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04x11 - Mime Troupe

Posted: 05/09/23 05:07
by bunniefuu
CAPTAIN: Present! Fire! Besides, who would want to hurt me? People who want to get at your dad.

I've been working for five years to eradicate terrorism in my country.

I know how these people think.

And Jaggerman thinks they're gonna try and get at him through her, huh? I will see Jaggerman watch his precious daughter die, the way he watched Francois die.


One less t*rror1st for you to hunt down, Inspector Jaggerman.


I'm afraid I don't take any pleasure in executions, Commandant.


Ready! Present! Fire! A dozen innocent victims k*lled.

Seems hardly a fair exchange, huh? And if he hadn't been in the military, the government would not have made this an exceptional case.

Inspector, in the farm house the t*rrorists were using, we found this in the fireplace.

JAGGERMAN: My daughter! Get me the US Embassy.


Yes, sir.

LOCKE: Inspector Phillipe Jaggerman, currently with Interpol on an antiterrorist mission.

He wants his daughter to return home.

Jaggerman hasn't seen her for about five years.

He was afraid that she'd take off if she knew that he had us protecting her.

And Jaggerman thinks they're gonna try and get at him through her, huh? LOCKE: Could be.

Let's hope not.

Well, at least she's not our responsibility.

Not yet.





You approve? (SIGHS)

Take another bow.

You earned it.

They loved you.

Thank you.


Out of the way! They will miss their cue.

What's wrong with you people? You forget where you are? I'm sorry, Anton.

It was my fault.

The audience loved her.

What's wrong with an extra bow? Change for the finale, Anna.

Look, I do not believe in your American paranoia, but I did agree to accept your protection.

I also kept it secret from the rest of the troupe.

But what I did not agree is that you ruin my reputation.

What's the big deal? It was an extra bow.

An extra bow! If you people had a union, I'd ask for a replacement.

You don't understand! Mime is a highly disciplined art.

One, just one extra bow, can throw out the natural flow and rhythm of the entire performance! There's no room for such indulgence! (MUMBLING)



The show Must go on.



The roar of the grease paint.

The smell of the crowd.

God, I love show business! (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

Ah! We better stay on our toes or we're gonna lose our jobs.

That's a nice move.

The Company took a video of Airwolf in action? LOCKE: Yeah.

That chopper was one of the four that were h*jacked from a supply ship in the Pacific two years ago.

We didn't make a connection until the t*rrorists used one of these choppers to take out the French Prime Minister's motorcade six weeks ago.

SAINT JOHN: And was put up against a firing squad for his efforts.

The intelligence community's best estimate places him as part of a new t*rror1st group, experts recruited from various countries.

All the members have no criminal record, so they're hard to track down.

Any clue as to who the leader of the group is? None.

SAINT JOHN: What do the choppers have to do with the girl? LOCKE: Well, Jaggerman is convinced that they'll use the chopper to kidnap his daughter.

But we believe that she is only a small part of a much bigger plan.

Does the girl know she's in danger? I don't think so.

Well, let's just hope that Mike breaks the news to her gently.

He has a way with women.

I just have a way with women.

A certain je ne sais quoi.

A what? A A way with words.

She trusts me.

Don't worry.

I'll tell her.

Tell me what? (CHUCKLES)

Jo, didn't you have to go fix some props or something for tonight's show? Uh, yeah, sure.

Why not? Hi.


I know what you were going to tell me.

You do? Mmm


You were going to confess that you don't really work in the theater.

I was? I mean, I don't? Any professional can tell that.

You're both too down



Not the artistic temperament, you understand? Yeah.

Tell me something, Mike, you and Jo, are you friends or Uh, we're just down


-earth friends.


So, do you know any good places to eat? Do I? Uh, yeah, I do.



Do we still kidnap the girl? DRUKER: Oh, yes.

I will see Jaggerman watch his precious daughter die the way he watched Francois die.

Our informer says they've arrived in the theater.

We must proceed with caution.

The Americans have probably surrounded her with protection.

No matter.

We will teach Jaggerman how to cry.

Huh? And then on to bigger things.

DETECTIVE: They found her, Inspector.

The Americans have assigned two agents.


Arrange with our consulate to expedite her return trip.

I don't want any slipups.

She's not coming back.

What? She insists on continuing the tour.


Book me on the next flight.

Use a false name.

You're going alone? Yes, alone.

Contact US Intelligence.

I do not care where the press sits! Just do not give away the seats of paying customers.


-vous? Understand? Okay.

Well, then, I'll tell Anna and you tell Anton.

Not good.

Why not? (SIGHS)

She needs gentle persuasion, Jo.


More of your "je ne sais quoi" approach? Yeah, yeah.



Besides, I'm going to give her this.

A detector? Yeah.



Good luck, Mikey.

Thanks, Jo.

Oh, Anton, could I speak with you for a moment? Anna's father is coming in from France this afternoon and he insists on taking her back with him.

What about the show? What does Anna say about this? Well, Mike's talking to her now.

We've gotta get her to a safe place.

A safe place? (SCOFFS)

You Americans see assassins behind every tree! Traitors in the shadows.

