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02x01 & 02x02 - Goliath Pt. 1 & 2

Posted: 05/09/23 05:30
by bunniefuu
$50,000, they do pass.

$50,000, they don't.

I smell a rat.

Been dead at least 24 hours.

My sensors detect the vehicle is armored with my protective shell.

He took the bait.

We hooked him real good.

I was always strongly attracted to you.

Michael, he's coming right for us! Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

MichaeI Knight, a young loner, on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

MichaeI, I've searched my data banks thoroughly, I can't find one redeeming quality about gambling.

KITT, look at it this way: gambling is all odds.

It's pure mathematics.

Come on, I'll show you.

I'd rather not.

A little computer blackjack, $1 a hand.

I'm the house, you're the player.

I believe the word is "sucker.

" Okay.

I've got a nine up, and you've got a five and a six for 11.

Do you want a card? I want to double down.

KITT, that's doubling your bet and you only get one card.

You sure you wanna do that? Is the house in the habit of advising the player? Your money.

I believe that's 21.

Thank you, MichaeI.

They call that "beginner's luck," pal.

As I understand it, the phrase is, "shut up and deaI.

" Hold on to your horses, hotshot, we've got Devon on the line.

Hello, Devon! Hello, MichaeI.

I'm glad to see that you're getting into the spirit of things.

Yeah, I'm already $2 behind.

What's up? Uh, there's, uh, someone I want you to check out for me since you're going through Las Vegas, anyway.

Her name is, um, Rita Wilcox.

She works at Caesars Palace.

Okay, what are we looking for? I'm not sure.

She tells a provocative but fantastic story about a missing brother.

All right.

I'll see what she has to say.

With any luck, we should be pulling in to Vegas about 10:00, 10:30 tonight.

See you later.


Have a good day.

Uh, you won't be here.

I beg your pardon? Here, at 10:00 or 10:30.

Your date tonight.


The liaison in question is hardly a "date," it's an appointment.

Devon, she's a very beautiful woman.

Yes, however she's also the widow of Wilton Knight, who, as you may recall, created and continues to fund the foundation for which we both work.

Oh, I recall.


However, you're quite right.

She is a beautiful woman.

She's also a woman who never does anything without a purpose.


Elizabeth, how nice to see you.

You remembered.

How could I forget? Devon, you look absolutely wonderful.

And so do you.

I believe, you used to say, "living well is the best revenge.

" Until someone comes up with a better phrase, I still do.

Gin and tonic? You remember.

I'm so glad you phoned.

How long has it been? Three years? Three years and four months.

But who's counting? I am.

I'm not telling you anything you didn't already know.

I was always strongly attracted to you.

And you knew it.

So did Wilton.

That's why The Foundation saw so little of me.

Elizabeth, we've known each other for too long not to keep it simple.

What is it you want? Oh, Devon, you know better than that.

When Sigmund Freud lay dying, his students all gathered about him and they asked if there was one question his work had not answered.

And he replied, "What a woman really wants.

" Well, there's no need to be coy.

Well, there's certainly no need to rush.

The future is still the future.

It will reveal itself when it chooses.

Oh, a storm is threatening.

My very life today.

If I don't get some shelter.

Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away.

w*r, children.

It's Just a shot away, it's Just a shot away.

w*r, children.

It's Just a shot away, it's Just a shot away.


Boy, do I feel lucky.

Well, then don't play with her.

She's a k*ller.


Garthe? No.

No, name's Michael.

Does that surprise you? Uh, no, no.

It's, uh, just that you look so much like somebody I-I know.

Uh, place your bet.

Hi, Rita, name's Michael Knight.

Devon Miles from The Foundation sent me.

I said not to send anybody here.

I can't talk here.

Okay, where? Uh, I get off at midnight.

Okay, thank you.

And so I did everything the magazines say a wealthy, attractive divorcee does.

And more.

Thank you, Roger.

That will be all tonight.

Although I don't suppose there was anything that would unduly shock a man, who appreciates life as much as you do.

And I gave up being shocked years ago.

I must tell you that I'm having a wonderful time.

In spite of a nagging suspicion that somewhere, you have an ulterior motive hidden between the entree and dessert.

No, no, no, no, no.

No ulterior motives.

No, I gave that up long ago.

When I want something from a man, he knows it.

Devon, would you be a dear and open a window? It's a bit stuffy in here, don't you think? Yes, of course.

I was gonna be a singer and Ron played piano.

He played everything.

Classical, bluegrass, electric rock.

Anyway, when we ran out of money, we stopped here and I got a job dealing blackjack at Caesars.

