She should have been here an hour ago.


Guys, uh, by chance have you seen Allegra?

Or a green light?

No? Ah, she's calling me. There she is.

No, it's not Allegra. It's the college.

And I... I don't have the clip.

And Allegra isn't here. Uh, uh. Relax.

Hi, yes.

Flix, who is this? Yes.


I'm doing the last touch-ups.

I'm right here next to the main actress

in the clip. Allegra, yes.

Uh, no, no, the time is fine.

You have no idea, I'm ahead of schedule.

I can deliver it early if you want.

No, what? What?

What? Uh, uh, a Hollywood movie.

Incredible special effects.

It's going to be crazy.

Yes, thanks for letting me know.

Thanks. Bye.

What am I going to do?

Think, think, think.

Without Allegra, there's no clip,

with no clip, there's no college,

no career, I won't be a director,

no possibility of an Oscar,

there's nothing at all.

Relax, Flix. Don't panic.

Think, what would Steven Spielberg do?

What would he do? Think like Spielberg.

Think like Spielberg.

You have to improvise.

I have a camera and I have dancers.

Uh, guys. Hi, yes.

Uh, Allegra will be here in two minutes,

she'll be here any minute.

Uh, let's rehearse the choreography, yeah?

I can't dance, but let's pretend that...

Just once, okay, but let's pretend

that I'm going to dance, okay?

Uh, here is the camera.

We're recording everything. There. Okay.

All right, you guys guide me, yeah?

How was it? It starts like this, no? Yes.

Something like that, this, that.

Dum, dum, over here, then there, and boom.

Can there be a spin there? Like this.

There. "Tru", ooh, ooh. There, like that.

We could try some poses

and something like...

- Flix!

- ...this, like you spin...

Ay, uh, Alle... Oh, go, go.

I'll call you in a minute. Yes, yes, go.

- What's up?

- I didn't know you could dance like that.

- Me, dance? No, I don't dance.

- You're incredible.

- Where were you? What happened?

- Sorry.

- You should have been here an hour ago.

- I know, Flix, I traveled to the past.

- Again.

- Yes, again.

We were doing a general rehearsal

for Freaky Friday

and I was Ellie,

but I told Coc, "Stop everything,

because I want Caterina

to play Ellie now."

- Okay, yeah. Uh...

- Greta and Caterina auditioned

- and it was a disaster, because they were...

- Allegra. the middle of the choreography

and the bracelet turned on.

- There's something...

- A disaster. It turned on...

- Stop.

- the middle of the dance.

- Good thing I'm here.

- Yes, good thing you got here!

Good thing you got here. You should have

been here an hour and fifteen minutes ago.

- Yes.

- And here you are.

Do you remember that

there was a clip that we needed to do?

- Yes.

- I don't know if you remember...

- Sorry, Flix.

- ...that I needed it to get into...

- Flix! I'm here now.

- Okay.

- Let's make your clip amazing.

- Okay.

Flix, now that I saw you dance,

and please don't panic...

- What?

- How about you dance, too?

- No, no, no.

- Please, Flix.

- No way.

- You just danced amazing.

- No, I won't do it.

- All right, dance with me.

- Okay, yes. Dance with you?

- Yeah!

- Yes. Together.

- Dance... So, you and I dance together?

- Yes. Of course.

- So, uh... Okay, yes, all right.

- Yeah? Great.

- Yes, yes.

I was thinking, and I think

the girls should have red high heels

- and something matching for the guys.

- Something special. Mmm...

- Canes.

- Canes!

- Yes.

- I love that idea.

- Okay. I'll turn on the camera.

- All right. So...

- Canes.

- We would need the canes...

- How disrespectful.

- I'm tired.

- I'm tired.

- Me too.

Laura quit!

She ruined the rehearsal. Laura left.

And now, she won't even show her face.

Where did she go?

It was a disaster, sweeties.

I don't know if you noticed,

she threw us off in the choreography.

- No one knew where to go.

- Brbara, you never know where to go.

Well, something had to have happened

to Laura for her to leave like that, no?

Exactly. But now we know

that Greta only cares about Greta.

Anyway, I don't know why you care so much.

