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04x22 - Poppy Chain

Posted: 05/09/23 05:15
by bunniefuu
LOCKE: Mike starts the ball rolling.

He should be smack

-dab in the middle of the Golden Triangle.

JO: Dangerous territory.

LOCKE: And dangerous company.

k*ll him.



I'd feel a lot better if it was me down in that lab.

LOCKE: Jo will be okay.

The French police established cover.

Saint John and the other mules will be here soon and then she'll be long gone.

LOCKE: Mike starts the ball rolling.

He should be smack

-dab in the middle of the Golden Triangle.

He's managed to work his way into the hill country of Laos.

JO: It's a dangerous territory.

LOCKE: And dangerous company.

He'll make the buy and hopefully get some pictures of Curtis.

He's the number one supplier of raw opium in the world.



Oh, you guys are funny.





Mike's on his way to meet Curtis.

Saint John served under his command in Vietnam.

Curtis was dealing heroin to his own troops.

When the w*r ended, he set up his drug empire in the Golden Triangle.

Oh, howdy.

Welcome to Laos.

It's a nice place to visit, if you know what I mean.

Stateside, huh? That's right.


You know what I'd like to have right now is a good old American hamburger, some fries and a milkshake.

I'll tell you what I'll do.

When I get back stateside I'll go to a takeout and send you some.

Number one brand raw opium.

Number one brand cash.

Well, I see we understand each other.

Looks like.

I'll have my men pack this up for you and That's okay.

Well, it's nice doing business with you.

Well, it's nice being done business with.

If you know what I mean.

Yeah, this is Curtis.

The buyer, he just left here.

He's seen too much.

When he arrives, k*ll him.

Home Office to Travelling Man, do you read? Home Office to Travelling Man, come in.

MIKE: This is Travelling Man.

I read you I'm three miles ahead of you.

The route seems clear.

Did you see Curtis? Sure did.

He's operating in a big way, still.

I want that bastard so bad I can taste it.

Don't worry, Saint John.

We've got him now.

Hey, look, it's better late than never.

(sh*ts FIRING)

Travelling Man to Home Office.

I'm under fire.

SAINT JOHN: On my way! Hang tough.

(sh*ts FIRING)

That should slow 'em down.

I'll contact you in Singapore.

Don't leave your hotel until you hear from me.

Here's your shipping papers.

Mike Rivers, able

-bodied seaman, merchant marine.

Oh, here's your film.

Curtis had no idea that he was on candid camera.

Well, just make sure there's no screw


We'll get him, Saint John.

Him and his entire operation.

We'll see you in Marseille.


Airwolf to Headquarters.

Do you read? Read you loud and clear, Saint John.

What have you got? Some pretty pictures.

I'll transmit if you're ready.

Go ahead.

I'm ready.


Like he was posing for a passport picture.

Jason, promise me a shot at him before he's locked down.

Don't let this become a personal vendetta, Saint John.

Curtis turned some close friends into junkies.

A lot of guys got k*lled because they were too stoned to react to enemy fire.

It's nothing but personal! I understand, but I don't want your feelings to get in the way of this operation.

Don't worry.

Nothing's gonna get in the way.

I've waited too long to blow it now.

We all want him, Saint John.


Airwolf over and out.

Brother, there's a wind blowing today.

You never did tell me what ships you've sailed on before.


Never did.

You don't strike me as a seaman.

More like a city kid.

Is that right? I watched you chow down.

You couldn't get a whiff of that gravy without turning green.

This is your first trip, ain't it? I got a berth on this bucket to get some peace and quiet.

Catch my drift? What were you doing in Singapore? Strictly rest and relaxation.

Maybe I'll find some up on deck.

'Cause I sure as hell won't find any here.

Well, don't fall overboard.

The captain might like to know about you jumping ship.

You know, you could be on this tub all the way to Brazil.

Stay out of this, Maxie.

You don't know what you're getting into.

My guess is smuggling.

I want a cut, or you'll get yours! Oh, come on you're getting too old for this game.

Just go to bed.

Give me the bag! All right.

All right.

Have it your way.


I want a share.

You can spare a few grand.

Split with me, or I'll get the skipper.


Why don't you just go down below and tuck yourself in? I meant to tell you this a lot earlier, Maxie.

You talk too much.

You ask too many questions.

Now, get the hell out of here.



Colonel Curtis sends his regards.


We've got Saint John's pictures.

How are you feeling, Mike? MIKE: Thank God for bulletproof underwear.

I ran out of sea sick pills my second week at sea, but I think I'll recover.

Excellent work, Mike.

Is Jo in position? MIKE: Ready to go.

Corsican just made his drop.

Jo should be right behind him.

Make sure you keep a tight watch.

She's vulnerable in there.

Keep this line open.

Will do.

Here comes Jo.


The cars are for the couriers.

I used to be one.

A mule.

GISELLE: Believe me, our job is much easier.


The one I told you about? Be careful.

He has an appetite for beautiful women, and I think you are on the menu.


