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02x06 - Return to Cadiz

Posted: 05/09/23 05:35
by bunniefuu
There's insufficient distance for turbo boost, MichaeI.

Pray for no bumps and hold on.

They tried to k*ll your brother at the hospital.

Oh, no.

I don't believe it.

There's a car on the water! Michael, what are you doing here? It was either stop him or risk losing everything.

Look at this regulator hose.

Tell me that crimp is an accident.

What do you want from me? How about the truth? I keep getting the feeling that you think Bobby was doing something wrong.

No littering.

I'm pulling his water wings.

He's lucky he didn't sink.

Prepare to get wet, pal.

This is no time for Long John Silver! Fire! Depth charges! Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man, who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner, on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

I detect the odor of fish.


That tells me your program is programmed and your senses are sensing.

MichaeI, ApriI's calling.

Are you ready for the test, MichaeI? Oh, hi, April.

I'm ready if KITT's ready.

KITT? I'm glad you asked, ApriI.

In light of the extensive micronetics involved in the system interface, not to mention- He's ready.


MichaeI, I prefer speaking for myself.

In truth, there's a primary aversion involved.

I know, buddy, you hate the smell of fish.

I dislike the smell of fish.

I hate salt water.

Think of it this way.

April wants to see if you can swim, and I'm along for the ride.

Here we go.

Hang on to your fenders, pal.

Abort the test! Abort! My sensors detect a life form in distress at 3 o'clock.

KITT! Give me a run down with vitals.

The obJect's body chemistry is not within human limits, MichaeI.

I measure a saturation of nitrogen gas in the body tissues and fluids.

You don't suppose it's an alien? No.

He's a scuba diver, KITT, not E.


Nitrogen saturation means he's got the bends.

Give me a scan on the nearest hospital with a recompression chamber.

Right away, MichaeI.

I've got the place, MichaeI.

It's Cates MemoriaI HospitaI.

Right, pal.

Pop the trunk, KITT.

There you are, MichaeI.

How is he, KITT? Any better? His condition is deteriorating, MichaeI.

MichaeI, there's an obstruction ahead.


Hang on, pal.

Good work, buddy.


Adler wanted in surgery.


Adler wanted in surgery.

You have no idea if there was any stage-decompression? You know everything I do.

I just found him on the beach.

I knew something like this would happen someday.

You know him? Bobby Shell.

I went to high school with his sister.

Thanks, Harold.

Oh, God! Tracy! Hi, Jenny.

Take it easy.

I think he's gonna be okay.

We've got him down to four atmospheres.

It's gonna take us a while before we get back up to the surface, though.

Excuse me.

My name is Michael Knight.

I brought Bobby in.

Is he a certified diver? He taught Scuba at the Y for two years.

Why? Well, it seems to me he ignored the first commandment.

Never dive alone.

Look, thank you very much for what you did, really.

For all I know you saved his life.

Let's just leave it at that for now, okay? All right.

No littering.

Thank you.

MichaeI, Bobby's diving gear is still in the trunk.

You have no idea how unpleasant that odor is.

Oh, well, allow me.

Okay, let's see.

You dropped something.

I guess Bobby collected shells, huh? Judging from its surface density, it is not a shell.

Okay, smart guy, what is it? I believe you're familiar with the procedure, MichaeI.

I'm tellin' you, KITT, this is a shell.


Very, very clever.

I thought so.

Spectrographic analysis determines it to be an element.

Atomic number 79.

Atomic weight 126.


English, por favor.

It is an element known as gold.


You may examine the obJect in a more presentable state now, MichaeI.

Check this out.

Any idea how old it is? My data banks have nothing on it, MichaeI.

It's obviously quite old.

Is it valuable? Possibly.

Why? It might help explain why a scuba instructor went divin' all by himself.

I'm not sure I understand your logic, MichaeI.

Neither am I, KITT.

Neither am I.

Need a lift? Well, you've got amazing timing.


Jennifer, I found this in Bobby's gear.

Any idea where he got it? No.

Is it gold? Yeah, it's gold.

And it's very old.

If it's all right with you, I'd like to check it out.

Why? I wanna find out if it ties in with Bobby's, um, accident.

I keep getting the feeling that you think Bobby was doing something wrong.

No, I didn't say that.

Why is everyone so eager to think the worst of him? He goes to South Coast Junior College, he dives for the lobster and fish we serve in the restaurant, and he has never been in any serious trouble.

