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04x13 - Rogue Warrior

Posted: 05/09/23 05:08
by bunniefuu
You refused a direct order to return to base.

You also scrambled half the Soviet Air Force.

LYNN: Those guys are dirty, Mike.

What are you telling me? Locke's a crook? I don't know who I can trust.

LYNN: You've got to help us.

The man's a traitor.

Airwolfjust went down.


Next stop, Czechoslovakia.

You all set? Coordinates locked in.

Let's make this pick

-up clean and simple, huh? Don't I always? What kind of a mother did Mike have? He said he'd clean it up tomorrow.



"Mission canceled.

Order Airwolf back to base immediately.

" Airwolf, do you read me? Read you loud and clear, Jo.

Priority message from the Company.

Newman wants you to bring her back.

Party's over for tonight.

Sorry, Jo.

You're breaking up.

Please repeat.

Well, she said that Shh! Airwolf.


LOCKE: Sorry, Jo.

Getting nothing here.

Must be a malfunction.

I'll check it out.

You mind telling me what's going on? There's a guy standing in the woods just outside Marienbad, waiting for us to pick him up.

Alan and I go back a long way.

I'm not just going to leave him hanging there.

Ah, you know me.

I hate to keep anybody waiting.

I'm not getting anything.

They're just gone.

Six separate communication systems don't fail simultaneously.

Doesn't make sense, does it? What's the problem, General? We can't get your damned helicopter turned around, that's the problem.

Have you contacted the Airwolf base? Apparently there's some kind of problem with the helicopter's communications.

Of course, we all know that's impossible.

Well, let's say it's highly unlikely.

Look, I've said from the beginning, you cannot run a Company operation like some hamburger franchise.

You have to have good people flying that thing.

We've got good people flying it.

You've got major security problems.

Not from the Airwolf operation! (SIGHS)

Call the Airwolf base.

I don't know.

Tell them to keep trying.


We're flying through Czech airspace.

Engaging whisper mode.



Picking something up on radar.

There's Alan.

Locking in his coordinates now.

MIKE: Your buddy's got some company.

Two bodies.

They could be hikers.

It's a long way from nowhere.

Check them out.

Hey, Jason, don't forget.

We're flying through Soviet

-controlled territory, huh? When you get out there, I can't give you backup.

You're on your own.


(g*n COCKS)

Well, see you soon! Got you, buddy.

Locke, my friend! Good to see you.

Oh, my God, am I glad to see you.




Come on, buddy, you can make it! Come on.

Go! Don't wait! You'll be all right.

I'll get you out of here.

Come on.

We had a deal.

Remember? Angola? We had a deal.

I can't, man.

Do it! Now! My God.


LOCKE: Alan? Alan! Jason, get the hell out of there.

What the heck's happening out there? Hit it.

You all right? Yeah.

Just fly.


Heads up.

Bandits coming in.

Whole nest of them.

Let's get out of here! Hold your fire.

Don't sh**t unless they engage first.

This is one hell of a time to worry about rules, Jason.

MIKE: Heat

-seekers coming at 44 degrees.

You want to deflect it or should I call Henry Post on the phone first? Releasing sunburst.


Entering West German airspace in 45 seconds.

We're home free.


If we can get past those two MiGs.


Let's get the hell home.

Whatever you say, boss.

God, I love flying.

You know, they used to go out on double dates with these two people who owned their own little Knock it off.

Where the hell have you been? You two take a holiday? What happened? We got set up.

That's what happened.

We lost the pickup.

Alan was an old friend of his.

I'm sorry, Jason.

We didn't know.

Damn! Access denied.

What are you doing? It's strictly classified.

Access codes? I said, it's highly classified.

MIKE: Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on a minute there, buddy.

I mean, I risked my life there, too, to get this information.

Hey, look! If it wasn't for my flying, those Russian fighters would have made mince meat out of us.

And those are the rules you agreed to.

You do the flying.

I handle security.

Come on, damn it! Doesn't look as if you're doing too good of a job.

Hey, come on, guys.

We're all in this together.

Alan was a computer genius.

He must have hidden something in his Company file he wanted me to see.

Well, maybe he froze out remote access.

Meaning? Meaning, you'd have to do it from the Company office.

In which case it can wait for tomorrow.

Come on, Jason, we're all tired.

Why don't we just go out for a bite to eat? No, you guys go.

I'll see what I can do here.

