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02x10 - Ring of Fire

Posted: 05/09/23 05:37
by bunniefuu
Help, Michael! KITT, I need you.

Cray Callan is gonna try and k*ll you.

Somebody stop that guy! Seem to be a lot of Callans in town.

There's only one that matters.

I'm gonna have to take you in, boy.

Now, wait a minute, where I'm from nobody takes you in.

That's worth a ticket.

You ain't where you're from, boy.

I'm quite incapacitated.

Oh my God, what have they done to you? Cajuns are nothing but animals.

Hey, over here! We're both gonna be a lot safer when we get out of here.

Layla, get in.

You don't expect me to play baked guinea pig in this oversized microwave, do you? What's a little heat, MichaeI? There's no other way we can get her out of there.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpIess, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

I'll take care of it.

You ain't sweating, Callan.

You too important to sweat? Maybe, maybe you gotta get closer to the dirt! Here, boy, I brung you a libation from your daddy Here's the key.

Ready to work now, boy? Get up there.

You overdid it just a little bit, boy.

Don't even bother to ask.

I really don't like this, MichaeI.

Come on, pal.

What's a little heat, huh? Temperatures exceeding 600 degrees is hardly a little heat.

You're vulnerable to sustained heat.

We're trying to make you invulnerable.


In theory, the pyroclastic lamination that April's designed for you should keep you as cool as a cucumber up to 800 degrees.

In theory.

In theory? How comforting.

Look, KITT, it's like taking your vitamins or getting a shot, buddy.

It's good for you.

So is this.

Uh, the invitation calls for formal wear.

What's this? Well, we're testing man and machine.

Or if you prefer, man in machine.

You don't expect me to play baked guinea pig in this oversized microwave, do you? What's a little heat, MichaeI? It's Just like taking your vitamins.

I hated taking my vitamins.

Forget it.

Oh, good.

You've completed your experiments.

I trust they were successful.

No, we haven't even started them yet.

Michael won't cooperate.

I'm in no mood to be pushed past my boiling point.

Uh, well, forgive me for disturbing this debate.

Um, I have here something that may, um, postpone the experiment.

Great, I'll get on this right away.

Oh, now wait a minute.

I- Perhaps I'd better explain the content of that tape.

After all, it's not customary Foundation business.

That's okay, Devon.

KITT and I'll figure it out on the way.


See you.

He's impossible.

Absolutely impossible.

Too true.

Well, KITT, this cassette got us both out of some hot water.

Least we can do is listen to it.

I am Layla Charon Callan, my husband is Christopher Callan, I see him m*rder a man, and I testify against him.

He is on road g*ng and now he escapes.

He will k*ll me, I know.

Don't let him k*ll me.

Help me, please.

KITT? It sounds like a young girl.

Run a voice analysis.

The speaker is indeed female, approximate age 18 years, limited educationaI background indicated by broken speech pattern.

EmotionaI timbre is sincere and indicates condition of extreme stress.

What have you got on Christopher Callan? Anything? No record previous to a conviction for m*rder.

A particularly brutaI m*rder, MichaeI.

I guess we'd better find Layla Callan before this guy makes it two murders.

MichaeI, my culturaI databank indicates that smaller Southern towns are often not favorably disposed toward strangers.


This part of the country's famous for its hospitality, KITT.

Perhaps, but I hope you have some kind of plan for finding Layla Callan.

Well, it's a small town.

Should be a snap finding one little girl named Callan.

I mean, how many Callans can there be, huh? Shall I start counting? No.

Thanks anyway, wise guy.

It occurs to me that since the escaped convict is a member of the Callan family, this town may be less than receptive to your attempts to help his wife.

Perhaps even hostile.

Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing.

What are you going to do? Only thing I can do: stir up the pot and see what rises.

And it's hard days out in the field.

The crows in the high tree top.

If the man's away from his home all day.

His chickens might fall to the fox.



What can you do about that, uh-huh.


That is not a fire hydrant, you flea-ridden fur ball.

Scoot! I said leave.

Now! Well, I didn't want to yell, but you left me no alternative.

Actually, I rather like dogs.

When they behave.

A master too hard.

Good afternoon, Officer.

Is this your car? Yes, sir.

You're running around with a busted taillight.

That's an infraction of the law.