Without Laura, you have less competition.

- I don't have competition, all right?

- Oh, okay.

If anything, it's made Toms,

Coc, and everyone realize

who's the best in the company.

Everyone listen up!

This disaster also made Toms decide

not to spend a cent more on the tour.

- What?

- What?

You heard right, sweeties.

We just lost our producer.

- No, all right.

- What do you mean we lost our producer?

Ugh, that's all I know.

Toms just told me, okay?

- Okay, but he's your dad, convince him.

- What do you want me to do?

Greta, Toms is using Laura as an excuse,

don't you get it?

He wants Caterina to play Ellie

and not you. It's obvious.

- Can we stop arguing? One second, please.

- Yes, this won't fix anything.

Okay, let's think a little.

Let's reflect, take a breath.

I can't breathe!

Everyone breathe.

- Brbara, come here.

- Diego, the song.


The song, let's show it to them.

- What song?

- The song!

- The song, the song.

- What?

Why don't we show them the song we wrote?

That way we can break the tension,

you could hear a pin drop in here, eh?

All right.


I feel my body shine from within

And I think

"It's all today, it's today"

The reflection in the mirror

Says who I am

I am

Meanwhile everything is chasing me

And I'm trying to be me

At least for today

To be all that I can be

Where I go where I go

The sun guides me

Where I go I go towards a better place

Where I go where I go

The sun guides me

Where I go I go towards a better place

Like a story, I go on, I stop

And I wake up in what I am

I am

The reflection in the mirror

Knows who I am, knows where I'm going

Where I go where I'm going

The sun guides me

Where I go I go towards a better place

- Where I go

- Where I go

- Where I go the sun guides me

- Where I go

- Where I go

- Where I go

I go towards a better place

Guys, that was great, spectacular.

Thank you for inspiring me.

- Laura.

- You're finally here.

Chaos. You created chaos.

Brbara, can you stop, please?

What happened? Why did you disappear?

No, sorry.

My mom asked me to do a few things

that I forgot about,

and I had to leave urgently.

- Sorry.

- Relax, no worries.

No, no problem, Laura. No worries.

We only lost the producer

for the tour. Isn't that enough, sweetie?


Brbara, if it's so easy, why don't you

call your dad and ask him to come back?


Otherwise, we better think of how

to get a producer for our tour, no?

I have an idea.

I have an idea.

What if we do a recital?


But with the songs

that are playing on the radio now.

And, to give it a twist,

we can act them out onstage.


It will look like we're in a music video.

Yeah, that would be great.

And we can call

the best producers in the country.

- Of course.

- Surely someone will want to produce it.

- Yes.

- I love that idea, eh?

I'm interested.

I love to sing.


Okay, I can think of some songs.

Brbara! What are you doing?

- Should we go?

- Yeah.

I heard a great song

on the radio the other day.

- Me too. I'll show it to you.

- Which one? Let's see.

Speaking of great songs, remember

the song I showed you the other day?

The one you couldn't finish writing?

The one I finished the day I met you.

This is how it turned out.


Big Bang, everything exploded

I'm about to disappear

Big Bang, everything changed

Today is a gray that invites color in

Big Bang, it was your arrival

It was enough to understand

In your eyes, I could see

I wasn't wrong, nor was I okay

Calm down, time breaks down

It's no longer the same

Convince me

I'll stay

Where you are

Sing with me, please!

I'll always be there, I won't forget

Convince me

Big Bang, everything exploded

That was the start of the chaos and love

Big Bang, everything changed

I didn't imagine it would be with you

A single gaze

And nothing's the same as yesterday

Anything can happen

There's a tomorrow in every sunrise

Calm down, time breaks down

It's no longer the same

Convince me, I'll stay

Where you are

I'll always be there, I won't forget

Convince me

I love it.

Sorry to interrupt

this beautiful moment.

I wanted to know if you had thought

of any songs for the recital,

because I'm making a list.

- You can write down "Convince me".

- Okay.

Uh, I don't know yet,

but you can help me choose one.

All right, let's think together.

- Are we going to rehearse?

- Yes, obviously we're going to rehearse.

