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02x15 - White-Line Warriors

Posted: 05/09/23 05:40
by bunniefuu
Let's do it, buddy! Somebody out there wants a scapegoat and they've picked Ron.

But I'm no burglar and I'm no k*ller.

Help him, please.

He's got a prior.

MichaeI, look out! You're the one the police are looking for.

There was nowhere else to take him.

The whole town's after him.

Hold it right there, son.

Chief Rupert Craig.

I've got no reason to run.

We've lit the fuse.

Now let's see if anything explodes.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpIess, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

"Just a still town girI on a Saturday night.

"Lookin' for the fight of her life.

"In the reaI-time world no one sees her at all.

"They all say she's crazy.

"Locking rhythms to the beat of her heart.

"Changing woman into life.

"She has danced into the danger zone.

"When a dancer becomes a dance.

"It can cut you like a knife.

"If the gift becomes the fire.

"On a wire between will.

Go! "She's a maniac, maniac on the floor.


You know, KITT, sometimes I think I got the best job in the whole world.

A lot of men would die for duty like this.

You nearly have on severaI occasions.

You're all heart, buddy.

MichaeI, my sensors are picking up two obstacles heading directly this way.

What kind of obstacles? That kind.

Let's do it, buddy! We've got to stop those guys before they k*ll somebody.

Let's go, Mace"Go! MichaeI, my scanners indicate those maniacs are splitting up.

I'm also picking up a siren coming up behind us.

All right.

Might as well leave them to the cops.

Besides, we got an appointment to keep.

Hey! Nice car.

Beautiful car, in fact.

Had her long? Not long.

Carmichael's the name, auto alarms is the game.

Friends call me Manny.

I hope you will, too.

Yeah, well, Manny, I hate to stop you in midpitch, but I really don't think I need an alarm system.

Well, if you'll just permit me a little demonstration? I'll tell you what, I've got an appointment, but you sh**t your best shot.

If you can break into this baby, we'll do some business, okay? You got a deal.

Hello? Anyone home? Freeze! Cindy, call the police.

Aunt Marietta, put that g*n down this minute.

Marietta Mattheson.

Devon told me about you.

Devon sent you? Why didn't you say so? Because somebody had a shotgun in my back.

Oh, I see what you mean.

Um, this is my niece, Cindy.

Hi, Cindy.


Excuse us"It's just gotten a little scary around here, and, uh, we're leery of strangers on the weekend.

Yeah, so I hear.

What's been going on? Filthy rotten hoodlum bums.

Decent people can't stay in business.

This used to be a quiet, lovely town until these "weekend warriors" started coming in.

That's when the burglaries began.

We were hit last Saturday night.

We can't even clean the place up until the insurance company checks it out item by item.

Who are these "weekend warriors"? Cindy could help you with that.

They're out-of-town car clubs mostly.

They come in every weekend.

And you're convinced they're the burglars.

My aunt is.

So is most of the town.

Cindy doesn't want to believe it because her boyfriend is one of them.

Nobody really knows who it is.

Our police chief hasn't even gotten close to an arrest yet.


If this has been going on for a while, it's kind of strange he wouldn't ask for outside help.

Huh! Chief Craig has been here for 35 years and he's never needed any.

If you don't mind, I'd like to take a look around.

Can you point me in the direction of these "weekend warriors"? I waitress over at the Sunspot Club.

A lot of them hang out there.

And my boyfriend will be there this afternoon.

Sounds good to me.

When do we leave? I'll just grab a jacket.


No luck, huh? Oh, hi"Back so soon? Uh, well, like I said, I'm an amateur at this, but those pros, 30 seconds.

Manny, I don't doubt it for a minute.

But thanks anyway.

Hey, uh, look, I'm gonna be in town for a couple of days.

I'd sure like another crack at this baby, so, uh I'll catch you later, huh? Uh, yeah.

Some car"Do you race? No.

Not in the normal sense.

Watch TV? Uh, no.

