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04x23 - Flying Home

Posted: 05/09/23 05:15
by bunniefuu
MIKE: Don't you keep this stuff locked up? I mean, how did they get through your security system? They had an access card.

Listen, Doctor, one man is dead, and the fanatic who k*lled him has the means to make an atomic b*mb.

I had no choice.

You don't seem to understand.

These guys are neo


This is what happens when you mix with a lower race.


-breed! He's going to make a run for it.

Make me a martyr! Excuse me, Bill.

I seemed to have locked myself out of my office again.


You fellas amaze me.

Must be a good dozen of you eggheads around here messing with God knows what, and not a one of you can wipe his own nose.


What in hell? (ALARM SOUNDING)

Let's move it! Hey, wait a minute! (g*n FIRES)

Degenerate punk! Let's go! (MIKE AND SAINT JOHN TRASH




If you boys can't play quietly, I'm going to have to call your mother.

The king! (EXCLAIMS)

It's not my fault he's such a sore loser.

Sore winner.

MIKE: Oh, we'll see.

Yeah BOTH: The ball! Just knock it off, okay? Mmm


Ah, your dad.

When was that taken? Just before the end of the w*r.

England, I think.

Yeah, Tony was quite the ace.

He was an ace, all right.

Aw, come on, Jo.

After all, he is your dad.

When it's convenient.

He blows in and out of my life like a hurricane.

Oh, it won't be so bad.

What's it been since his last visit, five years? Eight.

Last time I saw him was at my graduation ceremonies, when he tried to bribe the dean into making me valedictorian.

Sounds like my kind of guy.

Yeah, he is.


That's some flying.

Tony, I presume.

He was always a show


Joey! There's my girl! How the hell are you? (LAUGHS)

My God, you are the picture of your mother.

Good to see you, Tony.

That was some flying, Tony.


This is Mike Rivers and you remember Saint John.

We all work together.

I met you once before when Dom took you and your big brother fishing up in Montana back in '54, '55.

You wouldn't remember.

Well, then it's nice to see you again, then.

Well, little girl, how about rustling up some grub for the old man before he keels over? Great, uh, we'll figure something out.

'54 or '55? I was a baby.

I was Really, it was so those Messerschmitts just turned tail and ran.

You let them get away after a stand like that? We were just kids in the w*r by then.

It was all that was left of Hitler's precious Luftwaffe.

Besides, we were out of amm*nit*on.


Jo, get the old man another cup of coffee, will you? Yeah, get me another one while you're at it, will you, Joey? But, of course, being a man of the '80s, I'm perfectly capable of getting a cup of coffee for myself.


She's got him pretty well trained.

They'd make a good pair.

Uh, no comment, Tony.

You got nothing to say? (PHONE RINGING)

Actually, the, uh, less said about that, the better, Tony.

Santini Air.

Oh, yeah, Jason.

Okay, we'll be right there.

I think I understand.

Oh, good.


Have some more pizza, Tony.

Saint John! Huh? What's up? Ah, that was Jason.

We gotta go.

You need me? No, that's okay.

Uh, nice meeting you, Tony.

Are you sure? No, it's okay.

Tony, we'll catch you later.


So, how long you here for? Just long enough to drive you crazy.

About another 10 minutes, I guess.

Oh, Dad.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I haven't seen you in years, and you just fly in out of the blue.

Well, you know me.

I wish I did.

Oh, don't worry.

This is the last time I'll drop in on you on short notice.


You drive me crazy, you know? I'm glad to see you.

MIKE: So, how much did they take? Two kilos.

I'm checking with Company intelligence for anyone shopping for plutonium on the black market.

We've got to get it back, fast.

Anyone on it yet? Not yet.

The Atomic Energy Commission contacted The Company first.

We got 24 hours before the news leaks out.

Well, so where do we start? My guess'd be the scene of the crime.


I don't see how you could catch them by now.

Let us worry about that.

Did anyone even get a close look at them? Our only witness is dead.

Don't you keep this stuff locked up? I mean, how did they get through your security system? They had an access card.


This is beginning to look like an inside job.

That's impossible.

Yeah, so is stealing two kilos of high

-grade plutonium.

