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02x04 - Merchants of Death

Posted: 05/09/23 05:33
by bunniefuu
Now! You loved her, didn't you? Yes, I did.

Cars don't talk.

This one does.

It talks and it catches arms.

Get me out of here.

He said he'd meet you at 11:30 at the Hillside Bar.

Thanks, April.

Put your hands on the wheeI, sit back, and leave the driving to me.

If I ever see your face again, I'll k*ll you.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

It's that prowler again.

What do you wanna do? I'll take care of it.

I live with my grandmother in Paris.

My mother and father were divorced when I was 9.

I was supposed to visit my mother after I finished at the university.

We had everything planned.

Then her letters stopped and When I couldn't reach her by phone, I flew to Phoenix.

She's disappeared.

Camela, your mother was liberated when the phrase still referred to countries.

As I remember, it was not unusual for her to simply pack up and take off for days at a time.

But it's been three weeks.

Have you contacted the police? They took a report.

Um, I'm sorry to bother you.

I didn't know who else to turn to.

You came to the right place.

Don't worry, we'll straighten everything out.

But how did you get my name? Oh, these.

Your love letters to my mother.

Time's up, MichaeI.

It's comin'.

The blast from the past.

I know it, KITT, I know it.

California Girls by The Beach Boys.

Oh, you took the words right out of my mouth.

MichaeI, I don't see the appeaI of these songs.

They're all about surfing, sun, and girls in bikinis.

What exactly is the allure of Southern California? You just said it, pal.

And thanks to The Foundation, that's our next stop.

Devon! MichaeI, I have an urgent matter for you to deaI with in Phoenix.

Phoenix? The new assignment is in California.

Sun, surf.

California can wait.

All right.

What's up? A woman named Amelia Clermont has disappeared.

Her daughter, Camela, will fill you in.

I've put her on The Foundation Jet.

She will meet you in Phoenix.

MichaeI, this one is personaI.

This one is for me.

I hear you, Devon.

The west coast has the sunshine.

And the girls all get so tanned.

I dig a French bikini on Hawaii island dolls.

By a palm tree in the sand.

I've been all around this great big world.

And I've seen all kinds of girls.

Yeah, but I couldn't wait to get back in the States.

Back to the cutest girls in the world.


The last letter you got in Paris from your mom was September 28.

She was working full-time at the library and doin' volunteer work for Congressman Ebersol on Saturday, October 11.

What was the date of the last call on her phone bill? Oh, um October 11.

Well, Michael, look at these.

Tickets for a play, a symphony, a lecture for Greenpeace.

I never knew how many interests my mother and I have in common.

At least we know she wasn't planning on dropping out of sight.

Why? Ticket to the theater tomorrow night.

And the tickets for the symphony sometime next week.

Camela seems like a lovely young woman, MichaeI.

If her mother is anything like her, I know why Devon got us involved.

And she did volunteer work for a congressman.

Very impressive.

I'd be impressed if someone there could tell us what happened.



Any luck? Oh, uh, everyone was very nice, but, uh, no one's heard from her in three weeks.

How about you? Uh-huh.

Nobody's seen her at the Congressman's office.


Farrell at the library said she thinks my mother's the most cultured lady in Phoenix.

She says everyone likes her.

What an unusual car.

Are all cars in America like this now? Not quite.

Camela, meet KITT.

KITT, may I present to you, Camela Clermont.

I was wondering when you were going to introduce me to this charming and cultured young woman.

Hello, Camela.

Where did that voice come from? A computer.

It talks? Sometimes to a fault.

He speaks French! Fluently, I'm afraid.

I've tried to interest MichaeI in the romance languages, but he prefers things like rock 'n' roll and girls in bikinis.

All right, KITT, that'll do.

You're hungry? I hadn't thought about it.

Why? I cook a dynamite cheeseburger.

See what I mean? I'll tell you what, I'll drop you off while I go pick up the fixings.

That sounds very nice, Michael.

Hey, baby.

Where you going, honey? Come on, let's go for a ride.

Come on, honey.

How annoying.

You got that right.

Come on, baby.

Hey! Why don't you give everybody a break and back off, huh? Ah, it's got my arm.

It's got my arm.

I'll tell you what.

I don't want trouble, you don't want any trouble.

I can see that.

Why don't we call it a draw and go on to the better things in life? Is that a deal? You let go of his arm.

Then we talk deal.

It's got my arm! As a gesture of good faith between men of good word.

I'll see you.

You can count on it.

Do you hear me? Count on it! Hi! Hi.

How are you doin'? You bought a lot.

Cheeseburgers, French fries, apple pie, corn on the cob.

We got everything.

I mean, as they say, "When in Rome " What's that? I found this.

