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04x15 - Flowers of the Mountain

Posted: 05/09/23 05:09
by bunniefuu
SAINT JOHN: She's bottoming out on me.

I've lost all the electronics.


I'm afraid your friend is dead.

I'm terribly sorry.

God is with him.

We've got every kind of fire

-power and computer in the world and nothing can bring him back.

Freeze! Completing sweep of the area.

I'm getting a reading.

Going to visual.

Saint John, she's in trouble! I'm taking us down.

I I saw He took my hand.

This young man saved your life.

Oh, thank you.

Who are you? Saint John Hawke.

Are you all right? Yes, yes, I'll be fine.

Thank you.

What happened? Uh, well, we were flying in the area.

We were doing tests for tomorrow's flight.

And we saw you fall.

Well, it's a lucky thing we spotted you, huh? (CHUCKLING)


Thank you.

Uh, we better get back on schedule.


Are you with Conklin Aerotech? Uh, no, ma'am.

We're just doing a job for them.

Well, you can tell those noisy hyenas over the hill, can have a piece of my mind.

We are trying to run a holy retreat here.

And even God can't hear us over the noise of those planes.

Well, I'll talk to them and see what they can do about their flight path.


You know, Sandra, this isn't meant to be a prison.

If you want to go, all you have to do is say so.

Yes, Reverend Mother.

MAN ON PA: All personnel, clear the flight line.

Whoo! This baby's got some horses.

JO: With a development budget of over 300 million, oughta have more like a cavalry charge.

Yeah, sure, but what kind of mileage does it get, huh? Let's find out.


I told you, no pictures.

Could I get a statement concerning the cost over

-runs on the S

-19 Viper, Mr.

Conklin? Just make up a quote, honey.

You will anyway.



SAINT JOHN: Slight instrument flux on inversion.


See you on the flip side.


Red alert! I've got trouble! She's bottoming out on me.

Get the hell out of that thing.

The circuits are fried.

I'm going down.

No way.

We'll laser it off.

MAN ON PA: We have an emergency in progress.


Roll emergency vehicles.

I'm focused in.


Get the hell out of there.

MAN ON PA: Pilot ejected.

Respond to north

-west segment.

Oh, he ought to be all right now.

That was close.

Too close for comfort.

Now, look, if we're going to maintain our cover we should get the hell out of here.

Excuse me, uh, what went wrong up there? A full statement will be released after a complete investigation.

Let's go, Jenkins.

We got a lot to talk about.

Of course, of course.

Let's go.

Uh, Mr.

Conklin, what was that helicopter doing up there, please? (WOMAN STUTTERING)

Goon! I pulled that out of the cockpit before I ejected.

What is it? It's the motherboard on half the electronics systems in that flying cr*cker box of yours, including the ejection seat! Now, I want to know what the hell is going on here.

I could assure you a full investigation Don't give me that crap! You're not dealing with the press here! Now, I almost got k*lled up there and I want to know why.

So do I, but it'll take time to trace it back I've got all the time in the world.


Now, you can start by calling up the schematics on the Viper.

I'm afraid that's classified information, Major.

Not with my clearance code, it isn't.

I don't believe this.


The plan for the Viper was solid as a rock, but in almost every instance, the materials used were below the standards called for.

My God, why? That's what I intend to find out.

How do I get out of here? Here, take my car.

I'll have the motor pool run me home.

Thanks, Jenkins.



I can understand how you feel, but I'm afraid your friend is dead.

What about identification? There wasn't a lot left after the fire.

Hey, look, I can't believe this.

There is no way.

There's simply no other What? It can't be him.

Not like this.

Not Saint John.

Did he have any enemies? Sure, why not? Look, what about dental records? The Coroner's people said they'd do a comparison after they had all the info.

I'm terribly sorry.


Tell me what you heard.

I want to hear it one more time.

Look, I've already been through this all night with the police.

Indulge us.

I told him he could use my car.

When he came outside, I heard sh*ts An expl*si*n.

By the time I got out here, the car was already on fire.

There was nothing I could do.

And you saw nothing at all? JENKINS: It was dark.

LOCKE: And you didn't hear another car leaving? There's nothing I can tell you I haven't already told them.