Where are the videotapes? We can view them in my office.

LONGFELLOW: This is all we have.

The guard didn't see them until it was too late.

Sounds convenient.

What about the van? Was it rad

-proofed? Absolutely.


-lined throughout.

Let's hope so.

Makes you wonder who's minding the store, doesn't it? No kidding.

The AEC's going to shut that place down even if we do find Hang on.

I'm reading high lead content traveling That's either a very slow b*llet or a very hot van.

That's it.

I'm only reading one body.

He must be flying solo.

Let's pull him over.

He's heading toward the river.

This could get complicated.

Let's give him a detour.

MIKE: Make sure you don't hit him.

SAINT JOHN: I'll try and get him to stop.

Oh, God, no! Whoa.

At least it didn't come apart.

Just because the radiation scanners didn't pick up anything doesn't mean those canisters aren't split wide open inside.

Yeah, we'd better stay clear till Jo gets here with the radiation suits.

So, what's this all about? It's a government contract.

The guys just need some gear.



I figured Dom was into something foolish like that.

You inherited the whole ball of wax, huh? Well, Uncle Dom was always there for me.

And I wasn't, is that it? I didn't say that.

You know, I'd have made it to the funeral if I'd heard about it.

How was I supposed to find you? Did you try? Oh, well, can't do anything about it now, I guess.

You better take this up if you want to keep up that speed.

Come on, Tony.

I've flown more choppers than you have.

The old man doesn't know anything, huh? All right, I'll shut up.



I'm sorry.

Your mother always told me I talk too much.


Remember when I told her I was going to fly? Hmm.

She said I'd be a lot safer in the air than with you on the road.


She was a hell of a woman, your mother.

I still miss her.

What's the situation? Well, we can't be sure till we get down there.

It could be hot.

There's plutonium in that van down there.

You mean it's radioactive? Yeah.

You and Jo stay here.


You reading anything? Not a trace.

It looks good.

SAINT JOHN: The cylinders must still be intact.

Yeah, it's clean.

It's empty.

MIKE: They must have made a switch.

Yeah, but why risk opening the containers? It's su1c1de.


Hey, that damn thing must be on the fritz.

No, I checked it myself.

What is it, Tony? Well, how the hell should I know? Hey, Tony, this is one of the most sensitive Geiger counters made.

It's reading more than your magnetic personality.

Well, I've had some radiation treatments lately, but I'm all done with that now.

What are you saying? (SIGHS)

I have cancer.

Why didn't you tell me? Because it's none of your damn business! It's none of my business? Hey, Tony, what can I say? Oh, hell, there's nothing to say.

What about those treatments? Well, there's no point.

Those doctors don't know zip.

So you're just giving up? You were never a quitter.

Well, I've never been dying before.

We're going to make another sweep of the area to find radiation traces.

Yeah, good luck, fellas.

You've got to see a doctor.

Joey, I've already seen the doctor.

And the specialist, and the therapist, and the scare

-apist, and there's nothing more that they can do.

Are you sure those government stiffs didn't suspect anything? No.

They're off looking for the van, just like you planned.

Look, I've done everything you've asked.

As soon as Brooke ditches the van, he'll call in.

When I hear from him, you'll hear from me.

What do you mean? SAINT JOHN: I'm not reading a thing.

How are you doing? MIKE: I keep looking at these security tapes.

Yeah, there's something that's just Hey, wait a minute.

That's it.

What's it? Well, the plutonium never left the place.

Watch your monitor, I'll patch it through.

MIKE: Look at the canisters.

Tops are on the right.

Now watch this.

SAINT JOHN: Tops are on the left.

They pulled a switch! Give that man a cigar.

Longfellow's got some explaining to do.

MIKE: Yep.

Come in, Airwolf.

We were just about to call in.

We've got some news.

So do I.

What have we got? A group of gunrunners have a deal to trade hardware for a batch of plutonium.

I've already got a fix on them.

Nice work.

It looks like Longfellow's the inside man.

He sent us on some goose chase.

Look, we're heading back for Triad right now.

Who's the buyer? This is where it gets ugly.

The National Association for Racial Purity.

