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04x17 - On the Double

Posted: 05/09/23 05:11
by bunniefuu
He's right on my tail.

I can't shake this guy.

This American helicopter is fast, but not fast enough.

Let's see you match this.

Achieving targeting position.

Moving in for the k*ll.

I have you now.

Direct hit! Let's pick up Mike.

What kept you? Feels as if I've been waiting for an hour.

That's a hell of a machine.

How does it handle? Like a dream.

I'm just glad it wasn't the real thing.

Me, too.

Anytime you need your tail waxed a little, just let me know, will you? Let's just hope that the East Germans haven't made any modifications.

LOCKE: We can't afford any complications.

Let's check the drill.

We've only got ten days to go.

Yeah, let's just hope the rest of the operation goes as smooth as that flight.

Well, you sure gave Airwolf a lesson in humility.

Pity the cowboy who blames his horse.

All right, let's go over this one more time.

MIKE: Give me a break, will you? Step one.

Herzfeld arrives at the air show hangar and goes through security.


He goes to the empty locker room and uh Makes sure he's got no company.

LOCKE: Three.

Three, Santa comes down the chimney and Herzfeld takes the tunnel to the North Pole.

LOCKE: Four.

Saint John maintains visual contact with Mike.

I debrief Herzfeld.

LOCKE: Five.

I take the plane up and entertain the crowds until LOCKE: Six.

MIKE: Six.

We get the information, and Herzfeld leaves.

And seven? Seven, I come home.

We say goodbye and that's it.

Seems simple enough to me.

An agent as deeply planted as Herzfeld is inaccessible for years at a time.

He's gonna be really closely watched.

Yeah, I know, I know.

If he sneezes he'll have twenty red handkerchiefs coming out of his nose.

Our timing is crucial.

We have no margin for error.

And we've got three days to perfect the plan.

How's your German coming? (SPEAKING GERMAN)

What the hell is that supposed to mean? He says he doesn't know.

He hasn't slept in a week and he's tired.

We have to leave tonight.

What? Tonight? Say you're kidding.

Say that's it a joke, huh? There's been a change of schedule.

Herzfeld flies at the beginning of the air show now instead of the end.

JO: That's really pushing it, Saint John.

Mike, do you think you can do it? He hasn't been over the wall in two years, right? SAINT JOHN: Right.


He knows the name of our mole, right? Right.

It's now or never, right? Well, it strikes me as if we don't have too much choice.

Just do me one favor, will you? Don't screw it up.

I mean I really don't feel like spending the rest of my days behind the Iron Curtain.

There's something missing.

That's better.

If I lose this, I'm in deep trouble.

Well, losing a week of prep time has made things a lot more tense.

But you can pull it off, Mike.

Pull it off? I just glued that damn thing on.

All right, we've planted one of these for you in the locker room.

It's got the same com

-link as our Airwolf helmets.

Something familiar, thank God.

Let's just pray Herzfeld hasn't suddenly shaved in the last twenty

-four hours.

LOCKE: That glue holds for a week.


Close enough.

"Good luck" would have been just fine.

Thanks, Saint John.


Good luck.

And remember, we'll be listening to you the whole time you're up there.

You'll be fine, Mike.

I know you will.

Well, Captain Klaus Herzfeld, are you ready? (SIGHS)



Paris would seem to offer you the perfect opportunity today, for your particular talents, huh? (SPEAKS GERMAN)

Danke sehr, I am flattered.

Tell me, how does it feel to be selected representative of the German Democratic Republic at this International Exhibition? This is a great honor, naturlich, as is your unexpected presence.

Surely, Doctor, you didn't come just to see me fly.

As a matter of fact, Captain, I came to watch you land.


Paris is such a romantic city, I thought you could use a reward for your efforts here today.

Strauss, present the Captain with his surprise.



You should not have come.

I'm sure you and your lovely wife will have much to talk about, after your flight.

When you have changed into your equipment, we will be privileged to escort you to your aircraft.

Check the locker room.

Excuse me, but I'm useless with motors.

Could you help me, please? Sure thing.

What seems to be the Take his clothes.

I have a Christmas present for Santa Claus.

Milk and cookies.

We better hurry, we're running behind schedule.


It is too late.

They already suspect I am a double agent.

What do you mean? They have taken my wife, Katharina, as hostage.

I will not risk her life! You are mistaken.

My husband would never defect to the West! He has the look of a nervous rabbit about to run.

My husband runs from nothing! And you are our insurance to ensure that he doesn't.

Let us hope, for both our sakes that you know your husband well.

Strauss? Go and find out what is keeping Captain Herzfeld.

What's going on? But where is The weather's cleared up.

We're late.

Let's get on with it.

