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04x10 - Stavograd (Part 2)

Posted: 05/09/23 05:06
by bunniefuu
We are on the brink of a disaster both natural and political.

I'm not sending more men to their death.

Oh, my God, he's going to crash! Pull back! The whole thing's ready to blow.

The pressure in reactor number two is almost at the critical stage again.

One more time.

Welcome to Stavograd.

Hot cloud dead ahead.

My God.

We'd be fried if we weren't sealed in.

I've got a bead on the source.

It's in Soviet territory.

What the hell's up there? It's a nuclear power plant.


Open the feed water links between one and two.

Vladimir, that could affect number two as well.

You could expose the core.

There is no other choice.

Do it.

Now! Jason, I want to go in.

Then I'd say they're in the center of the biggest hornet's nest since the Cuban m*ssile crisis.

Do you have control of the situation or not? (ALARM SOUNDING)

What are you doing here? That, my dear, is exactly what I was about to ask you.

Have you really come here to help? Right now, that's up to you.

You have to land.

He's hurt.

I can't.

The second we open the doors, we'd all be contaminated.

We have to do something.


What's going down over there? Hold on, Jason.

See for yourself.

Holy Kirov's people intercepted a broadcast you made to America.

Oh, give us a break! You have hung yourselves this time, my friends.

Listen, I'm not looking for your blessing here.

I just want to get them out in one piece.

As far as the company is concerned, they don't exist.

What the hell's that supposed to mean? Means that we can't afford to get any dirtier than we already are.

Your people were ordered to stay the hell out of Stavograd.

Therefore, they did not go to Stavograd.

You're telling me this never happened? We have already begun proceedings to eliminate Airwolf from the files.

And we're supposed to just forget about them? (ALARM SOUNDING)


WOMAN ON TV: In a brief but stunning announcement, the Soviet Union has confirmed that an accident has indeed occurred at the experimental nuclear facility of Stavograd in its isolated northwest region.

MAN ON TV: No other details were offered in a short statement from the Tass News Agency, but State Department officials say they have a firm grip on the situation.

I have no idea what's going on, sir.

Well, Locke went in strictly on his own, sir, without company sanction.

Yes, sir.

I understand, sir.

We don't want another Iranian situation.

According to article six of the covert activities section (SIGHS)

Yes, sir.

I hate that book too, sir.

All right.

Enough! Reactor number two is heating up faster than expected.

Don't you think I can know that? (SOFTLY)

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

It's okay.

My pilots and aircraft are standing by.

Let them stand.

Your plan is too risky.

The amounts of boron compound in the m*ssile would be insignificant.

And if they miss the core, the impact could cause all three reactors to blow.

I'm not sending more men to their death.

Kirov On one thing we agree.

We must find a way to bring reactor number one under control.



It's no good anyway.

This place is sealed tight.



I trust you are comfortable.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, real cozy.

You know we're here to help, Arkov.

I know nothing.

I find it hard to believe you know that much.

Bragging doesn't become you, Arkov.

Come with me.

We need extra help at the infirmary.

Well, I'm glad someone's finally come to their senses.

Come on, you guys.


Just you.

You know we're clean, Arkov.

Just look at the tapes again.

RUSSIAN OFFICER: Next! Your papers.

You are an athlete by profession? No, sir, I'm a draftsman.

It says so on my visa.

So it does.

We see very many sport visas at this entry, Samuel Mason.

What do you suppose this is? Search me.

It's just an expression, like "Have a nice day.

" How many more people are gonna have to suffer before we start helping each other? It's not as simple as that.

It isn't, huh? Tell that to these men here.

Tell that to their children.

Tell that to the people who get cancer 10 years from now.

You tell them that! (ALARM SOUNDING)

Stop it! Seal it off! I can't! The control won't respond! (SCOFFS)

With just a little luck, the pressure will stay down until we can formulate some course of action.

What about the boron compound? No! It is too dangerous.

To do nothing is also dangerous! We are on the brink of a disaster both natural and political.

You should listen to the experts.

This is a military matter.

I do not need the KGB telling me what to do! If you are not prepared to make this decision, I'm sure Dimitrievich will.

Next time this door opens, we gotta make a run for it.

If we make it to Airwolf, at least we stand a fighting chance.

Run for it to where? Even if we make it to the chopper, we still need Jo.

Some vacation.


