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04x14 - Ground Zero

Posted: 05/09/23 05:09
by bunniefuu
Death to the enemy.


Restoration for our ancient way.

Believe me, you don't want anything to do with this one, it's potentially suicidal.

Saint John and Jo have just vanished into thin air.

When one cannot k*ll the bull, there's always pleasure in k*lling the calf.


The time has come.

Goodbye, Mr.



Pardon, Commander.

I was told to report to you the moment I returned.

The lights.

HAYASHl: Joanna Santini.

It would seem she operates this little charter company with Mr.


And these two? Major Michael Rivers, the United States Air Force.

This one, Jason Locke.

We have suspicions that he is connected with government security.

They visit quite frequently.

Friends, perhaps.

This one, Commander Hawke! This must be him.

There is always the memory of the father in the face of the son.

When one cannot k*ll the bull, Hayashi, there is always pleasure in k*lling the calf.

You must confirm this.

About my plane? Entering soon as cargo through the Port of Seattle.

Fumio is handling all the details.


Rewind this for me.

It is almost time.

Time for the heavenly winds to blow.


Doing thermal sweeps, huh? No, it's a camera mount for a 16


Some foreign investor wants property aerials along the Cheemunga River tomorrow.

You hear from Saint John yet? Yeah, I gave him your message.

He said he'd meet you here in the morning.

But you're gonna have to find somebody else to play with.

This guy specifically requested Saint John fly for him tomorrow.

You tell that to the Pentagon, Jo.

This is a military priority.

Nevada weapons range.

Some groundlair cooperation number.

Hey, does he ever tell you where he's going? Doesn't tell you either? (LAUGHS)

Just mumbles something about deep meditation and points his motorcycle towards the mountains.


He's not too chatty about it, is he? (SCOFFS)

Can't you just tell the Pentagon he's busy.

You tell 'em.

Well, I hate to break a promise.

Look, give me a hand.

You got it.

YAHARA: You are my loyal retainers.

My loyal samurai.

Sworn to uphold the code of Bushido.

And the oath of our purpose.


Death to the enemy.

Restoration for our ancient way.

Report! This is the main block here.

Nuclear reactor here.

Emergency core cooling next to it.

I've circled the vulnerable strike point in red.

And after impact? Fires.

Core meltdown.

Even given moderate winds, the result will be widespread and totally devastating.


Is my plane properly equipped? For the strike, Trinitroanisole with contact fuses.

For defense purposes, Two Atoll heat

-seekers with nuclear heads.

The plane, as you know, will be dockside this week.


Surveillance cameras and monitors are all in our possession.

The day of the divine wind is at hand.

Your fate is before you.

Swear your willingness to die.


You alone have placed a triangle over your name.

I believe, master, I can better serve our cause with my life.

Since you have not chosen death, we will choose it for you.

Please, master! Permit me to think again.


In the garden! Please, sir, I beg you! (SHOUTING IN JAPANESE)

Commander, is he to be permitted to take his own life? Kamiyama is without shame.

He dies like a traitor.



Hi! Pentagon called.

Operation's on.

Hop on.

What am I supposed to tell the charter? That you're meditating and can't fly today? Jo, the Pentagon only understands about three words and "No" is not one of them.

Anyway, I like this meditation stuff.

Makes me sound profound.

Well, yeah No Why can't I fly this one with Mike? Believe me, you don't want anything to do with this one.

It's potentially suicidal.

Ha! In that case, maybe Jo can take my place.

Ah, no! You're expendable, Mike.

Hop on.

MIKE: See you, Jo! It's a hell of a way to run a business.


I understood this was agreed to.

I'm sorry, Mr.


There's nothing I can do about it.

You assured me, Miss Santini.

You said this man, Hawke, will take us himself.

Now, look, the camera's mounted, the chopper's ready, and I'm a very competent pilot.

But if that's not good enough, please feel free to return another day.

I mean no offense.

Of course, you will take us.


Do you have any idea what they're testing on us? Trying to develop something that'll go through our defense shields, I believe.

Two coming in.

SAINT JOHN: Got 'em.

Firing on command.

At the risk of sounding like a complainer, Saint John, what if these things are armed and they get through our systems, huh? Okay, fire.

There's your answer.

They are and they didn't.

What do you say we take out one of those tanks, huh? We can't, they're on our side.