Jason? Look, I just need some space, okay.

Hey, so is he being a jerk or is it me, huh? I've never seen Jason like this.

He's temperamental.

He's disobeying orders.

It's just not like him.

You've never seen him watch a friend die before.

I think he would break all the rules for one of us.

So would we.


Well, there's more to it than that.

You think there's something else bothering him? Huh? You're going to burn a hole in her back.

You're right.

I should be working on her front.

Does he have to be so obvious? Hi.

So, I thought maybe you'd like to buy me a drink? Why? Well, then I'll buy you a drink.


Well, my name's Mike.

What's yours? Ralph.

No kidding.

That's my mother's name.

Sorry to hear that.

Actually, my name's Lynn.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

You see, I'm actually quite partial to the name Ralph.


Do you always come on so strong? Well, do you always set up the guys you really want to meet? Only the hot ones.

Two strikes, no hits.

What do you think he'll do next? Well, he'll try for a home run.

This place is awfully stuffy.


You like sports cars? Well, it depends on who's driving.

I'm parked around back.

Hey, guys, this is good night.

I've gotta go.

You understand that.

All right, you had a beer and a burger, that comes to Sorry, no time for an audit.



Let's pay the bill and get out of here.


You ain't going anywhere, Rivers.



LYNN: Mike, let's go! I'm gonna tag them with a transmitter.

Stall for me.



Watch your hands, buster.

I ought to call a cop! (ALL CLAMORING)

Get out of my way! What's the matter? Your mother beat you as a kid? Well, you probably should crawl back, you creep! Turkey! Woman

-hater! Don't you think you're overdoing it just a little bit? I'm not overdoing it! I'm You wanted a diversion.

A diversion, that's disturbing the peace.

Hey, take it easy, will you? You'll have to learn to trust me.

You're with the Company, aren't you? Damn.

Newman in, Jerry? You just missed him.

I left something inside his office.

Oh, gee, Mr.


I don't think I can let you in there.

If there's any complaints, I'll handle it.

Okay, Mr.




Locke, you'd better have a good explanation.

Damn good! The car was rented at the airport by a Mr.

John Smith.

Very original.



They're not in the downtown core.

They must have left town in a hurry.

After Mike? Let's find out.

I had to use your terminal.

There's a malfunction in my system.

There is no malfunction.

Your access is restricted to minimum clearance.

On what grounds? Whose orders? NEWMAN: Mine, Locke.

We suspect a leak in Company security.

We've gotta close it up.

By cutting me off the computer? I can't work without unrestricted access to Company files.

Look, maybe you just better cool off awhile? What's going on here, huh? You refused a direct order to return to base.

You also scrambled half the Soviet Air Force.

And that makes the military very nervous.

We're gonna reevaluate the entire Airwolf operation.

We're gonna opt for full Company control.


Hey, that's brilliant! You've got an organization that leaks like a sieve, and now you want Airwolf! Why don't you put her in the middle of a shopping center and see who picks her up? HARDESTY: Maybe the leak is coming from those renegades you've got flying Airwolf.

I don't have to take that from you, Hardesty.

Yes, you do, Locke.

Like hell I do.

I say we relieve him of his duties, pending reassessment.

Then get a team up there and find that damned helicopter.

This is still my operation, Hardesty.

Just try to remember that.

I'll do that.

For the moment.

MIKE: It's a nice car.

It's too bad you don't have a top for it.

LYNN: I do.

I just have to find it.

You know my friends are gonna wonder what I got up to? Send them a postcard.


So what's going on? Something tells me this isn't a charming coincidence.

Major Mike Rivers, formerly of the United States Air Force, Special Intelligence Division.

Currently assigned to Airwolf.

Very impressive.


You know, most women fall in love at the sight of my dossier.

You're in trouble.

I've been in trouble before.

Not this kind.


Hello? It's for you.

What the Hello? You left us holding the tab, buddy.

What gives? How the hell did you get this number? SAINT JOHN: The transmitter in your wristwatch, standard Company issue, remember? Actually, we just followed your body heat on infrared.

Better cool down, lover boy, you're way off the scale up here.

Ah, it's okay.

I'm fine now.

Those g*ons in the parking lot must have been muggers or something.

Um, can we talk about this later? Sure you're all right, pal? Did you ever hear a heartbeat this high? (HEART BEATING RAPIDLY)

Oh, look, I'll get back to you tomorrow morning, okay.

