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02x20 - A Good Knight's Work

Posted: 05/09/23 05:43
by bunniefuu
You're real good, but you don't fool me.

You're no k*ller.

They didn't k*ll me before, they won't do it now.

We must have that car.

Ditch the kidnappers and meet me out front.

Take it down, turn it off, deactivate it.

You heard him, deactivate yourself.

I'm in the storeroom and there's no way out.

You appear to be cornered.

I guess this is goodbye, MichaeI.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpIess, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

He's comin' out, KITT.

All right, he's heading for his car.

Let's nail him.

All right, hold it, Brummel! You've had it, Brummel.

Just stay cool.

Okay, KITT, he's all yours.

All right, buddy, call the police.

The wrong guy, pal.

Yeah? I got the right guy, pal.

Yes, what is it? You won't believe this, but I just saw Michael Long.

You can't have seen him, Simpson.

He's dead.

I swear it's him.

The face is different, surgery or something.

But the moves, the walk, the build are the same.

And the voice.

I couldn't mistake the voice.

It's him, Cameron.

He just nailed Brummel.

All right.

Follow him.

Check him out and get back to me.

Okay, guys, he's all yours.

I have a rather unusual job for you tonight.

You did a remarkable job in tracking Brummel down, Michael.

Good work.

Thank you.

Every once in a while, it feels great to win the game, doesn't it? Right now, I feel like I can tackle the toughest case in the books.

I told you, you can't go in there.

I tried to stop her, Devon, but she was so determined.

It's not fair.

My problem is just as important as anyone else's.

Just a moment.

Uh, what is your problem? My problem is this: My name is Gina Adams, and I'm a freelance toy designer.

This is my newest design, called Mighty Mouth.

There are only two in existence.

Oh, it's very charming, Miss Adams.

But what has a teddy bear to do with the Foundation? Anything you can, buster.

I beg your pardon? Now I know why they call him "Mighty Mouth.

" Oh, yes.

I have designed a micro voice module and a communication computer for Mighty Mouth.

He responds to over 1,500 phrases.

Either by voice activation or you simply press his nose, like this.

Yes, yes, thank you, we'll take your word for it.

Gina, what is the problem? Well, the problem is I've sold Mighty Mouth to a manufacturer, only I can't deliver because my schematics have been stolen by Triple-M Toys.

Now, why a major company like that would have to steal from someone like me? Especially after all the years I have put into this.

She's telling the truth, Devon.

I checked her references already.

Well, you wanted the toughest job in the book.

That means you'll help me, then? Thank you, Mr.


I cannot tell you what this means to me.

Well, actually, it will be Michael you'll be working with.

Now, wait a minute.

Thank you.

I- I think that should work out just beautifully.

All right, you said there were two of these.

Is that the one the schematics are based on? Oh, no, that one is at my apartment.

But could you hang on to this? I can't afford to lose anything else.

Nice face, cute figure, two more legs and you'II look like trigger.

Better watch your mouth, or I'll turn you into a throw pillow.

Come on, KITT, say something to the bear.

I'm sorry, MichaeI, I have nothing to say.

KITT, you always have something to say.

Come on, talk to it.

You two have a lot in common, you know.

We certainly do not.

Computers are serious tools, MichaeI.

Oh, don't be such a stick-shift-in-the-mud.

Computer games are very serious to kids.

Sharpening one's mentaI acuity and coordination are one thing.

Talking bears are quite another.

What do you say to that? I'm rubber, you're glue.

Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

MichaeI, either he leaves, or I do.

Neither one of you leaves at the moment.

Keep your scanners peeled for bear-nappers, huh? Baby-sitting a pincushion.

How demeaning.

I'll be right back.

I'll be right here.

You won't believe this, but I couldn't have offered you this car yesterday.

Just took her in trade from my own grandmother.

Poor dear.

Couldn't see the road anymore.

Of course, she hasn't driven for over a year anyway.

This is it.

What workmanship.

This car will go 100,000 miles easy.

Our factory-trained service specialists have been over it with a fine-toothed comb.

Of course, this is solid steel, too.

It's, uh, it's not like those fiberglass babies, they've been turnin' out now from Detroit.

I beg your pardon? W- Who said that? This is nothing.

This, uh You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Come in, Michael.


Don't tell me.

You feel like you're in a toy store.

I feel like I'm in a toy store.

That's okay, I love toys.

