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02x21 & 02x22 - Mouth of the Snake/All That Glitters

Posted: 05/09/23 05:44
by bunniefuu
Who or what is that? That's what I wanna find out.

You just saved my skin.

Whether you like it or not, we're after the same thing, so why don't we pool our resources? I work alone.

Well, I never imagined you as a government employee.

I'm not.

Not officially.

So what are you officially? Just a guy who shows up here and there.

I got a rocket launcher to knock out.

MichaeI- Look above you.

Oh, no! Don't tell me that's David.

Who else? Get them out! We'll never survive a direct hit.

Then we're gonna have to outrun him, pal.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpIess, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Fragrance of that long lost evening.

Tender moves that keep repeating.

Soft night's melody that I can't forget.

Younger boy and helpIess girI.

Passion of the other world.

Strange old place from a nursery rhyme.

That I can't forget.

I can't go back.


Thank you, my darling.

My friends, we have some refreshments down below.

Please come with me.


We've just received a message.

They have got to move tonight.

Make the necessary arrangements.

Yes, operator.

I would like Calexico, California.

Look, I don't care what time it is, Elmo.

You get your butt out there.

They're expecting that delivery at Boca Culebra by dawn.

Friday, 2:30 a.


It's the third crossing.

Same vehicles.

A van and two trucks, one heavily guarded.

I'm gonna try and follow the vehicles to their destination.

Hey! Over there! Stop! That's Mexico across the border, KITT.

What do you think? I think it looks exactly like California.

Some traveler you'd make.

MichaeI, I really don't understand borders and different countries.

You're all people, aren't you? Sure, but we've got different languages, cultures, customs.

Of course, but why compartmentalize yourselves? Wouldn't it be easier to Just live together without all these artificiaI lines? Probably, but you'd sure put a lot of politicians out of business.

Very funny.

Well, MichaeI, what do you think of Calexico? Looks good so far.

You sure this is where she's staying? Yes, MichaeI.

This is the address Devon gave us.

Look at that.

"Payoff suspected.

" You know what they did.

They k*lled him.

They m*rder*d him.

And then stuffed $5,000 in his pocket and left him lying in the dust like a common criminal.

You said your husband was k*lled because he got too close.

Too close to what? I don't know.

Arthur worked for the Attorney General's office.

He often handled cases he couldn't talk about.

Joanna, since this was a federal investigation, maybe you should let the government look into it.

Oh, no.

The government, in its infinite wisdom would pursue this with the ardor and alacrity of a hippopotamus.

I need somebody who can function outside the bureaucracy.

That's why I called the Foundation.

All right.

You said you went through Arthur's things.

Did you find anything useful? I'm not sure.

I found this scribbled in his checkbook.

"Boca Culebra.

" Mouth of the Snake.

I have no idea of its significance, if it's significant at all.

And this.

I found this hidden under the seat of his rented car.

Are you sure this is where they found him? I came out with the police.

Why? Because there hasn't been much traffic through here except for these tracks and they run parallel to the border, not across it.

KITT, what have you got on these tracks, huh? Are you talking to me? Oh, no, I'm sorry.

KITT, say hello to Joanna.

Hello, Joanna.

That's my computer, my partner, and my friend.

Thank you, MichaeI.

The size of the tracks indicate a larger tire, probably on a four-wheeI drive vehicle.

The treads indicate newer tires.


Arthur's rental was a new four-wheel drive.

Come on, hop in.

Let's find out where those tracks come from.

MichaeI, the tracks end here.

It looks like an army moved through here.

Michael? This looks like the same piece of pottery you found in his car.

Hey, KITT, take a look at this and give me a reading on it.

Right away, MichaeI.

The materiaI is composed of fine particles of hydrous aluminum silicates.

Yeah, in other words, clay.

I know that.

There is also an unusuaI concentration of gold flakings on the inside of each piece of materiaI.

Gold? Yes.

My guess is the clay was molded around a rather substantiaI core of pure gold.

All right, look, the odds are I won't find a thing out there tonight.

But if I do, it's not gonna be anything you should be involved with.

Well, thanks for the concern, but I already am involved.

And I've never cared much for the sidelines.

Michael, I respect your professional judgment.

But Arthur was my husband.

I can't just stand by and hope that someone finds his m*rder*r.

I'll go along with you this time.

Fair warning, though.

Once is my limit.


You've had your say.

Now it's my turn.

Joanna, I've never been married, but I've been in love and I know how hard it is to lose that.