First thing.

First thing.



They worry about me.

They should.

Pretty clean

-cut muggers if you ask me.

Good point.

Let's go back for another sweep.

Boy, am I glad you picked me up.

I have a confession to make.

What? You didn't pick me up? I'm afraid I'm guilty of mixing business with pleasure.


I don't understand.

What are you talking about? (CLEARS THROAT)

What's this? Take a look.

MIKE: These are the two guys that jumped us.

What's Locke doing with them? LYNN: That's what we'd like to know.

Those guys are dirty, Mike.

What are you telling me? Locke's a crook? You tell me.

I know what you're saying, Lynn, but we're talking about a friend here.

A guy who I trust.

Anyway, I've seen him risk his life for his country at least a half a dozen times.

You saw him.

He was trying to k*ll one of our agents.

How could you know that? Having good information is a part of the job.

The dead man knew the identity of a mole.

A long time double agent, deep in the Company.

That's what he was trying to get out until your friend got to him.

There is no way, not Locke.


Anyway, I saw what happened.

Mike, you saw what Locke and his friends wanted you to see.

Look at them! You saw what he did, and now these guys are gunning for you.


You call that a coincidence, Major? I don't know what to think.

I'll see you around.

You want to explain this? You don't understand, do you? I don't have to explain my private life to anybody.

You're telling me you didn't know she's a Company agent.

She's a Company agent? We're supposed to be a team.

I handle security, which means I have to account for your every move.

Okay, next time I meet a girl, I'll bring her home for your approval first.

Why's the Company spying on you? Ask the man.

Maybe just routine surveillance stuff.

How'd you meet her? Couple of guys mugged me in a parking lot.

She helped out.

Oh, a couple of guys mugged you.

And you didn't tell me about it? Jason, it didn't seem like that big a deal.

Jo and I tagged them, and the trail went cold.

So you knew about it, too? What, we're supposed to tell you every time Mike picks up a chick? Didn't seem that important! Anyway, nobody got hurt.


Nobody got hurt? What's wrong with you people? I'm right in the middle of the biggest security problem in the history of this Company! I have to break into a computer to find that my own man is trading love notes with a Company agent! How are we supposed to know your Company problems? Jason, if we'd known, we would have reacted differently.

Sorry, it's classified.

So, you can have secrets and we can't.

Is that it? That's not what I meant.

That's not what you meant, but what did you mean? Come on, tell us why you have to break into the Company computer, Jason.

Come on, tell us.

Tell us why.

Temporary access problem.

That's crap! Come on, Mike, let's track down that transmitter and find the guys who jumped you.

You coming, Mike? Maybe we can work out that computer problem while they're gone, huh? Yeah, sure.

And use Santini chopper, will you? I don't want anybody flying Airwolf tonight.

What the hell is your problem? Great.

It'll give me a chance to do some flying.

Come on.

What now, General? Our friend Locke has been playing computer games.



How's he doing? DAVIS: Not bad.

He cracked level two this morning.

He just now broke level three.

Well, that's just wonderful.

What the hell good is all this junk if anybody in the world can run it? He won't get past level three.

I've closed it off to all remote users.

That ought to make them happy in Washington.

I've already had a call.

Airwolf was flying last night.

Newman, he is a rogue! And there's only one way to handle a rogue.

We'll make one more sweep then head for the other quadrant.

I gotta design a transmitter with more range.

We have to be right on top of them to pick up anything with a signal.

Of course, if we had Airwolf You want to talk about it? (SIGHS)

What? About the weather! What do you think? You and Locke.

Don't you think he's acting a bit strange? You both are.

Hey, I didn't stop us from using Airwolf to find these guys.


He's worried about security.

Makes sense to keep Airwolf under wraps for a while.

Yeah, sure it makes sense! Makes our job a lot tougher, too.

Look, Mike, if there's something wrong, why don't you just talk about it with all of us? Tell that to Locke.


I got 'em.

Due east! Swing back a little.

JO: There it is, in the ditch.

I'm gonna land in the clearing.

We can check it out.

I don't like it when it's this quiet.

Something bad usually happens.

Oh, Mikey, if it's too dangerous, you can always wait in the chopper.

Come on, I'll take the car, you look around.

Wouldn't it have been easier just to return the car? Not for these guys.

MIKE: What do you think, Jason? Familiar? Carson and Harris.

Yeah, I know them.