I've been expecting you.

This is Helene, my assistant.

This is Felix.



I've heard a lot about you.

I'm flattered.

Don't be.

I was the one who told her.

She's been warned.

Pay no attention to Giselle.

She has the mistaken impression that I am nothing but a gigolo.

The truth is that I am a happily married man.

Seven times.

I would think you'd be ecstatic by now.

Well, enough about me.

We'll have time to get to know each other later.

The chemists have distilled the opium to the morphine base.

We are ready for you to test for quality.

GISELLE: Felix is quite charming, huh? (SPEAKING FRENCH)

Charming, yes.

Hypnotic, yes.

Like a cobra snake.

Let's finish our business before you fall under his spell.

Don't worry about me.

I can take care of myself.

I never mix business with pleasure.

Never say never.

Felix is just like the dope he deals.

Once he gets under your skin, he's hard to shake.

Well, I'd put the purity at about, oh, 92%.

We can start the acetylation, heating and filtering.

Hand me the tartaric acid and benzol.

Were you a professional chemist? A long time ago.

Things happen.

Like Felix? Yes.


This is how he handles his women.


I'd feel a lot better if it was me down in that lab.

LOCKE: Jo will be okay.

The French police established cover.

Saint John and the other mules will be here soon and then she'll be long gone.

Mike, I've got some good news and some bad news.

Give me the good.

We've had a report from Interpol on Curtis.

They've spotted him.

And the bad news? They lost him.

He caught a private flight out of Laos and we don't know where to.

So, we'll have every link in the chain except for Curtis.

Saint John's gonna be furious.

Better that he doesn't know.

Right now he's got his hands full.

The chemists are ready.


Helene would probably enjoy a holiday.

Uh, I'm sorry.

I have plans.

Change them.


Come on, Felix.

We have work to do.

You can make your travel arrangements later.

Leave us alone.

The couriers have arrived, but Saint John's late.

Oh, wait a second.

Here he is.

LOCKE: He's going under the name of Ryan Murphy.

The DEA picked up the real Murphy two weeks ago, and he's been in isolation since.

His cover is solid.


Ah, you are the American.

Ryan Murphy.

Nice to meet you.

The Barbarian, Mac The Knife, Pepe.

What's the delay, gentlemen? I've got clients lined up around the block waiting for this shipment.

It's being packaged.

Felix is amusing himself with the blonde.

Women are a priority where he is concerned.

Blonde, huh? Helene.

One of the graders.

A real knockout.

I must confess a weakness for blondes myself.

Don't even look at her when Felix is around or he'll cut your throat.

He doesn't like competition.


Stop it! Mind if I cut in? Get out of here.

Wait outside! I couldn't help but overhear the lady's protests.

I think she might prefer my company.

No, stop.

This is stupid.

The car is ready to go.

You have offended my honor.

We will fight.

And the winner will have the pleasure of Helene's company.

Corsican rules.

Cut him, Felix! Stick him, Felix! (GRUNTING)





Come on, Felix.

I've been cut worse than that shaving.





I'd hate to end a beautiful business relationship over the affections of a tart, Felix.

Let's get on with it.

Your winnings.

You, get in the car.

No hard feelings, huh, Felix? What do you say? All right.

Let's get this show on the road.

I hate to keep the customers waiting.


Pack up the automobiles.

Here we go! Here comes the couriers.

SAINT JOHN: Listen to me, Jo.

Watch your tail.

JO: Saint John, I'll be fine.


How's that look, Jason? Looks good.

I'm transmitting the couriers' license plates to Interpol.

That's phase two.

LOCKE: Nice work, Jo.

What's the word on Curtis? An Interpol agent thinks he identified him in London.

What's he doing in London? Can't they nail him? His jet stopped to refuel.

He was gone before they had a chance to move in on him.

Oh, great.


All that work and Curtis gets off as free as a bird.

Relax, Mike.

We've got half the police agencies on this planet looking for him.

Let's concentrate on phase three.

Saint John should be nearing the border crossing soon.


What's eating you, Mike? You worried about the New York connection? Partly.

I'm just wondering what happened to Curtis.

He's obviously got good connections in high places.


Well, I'd really like to hang him from one of those high places.

Interpol is tightening the net in Frankfurt, Naples, Rome and Paris.

They'll swoop in as soon as Saint John wraps up his end.

Which should be in approximately four and a half hours.

How's it look on phase three? Better than we planned.

The DEA just informed me that the three big syndicate chiefs from Chicago, LA and Montreal have just arrived in the Big Apple.

The big three? They don't usually crawl out from underneath their rocks to personally take delivery, huh? No.

That's why I'm thinking maybe Saint John can use some backup going in.

You giving him a wire? A wire and some muscle.

I'm ready if you need me, Jason.


I'll go in myself.

We'll nail them all to the wall, and I want to be there.

How was the flight? Not bad.

Lousy movie.

Breezed through customs, though.

We told them you were coming.

Let's get you wired.

Looks good.

