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04x20 - The Puppet Master

Posted: 05/09/23 05:14
by bunniefuu
Our primary objective is Mr.

Locke and his helicopter.

You promised you wouldn't hurt him.

I've had to take some special precautions.

Arrest these three.

Kate! Jason, are you all right? This is the Leader, the hope for the salvation of the world.

I won't give you Airwolf! You have much to learn, Mr.


We're in position over the target ship now.

The Nova Seven is tracking you now.

Are you guys ready? Armed and set.

MIKE: I'm getting the signal.

SAINT JOHN: The Nova Seven has taken over targeting.

No hands.

I'll fire a copperhead at wide range and see if it can keep it on course.

That's one way to get rid of navy surplus.

Looks like you guys have been replaced.

Not yet, I'm having trouble disengaging the targeting link.

Plus, we've still got at least two hours of data to collate.

I hate the late shift.

You guys can work it out.

Fill me in on Monday.

I'm out of here.

You and Kate off for another romantic weekend? What makes you think that? Oh, I don't know.

The smile.

The glint in your eye.

The road map in your pocket.

There's this place up the coast that she's dying to see.

I can't say no to her.


Sounds like you two are getting pretty serious.

Sounds like you're trying to play matchmaker.

Who, me? Yeah, you.

See you Monday.

Have a good time.

See you.

So much for a fun weekend in the great outdoors.

I like the rain.

You had the same smile on your face the first time I saw you, when you brought that memo from Newman.

I have a confession to make.

Already? I bribed his secretary to let me take it up to you.


You what? I wanted to meet you.

I can't believe it.

What did it cost you? A cheese Danish.

A cheese Danish.

That's how much I was worth to you? If I'd known we'd work out, I would have given her the jelly doughnut.

Thanks a lot.


You nut.

We'd better be going.

How about Dr.

Robertson? I promised we'd stop in.

We'll see her next time.

I haven't seen her in years.

Kate Please? There isn't much time.


Please, Jason.

Kate, you're not going to convince me.

Come on, Jason, please? Okay.

Turn it off.


You convinced me.

I was lucky to get the lease on this place.

It's perfect for my work.

Are you still researching alpha

-waves, Doctor? You know of my work? I'm flattered, Mr.


It's hard to keep a lid on that kind of thing.

Artificial intelligence, actuated brain scan monitoring.

That's pretty impressive stuff.

As I recall, the Company wasn't too pleased when you resigned.

The important thing is that I've found a way to use it to serve humanity.

There's something I want to show you.

You said you wouldn't hurt him! He's only sleeping, dear.

You should be sleeping, too.

Prepare him for implant surgery.

Nobody eats fruit on pizza.

Hey, you asked for the luau special.

I asked for triple anchovy, and I get papaya.

You're always afraid to try something different, aren't you? I'm only afraid to try things that make me sick.

Guys, can we quit the floor show? I'm starving.

You're such a stick in the mud, Saint John.

I'm going to call Jason, update him on the communications glitch in the satellite com


He's not home.

He and Kate went away for the weekend.


Again? What are they? Married? Well, not yet, but who knows? He didn't say anything to us.

Sometimes it takes a woman to understand these things.

LEADER: Are you ready to implant the Selective Behavior Module, Dr.

Robertson? I'm about to proceed, yes.

LEADER: And the programming? We'll begin in the morning.

KATE: They're coming for us, Jason! You gotta do something! You've to get it away from them! (g*n FIRING)


They have me! Jason! Kate! You've got to do something! You've to get it away from them! (MAN LAUGHING EVILLY)


KATE: They're going to k*ll me! They're going to hurt Kate, Jason.

You're the only one who can stop them! Stop them, Jason! KATE: Jason, help! They're going to k*ll me! (SCREAMING)

Jason, help me! KATE: Jason, they're going to k*ll me! LOCKE: Kate! You have to get Airwolf away from them.

It's the only way! Jason! Help me! (MOUTHING)

Kate! No! God, I hate Mondays.

