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02x12 - Silent Knight

Posted: 05/09/23 05:38
by bunniefuu
If those bank robbers think you can ID 'em, you need a lot more help than you think.

MichaeI, look out.

Look, the kid is a material witness.

If they find him, they could k*ll him.

KITT, I need you.

Which way did they go? Come on.

He can ID us.

Come on.

MichaeI, my sensors are picking up someone hidden in the field.

It's Tino.

He's directly in the path of that machine.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpIess, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Move yourself.

You always live your life.

Never thinking of the future.

Prove yourself.

You are the move you make.

Take your chances win or loser.

Save yourself.

You are the steps you take.

You and you, and that's the only way.

Shake, shake yourself.

You're every move you make.

So the story goes.

Owner of a lonely heart.

Owner of a lonely heart.

Much better than a.

Owner of a broken heart.

Owner of a lonely heart.


MichaeI, here comes Devon.

Hello, Devon.

Well, MichaeI.

I was hoping to see you come out of a formalwear shop.

Don't worry, Devon.

Everything's under control.

KITT and I are plotting a direct route to a formalwear shop even as we speak.


Well, Just in case his route leads astray, permit me to show you something.

What is that? That is what you will be wearing if you faiI to find a tuxedo of your own for the annuaI Christmas banquet.



How are you today, dear? Merry Christmas, everybody.

Merry Christmas.

You're late.

That's right.

Merry Christmas.

Keep your mouth shut, or you're dead.

All right, hold it right there.

Now drop the money.

Drop it.

And the g*ns.

Come on.

Let's go.

Come on.

Come on.

Move it.

Move it.

Let's go.

Let's go.

All right, everybody, down.

You, get over here against the truck.

Oh, I like your watch.

Hey, what are you doing? I've always wanted a gold watch.

What are you, crazy? Come on.

You can buy a million of those later.

Get in.

Get in.

I love Christmas.

The lights, trees, music.

The whole spirit of the season makes me feel great.

It confuses me.

What could a paunchy man in a red suit possibly have to do with the birth of a religious leader? KITT, Christmas is a time for giving and a time for love.

And Santa is the greatest giver of them all.

Speaking of giving, I'm a bit perplexed about what to get you.

Being a car, it's rather difficult to know what's appropriate.

Anything but pajamas, cheap cologne, ties, and argyle socks.

Especially argyle socks.

Why those items? Because my folks can never think of anything else to give me for Christmas.

I have got a lifetime supply of men's accessories.

You still don't have a tuxedo and the Foundation Christmas banquet is in three days.

It's been on my calendar for months.

Besides, I promised Devon.

You promised Devon last year, too.

This year, you'll actually be there.

Because I promised him.

You promised? Well, one of us has to be responsible.

Now, about your tux, I've already located severaI formalwear shops.

Thanks, pal.

I'll talk to Santa about puttin' a little extra in your stockin' this year.

How about a nice new set of retreads and some mud flaps? Very funny.


Hey, kid.

Watch where you're going.

Excuse me, mister.

I'm sorry.

Come on, come on, give me the watch.

What? The watch.

What are you talking about? It's mine.

I stole it.

From the bank manager, which makes it the one thing that links us to that robbery.

So let's go, banana-brain.

Give me it.

It's gone.

It's gone.

The kid.

He must have lifted it.

Go get him.

Come on.

Come on.

My leg.

You broke my leg.

You got to get me to a hospital.

All right.

Take it easy.

Calm down, it's okay.

I've seen that kid before.

He's one of the gypsies from the neighborhood.

The Good Samaritan is taking him to the hospital.

Come on, in there.

You got it.

Hey, let's forget the kid.

By the time we find him, we could be out of the state.

The minute he tries to hock that thing, the cops are gonna nab him.

The he's gonna ID us and in 24 hours our faces are going to be coast-to-coast.

KITT, what's the nearest location to the hospital? The nearest hospitaI is 10 blocks away.

Thanks, pal.

What's the problem? Those guys hassling you? No.



Well, sort of.

Look, I'll make you a deal.

You lose those creeps and I'll forget about the lawsuits, the hospital, everything.

MichaeI, I don't think that's a good idea.

Who asked you? You got a talking car.

Those guys don't seem to have the Christmas spirit, do they, KITT? Not at all, MichaeI.