Just not your idea of serious work though, right? Well Would you like to know what that carrot-top doll grossed last year? No, I'd like you to tell me all you know about Triple-M Toys.

Today is Saturday and the factory is closed.

So I figure if we get over there now, no one will be there, and we can get my schematics back.

Wait a minute.

Are you tellin' me it's that simple, huh? Why not? That's what they did to me.

Let's go.

This is an incredible car.

I've seen better.

Nobody asked you.

KITT is a little ahead of his time, but he's also very sensitive.

And how about you, Michael? I'm a little ahead of my time, too.

I see.

That's very disturbing news.

Thank you for letting us know.

What's wrong, Devon? A grave was robbed last night.

It was Michael Long's.

But the coffin was empty.


Which means that whoever opened it, knows now that Michael Long is not dead.

You mean someone's found out who he really is? Who would go to all that trouble? There's only one person I can think of.

The same person who ordered him k*lled in the first place.

Cameron Zachary.

It's up ahead, on the left.

That's a toy factory? It's one of the biggest.

Somehow, I was expecting something like Santa's Village.

You know, stuffed reindeer and lots of fake snow.

Michael, toys are big business, and to Triple-M, that's all they are.

All right, let's see if any of the elves are home.

KITT, give me a readout on the security system and all personnel.

The internaI alarms are simple, MichaeI.

I show only two guards, and they appear to be playing cards in the basement.

The coast is clear.

And I thought Mighty Mouth was the ultimate in hi-tech.

Mighty Mouth is the ultimate pain in the neck.

Listen, you know how these people think.

Where do you think they'd keep the stolen plans? They'd be in Research and Development.

But I don't know where that is.


To the left of the main door, MichaeI.

Bingo! Wait a minute.

You stay in the car.

The elves could be armed.

Michael, you need me to show you what you're looking for, and besides, you can't make me stay.

You know, you are as stubborn as Mighty Mouth.

All right, KITT, I'm gonna need some help with this lock.

Right away, MichaeI.


MichaeI, watch out.

I'm picking up- Cover us! Gina? Gina, come on, baby.

Are you all right? Gina? Oh, what happened? Oh, don't tell me I fainted.

You fainted.

I asked you not to tell me that.

Come on.

Her pulse is returning to normaI, MichaeI.

Vitals look fine.


You jumped between me and the b*llet.

You risked your life to save mine? You're all right, that's all that counts.

Come on.

KITT, what about that sn*per? He's out of range to the north.

MichaeI, those b*ll*ts were very unusuaI.

I'm analyzing the one that struck my door.

Fill me in later, we got to get this lady home.

Michael, I feel so shaky.

Sounds like a normal, healthy reaction to being shot at.

How could I thank you? You saved my life.

We're both lucky KITT was there.

All in a day's work, MichaeI.

All right, keep your eyes open, just in case.

Certainly, MichaeI.

I had two of these beauties, and I took one home for my own son.

He's just about your age, and, uh, he'd been savin' up his money for his first car, and I just knew that this was the one that he deserved.

On the other hand, I think that there is a car over at the other end of the lot that you should see first.

Right over here.

They were sh**ting at us.

I can't believe that they were actually sh**ting at us.


Well, I can.

I guess it's back to the drawing board for me.

Wait a minute.

You don't want to back out now, do you? Michael, I have this strange idiosyncrasy.

I like living.

Yeah, well, I've got one, too.

When I start a job, I finish it.

You're serious, aren't you? You bet, lady.

I'll check in with Devon and get back to you.

Meanwhile, after I leave, you lock the door.

Okay? Okay.

All right.

Big surprise.

Our piece-of-cake toy caper we were working on turned out to be much bigger.

Someone just tried to take out Gina and me in front of the Triple-M.

I'm telling you.

Devon- Michael there's something I have to tell you.

What? What's wrong? Michael Long's grave was opened last night.

What? Who would do something like that? I'm afraid it's quite a story.

There's an international criminal named Cameron Zachary who has dozens of operatives working for him.

They've pirated secrets from governments, companies, and individuals the world over.

Wilton Knight was also one of Zachary's victims.

One of his chief operatives was a murderess named Tanya Walker.

Tanya? Tanya Walker, the woman who shot you three years ago when you were MichaeI Long.

Why didn't you tell me about Zachary before? There was no point in it.

He'd long since vanished from the country.

The man you had arrested yesterday was released on bail last night by one of Zachary's attorneys.

He's back, Michael.

Zachary has returned.