Look, I can only guess what you're going through right now, but I know it's probably the hardest thing you ever had to face.

Joanna, you're stretched tighter than a drum.

I can see it in your eyes.

You know, it's okay to cry.

You see a guy come running out here a second ago? Nope.

You've got the whole track to yourself.

Keep an eye on that guy, KITT.

If he's got a car, trace it.

I've got him in my sights.

Check target eye position.

Many years ago, a Yaqui shaman told me that the history of mankind is a history of w*r.

If that is true, and I believe it to be, you and I will soon stand together shoulder to shoulder among the greatest warriors of the past.

You can have the notoriety, Eduardo.

I will settle for the money.

Well, I will settle for nothing less than both.

I'm not sure what's going on down here, but it's a lot more than illegal aliens and a lawyer framed to look like he was in on the take.

Well, the gold you mentioned would certainly confirm that.

I'll see what I can turn up, MichaeI.

KITT ran a trace on a guy outside Joanna's motel.

Any luck? We're making some progress.

His name is David Dalton.

His present address is Washington, DC, but he's been there for less than a year.

What does this guy do for a living? I'm feeding all the information to KITT now.

Thanks, Devon.

I'll keep you posted.

So, the plot thickens.

Bet this guy David Dalton's not down in Mexico looking for the world's greatest burrito.

And what are we looking for? We are going back to the border, pal, to see if lightning strikes twice.

KITT, can you give me a reading on what's inside those trucks? Yes, MichaeI.

The vans are carrying people.

The truck is filled with crates of Pottery.

All right, just what I figured.

Make like a decoy.

I wanna get inside that truck and take a closer look.

Whoa! Stop! Let's get him! Let's follow him! I think this has gone far enough.

Adios, amigos.

Come on back.

Come on back.

Come on straight back.

Come on back.

That's it.

All right, let's get it unloaded.

Come on, move! You got the tailgate down.

Come on, let's move it! Out.

Who are you? Oh, I'm a- I'm a hitchhiker.

Is this San Diego? Not exactly, pal.

Oh, sorry.


Get over here.

Up against the wall.

Hey, wait a minute! KITT, if you're out there, I need you.

Cut him off! MichaeI, who or what is that? That's what I wanna find out.

It's quite extraordinary.

I've never seen a human being move like that.

Hang on, hang on.

I think we're on the same side here.

My name's Michael Knight.

KITT, get Devon.

Tell him to send someone out to the warehouse ASAP.

I want those guards busted and out of the way so no one will find them.

I'll hang here until somebody gets here.

I'll get right on it, MichaeI.


It's a computer.

It's replacing the dog as man's best friend.

Don't worry, he doesn't bite.

It's not that.

I just don't have much use for them.

All they've ever done is screw up my bank account and send me mail I don't need.

I beg your pardon? Not now, KITT.

Somehow I knew it wasn't an accident seeing you outside that motel in Calexico.

Look, you just saved my skin.

And whether you like it or not, we're after the same thing so why don't we pool our resources? I work alone.

Me, too, but I don't make a religion out of it.

All right, cards on the table.

Your name's David Dalton, you live in Washington, DC, you're seldom there, you have a quote-unquote "unofficial relationship" with a former Department of Justice VIP named Archibald Hendley.

You disappear weeks at a time doing things you couldn't discuss at cocktail parties.

Those are the highlights.

I'm working on the details.

Michael Knight.

Work for the Foundation for Law and Government with an Englishman named Miles.

You've been there nearly three years.

Who or what you did before that seems to be a real mystery.

Probably not the kind of things you can discuss at your fancy fundraisers.

I'm working on the blank spots, too.

Speaking of blank spots, we got a warehouse full of gold here, we got a lawyer named Abrahms who was k*lled, we got something called "Boca Culebra" he stumbled onto, all parts of a big jigsaw puzzle.

Now, I'm telling you, we can help each other out here.


Maybe some other time.

MichaeI, the authorities are on their way.

Joanna? Joanna, it's me, Michael.

Joanna What are you doing here? I could ask you the same question.

Yeah, you could, but I still want an answer.

You know Joanna? From where? Uh, DC.

Her old man and I used to play racquetball.

Terrific lawyer, lousy backhand.

Michael, how did you get in my room? Who are you? He says he used to play racquetball with your husband.

Arthur never played racquetball.

Who are you? What are you doing here? Among other things, trying to find out who k*lled your husband and why.