Stop it! I told you, leave it be! There is no telling what kind of traps the Americans may have set for us.

Your plan is very imaginative, Commander Kirov.

But don't you think it is a very big gamble? Not with you in charge.

You too, Vlaslav.

You do me a great honor, sir.

Now remember.

Your aim must be precise.

There will be no second chances.

No second chances.

Men die from such an honor as this.



He'll k*ll us all.

I made the b*mb, and he lights the fuse.


If there was some way that we could seal off the core of the first reactor, then we can send in a team to repair the damage to the second one, try to cool this down.


Roll the tape.



Hold it! Wait a minute! (SPEAKING RUSSIAN)

Bill Cosby? You want x's or o's? Give me o's.

Again? Just give me x's then.

SAINT JOHN: Then I don't care, 'cause I get o's every single time.

I believe you.

Well, it's about time.

But Kirov and the others will not.

MIKE: What? So now what? Kirov wants to fire boron compound missiles into the core of reactor number one.

You've got to be kidding.

That's practically impossible.

He's gonna turn this place into a day

-glo gravel pit if he does that.

Your Airwolf, how can it help? I don't know, I'd have to see what the situation is.

I can take you to your helicopter, but the rest is up to you.

So what about Jo? I will take care of Jo.

Like you did in Bulgaria, huh? I got her back to you unharmed.


Yeah, well, let's just hope your timing is a little better this time around.

See what I can do.

You do that.

Gentlemen, after you.




-O? Coca Cola? Stavograd.



What is the status of the second reactor now? The pressure is rising.

Your plan is ludicrous.

Fortunately for us all, it is no longer your decision to make.

I have already set in motion KIROV: Scouts! The Americans! Where are the Americans? Find them! Find them now! Find them! (GUARDS CHATTERING)

All right, so what's your plan? My plan? Yeah.

I haven't got a plan.

I was hoping you had a plan.

You don't have a plan? SAINT JOHN: All right, look, what we need is one of your diversions.

My diversions? Why not one of your diversions? I don't do diversions.

Don't do diversions.

All right, look.

Go to plan B.

Plan B? What's plan B? We make it up as we go along.

Come on.




What the Nice of you to drop in.

I wouldn't have missed this for the world.


Very touching reunion.

Welcome to Stavograd.


Damn! Not spying? Then tell me, my dear Alexandria, what is this man doing here? I was on a fishing expedition and I got lost.

Catch anything? A cold.

Can't you see they are trying to help? If you send those jets in there, we may as well be dead.

She's right.

At least with Airwolf, we'd be able to get close enough to get a decent shot.

You speak of missiles or your cameras? Find the other one and bring him here.

We have to move quickly.

What's happened? I've helped your friends escape.

You and I will have to get out on our own.

Now come.

If we do not go now, there will be 1,000 more.

You will come with me.

Go ahead, I will bring the girl.

Our orders are to bring you both.

I see.

Well, in that case Always full of surprises, Jo Santini.

It's the least I could do.

Come on.

Listen to me! Look, you can't do it.

It's too risky.

It'll be like threading a needle at 800 miles an hour.

What are you, nuts? Even in your air force, orders must be obeyed.

We must go.


Okay, you might have a chance at it, but I'm not so sure about your buddy here, and I don't think you are either.

There is no choice.


Yeah, there is.

Let me do it.

This is not possible.

Sure it is.

You stay here, and I'll go up.

By the time Kirov and his g*ons find out, we'll be history.

This is very good idea.

How do we do this? Boris will be thrown to the wolves for such a thing.

Not if I overpower him.

Can you pretend to be unconscious? They will never believe.

Go on, give it a shot.

It must be real.

He is right.

All right, have it your way.

We go.


Something must have gone wrong.

Now what do we do? You can fly this Airwolf? Yeah, I can fly this Airwolf.

Halt! No one is allowed in here.

The girl is willing to cooperate.

But I am not taking any chances.

It could be a booby trap.

Have your men take it outside.


Open the door.

Hurry it up! (BEEPING)

I do not want excuses.

Find them.

Lose something? It does not matter.

There is nowhere to run.

My pilots will show you just how much of your help we need.

Let's hope not, hot rod.

MIKE: These things must be built for speed, 'cause they sure ain't built for comfort.

You Americans like everything too soft.

You are spoiled.