All right, buddy.

Let's make like Donner and Blitzen.

How did you do that? I got helium in the tires.

Who are those guys, anyway? They're Bombers.

They think they're real tough.

They say this is their turf.

Then they start hassling me.

I tell them, "Look-" MichaeI, before this charade goes any further, I think you should know I find no broken bones, no abrasions, and no physicaI trauma whatsoever.

Who says? In other words, this little con artist is Iying through his teeth.

Who are you calling a liar, man? You.

In addition to which, MichaeI, perhaps you should ask about the gold watch, he has in his right front pants pocket.

Hey that's an invasion of privacy.

A gold watch, huh? Now we're making some progress.

You didn't happen to steal that gold watch, did you? Look, that watch happens to be a family heirloom.

MichaeI, I've Just monitored a police band broadcast.

There was a bank robbery 10 blocks from here.

In addition to a great deaI of money, a gold watch was stolen.

The criminals are still at large.

Look, let me out of here, man.

This is kidnapping.

You can't keep me here.

Give me a rundown on the robbers, KITT.

I didn't rob no bank.

Any bank.

For once, he seems to be telling some fraction of truth.

Though they were wearing masks, witnesses said the three robbers were older and bigger than this little delinquent.



The dude I lifted this watch from He was unloading this crazy van that belonged to some kind of circus.

And there were three of them.

In that case, we'd better pay a little visit to the police station.

Man, that's the last thing I need.

Don't be too sure.

If those bank robbers think you can ID 'em, you need a lot more help than you think.

There has to be something you can do to protect him.

I wish there was.

Look, the kid is a material witness.

If they find him, they could k*ll him.

A dead witness isn't going to help you or the DA get a conviction.

I wish we had the manpower to provide that kind of protection.

I'm sorry.

So what are you going to do? Turn him loose on the streets? The kid has a sister.

Maybe he can stay with her.

A kid his age and his sister aren't going to be much of a match for three bank robbers.

I'm sorry.

Piece of cake.

I'm out of here.


Hey, wait a minute.

Hey, not so fast.

In case you don't know, you're a ticket straight to prison for those guys.

So? So it's not such a good idea, to go strollin' around in broad daylight.

I'm not afraid.

That's what worries me.

I'm a gypsy.

I can take care of myself.

Besides, I'm not walking.

I told the badge inside you'd give me a ride to my sister's.

Hey, which one's the radio, man? Would you mind keeping your grubby little hands to yourself? I'm sorry, I can't.


You're always sorry.

Marta, I need $100.

All right, $75.

Just until the weekend.

Look, baby, it's important- No.

And don't call me "baby.

" That's over.

Oh, Tino, what's wrong now? Nothing, Marta.

I'm innocent until proven guilty, all right? All right.

My name is Michael Knight.

There was a robbery this morning.

A robbery? Don't worry, Tino wasn't involved.

Not directly, at least.

You see, he, uh, he found this watch that was stolen during the robbery.

It's become an important piece of evidence.

See, like I said, no big deal.

You're right about that, kid.

You're no big deal.

Look who's talkin'.

Tino, what am I going to do with you? Nothing.

I can take care of myself, okay? I was with him at the police station.

The only problem is- The police station? Are you a policeman? No, I'm with a private organization called the Foundation for Law and Government.

The only problem with Tino is, the bank robbers may know who he is.

Good riddance.

Whoa, pull over.

Back up, back up.

Hey, Nick, Nick, come here.

We're lookin' for somebody.

A kid.

One of those gypsies.

He, uh, stole my friend's watch.

Could be worth some money.

How much? It's worth $1,000 to you.


We heard you hung out with those people.

Maybe you heard something, huh? $2,500.

I get the feeling he could hide away for months if he wanted to.

That's Tino.

You can't help him, even when he's in danger.

Which he is, whether he believes it or not.

Look, is there someplace he can go until the police can arrest the robbers? I mean, some place away from here, with friends or relatives? Uncle Stephano, Papa's brother.

He still lives the gypsy life.

He and his people are camped out near Lockett for the winter.

Ever since Papa died, Tino's been dreaming about going to live with him.

Like a gypsy.

Sounds like that might be the answer.

If we can find Tino.

He's built a shack on a vacant lot over on Butte.