You're like frightened children! Look, when I was in the French Resistance, we lived by our wits.

If we could not judge a traitor from one of our own, we died.

Well, that's what we are trying to prevent.

You're trying to frighten the girl! She's safer here among her friends.


ANNA: Spies.

No, I still can't believe that you would be part of all that! Anna, we are not spies.

We're here to protect you.

That's all.

Look, I don't care what your orders are.

The way I live my life is my own affair.

That's fine.

That's fine.

But the danger could be real.

What is real? My life here is real! No, what's real is that you're Phillipe Jaggerman's daughter.

That's what's real.


Anna LeBlanc.

I left his name when I left his house.

He's worried about you.

Oh, he's worried about me? He sent a message via the consulate ordering me to return.

No thought for my life, what I'm doing here.

No, he is a driven man without a heart.

Besides, who would want to hurt me? People who want to get at your dad.


Anna, please.


No, I am not going to run back to Papa.

And you can keep your trinket.

And to think I was beginning to like you.

I want the chopper armed and ready to go on five minutes' notice.

You are to sleep here.

Understand? And have Pierre ready with the other chopper.


Hello? Say, what? Oh, hang on.

It's Paris.


MAN ON PHONE: The package is en route to you.


Jaggerman has taken the bait.


COMPUTER: Access code accepted.

For your eyes only.

Interpol alert.

Interpol alert.





Ah, that's him! No sh**ting.

I want him alive.


Jaggerman? Shall we go? No, no, no! They did not see us! We'll lose him! Now, don't be a fool.

He came to see his daughter.

We know where she is.

Very good.

Try this one.

All right.

Attention, attention, everyone! Finish what you're doing, then take an early supper.

I want a technical rehearsal starting at 6:00.

Anna, I think you're looking tired.

Take some rest.

Aw, it's all right, Anton.

I just need some air.

I think I'll join you.


No, thank you.

I prefer to be alone.

Well, I need some fresh air, too, so (MIKE APPLAUDS)

All right! Jean.

Jean, what say you and I juggle our schedules and go out and grab a burger.

There's no need for sign language, if that's what you're doing.

He reads lips.

Oh, yeah.


Sorry, I forgot.

So, what do you say? Yeah? Hello, ladies.

Oh, thanks.

Well, I don't blame him.

Why don't we join Jo and Anna? We could all do with some air.

Very good.

Come on.

ANNA: Mmm! It's good to be outside.

The night is dark and devilish, too.

Jo? Jo, move it! JO: Anna, run! You all right? They were too clumsy to be professionals.

Let's get out of here.

Crazy American drivers, huh? So, they have two men on the inside.

That's all we need to know.

There is obviously no time to waste.

Well, we don't know for sure if it was an attempt on her life.

JAGGERMAN: No? A mere coincidence, perhaps? Spare me your American optimism.

I have been working for five years to eradicate terrorism in my country.

I know how these people think.

My people are out there risking their necks to help keep your daughter safe.


Forgive me.

I am a worried father.

I agreed to come here in the heat of the moment.

You didn't tell me my father would be here.


I am not going home.


Could I have a few minutes alone with my daughter? Sure.

Why don't you use the office? We'll wait in the hangar.

Anna? Papa, why do you always have to spoil things? Papa, listen to me.

On stage every night, I make a statement.

A statement for peace and understanding.

In my own small way, I act out stories about caring people, people who love their fellow human beings, people concerned with this very fragile, precious world we live in.


I am no threat to anyone.

Who would want to harm me? The t*rrorists who want to get back at me.


You haven't changed, have you? You're still driven by this dirty little w*r of yours.

We have evidence.

Your poster in their headquarters.

And what about the truck in the alley? That was no accident.

Is that the way you want me to live? Crouching in a corner, terrified by every sound? Oh, I had enough of that when I lived at home.

Whatever problems there are between us, I hold myself responsible.

I love you.

I don't want to see you hurt.

There is a special rehearsal tonight.

In preparation for our last performance.

Why don't you come and watch us? You know, you've never seen me perform.

Very well.

And then, you will consider returning with me? All Americans like g*ns.


You've seen the movies.

I must leave tonight, Jean, after the performance.

My sister is ill.

I won't have time to tell your grandfather, but will you give this note to him? Will you do that for me? Yes, I know.

We'll do more of that when I come back.

You can safeguard the magician's box for me.


Hello? What do you want? Well, we expected to hear from you by now.

Is the girl still there? She has left with the Americans.

There's nobody here.

You fool.

Where are they? You said that no one would be hurt.

You almost k*lled the boy, along with Anna.

I'm finished spying for you.

Then you can say goodbye to your sister.

Make preparations.

We strike tonight.

So what do you think? Was it an attempt on her life? Well, if it was, they were amateurs.

But it succeeded in one thing.

Which was? They blew our cover.


We'll be late for the rehearsal.

Uh, you're right.

Hey, do you wanna leave this hog and join us? (MONITOR BEEPING)


Move those props offstage! (MUTTERING)

Places, everybody! Oh, Anna! It's about time! You're half hour late.

I should dock you a day's pay.

Oh, Anton, it's only a rehearsal! "Only a rehearsal!" All right, all right, everybody.