Jennifer, take a look at this regulator hose.

It's crimped on both sides.

Now, no piece of rock does that.

I can't prove it yet, but I think it was done by another diver.

It's right here.

The Three Shells.

You can park right there.


What's going on? It must've broke loose from Bobby's dive site.

I'll tie her up for you.

Thanks a lot.

Everybody's concerned.

How's Bobby doin'? It's too soon to tell yet.

He's still in the recompression chamber at Cates Memorial.


Let me know if there's anything I can do.

Thanks, Manley.

Look, I- I'm sorry.

I guess I haven't really been very grateful, have I? It's all right.

It's not required.

You like lobster? I happen to have a real beauty left from Bobby's last dive.

Is that an invitation? How about tonight? Hey.

Stow all that stuff there.


Let's go.

Watch it now.

You get everything? It's all set.

Where's Karl? Oh, he's checking the developments at the hospital.

Listen, when I signed on for this charter, there wasn't any talk about m*rder, you know.

What choice did we have, Manley? It was either stop him or risk losing everything.


There's a good chance that kid won't regain consciousness before we correct the Marquesa's drift, gain access to that chamber and get out of here.

Michael, is this your way of saying you aborted KITT's amphibious test? Yes.

No, I mean Just a minute.

Devon, I'm tellin' you this guy is an experienced diver.

He goes divin' all by himself and he gets the bends.

Devon, take a look at this regulator hose.

Tell me that crimp is an accident.

Michael, would you please remove this? This is a desk, not a workbench.

I'm tellin' you, I think somebody tried to m*rder Bobby Shell.

If you're right, Michael, it's a job for the police.


Michael, I- Please.

Please stop this lobbying.

Michael, you apparently saved the boy's life.

That's wonderful.

Now please let him live it.

All right.

You're the boss.

I guess I'll just have to take this back to Bobby Shell's sister, without ever finding out where it came from.

Just a minute.


Where'd you find this? In Bobby Shell's diving gear.

Uh, do you always have an ace up your sleeve? This is incredible.

I'd have to authenticate, of course, but, uh, I believe that this coin is Aztec.

Yeah, well, it's too bad we can't investigate, huh, but I guess KITT's test comes first.

Just a minute, Michael, don't be in such a rush.

This may be important.

April, contact Research.

Tell them I want everything they've got on Aztec coins.

Wait a minute.

Does this mean it's a Foundation project? Devon, you're not thinking of postponing the test? I mean, not after all our preparation.

I'll get cracking on the research and authentication immediately.


Don't be such a sore loser.

Jennifer- No, thanks.

It's okay.

You know, that coin has been authenticated as an Aztec.

Now exactly where Bobby found it or how he got a hold of it I don't know.

Do you? No.

This thing is just as confusing to me as it is to you.

Please believe me.

Bobby's behavior patterns been different lately? The people he hangs around with? No, not that I've noticed.

What about the bay? Anything different goin' on out there? No.

There is the Fin Quest.

She's anchored right out there.

She's here on a Project Sea Life grant.

They're reseeding the reef for abalone.

The guy who, uh, tied up the inflatable.

He's been hired as one of their divers.

Michael, please.

Could we just close this subject for a while? At least until we finish dinner.

Yeah, sure.

Hey, you know what? You were right.

The lobster's incredible.

I think you have spoiled me for life.

Well, what else? You have now dined at The Three Shells.

Wait a minute.

I count, uh, Bobby Shell and Jennifer Shell.

Who's the third? My dad.

He, uh, he died three years ago.

It was his dream, the three of us running this place together and building it up into something special.

Hey, Bobby's gonna be okay.


But, Jennifer, if I'm right, whatever he stumbled into is not gonna go away.

I want to check it out.

I'd like to think we're on the same side.

We are.


This is Marine Operator 65 calling the Fin Quest.

Whiskey Alpha 2-0-4-1.

This is Fin Quest.

Whiskey Alpha 2-0-4-1.


Manley, this is Karl.

He's still in recompression, but he's recovering.


Now what do you wanna do? You put all of this on a scale at current bullion prices.

There is 1.

6 million of this in the hold right now.

You want to lose it all? You tell me.

Every single day.

Every word you say.

Every game you play, every night you stay.

I'll be watching you.

Oh, can't you see.

You belong to me?.

How my poor heart aches.

With every step you take.

Every move you make.

Every vow you break.