How'd you get these? JO: They're dead.

We found their bodies in a ditch east of town.

Those were the guys that grabbed me, but then you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? That's right, I wouldn't.

But I think Alan did.

If I can get into his file, I think I can get some answers.

Well, we can't do it from here.

They've locked out all remote access.

Then I'll have to get inside and do it myself.

If you want the information, why don't you just go in and get it? Because I can't.

I don't know who I can trust.

I feel the same way, buddy.

Oh, come on, Mike.

He's jerking us around, Jo.

All of us.

He's right.

I haven't been straight with you guys.

I can't go inside the Company because they don't trust me.

Hi, there.

You wanted to see me? Yeah.

I wanted to see you.

Locke's trying to crack the Company computer.

We know that.

He's going to take what he can and run.

Then you should stop him.

We can't.

Not while he's got control of Airwolf.

And you want me to fix that.

I know this is hard for you, Mike, but you've got to help us.

The man's a traitor.

What do you want me to do? Get me Airwolf.

This has gotta be the one.

I hope.

Ain't technology grand! Lynn.

Where is it? She's in the hangar.

Locke won't know where she is.

We'll keep an eye on her from here.

It's a Company machine, Mike.

The Company ought to be guarding it.

Yeah, we've done okay so far.

Wait a minute.

You're really good.

You really got to me, you know that? It's a living.

Don't take it personally.

Let's just get Airwolf and get out of here.

You almost had me fooled completely.

Almost? SAINT JOHN: Drop it, Lynn.

Don't move.

Anybody! Give me the g*n.

Drop the g*ns! Take me to Airwolf now! Do you mind? A little turbulence could end this special relationship of ours.

Then I suggest you fly very carefully.

We're here.

There they are.

Special Clearance A43.

General Hardesty.

Get me General Patterson on the Nimitz.

Do it now! We've got two fighters coming on pretty fast, Saint John.

They're ours.

What do you wanna do? I'm thinking.

I'm thinking.

PILOT ON RADIO: Orders from General Patterson.

Intercept and destroy Airwolf.

JO: Don't they know we're one of them? SAINT JOHN: Doesn't look like it.

Looks like your friends are too busy to join us.

Can I ask you something? Where were you going to take Airwolf anyway? It doesn't matter now.

Yeah, it matters.

Matters that you're a traitor.

Principals are for people who see things as black and white.

Gray is more my color.

In this case, green.

Oh, all the loyalty money can buy.

What a charming concept.

Call them off, Hardesty! I've got authorization right from the top on this one.

Newman, you've had it your way long enough.

Airwolf is too valuable to lose! Airwolf is finished.

You'd better start worrying about your own skin.

They're training these guys better now.

Glad to hear it.

Now what? We can't fire back.

Get ready to fire a sunburst.

I'm gonna take us down.

We'll be sitting ducks.

Better than fried ducks.

PILOT ON RADIO: Base, this is Flight 20.

Mission accomplished.

Listen, Mike.

I have enough money.

Come with me.

You're really something, aren't you? What choice do you have? I've got it! Names Security to Communications, immediately.

dates, places, everything! I've got the mole.

Arrest that man.

Hold it! I want General Hardesty confined to the holding cell.


Nobody move.


Give it up, Hardesty.

You've lost.

Hardesty, call the planes back! DAVIS: It's too late.

Airwolfjust went down.



Looks like they fell for the old crash and burn trick.

Lucky for us.

Let's go get Mike.

JO ON RADIO: Mike? Mike? You okay, Mike? SAINT JOHN: What's your situation, Mike? Situation neutralized.

I'm heading home.


You sure you're all right? Yeah.


I just didn't want it to end this way.

That's all.

She was bad news, Mike.

I know.

I know.

But there was something that made me wanna believe in her.

You know, trust is a funny thing.

You saying we should have trusted you? Well, maybe if I had laid my cards on the table to begin with, none of this would have happened.

Yeah, but it did happen.

For me, I put my trust in the wrong place.

The point is, if we're gonna function as a team, we're gonna have to be more open with each other.

You're right.

And maybe if the Company figured that out, they wouldn't have to clean house.

MIKE: You're all right.

What say we make a fresh start, huh? We'll go out for a couple of drinks, and I'm buying.

What? (LAUGHS)

This I gotta see.

You're buying? (LAUGHING)

Trust me.

LOCKE: Quick, let's go before he changes his mind.