But I need to explain to you

what I just saw.

Laura, Marco...

were about to kiss, I swear.

They were about to kiss on the mouth!

Stop, Brbara!

- Enough!

- I thought I had to tell you.

Are we going to rehearse

before I do something I might regret?

Let's rehearse.


Ah, I get a new life

You would hardly recognize me

I'm so glad

How could a person like me

Care for you?

Why do I bother

When you're not the one for me?

Ooh, is enough enough?

I saw the sign

And it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

Life is demanding

Without understanding

I saw the sign

And it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

No one's gonna drag you up

To get into the light where you belong

But where do you belong?

Under the pale moon

For so many years

I've wondered who you are

How could a person like you

Bring me joy?

Under the pale moon

Where I see a lot of stars


Is enough enough?

I saw the sign

And it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

Life is demanding

Without understanding

I saw the sign

And it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

No one's gonna drag you up

To get into the light where you belong

But where do you belong?

- Your dancing looks great.

- Yours looks way better!

I saw the sign

And it opened up my mind

And I am happy now living without you

I've left you, oh oh oh

I saw the sign

And it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

No one's gonna drag you up

To get into the light where you belong

I saw the sign

I saw the sign

- Saw the sign

- I Saw the sign

I saw the sign

I saw the sign

I saw the sign

I saw the sign

And it opened up my eyes

I saw the sign

- What just happened, Brbara?

- Nothing.

- Off to the side, no looking.

- You always put me behind you

and I can dance too.

I was saying, I talked to Coc

and I told her that I'm not going on tour.

What? So, what then?

And that's it, I won't be her heir.

I'm going to tell stories, finally.


Do you know what it is, what I want?

To say in words

what she expresses with her body.

- That's what I want.

- All right.

- And what did Coc say?

- I dunno, I don't want to talk about it.

With Coc, you never know.

Okay. All right, Caterina.

If you're sure,

then I support your dreams. I love you.

Oh, how moving.

Are we going to rehearse

or should we go ahead alone?

Yes, yes. Let's go.

Yeah, yeah, yeah


Tried to make it little by little


Tried to make it bit by bit on my own

Quit the job

The gray believers

Another town

Where I get close to the bone

Whatcha gonna tell your brother?

Oh oh oh

Whatcha gonna tell your father?

I don't know

Whatcha gonna tell your mother?

Let me go

I'm gonna get dressed for success

Shaping me up for the big time baby

Get dressed for success

Shaping it up for your love

For your love

Yeah, yeah, yeah

I'm not afraid

A trembling flower

I'll feed your heart

And blow the dust from your eyes

And in the dark things happen faster

I love the way you sway your hips

Next to mine

Whatcha gonna tell your brother?

Oh oh oh

Whatcha gonna tell your father?

I don't know

Whatcha gonna tell your mother?

Let me go

I'm gonna get dressed for success

Shaping me up for the big time baby

Get dressed for success

Shaping it up for your love

Look sharp!

Yeah yeah yeah

Oh oh oh


Whatcha gonna tell your brother?

Oh oh oh

Whatcha gonna tell your father?

I don't know

Whatcha gonna tell your mother?

Let me go

I'm gonna get dressed for success


I'm gonna get dressed for success

I'm gonna get dressed for success

Shaping me up for the big time baby

Get dressed for success

Shaping it up for your love

For your love

Yeah yeah yeah

For your love

Yeah yeah yeah

Laura? Laura?

Where's Laura?

Did she leave again?

What do you care about Laura,

Brbara? What do you care? Please.

- How are we going to rehearse?

- Laura, Laura, Laura.

I didn't think you'd make it. I swear...

- I'm sick of these travels.

- Look.

- Ah! I love them.

- You like? Red high heels.

Because, well, obviously...

Red high heels, no?

- I love them. Thank you, Flix.

- Do you like how I look?

I love how you look, yes.

Although, I don't really fit the tone.

Maybe, it might be a little vintage...

- Yes.

- ...but we match pretty well, I think.

- Are the dancers ready?

- They're getting ready over there.

- We have the camera over there.

- And you?

- And me?

- Do you know the choreography?

