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02x13 - A Knight in Shining Armor

Posted: 05/09/23 05:39
by bunniefuu
I've looked everywhere for her.

She's nowhere on the grounds.

If Stone's got her, he'll k*ll her.

Uh-oh, jailbreak.

MichaeI, there's someone entering the room.

I'm taking you out of here, one way or another.

Stop it! Put me We won't have trouble catching that domestic piece of aluminum.

Stop the car! Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man, who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpIess, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Devon? Can't sleep, old man? What do you want? "My dearest Katherine," "the key to the treasure is in your locket, "close to your heart as you've been to mine.

Your loving father, Charlie.

" MichaeI, what on earth are you doing? Trying to unfold.

No offense, but one more day behind this wheel without a rest, I'm gonna end up looking like a pretzel.

No offense is taken, MichaeI.

On the contrary, bipedaI primate mammals were never intended to spend such lengthy periods in a sedentary position.

Try and tell that to Devon.

In fact, I've come to the conclusion that h*m* sapiens would be much better off had you remained crawling on all fours.

On all fours? You mean like you? I never crawI, MichaeI.

Devon's calling.

Hello, Devon.

What's up? MichaeI, I had a visitor last night.

An old friend.

He stayed in the guest quarters.

When I went to see him this morning, he was dead.

I'm sorry.

What happened? I don't know, but I suspect fouI play.

He wasn't Just any visitor, MichaeI.

His name was Charlie Granger.

The Charlie Granger? The indeed.

Please hurry, MichaeI.

Another life may be at stake.

You got it.

I'm on my way.

You know, Devon, he was my childhood hero.

When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be just like him.

We'd been friends for over 30 years, Michael.

Last night, it was just as if I'd seen him the day before.

Devon, you said he appeared to die of a heart attack.

What makes you think it was m*rder? Dr.

Alpert confirmed damage to his chest tissues as if he'd recently received a severe blow.

Also, when he showed me that book he intended to give his daughter, it contained a treasure map.

I- I searched the place thoroughly.

The map was gone.

And you think the m*rder*r is after Charlie's treasure? Yes.

And if he knows the key is in Katherine's locket, he may try to k*ll her to get it.

Devon, have you taken any of this to the police? I haven't a shred of evidence, Michael.

That's what's so infuriating.

I'm bringing Katherine to the Foundation.

If there's a treasure hunt, at least she'll be protected.


Thank you, Michael.

I've programmed KITT with everything we have on Charlie Granger and his daughter.

I'll be feeding him more information as I get it.

Should be quite an interesting story.

This sure isn't anything like where I went to school.

The only thing green there was the chalkboard.

The Woodgrove SchooI is a very exclusive institution.

Quite high, academically.

Must have set Charlie back quite a few bucks, huh? MichaeI, my sensors are picking up something coming toward us due south with increasing speed.

A car? Not exactly.

I'd hate to see her behind the wheel of a car.

MichaeI, there's a man directly ahead with a g*n aimed at that rider.

Pop the sunroof and go to auto drive.

Whoa, whoa! Get that car away from me.

You're spooking my horse! Whoa! Get away from me.

Leave me alone! You spooked my horse.

Can't you read? There must be a dozen "Equestrian Crossing" signs back there.

What spooked your horse was someone sh**ting at you through those trees.

There's a target range back there.

It's never bothered my horse before.

All right.

What about this? They break sometimes.

I know, but this one didn't.

It was cut.

Thanks for your help.

You're a regular knight in shining armor.

Fortunately, I don't need one.

Wait a minute.

You don't happen to know Katherine Granger, do you? Yes.

I'm Katherine.

My name is Michael Knight.

I'm with the Foundation for Law and Government.

I want to talk to you about your father.

My father? I don't have much to say about him.

I haven't seen my father in 15 years.


Your father died last night.

It's pretty out here, isn't it? I always love this time of year.

It has the smell of colors.

I'm sorry I had to tell you like this.