Every smile you fake, every claim you stake.

I'll be watching you.


I just got an update from Research and Development.

It seems they now have some questions about the viability of the Third Stage Aquatic Synthesizer.

What kind of questions, ApriI? The sinking kind.

Yes, sinking.

As in Michael Knight's popularity around here.

ApriI, I hope this means the tests have been cancelled.

Temporarily postponed.


Well, don't worry.

I'll make sure that the system is foolproof before we commit to another test.

Well, you do trust me, don't you, KITT? Of course, ApriI.

But cars simply aren't meant to traveI in water.

You won't be in the water.

You'll be on it.

It's called hydroplaning.

The coin is only the beginning, Michael.

Devon, did you find something to connect them with Bobby's attack? No, to the coin.

Now, look here.

That figure is Nacinda.

An exquisite Aztec statue stolen by Cortes.

What's that got to do with Bobby? Perhaps a great deal.

Though not everyone accepts its accuracy, this book argues that Nacinda and a fortune in gold were lost in a shipwreck in 1522.

Somewhere in the vicinity of Descanto Bay.

Devon, that's right where Bobby was diving.


Our access to the Marquesa is limited.

That's your responsibility.

Look, it shifted during the night.

You want to blame somethin', blame the currents.

The point is that we ought to be using sand pumps and jacks, not expl*sives.

She's unstable now.

The expl*sives are gonna make it worse.

You're getting a triple share, Manley.

That should be incentive enough for you to accept a small additional risk, shouldn't it? Ah! All right, set it for 65 feet and launch it.

Sir! Sir! She's crumbling.

She dropped down to the lower reef.

How deep? About 120, 140 feet.

We're gonna need heavier cable, more hydraulics, and light.

Get it.

You dive in the morning.

You're talkin' about 140 feet down in the worst possible conditions.

You want me to die for one lousy statue? Oh, no.

I wouldn't expect a man of your limited sensibilities to appreciate the historical significance of Nacinda's discovery.

So I won't explain it to you.

Just do what you're hired to do.

If they are moving Bobby to intensive care, does that mean he's conscious, MichaeI? Sure hope so, pal.


Bobby, can you hear me? Jen Jen, help-help me.

I'm here, Bobby.

It's okay, I'm here with you.


What? Cadiz.

What's he sayin'? I don't know.

I can't make it out.

I gotta get this guy to ICU, kids.


KITT, I need some help.

Give me your Linguistics Department.

Try this.

Avast me hearties or I'll run you through.

Wrong program.

It's a word I got out of Bobby's semiconscious vocabulary.

I'd like you to clean it up for me.

It's, uh, "cah-deesh," or "kha-deesh" or "ca-deesh.

" Sounds like a sneeze.

I'll get right to work on it.

But it may take some time, the variations are limitless.

Devon's on, MichaeI.


Big news, my boy.

It seems ProJect Sea Life has no contract whatsoever with the Fin Quest.

And they have no reseeding proJects in the Descanto Bay area.

Now, now, we're finally getting somewhere.

MichaeI, don't do anything rash.

You know me.


Jack, cover up those depth charges.

I've seen that guy before hanging around with Bobby's sister.

Get rid of him.


Permission to come aboard? What can I do for you? Well Heard you were reseeding the reef.


I'm a diver.

Uh-huh? Well, we don't need anymore help.

Well, you know, I've been divin' along this coast for about 10 years.

I've taken a hell lot of abs.

It's about time to put some back in the pot, you know? Oh! Where, uh, where were you certified? Uh, Special Forces.

Tell you what.

I'll plant those suckers all day long.

You give me bed and board, huh? The man's trying to be polite to you.

We don't need you here.

Time for you to leave.


Well, if you put it that way.

See you around.

Devon, I think we got the beginning of a lead.

That book, the one with the picture of the statue.

Yeah, Nacinda? What about it? On the dust jacket, there's a picture of the author, isn't there? Yes.

Zachary Sloate.


That's him.

I'm telling you, that's him.

He's aboard the Fin Quest with that local diver with the name of, uh, Manley.

Can you get me a run down on him? If you want to know if he's dangerous, the answer is yes.

Well, it sounds like we've got just about half the lid nailed down, doesn't it? Well, Bobby Shell should be able to give you the other half.

He's, uh, not fully conscious yet, but he is coming along well enough that they've moved him to a private room.

Thanks, April.