For luck.

A husband needs the assurances of his wife.

For luck, mein Lieber.

Come, come.

He's headed out to the tarmac now but there's a hitch.

He's got a woman along for the party.

It's his wife.

His wife! Does she know he's working with us? No.

She knows nothing.

Will she blow Mike's cover? I don't know.

She slips up and it's game over for all of us.

What's happening up there, Saint John? SAINT JOHN: The limo stopped near the plane, but nobody's getting out.

You seem unusually nervous Frau Herzfeld.

She worries about me.

Yes, it's true.

Well, don't worry, Captain Herzfeld.

Your wife will be here, safely with me.

He's headed to the plane.

He's either got her fooled, or she's playing along.

SAINT JOHN: We're all right as long as the weather holds up.

Keep a tight watch, Saint John.

SAINT JOHN: He's climbing in the cockpit.

He's in.

Here we go.

Can you read me? Position one, reading you.

We hear you, Mike.

Hey, wait a minute.

This instrument panel is completely different from the one we worked on.

German, Mike.

Think German, man.

Okay, I got it.

Here we go.

Okay, Klaus, let's get started.

We've lost minutes already.

With the information I've already gathered, we should be able to identify who your mole is.


Mike, we need the full 30 minutes.

Stay up as long as you can.

This is the easy part.

I hope everyone's enjoying the show.

He's scheduled for 30 minutes.

Then we move.

Let's move.

This is incredible.

One man has already died to get this footage.

That m*ssile's a copy all right.

They might as well paint stars and stripes all over it.

I can't believe the extent of the leak.

This must have been going on for years.

In the shot coming up you'll see Kenderson.

Freeze frame it, Jo.

KLAUS: Alfred Kenderson.

Became KGB in 1982.

He has served on three international trade commissions.

He is free to travel wherever and whenever he pleases.

Washington is in for a big surprise.

And so is Kenderson! Let's nail him.

I'll patch this through to central data base.

It's gonna take a while.

Nice work, Herzfeld.

This is a bigger payoff than we hoped for.

Not much longer and you'll be back with your wife.

I hope so.

Saint John, we're almost done.

And it's a big one! Looking good so far.

Mike? Okay, in that case, catch this action, Saint John, buddy.

This should turn you green with envy.

That is unnecessary arrogance.

A simple demonstration is all that's required.

He really can fly, can't he? (ALARM BEEPING)

What the hell? Can't get out.

Can't pull back.

Oh, no.


Assist! Emergency assist! Listen carefully.

Hit the emergency stabilizer switch, on the left side of the panel.

MIKE: Now you tell me.

We've modified the aircraft.

KLAUS: It's an electronic back

-up in the case of a dive.

He's got it.

It's under control.

Oh, man, that was some elevator ride! MIKE: Can I bring her down? Yeah, we're done, Mike.

Nice work.

Come on down.


We were lucky.

Washington confirms receipt of data.

I can feel the shock waves already.

Let's get ready to make the exchange.

Saint John, let me know the minute Mike comes down.

Just touching down now.

Let her go.

Where is my husband? He is safe.

Just keep quiet.

You did well.

Congratulations, Captain! That was a spectacular display! Go! Hurry! (g*nf*re)

Wild card! Wild card! We've got heavy g*nf*re.

Somebody just grabbed Mike and the woman.

They're in a gray van.

I repeat, they've got Mike.

What the hell is going on? (PEOPLE SCREAMING)

Locke! Fire up Airwolf! Saint John and I will try and follow from the air.

Jo, you and Klaus commandeer a vehicle and catch up on the ground.


Klaus! You have any idea who might want to kidnap you or your wife? No.


It's okay.

It'll be okay.

These people don't want to hurt you.

It's me they're after.

Right? Right.

Who is the woman? You have the wrong people! He's not who you think! What did you mean by that? You are Hauptmann Herzfeld! Yes, of course.

She is only trying to protect me.

I was a fool to bring his wife.

Now both of them will try to defect.

Just get me close enough for one clean shot.

I want Herzfeld alive.

Dead, he is a martyr.

Alive he is a failure and an example.

Let her go.

She is of no use to you.

Let her go and I will cooperate, whatever it is you want.


We are releasing no one.

What is it that you do want? How could this have happened? There was to be security from two sides! Look, nobody could have foreseen this.

Now think, who'd want to kidnap you? I ask you, what good will a guessing game do at this point? For one thing, it'll let me concentrate on the road.

I'm sorry.

I see only Katharina's face.

Please, God, keep her safe.

Anything coming up yet? No.

Come on, come on.

Yes! Here we go.

He hung on to his helmet.

Atta boy, Mike.

South by south west.

Heading away from Paris.