It doesn't matter.

I never had a father, so I guess I can't lose one, can I? Katherine.

Your father left you something.

Some kind of treasure.

To tell you the truth, I'm really not interested in anything my father left.

You may not be interested in his treasure, but obviously somebody else is.

Are you trying to tell me that this person cut my cinch? I'm trying to tell you that I've been sent here to protect you, and I'd like you to come with me now.

You can't force me to go with you.

If it'll save your life, I don't have any other choice.

If I agree, will you let me stop at the dorm and pack my things? That's fine.

Let's go.

KITT, did you get anything on who fired that shot? Negative.

Only that it was a high-powered w*apon.

In pursuing the girI, we unfortunately let the marksman escape.

I'm not sure which one of us got the better end of the deal.


Stone? This is Katherine Granger.

Why didn't you tell me about my father? You're the only person who knows me, who cares about me.

I had to hear he died from a complete stranger.

I was on my way out to see you, to tell you myself.

It was such a shock.

Who told you? A man named Michael Knight.

He says my father left me some kind of treasure.

I don't know what to do.

I didn't know who else to turn to.

I'll be there soon, Katherine.

Don't leave Woodgrove until I get there.

I'll be here.

Chip, please dance with me.

I'm supposed to be working.

That never stopped you before.

You don't mind, do you? Thank you.

I mind.

What do you think you're doing? I thought I'd help you pack.

Don't bother, I decided not to go.

I wouldn't want to miss the father-daughter tea.

I come every year, alone.

In case you didn't notice, we are in the middle of a dance.

What does it take to crack that shell of yours? Katherine, your father just died.

Doesn't that mean anything to you? What it means to me is none of your business.

I'll say one thing for my father: He was consistent to the end.

He always sent something in place of himself.

Usually it was money.

Now it's you.

You're my responsibility, so I'm taking you out of here, one way or another.

You wouldn't dare.

Stop it! Put me Put me down! How dare you! Put me down! Who do you think you are? KITT.

Let me out of here! We won't have trouble catching that domestic piece of aluminum.

Looks like the preppy patrol wants to pull us over.

MichaeI, we're approaching a railroad crossing with a freight train in transit.

We'll be forced to stop.

They will.

Stop the car! Stop the car! Hang on! I never saw anything move like that.

I don't get it.

Maybe he doesn't use unleaded gas.

Where's yours? Not here yet? I know.

What's happened? Oh, a tall, dark stranger came into the party and carried Katie Granger out like Scarlett O'Hara.

It was so romantic.

Are you going to sit there and sulk all the way to the Foundation? You've got your dashboard to keep you company.

Look, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you back at the dance.

It was the only way to get you out of there.

Besides, it's for your own good.

It's just wonderful how everybody seems to know exactly what's best for me.

Even perfect strangers.

Katherine, do you have any idea why your father never came to see you? Sure.

He wasn't interested.

It doesn't take much to figure that out.

You were right about one thing: You don't know anything about him, do you? To me and to a whole lot of other people, your father, Charlie Granger, was a hero.

I used to read about him all the time.

Always discovering new worlds: the South Pacific, Africa, South America.

I'll make a deal with you.

I'll go anywhere you want, if you'll just stop talking about my father.

I- I really don't want to hear it.

Could you please stop the car? I need some air.

You got it.

MichaeI, that young lady is such a brat, I can't help but wonder why anyone would leave her a goodbye note, let alone a treasure.

KITT, she's Charlie's daughter.

Blood's thicker than water.

So is my motor oiI, but he didn't leave me anything.

When Katherine does seek her treasure, I think I could contribute to the search.

How are you going to do that? With a pickax? No, but Devon spoke of deciphering a key which is hidden in her locket.

I have a feeling I'd be a naturaI at that particular aspect of the hunt.

I'll keep that in mind, partner.

Uh-oh, jailbreak.

Come on.

Now look what you've done.