His name is David Dalton.

He saved my neck this morning.

That's very nice, but that doesn't explain what he's doing in my room.

Or why you lied to me.

I think you owe me an explanation.

And I think you'd be better off back at DC at one of your society luncheons or bridge games.

For your information, the only society luncheons I attend are for charity.

And I haven't played bridge in years.

Why am I explaining myself to him? She gets more coverage than the Redskins.

Time out.

Come on, we're all after the same thing here.

I'm not so sure that's true.

All right, you say you're trying to find out who k*lled my husband.

Why? Let me put it this way.

I think I know who k*lled him.

Really? Who? A man named Eduardo O'Brian.

Then why don't you call the police and have him arrested? If I could get what I need, I would.

What exactly is it you need? More information.


And how do you intend to get it? That's the hard part.

Eduardo Brian travels in very select circles.

He's not easy to get to.

Maybe you just don't know the right people.

And I suppose you do.


Joanna, David's been on this for a while.

He might know more than we do.

If we need to get to Eduardo, she might be able to help us.

I don't think they travel in the same circles.

Don't be so sure.

Who's O'Brian's contact in the States? A businessman named Elton Matthews.

He owns a construction firm in LA.

Ring any social bells? Not right off the bat.

But meet me in Los Angeles, I might be able to turn up some.

There's another rig running the scales.

See you later, Sam.

Eduardo O'Brian's been one of the biggest independents in Mexican crime for years.

The stories about what he's done to people he doesn't like would turn your stomach.

He's got this thing for weapons.

Uh, they say he's one of the best.

You know, there was a small fortune in gold on that truck.

Any idea where that fits in? He's been smuggling a lot of it across the border.

Once it's in the States, he turns it into cash as fast as possible.

That's all we know so far.

Another piece in the puzzle, huh? It's turning out to be a big puzzle.

You'd be surprised how big.

Six months ago, O'Brian got hold of some stolen DOD documents.

The guy who sold them ended up floating in the Potomac River before anyone could figure out what they were.

An agent was put on the case.

He got as far as the combination to a safe on O'Brian's yacht when they found him.

Someone had used an African skinning knife on him.

It took the coroner three days to ID the poor guy.

They figured it took him 48 hours to die.

By the time I got to the safe, they'd changed the combination.

That's the way it's been with O'Brian.

Just when you think you've got a lead, you come up empty-handed.

Maybe Joanna will change your luck.

Don't hold your breath.

You don't just walk into town, make a few phone calls, and get invited to dinner with Eduardo O'Brian.

So the party's tonight.

At Elton Matthews' beach house.

Uh, tonight.

Just like that? Well, Priscella Ragsdale and I were neighbors for years in Georgetown before she and John moved here to Los Angeles.

And, uh, he's an entertainment lawyer, so, of course, they know everybody.

Sounds like a fantastic opportunity.

It's a start.

Now let me think how we can use this.

You won't have to worry about using this.

You're not invited.

I am.

Besides, it's black tie, so I don't think you'd fit in.

Would you mind not staring at the cookies like that? Poison.

They happen to be English butter biscuits.

Yeah, and stuffed with preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial colors, additives- They've been eating them in England for five centuries.

Right, and look what happened to the empire.

All right.

What do you think are O'Brian's chances of being at the party? Very good.


O'Brian's in Mexico.


This happens to be a birthday party for him.

Really? Let's take a drive.

There's something I wanna show you.


Michael? I need an escort for tonight.

You got one.


8:30? 7:30.

This place is also part of Matthews' construction business.

Two nights ago, I saw a whole caravan of dump trucks leave here empty.

Six hours later they returned full.

In the middle of the night? That's pretty strange.

Yeah, especially since Matthews doesn't have a job anywhere in this part of the state right now.

Wait a minute.

These boxes look real familiar.

These things are big enough to knock a house down.

Let's go, let's go.

Come on, come on! I'd sure like to know where those rockets are going.


Right on time, Michael.

Michael got busy.

I'm your date.

But that's impossible.

It's black tie.

I know, but I didn't think black would go with this sports coat.

Yes, may I have the valet, please? MichaeI, my research indicates that those rockets are capable of piercing four-inch reinforced steeI.

You sound a little nervous there, buddy.

Nervous? Certainly not.

But the thought of what a w*apon like that might do to me is rather perplexing.

Yeah, well, let's make a point of not finding out, huh? I'll bet they developed these things during the Inquisition.

The rack and the tux.