You know, from talking to Devon, I got the idea this was a personal matter.

But from what I can see, it seems much bigger.

Everyone's keeping it quiet.

Trying to.

Crime's not good for business.

But just because it happens on the weekends, everyone automatically thinks it's the car clubs.

Sounds like you're pretty sure it isn't.

Well, I know it's not Ron or The Rebels.

When I first met him I thought he had an attitude problem.

But when I got to know him, I- I realized he's not what people think he is.

He's not anti-society or anti-police or anti-anything.

He just likes cars and he likes to race.

He's not involved, Michael.

Believe me, if he was, I'd know.

Whoa! Spoken like a lady in love.

Is it that obvious? Only to a trained eye.

"Honey, take me through the night.

"Breakdown, I'm standing here, can you see?.

"Breakdown, it's all right.

"It's all right.


Your car is outrageous.

I love it.

These cars aren't too shabby either.

Whose car is that? Mace Beaudry.

He's a local.

Wait till you see Ron's.

He restored it himself.

When did the car clubs start coming to Vista Beach? About six months ago.

Nobody really knows exactly why or how it started, but now it's the thing to do.

They come from- Hey, Cindy, uh, I ordered a couple of turbo burgers, got an ETA on 'em? Mace, I'm not even working yet.

When did you order? Last night.

She's a great little dancer, but as a waitress you could starve to death.

Play pool? Never before dark.

Didn't I see you out on the road into town earlier? Could be.

You don't drive a black hardtop, do you? Could be.

You really go for the out-of-towners, huh, Cindy? You ought to try a little home-grown once in a while.

Mace Beaudry.

I guess I should've introduced you.

Well, we've already met, in a manner of speaking.

I'll settle for Ron.


Boys and babies, lords and ladies, a big hand for that song"Number 18 this week with a b*llet, here live from the Sunspot we have Handsome Anson on KCPY! Your own club DJ? I'm impressed.

Vista Beach's one and only celebrity: Handsome Anson.

He's got his own radio show.

Some things never change, huh? You've been here before? No, not here, but this place reminds me of myself about 10 years ago.

The clubs, the rap, the turbo burgers, nothing changes but the sideburns.

Cindy! I wait all week long to see you, That'll teach you.

Ron, I want you to meet Michael, Michael Knight.

Michael, this is Ron.

How you doin'? Good.

He's here to look into the burglaries.

Here? Yeah"I thought I'd stop by and look around.

See what's happening.

Yeah? What's happenin'? Wait a minute, I'm not after you or Cindy.

So just relax.

Yeah, but it's kind of hard to relax, when half the town looks at you like you're Attila the Hun comin' in to kidnap the women and burn the huts.

I didn't say that.

Yeah, but nobody says it.

But you're not out dusting for prints somewhere, you're here.

If you don't think it's us, or me, why here? Like I said, I'm just looking around, man.

I got a few things to do.

I'll see you later.

Ron, please.

It's okay"Maybe he just needs a little time.

Where does he usually go when he gets like this? I don't know.

He'll be at the races tonight.

I can tell you where that is.

I think I already know.


This your car, son? Yes, sir.

Is there a problem? What's your name? Name's Michael Knight.

You must be Chief Craig, huh? I don't know whether you've heard, Knight, but we've got a problem with out-of-town drag racers.

Now you wouldn't be a part of that, would you? No, sir.

That's not my style.

I'm in town on personal business, and then I'll be on my way.

That's good.

Because this car kind of stands out.

It'll be real easy to remember.

Enjoy your visit.

Thank you, sir.

MichaeI, there's something I don't understand.

What is this drag racing all about? Why is everyone in such a hurry? It's competition, KITT.

You see who is the fastest, who's the baddest.

The "baddest"? Ah, it's slang.

It's an expression.

For racers, it means "who's the best.

" The slang use of words is beyond me.

However, as far as who is fastest, that's simple"I am.

Yeah, I know.

But that's between you and me.