The next thing I know, this mysterious man, the one you look so much like, Garthe, he wouldn't leave me alone.

Flowers every day, gifts.

One of the gifts was a job for Ron.

The plot thickens.

I suppose so.

I sure didn't see it at the time.

Ron did odd jobs for him.

It all began so innocently.

And we went out twice.

A limo to pick me up.

Carte blanche at the best shops in town.

So many flowers sent to the apartment that Ron's old allergies came back.

Well, it sounds all right to me.

All except for the allergies.

What happened? I've always believed in love and romance, pretty much in that order.

Garthe made it clear that he didn't.

He prefers to buy what he wants.

Okay, I think I get the picture.

Ron gets suspicious of Garthe.

Whatever he found out or overheard went into a tape recorder, and the tapes he hid in a locker right before he disappeared.

I know it's not much to go on, but it's all I've got.

Michael, something's happened to him and Garthe's behind it, I know it.

All right, I'll see what I can do.

The key Pardon? You said you'd found the key to the locker.

Do you know what "antithesis" means? "Antithesis"? I think it was on last month's Power Vocabulary Builder.

I'm serious.

You're the antithesis of him.

I have never seen 2 people who look so much alike, who are so different inside.

Be careful.

And so one night in Innsbruck, before the entire Norwegian ski team, he proposed a toast.

Devon? Are you all right? You are a stubborn one.

Now we shall begin.

I have the formula.


One card.

This better not be another 10.


Thank you, MichaeI.

That makes 21.

I'm telling you, it's beginner's luck.

That's what you said yesterday.

I'm no longer a beginner.

In addition to which, it's not luck.

The odds in blackJack are 0.

6 percent in favor of the house.

However, if one applies- KITT, I wish your computers had less on odds and more on the key Rita gave me.

A key from blank stock is extremely difficult to trace, MichaeI.

ApriI's calling.

Hello, April.

MichaeI, you've got to come back right away.

Why, what's wrong? It's Devon.

He went out with an old friend last night, and And what? Is he there? He's in the study with Dr.


He wants you to return immediately.

Uh, April, I'll have to drop the case he asked me to look into.

MichaeI, whatever it is, drop it.

Devon was poisoned last night.

Excuse me.

Hey, glad I caught you.

Did you find the locker? No, not yet.

Look, something's come up.

You gotta postpone it a day or two.

You mean, uh, that's it? Sorry, but what happened to Ron just doesn't measure up in global importance? Look, Rita, I promise you, I'll come back and find out what happened to your brother.

Rita! You're sure you're okay to travel? Oh, Michael, don't be so tiresome.


Alpert assures me that I'm in excellent condition.

In all fairness, Devon, he didn't say that.

They were words to that effect.

All right, now I wanna know what's going on.

Well, it boils down, unfortunately, to the fact that Garthe Knight, Wilton's only son, has somehow been resurrected from 3 consecutive life sentences in Africa.

His son? Devon, the guy looks just like me.

What did Wilton Knight do, restructure my face in Garthe's image? Well, he was certain, as we all were, that Garthe would never be seen by anybody again.

Unfortunately, we were wrong.

He's returned.

And I'm convinced that Garthe and Elizabeth are after the formula.

What formula? The formula for KITT's Molecular Bonded Shell.

You can imagine a shell as invulnerable as KITT's in the wrong hands.

Wilton divided the formula into three separate elements, and entrusted two of the elements to each of 3 handpicked people.

In other words, any two of the three people could put their elements together and have the formula.

But one alone couldn't.


And you're worried about the other two people.

No, only one.

The third man is alive and well in Switzerland.

The other man, Dr.

Kyle Elliott, is vacationing in Rio.

But nobody's seen or heard of him since last Tuesday.

But Devon, I thought you said that one man alone couldn't reproduce the formula.

Yes, I did.

I'm the second man, Michael.

You? As you know, I had dinner with Elizabeth Knight.

I was drugged, poisoned.


Alpert identified the poison as a rare extract from the African gum tree, called oluta.

Devon, you survived.

Yes, I survived, but the question is, did the formula survive? Uh, oluta is used as a truth serum.

It's said to be even more effective than sodium pentothal.

Take care, Michael.

MichaeI, did you say 3 consecutive life sentences? That's right, pal.

My creator's son? One and the same.

How difficult for a man like Wilton Knight.

What's this scoundreI suspected of doing? Stealing the formula for your Molecular Bonded Shell.

MichaeI, my shell is an exclusive.

I know.

Let's hope it stays that way.

All right, let's get back to the key.

MichaeI, a key made from blank stock, is very hard to- KITT, I know all about blank stock, more than I wanna know.