It's her diary.

Camela, that's fantastic.

That could tell us everything that's goin' on.

Michael, this has my mother's private thoughts.

I can't just read it.

If there's anyone in the world your mother would want to share that with, it's you.

Oh, what's this? I don't know.

It's a photograph of something.

Can't tell what it is.

And-and this? And this is a blueprint of some kind.

Tell you what.

I'm gonna take these and see what Devon and I can come up with, okay? Oh, and, uh, I got a bill out of the mailbox.

It's for your mom.

It's just the receipts from her gas credit card.

Looks like your mom bought all her gas at the same station here in town, except she used her card last at Electra, Arizona.

Elmo's Garage.

I don't understand.

What difference could that possibly make? Well, she must have gone out there for something.

Camela, it's dated Saturday.

October 11.

I'm trying to find this lady.

Her credit card billing said she bought gas here on October 11.

Uh, you remember her? It must be a thrill to drive a car like this.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, it has its ups and downs.

Now, have you seen this woman? Oh, yeah, as a matter of fact, she had a sporty little car with a chunk about the size of a half a dollar out of her left front tire.

Couldn't sell her a tire though.

Haven't sold a tire in three years.

Which way did she go? Did you notice? Yeah, that way.

What's out there? Nothin's out there but an abandoned surplus yard.

Thank you.

Whoa, mister, whoa! You've got a problem.

Big problem.

How's my big problem, bro? It's fine.

Fixed it right up.

I appreciate it.

Elmo's Garage is hardly what one would call a tourist attraction.

I trust we've seen the last of Electra, Arizona.

MichaeI, what do they want now? Nothing good.

MichaeI, this is becoming tedious.

You do have a way with words, pal.

Now! Hey, did you see that? I'm gonna get that guy.

Good work, KITT.

Child's play, MichaeI.

Well, looks like we've drawn a blank.

I don't see that surplus yard anywhere.

MichaeI, my sensors detect the presence of some kind of structure over the next rise.

Let's check it out.

Bring up that picture from Amelia's diary.


Punch up a visual of the surplus yard.

Sharpen the focus on Amelia's photo.

MichaeI, this is virtually the exact picture that Amelia took.

Well, you got that right.

Question is why? Hey, I can't help you.

Haven't seen her.

We don't get much company out here.

Okay, thanks for your time.

Hey, I can't help you.

Haven't seen her.

The guard's voice modulation indicated stress variables, MichaeI.

Really? KITT, that leaves two questions.

Why would he lie? And why would Amelia be interested in a w*r-surplus yard? There was someone out there looking for Amelia Clermont.

Don't worry about it.

Whoever he is, he'll poke around, find her missing, and that will be that.

It better be.

MichaeI, I detect skid marks at the edge of the road.

KITT, get a read-out on those skid marks.

See if you can tell me how long ago they were made.

Somewhere between two weeks and a month ago.

And, MichaeI, my scanners indicate the presence of copper-Jacketed 20-millimeter proJectiles lodged in the road.

That looks like Amelia's car.

What's left of it.

KITT, activate your X- ray mode.

The car down there, is, uh, is there any trace of human life? I'm sorry, MichaeI.

I detect only the remains of human life.

And, MichaeI, it is Amelia's car.

You better get me Devon.

Hello? Hello, MichaeI? Devon.

April told me you flew to Phoenix.

Yes, this morning.

I understand from Camela you introduced her to a car that speaks fluent French and to cheeseburgers large enough to- Devon I found Amelia's car.

Go on.

You're sure? Yeah, I see.

No, I'm all right.

Thank you.

I appreciate your calling, Michael.

Thank you.

Devon? She's dead, isn't she? Yes.

No, I'm all right.


I'm perfectly capable No way a cannon fire could destroy a car like that.

Even 20 millimeter.

Got any ideas, pal? None, I'm afraid.

I'll settle for a probable location of the w*apon.

Point of impact analysis indicates the w*apon could only have been fired from one position.

Come on, spit it out, will you? Directly above.

Is she, uh Is she asleep? Yes, finally.

I wonder what it was Amelia found this time.

What do you mean, "this time"? Were there others? Oh.

Oh, yes.

She was the most inquisitive woman I've ever known.

You loved her, didn't you? Yes, I did.

I think.

Always at the back of my mind, there was the possibility that one day perhaps She married someone else.

Over the years we saw each other very seldom.

But every time we did meet, it was as if we had never been apart.

Uh, I, um, I described this diagram to a friend of mine in the Pentagon.

He said he couldn't be sure, but he thought there was a possibility that it could be part of the guidance system of the Sledgehammer m*ssile: a highly classified w*apon.