What taillight? This one.

In addition to that faulty brake light, I'm citing you for running through a stop sign.

What are you talking about? I haven't seen a stop sign for 100 miles.

Back at Main and Fourth.

You just sort of coasted right through.

I'm gonna have to take you in, boy.

Now wait a minute, where I'm from nobody takes you in.

That's worth a ticket.

You ain't where you're from, boy.

So much for Southern hospitality.

I've got the young fella here, Judge Callan.


I'll be out front if you need me, Judge.

What's your name, boy? Michael Knight.


I'm Judge Oliver Callan.

Have a seat.

I'm the judiciary here in Fleur du Lac.

Seem to be a lot of Callans in town.

Well, there's only one that matters.

Cray Callan ring a bell? He's my son.

He's your son, huh? Gotta be pretty hard for you, having a m*rder*r and escaped convict for a son.

I see no m*rder.

Now, I hear you're trying to find that little tramp wife of his.

Why? That's personal.

It's my family, boy.

And my town.

Nothing is personal.

Look, I was brought in here because I allegedly ran a stop sign.

So why don't I just pay the fine and head on my way, huh? Well, now, I don't like to see visitors leave Fleur du Lac with a bad opinion.

So I'm not gonna charge you with that little infraction of the law.

But I am gonna give you a piece of advice.

Don't go against me, boy.

Christopher Callan is safe as a clam in his shell in this parish.

You, you're out of the water.

You get me? Yes, sir.

I get you very well.

All right.

I sent you the tape.

Come talk to me at the church.

Somebody stop that guy! Get some help.

Get some help! Hey you, stop! KITT, I need you, buddy! KITT, did you get a visual on him? It's Christopher Callan, MichaeI.

Just what I figured.

MichaeI, we are approaching a very unorthodox environment.

So is Callan.

I should have the edge on him.

Where's Callan? Come on, KITT.

Got to get moving.

MichaeI, we have absolutely no traction.

All right, let's try turbo boost.

Some foreign element in the liquid has neutralized severaI of my functions including turbo boost.

I'm quite incapacitated.

We'll see about that.

Come on, pal.

Come on.

Come on.


What's keeping us from going under? In my opinion, extremely good luck.




Pop the sun roof.

There's got to be somebody with 'em.

Hey! Hey, over here! Hey! MichaeI? MichaeI, are you all right? My name is Michael Knight.

I came to Fleur du Lac to see someone.

A man was shot and I was chasing the guy who did it, his name is Callan.

Cray Callan.

Layla, ici.

I am Layla, Layla Callan.

I think maybe you come for me.

I pray someone will come, for a long time.

Now you come and I am afraid.

Don't be afraid.

I'm here to help you, Layla.

I'm here to take you out of here, away from Callan.

I've got to get my car.

My brothers get your car.

How long will that take, soon? How far is the road? Layla, how far to town? You rest now.

Get stronger before you go.

I want to thank you for getting me off that road g*ng, Dad.

I didn't do it so you could come over and sh**t the minister, Cray.

He took my wife away from me.

Now that ain't right.

Even in the eyes of the church.

Sit down.

Now that is over and done with, you get me? Every shovel of Louisiana mud that I dug reminded me of those people that hurt me.

You forget about that girl, boy.

She's nothing but Cajun trash.

Now, she's gonna go back into that bayou and she's gonna be forgotten.

Well, not by me, Daddy.

Never by me.

You listen to me.

You know, you're the only son I got, Cray.

I brought you back here so you could put what you've done behind you.

Keep you safe from the outside law.

But you keep pushin'.

Boy, you can't, you understand? I mean, you keep bending the law, you're gonna find me on the other end of it.

Now you stay out of that bayou.

All right.

KITT, you read me now? Come on, buddy, where are you? KITT? KITT, where are you? Sorry.

I didn't mean to scare you.

I know all the sounds here.

You're not from the bayou.

Neither was Cray.

But you married him.

Why? I go to Fleur du Lac to sell fish.

I'm very young, 13.

Cray Callan sees me, wants to buy me from my father.

When he say no, Cray thr*aten Papa.

Says Lecroix will take everything.

Lecroix? Bad Cajuns.


They steal our game, tear our nets.

Callans own them.

We feud with them for many years.

It k*ll Papa when I go with Cray.