I don't care how difficult it is, I don't care how long it takes.

Finding those tapes is the only clue we got here.

Perhaps a little computer blackJack to pass the time? I can't afford it.

I certainly hope there's nothing wrong with Dr.


Yes, so do I.

Please contact the nearest hospital with facilities for treating exotic poisons.

Poison? Yes, please hurry.

Well? You're quite sure? He's been dead at least 24 hours.

Never mind.

He will, uh, be all right? No, he's dead.

Dead? Have you ever seen this woman before? Uh, that's Dr.

Elliott's companion.

Companion? You mean, she was here with him? Yes, for 2 days.

Thank you.

MichaeI, I think I may have something.

The particular tumbler configuration on this key was used on a brand of lock designed principally for lockers.

I know that, KITT, that's what Rita said.

Please let me finish.


I've cross-checked building permits and dates of construction for every commerciaI installation of said locker, and reduced it to 2 locations.

One is a bowling alley on Desert Drive, and the other is a bus depot on Third.

Los Angeles Express, boarding at Gate Number 6 to Barstow, Victorville, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles.

I have a little plan to field-test Goliath tomorrow.

I expect them to be ready.

By noon, as promised.

Will the shell be completely hardened by then? Final coat is scheduled to be applied at 8:00 a.


It will reach maximum density within an hour-and-a-half.

That's very good.

What about the rockets? They are ready for installation.


Yes, sir.

It's still too soon to know everything, but I'm convinced that they are planning some kind of, I-I don't know, action at Red Bluff.

They're meeting out there in the desert somewhere.

I'll try and find the location, but what's important is Red Bluff.

The name Red Bluff seems to have a particular but undefined significance.

Check it out.

It's not a city or town.


Try mountains, parks, geographical areas.

Nothing, I'm afraid.

That's strange.

Wonder if Rita can shed some light? Perhaps she can, if she's still talking to you.

Hey, you were right.

About what? This key.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about this.

Thanks, Bruce.

Don't ever do that again.

What? Bring up private business in a public situation.

Well, I wanted to make sure I got your attention.

You had it.

You don't have it anymore.

Who does? Garthe? What's Red Bluff, Rita? I have no idea.

Well, your brother did.

It's what those tapes are all about, Red Bluff and Garthe Knight.

Thanks for your help, really, but, uh, this is not the time or the place.

I want him dead, both of them.

They know too much already.

Now, Mother, if it were up to you, half the world would be dead already.

All she knows is what I tell her.

All he knows is what she tells him.

Dead end, riddle.

Let him chase his tail.

I was hoping your brush with life imprisonment would teach you something about discipline.

Discipline has never been a problem, Mother dear.

Mark my words, Michael Knight will die.

After all, he was designed by my late, great father to replace me, wasn't he? How could I possibly tolerate his life on this earth? Michael Knight, is a living, breathing, insult to my existence.

Garthe and Elizabeth have the formula, MichaeI.

And they want it bad enough to k*ll for it? Why? Devon, what have they got in mind? That's what you have to find out.

Well, I've checked into the time Garthe spent in Africa.

While he was in prison, he became close with a revolutionary named Tsombe Kuna, founder of the Pan-African Liberation Movement.

Somehow Garthe doesn't impress me as a political animal.

We think Garthe and Tsombe have become business partners.

Garthe had the trunk full of leases on unsafe diamond mines, and Tsombe had thousands of followers who'd walk off the edge of the world at his command.

Instead, he commanded that they walk into the diamond mines, and they did.

Many died.

We estimate they mined over $50,000,000 worth of diamonds before they left.


Any news on Red Bluff? Yes and no.

I'll keep you posted.


MichaeI, the phrase "yes and no" is an insult to the precision of the English language.

That's why I like it.

Would you care to define? KITT, English is the problem.

As the state geologist pointed out, this area's had a number of different names.

Spanish, before that, Indian.

I suppose we're off to the department of Indian Affairs.

In a manner of speaking.



You wanna buy one of Chief's previously owned personal automobiles? No, thanks, I already got one.

Gas guzzler.

Let me slip you into a real economy car, man.

Save you big bucks.

Uh, maybe some other time.

What I need to know is if there's a place out here the Indians called "Red Bluff"? Red Bluff: that's an old Indian burial ground.

Can you tell me where it is? You can't go there.

Why not? Government land.

You mean, uh, protected for the Indians.

That's what the government says.

But the Indians can't go there either.


I know the feeling.

I'd still like to know where it is.


Go straight out I-15.


MichaeI, we are approaching the mountain known as "Red Bluff.

" All right.

Looks like any other mountain to me.