Big hand for that song right there, here live from the Sunspot with Handsome Anson here on KCPY! "Some people ain't no damn good.

"You can't trust 'em, you can't love 'em.

"No good deed goes unpunished.

"And I don't mind bein' their whippin' boy.

"I've had that pleasure for years and years.

MichaeI, it's one thing to have to hear that music from my own speaker, but to be assaulted from all sides.

I feeI like Custer at Little Bighorn.

Hang in there, buddy, this isn't your last stand.

I don't see Ron anywhere.

Okay"Scan the cars and see what you can pick up.

"My picture in the paper.

"Read the news around my face.

"And now some people don't want to treat me the same.

"When the walls come tumblin' down.

"When the walls come crumblin'.

Hi, guys.

I'm looking for Ron.

Ron Prescott.

Is he here? You want the top dog, you gotta earn it.

Can this thing move? Oh, yeah.

When there's a reason.

I don't consider street racing a reason.

Just like I figured.

All show, and no go.

You better move this thing, we've got a race to run.

Not until I know where Ron is.

The heat! Everybody meet at the pier! "Don't confuse the problem with the issue girI.

"It's perfectly clear.

"Just a human desire to have you come near.

Hold it right there, son.

We better talk.

I've got no reason to run.

I thought you said you weren't a racer.

Now I find you out here.

I want an explanation.

Like I said, personal business.

Well, Vista Beach is my personal business.

I'm gonna run a make on you and this car of yours.

And if I find anything I don't like, I'm comin' after you.

"They're waiting outside to claim my tumblin' walls.

"Saw my picture in the paper.

"Read the news around my face.

"And now some people don't want to treat me the same.

"When the walls come tumblin' down.

"When the walls come crumblin', crumblin'.

"When the walls come tumblin'.



What have you got, Devon? We just received a report from Vista Beach.

Last night wasn't as quiet as you thought.

Another burglary? Yes"A jewelry store.

Well, looks like it isn't just an isolated incident or two.

They're getting hit every weekend.

We got more than we bargained for here.


They took some jewelry.

Quite a nice selection.

All of the best quality.

By the way, what's this I hear about a g*ng? Ah, just a bunch of street racers.

I'm not saying they're innocent, but they don't look like diamond experts.

Looks can be deceiving.

Yeah, I hear you.

Punch in what you've got on Ron Prescott.

P- R-E-S-C-O-T-T.

What do you know"A prior.

Breaking and entering.

Maybe I spoke too soon.

I wonder if Cindy knows about this.

Who? Marietta's niece, Cindy.

Ron's her boyfriend.

So, you met Marietta.

How is she? My, she used to be quite a fun-loving young lady.

Well, she's seasoned a bit.


The proper seasoning tends to bring out the true flavors.

I'm looking forward to seeing her again after all these years.

Well, KITT's all set.

The unit's designated "Silent Mode.

" Push the activator and KITT's engines become virtually noiseless.

MichaeI, I resent being muzzled.

Hello? Right away.

It's Cindy"She needs you back at the gallery right away.

She says it's urgent.

An amateur like me can break into this car in 30 seconds"You know what I'm talking about? MichaeI, that horrible man is here again.

Chief Craig? The auto alarm salesman.

Hi there, remember me? Listen, uh, I was thinking about yesterday and, uh See, I was using the wrong tools.

Now, this baby's what the pros will pop you open with in 30 seconds.

Manny, I'm telling you, buddy, you are wasting your time.

Look, just give me a chance.

That's all I ask, huh? Well, uh Uh Cindy, what's going on? They've got a warrant out for Ron's arrest.

What's the charge? The charge is burglary.

Can they do that? I don't know"I'll see.

You again? Yeah, yeah, it's me again.

What's the charge against Ron? Do I see a badge on that jacket? I don't need a badge to ask a question.

Michael, you were with Ron last night.

Tell him.

Cindy, I wish I could, but I never caught up with him last night"Sorry.

Well, that's too bad for the boy.