Layla, who did Cray k*ll? A man.

A stranger from the north, like you.

Why? He look at me.

With hungry eyes.

Cray went crazy.

Like an animal.

Doesn't sound like he's changed much, huh? Layla, I need to get my car.

Jacques et Arnaud, they find.

Bring to you.


Get you out of here as soon as possible.

Then I'll take care of Cray.


What's the matter? You do want to leave here, don't you? This place, the bayou, it is my home.

It's all I know.

Yeah, but Cray Callan is gonna try and k*ll you.

Now you told me that much on the tape you sent to me.

From this, I hear songs about places.

Big cities, many people Here, I know how to live, but in the cities- Cray is gonna find you here.

I am Cajun.

If I leave the bayou, I will die.

But if you don't leave the bayou- No, tomorrow you go, please.

Not without you.

Je suis Callan.

Come out, you swamp ghosts.

I know you're there.

What do you want? I want Layla Callan.

She's here, in the bayou.

Nobody knows the bayou like a Cajun.

And I'll make it worth your while.

Just name it.

Sheriff Casey, he stop us from poaching mink.

We want no more trouble from him, huh? Done.

Yeah, that's a good doggy.

KITT? Boy, am I glad to see you.

Would you hush up, he's a friend of mine.

It's quite all right, MichaeI.

His bark is worse than his bite.


He could've fooled me.

How are you? Well, I'm a little raw around the edges, but I'll live.

How are you? Well, I faiI to understand the appeaI of those so-called mud baths.

I see your sense of humor's still intact.

I was afraid something was wrong.

I couldn't reach you on the comlink last night.

I heard you, MichaeI, but I apparently can't transmit.

Well, if that's all that's bothering you, we're in good shape.

Let's get a readout from your self-diagnostic analyzer, huh? Apparently it's not functioning, MichaeI.


This is like being a doctor with a patient who can't tell you where it hurts.

I would if I could, MichaeI.

Yeah, right.

See if you can get April for me.

I'll do the best I can.

MichaeI, we've been worried sick about you.

Where are you? Devon, I'll brief you later.

Right now, I need to talk to April.

Is there a problem? How's KITT? A little soggy.

Soggy? MichaeI Knight, what have you done now? Look, April, we're stuck in the middle of a swamp here.

I don't have time for this discussion right now.

I need your help.

KITT needs your help.

All right, what precisely is the problem? KITT's diagnostic indicator's out.


It's probably a short.

I'll punch in a schematic of the circuitry.

But you'll have to make the repair yourself.

You can do that, can't you? Yeah, I can do that, but you're gonna have to hurry up.

Our connection's going.

What, MichaeI? MichaeI? KITT? I'm sorry, MichaeI, we've lost contact.


MichaeI, something seems to be wrong.

Layla! Layla! Go now, Michael! No more deaths.

MichaeI, what's happening? Trouble, pal.

Come on, baby.

Come on.

Yeah! The lady, be after her.

Come on.

Layla, get in.

Oh, my radio.

Layla, who were those men? The poachers.

The Lecroixes.

The best hunters in the bayou.

They will find us.

Any idea where we are? This is Lecroix land.

I have not been here for many years.

KITT, can you give me a visual on our location? I'll most certainly try.

It's okay.

It's a computer, it's very complicated.

I never see car like this.

You will explain this computer? Yeah, later.

Right now- I have it for you, MichaeI.



Can you at least tell me which direction we're going? I gather the visuaI was inadequate.

I'm afraid so, pal.

We're going northeast, MichaeI.

Are you sure? Under other circumstances, that question would be insulting, MichaeI.

But due to organic contamination of my integrated micronetic navigationaI circuit- You're not sure.

In a word, no.

All right, pal.

Your best is all we can ask for.

Layla, what's at the northeast end of the bayou? Cajun settlement.

Northwest belongs to the Lecroixes.

What? Gator trap.

Good grief.

This is humiliating.

Don't worry, pal, I'll get you unlocked.

I get the feeling this isn't the only thing we have to look forward to out here, is it? More traps, quicksand, very much danger.

Ok, back up, KITT.

I've failed you again, MichaeI.

I should have scanned that ugly device.

To err is human, pal.

Don't worry, we'll make it through.