That's probably where he is.

Let's check it out.

Michael, you've already done so much, I hate to ask, but I can't leave the shop, not now, during Christmas.

If you could find him, take him to Stephano's, I could pay for your gas and time.

Well, I'm going in that direction anyway.

I'll drop him off.

No charge.

Thank you.

Consider it a Christmas present.

And don't worry, everything is gonna be okay.

He's a good kid, basically.

MichaeI, I've been thinking about gift-giving at Christmas.

Yeah, it's a great tradition, KITT.

But let's not forget about gift-getting.

The joy of giving isn't anything without someone doin' the getting.

It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.

Frankly, I think the whole thing's overdone.

The importance of a gift is the thought behind it, not the gift itself.

I couldn't agree more.

Then what one gets doesn't really matter, does it? Well, that depends.

I mean, try arguing that point with a 6-year-old sitting on Santa's knee.


Season's greetings.

Well, thank you, MichaeI.

Same to you.

I hope you and KITT are headed back to the Foundation.

Oh, we're heading in that direction.

You bet.

MichaeI, just what are you up to? Nothing.

Or not much, at least.

I ran into a gypsy kid who's a witness to a robbery.

He and his sister- His sister? Yeah, I should have known.

April, it's not like it sounds.

MichaeI, now, you know how seriously Devon takes the annuaI Christmas banquet.

He's seated you between Lady Pinwall and the Duchess of Chipstead.

So please remember, he's counting on you.

Oh, I'll be there.

Sure as Saint Nick.

For your sake, I hope you are, Saint Nick.


Hey, Tino.

MichaeI, I think we have company.

They got to be inside.

Go for it.

You're sure? Hit it! MichaeI, look out.

KITT, I need you.




Michael, are you okay? I don't know.

It's the first time I ever had the roof fall in on me.

I'm terribly sorry, MichaeI, but he had such a head start.

It's okay, pal.

What did you get on the car? It's out of scanner range, but I did run the plates.

Unfortunately, they were stolen from another car yesterday.

MichaeI, are you all right? Yeah, I'm all right.

Except those jokers are starting to take some of the thrill out of Christmas for me.

You finally gettin' the message? Those guys mean business.

Why don't you grab whatever's important to you, whatever's left in one piece.

You're takin' a trip.

Where? Uncle Stephano's.

Uncle Stephano's? Really? Yeah.


That's great.


You got much? Nah, hardly anything.

Really, MichaeI, this is outrageous.

Come on, KITT.

Where's your Christmas spirit? Gone.

I'd like to see you deck the halls if some mud-covered moppet was filling your trunk with Junk.

Absolutely not.

I must draw the line somewhere and that monstrosity is it.

What're you talking about? This is an art object.

That is a phone, and I am not a booth.

Open up, it's the last thing I'm taking.

It's the last thing you're not taking.

Tell you what, I'm going to make you a deal.

This is my car.

You're gonna make me a deal to ride in it? Sure.

You let me drive this car once we get out of town, and I'll forget about the phone.


You're sure you want Tino behind the wheel? I'm sure I don't want any more of his obJets d'art in my trunk.

Your brother's a thief.

See, he steals things.

Now what good's it going to do, letting a little thief hide behind your skirts? I'm getting tired of asking her to help.

I think she needs some encouragement.

I told you guys to leave her alone.

Yeah, maybe we don't listen so good.

The kid's split.

I heard somewhere he's going to his uncle's.

That's not true.

Come on, where's that? Stephano's got a caravan of gypsies.

They spend the winter camped out by Lockett.

A deal's a deal, pal.


How could you? Now they know where to find him.

Hey, what's this? None of your business.

And don't touch.

This is a chemical analyzer.

You put things in there and the computer tells you what they are.

Oh, yeah.

I could tell you just by looking at it.

Somehow, I doubt that very Don't push that.

Wow! Did you see that? Whoo.

That's it, MichaeI.

I can't tolerate the antics of this little hellion a second longer.

You're scared of me, huh? That's pretty funny.

A boy named David k*lled Goliath with one stone.

What? Who's he talking about? It's from the Bible, Tino.

You've read the Bible, haven't you? Sure.

But I don't have to brag about it.

To use this computer, there's a couple of things you gotta learn.

Like, uh, how to read.