Why doesn't anyone tell them that? Two more coming in.



JO: That's the Cheemunga River down there.

You can trigger the camera whenever you're ready.

Just hit the switch.

Fly that way, up the river.


Sorry, that's restricted airspace.

Cheemunga nuclear generating plant's around the bend.

I'm aware of that, Miss Santini.

I wish you to approach it.

No way.

By the time the FAA got a hold of me, I wouldn't have a license to walk a dog.

If necessary, I am capable of flying this machine myself, you may get out and walk right now, if you prefer.

YAHARA: Airspeed, please.

Look, Mr.

Yahara, what's this all about? Your current airspeed, Miss Santini? Hold it constant, please.

At what point do we enter this restricted airspace? It's just ahead.

More precisely, Miss Santini.

Along the ridge line up there.

Look, the minute we're detected, they'll be onto me by radio.

And if you do not respond, they will send up interceptors from the base here.


And we mightn't have a second warning.

How long from first contact to interception? How the hell am I supposed to know? I don't do this run.

If you cannot provide me with a reasonable figure, we will have to test it in practice.

I'm not sure.

On the outside, five minutes.

We are now, what, 10 minutes from the atomic generator plant? Right, at this speed.

OPERATOR ON RADIO: Cheemunga control, to light aircraft, west of the river.

Please identify yourself.

You're entering restricted airspace.

So what do I do? Identify yourself correctly and apologize for the violation.

You strayed off course.

And then turn around, Miss Santini.

Where to? Wherever I tell you.

Cheemunga control, Cheemunga control.

This is November 20044, Charlie.

Leaving this sector.

Sorry for the intrusion.


I don't like this.

She should have been back hours ago.

Did you try the radio? Yeah.

Checked with the local ATC.

All they could tell me was she filed a low level plan for the Cheemunga area.

Yeah, well, that's nothing unusual.


Look, I'm going hunting, why don't you I'll hold down the fort and check out her charter.


Good man.


SAINT JOHN ON RADIO: Lady to Base, are you there, Mike? All yours.

Any luck? I've located the chopper, but there's no sign of Jo anywhere in the area.

The tanks are half full.

It doesn't make any sense.

Did you check out that charter she had? Yeah.

Takeshi Yahara.

I called his office.

Seems Jo dropped him off here, mid

-afternoon, he paid her and left.

All right, I'm gonna make another sweep of the area and I'll come on home.

Stick near the radio, just in case.

MIKE: Roger.

JO: They're friends.

That's all, just friends.

An active Air Force Major, and what I suspect to be a government agent? Odd friends, wouldn't you say, Miss Santini? I don't give a damn what you think.

Why am I here? What do you want from me? To be frank, I have no interest in you personally.

Please keep that in mind.

If you give us trouble, I will have you k*lled.

She strayed into a high security zone? Yeah and they want a complete written explanation as to what a Santini chopper was doing there.

What the hell is going on? Jo knows better than that.

I don't know.


And she was up with this Yahara character? Yeah, I asked Jason to run a check on him.

And? And he's a Japanese businessman.

He set up shop here a couple of months ago.

Well, internationally, his record's so clean, he could qualify for Pope.

And he said Jo took him up in this charter and that's it? Yeah.

Why, he had nothing but praise for Santini Air.

What time was this violation? That's the one thing.

It was around the same time, 12:38 in the afternoon.



I think I'm gonna pay this Yahara a call.

Want me to come with you? No, you better go pick up the chopper before somebody else does.

You sure about that? In case he doesn't qualify for Pope.


Can I help you? I'm looking for a Mr.

Takeshi Yahara.

I am he.

My name is Saint John Hawke, Mr.


I'm with Santini Air.




One of our pilots, a Miss Santini, has disappeared.

How distressing.

She She violated restricted airspace.



Please don't hold her responsible.

She was acting under my instructions.


Yahara Do you recognize anyone in this photograph? The circled one.

Is he familiar? That's my father, what's going on here? Navy Lieutenant Allan B.

Hawke, Acting Flight Leader.

To be more specific about time and place, the carrier Saratoga, Iwo Jima, 1945.

Died, coronary thrombosis.

Five years ago.

Am I correct? That's enough games, Yahara.

What's going on here? I cannot tell you how sorry I am, that your father is, shall we say, out of my reach.