Why would Rita's brother Ron emphasize it the way he did? You got me.

Wait a minute, I got an idea.

Let's see if there's more to Red Bluff than meets the eye.

KITT, activate your X-ray mode.

Right away, MichaeI.

What's that at the base? How extraordinary.

MichaeI, it appears to be 2 large doors.

But my X-ray mode is blocked by leaded plates.

Huge doors and leaded plates in the middle of the desert? What is Red Bluff hiding? That's a real good question.

Hello, April.

Hi, Michael.

Good to see you, Michael.

Hello, Devon.

Well, I talked to Gen.


He denies any SAC or Air Force installation at the Red Bluff location.

Assuming it is some kind of top-secret weapons system, what do you think Garthe's trying to accomplish? I mean, why? Well, whatever it is, I have a feeling the, uh, Pan-African Liberation Movement is at the heart of it.

Michael, if you're right about Red Bluff, we'll need some kind of proof.

Otherwise, Gen.

Maddux will stonewall to the very end.

April, what are the chances of beefing up KITT's X-ray mode? To penetrate lead? Never.

But we could try infrared.


April, try to come up with something.

I have a stop to make first, then I'll join you.

Anything I can help with? No, I'm afraid this is what is known as a one-man job.

It's, uh, as you say, a long shot.

See you later.

Devon! My, what a lovely surprise.

I hardly think so, Elizabeth.

May I come in? But of course.

Thank you.

May I get you something? Arsenic.

A little sodium pentothal, perhaps? Elizabeth, I want you to stop this insanity that you and Garthe are planning.

Oh, Devon, how like Wilton you are.

So dramatic, such a flair for hyperbole.

I want you to know that I flew to Rio de Janeiro.

I found Dr.


I also know that you were there and I know why.

Yes, I did visit him in Rio.

After all, we're old friends.

The fact that he died shortly after I left had more to do with a bad heart than exotic poison.

I said nothing about poison.

Oh, Devon.

You are such a dear, and so charming, but you are so suspicious.

I have no intention of sparring with you, Elizabeth.

I know that you have the formula for KITT's Molecular Bonded Shell.

I also know about Red Bluff.

Now, isn't that enough? No.

I believe you two already know each other.

Yes, it's been quite some time.

Before your African experience.

You know, you're amazingly like my late father.

Perhaps that's why I dislike you so.

Garthe, I came here to reason with you and your mother.

It's too late for reason, Mr.


It's too late for anything but w*r.

Our victory, your defeat.

And you will be defeated.

You, The Foundation for Law and Government, and Michael Knight.

Especially, Michael Knight.

Any luck on Tsombe Kuna? Just what you had.

But I think I know how Garthe beat those 3 consecutive life sentences.

I have a feeling it wasn't due process.

I don't think he knows the meaning of the words.

April, a top government official arranged for a presidential pardon.

What makes you think there's a connection? The official in question was accused of taking bribes.

One of the bribes was a dozen leases on diamond mines.

Arranged by a mysterious woman who happens to fit the description of Elizabeth Knight.

I wonder if there's anything she wouldn't do for Garthe.

For Garthe or for herself? How's the infrared coming? I'm almost finished.

Maybe that's Devon.


Yeah, when? Okay, thanks.

Not Devon.

No, it's Rita Wilcox.

She left a message.

Says she wants to see me as soon as possible.

Says it's urgent.

I'm sorry I acted the way I did.

Among other things, I was angry.

Yeah, I could tell.

That's okay, I don't need a glass.

I thought you'd found something more interesting to do than search for my brother.

I- I felt so powerless after you left.

Like nobody cared whether Ron was dead or alive.

That explains your anger.

It doesn't explain why one day you're in a $300-a-month apartment, and the next you're in a $300-a-day suite, tipping blackjack dealers $100 chips.

I decided to take Garthe up on his offer.

Oh, I figured that one out.

What I couldn't figure out is why.

Isn't it obvious? I'm convinced he had Ron k*lled.

So to punish him you became his mistress? I did what I did for one reason: to find proof that he k*lled my brother.

All right.

Did you find it? Not yet, not everything.

But I did overhear something tonight that could be important, and, uh, I thought you should know.

I'm listening.

A man named Tsombe Kuna is arriving tomorrow morning.

Garthe has a demonstration planned for him at noon.

A demonstration of what? All he said was, "The shell is ready.

Goliath is born.

" Goliath.

Does that mean anything to you? Greetings, my brother.

Greetings, brother.

I have got a surprise for you.

I didn't travel 6,000 miles to get bored.

Bored you shall not be.

Follow me.

Meet Goliath.

It's all you promised.