You mean we're dealing with Neo



Clean that up, have a good fight with a wire brush, it'll be good as new.

How long have you known? You got a tobacco tin around here someplace? Tony, will you talk to me? I haven't got anything to say.

Well, I do.

You can't do this to me.

To you? I'm the one with the cancer.

That's a hell of an attitude.

You've done that to me all my life.

You just shut me out.

You weren't meant to know.

Well, now I do.

What's the story, Tony? One doctor gave me six months.

One doctor gave me four.

I liked the first one better.



Well, I made you cry again.

I always make you cry, don't I? Shut up.

Hey, listen, Longfellow, there's no trace of radiation in any of those canisters.

Where's the plutonium? I don't know.

And even if I did, I couldn't tell you.

Listen, Doctor, one man is dead, and the fanatic who k*lled him has the means to make an atomic b*mb.

I had no choice.

You don't seem to understand.

These guys are neo


Oh, my God.

They have my family.

Saint John's all wired in.

All we can do now is wait for the call.

I'm ready to target them as soon as you make contact.

I should have realized my family was vulnerable to something like this.

You hear about these things happening, but you never think We've got to get the plutonium back.

Then we can make a move to get your family out.

Now, when Sullivan calls, you're going to have to play it straight.

I'm feeling so rattled right now, I don't think I can do it.

You have to.



Hello, Doc.

I haven't heard from my partner.

Where is he? I don't know.

They fell for your plan.

No one has any idea where the plutonium is.

Then you'd just better keep it that way.

I want to speak to my wife.

I have to know they're still alive.

She's alive.

She'll stay that way as long as you hold up your end.

I want to speak to her.

Edward! Did you get that, Jason? Got it! Any luck on the trace, Mike? MIKE: Came from a farmhouse just outside of Ladysmith.

Coming down to pick you up.


You stay here.

I'm coming.

That's my family out there.

You're staying here.

If Sullivan calls back and you're not here to take the call All right.

Please, Hawke We'll be careful.

Degenerates like your husband turn my stomach.

Look at this girl.

This is what happens when you mix with a lower race.


-breed! Names can't hurt me.


Smith & Wesson can.

When we have our weapons, we can defend our own nation, where purebreds can live the way God meant us to live, separate and white.

You're nothing but a handful of ignorant lunatics.


Don't count on it, lady.

There's more of us out there than you'll ever know.

And they're just waiting to join us, when we're ready.

You can't just stop the treatments.

You've got to give the therapy a chance to take hold.

Those doctors are just measuring me for a coffin.

I got better things to do with the time I got left.

What's more important than saving your life? Spending the rest of it with you.

That's what I want to do, Joey.


Jo Santini speaking.


I'm on my way, Jason.

I've got some business I have to take care of.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

Well, I thought we were going to spend some time together.

We are.

But I can't get out of this.

All right, then I won't be here when you get back.

Don't do this to me.

Don't lay this guilt on me.

Well, then let me come with you.

Look, I know what you're up to, and it's dangerous.

And if it's my health you're worried about, it'd be a lot worse staying here and worrying about you.

Look, if you're going to come with me, you have to understand.

You can't tell anyone about it.

Who am I going to tell about it? When am I going to have the time to tell them about it? Come on.

What are you waiting for? Let's go! Let's go! Give me a chance to change.

There it is.

They've got the chopper.

Scan the house.

Four bodies inside, one outside.

Do you read any radiation? Not in the house.

I'll run a sweep of the area.

They must have stashed the plutonium nearby.

Contact Jason, see if he's turned up anything on Sullivan.

MIKE: We're over the farmhouse now, Jason.

Well, we just got word from an informant.

Looks like Sullivan is arming his followers for a guerilla w*r.

We've located the shipment.

It's en route to the farm, heading west on Route 8.

So, what's the plan? We need some stall time.

We'll try and work out something.

Let me know as soon as you locate the plutonium.


This reminds me of a time in Italy during the w*r.

I was working reconnaissance.

Wait a minute.

You worked reconnaissance? Oh, no.

I know what you're thinking.

There's no way you're getting my father involved in any of this.

Absolutely not! Hey, let the man speak.