If you must know, Miss Santini is my prisoner.

Hand me that phone.

Death is an effective threat only to those who fear it, Mr.


If you wish to see Miss Santini again put the g*n on the desk.


Know where I can find Mr.


That expression doesn't look encouraging.

I've tried crosschecks, the Japanese Red Brigade, the Yakuza and the Tokyo mobs.

Takeshi Yahara is spotless.

He's as clean as a whistle.

Oh, come on, Jason.

There's gotta be something there.

Well, if you want to get down and dirty, he did fight for the Japanese Imperial Army in the Second World w*r.

You wanna make something out of that? Well, it's a start.

Terrific, go ahead.

Rank? I don't believe you.

Come on, give me the rank.

Rank, all right.

Uh, First Lieutenant.

Branch of service? Hang on, it's here.

Volunteered March 1945 for a Special Attack Corps.

Shot down, POW for eight months.

Released Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Are you sure? Special Attack Corps? It's right here.

So what? You should read some history sometime, Jason.

Rivers, Saint John and Jo have just vanished into thin air.

The Special Attack Corps was also known as the Divine Wind.

Kamikaze? At least, your Japanese is better than your history.

How did a kamikaze pilot end up as a POW? Begs the question, doesn't it? Hey, all the POWs were interrogated prior to internment.

You got someone who could dig out the records? Well, if we don't I'll invent somebody.

What are we looking for here? Anything that can tell us who Yahara is and what the hell he is up to.


He asked a couple of questions about Mike and Jason.

But I have a feeling, it's got something to do with the Cheemunga Nuclear Plant.

And the Second World w*r.

The what? How are you doing? My criminal talents aren't what they could Here.

I trust you both have been spending your time fruitfully.

Do you know fear, Mr.

Hawke? Do you know what it feels like? I think so.

That is the question your father asked me when I was captured.

He could not understand the mind of a kamikaze warrior.

Yeah, well, he probably wasn't alone in that.

The proper use of the katana is an ancient and venerable art.

It's very educational, Yahara.

For example.

If you will sit well away, Miss Santini.

Thank you.

A blow to the top of the skull is delivered with a snap of the wrist at the moment of contact.

The blade does not penetrate.

It merely touches with immense force and cracks the skull like a walnut.

I ask you again, Mr.


Do you know fear? Real fear! (JO SCREAMS)



-san, we have word the plane has arrived.


We will leave now.

Be patient.

Your waiting will soon be over.


Yeah, could you check that through your other branches? That would be appreciated, thanks.



This is Ibo Tanabe.

Ibo, Major Mike Rivers.

How are you? Well, Yahara's company is a front.

There is no registration of it in or out of state.

What'd you find? Motive.

You were dead right about history.

Ibo is one of our leading Asian experts.

He discovered these gems.

Well, let's hear it.

Go ahead, Ibo.

Spring, 1945.

Lieutenant Takeshi Yahara and a kamikaze squadron broke through the fighter net around the US fleet off Iwo Jima.

He was going for the Saratoga when a Hellcat pilot put him in the sea.

He was pulled out alive.

That's a miracle.

Here's another.

The Hellcat pilot was Lieutenant Allan B.


Saint John's father.

Revenge? After all these years, that guy is nuts.

It is a bit difficult for Westerners to understand, Major Rivers.

But among followers of the ancient ways, such things are not unusual.

Haji in Japanese, shame inflicted upon one, if you like.

The truly devoted might wait years to avenge the lost honor.

And Saint John's death would do that, huh? My guess is there's more to it than that.

IBO: Yahara was to die that day.

His avowed mission was to destroy the carrier Saratoga.

His shame was in failing.

A single life is rarely a sufficient recompense for such things.

Oh, no, the Cheemunga Power Plant.

Jo was reported in the security zone before she disappeared.

Is there any chance that he might try such a strike, Mr.

Tanabe? It's very possible, I'm afraid.

The question is, how? Let me see it.

Hayashi, leave me alone for a while.

The time has come.


There they are.

Well, that should fix it.

They got orders to sh**t anything that comes close to the Cheemunga zone.

Round the clock till further notice.

I would have been happy to oblige you with Airwolf.

No, we'll put it to work looking for Saint John and Jo.

