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04x16 - The Key

Posted: 05/09/23 05:10
by bunniefuu
We have taken control of 20 nuclear m*ssile silos.

Two days for your friend to come around with the key to the code.

Or, by God, we can all kiss this whole world goodbye.

He's dead.

BADHAM: The nuclear arms race has held humanity at ransom long enough.

Somehow, this madness must be brought to an end.

Therefore, in the interest of world peace, I have taken a rather drastic action.

We have taken control of 20 nuclear m*ssile silos, located in the Soviet Union.

These sites have been activated to a pre

-launch mode, set to fire simultaneously in four days' time.

This is your final warning! Unless all nuclear weapons are disabled throughout the world by noon of December the 31st, these missiles will be detonated automatically.

If total disarmament is not achieved, then may God help you.

May God help us all.

Well, we've all heard it.

Now, what the hell are we doing about this fruitcake? I'm afraid he's more than a fruitcake, General Harrisburg.


Lawrence Taylor Badham.

Oxford scholar in computer science.

Nobel Peace Prize nominee two years in a row back in the '60s.

That's when he dropped out of the system.

The information gets sketchy after that.

So tell me, Newman, what turns a peacenik brain like Badham into a political extortionist? I mean, by God, he's willing to set off World w*r Three! My guess would be the Cypress Party.

The Cypress Party? What have those radicals got to do with this? Plenty.

According to British Intelligence, they are the money and muscle behind Badham's plan.

I've heard of them derailing arms shipments and sabotaging nuclear tests, but something like this is out of their league.

Well, not anymore.

We've located them on the Isle of Dundee in the North Sea, off the coast of Scotland.

They've set up their operations in a deserted distillery.

Is your team in place? Yes.

Major Mike Rivers has already infiltrated their group through our British operatives.

He's going to try linking their computer system with Airwolf's so we can override their m*ssile commands.

That's good.

I hope your boys are as good as I've heard, little lady.

They are, General.


Mike should have contacted us by now.

Give him time.

That's one thing we haven't got.

Once we have the computer link established, all we have to do is unscramble whatever code Badham has used to reprogram the m*ssile sites.


Nothing to it.


No, Angus, you can't play with the computer.

But how about another story? Now, what will it be? We read The Pied Piper yesterday.

What about Jack and the Beanstalk? Go get the book then.

Hmm? LOCKE: He's in! We've got it.

MIKE: Oh, great! Now what? (SIGHS)

Stay away from that! What are you doing? It's over, Badham.

Who are you? Never mind that.

What's the access code? Angus, get Pervis in here.

(g*n FIRING)


Hey, can't you take a joke? (BOTH GRUNTING)

Get him! I want him alive! We lost it! I'm taking us in.

Get him out of there.


SAINT JOHN: They're taking him inside now.

He doesn't look good.

LOCKE: Can you get him out? What about Badham? I don't know.

I'm gonna need some kind of diversion to make any moves.

Give me five minutes to get inside.

When I give the signal, hit them with everything we've got.

SAINT JOHN: I'll meet you at the pickup point.

LOCKE: Right.

I wish I'd thought of that.

It's over.

Finished! I haven't come this far just to quit now.

It's too great a risk.

They know where we are! If they attempt to tamper with the system, they could cause the missiles to launch.

Just find out who he's working for and we'll stop them.

The plan can still work! No! I'm aborting the launch command.

Perhaps you've forgotten who's running this operation.


You have.


Get him out of here! (ANGUS SCREAMING)

Where are the rest of your men, laddie? Go to hell.

I'd like to show you something I picked up on a trip to China recently.

Wonderful people, the Chinese.

They've given us so much more than g*n powder and fortune cookies.

I think you'll find this will loosen your tongue.

Now, Jason.



How is he? He's dead.

He can't be! He can't.

Let's take him home.


I'm sorry, Jo.

There was nothing we could do.

I know.


I'm sorry about your man.

Were you able to complete the mission? No, sir.

We were too late.


Badham was k*lled by his own men.

What the hell? All right, we'll pick up the ball from here.

We've got men standing by to move in.

Yes, sir.

We'll keep you posted.

It wasn't your fault.

We've got a long trip ahead of us.

Better run a diagnostic check.

Running diagnostic.

We've got enough fuel to make it home.


Saint John! I'm reading three heartbeats! What? Mike's alive! Hang in there, buddy.

Hang in there.

What's happening? LOCKE: Come on.