Let us start.

Saint John? Well, I'm glad you could make it, Jason.

You wanna watch the rehearsal? I could take the outside watch.

Nah, I'm a song and dance man myself.

Besides, maybe we can switch at intermission.


Anna? Please? For me? All right.

Locke, are you in position yet? Just getting here, Jo.

Looks like a normal night in a back alley.

Well, watch out for trucks burning rubber.


That's Cornelius.

He's playing the introduction for Tourand.

He's our mime magician.

Now, you should really see him, Papa.

It's you I'm interested in, Anna.

Well, I'm on next.

I should really go get ready.

Where's Jean? He's on.

Oh, thank you.

You know, I don't know how he does it.

He can't hear his cue and he's always on time.

(COCKS g*n)


Locke, find Jaggerman and Anna.



Come on! In the car.

Jo? JO: Nothing.

No sign of Anna and Jaggerman.

I do not understand.

I do not understand.


Air or ground? Give me air support.

I'm going to stay on the ground on this one.

You got it.

Mike, Jo, we'll be in contact as soon as we get the Lady in the air.

It's a long shot right now, though.

We have no idea which way they were headed.

Don't worry.

We got help.

She's wearing a homing device.

Come on, let's go.

One move, Jaggerman, she dies.

That is your only warning.

You won't get away with this.

Ah, American cliches.

Then we will all die, huh? What do you want from us? What do I want? That's a good one.

Tell her, Abdul, huh? Revenge.

Your death for his brother's.

No, no, the other direction.

You're losing it! Look, come on, Locke, can't you give us something more to go on? We're homing in on the detector, Mike.

Give us a break.

There's more than just one car down there.

Okay, okay.

Do your best.

Can't you go any faster? (TIRES SCREECHING)

What is this? Oh, no.

"Dear Anton, "by the time you get this note, I shall be on my way to Beirut.

"t*rrorists are holding my sister hostage.

"I promised to help them if they let her go.

"Forgive me.

"I had no choice.

"They are after Anna.

"She is in danger.


" He was a good man, Jean.

We will always remember him.

At least let my daughter go.

She is of no use to you.

Au contraire, Monsieur t*rror1st Hunter.

She is of great use to us.

Once you have watched her die, you will.

What! What is it? It was a homing device.

Anything? The readings just stopped.

They're gone completely.

I'll try and contact Mike.

Damn! Now what? Why don't we just go by the warehouse again? Out! This way.


A simple yet effective device.


I'd love to k*ll you right now, but it would ruin my plan.

Don't gag her.

No one can hear her screams.

Look, we'll crisscross the streets Look, we don't even know what we're looking for.

Sit tight, you guys.

We've got some kind of activity in one of the buildings in that area.

You might say that the fate of you and your daughter is in your own hands, Mr.


When the pressure is released, the b*mb will explode.

You're scum, Druker, just like your brother.

My only regret is that I will not be here to witness your suffering! But I have a vivid imagination.


You have only a few moments to catch up for lost time, Mr.


I suggest you take advantage of it.

Oh! And by the way, in case your body does not give out, the b*mb is scheduled to explode in Oh, let's keep it a surprise, huh? The girl and the old man have been taken care of.

Stand by and make preparations for our final glory tomorrow.

Anna, I ANNA: Papa, please don't.

I'm so sorry.

If I could do anything now, give anything Listen to me, Papa, it's not your fault.

I regret I never saw you perform.

If I could do it all again, perhaps I would do it differently.

I've got something.

It's all right.

Anna, are you all right? Please, help Papa.

Bring the barrel.

Stand there.



Let's get the hell out of here.

Come on.

What was that? Airwolf? Come in, Airwolf.

We're okay down here.

We've lost them, Mike.

I know where they're headed.

We sit tight until tomorrow.

Let's go back to the lair for now.

What are we up against? This information just came in.

"Peter Druker.

" Wanted in over five countries for masterminding t*rror1st activities.

His brother was ex*cuted by Jaggerman for similar activities.

"Abdul Rastiman.

" Recently escaped from an Italian prison.

He's a demolitions expert.

MIKE: He probably rigged the b*mb in the warehouse.

The targets have been narrowed to the NATO Conference.

Let's go.

The conference site is 10 miles north.

Bandits at three o'clock.

h*jacked choppers.

Let's pick 'em up.

ABDUL: It looks like company.

What is that thing? Give me turbos.

I'm getting tired of this.

LOCKE: Let's go get 'em.

DRUKER: Speed up.

That's one! They're headed out over the water.

Gentlemen, set the chopper down.

We'll show them our pearly whites.

A toast to long life and happiness for all of us.

And especially our good American friends.

A votre sante.

I wish we could have met under better circumstances.

Better than no circumstances at all.

Thank you, Mike.

Thank you for everything.

Sounds a little too much like au revoir to me.

I'm afraid it is.

We have a lot of catching up to do.

And on your terms, one day at a time.

Does that mean you're not coming back? Oh, I wouldn't say that.

Besides, I know this little bistro on the Pont



They serve incredible American hamburgers.

I'll be there.

And he'll be there as soon as we can give him some time off.