All you have to do is read the police report.

I'll do that.

You'll be hearing from us, Jenkins.

Good evening, Sister.




You bloody moron.

What do you expect? I'm no k*ller.

No kidding.

Now, look, shut up, the both of you.

Not only is the plane down, but the military are going over the Viper specs with a fine

-tooth comb.

Now, we crash a multi

-million dollar aircraft and the test pilot walks away.

Now, he's the only one who can prove that crash wasn't pilot error.

And I want him dead.

It wasn't my fault Paulson didn't k*ll him.

And not your fault that you can't sh**t straight, either.

I thought he was still in the car until after the fire died down.

Did you search the woods? I couldn't find a trace.

It was dark.

Well, did you at least wing him? I must have.

He probably bled to death out in the bush by now.

You'd better hope so.

Now, I want you to go through those woods with a fine

-tooth comb.

He didn't just disappear.

Now, if he's alive, he's probably going to get in touch with his friends.

I've got a man on the inside, but I don't know how long he can stall them.

Now, look, if that pilot even breathes, I want you on him.

I can't afford to have him alive.

REVEREND MOTHER: You should have called me as soon as you found him.

But he needed help, and I knew I could help him.

I didn't want to disturb you so late.

Oh, I understand, child.

You did what you thought best.

You did the right thing.

I think so, too.


You shouldn't get up just yet.

What was it? A car accident? Yeah.

Look, I got to call Locke, Jo I'm sorry, we have no phone.

You have to rest.

You're still in shock.


Anything? Hard to say.

It looks like he made a copy of the Viper's plans, and then cross

-referenced it against the materials manifest.

It's hard to tell what he found until the computer fills in the blanks.

What do you mean, "Lost them"? Well, find them! What's the problem? They lost them! They had his dental records there and they lost them.

How? I don't know how! (SOBBING)

Hey, come on, now, Jo, we can't just give up.

We've got every kind of fire

-power and computer in the world and nothing can bring him back.

Hey, we don't know anything for sure yet, huh? Besides, like Jason says, Saint John's too smart to let anything like this call his number.

That's what I thought about Uncle Dom, too.

It's all right.

You know, nobody just loses dental records, at a time like this.

It's all too convenient.

What are you saying? I mean, this whole thing smells cover


Somebody out there doesn't want us to know that body was not Saint John.

Then where is he? Hi, there.


How do you feel? Like somebody turned me inside out.

Did you do this? Yes.


I'm sorry to have been so much trouble, but this was the first safe haven I could find.

Safe? From what? The less you know the better.

I've got to call my friends.

Oh, you can't go anywhere just yet.

The closest phone is at the gas station at the bottom of the mountain.

Let me call them.

No, it's too dangerous.

Dangerous? Jo (PHONE RINGING)



Santini Air is closed right now.

We'll be open for business in the morning.

Please leave your message at the sound of the beep, and we'll get back to you.

Have a good day.


Um, uh, hello.


Uh, never mind.

I just want you to know that Saint John Hawke has been hurt, but he's all right.

He'll be in touch with you as soon as he's able.

Come on! Keep talking! Please don't worry.

God is with him.

He'll be all right.

I got it.

Our flyboy's in for a little company.

That gas station, she made a call from is not far from Conklin Aerotech.

So who's the girl? What am I, a fortuneteller? SANDRA ON TAPE: God is with him.

He'll be all right.


Great, lady, but where is he? Damn, I wish I'd been there when she called.

At least we know Saint John's still alive.

SANDRA ON TAPE: God is with him.

"God is with him?" You know, that sounds like the girl we pulled off the mountain.

How would she have found him? Maybe he found her.

Did she say anything when she was in Airwolf? Yeah, yeah, I think she did.

Then it'll be on the black box.

MIKE: Right.

We'll see if the voices match.

Let's keep working on that disk.


I'll make the transfer.

Reverend Mother? Sandra, good.

You had a message from Charlie at the farm.

Bonnie's started her contractions.

How does it feel to be back among the living? Oh, well, a little worse for wear, but mostly grateful.

Thank you very much.

You're most welcome.