If I had my way, I'd have a five

-day weekend, a two

-day work week, and lots of holidays.

If you campaigned on that platform you could get elected president.

Speaking of long weekends, anyone heard from Jason? Not yet.

I think work is probably the last thing on his mind.

Kate is numero uno.

Numero uno.

He's really hot on her, isn't he? I think it's great.

Deep down Jason's an incurable romantic.

Well, love sick or not, we still have to solve the problem with the Nova Seven's tracing program.

Okay, I vote that we start on it without waiting for Jason.

I second the motion.

Anyone who can hook up to that satellite can find Airwolf.

Hi, Jason.

I just called to thank you.

I had a great time this weekend.

Me, too.

I wonder where the time went.

It just flew by.

Jason Do you remember the paperwork you were going to do for me? Paperwork? Remember the paperwork, Jason.

Take care of the paperwork.

I remember.


I can't wait to see you again.

I'll call soon.

Bye, Jason.

Goodbye, Kate.

Very good.

You promised you wouldn't hurt him.

He has the same implant as you do.

If you both cooperate, I see no need to detonate the device.

You'll see him soon enough, and you two can spend as much time together as you like.

LEADER: Proceed with the next step, Doctor.

I'm well aware of procedure, thank you.

You tend to forget who initiated this plan.

Our primary objective is Mr.

Locke and his helicopter.

I'm proceeding with the first program recall.



Well, we can't lose the com link to the satellite without entirely reprogramming the memory bank.

Yeah, it looks that way.

We have to get approval from Washington.

That could take another week.

So, we're vulnerable for at least a week.


All right, Jason.

We're on our way.

That was Jason.

Says it's an emergency.

Let's go.

I want you to call Jason again, Katherine.

This time make him come to you.

Do you need prompting? No.


I'll make the call.


Jason? Help me! Help me! Kate! What's wrong? Kate! Where are you? Answer me! Please! I don't want to do this! Don't make me do this to Jason! Calm down, Katherine! Your subject seems to have escaped your control.

Don't touch her.

Physical force is completely unnecessary.

Kate! Kate! Take her to her room.

What's going on, Jason? I've had to take some special precautions.

Arrest these three.

Hey, Jason, what the hell are you doing? Hey, that won't be necessary.

Place them in detention until further instructions.

Jason, are you all right? I want to speak to Newman.

Just keep moving.

Hey, does Newman know about this, or what? Listen, we're just following orders.

From who? From the top, or from Locke? I'm not at liberty to say.

Not at liberty to say.

After you.


Back off.

We're on the same side, remember? What is the matter with Jason? I mean, I know love does strange things to people but this is crazy.

Well, Newman will get us out of here.

Yeah, if he hears about it.

What do you mean, "if"? I've got the distinct feeling he wasn't consulted on this.


Just beautiful.

So, what do we do? Sit around and wait? No.

We figure a way to get out of here.

I think Jason's in trouble.

I think he put us in here to gain time.

Let's see if we can get these lights apart.

I thought this place was escape


Well, let's hope this is the one time the Company did a lousy job.

Do you need prompting? I am in control.

Congratulations, Doctor.

Thank you.


Locke was my most difficult subject so far.

I have no doubt that you will succeed.

Your Behavior Modification System will soon prove its worth.

Once we break Mr.

Locke, Airwolf will be ours, and then nothing can stop us.

Don't fight me, Katherine, he's already on his way.

You promise you won't hurt him? If you do as you're told, I won't have to.

Do it, Katherine.

Good girl.


I'm all right, Jason.

I'm here with Dr.


Come and get me.

Kate! My God, Kate! Are you hurt? No, I'm fine.

It's safe here.

Bring Airwolf here to the institute.


Robertson has a place all ready for it.

Airwolf will be safe here.

Hurry, Jason.


I'm coming, Kate.

Hang on! Very good, my dear.

Damn you! He's bringing it right to us.