In less than two hours, you will see him in all his splendor, and all his glory.

Go ahead.


All right.

Let's see if April's infrared can penetrate those leaded doors.

The odds on infrared penetrating from this distance- KITT, just do it.

Very well.


The Molecular Bonded Shell.

A revolutionary from Africa.

Shall I call Devon? No, no, no, not yet.

I want to see what Garthe's demonstration is first.

MichaeI, you're sure this is the right way? According to what Rita said.

Okay, that's enough.

Okay, go! KITT.

I smell a rat.

You see what I see? It appears to be a large My goodness.

Large isn't the word.

It's enormous.


I believe it's time for a strategic withdrawaI, MichaeI.

Not so fast.

Let's see what Garthe's got in mind.

My sensors detect the vehicle in question is armored with my protective shell.

MichaeI, surely you're not planning to go nose-to-nose with that behemoth.

That's what I want Garthe to think, pal.

But if we're quick enough, we can knock out his right front wheel.

KITT? KITT, are you all right? KITT? KITT! Come on, buddy, talk to me, huh? It's my fault.

I overmatched us.

I overmatched you.

I'm sorry.

I'm afraid we zigged when we should have zagged, MichaeI.

Hey! You're all right, huh? "All right" hardly seems appropriate, MichaeI.

Look what that-that behemoth did to me.


Now I know what being run over by a truck really feels like.

MichaeI, my computer functions are damaged so I can't make a diagnosis, but you sound terrible.

You need a doctor.

Listen, try and contact Devon or April.

Some way, we got to get out of this mess.

I've sustained a good deaI of damage.

I'm afraid I can't contact anyone.

In fact, the odds on our ability- KITT, not now, please.


There's not a taxi in sight.

Pretty soon it's gonna be hot enough to melt rocks out here, pal.

We got to get you running again.

I'm not sure that's possible.

Well, I can't move you.

It better be.

All right.

Let's go back to basics.

Take a look at your ESB.

What in the world is that? Your Emergency Schematic Blueprint.

You haven't forgotten that, have you? It's coming back to me now.

Looks like Greek to me.

I beg your pardon? It's just a phrase.

I can't raise Michael or KITT.

It's like they've vanished.

I wish Michael hadn't rushed into the desert like a Bedouin.

It's all my fault.

I should have waited until I knew more.


Michael's perfectly capable of assessing the risks in this situation.

I know how this must look.

Me back with Garthe, and-and passing the information on to Michael.

Rita, Michael believed you.

So do we.

Well, there is no point in standing around here, waiting and wondering.

I'm flying to SAC headquarters as soon as possible.

April, I want you to stand by, just in the event of I have the semi on full alert and ready to roll.

You'll stay with us, of course.

I should go back to the hotel.

I'm afraid it's more than likely Garthe is suspicious of you.

In fact, he may have used you to lure Michael out there.

If that's true, he'll be suspicious if I don't return.

And if it isn't, there's still a chance I can find something that will help.

And I thought putting a barbecue together was hard.

MichaeI, I never felt this way before.

That makes two of us.

I mean, so vulnerable.

So mortaI.

Do you think it's possible I could cease to exist? If I don't get you running pretty soon, you can put money on it.

Terrific! Along with everything else, My turbine? Oh, goodness.

Without that, I'm powerless.


Maybe not.


If I can figure this mess out, maybe I can jerry-rig a ramjet.

A ramJet? But, MichaeI, my exhaust system isn't designed to accommodate the kind of temperatures a ramJet will produce.

Not to mention the fact that navigation will be virtually impossible.

Yeah, well, we're a long way from home.

We're just gonna have to take our chances.

Devon, you have to understand my position.

You can't walk in here with this-this incredible story and expect me to take it to the President.

Red Bluff is going to be att*cked.

I can guarantee that.

Just prove it.

Give me a shred of evidence, Devon.


I've told you all I know.

African messiahs, Las Vegas plots, some crazy formula.

My God, do you have any idea what that sounds like? Yes.

An international crisis.

Let's say someone were crazy enough to go after Red Bluff, they'd never get in.

That mountain is safer than Fort Knox.

And why? Why? To steal our missiles? Come on, Devon.

Why is it so preposterous? m*ssile capability in a Third World country could easily determine the balance of power, and instantly command global respect.

I appreciate your concern, Devon.

But you and The Foundation take care of your part of the world.

We'll take care of ours.

Excuse me.

Yes? MichaeI? Yeah.

I'll be right with you.

Are we ready? We'll find out in a minute.

MichaeI, I'm worried.

Me, too.


Hang on, buddy.

Here we go.