They're about six kilometers ahead of us.

Whoever the hell "they" are.

Good question.

We're heading into the country, away from Paris.

I want to know what is going on! I want to know where we're going.

The road is only lined by trees.

Shut up! Give me your helmet now! They discovered the microphone.

ELAN: I have never seen a helmet like this.

What is this? It's standard issue.

Stop! (GRUNTS)

Omar said he was not to be harmed.

He must be able to fly.

He was broadcasting our position.

They've stopped.

Try and locate the helmet.

Someone is following us.

Slow down.

Don't make a mistake.

Herzfeld is too important.

cr*pple the vehicle.

Throw it now! A grenade! The car is waiting around the next corner.

Slow down or you will miss it.

Hessler is dead.

We're gonna follow the van.

Be careful.

We'll sweep ahead of you.

Get out.

ACHMED: Move! Move! Come on! (EXCLAIMS)

See anything yet, Jo? No.


Well, they've got this place sealed up like a tomb.

I'm so sorry.

I can't help it.

I'm so scared.

Yeah, me, too.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, your husband is working with us.

I suspected something like this.

He's been different.


Well spying does work hell with your home life.

You are like him, you know.

That's the idea.

No, I don't mean the looks.

You are like he used to be.

Full of life.

What's with the scarf? Oh, that is a tradition between us.

It's sort of a good luck charm.

Really foolish.


No, it's romantic.

He's lucky to have someone like you.

How can you say that? You hardly know me.

There! We found the van.

It's been abandoned.

We see you.

Don't go near it until we've run a scan.

Klaus! The van was booby trapped.

Probably a time b*mb.

Jo? We've lost radio contact.

I see her.

She's moving! You okay? Katharina! She was in the van! I don't think so.

JO: They must have switched to another vehicle.

The b*mb was just to put us off the trail.

She's found something.

Let's run a sweep of the area.

Omar has arrived.

Who is this woman? My wife.

She was with him.

It was unavoidable.

Take care of her.

Touch her and you won't get a word from me.

Wait! We want Hauptmann Herzfeld's cooperation.

Perhaps Frau Herzfeld's presence here will encourage him in this.

What do you want from me? It is simple enough.

I need your talents, Hauptmann.

I want you to train my men to fly this plane you are familiar with.

Why? It is a Soviet aircraft.

The Soviets were generous enough to provide me with several of these aircrafts.

Unfortunately, they don't seem too eager that they should be piloted by men under my command.

Perhaps they think you will use them for your own ends and not theirs.

Very perceptive of you, Hauptmann.

Do I have your cooperation? I can make life very comfortable for you.

Or very uncomfortable.

I have no choice.

I will work for you under one condition.

You let Katharina go.


Come, come, Hauptmann.

If I release your wife, what power of persuasion will I have over you? My desire to live.

I think I have the object of your desire.

ACHMED: Let's go.

The pilot is waiting.

Nothing out of the ordinary down there.

I'll sweep back and get Jo.

Maybe she's had better luck.



He hasn't seen anything.

But he says there's an abandoned farm down the road.

All right.

Let's go.

You have made the right decision, Hauptmann.

Got something, that farm house.

There's a chopper parked out back.


There's Jo's car.


What are you doing? Unfortunately, we did not foresee the extra passenger.

There will be only room for four of us.

You will not k*ll her.

Don't worry, Hauptmann.

Achmed will find his own way home.


Omar! Look! (g*nf*re)

Katharina, get inside! (g*nsh*t)

Chopper's coming up to starboard.


He's coming back for more! Thank you.

You have saved what is most precious to me.

MIKE: She's a brave woman.

You're not so bad either, you know.






Give them our congratulations.

And tell them to drop over when they're finished.

SAINT JOHN: Well, don't keep us in suspense.

Tell us what happened.

Klaus and Katharina have been granted refugee status.

All right.

That's terrific.

That's wonderful.

MIKE: All right, that's beautiful.

JO: I love the way you pull strings, Jason.

Well, they deserve all the help we can give them.

If it wasn't for Klaus, we would have never found the security leak.

MIKE: Hey, what about Kenderson? We nailed him.

He's out of business.


Had enough of playing doubles, Mike? Yeah, I don't wanna do that again.

Um, look, if I have a choice between playing double or nothing, guess which one I'd choose? Nothing.

You're right.


JO: I don't know, I kind of liked the mustache.

Yeah, if you like it that much, you can have it.

Nah, I'd have to buy a whole wardrobe.

It would never end.

I think a toast is in order.



To the new citizens.

Klaus and Katharina.


Oh, I think I'll get a beer.

Beer? Better get me one, yeah.

Is this from the Company? Yeah, it's cheap.