Keep me informed.

MIKE: Well, just so that it's not a total loss, I know a fellow who needs a circus act.



Jeez! I'm going to need a screwdriver.

You know, there's something that tickles me about using a Company toy to break out of Company headquarters.

That ought to do it.

SAINT JOHN: All right, let's get to work.

Kate! Thank God.

Thank God you're safe.

Jason, I'm so sorry.

Welcome back, Mr.


What is happening here? All of this will make perfect sense once you fully understand.

So, this is the mighty Airwolf.

The Company was always so hush

-hush about it.

What have you done? Release the security lock! First you fill me in on what's going on.

Take him inside! You said you wouldn't hurt him! Now, tell me what's going on.

Put away your g*n, Mr.


The access code! Give it to me.

I can't KATE: Stop it! He's not responding.

Your programming is being blocked by his own will power.

You will have to overcome the blocks.

If I use more power, his brain will be damaged.

You are still within safe limits.

I won't give you Airwolf! You have much to learn, Mr.



Ready? A little drum roll, please.

JO: Escape

-proof, huh? Nobody's perfect.

It's a good thing.

Come on.

LOCKE: You lied to me.

You lied to me and now they have Airwolf.

We gotta get out of here.

It's no use.

We've got to try.

You felt the pain.


Robertson can make us do anything she wants.

I can't believe how stupid I was.

How could you do this to me? I was trapped, just like you were.

Come off it! You expect me to believe that? I never wanted to get you involved any more than you wanted to bring them Airwolf.

I trusted you! I trusted you! I'm so sorry.

God, I'm so scared.

I know.

I'll get you out of here.

He's out there somewhere.

In Airwolf.

I still can't believe he would have taken her.

Oh, come on, Nova Seven.

I'll take back everything I ever said about you, come on.

There she is.

I'll run up the closest grid pattern.

Jason said he and Kate were driving that way last weekend.

Just before he went strange on us.

See who's running the place and run a cross

-match on the name.

JO: I'm way ahead of you.


Sylvia Robertson.

Selective behavior modification? As in brainwashing? Kate used to be her assistant.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yep.

Jason flew Airwolf right into that head


Let's get him out of there.

His will is strong.

He's fighting the control.

Then you will have to increase the power on the SBM.

He must be under our complete control.

Yes, but at what cost? If we destroy his mind in the process, we'll have nothing.

Some things are worth the risk.

I want the Airwolf, Doctor.

I need it.

There's someone I want you to meet.

Good evening, Mr.


I've heard a lot about you.

This is the Leader, Mr.


The hope for the salvation of the world.

I don't know who you are, but you're both crazy.

Jason, don't.

You can be a part of the new beginning with us, Mr.


You, me, and Airwolf.

So, that's what this is all about.

It's not what you think.

With Airwolf's speed and abilities, we can travel the world, teaching a new, more peaceful way to live.


Your way.

Everybody with bugs in their head, and you pushing the buttons.

Well, you can get yourself another chauffeur.

Jason, be careful, please.

He can hurt you.

Who are you? I am John F.


I am Martin Luther King.

I am Gandhi.

I am King Solomon.

I am Julius Caesar.

I am all of these men and more.

I am the Leader.

My God.

You're a machine.

The Leader is more than a machine, he's infallible.

He is my supreme gift to the world.

It is true, Dr.

Robertson created me.

However, I have far surpassed even her brilliant mind.

I am truly the supreme being.

This terminal is only the tip of the iceberg.

The basement of this building is filled with data banks holding the collective genius of all the greatest leaders history has known.

All of it combined into this single brilliant mind.

I am the salvation of the world.

And you will be my wings.

I'd rather be dead.

The choice is yours.



Stop it! What are you doing? Only with Airwolf's electronic capabilities will I be truly mobile.

He must learn to obey.

I have taken over complete control.

Make it stop! You're k*lling him! It's not me! It's the Leader! I can't stop it! Kate Go! Go for help! Now! No! DR.