You've ruined my dress! I ruined your dress? Okay, okay, okay! We'll get you a change of clothes.

"We" will not! All right, have it your way.

KITT, pop the trunk.

Well, these don't have designer labels, but they'll keep you warm.

Here's a shirt, socks, and, uh, I'll have to get you some shoes.

Give her some privacy, will you, pal? But of course.

Katherine Uh, may I call you Katherine? I don't care what you call me.

You seem to dislike MichaeI.

I understand that people sometimes react to other people that way.

But why do you dislike me? You're a computer.

I don't trust computers.

I was raised by them.

Really? A bank computer sent me my check every month and paid my bills.

It okayed my report cards and analyzed my scholastic development.

The only thing it didn't do was tuck me into bed at night.

Which, for people, is more important.

You do understand a little, don't you? I hope you're happy.

I look horrible.

Yeah, you do.


Yeah, I do.

Come on, let's go.

Please understand, it was a protective measure.

You call kidnapping, perhaps even as*ault, a protective measure? Michael Knight is a trusted employee of this Foundation, Mr.


He is not an assailant.

As executor of Charlie's estate and guardian to his daughter for the last 20 years, I've a legal and moral responsibility to take care of the dispensation of any treasure to Katherine.

Treasure? I didn't mention a treasure.

We're talking in circles.

My demand is very simple.

I want to know where Katherine is.


Under the circumstances, I'm afraid I can't tell you.

An attempt was made on Katherine's life today, Mr.


That's ridiculous.

Katherine doesn't have an enemy in the world.

Didn't have.

Apparently, thanks to the treasure, she now does have.

I agreed to talk to you because your credentials checked out.

But until a lot of questions have been answered to my complete satisfaction, I am not going to change my position.

Nor will I change mine.

I'd like to get this over with as soon as possible.

Wait a minute.

I think there's something you ought to see first.

What's this place? It's the Foundation's guest cottage.

Come on.

Come on.

Where are we going? I think it's about time you met someone.

Here he is on an all-white camel.

Hey, who's that cute little girl? Got a real pretty little locket.

Hey, Katherine, I think you know her.

May I see that, please? Katherine, I'd like you to meet your dad.

Do you understand what I was saying before? Don't cheat yourself out of the honor of being Charlie Granger's daughter.

He was a great man.

The last of a breed they don't make anymore.

These are all pictures of me.

I wonder why he kept them for all those years.

Because he loved you.

You were never out of his thoughts.

Then why didn't he come and see me? Why didn't he write to me? According to my information, he couldn't.

He was in prison on trumped-up charges in South America for 15 years.

He desperately wanted to see you.

This was all I ever had of my father: his picture in a locket.

I used to hold onto this all the time just to make me feel like he was close by.

Remember when you were a little kid and you'd run into your parents' room in the night when the thunder got too loud? I didn't have anyone to run to.

I'm sure he wanted to be there for you.

He tried to give you everything he could.

Then why did he send me away like I was some dog in a kennel? I would've given up everything just to be with him.

Just to sit on his lap and have him hold me.

Do you think I would've chosen the schools and the clothes over my father's love? He didn't mean to reject you.

But just because he disappointed you, it doesn't mean you can shut out everybody else who tries to care for you.

When you shut them out, they can't hurt you.

They also can't love you.

When did he come to see you? This afternoon.

Michael, there's something about this Mr.


It's not only what he said.

Something else.

His eyes.

He has the eyes of a desperate man.

Devon, if he's the only other person who knows about the treasure, he may know the key is in Katherine's locket and he may have tried to k*ll her to get it.

That's what I fear, Michael.

Well, I finally got Katherine to sleep.

Any luck? All these files show is that Stone is a man with impeccable credentials.

There's neither evidence nor motive.

The map stolen from Charlie's book, that would be a start, wouldn't it? Indeed it would.

I'm out of here.