Why the rush, MichaeI? 'Cause I got a hunch that whoever tried to k*ll Bobby may try again, pal.

End of the line, pal.

KITT, meet me at the back entrance right away.

Aye, aye, mate.

Which ambulance had only one person in it, KITT? My sensors detect three people in the westbound vehicle, and one in the northbound.


There's insufficient distance for turbo boost, MichaeI.

Pray for no bumps and hold on.

MichaeI, you're awfully quiet, and upset despite my efforts to cheer you up.

I'm thinkin', KITT.

I'm not upset.

Your pulse rate is up, your blood pressure is high, and you're gripping the steering wheeI with alarming pressure.

Yeah, white knuckles give you away every time, huh? Perhaps this will help.

What? Your funny word.

It's been most difficult.

The linguistics search based on delirious ramblings isn't exactly direct access.

KITT, just tell me what it means, huh? It's pronounced "Cah-deez.

" It's the name of an ancient walled city.

Great treasure was kept there and periodically looted by the English.

You may have hit on something.

I wanna check that out with Jennifer.

You have an attraction to her, don't you? Um, she has a pretty smile.

Don't you think so? MichaeI, silicon chip circuitry is pretty to me.

I'm not programmed to react to a girI's smile.

You, on the other hand, are programmed to react to nothing else.

I read no life signs inside the building, MichaeI.

But the dive boat's out, KITT.

Jennifer said Bobby did all the divin'.

MichaeI, you have no idea what's down there.

It could be dangerous.

What else is new? Michael, what are you doing here? I was about to ask you the same question.

All right, Sloate.

I found your damn precious statue.

Let's get it up and get out of here.

All right, come on, let's pull it up.

Why are you looking at me like that? I thought we were on the same team.

We are! Yeah.

We are, huh? Except you forgot to tell me about this place and all this treasure.

Michael, I didn't know anything about this.

You're here! Yes, I'm here.

I knew about this place.

But what I don't know about is this, the treasure.

I don't know where it came from or what's it doing here.

I'm not buying any of that, Jennifer.

Bobby and I found this place when we were kids.

It was our secret place.

Bobby named it Cadiz.

Oh, so this is Cadiz, huh? Why didn't you tell me that at the hospital? Because I didn't figure out that was what he was trying to tell me, until after I got home.

I tried to reach you.

And you couldn't, so you decided to come to your little secret hiding place here and see what Bobby's mumblings were all about? Yes, that's right.

But I never expected to find this.

I can't imagine how it got here.

Try Bobby Shell.


Quit protecting him, Jennifer.

You're not his mother, you're his sister.

He's not a boy anymore, he's a man.

He's responsible for his own actions.

That's enough.


What? They tried to k*ll your brother at the hospital again.

Oh, no.

He's okay.

We have someone keeping an eye on him.

But I'm telling you we got to get these guys before they really do k*ll Bobby.

Michael, please, I swear to you.

I don't know anything about this.

All right, maybe you don't, but Bobby does.

We got to get some answers from him.

Back on the same team? Yeah.


Now, gently.

Open it.

Open it.

The kid.

Freezin'? I'm freezing.

All right.

I'll get a couple of towels, okay? You got it.


Hey, KITT.

Aye, me hearty.

Is it a ration of grog you're needin'? Grog? Aye, grog.

Rum to you landlubbers.

Oh, no.

You're not back on that program again, are you? Well, more to the point, I suppose.

ApriI phoned from the hospitaI.

Bobby's alert and able to talk.


I hope his memory's workin'.

I got a lot of questions to ask him.



Good news.

I just got a call.

A call? Yeah.

Car phone.


Bobby's awake.


He's doing great.

Oh, that's fantastic.

Can we go and see him? Sooner the better.

Oh, right now.

Let me get some clothes for him.

And I'll-I'll, uh, take his car and meet you there, okay? Michael, thanks.


Yeah, KITT.

You're right.

She does have a nice smile.

Yeah, she does.

Uh, oh, Bobby.

Michael, is that you? That is mine.

Well, how's the patient? Better.

Well, he's asked me out twice.

Does that answer your question? Yeah, that will do.

Well, have fun.

This guy's idea of a straight answer is a right angle.

Unless you want to know about, uh, fast cars, hot surf boards and, uh, what real women should wear to the beach.


Hmm? Listen.

Thanks a lot for jumpin' in when I needed some help.


Actually, it was fun.

I, um, I was thinking maybe we should trade jobs once in a while.