ROBERTSON: Oh, my God.

You k*lled her.

Well, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot happening in there.

Airwolf has to be in one of these outer buildings.

Let's move.

I'll try and get inside and find Jason.

Leave us alone for a few moments.

So, Doctor, when did m*rder become part of the Hippocratic oath? Katherine's death was the last thing I wanted.

I feel her loss deeply, Mr.


Don't give me that crap! You k*lled her because she wouldn't let you hurt me.

You have no more feelings than that machine you obey.

I regret to say you are no longer under my care.

The Leader has control of the Selective Behavior Module.

So, the puppet master has become the puppet.

I suggest you give us the code to access Airwolf.




The pain you feel will increase steadily.

The pressure on your brain will become so great, you will suffer hallucinations and quickly lose all sanity.

Please, Mr.


Give us the code to Airwolf.

We've already suffered one needless tragedy here today.

I'm going to make sure you pay for Kate's death, if it's the last thing I do.

He isn't giving in.

He is a particularly resistant subject.

I am impressed.

I would have expected collaboration by now.

Now that Kate is dead, we have nothing to thr*aten him with.

He is suffering only physical, not emotional sensations.

Then we will have to tap his instinctual desire for self


If we increase the pain, you risk destroying his brain.

He won't be able to recall the access code to the helicopter.


Locke will break.

The hallucinations are extremely vivid.



JO: Getting a reading? Yeah.

She's inside here.

Solid as a rock.

Ah! There's another way in.

Once we get Airwolf, we can blast our way out.

If she hasn't been disabled.


Stop it! You can't affect him! You'll k*ll him before he gives in.

His will can be broken.

Turn it off! You'll k*ll him! (SCREAMING)

We must have Airwolf to become mobile.

Have you forgotten our objectives, Doctor? Our objective is peace, not random m*rder! Turn it off or I will! You're exhibiting signs of irrationality, Doctor.

A human trait which I am not burdened with.



I am in control, Doctor.




Jason! What is it, Jason? The Leader The Leader has me.

Who is the Leader, Jason? Concentrate! Answer me! Computer Computer program Stop the Leader.

Kate Kate is dead.

All right, Jason, can I let you go? Come on.

We've got to get out of here.

Airwolf has been seized.

There was an intruder here, Doctor.

This whole operation is out of control.

We must stop it.



You have betrayed me.

You must pay the price.

Hang on.

I'm getting a message from Saint John.

I've got Jason.

We've got Airwolf.

Let's get out of here! We've got to k*ll the computer first.

Find the power source.

As soon as we clear the building, blow it.


This is one way to make an exit.

I cannot be stopped.

I am the Leader.

My mission must be completed.

You are all expendable.


Fight it, Jason.

Fight it.

We're armed and ready.

There it is.


-basement, northwest corner.

We're targeting northwest corner.

Now! I cannot be stopped.

I am the Leader.

The The The The I am John F.


I am John F.


I am John F.



I cannot be stopped.

I cannot be stopped.

Ah Ah Ah Ah I am the Leader.

I am the Leader.

I am the Leader.

Jason! Come on, Jason, talk to me.

It's gone.

The pain is gone.

Okay, you're going to be all right, Jason.

Come on down.

We've to get Jason to a hospital, fast.

You think he's all right? It's been a month now.

I'm going to talk to him.

He's taken it pretty hard, huh? The doctor said there was no permanent damage.

He was lucky.

I mean Kate.

It'll take time.

Take a lot more than that.

Hey, that's supposed to be my job.

It's okay.

I need the practice.

You're going to have to snap out of this, you know.

I'll be all right.

You sure? No.

I keep waiting for the hurting to stop.

It does eventually.

You just have to fill the emptiness with happy memories.

I loved her, Jo.

But I can never know how she felt about me.

I mean, I'll never know if it was her, or just Robertson pushing the buttons.

I saw the two of you together.

What you and Kate had came from the heart.

It was real.