Come on, buddy, come on! So far, so good! All right! It's working! Yes, but now the question is, "Where?" My directionaI equipment isn't functioning.

Let's just try straight ahead.

Yeah! MichaeI, at our present speed of 310 miles per hour, the odds of survivaI are My odds calculator just malfunctioned.

Look out, there's a mountain.

MichaeI, can't we slow down? I hear you.

But this ramjet's tough to control! Hang on, buddy! But where on earth are we going? Out of the desert! Everything in order? The rockets are ready and armed, sir.

A miracle of American technology.

If this is anyone's miracle, it's mine.

Of course it is, my dear Garthe.

Why, you could walk on water if it were necessary, couldn't you? I've got a dozen things to do.

So, if you don't mind.

But I do mind.

Very much.

I have a rather substantial investment to protect.

And I find myself worrying.

About? You.

So much depends on your success in the next 24 hours.

There must be no distractions.

It's one thing to witness a demonstration.

Quite another to learn of your personal vendetta in this matter.

No one tells me how to proceed with Red Bluff.

My mother doesn't, and you don't.

Without me, you'd still be in the bush, dodging spears.

Without me, you'd still be rotting in jail.

So, you see, we are mutually indebted to each other.

With luck, we shall continue a long and fruitful relationship.

For your information, I have many men who are excellent drivers, if you prove unreliable.

Don't you thr*aten me.

That's not a threat.

Just a reminder.

Nothing? No.

How did it go with the General? It didn't.

Without a signed affidavit from Garthe Knight detailing his plan, nobody will believe it.

To think that Michael may have given his life for nothing.

We've got to keep hoping.


I've contacted the National Guard.

I spoke with a Col.


He said that That's probably him now.

Devon! Michael, are you absolutely positive that this Goliath was equipped with the Molecular Bonded Shell? Devon, you saw KITT.

What else could have done that? Why would Garthe and Elizabeth take the trouble? Certainly not to destroy you and KITT.

You take over 14 tons of steel and engine, and you cover it with that shell, it can go through anything.

Red Bluff.

He's going to use it to penetrate the m*ssile site.

That's my guess, too.



Maddux did concede that SAC is preparing to rotate updated missiles at Red Bluff.

When? In less than 12 hours.

That doesn't leave us much time, does it? Time for what? Michael, you're not in any condition- Devon, listen to me.

Garthe could have k*lled me out there.

He didn't.

You got any idea why? None.

See how this fits.

That show with Goliath, with Garthe flexing his muscles for my benefit.

He could have k*lled me, but he wants me to see him win at Red Bluff.

He needs me, don't you see? To prove he's a better man.

Assuming you're right, where does it help us? I think I know a way we can use it against him.

Garthe couldn't stand losing to me.

Any place, any time.

With KITT's help, I think I know a way to beat him.

It wasn't a fair fight, ApriI.

It was like putting Sugar Ray in the ring with an overgrown heavyweight.

I'm sure it was, KITT.

It won't happen again, I can assure you of that.

Well, it better not.

We've got you patched together with Scotch tape and baling wire as it is.

If I ever see that snout-nosed ignoramus again- You'd better hope he's heading in the opposite direction.

I'm already reviewing my computer logs of our confrontation.

In a matter of hours, I'll know everything there is to know about that banana-headed bovine.

You tell him, KITT.

How's it coming? Oh, he should be ready soon.

You see that little black box up there? Mmm-hmm.

What happened? Well, for the ultra-frequency modulator to work from the required distance, I had to install a modified laser power pack.

Why, I think it's over-modified.

Don't worry.

I'll have it adjusted before you need it.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Here's that expl*sive charge you asked for.

Oh, thanks.

Do you actually plan on getting close enough to plant that on Goliath? Yeah, that's the plan.

Well, I won't ask how.

I, uh, I really don't want to know.



Y- you startled me.

I thought you'd gone shopping.

I did.

I couldn't find anything.

Does that mean I'm getting jaded? No.

No, I hope not.

I'd hate to think, our special little times together were becoming ordinary.

There's no one but me, is there? No, of course not.

How could there be? No, there couldn't.

You remember that.

Now, you run along.

By the way, I'm sorry to hear about Ron.

What did you say? I thought you had been informed.

A rock collector found your brother's body in the desert.

MichaeI, I must say I have my doubts about this.

All you got to do is help me out with the dice.

Garthe's ego will do the rest.

If you say so.

Come on, 55.

Here we go, buddy.

I've been notified that she's leaving her room.

You want me to tail her? No.

Let her continue to think she's free.

And, uh, when we leave for Red Bluff, have her join her beloved brother.

Your dice, Mr.