I just realized I have absolutely no idea what we're planning to do.

We're not planning anything.

You're going to circulate and make charming conversation.

Somehow, I'm going to get into Matthews' study upstairs.

There must be something I can do.

Just do whatever the right people do at parties like these.

Thank you.

Oh, the Ragsdales.

Oh, right.

John and Prissy.

Oh, well, hi! Joanna! How are you? It's so good to see you.

You look wonderful.

Thank you.

This is David Dalton.


How long are you in town? Oh, I'm not really sure.

It depends on so many things.

It's great having you here.

Oh, look at that! Ladies and gentlemen, could I please have your attention? Welcome to the party.

It's time to present our guest of honor this evening, Eduardo O'Brian.

Oh, my.

recognition of Eduardo's birthday Oh, don't be so 19th century, John.

What's she supposed to do? Dry up and blow away? Priscella, Arthur's been dead less than a week.

Six days.

your enthusiasm and your hospitality.

Not a bad week's work.

It's been said a man's wealth is determined by the number of friends he has.

But frankly, I prefer the money.

Thank you for being here this evening with me.

Thank you.

Introduce me to that beautiful woman.

Would you like some champagne? Thanks, but I don't drink.

Oh, you must be the host of this fabulous party.

Elton Matthews.

I'm delighted to meet you, Miss Joanna St.


You know, I was just admiring some of these pre-Columbian pieces.

They are so exquisite.

Are you a collector? Oh, of sorts.

Mister? O'Brian.

Eduardo O'Brian.

Maybe I could show you some of my favorites.

I'd like that very much, Mr.


Please call me Eduardo.

Excuse me.

You and Joanna are such a striking couple.

Have you known each other long? Not really.

Actually it seems like hours.

I know what you mean.

At least I used to.

Before John's clock started to slow down.

I'll bet yours doesn't miss a beat.

Excuse me.

The men's room? Looks like they're moving the rockets to the semi.

Let's take a look inside, huh, pal? The x-ray mode won't penetrate, MichaeI.

The trailer's lined with lead.

All right.

Looks like they're leaving.


Matthews has the most beautiful home.

And you are the perfect complement to it.

Thank you.

So is the lovely woman you're with.

Tiara? Yes, she's beautiful.

She's like champagne.

Good for the parties.

You, on the other hand, are like a deep, rich Burgundy.

Well, metaphors aside, I can't imagine how a man such as yourself could ever want for anything.

Including a woman.

I rarely am.

When I see something I want, I pursue it until it's mine.

Oh, it's awfully cold.

Shall we? As you wish.

But I'm reluctant to share your company with even one more person.

Perhaps you could be my guest sometime in less crowded circumstances.

Yes, perhaps.

Thank you.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Get out of here, you idiot! Are you all right? Eduardo, I'm fine, I'm fine.

It was really all my fault.

I'm sorry.

Eduardo, there's been a little disturbance upstairs.

All of the guests are accounted for except for Miss St.

John's friend.

David? You called? Cheers.

I thought you didn't drink.

Only on special occasions.

Shall we? Excuse me.

Is there a problem? Well, Eduardo's invited me to have a nightcap.


In that case, I'll see you later.

MichaeI, this is becoming a career.

What? That was a Joke.


I guess my sense of humor needs a tune-up.

That was a joke.


Hang in there, buddy.

They can't run forever.

I certainly hope not.


Didn't mean to wake you.

Do you always sleep this late? Day's half over.

What are you doing? What is this thing doing in the middle of my living room? I'm moving in.

I tried to get another room, but they're all booked.

Where's the kitchen? I grow sprouts and they prefer a southern exposure.

Are you crazy? Would you get out of here? Get out of here right now! I can't.

You can.

Not without blowing everything we've done.

They think we're lovers.

How's it gonna look, you living here in luxury and me living like a dog at the Tri-Way Motel for $12 a night? They think we're lovers? Who thinks we're lovers? Your friends.

Priscella in particular.

They were saying things like: "I hear you and Joanna are quite close.

" "How long have you two been together?" Well, what could I say? What did you say? I said you were a wonderful woman and And what? I don't know.

Women smiled.

Men winked.


Look, if this is difficult for you- Oh, It's not difficult, it's unacceptable.

I've always hated that word.

I think you and I'd better get a few things straight.

First of all, I'm here to conduct an investigation, not play social doormat and empty-glass holder for you and your highbrow, low-minded friends.

Second, I've got my own life.