KITT, if you were Stone, where would you hide a treasure map? One of the greatest treasure hunters, Stephen de Blois, used to hide his maps in imitation cannons by his bedroom window.

I think we should look for something more conventional, like a safe.

You're Just not a romantic.


MichaeI, there's a call going out from an upstairs bedroom.

I think I'll do some eavesdropping.

Patch me into that call.

Don't lean on me, Korris.

I'll get your money.

I don't think you understand your problem, Stone.

See, there's nowhere in the world for you to hide that we won't find you.

I've found the safe, MichaeI.

It's built into an end table on the second floor.

Record the rest of the conversation.

We've just found our motive.


Oh, MichaeI, you might also check the drapery.

Albert II of Austria used to weave his treasure maps into the materiaI.

I don't think Stone's that clever with a needle.

Are you ready, partner? Anytime.

All right, KITT.

I need a boost about 25 feet straight up.

All right, let's go for it.

Thanks, KITT.


KITT, it looks like an electronic lock.

Can you open it? I can.

But, MichaeI, the phone conversation has terminated.

Let's move fast.

MichaeI, there's someone entering the room.

Wait a minute.

I just want to talk.

I could have k*lled you.

Breaking and entering, it would've been justifiable homicide.

You're a real expert on that, aren't you? I'm calling the police.

Go ahead, the number is 911.

Go ahead, what are you afraid of? You got something to hide? Like, uh, Charlie Granger's map? I don't know what you're talking about.

You know, this place is a real education.

I mean, look at all these trophies for fighting.

Hey, you earned a medal in the Green Berets, huh? That's terrific.

Look at this.

Marksmanship, too.

You know, you're a regular man for all seasons.

You ever try taking a shot at a young co-ed? Just try to prove it, Knight.

You know my name.

That's good.

That's very good.

Because now you know who's standing between you and Katherine Granger.

I've looked in this locket a million times.

What could possibly be hidden in it? He said the book would provide the answer.

He adored puzzles and mysteries.

Seeking out their hidden meanings was his passion.

Katherine, your father wanted this treasure to be your 21st birthday present.

Can't you forgive him and at least grant him his one last wish? You don't have to convince me.

Just help me find it.


We're not the only ones looking for it.

The treasure's become very important to Christopher Stone.


Stone? What do you mean? I've known him for years and he's always- Katherine, he's changed.

And you've got to believe me, he's become a very dangerous man.

If you'll excuse me, I- I'd like to be alone.


I'm sorry.

Hello? This is Katherine.

I'm sorry I didn't call you before, but so much has happened.

Listen carefully.

I had a visit last night from Michael Knight.

He threatened me.

He demanded some map he thinks I have.

He's after the treasure, Katherine.

Please don't panic, but I think he may have k*lled your father.

You've got to get out of there now.

Don't let them see you going.

I'll meet you on the corner of Aberdeen and Vermont in 10 minutes.

I'm glad I got here in time, Katherine.

What you said about Michael, I don't believe it.

People will do incredible things if the stakes are high enough.

Come on, let's get away from here.

Oh, my locket.

I left it behind.

But you won't need it now that you know what's in it.

Please get in, Katherine.

We're going on a treasure hunt.

Charlie really was a master of concealment.

"The key to the treasure is in your locket close to your heart as you've been to mine.

" Katherine's gone.

What? I've looked everywhere for her.

She's nowhere on the grounds.

Devon, if Stone's got her, he'll k*ll her.

He thinks she holds the key to the treasure.

And Stone's got the map.

We don't even know where to start looking.

Yeah, but we've got the book, the locket, and we got KITT.

How can you do this to me? I thought you were my friend.

Your friend was a voice on the phone and an expense check once a month.

You've just been planning and waiting all these years.

No, just since my financial status changed for the worse.

And sitting there was the answer to all my prayers: Charlie's treasure.

Charlie showed up and all I had to do was take it away from him.

You k*lled my father.

It's not very well written.