I could handle this baby with my eyes closed.

When can I drive? You promised me I could.

You're going back on your word already.

MichaeI? Yeah, KITT? Allow me.

All right, whatever you say.

Okay, you can drive, but you keep your hands off the dash, and you go slow.

You got it? Got it.

All right.

All right, be careful, huh? Oh, my goodness.

In case you hadn't noticed, there's a truck ahead.

No problem.

I got it totally under control.

Allow me.


How did it go? I've been in faster, but, uh, not bad.

Not bad.

Jump over.

So I'm back, to the velvet.


Back to the floor.

that I love.

To a room with some lace.

and paper flowers.

Back to the gypsy.

that I was.

To the gypsy.

that I was.

And it all comes down to you.

Well, you know that it does.

Well, lightning strikes.

maybe once, maybe twice.

Ah, and it lights up the night.

And you see your gypsy.

You see your gypsy.

To the gypsy.

that remains.

faces freedom.


Look, it's Tino! Look at them, real gypsies.

I'm going to go find Uncle Stephano.

Hey, how's it going? Thank goodness.

Can we go now? What's the rush? MichaeI, you have a tux to rent and a banquet to attend.

And I still have some Christmas things to take care of.

Okay, okay.

Give me two minutes.

This is my pal, Michael.

You bring my nephew to me.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

Well, it's nice to meet you.

Tino talks about you like you're the last gypsy in the whole world.

I am.

And now Tino is here, where he belongs.

Come, we are about to eat.

You'll be the guest of honor at my table.

Ah, thanks, but no, thanks.

You wouldn't believe how late I am getting to work.

Work, the curse of the gadJo.

I leave you to say goodbye.

Well, partner, here you are.

Safe and sound, on the road with the gypsies.

Just like you always wanted.

Yeah, all my life I wanted to be here.

It's great.

You going to come visit me? Yeah, sure.

If I get a chance.


You keep your hands off other people's watches, okay? And you don't run down any little kids.

Yeah, right.

See you later.

Be good, okay? Bye.


Bye! MichaeI, are you distressed about leaving Tino? Yeah, I guess I am.

Until those thieves are behind bars, that kid's not going to be safe anywhere.

I'm sure the police are doing everything they can to apprehend them.


Maybe that's not enough.

I'm thinking we ought to give them a hand.

MichaeI, you are distressed.

Your vitaI signs are becoming highly elevated.

Let's hit it.

He doesn't have it on him.

Come on, you little punk.

Where's the watch? Huh? Come on, open your mouth.

Uncle Stephano, help! Aren't you going to do nothing? You think you can hide behind your uncle? Come on, where's that watch? On your mother's grave.

Maybe he left it with his sister.

No! Hmm, that rang a bell, huh? I told you, she don't have it.

I gave it to the cops.

For your sake, that better not be true because without that watch, you're dead.

I don't like it, KITT.

It's the middle of the day, less than a week before Christmas, and Marta's shop's closed? That is peculiar, MichaeI.


Listen, uh, why don't we have a little dinner, like, next week? Hey, Nick? Where's Marta, Nick? Why's the shop closed? What are you asking me for? She isn't my old lady anymore.

I'm not interested in your love life, but for a guy who's generally broke, you're doing well.

Where'd you get the money for the new clothes, huh? Where's Marta? I want some answers.

How much further? MichaeI, I'm going as fast as I possibly can, given the circumstances.

Don't give me an explanation.

Give me an ETA.

Approximately 17.

4 minutes, MichaeI.

There's Marta.

Michael, thank God.

Michael, you've got to help me.

I talked to Nick.

Now I know all about it.

Come on.

Jump in.

They sure don't leave many clues behind, do they? They never do.

Hey, KITT.

Got any idea what this is? My chemicaI sensors indicate a petroleum-based product of relatively high viscosity.

In English that means oil, right? Yes.

An inexpensive commerciaI grade, and filthy, I might add.

Looks like one of their cars has an oil leak.

You think you could follow a trail of this? It depends on how frequent the drops are.

It's certainly worth a try.

Tino was right.

It does talk.

Yeah, it does talk.

And it's got a nose sharper than a bloodhound.

It must be 150 degrees in here.

I don't feel good.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Here, kid, suck up some air.

I need something to drink.

Look, we are not stopping.