But your guardian angel here deserves all the credit.

Yes, I was, uh I was very lucky.

But, right now, I'd like to call my friends.

Is there any chance of catching a ride down to that phone? Um, the caretaker has the van right now.

But Sandra could point you on your way.

On her way to the farm, if you're up to the walk? It's not very far, would you mind a short detour? No.

No, no, I suppose not.

Well, I better find you something warm to wear.

God be with you.

Three brothers and two sisters? That's a houseful.

Oh, you get used to it.

I guess you'd have to.

Do you have any family? A brother.

He's always looking out for me in his own way.

Brother's do that best.

You did a professional job of patching me up.

Are you a nurse? Pre


You're going to be a doctor? Was.

Until my father stepped in.

Oh, it's great to be one with nature.

Of course, pretty soon, we're going to be three with nature, (EXHALES)

Right old lady? (BREATHING HEAVILY)

Easy for you, Charlie.

Charlie, if you'll excuse us, Bonnie and I are going to see how little Sunflower is coming along.

Gotcha, Sandy.

What if the girl who made the call's not there? How are we going to find out where she is? Just Just relax.

Let me figure it out, all right? (GROANING)

How's she doin'? Could be any time.

We're going to name her Sunflower, if it's a girl, and if it's a boy, we're going to name him Goldenrod.

That's, uh It's original.

Yes, yes, I know, but the town's too far.

My friend's fingers are all busted.

He's in a lot of pain.

You're damn right! Well, there is the Saint Mathews retreat.

They've got a girl up there who runs a clinic for the locals.

Thank you.

Thanks very much.


All right, here we go.

SANDRA: God is with him.

And now, the recording from inside Airwolf.

God is with him.

A perfect match.

We've got it.


But if he's there, why hasn't he called? Maybe he can't, Jo.

Look, why don't you keep working on reconstructing the info on that disk, while Mike and I check out the mission.

All right.

But call if you find him.

SANDRA: God is with him.

So now you're going to k*ll a bunch of nuns? Is that your big plan? (CHUCKLING)

Shut up, will you! Just shut up.

Oh, the world came to an end right after Kent State, you know? I mean, you know, after that, what's the point? Right on, man.

Good news and bad news, Charlie.

Bonnie's doing fine, but the baby seems to be in a bad position.

Now, I think you should get her down to see Doc Roberts as soon as possible, before her water breaks.


No, can do.

Little Sunflower or Goldenrod is going to be born right here in our home.

But there could be complications.

Don't you think her life and the baby's are more important? (SIGHING)

Then I'll ride down and bring the Doc back up here.

He said he'd do it when the time came.

I'll go with you.

Uh, sorry, my horse only rides one.

Horse? I'm going to need all the help I can get.

I really should get word to my friends where I am.

Oh, they already know.

How? I found a business card that said "Jo Santini.

" Since you mentioned Jo, I thought it would be all right.

I told you how dangerous that could be! (SIGHING)

What'd she say? I left a recorded message.

I didn't say where you were, just that you were all right.

Hey, man, I've got to split.

All right, Charlie, why don't you go ahead.

We'll stay with Bonnie.

Back in a flash.

Far out.

I was only trying to help.

I know.


I'm not really very good at this, you know? Sandra's the doctor in the house.

She's studied medicine, you know.

For the most part, I just help out every now and then.


Where is she? I don't truly know.

Oh! My goodness! Is that a g*n? (GASPS)

Yarmy, don't! Hey, Sister, I want you to tell me where Sandra is.


Or I'll k*ll you.

Understand what I'm telling you? It's not too far now.

How's it coming, Jo? Well, the pieces are starting to come together.

The requisition manifests don't match the Viper specs.

So if the money didn't go into the jet, then it went into somebody's pocket and I'd like to know whose.


What is the meaning of this? Please This is about that injured man, isn't it? The pilot? Yes, it is My Reverend Mother.

Where is he? He left here hours ago.

You're lying.

I'm going to look around.

If they move, sh**t them.



SANDRA: But, why didn't you tell me all of that before? SAINT JOHN: Well, I guess I could have, but at the time, I was trying to keep you out of it.

I understand.