I don't need to push my way into other people's.

Look, I'm sorry.

I- I just thought Well, I don't know what I thought.

This is all so new to me.

I'm not exactly a veteran myself.

I've got an idea.

Me, too.

I could leave a few things here for appearance's sake.

What's your idea? You could leave a few things here for appearance's sake.

A shame to let a spare bedroom go to waste.

Uh Just kidding.

Just kidding.

You and O'Brian seemed to hit if off last night.

We speak the same language.

It figures.

Well, while you two were exchanging social pleasantries, I found something incredible.


I copied this list off of Matthews' computer.

It's from the Boca file.

As in Boca Culebra? Mmm-hmm.

What do these numbers and letters mean? I don't know, but I'm almost positive there's some classified papers that could tell us.

And where are they? I'm almost positive they're locked in a safe on O'Brian's yacht.

Which is a lot like being locked in Fort Knox.

Well, even Fort Knox opens with the right combination.


What are you going to do, make another call and ask Eduardo for it? Not exactly.

You know, you're right, buddy.

This is becoming a career.

I think it's time to force their hand.

MichaeI, that's a 4.

7-mm rocket launcher.

I got you, pal.

MichaeI, that rocket still has us in its sights.

Then we're gonna have to outrun him, pal.

Hit it! We're onto a fortune in gold, a rocket launcher hidden inside a semi, and Eduardo O'Brian.

This thing's like an octopus.

Every time we turn around, there's a new tentacle.

Maybe you shouldn't have let her go.

I tried to talk her out of it.

She said it was her constitutional right or something.

How long have they been gone? What? Oh, about an hour.

Look, it's her life, right? I just hope she doesn't blow everything sky high.

I'm gonna go check out those dump trucks you mentioned.

Do you wanna come? Uh, no.

I'd better stick around, just in case.

Yeah, right.

Just in case.

Another morning, you are on my mind.

Takin' up my time through all the day.

I try controI, every chance I see.

Always you with me, that's in my dreams.

You give me fever, love I can't explain.

Fire uncontained, what is this, girI.

I try to fight.


I know so little about you.

Well, no less than I know about you.

You seem a study in contrasts, you know.

Even your name, Eduardo O'Brian.

Are you Mexican or Irish? Both.

My mother was Mexican, my father was Irish.


They had two things in common, Catholicism and sex.

Neither was enough.


Oh, never be sorry.

People get together, they share, they learn, and then they part.

Life is like, uh, like water.

If it stays too long in one place, it goes bad.

I sense that you know that.

Oh, you've very intuitive.

So am I.

Yes? Yes.

What do you sense in me? Oh, let's see.

Um You pride yourself on your skill with weapons, and you're a gambler.

You can't resist a challenge.

You are very intuitive.

And logical.

And logic tells me, that if I were to challenge you to a trapshoot at, say, uh, $1,000 a pigeon, you couldn't say no.

Get Mr.


Hey, you sh**t well.

Family tradition.



O'Brian? Mr.

Matthews is on the phone.

He says it's important.

Thank you.

Excuse me.


Yes? Destroy it.

And check the rest of the house, every inch of it.

I want a full report when I return.

Pull! Incredible.

I've never missed seven in a row.



Of course.

Well A bet is a bet.

Excuse me.


Of course.

You told him what? I had no choice.

Yeah, but everything you said was a lie.

What did you want me to do, tell him the truth? Um, no.

Well, exactly.

You can't have it both ways.

What if he decides to check? I'm convinced he will.

We're dead.

Not necessarily.

I had a nice little chat with Priscella.

She's going to cover for me.

I should've never let you go.

You had nothing to do with it.

I went on my own.

That's what I mean.

Joanna, a man like Eduardo O'Brian isn't limited to checking with personal friends.

Well, you're the professional.

You told me you had ways to take care of things.

Things, yeah.

But a whole life invented over crab legs and skeet sh**ting.

Why did you have to tell him a Caribbean island? You have to talk louder.

I said, why did you have to tell him you were married to a treasure hunter on a Caribbean island? Would it have made it any easier if I'd said a shoe salesman in Des Moines? I guess not.

Thank you.

Listen, Archibald, I need a little help.

You know that woman I mentioned? No, no, no, not that one.

The one that got me into Elton Matthews' study.

Yeah, well, it's a long story, but Eduardo O'Brian cornered her about her past.

She did the only thing she could.

She lied.

I may need you to cover it, in case he checks.