What do you have in mind, sir? My hands are shaking so bad, I can't even get my heart pills.


Childproof containers Eureka! They've got it stashed in the barn.

Now wait a minute.

No, it's under the barn.

They must have some kind of holding area down there.

A b*mb shelter.

MIKE: Yeah.

There's no way we can retrieve it without them seeing us.


Hey, pops, get this wreck off the road.

Yes, sir.

Just give me a hand here and I'll be out of your way in a jiffy.

Just hand them up to me in the back of the truck.

Just hang on to them groceries.

And don't drop them.

Now, climb in the back of this truck, nice and slow.

They've made contact.

Got a half a dozen a*t*matic handguns, a gross of Uzis and plenty of amm*nit*on.

We delivered the goods, now it's your turn.

Where's the plutonium? (COCKS r*fle)

In a safe place.


Now! Earl, load up the chopper.

A twist we didn't count on.

Yeah? That's not all.

Longfellow just arrived.

Hold it.

Take it easy.

I'm on your side.

We've got the situation under control.

What are you waiting for? Why don't you go in and get my family before they're k*lled? Calm down.

We have to secure the plutonium first.

It's in a b*mb shelter under the barn.

We've got to know if it's volatile in those containers.


Not unless the seals have been broken.

It's probably safer that way.

Saint John, listen up.

Here's the scenario.

By the time the police get here, there won't be nothing left except a pile of smoking ashes and four dead bodies.


Why don't you just let us go? You won't gain anything by k*lling us.

The trail ends here.

Move! Sherman, get the gas.

In there.

It's all right.

We're friends.

Are you hurt? No.

Just scared.

Don't worry.

We're all going to get out of this safe and sound.

Why do these men hate me? They don't hate you, sweetheart.

They just don't know that what's important is what's in your heart, not the color of your skin.

And you have a brave heart, don't you? Yes.

That's good.

You come with me.

Take your hands off her! Dad? (EXCLAIMS)

You're coming with us.

Excuse me, do you sell fresh eggs? All right, we got one of them.

I'm going in.

I want a fireworks display in about two minutes.

We'll go in when you're set.

I'm going in with you.


You go to the barn and you lay low.

Don't worry, I'll get them out.

Targeting the van.

Hang on.

Give me a minute more.

Tony, I want my daddy.

Don't worry, sweetheart.

We're going to get you out of here.

This is the moment of the beginning of the new order.

And I will take you with me.

The hell you will.

Down on the floor.

Open the door! Shut up! All right.

Now! Sherman, check upstairs.

They're inside the barn.

Everyone except Jason and Jo.

Lose it, Sullivan! Give it up now! She goes first.

Hold it! Sullivan's got Jo.

We see them, Jason.

Dad! Don't worry.

Airwolf will get him.

He's going to make a run for it.

He can run, but he can't hide.

That thing's got some firepower! Oh, God.

He's going to try and explode the plutonium.

Our people are in there.

Come on.

Make me a martyr! Make it count, Saint John! Well, that's one way to cure a disease.

Everybody okay? Yes.

Thank you.

Thank you both.

Aw, shucks, it weren't nothing.

I thought you bought it in there, Dad.

Yeah, so did I.

If I hadn't been wearing my lucky belt buckle, I might have.

Okay, coming in hot! (SCREAMING)


What? Traveling.

Traveling? What are you talking about, guy? Where's the ref? I am the ref.

You're not the ref.

Give me a break.

Okay, I'll be the coach.

Let's try some free throws, shall we? Free Yeah, all right.

Come on, Mikey.

Come on.

Another great shot by the king of the dribblers.

I've seen better dribbling from babies.

Thanks, coach.

One of you basket cases want to give me a hand? Thanks.

Where's Tony? He's getting the rest of the gear.

He, uh, he agreed to go back for treatments.

TONY: Okay, all set.

Tony, you look terrific.

I feel great.

Hey, how about if we come along? Oh, no.

This trip is just me and my girl.

Right, Joey? Right, Pop.

Well, take good care of him.

We wouldn't want him to over

-do it.

Take care of who? I've got this thing beat with one hand behind my back.