I didn't exactly inspire confidence when you found me hanging on a cliff.

What were you doing way up there? Running away, I suppose.

From what? Saint Mathews.

From the memory of those poor people I left in Africa.

But you were helping them, right? Yes, I was helping them.

But it wasn't enough.

It was never enough.

I wanted to be a doctor to them.

Not just pat them on the back and tell them it would get better.

That God would look out for them.

Well, I'm sure you did all you could.

You bet I did.

I ran as fast and as far as I could.

I couldn't see how God could allow that kind of suffering to go on.

Well, I'm no theologian, but the way I see it, man is in charge of those details.

No, it's not as simple as all that.

Look, anybody would run from those horrors.

Yes, but I was there to help.

And now I'm here.

And running away again? (SIGHING)

Look, Sandra, the toughest thing in the world is to make that decision, to take that first step.

You don't have to give up your religion to become a doctor.

And what do I have to give up to be a woman? Not a thing.

It's all there.

You just have to accept who you are.

I think you'd make one hell of a doctor.


Sandra! Sandra! You know, Mr What did you say your name was? I didn't.


Ah! Mr.

Smith, it is never too late to stop doing wrong.

You don't look like a man who enjoys his work.

Are you a happy man, Mr.

Smith? That's none of your business.


But it is God's.

Are you going to sh**t us? Oh, I don't think Mr.

Smith would like that on his conscience.

Would you, Mr.


He's not here.

I couldn't find them.

Well, I told you that already.

Yarmy! I'm going to make a call.

If the girl and the sky

-boy shows up, keep them here with them.

Oh, but Shut up! This is it, Bonnie! You can do it! I can't! I have to wait for Charlie! Right, we have to wait for Charlie.

We can wait, but the baby won't.

She's going to have the baby? Here? Now? That would be my guess.

What do I do? Just exactly what you're doing.

Are you sure? Conklin? (SCOFFS)

He's up to his knees in it.

That kind of corruption can only start at the top.

Looks like he used inferior materials and pocketed the difference.

He already had his piece of the pie.

Didn't care if the project was dead, so long as the pilot was.

Have you called the company yet? Yeah, head office is moving in on him now.

Nice work, Jo.


Now all we need to do is find Saint John.


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.


Oh, no.

He is a beauty.

There you go.

There's Mommy.

Shh, shh.

Say, hello, Goldenrod.

Nuns? We almost have him, sir.

It's just a matter of time.

Look, time is what we're gonna be doing if you don't nail him and nail him now! No.

The next time I hear from you, he'd better be dead! (LAUGHS)

Could I help you, gentlemen? (CHUCKLES)


How'd your friend make out with his hand? He's fine, just fine.

Oh, well, if he still needs that girl from Saint Mathews, I hear she's over at the Campbell place.

Uh How do I find it? I think that your friend has left you holding the bag as they say.

Be quiet.

Mother Superior is right.

He should be back by now.

He's probably been arrested.

Why don't you put down your g*n and give yourself up before someone gets hurt? (LAUGHS)


It's too late for that now.

Oh, it's never too late.


Quick, Sister! Grab the g*n! Grab the g*n! Freeze! (BABY CRYING)



SANDRA: Saint John Shh! They've found me.

Try and keep the baby quiet.

I'll lead him away.

What? Who found you? (CRYING STOPS)

Was that a g*n? (g*nshots)


You're pretty tough with nuns, try this on for size.

MIKE: Do you want to read it? No, no, you've been practicing, you read it.

Okay, uh, "Jerry Conklin and the entire senior staff of Conklin Aerotech "have been indicted on several charges.

" Well, those fat

-cats will spend more time in court, than they will in jail.


Thanks, Jo.


Money can't buy justice, but it can buy lawyers.

Ah, people like that always pay, sooner or later.

You got a point.


Sandra! Saint John.


Oh, thank you.

I was on my way to my plane.

I just wanted to say goodbye.

So, what's up, Doc? Oh, don't rush it.

I haven't even qualified for my residency yet.

You will.

Well, if I do, it's because you've given me the confidence to see it through.

No, it was always there.

You just never looked deep enough.


And about that other stuff Goodbye.