You think he's still after me? Yes, I do.

Why? Zachary was Tanya's lover.

He still blames you for her death.

All right, what do you want me to do? I want to keep you out of harm's way until we locate Zachary.

Devon, I'm working on a case, I can't just hide.

You have no idea how dangerous this man is.

Yeah, but I'm the only bait that can draw him out in the open.

I've never been a quitter, I'm not going to start now.

Since these are extraordinary circumstances, I think you need a little extra protection.

This is a homing device.

If you get separated from KITT for any reason whatsoever, press it.

It overrides all his programs and brings him to your rescue, wherever you are.


Don't worry.

They didn't k*ll me before, they won't do it now.

You're telling me you had a clear shot at Michael Long and you missed? I would have had him, but his car got in my line of fire.

What car? It's some kind of custom, futuristic thing.

It moved between me and Knight.

Who drove it? That's just it.

No one.

It drove itself.

Drove itself? Wilton Knight's miracle car! That's got to be it.


I guarantee, if he actually managed to build that car, it could make all our other projects pale by comparison.

Now we must shift our strategies.

But the laser? The crystals are arriving today.

Don't argue with me.

We must have that car.

And Michael Long.

My wife's so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits around the house.

I think it's time for Mighty Mouth to take a back seat.

Hey, no fair! By the way, I completed analysis on the sn*per's b*ll*ts, and I must say I'm puzzled.

No kidding.

You're not easily puzzled, KITT.

What's so strange about 'em? They're made of a waxy substance containing a very exotic tranquilizer called morbadine.

Why would anybody want to put Gina to sleep? I don't think anybody did.

Sounds to me like they were meant for Michael Long.

I guess he wants me alive.



I want you alive, too.

Michael? Yeah, it's me.

No puppets this time.

Somehow I'm not feeling very playful anymore.

How about you? Well, Devon wasn't too happy about our afternoon, but I am still on the case.

You're a real bulldog, aren't you? Is your job always this dangerous? No, not always.

Look, I'm going back to the factory tonight, alone.

I need to know exactly what I'm lookin' for.

Oh, Michael, thanks, but no.

I don't want you on my conscience.

Hey, I was the one who thought it wasn't important, remember? Nobody is twisting my arm here.

Tell me anything you know about Triple-M that might help me.

Michael, I really think- I'll tell you what, just give me the original bear.

KITT can scan his schematics well enough to identify 'em in the factory.

All right.

You know, when I left Wisconsin, my mother warned me about city boys.

But I wish she could meet you.


Don't you go anywhere until I get back.

Yes? It's Gina.

He's on his way to the toy factory.

He should be there in about 30 minutes.


When he goes inside, my men will have easy access to the car.

KITT, can you give me a hard copy on Mighty Mouth's circuitry so I'll recognize it when I see it? Right away, MichaeI.

MichaeI, computers can save lives, enhance communication.

Why waste this fine technology on an obnoxious little toy? Don't knock the rock, bub.

It's a living.

Stop arguing, children.

We're almost there.

I think the roof is our best bet, MichaeI.

There are no alarms on the skylights.

Okay, pal.

Keep me posted on anything that happens outside.

Bon Voyage.






Oh, shut up.

Okay, let her rip.

Nice work, pal.

KITT, if this is just a toy factory, I'm Peter Pan.

There's that car Zachary wanted us to take.

Get on the walkie-talkie.

We spotted the car.

The guy's gotta be inside, keep an eye out.

KITT, I just saw a computer in here.

Tap into it and get what information you can.

All right, MichaeI, but I have a problem.

Somebody's trying to steaI me.

Keep him busy.

I can't help you right now.

I'm already in the outer office.

KITT, I think somebody is in there.

Let's move.

KITT, they're onto me.

I'm in the storeroom and there's no way out.

I'm afraid you're right, MichaeI.

You appear to be cornered.

KITT, give me a diversion.

Use your microwave jabber.

There he goes! Ditch the kidnappers and meet me out front.

To coin a phrase, I'm out of here.

What's happening? The car broke the chain! Over here, KITT! Way to go, pal.

Did you find Gina's designs? In a manner of speaking, yeah.

I don't understand, Michael.

If you were suspicious of Gina, why did you continue with the case? Devon, I had to be sure.

There was something strange about her apartment.

I mean, all her toys were new.

A person who loved toys would have collected them all her life.

Then, tonight, I made a point of telling her I was going back to the factory.