I know, I know, I know, it's a lot to ask, but we've got no other choice.


Thanks, I appreciate it.

H- hold on a minute.

There's more? It was a long lunch.

Arch, you may need a pencil.

First of all, she's been married twice.

Once to a treasure hunter, and once to a South African diamond dealer.

What? You can't do that- What's he saying? You don't wanna know.

Well, uh, maybe this will help soothe the pain.

What's this, your dress size? The combination to the yacht's safe.

MichaeI, what if this is a wild goose chase? If David's right, it won't be.

KITT, the dump trucks fit in.

We just don't know how yet.

Hey! How's it going? Hey, Charlie, when's this thing gonna be finished? Don't ask me.

At $500 a load, I hope they dig to China.

They're the same numbers I saw on the computer in Elton Matthews' study.

M-19X, LGMS-Series X.

According to these specs, the LGMS-Series X is a laser-guided m*ssile system that's adaptable to a conventional as*ault r*fle.


Where? What time? Arch, the 19th is tomorrow.

Yeah, okay.



Well? What did he say? He said these weapons don't exist.

At least not officially.

Come on.

So did he say anything else? Yeah.

Elton Matthews just bought a plane.

A C-141.

One of the biggest cargo planes ever built.

$18 million cash.

David, could that be what the gold was used for? Probably.

The mystery unfolds.

The kicker is a flight plan's been filed.

It leaves from a private airfield outside Dallas at 1:00 p.



Does that mean that Boca Culebra happens tomorrow afternoon? That's Arch's guess.

What's yours? Boca Culebra happens tomorrow afternoon.

David, what exactly is it that he expects you to do? Find it first.

Who is Archibald? My boss.

I know that.

But I mean, who is he? Who does he work for? The Department of Justice.


Well, I never imagined you as a government employee.

A Fed, huh? I'm not.

Not officially.

Oh, you sound like the g*ns.

So what are you, officially? Just a guy who shows up here and there.

What's the Department of Justice's interest in this? Eduardo O'Brian.

He usually operates outside the country.

This time, he's here in the flesh.

Archibald sees it as, quote, "A rare and unique opportunity.

" And how do you see it? It's a long story.

Well, I don't have a plane to catch.

You do it for the money? No.

Uh, love of country? No.

I know.

You're trying to forget a tragic love affair.

I got into a little trouble in Guatemala.

It's a long story.

Come on, David.

You keep saying that.

Just give me the Reader's Digest version.

I don't think they'd be interested.

You're being coy.

I just don't want to talk about it.

You were in prison.

Did Archibald get you out? Is that why you do it? What did you do, run a jacket on me? No.

People just don't guess things like that.

You'd be surprised.

He wanted someone to kick off a pet project of his, and I wanted out of Guatemala.

We made a deal, and here I am.

Did you love him? What? Your husband, did you love him? Yes.

Of course I loved him.

Why? He's only been dead a week.

Eight days.

Why do you want to know if I loved him? You asked that question for a reason.

What are you trying to say? Forget it.

It's none of my business.

You're damn right it's none of your business, but that's not the point.

What did you mean? All I meant was it must've been hard for you.

What? Looking into the eyes of the man who k*lled your husband and smiling.


Here you go.

If she says yes, you're invited to the wedding.

What are you doing here? Waiting for Joanna.

She's not here? If she were, I wouldn't be waiting.

If she's not here, how did you get in here? The door was ajar.

Please, give these to her for me.

They die quickly without water.

You believe in keeping fit.

The body's a tool.

A tool or a w*apon? I'll tell Joanna you brought by the flowers.

As magnificent a w*apon as the body can be, it is limited by its design.

A finely designed w*apon, however, has no limits.

I'll remember that.

Thanks for dropping by.

Joanna is an extraordinary woman in so many ways.

And you seem anything but extraordinary.

I can't imagine what she sees in you.

Real mystery.

Pardon? Human relationships.

You hide behind your woman's skirts.

Someday, when she's not around to protect you, we'll meet again.

You may be a big man to people that are impressed by yachts and young girls.

That doesn't include me.

And one more thing.

I don't hide behind Joanna's skirts, and I'm not hard to find.

So if you ever want me, I'm right here.

Boca Culebra is a perfect description.

The mouth looks like an abandoned mineshaft, a hole where the dirt comes out.

The snake is an underground tunnel dug by forced labor.

The illegal aliens you saw at the border.


That's my guess.

It doesn't make sense.