Yes, more or less. I know it, I know it.

Hey, uh, they're your size, right?

- Yes.

- Ah, nailed it.

Very good, Flix.

- This clip has to be incredible.

- I know.

- If not, they won't accept me.

- I know.

- All right.

- All right.

- Let's go, eh?

- Roll camera and action.


There's a ray of light

That came in through my window

And it's brought me back to life

And taken away the pain

Your love is the kind

That changes you with a kiss

And helps you take flight

My ray of sunshine

The apple of my eye

Has a collection of broken hearts

My ray of sunshine

The apple of my eye

Who dances reggaeton in red high heels

And who helps me take flight

Who makes me cry

Who makes me suffer

But I never stop loving

Because she made me feel

Like I won the lottery

Before her I never knew

That someone could love me like this

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah

La, la, ra

Since I met you, I felt it

I let it carry me away

I died, I woke up in the same bar

I only came to get drunk

I didn't expect to fall in love with you

Or you with me, it just happened

And that's how our story started

My memory doesn't fail me

I said,

"Baby, what are you doing here?"

And that's how our story started

And I took you to Colombia

My ray of sunshine

The apple of my eye

Has a collection of broken hearts

My ray of sunshine

The apple of my eye

Who dances reggaeton in red high heels

And who helps me take flight

Who makes me cry

Who makes me suffer

But I never stop loving

Because she made me feel

Like I won the lottery

Before her I never knew

That someone could love me like this

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah

The clip is going to be incredible.

You'll see. You're going to be

the best in your class.

- You think?

- I promise you.

Uh, Allegra, while we're here.

Have you ever wanted to tell someone

something, but you don't know how,

- or how to use your words?

- Flix.

- And that person is special...

- Flix!

- What?

- I feel the same.

You feel the same?

- I feel that with you...

- I feel that with Marco.

The other day we almost kissed

and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I've been ignoring my heart

For so long

It beats, but it's mechanical


I worked so hard

To control the situation

And now I feel a chaos that's better

If the fear is something I made up

Now I know there's another way

To starve the monster

That strikes fear

Today the fear disappears

I leap without fear

There's no turning back

How could I have been so afraid

And not have thought

That fear can suffocate you?

Everything I've faced was hard

And now how do I fix it?

I can't promise you

That this world will change

But I can assure you

Today the fear disappears

No more being afraid of being afraid

I will walk with you

With no sadness or pain

Unstoppable from today on

Walking forward

And trusting in your lead

It's a risk to decide not to fight

If fighting's needed

It's fine to ask permission

But not to stay behind

Being nice is not the same

As showing weakness

And I'll say it again

Out loud until the end

Don't wait anymore, don't hide

Because the fear disappears

Today it disappears


If you had always

Told me the truth

If you had answered when I called you

If you had loved when I loved you

You'd be the best woman in my dreams

If you didn't know how to love

Now you can go

If you only knew

How I suffered for you

Having to forget you

Without knowing why

And now you're calling

You want to see me

You swear you've changed

And you want to come back

If you didn't know how to love

Now you can go

Get away from me

There's nothing else to say

With you I lost

I have someone to win with now

I know now there was no one

That could give you what I gave you

That no one took care of you

The way I took care of you

So I understand why you're here

But time has passed

And I've changed too

If you didn't know how to love

Now you can go

Get away from me

There's nothing else to say

With you I lost

I have someone to win with now

Now I know there was no one

That could give you what I gave you

That no one took care of you

The way I took care of you

So I understand why you're here

But time has passed

And I've changed too

If you didn't know how to love

Now you can go

If you didn't know how to love

Now you can go

Let's hear it, Gran Rex!

Let's hear it!

Turn on your motor

I'm your direction


Na, na, na, na, na, na

Na, na, na

The streets of my love

Don't have stop signs

Na, na, na, na, na, na

Na, na, na

Come and come and come

And tell me that you love me

In private

You know that you can dominate me

There's no one like you

You're my heads and my tails

My heart is for you

Hit the gas, don't be late

Na, na, na, na, na, na

Na, na, na

The streets of my love

Don't have stop signs

Na, na, na, na, na, na

Na, na, na

Come and come and come

And tell me that you love me

In private

You know that you can dominate me

There's no one like you

You're my heads and my tails

My heart is for you

Come and come and come

And tell me that you love me

In private

You know that you can dominate me

Tell me that you love me

In private

You know that you can dominate me

There's no one like you

You're my heads and my tails

My heart is for...