Sure enough, there was an ambush waiting for me.

Yes, it sounds like Zachary.

His women worm their way into the lives of the men he wants to destroy.

That's what Tanya Walker did to Wilton Knight.

Yeah, well, it's not workin' on me.

Let me show you what I found on the factory computer.

Okay, KITT, feed it in.

Zachary owns the Triple-M Toy Company.

But the project he's working on is no toy.

It's a laser handgun.

The factory is geared up for production, but the toys are just there for show.

What do you intend to do? I'll tell Gina I'm onto her.

I'm going to try to persuade her to help us.

She could lead us to Zachary.

What makes you think you can trust her? The way she looked at me when the b*llet struck.

Devon, that was real.

I don't like it.

I don't like it at all.

I don't like it either.

But it's a lot better than letting Zachary get away again.

So the car moves on its own.

And thinks for itself? Apparently it can, but its directions do come from its driver.


And he talks to it th-through this wristwatch device? It's a "comlink," he calls it.

Cameron, my guys were the best and they couldn't crack that car.

Is this really worth jeopardizing the laser project? Let's not lose perspective here.

You don't understand, do you? We can't begin to comprehend that car's capabilities.

I mean to have it, and Michael Long's death in the bargain.

I'd sacrifice anything.

I thought that you wanted Michael alive.

You said that you wanted information from him.

Did I? Icing on the cake, my dear.

When we're through with him, we'll be on our way to the islands with the laser components, the car, and our own private fantasies.

You'd like that, wouldn't you, my dear? Of course.


Let me out of here! Let me out of here! MichaeI, I'm not sure I can take much more of that fur ball.

Well, if we're real lucky, we won't have to.

He's going back to Gina soon.

Gina appears to be such a nice girI, MichaeI.

People so often turn out not to be what they seem.

How can you tell who to trust and who not to? You can't, buddy.

You just got to take your chances.

All right.

Be ready when I call you.

Yes, MichaeI.

A lady wants certain things from a car.

Comfort, reliability, ease of handling.

Now, my wife, she wants me to take this car home to her because she thought that it would not give her any problems at all.


Never mind.

No, is this the car you're talking about? Oh, it's useless.

You don't want this car.

Oh, I don't know.

Look, lady, these are retreads.

This is a $25 paint job we did on it, real quick.

The valves need grinding, we took the radiator out of an old Wyllis.

I'll take it.

I will try to find you another car, somethin' in a What did you say? I'll take it.

I just completed mechanics training and I'm looking for a fixer-upper.

$300 cash? Sold.

Honesty is the best policy.

Michael, hello.

When you didn't come back last night, I was so worried.

Really? Why is that? Well, because Oh, I'm just glad that you're all right.

Would you care whether I got the plans or not? There aren't any plans, are there? There never were any plans, were there? What are you talking about? I'm talkin' about Cameron Zachary and how you set me up to get k*lled.

You know, I was really beginning to like you a lot.

How does someone like you get involved with someone like him anyway? Michael, I don't know where you come from.

But I came from the middle of the Midwest.

I was the middle kid of three.

We lived in the middle of a middle-sized town in a middle-class neighborhood.

Middle, middle, middle.

So what? Is that so bad? Yes! It was for me.

I wanted a chance to get out, to live life on the edge.

So when Cameron Zachary came along, I saw my brass ring.

I grabbed it- All right! All right.

I can understand you wanting some excitement.

But do you have any idea what you're getting involved in here? Come on, Michael, we steal ideas.

What is so horrible about that? Corporations do it.

Governments do it.

We think of ourselves as freelancers.

Is that what Zachary told you, huh? All neat and clean.

No dirt under the fingernails.

Listen to me, let me tell you somethin' about this man.

Do you know how many lives he's destroyed? Do you know how many people he's k*lled? m*rder means nothin' to him.

Believe me, I know.

You stick around him long enough, m*rder's gonna mean nothing to you either.

I'm sorry, Michael.

But I don't have any choice.

Yes, you do, Gina.

Yes, you do.

I look at you and I see somethin' I don't see in other people.

I see a softness.

I see a tenderness.

You're a good actress, girl.

You're real good, but you don't fool me.

You're no k*ller.

Gina, I need you.

The Foundation is working on immunity for you.

It can stop here.

It has to stop now.

Come on, girl, give me that g*n.

Come on.

It's all right.

It's okay.

Hello? Michael.

It's Cameron.

He wants to talk to you.