I don't think I'm gonna make it.

I'm sick of listening to this brat.

I got to get to the bathroom.

I'm not kidding.

Look, just shut up, all right? Just shut up.

In a more recent development, the watch recovered by the police department, was definitely identified today as belonging to Richard P.

Henzer, manager of the bank that was robbed in broad daylight, in one of the most daring armored truck robberies this year.

And now for the weather.

The cops do have the watch.

I heard.

Oh, you heard? Then what do we need this pain in the neck for? It's a private conversation.

You're going to be real sorry when I get sick.

Casey, come on.

If we k*ll this kid, there's that much more heat on us.

Come on.

He can ID us, all right? Now without him, there's no way they can tie that watch to us.

What happened? You got the keys.

He must've hot-wired it.

What do we do now? What do you think? We steal a car.

Come on.

Get in the back.

Get in the back.

Get in the back.

The frequency of the oiI spots, seems to be growing rather than diminishing, MichaeI.

Just keep your nose to the blacktop, buddy.

And to think some poor animals are forced to do this for a living.

Risin' up, back on the street.

Did my time, took my chances.

Come on! Come on! Can you believe it? We're doing all of 25.

Out of all the cars to take, we got to nab one that died 10 years ago, huh? The rest of them were locked.

We could catch that kid faster if we walked, which is what you guys are going to do if I hear another dumb word out of either one of you.

What do you think you're doing? Where's Tino? Gone.

Gone? What happened? Some men came.


They said he stole a watch.

How do you know they were policemen? They showed me badges.

He's lying.

You watch your tongue.

Those men weren't policemen, and you know it.

Now, he trusted you.

He worshipped you.

What did you do, Stephano, huh? You sold him down the river? Take your hands off me, or I'll break every bone in your body and feed you to the dogs.

I'm an honorable man.

The great Stephano, king of the gypsies.

Liar! I saw them give you the money.

Shut up, old woman! I saw them, swine! You sold your own nephew! I'll let your own people deal with you now.

I just want to know one thing.

Which way did they go? Which way did they go? North.

Toward the highway.

Face to face, out in the heat.

Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry.

They stack the odds, till we take to the street.

For the k*ll with the skill to survive.

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight.

Risin' up to the challenge of our rivaI.

And the last known survivor st*lks his prey in the night.

And he's watchin' us all.


There he is.

We'll never find him in there.

It's too thick.

Yeah? Well, there's more than one way to catch that kid.

Come on.

Come on, come on.

Come on.

They could be anywhere by now.

Don't give up yet.

If I know Tino, he's made it real tough on 'em.

Look, there's the car.

MichaeI, my sensors are picking up someone hidden in the field.

It's Tino.

He's directly in the path of that machine.

Let's run some interference.

All right.

Are you okay? Okay? We're gypsies.

We know how to take care of ourselves.

Hey, what's the matter? It's Christmas.

You got something against Christmas? Merry Christmas.

Hey, not so fast.

Carrying the stuff is only half the job.

Putting it away comes next.

I'm still not sure moving in with my sister is such a great idea.

Tino, look at it this way: You are now the man of the family.

Marta needs you.

Yeah, that's right.

That's right.

What will you do with all that reward money, hotshot? Well, I've been thinkin'.

You know, school's for kids and all.

But I think I could do okay with computers, once I learn to read.

Then I'm gonna get me a car.

A big one: fuel injection, four on the floor, AMIFM cassette.


That's not going to happen for years.

See? I told you this wasn't such a great idea.

Thank you for everything, Michael.

Without you That's okay.

It was Tino who saved my neck.

See you later, partner.


Listen, if you ever get stuck again You'll be the first to know.

Hey, you're all right for a car.

Thank you.

And, Tino.

Yeah? Merry Christmas.

You, too.

Straight ahead, huh? Right.


What? Tino forget this? No.

ApriI was kind enough to pick it up for me.

Wait a minute.

Don't tell me.


Yes, argyle socks, if you must know.

Well, KITT, uh, you shouldn't have.

But you're right, it is the thought that counts.

And I'm sure Devon will appreciate the thought behind his socks.

His great-grandfather was from County Argyle in Scotland.

Oh, these socks are for Devon? Of course.

You don't think I'd buy you argyle socks, do you? Of course not.