$5,000, they do pass.


They don't pass.

Two crap, two.

Line away.

The don't and last comes get paid.

Tough luck.

Hey, it's you.


A couple of nights ago at the blackjack table, you said you were feeling lucky.

I see you still do.

Jump in, man.

Join the fun.

No, I'm leaving.

I went broke.

Here you go.


Oh, thank you.

New sh**t, get your bets down.

Bet the 7-11, any crap.


All right.

Put her on the pot.

Go get it.


Paying good sh**t coming out.


I'm sorry, sir, the table limit is $20,000.

It's all right.

His credit's good.

Sir, you've got a bet.

$50,000 they do pass.

$50,000, they don't.

Snake eyes! You saw that? Did you see that? Dynamite! All right! Haven't you ever heard that old adage: "Never bet against a winner?" In the end you will lose.

In the end you're gonna be mine.

Now it's time to cash in, huh? Say hi to your mom.

We did it, buddy! He took the bait.

We hooked him real good.

My, he does look upset.

A little more bait and I think we got him.

I certainly hope your hook is big enough to hold him.

I got a little extra help in that department.

Surely he doesn't plan to ram us.

I don't think he's planning right now, KITT.

He just wants to get his hands on me.

Let's lock the steering wheel in position.

What's the meaning of this? I'll take that.

Hello, Garthe.

This is kidnapping.

A relative term.

Under the circumstances, I believe your late father would have approved.

Won't you come this way? Keep an eye on things, buddy.

I may need you.

Be carefuI, MichaeI.

Hello, Mr.

Knight, how are you? Hello, Joe, how you doing? Couldn't be better.


Garthe! Rita, it's me.

It's Michael Knight.


What are you doing? Why are you here? Garthe's penthouse is empty.

Where is everybody? They've gone.

Tsombe refused to wait for Garthe any longer.

What's going on? Where'd they go? Did they say? Some place called Dry Lake.

Michael, what are you doing? I can't leave you here now.

I've got a feeling you'll never get out of Clark County alive.

As you can see, my dear Elizabeth, my driver believes in punctuality.

Garthe will be here.

If not, we will proceed without him.

I have tried to talk to him, impress upon him the urgency of our mission.

And now, with less than an hour to go, he is like a man possessed by the devil himself, chasing fantasy enemies in the desert.

Now I want to tell you something, Tsombe Kuna, great leader of the masses.

This great venture was not conceived by small men with small minds, who live by the clock.

It was conceived by my son and I.

It was borne with passion, not punctuality.

If it comes to that, let your drivers drive, your soldiers sh**t.

My son and I will triumph in the end.

Anything more from Michael? He and Rita are on their way to Dry Lake.

He shouldn't have involved her.

He said she wouldn't be safe at the hotel.

I told him we'd get as close as we could and stand by.

I'd better check on our guest.

Devon! Garthe, you know you can't get away with this! Let me out of here! Garthe! Rita, you were leaving the hotel.

What? Yeah.

Why? I couldn't stand it any longer.

I thought I could, but every time he touched me, I-I He's dead, you know.


Garthe told me.

He k*lled him.

And then he came and told me about it like he had nothing to do with it.

Like he read about it in the newspaper.

I'm sorry.

I was really hoping he'd show up.

So was I.

If we ever get out of this alive, I just feel like going home and- I thought you said Ron had his heart set on a gold record.

He did.


MichaeI, I'm getting a reading about a mile further down the road.

All right, what you got? People, an RV, a large plane, and MichaeI! That brute, that miserable mechanicaI masher, he's there, too.

Three-to-one he won't brutalize me again.


Okay, pal.

We're on.

I don't know what's gonna happen out here.

I've come this far.

I'm not gonna turn back now.

All right, can you promise me you'll stay in the car? Now, KITT can darken the windows.

You'll be perfectly safe.

What about you? Hey.

I'm Garthe Knight, remember? I fear no man.

Garthe, how nice of you to join us.

You didn't think I'd miss my greatest moment, did you, Mother dear? The great revolutionary was beginning to worry.

I trust your personal vendettas have been satisfied at last.

My vendettas, personal or otherwise, have nothing to do with our agreement.

The Knight Industry Two Thousand, will be a memento of my ultimate triumph.

I trust everything is ready.

My commandos are on their way.

I need five minutes for a final check on Goliath.

Now all he has to do is plant the expl*sive.

He's almost there, KITT.

I wish he'd hurry.

MichaeI, there's a car coming.

It's Garthe.

We meet again.

I'm pleased you'll be here to witness my penultimate glory.

You know, it's people like you who give revolutions a bad name.