That's not a bad idea.

KITT's Long John Silver quotes are driving me nuts.

Well, I don't know what to say.

What do you say to a guy who saved your life? Thanks.

Thanks will do.

But we need to talk, Bobby.

About what? About who tried to k*ll you and why.

k*ll me? I- I had a diving accident.

I don't have time for that.

I don't have the time or patience for that.

Jennifer took on the burden after your dad died.

I took on another piece of it, when the people who are after you tried to k*ll you right here.

Now it's your turn, man.

You give something back, huh? I know about Cadiz.

I've been there.

I've seen your stash.

Okay, what do you want from me? How about the truth? I went out about a week ago to poach some abs.

I was following a reef when I saw some of those guys from the Fin Quest.

They weren't reseeding abs.

They were diving an old wreck.

When they left, I checked it out.

It was loaded with treasure.

Which you helped yourself to and stashed at Cadiz.

Most of it, yeah.

Most of it? Cadiz was a transfer point.

I- I took a lot of it home.

Like what? Just trinkets and a beautiful gold statue.

I took it out of this box and switched it with some rocks.

It's Nacinda! Jennifer! Jennifer, where are you? KITT! What is it, MichaeI? Trouble, pal.

Real trouble.

Get Devon for me.

Yes, MichaeI.

Devon, have you got the Coast Guard en route to Fin Quest yet? They're still trying to locate a federaI Judge to sign the boarding papers.

We're running out of time.

I'm gonna board myself.

Wish me luck, huh? MichaeI, don't do anything foolish.

MichaeI! MichaeI! My sensors indicate the anchor is up, MichaeI.

In that case, prepare to get wet, pal.

You can't be serious.

Sloate's serious and he's got Jennifer.

But you heard ApriI.

There are unanswered questions regarding the viability of my Third Stage Aquatic Synthesizer.

Maybe we'll answer 'em here and now, me hearty.

MichaeI, this is clearly no time for Long John Silver! Whoa! You didn't sink, buddy.

You didn't sink.

No thanks to you.

Hey, Sloate! I don't believe it! There's a car on the water! Use the depth charges! Full speed ahead! Put it on a*t*matic pilot.

Come on down and help us.

Whoa! Let's do it for April, buddy.

Clear! Fire! Depth charges! MichaeI, this is above and beyond the call of duty.

Zigzag, KITT! Zigzag! Easy for you to say.

Fire! Get ready, pal.

All right.

Get me alongside of her.

You gotta hold her steady.

Can you override their electronic auto pilot? Anything to get back where I belong.

How's it coming, KITT? Electronic pilot override established.

Get him! Oh, yeah.

KITT, hard to starboard.

Aye, aye, Captain.


Michael, are you all right? Yeah, I'm fine.

Are you okay? I'm okay.

Good work, KITT.

Real good work.

Who's KITT? He's a, uh He's a friend of mine.

Whoever he is, I'd like to thank him myself.

May I? Be my guest.

You were wonderful, KITT.

Just call me the Scourge of the seven seas.

Steer for home, Scourge.

Steer for home.

Aye, aye, Captain.

Now I'd like to thank you.

Am I ever going to see you again, Michael? You kiddin'? The way you cook the lobster, just keep the butter warm.

You know, I don't know what it was you said to Bobby.

But it looks like the third Shell is finally on board.

Take care of yourself, huh? Yeah.

Do me a favor, take care of your sister.


Hey, next time you're by we'll go divin'.

I got a terrific spot.

Yeah, I bet you do.

Uh, look, uh, no gold.

Just fish.

You got it.

All right.

Michael, I want to thank you, for everything.

Thank you.

Did I ever tell you, you got a pretty smile? Oh, yeah? Bye.

Bye, Michael.


Back to nursing KITT, huh? Electronically speaking.

I'm pulling his water wings.

He's lucky he didn't sink.

You're both lucky.

This synthesizer's faulty, and there will be no more aquatics until the entire system has been rebuilt from scratch.

Just when I was beginning to enJoy the water, too.

No more swimming for you, buddy.

I see you're lifting the anchor.

About to get underway are we, matey? KITT.

MichaeI, I do believe ApriI is becoming more parent than technician to me.

Why do you say that, KITT? Well, when I obJected to the water, I was told to go in.

Now that I've begun to like it, I'm told to stay out.

Isn't that motherly? Motherly? You got that right.

Mother Listen, you two