Although I am not surprised.

You see, his car was made leaving the scene of the crime.

He's not here, Chief.

How's that "personal business" comin'? I'll let you know.

Michael, he didn't do it.

He didn't commit that burglary.

Now Chief Craig thinks he did.

Cindy, I'm not saying that he did, but the truth is the truth.

I didn't see him last night.

Cindy, Devon sent Michael here to help solve the crimes, not prove Ron innocent.

I happen to think they're the same thing.

Look, I'll look around, see what I can find out.

If Ron's innocent, I promise you I'll help him prove it, okay? Tell Devon if he stands me up, I'll never forgive him.

Oh, he'll be here.

It's okay"It's okay.

He was trying to jimmy the door locks.

Says he knows you.

Hey, tell 'em, tell 'em it's okay! It's okay, Chief"I know him.

Manny, the door is open, buddy.

Now why are things so tough for you, huh? Michael! I just got a call from Ron.

He wants to talk to you.

That's a switch.

Where is he? He found out about the warrant.

He's hiding.

Come on, I'll show you.

Wait a minute.

I think it's much better if I go alone.

Just give me the location.

Half a mile south of Glenrock Cliffs, off 19.

Michael, help him"Please.

I didn't mention this, but he's got a prior.

So I heard.

You knew? Why didn't you say anything? 'Cause I was hoping you would.

We're here, MichaeI.

Okay"Scan the area for any sign of Ron.

I've located him, MichaeI.

At two o'clock, behind those trees.

Ron! It's me.

It's Michael"Come on out.

I'm here"I'm alone.

You sure you weren't followed? Positive.

You wanted me, I'm here.

MichaeI, we're not alone.

Where? The cliffs above you.

I need you, buddy! MichaeI, MichaeI, are you all right? I'll let you know as soon as the smoke clears.

I'm okay"You all right? After surviving that music last night, this was a piece of cake.

A vehicle is Just leaving scanner range.

I imagine whoever was driving threw the expl*sive.

I'll settle for the guy who set me up.

Pop the sunroof.

Let's get him! Okay, KITT, take over.

Hey, man, what're you doing? They're getting away! I don't want them, I want you"Why'd you do it? Do what? You set me up! I did not! I swear I didn't.

Nobody else knew I was comin' up here except Cindy.

I don't know.

All I know is I wasn't there.

Michael, come on, you gotta believe me.

Look, man, sometimes I get hot, all right? I go out and race, I get into a little trouble.

But I'm no burglar and I'm no k*ller.

All right, then who do you think did it? I don't know.

I don't know.

That's what I was trying to find- Let's go back to last night.

The police said your car was made near the burglary.

What about it? Craig knows my car, he knows me.

Maybe it's getting a little too hot for him.

I wasn't nowhere near there.

Where were you? I came up here! Hey, look, I just I needed some time to be alone, and I needed to think.

Now, a few locals know about this place, but it's kind of a secret.

Somebody else knew about it the day they followed you.

Because nobody followed me.

What makes you so sure? KITT, were we followed? No, MichaeI.

Who's in there? Come on"Just get in.

He doesn't bite.

What about my car? We'll pick up your car later.

Right now it's a dead giveaway.

Don't worry, I can black out the windows if we have to.

You know, I haven't exactly had a whole lot of people believe in me before.

Why you? 'Cause there's a terrific waitress with a real cute smile who believes in you.

And one other reason.

What's that? A long time ago, somebody believed in me.

Far be it from me, but don't you think you're tailgating just a little too close? Come on, racer.

Thought you guys were into living dangerously.

Whoa"I think I'm hallucinating.

I've heard of pit stops before but April, say hello to Ron.


It's nice to meet you.

Ron Prescott, April Curtis.

She takes care of KITT.

A mechanic"Right.

Now I know I'm hallucinating.

So, you're the one the police are looking for.

I thought I'd leave him here with you and Devon while I check things out.

But Devon's not here.

He's gone to see Marietta.