My heart is for you

- There they come!

- Oh, Okay. Please.


Flirting with him

I found you in that caf

But your eyes locked on me

I looked at you and made you smile

Since that day,

You've been my obsession

I know you follow me wherever I go

And you spy on me in every corner

I see you following my footsteps

You're hiding in my shadow

And I don't know why

Turn me on, woman, turn me on

Turn me on, come on, do you dare

Turn me on

Right here, come closer

Turn me on, here, skin to skin

Turn me on

Let loose once and for all

Be brave, face yourself

Turn me on

And conquer my love

You write but you never sign your name

You call but you don't want to talk

You send roses and love poems

And I feel your presence always

What mystery could you be hiding?

Why do you secretly come and go?

You don't leave a trace,

But I know you're there

I see you following my footsteps

You're hiding in my shadow

And I'm sick of playing

Turn me on, woman, turn me on

Turn me on, come on, do you dare

Turn me on

Right here, come closer

Turn me on, here, skin to skin

Turn me on

Let loose once and for all

Be brave, face yourself

Turn me on

And conquer my love


No, come here, please!

Once, for once

Don't make demands

Or tell me what to do


Once, for once

I beg you to calm down

Even just for one day

I need to breathe

Monday, Thursday, Friday, Tuesday

Whatever you choose, I don't care

I'm just trying not to get overwhelmed

And be who I want to be

And to feel free at least once

In a bad mood again

I never see her smile

I know we've been through a lot

That's how life goes

I want her to be happy

Willing and polite

Motivated, perfumed

And with no complaints

Her brightest side

She never lets it show

Untamable, stubborn

Fragile at the same time

Once, for once

And it's the last thing I'll ask

One night for me

I'll find a treasure

Today I can show it

It's my opportunity

And maybe be someone

Not just another girl

And I promise to earn it

If you just say, "Okay"

And I'll feel so so free

So so free once and for all

It's not time to talk

The apron doesn't match

The fish smells, let's serve caviar

Mom, I want to know

Where'd you go

That I'm less important than a canap

- So many things to do

- One thing to do

- What year is this Malbec?

- Could be this year

- Twelve flowers per bouquet

- One order organized

- Could be

- And again

- One time

- And again

- Okay

- Okay

- I know

- Okay

- I know

- Okay

- Oh, God, the souffl

- Okay

This time I'll shine

My plan, my night

- I'll achieve my hopes and dreams

- I'll plan more events and I'll grow

- Just say yes for once

- I know what I do well

- I know this will be an intense day

- Day

- Hard, long

- Big, long

A k*ller, no doubt


I would love to sing this song with you.

You're in luck,

because I happen to know that one.

And I want to ask everyone

to turn on your flashlights, please.

If I reach your heart anyway

Everything comes down to choice

Don't write on my wall


I just want to be inside your skin

And if the sun doesn't shine

- And I remain trapped here

- And I remain trapped here

There'd be no reason

To keep living without your love

And I return, crazy

- Seeking your love

- Seeking your love

- Nothing left but the wind

- Oh, oh, oh

Nothing left but the wind

And if the sun doesn't shine

- And I remain trapped here

- And I remain trapped here

There'd be no reason

To keep living without your love

No, oh

And I return, crazy

- Seeking your love

- Seeking your love

Nothing left but the wind, ooh, ooh

Nothing left but the wind

And if the sun doesn't shine

- And I remain trapped here

- And I remain trapped here

There'd be no reason

To keep living without your love

In your face, sweetie.

Brbara, I am sick of you.

Are you okay?

- I thought something was happening to you.

- I'm okay.

I have bad news.

- What happened?

- Uh, I didn't get into college.

Oh, no. Flix, sorry.

- Just kidding.

- Ugh, you scared me.

- They loved the clip, the choreography...