If Yahara was intending on hitting Cheemunga, he must be based close by.

You know, we can always run Airwolf.

LOCKE: This can't be for real.

If that is who I think it is, he's got some nerve.

Takeshi Yahara? First Lieutenant Yahara, Takeshi.

I presume, Mr.

Locke, you are responsible for the fighter screen at Cheemunga.

LOCKE: That's correct, Yahara.

And now you're gonna answer some of my questions.

LOCKE: Who is that? Jason.

All right, let's go over and collect your friends.

It will be the other way around, I think.

Cut the crap, Yahara.

Move! Or I'll drop you right here.

Ask yourself a serious question, Mr.


To come here like this, either I am mad or in complete control of the situation.

Do I strike you as mad? Where are Saint John and Jo? Alive.

That, however, will not be the case if a call is not made from the telephone in that car in a very few minutes.

And you'll die first.

That is of no consequence to me.

You must know that.

Pull the trigger, Mr.

Locke, or give me the g*n.

My men will take you to your friends.

I will join you shortly.

Got any bright ideas? No.

This guy scares the hell out of me.

You yourself admitted, Mr.

Locke, to authorizing the fighter screen.

Therefore, you can withdraw it.

Give him the phone.

Do it.

Go to hell.

Very well.

You will please observe how delicate the human skull is.

Hey, relax, take it easy.

You will be next, Major.

You will remain a witness until the end, Mr.


Hold it! I'll make the call.

Tell them the emergency is over and the proper authorization code, please.

No tricks.

LOCKE: Flight 309, abort your mission and return to base.



A traditional kamikaze farewell.

If he plows into that power plant, what'll it do? I have a camera mounted on the plane.

You'll witness it here, on the monitor, until impact.


Hawke will be spared the sight.

I'm having you ex*cuted as I take off.

Take him outside.

Enjoy the show.

Many years ago in another plane, I expected to die.

And all the years, since that day, have been one long dream from dive to impact.

Today that dream will come to an end.

I will find the glory and honor that I swore to then.

But you will die before me, Hawke.

In shame and dishonor.

In gratitude for your service, I give you back the lives that you committed to me.

Do this and go.

Farewell, Hawke.


I trust you are receiving me? We gotta alert the base.

YAHARA: Even if you got free now, Mr.

Locke, the telephone lines have been cut.

You could not reach them in time.

Do not mourn the loss of your friend.

There is only innocence in death.

And the resolve to die! Five miles to target, my friends.

That's impossible.

Who the hell is flying that thing? What is this? Yahara, you've got 10 seconds to reverse your course.

It's Saint John.

I see my men have betrayed me.

No, Yahara.

They were true to the end.

I will have to finish this myself.

Goodbye, Mr.


I believe that was your last m*ssile, Yahara.

Wrong, Hawke.

I'm flying the last one.

At this range, even if you hit me, the expl*si*n will finish us both.

I wouldn't count on it, Yahara.

Oh, God! Could Airwolf survive at that range? Hang tight, guys, I'm on my way.

Now, you gotta see this trick.

Now this is great.



Give me your hand.

You gotta remember this saved my life.

Oh, me, too.

You never know when this could come in handy.

I hate this.

Now what? Do you have a hairpin? Yeah.


Aha! Aha! Great.

Could you just hurry it up a little? I adore Mike, but This is getting a little kinky.

SAINT JOHN: Just one little twist and You'll be free as a bird.


Even Houdini had days like this.

Yeah, and where is he now? Saint John Hey, Saint John.

Yeah? Do you want me to show you how it's done? Here.

Thank you.




LOCKE: You'll be out in a jiffy.

JO: Mmm

-hmm? Hawke'd been out in a jiffy, you know.

And one for you.

Thanks, Jason.


You're welcome.

How did you do that? It's a trick my father taught me.

All right, let me see that again.

Okay, give me your wrist.

Lock that like that.

Here, sit over here.

Sit down here and we'll lock you to this.

Right here.


And just keep working the lock.

Yeah That's what I was doing before.

It's not working.

I don't know what made me think I could do this in the first place.

Guess I lost my head.

Look, Jason, I'm gonna have to have the key, I can't get out.

Jason Jason! Locke! Locke, I'm not kidding, don't leave me! Locke! Guys, come on, guys! Don't do this to me! I'll buy your first round.