This, um, this Sledgehammer m*ssile, what's it fired from? A helicopter called the SX 411.

The most advanced attack helicopter in production today.

I think I know what Amelia was after out there.

And I think I know what k*lled her.

You're awfully quiet tonight.

Yeah, I guess I am, pal.

Got a lot of things on my mind.

It must be very difficult to erase people from one's memory banks.

That's the problem, KITT.

You don't.


If that's true, they become a permanent part of you.

The best of 'em do, buddy.

The best of 'em do just that.

"Private property.

No trespassing.

" Very hospitable, MichaeI.

KITT, I need a locksmith real fast.

Come on, hurry up.

Hurry up, hurry up.

Get out of sight, quick.

Did you hear somethin'? We'd better check it out.

MichaeI, a guard is approaching.

Give me a diversion.

Anything in particular? Use your imagination, will you? Hey, what's happening? There's nobody driving the t*nk.

KITT, get over here.

Devon, I'm tellin' you I saw it.

I don't doubt you, Michael.

The point is that without a serial number or some other form of firm ID, a Federal judge is not likely to issue a search warrant.

It's there now.

If we're right about the yard being a front for the sale of illegal weapons, it's not gonna be there very long.

There's a US attorney based here that I know.

I wonder With his influence, we may be able to do something.

I want to know what grounds you got for a search warrant? I assure you the grounds are sufficient and legal.

Just open up, Mr.


You know, I don't know who you are.

But if you think I'll take this lying down, you're crazy.


Strock, just open up.

MichaeI, are you sure this plan of Devon's is going to work? Right now, it's the only plan we've got, pal.

It could be dangerous.

I hear that.



Are you ready? Yeah, I'm ready as I'll ever be.

Lock it up.

What's all that? Uh, the latest in mercenary wear.

It comes pre-soiled.

I have something interesting to show you.

We were able to dig up three names of black market arms dealers in the Phoenix area.

One of them is on the list of employees at Strock's Surplus Yard.

His name is Jack Kragen.

The circle closes.

All right.

He's where I start.

After you learn the cover I've prepared for you.

Now I've got names, dates, battles.

Not to mention dirty laundry.

MichaeI, why is it you never go undercover as an aristocrat or a count? Good question, KITT.

Gonna have to ask Devon about that.

I'll bet not a souI in there speaks French.

And look at this alley.

Look at the last car that was left here.

Keep your eyes open, huh.

Jack Kragen? Who wants to know? Tom Merton.

"Machete" Tom Merton.

You ain't him.

No, I know that.

But he sent me.

Him and I are old friends.

Name's Hutchinson.

We used to fight together down in, uh, San Victoria with the Rebels.

The Black Snake Commandoes, huh? Yeah.

Hey, there's that car again.

Oh, dear, not again.

The dude's probably inside.

Yeah, well, let's give him a little surprise to come out to.

Hey, Sonny.

A little somethin' for the dash.

Yeah, the last time I did this, the guy caught my arm in the window.

Really freaked me out.

Damn! Are you familiar with the saying, "That'll cost you an arm and a leg"? It talks.

What, are you kiddin'? It talks.

It's got my arm.

Get me out of here.

Hey, man, what have you been smokin'? Look, cars don't talk.

Get me out of here! I'll get you out of here.

All right, say I've got the contacts that can deliver.

What do you got in mind? Two MERs, multiple ejection racks adapted to handle Sledgehammer missiles.

Are you saying you've got Sledgehammers? No, I didn't say that.

What my contact has or doesn't have, I don't even ask, man.

I take orders.

He ordered two MERs.

And Machete Tom told me you might have, uh, access.

Just want to let you know.

If you help me meet the deadline, I'll, uh, I'll split the bonus with you.

I'll let you know.

Here's my, uh, here's my girlfriend's number.

You call her and tell her if it's on or not.

She'll call me.

If I don't hear from you by tomorrow noon, you've lost your sale.

Won't they ever learn? That's it.

I quit.

I'm goin' home.

It's still got my arm.

Man, I did everything I could.

What do you want me to do? Call an ambulance? How about a tow truck? If you'll permit me, I have a solution.

See, I told you it talks.

Perhaps a lesson in manners will be sufficient.

Repeat after me.

"I will, from this day forward, become a modeI citizen.

" "I will, from this day forward, become a model citizen.

" Somehow, I don't feeI reassured.

Still, a deaI is a deaI.

Now, in the vernacular of the road, take a hike.

KITT, there should be a call goin' out on a pay phone from the bar, right about now.

Trace it.

You're right, MichaeI.

The call is to a phone at 7113 Church Street.

Church Street? That's Congressman Ebersol's campaign office.