- Really?

- ...the high heels, the canes.

- That's great, Flix.

It makes me so happy

that you can follow your dreams.

It wouldn't have been possible

if it weren't for you.

You know how important you are to me, no?

- You're important to me too.

- I love you.

Me too.


If I have to choose to see you again

Or accept that you're gone

I prefer to pretend to be happy for you

Even though you didn't choose me

If I have to break my own heart

To keep you in my life

I'll have to understand

That in wars of love

There are always stray b*ll*ts

Don't force me to hide

That I didn't see you if I do

Because you know I promised

Though if I were you, I wouldn't buy it

If I have to erase every mark

That his kisses left on you

I prefer to cover them up

With the kisses we didn't have

It could have been me

Who has your heart under lock and key

But it was taken from me without mercy

Just when I thought I had caught it

It escaped

It could have been me

Waking up by your side always

But our future never arrived

I promised myself I wouldn't lose you

And I don't know what happened

It could have been me, oh, oh

If only you'd asked me

For advice in love

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

If only you'd asked me

For advice in love

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

If I have to wait for you, I will

And I won't fade with time

And even if there's someone else

If I can't talk to you

It's like being alone

I know it's hard for me to see

That in the end it'll be me that's hurt

I have to understand, in wars of love

There are always stray b*ll*ts

It could have been me

Who has your heart under lock and key

But it was taken from me without mercy

Just when I thought I had caught it

It escaped

It could have been me

Waking up by your side always

But our future never arrived

I promised myself I wouldn't lose you

And I don't know what happened

It could have been me, oh, oh

If only you'd asked me

For advice in love

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

If only you'd asked me

For advice in love

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

It could have been me

But you left me madly in love

Looking for your kisses in the station

And there's nothing worse

Than missing what never was

It could have been me

Waking up by your side always

But our future never arrived

I promised myself I wouldn't lose you

And I don't know what happened

It could have been me, oh, oh

If only you'd asked me

For advice in love

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

If only you'd asked me

For advice in love

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

If only you'd asked me for advice

In love

Thank you for being

an unconditional friend.


With all this traveling

and coming and going that I can't control,

in the end, I don't know what happened

with everyone and the tour.

Uh, well, what's the Internet for?

We'll search for it. Let's see.

- Here. There.

- Look. I'm in the photo.

"Thanks to the cast of Eleven O'Clock,

the Freaky Friday tour has been cemented

for all of Latin America."

What? And let's see. Here's another one.

"The recital was a success,

the tour was cemented,

but Caterina Sharp

chose not to participate."

Here's more.

Here. Ooh.

"Hear What Coc Sharp Said."

I wouldn't want to be in Caterina's shoes.

I can just imagine Greta and Coc onstage.


Here's a video. Let's see.








- Look, they went to Brazil.

- Look.



Colombia, that's Colombia.




- Tons of places.

- Yeah.





So, there was never

a version of '94 without you?

It doesn't look like it.

It sounds weird,

but it seems like I was always there,

landing from the present.

Oh, that's why you were in the photo.

Yeah, and Marco wasn't.

Don't think of that,

you're going to find out what happened.

Everything will be okay.

The bracelet wasn't helping me

change anything.

But it did help me understand my mom,

and get to know her better.

Now I get that I can't change the past,

but I can learn from it.

Uh, Allegra, what...


It opened.

- No more travels.

- No more travels.



What happened? Where am I?

And who are you?

- Uh, I'm her...

- Marco.

I have so much to explain to you.

Let's go.

And that's how it all started.

That's how the travels started

in Marco's time.

Where did he get the bracelet?

What is he doing in the present?

Those are all questions

I'm sure you want the answers to, right?


I'm afraid that, for now,

we can't answer them.


But I am sure of one thing

and it's that the end of this story

hasn't been written yet.


You know when you dream

so, so much about something?

And then you can't believe it

when it becomes real?

It was really hard for me to go on

with my life as if nothing happened.

EXIThinking that I'd never see you again.


Music Hall

Allegra, we're from different times.

We're not connected in any way,

and even so, look at us.

There's something that unites us always.