A tunnel to where? To what? I don't know, David.

All I could see was desert.

I've got Devon checking on it.

Anything on the weapons? No, not yet.

All we know for sure is that the C-141 leaves Dallas at 1:00 today.

Figure it's about a two-hour flight, so whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen in less than six hours.

Doesn't give us much time.

Eight sh*ts in a row.

I should have known then.

Maybe we can postpone it.


Eduardo, they're onto us! A little information is like a little power.

You always want more.

Uh, Joanna just came in.

I'll get back to you.

How was shopping? Oh, it was fun.

It took my mind off everything for a while.

I picked up some things for you.

For me? What? Oh, just a few things.

Oh, David, they're beautiful.

Thank you.

Actually- Actually, you are a very special person.

I misjudged you.


Thanks so much for last night, I hadn't been able to cry, I couldn't.

I didn't know how badly I needed to.

What's wrong? Uh, nothing.

No, something's wrong, I can tell.

What is it? We're running out of time.

I've got to get back in the beach house, get to that computer in the study.

It's our last chance to figure out Boca before it's too late.

David, you don't know anything about computers.

No, but Michael does.

If I can get back in the study, I can get the computer to interface with the computer in Michael's car.

I don't know how it works, but everything in their computer will be transferred to KITT.

David, is there something you want me to do? No.

I'll call him.

It's all right.

Who? Eduardo.

You would like me to call him, wouldn't you? Eduardo was here earlier.

He's suspicious.

It could be dangerous.

I know.

I figured that out.

I haven't figured you out, though.

Every time I touch you, you flinch.

Habit, I guess.

You know, David, I don't wanna pry, but you helped me last night.

Maybe I could help you.

I don't know anything about you.

I don't - I don't know how your life was like, or how you grew up.

I know it was hard, I know that.

You know, David, whatever happened is in the past.

It's-it's over.

I wish you'd trust me a little bit.

You don't have to keep fighting wars that ended years ago.



Yes, I was just gonna call you, Eduardo.

All set? We're ready when you are.

All right.

Let's do it.



You look more beautiful than ever.

Thank you.

I trust the flowers please you? The flowers? Oh, the flowers.

Oh, Eduardo, they're beautiful.

Thank you.

David was kind enough to put them in a vase for me.


I imagine he's good at that sort of thing.

Will you join me on the terrace? I'd love to, but, uh, can I use the powder room first? Yes, it's the first door to the right.

Thank you.

MichaeI, it's 1.


Thanks, pal.

Two more minutes, and David should be inside the grounds.

Once he's inside, he'll be out of scanner range.

I know.

There you are.

Ah, thank you.

A fascinating w*apon, the boomerang.

Are you familiar with it? No.

It was developed by the aborigines in Australia, centuries before the English came.

They called it baJa dara, stick of life.

Don't be frightened.

BaJa dara is what they say.

It's like life.

What you put out will return to you.


It's too bad your bug didn't work.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, I'm talking about Boca Culebra.

That must be very frustrating.

So close and yet so far.

What was that other word? My Spanish isn't so good.

Compared to your cover, I'm sure it's quite good.

This way.

Consider that the final nail in your coffin.

He did it! He certainly did.

Okay, buddy, let's see what we've got.

Although the longbow was credited with changing the face of w*r, it was the introduction of the crossbow in the early 13th century that truly revolutionized w*r.

It made k*lling efficient.

Eduardo, did you invite me here for a refresher course on ancient weapons? No.

This is why I invited you.

KITT, run me the specs on those weapons.

They're highly classified prototypes, MichaeI.

The most sophisticated and lethaI conventionaI weapons in the world today.

Give me everything you can find on the snake, the tunnel.

Right away, MichaeI.

Here's Boca, the mouth.

And here's the snake, the tunneI.

MichaeI, the tunneI leads to a highly classified weapons depot.

Bull's-eye! So, as you see, I know everything.

I even know you took credit for the roses I sent Joanna.

A small matter, but added to your account nevertheless.

But now the time has come to pay the piper.

How much time do we have, Elton, before the helicopter arrives? I'll deal with you later.

But I'll deal with you now.

You have one minute.

You have a choice between the beach and the wooded area.

If I were you, I'd choose the wooded area.

You have more cover.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about you.

Your life.

If you wanna keep it, you'd better start running.

Eduardo, stop this.

If this is your idea of a joke, it's in poor taste.

Elton? Run, David.