Uh, Michael, could I speak with you a second, please? Excuse us.

Michael, do you really think this is a good idea? What else could I do? There was nowhere else to take him"The whole town's after him.

Well, did you check this with Devon? No, no, I didn't have time.

Relax, it's Foundation business.

Hey, listen, Michael, I don't wanna cause any trouble.

Look, it's all set.

You can lay low here.

Hey, look"I appreciate what you're doin', but you've stuck your neck out far enough already.

Drop me at county line and I'll just pull a fade.

What about Cindy? Well, I'm starting to think she'll be better off without me.

You'll never convince her of that.

Now I brought you here because I believed you're innocent"Are you? Yeah, but- No "buts.

" If you're innocent, you don't run.

Now maybe pulling a fade has been a solution to your problems in the past.

But you gotta stop running sometime.

Now, if you want to stop here and now, I'll help you"All right? Okay"What do we do? Your buddies, will they be racing tonight? I doubt it.

The heat's just too heavy.

I gotta get them out on the street to test a theory of mine.

And I think I know just the way to do it.

See you guys later, huh? Straight ahead.

KITT, did you access those police reports? Yes, MichaeI.

Each night a burglary occurred, there was also a racing incident which took the police out of town.

The timing's amazing.

Whoever's behind this has a way of knowing when a race is happening.

Intentional or not, I've got a feeling they're a smokescreen for the burglaries.

MichaeI, if you don't mind I'd like to know what this plan of yours is, since I have a feeling I'm going to be involved.

Very simple, KITT.

I'm just gonna stimulate a little action and hopefully create some itchy fingers around town.

You got a problem, Chief? It seems like everywhere I go, you're breathing down my neck.

Have I broken any laws? Good question.

I just got a reply on that make I ran on you and according to that, you've never even had a traffic ticket.

No one's ever heard of you, FBl, state police, no one.

That's kind of strange, don't you think? Now why don't you start by telling me who you really are? I can see why you're having trouble with those robberies.

You spend all your time harassing innocent people.

I wanna know what an invisible man like you is doing with two-bit trash like Ron Prescott? If you're gonna arrest me, I'd like to know the charge.

If not, I'm out of here.

"All your life you've never seen a woman.

"Taken by the wind.

"Would you stay.

Michael, did you find him? Is he all right? Yeah, he's okay"Safe and sound for the time being.

You just go about your business.

There's a few things I wanna take care of.



I'm glad I found you turkeys.

I thought you'd be out of town by now.

Clear out, man.

You're not welcome here.

Where's the top dog hidin'? Changed my mind.

I want to meet him on the drag strip, you know, eyeball to eyeball.

With that no-go you got, you gotta be kidding.

Oh, I have to earn my shot at the top dog? Well, I'll tell you what.

I'll run against all of you, one at a time.

Anytime tonight.

There's just one problem.

We're not running tonight.

Not until we find Ron.

I heard there was some action in this town.

I guess I was wrong.

You want action, smart mouth, you got it.

You meet me at the pier tonight at 11:00"We'll take it from there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Make it mellow, lads.

You know the heat's on.

I can take it"Can you? And I can't wait.

I'm telling you"He's framed.

The kid is innocent.

He's a fugitive from the law.

He's wanted by the police.

Now the law is what we're all about.

What about justice? You sent me out here to stop these burglaries"To catch the people involved.

Somebody out there wants a scapegoat and they've picked Ron.

Now the real burglars are laying low and let him take their rap unless we do something about it.

Nobody's arguing that point.

But in keeping Ron here, we're jeopardizing our own ability to continue our work.

I understand the sensitive position it puts us in.

"Sensitive?" "Sensitive" is hardly the word.

"Culpable" is more like it.

What do you want me to do? Kick him out? Tell him I'm real sorry, Ron, but when push comes to shove, we're more interested in covering our own tails.

You've made your point, Michael.

Now let me make mine.

You have until noon tomorrow to close this case.