He's got a buyer for a couple of Multiple Ejection Racks.

The details are your end.

I just wanna know if the buyer checks out.

That's what Kragen's doing right now.

Tell him not to make a move unless he's absolutely certain the buyer's straight.

What if he doesn't call? Hang in there.

They've got an hour left.

I hope you don't mind, Devon, but I read the letters.

All of them.

They're beautiful.

You must have loved her very much.

Yes, I did.


He said he'd meet you at 11:30 at the Hillside Bar.

Do you think he bought it? I think so.

Thanks, April.

Michael, good luck.


We are on.

Hey, Jack.


I'm ready when you are.

Sure, sure.

Anything for a friend of Machete Tom.

Uh, first, though, uh, I've got somebody I'd like you to meet.

Richards! I don't know who you are, Hutch.

But I'm about to show you what I do to people who set me up.

Michael! Are you all right? Yeah, I'm okay.

I'm just sore, real sore.

Michael, what happened? Richards recognized me at the bar.

He and Kragen worked me over.

A call went out last night from Kragen to Ebersol's campaign office.

Apparently, Strock is one of Ebersol's big financial backers.

And Ebersol is on a Congressional subcommittee concerned with illegal arms sales.

The technical drawing of the Sledgehammer's guidance system.

Your mom, she must have come across it in Ebersol's office.

That's what took her out to Strock's Surplus Yard.

And that's why they k*lled her.

Isn't there something more we can do? Yeah.

Yeah, there is somethin'.

But it's a long shot.

It involves you, Camela.

And your resemblance to your mother.

And it's very dangerous.

You said she was dead! Well, that's what Kragen told me! Did he see the body? Listen, no one could survive a direct hit from a Sledgehammer m*ssile.

Did he see the body? What does she want? $500,000.



I have an idea how we can solve this little problem once and for all.

Well, do you think they'll take the bait? I wish I knew.

I sure hope Camela will be all right.

Of course she's in good hands, right, KITT? Of course, ApriI.

Now I'm increasing the microwave jammer three times its normal strength.

If they use the helicopter, it should be able to knock out the engines.

Should? But the only problem is, you'll have to get really close to the helicopter.

Well, how do we do that without gettin' blown up in the process? A very good question, MichaeI.

Unfortunately, I don't have a very good answer.

I've outfitted KITT with those prototype ultramagnesium charges we tested.

They weren't designed to deflect heat-seeking missiles.

But if all else fails, they might work.

Might? Well, it's the best I can do on short notice.

How come I don't feel reassured here? Michael.

Be careful.

Thanks, April.


Put your hands on the wheeI, sit back, and leave the driving to me.

It's her.

There she goes.

Hold on, Camela.

Well done, Camela.

The rest is up to MichaeI.

We're clear.

She's all yours.

MichaeI, I believe we have lost our taiI.

I believe you're right, pal.

Whatever they've got planned for us, it shouldn't be too long now.

Oh, my! m*ssile on its way, MichaeI.

Let's try April's magnesium flare.

Okay, buddy, looks like he's comin' down a little bit.

Let's knock out his engines! We're not bringin' him down! I gave it everything I had, MichaeI.

We simply must get closer.

It's easy for you to say.

All right, pal.

Let's give him some smoke.

This is as close as we're gonna get.

All right, give me everything you've got! All right, KITT, jam 'em, now! Take over.

Good work, MichaeI.

Something I can help you with? Miles, what are you doing here? There's somebody I'd like you to meet.

Amelia! Yes, I thought you'd be surprised.

However, this is not Amelia Clermont, but her daughter, Camela.

I don't know what kind of a game you're playing.

But if you- Mr.

Strock, we'd like you to come with us.

You got a warrant? People believe in you.

My mother believed in you.

I hope you understand.

I have no idea what's going on here.

But I'm sure it's nothing we can't resolve.

I'm afraid I don't agree with you, Congressman.

But I can virtually guarantee that it will never be resolved in your favor.

Now, we don't have all the pieces yet.

But sooner or later we will have, and when they're all put together, I feel certain that your political career will inevitably come to an abrupt and irrevocable conclusion.

And that's my campaign promise to you, Congressman.


Good luck.

Thank you.


Bon voyage, Camela.

It's very difficult giving up the past.

But not so difficult when some of it lives on in the present.

Hey, why don't you two follow us to Southern California? Well, I think that's a wonderful idea.

If I get lucky, maybe I'll get a chance to see you in a bikini.

Well, you know what they say about luck.


What's that? A California song, Devon.

It extols the attractions of that particular area.

Surfing, sun, girls in bikinis.

It's dreadful.

Well, I think it's terrific.

"I wish they all could be California girls" "I wish they all could be California girls "