Whoever you are, can't you see that this foolish game of yours is over? David, run! Let's go! KITT, what time is it? MichaeI, what's wrong? David should've been back by now.

Maybe he found more information.

I just hope he didn't find more than he bargained for.

What is it? Where is he? You've made a fatal mistake, Tarzan! This is not the jungle.

There are no vines here.

Easy to find you.

I'll find you! Eduardo, they're here.

The helicopter is here! Eduardo, it's not worth it! You haven't won! Do you hear me? I'll have you in my sights again! Come on.

Tiara, where are you? We're leaving! Let's make one more pass.

Five more minutes and I could've had him.

It's okay.

It doesn't matter now.

It matters.

That's it, KITT.

He's gotta be in trouble.

MichaeI, you won't believe what my scanner just picked up.

Look above you at 11 o'clock.

Oh, no.

Don't tell me that's David.

Who else? MichaeI, how long can he hang on like that? I don't know, buddy.

I just hope long enough.

Hurry up! Let's go! Come on, move it! Hurry up! KITT, let me see that Boca graphic again.

Now place the chopper for me.

Now the semi.

Looks like a rendezvous.

What I don't see is David.

Look again, MichaeI.

All right! He made it! I Just hope we're as fortunate.

What do you mean? Coming up on your left.

There it is.

Mysterious Boca Culebra.

MichaeI, I'm picking up a large airplane on my sensor.

All right.

Let's have a look.

That could be the C-141 David mentioned.

Can you ID it? It is a C-141.

All right.

Get me Devon.

You got the target locked in? No problem, sir.

MichaeI, why haven't you kept in touch? No time to explain now, Devon.

How's your relationship with Gen.

Maddux these days? Why? Eduardo O'Brian's using a C-141 cargo plane to transport the weapons out of the country.

If the Air Force can make sure the plane never touches the ground, we'll handle the rest.

The rest? What on earth are you talking about? I gotta go.

I got a rocket launcher to knock out.

Good luck with Maddux, Devon.

MichaeI- MichaeI, surely you're not serious.

I couldn't be more serious, buddy.

The pieces are falling into place.

They're gonna use that rocket launcher to bombard the depot.

We're ready, sir.


Fire three rockets at the primary target.

Then knock off the bridge on the road up here.

Yes, sir.

Fire! MichaeI, the bridge is gone.

Better the bridge than us.

The chasm is over 50 feet.

All right, give me everything you got! Fire at him directly! Yes, sir.

Get them out! We'll never survive a direct hit.

We got no choice, KITT.

We're moving! Fire! Fire! MichaeI, look! KITT, transfer all power sources to turbo.

All right! Of all the weapons, the knife is my favorite.

I k*lled my first man with a knife.

KITT, give me everything you got on the jammer.

I got it.



Hey, hey! Just in time, huh? Where's David? Amazing what a few flowers will do.

Sure you can't hang around a couple of days, huh? No, I gotta be in Denver by tomorrow morning.

Boss keeps you jumping, huh? Mine never leaves his office.

Is the bellman here? Oh.



I just stopped by to say goodbye.

Oh, Michael.

Oh, I can't believe it's been, what, five or six days since we met in Calexico? Do you know it's only been four? Michael, thanks so much.

Did it help? Finding Arthur's m*rder*r? Hmm.

Yes and no.

Mostly yes.

I think what I need now is time.


Come in.

The bags are by the door.

How thoughtful.

Archibald, what are you doing here? Well, contrary to popular belief, I do get out once in a while.

You must be Joanna St.


How do you do? Archibald Hendley.

It's nice to meet you.

You know, when David told me about you, I was mildly curious.

But when he mentioned the incredible past that you'd invented, well, I just knew I had to meet you.

That sounds like a compliment, and I thank you.

Do you know what I find the most intriguing? I'm finding that the reality of meeting you equals the fantasy.

Well, that's a rare occurrence in a workaday world.

Yes, rare indeed.

And so full of promise.

Uh, the bags are by the door.

Oh, yeah.

Come on, I'll help you with the bags.

I have a proposition for you.

A proposition? I thought you said he never gets out of the office.

Do you always work alone? Yeah, always.

I beg your pardon.

Well, in the manner of speaking.

Me, too.

But if I ever needed a partner, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have.

The same goes for me, too.

Thanks a lot, pal.

Tell that lady goodbye for me, all right? All right.

Straight ahead.

David, I want you to meet a new member of the team.

Arch, you know I work alone.

You used to work alone.