Where's Layla? My brother, he get caught in Charon trap.

Now is our fight, Callan.

My wife? Where is she? L'etranger with black car get her.

Come on, we track.

You bet we track.

The shack! The poachers' shack! I know this place.

Lecroixes know about this place, too? Everybody know.

My father built it.

Then the poachers take it away.

Now they use it for their dynamite, their food.

Then you know a way out of here.

Like your car, Michael, I can make good guess.



You don't sound so good.

What is it, KITT? The Juncture between my accelerator and fueI inJection has deteriorated, MichaeI.

I am unable to correct the problem.

Well, I'll see what I can do.

What's going on? Birthday party for Grandpa Beaujeux.

Michael, we must go.

Lecroixes come, I feel them.

They will hurt these people, too.

This is all real new to me.

I'm going as fast as I can.

Despite your inexperience, you've done the trick.

It's okay, Michael.

Good, don't take April off the payroll yet.

I assure you, the thought never entered my memory bank.

Given adequate time to warm up, I should be able to filter out most of the impurities.

Time's the one thing we don't have much of.

I'm gonna put you on surveillance mode.

I'll be right back.



Oh no, not again.

I've been here so long, I'm probably beginning to smell like them.

MichaeI, can you hear me? MichaeI, those trappers are here.

Come on, let's get out.

Michael! Help, Michael! Michael! KITT, I need you.


Come on, pal.

Layla! Personally.




Back inside their world.

It's nice to be alone like this again, isn't it, Layla? Let me go, Cray.

You know I only do what is right.

You shouldn't have betrayed me.

You shouldn't have k*lled a man.

I couldn't stand the way he looked at you, mon cherie.

When he touched you- He meant nothing! Do you remember when it was good between us? It was never good between us.

Cajun memories are short.

You need to be reminded.

Please, Cray Where's your wedding ring, Layla? You sell it? No.

That wedding ring that I gave you belonged to my late momma.

It bound you to me.

And now a ring is gonna tie you to death.

A ring of fire.

Come on, KITT.

Come on.

You can make it, come on.

This is all so frustrating, MichaeI.

You're doing fine.

I dislike feeling inadequate.

We're all in the same boat.

We'll find her, buddy.

We'll find her, we got to.

Your scan is showing something again.

Yes, it seems to be a radicaI increase in temperature ahead.

I can't quite compute it, MichaeI.

Is it a fire? You're quite right, MichaeI, it is a fire.

A large one.

I also detect a wooden structure and someone inside.

KITT, Layla could be in there.

I have to make a run through it, pal.

The malfunctions I've been experiencing have made me acutely aware of my, uh, shall I say, mortality.

Well, we do have April's heat-resistant coating.

I don't believe this is a propitious time to try something new.

There's no other way we can get her out of there.

Unfortunate but true.

Hang on to your microchips.

Layla! Layla! Come on, baby.

Hurry, MichaeI.

KITT, the door.

MichaeI, what are you doing? Transferring all energy source systems to turbo.

My logic systems make it highly remote that it will work, MichaeI.

It's all we got.

Come on, baby.

Come on.

Cray, no! Stay down.

KITT, can you distract him? You know what, boy? You just don't have the k*lling instinct.

You know what, boy? You're damn lucky I don't.

Look, enough is quite enough.

We don't have a thing in common.

Would you stop that? I've got a position of some responsibility.

Besides, I'll be leaving soon.

I'll be saying arrivederci.

Oh, my goodness.

We appreciate all you've done, Mr.


It's all right.

Layla, you're sure you wanna stay? This is my home, Michael.

Some day your, uh, your outside world here is gonna get your curiosity up.

When it does, don't be afraid to go out and take a look for yourself.

You teach me not to be afraid.

Maybe someday.

If you ever decide to leave, you know where I'll be.

Home sweet home.

Hi, April.

Hi, Devon.

Oh my God, what have they done to you? Well, it's not as bad Oh, KITT, I've been so worried.

You've no idea of the harrowing ordeaI I've been through, ApriI.

Mud, traps, dogs.

Michael, I don't know what you've done, or why- I'm sure that Michael will provide us with a full report.

Mud, traps, dogs? Dogs, now wait a minute.

I was the one att*cked by the dogs.

What, you don't believe me? You wanna see my wounds? No!