How's that read, Jo? Loud and clear.

We've got a 10

-mile radius, but we'll be a lot closer than that.

The closer the better.

These are the men we'll be delivering to.

What do you mean, "we"? We, as in we be some bad dudes, bro.

I'll be your backdoor.

Jo and Mike will follow with Airwolf.

Let's go.

We got some smack to pack, Jack.

That's a fact.

Where'd you get that bad wardrobe, man? These are my colors, baby.

Had these since I was knee

-high to a jackrabbit.

You ready to rock steady, Freddy? Ready to move with the groove, dude.

Assume the position.


Your turn, sweetheart.

Sorry, fellas.

Boss's rules.

No heaters.

Well, I hope the boss is in a good mood, 'cause I wanna get paid.

With this kind of business, wouldn't you be in a good mood? I heard that.

I had his kind of money, I'd be retired in Hawaii.

Hey, let me tell you something.

With Curtis' bread, I could own Hawaii.

Curtis? Curtis is here? What do you think he's up to? I don't know, but we better be ready to move in fast.

If Curtis recognizes Saint John we're Wait.


Wait right here.

Looks like he's running a carnival.

Good cover for distribution.


Split if you think Curtis will recognize you.

It's been too many years.

I'm not going to let him slip by me this time.

He's going down, hard.


Take five, kids.

We only deliver to the head man.

That's right.

No cash, no stash.

Yeah, well I gotta check weight before anything happens.

So, relax.

It's all there, babe.

Forty keys.


Well, I just like to get a second opinion.

You'd be surprised how many guys try to rip an ounce or two.


What's the scam, man? Your flunky seems to think we're a little light


It's business, boys.

Just like the little lady buying steaks at the butcher.

Steaks? That's filet mignon, baby.

And you better tell your meat packer to keep his thumb off the scales.

Well now, who's the comedian? My muscle.


Now, I like that.

That's a good one.

A mule with muscle? (LAUGHING)

You must think you're moving on up or something.

If you were smart, you'd think about it.

Most of your boys look like they're ready to pick up their pension checks.

And wear pantyhose.



All right.

Ten keys each to you, Buccari and Watson.

And I'll keep 10.

Felix tells me that you got a lot of jam.

Well, maybe that's because he's losing his.

Seems to me your whole organization has been too fat, too long.

Where do I know you from? Philly, Detroit, Montreal.

I been around the block.

Oh, yeah? That's funny.

I was thinking maybe Da Nang, or Saigon maybe, or Haiphong? No, it seems I missed that one.

I did my duty stateside.

Bad eye, you know? That's too bad.

I could have used a guy with your talent in my unit.

We're open to offers.

You get a read on that guy? Carlton Watson.

Distributor from LA.

Something big must be going on.

He never gets out of his Jacuzzi unless it's really important.

Get ready to fly.

We just got word from Europe.

Felix is down, Gunther is down.

Everybody's been busted.

Somebody on the inside just rolled over.

We got a stool pigeon.

Damn! Watson, get the g*ns out of the locker.

Buccari, I want you to take this to Chicago now.

You lay low! Wait a minute, Curtis.

You owe us money.

We seen this scam before.

You make like heat's coming down, then you split with the goods.



We want our bread now.

Leave these wise guys here for bait.

Put a couple of bags on them.

It'll slow the cops down.

Colonel Curtis! Sir.

You walk out that door, you're gonna have to face the kind of firepower you never had the guts to in Nam.

But you got it coming, don't you, Curtis? You served up junk to a bunch of teenage kids and then you sent them in to firefights so high they couldn't feel the wounds that crippled and k*lled them.

So, you go ahead.

You take the point for once.

You got the guts.

You go ahead and walk out that door.

You're bluffing.


We got you cold, Curtis.

Mike, he's coming out the door.

Blow him away.

Watson, get the car ready.

Come on, move it, Watson! Aim carefully, Mike.

He's up to his old habits.

He's sending the soldiers out first.

You shut up! I remember you.

I remember you, soldier.


You're the one that's gonna go out first.

Now, move it! CURTIS: Tell your friends outside I'm using you as a shield.

They don't care, Curtis.

They'll cut me down to take you out.

Saint John, don't be a fool.

Let 'em go.

They're not worth it.

I see your buddy's got brains.

Yours are gonna be all over the wall.

Unless you tell them.

Now, you tell them! SAINT JOHN: Mike.

We're coming out.

Hold your fire.

Back off.

Damn it.

I want this bastard.

Back off, Mike.

We'll get Curtis.

BODYGUARD: It's a chopper! I'm going after Curtis.

Saint John, careful.

Mike! The dope's inside.

Don't let them out! Mike! Send down the big g*ns.

MIKE: I thought you'd never ask.

Party's over, fellas.

I'm going after Buccari.

Front door! Buccari has the dope.



He's dead, Saint John.

I'm just making sure.

We got them all.

It'll dry up the streets for a while, anyway.

Long enough to make it count.

We got our evidence.

Let him be.