Breathe! Come on, breathe! Damn it, breathe, Mike! Locke? It's working! You're gonna make it, buddy.

You're gonna make it.

The respiration is stabilizing but the heart rate is still down.

Come on, Mike.

Stay with us.


No, I want a full team in there now! Well, bring them in from every British base.

I want that distillery torn apart! Mike's alive.

He's strong.

He'll pull through.

Well? Whatever those people injected him with it seems to have suspended his metabolism to a comatose state.

The head trauma alone should've k*lled him.

It's the damndest thing I've ever seen.

Is he going to make it? The transfusion has brought his vital signs back to normal but he's still in a coma.

So what's next? All we can do is wait, and hope he wasn't deprived of oxygen for too long.

Perhaps you'd like to see him.


How long has it been? Almost nine hours.

My so

-called experts over there, they've come up with nothing.

They couldn't crack the code.

What are the Soviets doing? What do you think they're doing? They've put their forces on full alert.

They don't give a damn who pushes the buttons, so long as they can sh**t back! Haven't you disarmed the silos yet? (CHUCKLES)

It doesn't work that way, little lady.

Look, say we pull the plug on all of our missiles, what if the Russians don't? Are you willing to take that chance? I didn't think so.

Two days.

Lady, gents, two days for your friend to come around with the key to the code.

Or, by God, we can all kiss this whole world goodbye.


I wish it was me in there instead of Mike.

He was always a good idea man.

He might have come up with a plan.


I haven't got a plan.

I was hoping you had a plan.

You don't have a plan? Oh, great! SAINT JOHN: All right, look, what we need is one of your diversions.

My diversions? Why not one of your diversions? I don't do diversions.

Don't do diversions.

All right, look.

Go to plan B.

Plan B? What's Plan B? We make it up as we go along.

Come on.



He never was short on luck.

I just hope he's got some left.

He has to.


Mike was always a survivor.

LOCKE: Rivers.

Major Rivers.

Hello, Locke.

I thought you were supposed to be on some sort of survival training course.

Where are the others? Oh, they'll catch up in two, three hours.

I'd offer you a drink but I seem to have run out of glasses.

I've got a new assignment for you.

Sorry, I'm all booked.

Well, get unbooked.

You got yourself a new partner, partner.

Orders? Does it say I can't finish my drink first? Cheers.

He would never let any of us down.

No, he wouldn't.

He's always been there for me.



May I have this dance? Let's get out of here.

He was always there.

"Is" always there.

Yeah, sorry.

He's coming out of it.

Oh, don't get too excited.

He's not out of the woods, yet.

Can we see him? Mike? Mike? He may not be lucid just yet.

Ah, he's coming around.

How's the headache, pal? Welcome back to the world of the living, Mike.

There was never any doubt.

Right, Mike? What are you talking about? I don't know you people.

MIKE: I'm not dead! You can't leave me here.

I'm alive! Listen to me.


Don't leave me here! No! (GASPS)


You're all right.

It's okay, buddy, we're here.

LOCKE: Take it easy, Mike.

I don't know.

Think! Damn it! We've got less than 36 hours! I'm trying.

It's just not there.

That's enough for now! Try to reach him.

General, have your men turned up anything at the distillery? Not a damn thing! I'm headed over to the Isle of Dundee to take charge of the operation.

If you get anything, I mean, anything at all, radio ahead to Dundee.

Damn! You feeling better? Jo.

You remember.

Yeah, it comes back in pieces like a jigsaw puzzle.

The doctor said it would.

Yeah, I guess so.


Saint John.

I'm Saint John.

Saint John.

What the hell kind of name is that? Saint John, what do you make of this? Huh? Saint John.


What do you mean "Saint John"? Saint John! Saint John.

It's British.

It's a British name.

You know, Saint John.

Saint John.

My father named me after a guy he flew with in the w*r.

Aw! Stringfellow, now there's a weird name.

There's a guy who got into fights at school.

"Stringfellow"? (BOTH LAUGHING)

Stringfellow, he was your brother? That's right.

What else? Do we have a big black helicopter of some kind? Yeah, we've been known to fly around in one occasionally.

Saint John? Jo? Hey, would one of you guys answer me? Look, Dr.

Keith suggested we take you on a crash course down memory lane.

You think you're up to it? I don't know.

I don't have a choice, do I? You remember this place? You live here.

So do you, for now.


Don't tell me.

She threw you out.

I wouldn't say "threw me out.