KITT, critique the writing some other time, will you? How far along are you? Granger has Just crossed the Yaqui River, narrowly avoiding being eaten alive by piranha.

I believe what April meant is what chapter, KITT.

The end.

KITT, in all of Charlie's adventures, was there ever mention of a treasure inside a locket, on a picture, or anything like that? In one case, he found a small chest of Jewels behind the portrait of a Portuguese king.

I looked on the back of all the photos.


What else, KITT? In another instance, he found an inscription etched on the glass eye of a gold sphinx.

On the glass eye? Wait a minute.

That could be it.

Hey, KITT, punch up Charlie's face.

Bigger, much bigger.

Give me just the eyes.

Now the right eye.

All right.

Bring it in much closer, much closer.

What is it? It's ingenious, indeed.

It's a military grid with 10 place coordinates.

With this information, Charlie could pinpoint the treasure's location to within one square meter.

KITT, do you happen to speak 10 place coordinates? The location is in an area known as DeviI's Basin.

Let's go beat the devil.

Good luck, Michael.

Thank you.

We're approaching DeviI's Basin, MichaeI.

Now, where's the treasure? I told you, I don't know.

I'll go down and try to get behind him.

I left my locket When I get down there, I'll need a distraction.

Just say the word.

I don't think you fully understand, Katherine.

I'm not leaving here without that treasure.

I don't know where it is.

I hope that's not the truth.

Because if it is, you'll die right here! And I'll go on digging until I find it on my own.

You don't even know what you're looking for.

I know what your father discovered in the past, and if he spoke of treasure, he wasn't talking about a handful of sand! You've got to believe me.

I'd tell you if I knew.

Would you really, Katherine? KITT, this guy's got a car phone.

Let's give him a call.

It's my turn! Be careful, Michael! Next time you intend to show a secret w*apon, you'd better make sure it works.

This one's for Charlie.

All right, let's go find your treasure, huh? KITT, I need you.

KITT, you pinpointed those coordinates? Coming up, MichaeI.

"'X" marks the spot.

There's nothing there.

If Charlie hid the treasure as carefully as he plotted the hunt, he made real sure it wasn't easy to see.

Am I right? But you're right, MichaeI, there's a landfall at that spot which seems much less dense than the surrounding walls.

We've found Charlie's gift.

Now all we've got to do is unwrap it.

Jump in.

I'm programmed to be a treasure hunter, not a caveman.

Consider it a new program.

You all right? I don't know.

What is it? I don't know.

KITT, give me some light, will you? Here we go.

Oh, my God.

It's so beautiful.

It's like being inside a diamond.

MichaeI, I've analyzed every foot of this cavern and there is no sign of any precious metaI or mineraI deposits.

In other words, there's no treasure.

I don't understand.

It can't be.

My father wouldn't have gone to all that trouble for nothing.

It wasn't for nothing.

What do you mean? Katherine, your father spent his whole life searching for secret places that held the treasure of beauty, not money.

To him, those were the most important discoveries, I think the kind he wanted you to experience.

Don't you see? It's all around you.

This is your treasure.

You're right.

Just looking at the mountain from the outside, I would've missed all that was hidden in the inside.

Just like I missed all the beauty hidden inside my father all those years.

I think that's what he wanted me to know.

Come on, Kath, we got to get out of here! Oh, Michael, it's all lost.

Yeah, but your father got his last wish.

You did see the cavern.

Just to help you remember.

Happy birthday, Katherine.

Welcome home.

Thank you.

I feel as if I've been away for a million years.

Oh, you brought a whole lot back with you.

Oh, yeah.

By the way, I've got something for you.


There's a lot more than ghosts in this locket.

There's a whole lot of love, too.

Michael, you remember when I said I didn't need a knight in shining armor? Oh, yeah.

Why? I was wrong.


Okay, speedball, I've got some big modifications on this baby.

I'm ready for you this time.

Why don't you park it behind that wheel of yours and let's drag? Well, okay.