If, by that time, you're not successful, I'll be forced to hand Ron over to the authorities.

"We are strong.

"No one can tell us we're wrong.

"Searchin' our hearts for so long.

Hey! Hey, let's keep it down, okay? I don't want the heat getting here before Knight does.

It's 11.

:05, MichaeI.

How long do you think we'll have to wait? I don't know, KITT.

But there's no way you can put together a crowd of street racers on a Saturday night and not have some action.

Whether we show up or not.

I hope you're right.

Just in case I am, punch up a graphic of the streets, will you? Per your request.

All right, we've lit the fuse.

Now let's just sit back and see if anything explodes.

"Or am I the best thing you've had?.


He's not showing.

I wouldn't be surprised if he set us up to get us busted.

It's 11:17 at the big KCPY.

It's a Saturday night and yours truly is feeling all right! And now, from me to you, special delivery: Crumblin' Down.

"Some people ain't no damn good.

"You can't trust 'em, you can't love 'em.

"No good deed goes unpunished.

"And I don't mind bein' their whippin' boy.

"I've had that pleasure for years and years.

"No, no.

The cops! I was right.

Let's go find that sucker.

"And time respects no person, what you lift up must fall.

"They're waiting outside.

"And now some people don't want to treat me the same.


Really, MichaeI, you'd think of all the music in the world, they could find a better piece than that monstrosity.

I'm picking up a burglar alarm activated on the west side.

I think we've trapped a live one"Let's go! I'm afraid we're too late.

Whoever was in there is already off my scanner.

We were so close.

KITT, analyze these tire tracks.

They're still warm, MichaeI.

Made by a vehicle accelerating, not stopping.

And I detect traces of clay in the tires.

Clay? Like at Glenrock Cliffs? Affirmative.

MichaeI, I think we have company.

You're too late, guys.

They're gone.

Open the trunk of the car.


All right"All right.


It's clean.

You think if I was involved in the robbery, I'd wait here for you? Let me tell you something, Knight.

I'm sick and tired of outsiders treating my town like their private playground.

And that includes you.

I'm after the same thing you are.

I don't believe that.

Now I'm giving you 12 hours to finish up your "personal business" and be out of this town.

And after that, I am coming after you and I am busting you.

If I have to bust you for having your shoestrings untied, I'm gonna do it.

And if you get bailed out, I'm gonna throw you back and find something that'll stick.

Now that's a promise.

You got that? Yeah.

Yeah, I got it.

I don't know, KITT.

There's got to be something I'm missing.

MichaeI, you've been analyzing this over and over again.

I'm afraid I'm gonna burn out a circuit.

Wait a minute, that song, Crumblin' Down, it was on the air when the burglar alarm went off.

The only other time I heard that song was up with the street racers which was when the last burglary took place.

I don't think I understand the correlation.

If there is one.

I think there is.

KITT, access the airplay logs to KCPY and cross-reference them with the times the police were called to bust up the drag racing.

Okay"Now superimpose the dates of the burglaries.

That's it! Instant communication.

The cops are called to bust the drag racers, the song is played, and the burglars strike.

All right! Let's go shake the tree and see who falls out.

All right.

Got it straight? Yes, MichaeI.

I hope this plan works better than the last one.

It better.

It's our last shot.

As soon as I get in there, pal, start recording.

This is Gary Spurley on the Gospel Hour here at KCPY.

And now, three songs of love and inspiration, written by Andre Crouch.

Why don't you play Crumblin' Down? Or isn't the timing right? I don't know what you're talking about, brother.

This is the Gospel Hour.

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

You want to tell it to me or you want to wait for the police? Nice try, Knight.

The police are already here.

Well, what do you know? I figured there had to be somebody on the inside.

I didn't think it was a crooked cop.

It's right out of a "B" movie, huh? Small-town cop on the take.

That's too bad, man.

Because being a real cop is not a bad life.

I know.

Don't preach to me you long-legged punk.

I have been a reaI cop.

You can't live on that for the rest of your life.