" I'd just say that we came to a mutual agreement that maybe I shouldn't live there anymore.

At 2:45 in the morning? Yeah, well, you know I mean, timing was never my strong point.

Well, where do you want me to put my stuff? Have I paid my half of the rent yet? We'll talk about that later.

Come on.

We've got a lot of ground to cover.

I knew I'd put it somewhere.


Can you hear it this time, Jason? (HELICOPTER APPROACHING)

Music to my ears.

You're starting to get the picture now, eh, Mike? I was on a mission of some kind.


I was supposed to bring something back.

It's not coming.

It's not there.

Let me show you something.

Come here.



That's right.


I was supposed to get a code.

That's good, Mike! What was it? There isn't much time.

I don't know.


Don't know or don't remember? Think, Mike.

I can't.

We can't give up.

Not now.

All right.

All right.

Uh Maybe if I talk to Badham.

He's dead.

You're all we've got.

Then take me back to Scotland.

You've gotta take me back.

I I have to try.

He's right.

There's no time to waste.

Let's go.


Less than four hours to launch.

Can't she go any faster? What the Russian MiGs coming in fast from behind! That's impossible! We're nowhere near Soviet airspace.

Tell that to them.

This m*ssile scare is breaking all the rules.

Well, we haven't got time to stop for a geography lesson.

m*ssile off port.

Releasing chaff decoy.

Looks like we found a yellow one.

That's fine with me.

Almost there.

We've got the computer all warmed up and ready to roll.

I just hope the memory's all there.

Yeah, I can identify with that.

Major? Major! Over there.


Yeah, I know the way.

Uh, how about Jack and the Beanstalk? Go get the book then.

Hmm? What is it, Mike? A book.

Badham had a notebook.

There was no book.

My men have torn this place apart.


Who the hell is Angus? Hi, Angus.

How is the frying pan? I'm sorry about Dr.


He was your friend, wasn't he? He used to read those stories to you? You mind? I'll bring it back to you, I promise.

I'll be back.

Okay, fairytale titles.

Badham could have used these titles as code names.

That's nothing but a child's book from Marbles out there.

MIKE: The last entry.

The Pied Piper.

All right, we've got less than an hour.

Let's give it a try.



We're almost there.

"Almost" could be eternity.



Think, Mike.

But how about another story? Hmm? Well, what will it be? We read The Pied Piper yesterday.

Uh, how about Jack and the Beanstalk? Jack and the Beanstalk.

Badham didn't put it in his book, but he put it in the computer.

Try it.


That's it, that's got it! Mr.

President, they did it.

Now to deactivate the system.


Stand by, one.

My God, one of them didn't respond.

One of theirs or one of ours? One of theirs.



President, we've got a problem.

Can we stop it? Not from here.

If the m*ssile's launched, the President has authorized cancellation of first

-strike response.

How much time do we have? She's launched.

What's its trajectory? Heading for upstate New York.

Don't miss this one, boys.

Twelve minutes prior to impact.

What's our best shot? There's only one.

LOCKE: We have to catch it before it drops, or it'll be travelling too fast to track.

Our only hope is to nail it with the laser as it reaches its apex.

MIKE: Twelve minutes prior to impact.

You'll have to work out the dispersal of the laser over that great a distance.

At best, it's only a guess.

Do we have any other choice? (BEEPING)

Approaching 52,000 feet.

Eight minutes to impact.

It's starting to drop.

Happy New Year, General Harrisburg.


Well, she hung together pretty well.

Considering what we put her through, we're lucky she's still around.

We're lucky anybody's still around, as close as we came.


You know, I almost wish Badham had succeeded.

Total disarmament? I wish it was that easy.

Isn't it? It's all here.

Badham was a brilliant scientist.

He had the right idea.

He just went about it the wrong way.


Pied Piper.


Yeah, he believed them.

So what? I mean, think about it.

I mean, in all those stories there's good versus evil.

A good guy wins and they live happily ever after.

Is there anything wrong with that? Not a thing.

Party time, people.


Present from the Company.


SAINT JOHN: I don't mind if I do.

Excuse me.


Good shot! Nice shot! (ALL LAUGHING)

You remember how to do this, don't you? Yeah.

Sure do, Saint John.

Oh, I was just kidding.


It was pretty touch and go there for a while.


While we're on the subject, I'd like to make a toast to the return of Mike Rivers.

You know, Mike, we thought we'd almost lost you.

Welcome back, buddy.

Here's to you.

Here's to fairytales.