No matter how much time passes...

we'll always find each other.

Sorry, sorry.

I didn't mean to interrupt

this magical romantic moment.


Are you still in love with Marco?

What? Didn't you learn anything

from everything that happened?


Coc set the theater on fire.

Nothing matters to you.





It's our destiny to be together.


I'm sort of an idol in the film world.

My followers like it a lot.

- Are there are lot of them?

- One hundred and forty-one.

No, one hundred and forty-three.



Why is it that

Everyone is hiding something?

Things so hard that no one can say

And everyone is walking

As if it's a procession

Of silent people with no hearts

Why is it that I like the night?

Because everyone left

Is a father to me

That dares to say everything

And teaches you to live

What millions don't dare to say

That dares to say everything

And teaches you to live

What millions don't dare to say

Time is passing you by

And your life is slipping away

All I ask is that you really come back

And that the silence

Turns into Carnival

Time is passing you by

And your life is slipping away

All I ask is that you really come back

And that the silence

Turns into Carnival

- Whoo! Yeah!

- Come on! Yeah!

Get it!

Why is it you bite your tongue?

It's the fear

That's standing in front of you

If the memory is strangling you

Don't let yourself be dragged

Let's go outside,

My friends are leaving

Why is it that you stay inside?

Don't stay in

Out here it's Carnival

Carnival all the time

And a night with you

If there's no gallop

Our hearts stop

Carnival all the time

And a night with you

If there's no gallop

Our hearts stop

- Time is passing you by

- Time is passing you by

- And your life is slipping away

- Your life is slipping away

All I ask

Is that you really come back

And that the silence

Turns into Carnival

Turns into Carnival

- Time is passing you by

- Time is passing you by

- And your life is slipping away

- And your life is slipping away

All I ask is that you really come back

And that the silence

Turns into Carnival

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

La, ra, la, la, ra, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la



Uh, I'm rehearsing.

Turn off the light. Who is that?


When you need practice,

you have to practice a lot

and repeat the lyrics again and again.

I'm gonna get dressed for success.

Is anyone there?

- Can I come in? Come on.

- Yes, come in.

She never forgets a line.

It's always me asking,

- "Dude, I forgot the script."

- No, well, more or less.

Sometimes I forget a little.

I'm rehearsing "On My Way,"

which is one of my favorite songs.

- Great song.

- And the choreography is super fast and...

- With passion and guts, you can succeed.

- Wise words.

A dream is coming true for me.

What are you doing here?

Just writing a little.

- Alone?

- No, not alone.

- Ah, I didn't see him, sorry.

- Ah.

- Are we ready to dance?

- Yes, yes, yes, I can do it.

- I'm from the present, is that okay?

- It's okay, you can dance with us.

- Ready.

- Ready? Just for fun.

Let's do exercises like Sharpay

in High School Musical.

Yes, Sharpay and Ryan.

- They would say, "Ma, ma, ma."

- Ma, ma, ma.

- Up and I bring it here.

- I go here, down.

- Okay.

- And now...

- Forward, reach.

- Pull.

- Pull.

- "What happened?", you ask in your spot.

- You look for him at different heights.

- Like that.

- You look and look.

- Ah.

- That's it.

- Okay?

Listen, I'm going to continue

teaching him in the dressing room.

- Perfect, okay.

- Come, you can't get out of this one.

- I'm going to change.

- Okay.

- I'll keep showing them.

- You have to change too.

- Our number is coming, eh?

- That's true.

- I don't know how you're so calm.

- I was showing them. Mm.

- No!

- What?

- I broke it.

- Seriously? Don't say that.

- Kidding. What am I forgetting?

- Babe. Come on, hurry. We'll be late.

So, if I touch this little thing...

Was it you that was playing around

and scared me when I was onstage?

No. No, never. I would never.

I would never do such a thing.

- So Kevsho it hurts.

- It's just...

Once, for once

Don't make demands or tell me what to do

So good. That's my favorite song

in the show. I'm telling you.

Psychologist, costume designer, dancer,

I don't know what all I'm doing.

A vacation after Intertwined Live!

This show and then vacation.

I'm requesting vacation, yeah?