This isn't a revolution, it's a personal conquest.

That's what I mean.

Ah, a man of principle.

Abel to my Cain, my brother.

I look forward to sharing so many things with you.

After all, we have so much in common.

Our surname, our faces, my father.

Why not our future? What's that supposed to mean? Upon completion of my mission I'm returning to Africa.

You're coming with me.

Garthe, you're out of your mind.

No, but you may be.

You see, African prisons can have that effect on a man's mind.

Prison? Precisely.

The same hellhole I was subjected to, while my father turned his back on me, and gave you everything that was rightfully mine.


MichaeI, there must be something we can do.

Just hang tight, KITT.

And don't let Rita out of the car.

KITT, he seems so calm.

Does he have a plan? I certainly hope so.


You are about to witness a moment that will change the course of human history.

Not to mention a few personal fortunes.

Left turn! There's really no excuse.

If anything happens to Michael, I'll hold myself personally responsible.

Who are you phoning? Gen.

Maddux at SAC.

But, Devon, he didn't listen before.

Why would he listen now? Because this time I'm telling him, I'm driving straight into Red Bluff.

And I'm going to dare him to stop me.

I told you! I told you he could do it.


Get ready, buddy.

Hold on, Rita.

This could be a bit bumpy.

Okay, KITT.


Are you all right? I will be as soon as I get rid of these handcuffs.

Right away, MichaeI.


Good work, buddy.

Dare I ask where we're headed? Got to find Garthe, pal.

We're the last thing between him and a plane to Africa.

But, Michael, he's got Goliath.

You can't stop him.

Yeah, we got to try.


The laser power pack April installed, how much juice we got left? MichaeI, surely you're not thinking of using it as a w*apon.

If I can adapt it, it's worth a try.

Take over.

MichaeI, are you sure you know what you're doing? No.

Is there anything I can do to help? Like drive? Here.


Hold this.


Speaking of Goliath, I'm picking up something extremely large and fast at 2.


KITT, you said you were doing an analysis on Goliath.

What did you come up with? My comprehensive configuration analysis indicates a potentiaI weak spot in the Molecular Bonded Shell at the point where the tractor and trailer connect.

Michael, he's coming right for us! All right, give it to me.

He's got another rocket, MichaeI.

And a payload of commandos in the trailer.

That's okay.

We got our laser.

Okay, let's seal those commandos in.

KITT, how big is that weak spot where the trailer and tractor connect? No larger than a quarter.

Even David had a bigger target when he went after Goliath.

Okay, pal, let's not miss this one.

He's coming after us again.

That's how snakes are.

You can cut off their head but they still bite.

He's got one more rocket, MichaeI.

We've got one more laser.

That's a fair fight.

MichaeI, he's about to fire.

All right.

I want you to wait as long as we can, then give me everything you've got.

We got to take out that rocket.

MichaeI, please hurry.

Now! I have a feeling that no one's going to be seeing very much of Garthe Knight for some considerable time to come.

No one on the outside, at least.

What about Elizabeth? I suspect she'll get what she deserves.

My, she was a wonderful woman once upon a time.

You know, we owe you and Ron an awful lot.

Oh, thanks.

But it's really Ron who deserves the credit.

Ron and The Foundation.



I'll see you.

Hey, listen, if you're ever in Los Angeles- I'll look for your picture on a billboard on Sunset.




Take care.


You, too.

It's straight ahead.

Oh, what's that? This is my cashier's check.

For my winnings at the crap table.

Uh, too bad it has to be returned.


You were on Foundation business, Michael, sponsored by Foundation funds.

Coordinated by Foundation equipment and Foundation intelligence.

Yeah, well, I-I-I think 10 percent is fair.

Uh, 8 percent? Okay-okay, 5 percent.

That's it.

By the way, Michael, we'll expect you in the office first thing in the morning, and, uh, good work, Michael.

Okay, 2 percent.

A roll of quarters for the slot machines! Out of here! MichaeI, I've been thinking about the whole phenomenon of gambling.

You were right.

It's all odds.

It's actually rather intriguing.

Well, sure, if you've got money and a system.

AII I have is $413 you owe me from computer blackJack.


But I have devised a rather innovative system.

I estimate an average return on investment of 67.

3 percent.

That's not bad, buddy.


And all one needs to begin is $20.

$20? That's it? I got it.

I've got $20 here somewhere.

You know Hey, lucky.

Where to next? You name it, pard.

Roulette, blackjack, craps.

Hey, lucky, you're my man.

Oh, no.

You're the king.

Not again.

Where you going? Come on back.

See ya.

Hey, lucky.

Hey, lucky, come on back.