It's fine by me.

What say we get this over with? Who takes the first shot? Patch me into the aircraft through the tower.

Good luck up there.

We are depending on you.

Well, thank you, Comrade, we're going to need all the help we can get.

What is this man doing there? Bring them back! Bring them back! What is it? The pressure in reactor number two has reached almost the critical stage again.

Bring them back! It is too late.

Hold on, we're going up.

Where to? The reactor.

More pictures, then we broadcast the situation.

It cannot be kept secret any longer.

Uri, how did you let this happen? Answer me! Repeat, how did you let this happen? MIKE: It's a long story.

Maintaining radio silence.

Here goes nothing.

There it is.

What are those fighters doing there? My God.

That fool.

JO: Transmitting pictures to control room.

Come on, Mike, get the hell out of there.

Commander Kirov! What is it? The American woman.

She and Arkov have taken the Airwolf.

Get out! My God.

It's going to blow up.

Send them back.

Please! Send them back.

Abort the mission and return to base.

Do you read me? Abort the mission and return to base.


Return to base.

It's too low.

Is it Mike? The second reactor's about to blow.

Hang on.

Oh, my God, he's going to crash! Respond, damn you, respond! Come in, Stavograd.

Aircraft down.

I repeat, aircraft down.

sh**t her down! Sorry, I can't help you there.

I hope you're satisfied now, Kirov.

You just k*lled one of the best damn pilots I've ever seen.

I'm bringing this turkey down.

Right behind you, Mike.


I will see you shot for this, Arkov.

I think not! Not after I discuss your brilliant plan with Moscow.

I had Dimitrievich's full authority You had nothing but your power

-hungry ego to feed.

Shall I call Dimitrievich and ask him if you authorized this insanity? I thought as much.

Now we are doing things my way.

ALEXANDRIA: The expl*si*n in the second reactor wasn't big enough to damage the core.

And the third reactor seems intact.

We were very lucky.

Yeah, well, we had some coming.

We'll fire directly at the walls and try and collapse them.

That might smother the fire in number one.

Then, if we can seal off the second reactor, we can bring the cooling system from number three and keep number two from overheating again.

And your Airwolf can do this? Let's find out.

Let's go, Mike.

Don't blame yourself.

Uri wouldn't.

Sure you don't want me in the back seat? No.

We're going to need a level head down here.

Good luck.

You better go.

We have a team ready to move in the moment you have secured the situation.

Good work.

So much pain.

So much destruction.

You will be very careful up there? You can count on it.

Reactor number two The temperature is rising 30 Celsius degrees per minute.

Switching targeting monitor to infrared.


What is he doing? They have to fire from a nosedive.

It's only way to ensure a direct hit.

Ready? And waiting.

Firing one.

Direct hit on number one! (BREATHING HEAVILY)

They haven't sealed it off yet.

Number two is still heating up.

One more time.

We missed.

Get that team standing by.

We're switching to plan B.

What's plan B? I'm not sure yet.

Pull back! The whole thing's ready to blow.

What are they doing? SAINT JOHN: Fighting fire with fire power.

We're going to laser that sucker shut.

Just say the word.

Fry it! Temperature's still rising.

That's impossible! External temperature's reaching a critical stage.


Temperature is dropping! It's working! You did it, guys! Glad to hear it.

We'll be back in as soon as we cool off.


WOMAN ON TV: Soviet authorities have released brief statement regarding the massive volumes of radioactive gases released from the Stavograd Nuclear Facility.


MAN ON TV: The Soviet News Agency went on to say that the situation in Stavograd was brought under control before it reached a critical stage.

There were no deaths and only minor injuries reported.

Goodbye, my friend.


Good luck.

You folks have a lot of work to do now.

I just wish there was more that we could do to help.

You saved my life.

You saved all of our lives.

What more could anyone do? So, this time, I am in your debt.

Well, let's just say we're even, Arkov.

Nikolai is my name.

I would like if there was time for us to be friends, away from the danger and the politics.

Maybe we'll make some time, Nikolai.

For you.

Thank you.

Can you send me Mickey Mouse head from Disneyland? Mickey, Mickey Mickey, Mickey Come here! Okay.

You take care.

You take care.

No, you take care.

No, you take care.

Go on.

Get out of here.

Thank you.

You fly your Airwolf very carefully, my friend.

We better hit the road.