Not when half the slime you've put away have got condos in Hawaii.

So what's a little stolen property? I deserve it.

Let's get this over with.

Take him to the Cliffs.

Do it right this time.

Move it! KITT, follow me.

Come on out.

It's the end of the line for you, big boy.

Beautiful sunrise.

I hate to think it's my last.

So what's the story, Mace? I handcuffed myself from behind and jumped? That's gonna be a pretty tough one to sell.

Hey, Mace, behind you.

You think I'd fall for that old trick? Don't say I didn't warn you.

Please help"Help me! You were right, MichaeI.

"Silent Mode" does have its advantages.

Very nice work, KITT.

Hey! I can't hold on any longer.

I don't want to die! All right, spell it out then.

All the details.

Out loud"Now.

Okay, just get me up first! A little more pressure, KITT.

Come on, man, help! Use the grappling hook, buddy.

Right now.

I can't hold on! Come on, help me.

From the beginning.

Chief Craig scouted the hits during the week.

He'd tell Anson.

Anson gave me the target.

They'd wait for the weekend and the street racers.

When Chief Craig went after the racers, Anson played Crumblin' Down and I'd do the job.

That's it? You get that, KITT? Loud and clear.

Okay, buddy, pull him up.

You okay? Yeah.


There he goes.

I've got a speeder on 18 heading east.

Black hardtop, license K-N-I-G-H-T.

Wait a second.

Make that four speeders.

Request assistance.

Let's go.

All units! All units! Move to pursue black hardtop.

Consider driver armed and dangerous.

Stop him, boys.

I'm afraid we've attracted attention, MichaeI.

KITT, how close do we need to be to the radio station to broadcast? The closer the better.

All right.

Then let's deliver it right to their doorstep.

MichaeI, we're within range.

Okay, pal"Do your stuff.

And now a speciaI news announcement.

Police Chief Rupert Craig and radio personality Handsome Anson James confessed today to being the masterminds behind the recent string of weekend warrior burglaries.

In his own words, Chief Craig said.

: "So what's wrong with a little stolen property? I deserve it" He's stepping on our frequency.

There's nothing I can do.

Suspect Ron Prescott was cleared by the confession of locaI mechanic Mace Beaudry, the actuaI burglar.

It's a lie"It's a lie! Don't listen! Freeze! Chief, you're under arrest.

Just wrapped up that "personal business.

" Got it, Chief? Cuff him, J.


I think you'll find Handsome Anson inside.

Hey, I'm sorry I missed the race last night.

But I thought clearing your buddy Ron was more important.

Sure"Maybe next time.

You got it"Later.

And now, back to the GospeI Hour.

How was that, MichaeI? Perfect, buddy.

But, you know, now that Handsome Anson's off the air, maybe you'd take a little crack at some rock 'n' roll.

Perish the thought.

And then there was the time it was raining so hard, you had to spend the night in my mother's den.

Do you remember that? As I recall, I had pneumonia.

Oh, no, you were in very good health.

I propose a toast.

To Michael Knight.


To Michael Knight.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Michael, if it wasn't for you, I don't know what we would've done.

It's true.

You saved my bacon.

If there's ever anything I can do for you Well, there is one thing.

Why don't you try your drag racing at the race track? You get trophies instead of tickets.

There's a rumor around that the radio station wanted to hire KITT as their regular newsman.

Well, they're gonna have to hire somebody now that Anson's in jail.

Oh, yeah, which reminds me.

I got to get to the DA's office by 4:00 to deliver those tapes on Craig's confessions.

See you.


This one's from me.

I don't care what Ron says.




Hiya, Mike.

30 seconds, and these are the guys who can prove it.

These are real professionals.

Sorry, Manny.

The deal is off.

You've convinced me having a car is too much trouble.

I'm gonna get myself a moped.

Moped, indeed.

Uh, Mike.

Mike, Mike, come back! I brought these guys in special from LA.

I got to pay them! Mike! Mike!