Or should I say Mr.

Long? All right, what do you want from me? I want you.

And I want your car.

And if I don't get what I want, I'm going to k*ll Gina Adams.

Get out of here, go to the Foundation.

You'll be safe.

No, Michael, I'm not gonna leave you.

Get out of here! Exit the building.


Simpson will be waiting for you.

He'll tell you what you are to do.


Get in the back of the car.

Let's go.

Over to your car.

Okay, move it up.

The car goes in the truck.

Not you.

Just the car.

All right, you heard him, KITT.

I won't leave you here.

It's okay, pal.

Trust me.

Easy for you to say.

Get in.

Now I want you to turn it off.

It doesn't turn off.

Every computer has a master switch, a circuit, somethin'.

Take it down, turn it off, deactivate it.

Come on, man, you've got the car.

I don't think you really want to argue.

All right, KITT.

You heard him, deactivate yourself.

You can't be serious, MichaeI.

I know what I'm doing.

I'm just trying to buy some time.

Turn yourself off.

I guess this is goodbye, MichaeI.

Okay, Knight.

Let's find out how tough you are without your car.

You and Gina are going for a little ride.

Well, do you have anything special in mind for us, or are we here to admire the decor? You're gonna wait for Mr.


He'll decide what happens to you.

What's Zachary planning to do with the laser? Some crystals and some components that he needed are supposed to come in today from overseas.

Once he's got them, he's gonna leave the country.


Sure glad that thing's locked up secure back there.

Seemed to have a mind of its own.

Devon, I can't reach them on any frequency.

I don't understand.

Even if Michael is in trouble, KITT should respond.

I'm afraid we've lost them both.

Bring the car.

So, we meet at last, Mr.


You've really awakened memories of the past, haven't you? Memories of our friend Tanya Walker.

Painful recollections, I hope.

Ironic how quickly things change, my dear, isn't it? I had such sweet plans for you, such sweet dreams.

Now that's all they'll ever be.

I'm going to make sure I hurt you as much as you hurt Tanya.

I'm surprised you'll have the time, since you're in such a hurry to leave town.

What's in the suitcase? Precious laser crystals? Among the rarest in the world.

They'll be joined by microchips from Japan and a titanium housing from Canada to make the world's first laser handgun.

The sale of which will make me richer than most countries.

Sounds like you got the whole thing planned out, huh.

Too bad it's not gonna work.

Oh, really? And what's gonna stop me? This! When Tanya shot me in the face, I was unarmed.

It's a little different now, isn't it, Zachary? No.

I still hold the cards.

Cameron, no! What's that? It does have a mind of its own.

ApriI, Devon, are you there? KITT, where are you? Where's Michael? Apparently he's in danger, ApriI.

He's activated the homing transmitter.

KITT, hurry.

I'm here, MichaeI.

I've never been so glad to find out one of April's devices works.

My sentiments exactly, MichaeI.

It was dreadfuI being unable to speak or move.

We'll compare notes later.

Right now, we've got to save Gina from Zachary.

MichaeI, what are you planning to do? Zachary's apartment is on the fourth floor.

We're going to pay him a little surprise visit, pal.

Surely you Jest.

Here we go, pal! I hope it's the right apartment, MichaeI.

Good grief! Michael, I thought I'd lost you.

It's not that easy getting rid of me.

Excuse me, but I have one question.

Oh, yeah? What's that? How am I going to get down from here? It's going to be strange starting over after I testify.

The new identity and everything.

Yeah, well, take it from me, it's not so bad.

You'll get used to it.

I suppose with Cameron out of the way, you can go back to being the other Michael.

You know, I don't think I'd go back to Michael Long even if I could.

I like Michael Knight.

And I'm proud to have the name of a man who saved my life.

Well, I hope I like myself as well.

Don't worry, you will.

I want you to have something.

Thank you.

Hi, I'm Mighty Mouth.

What's your name? I don't know yet.

I'll tell you after the trial.

Good luck, hon.



Got a little surprise for you there, pal.

I've had all the surprises I can handle for one day, MichaeI.

I'd like to introduce our new partner.

You know how I feeI about that little monstrosity.

I'm Mighty Mouth.

What's your name? Just where do you think you're takin' me? MichaeI, I thought you said we were leaving that nasty little bear with Gina.

She doesn't need him anymore.

Let's buy him a one-way ticket to paradise.

Oh, yeah? You and whose army? Goodbye, Mighty Mouth.