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04x07 - Deathtrain

Posted: 05/09/23 05:04
by bunniefuu

JO: Who is Nobokov, anyway? KGB's best.

Has been for years.

JO: He's the Russian who saved Locke's life.

We remain locked in with the gas until it is dumped.

Now, we can do this the easy way or my way.

And if the gas leaks? The whole central nervous system evaporates.

I'm just playing by the rules.

SKYWATCH: We have a Code Red.

I have a runaway train.

NOBOKOV: I won't let Randolph get you.

I'll k*ll you myself.

I don't believe it.

A boxcar full of poison gas and they're probably arguing about who climbs in first.

They'll sort it out.


I'd feel better if they'd dump the stuff first and discuss it later.

We'll all relax when it's destroyed.



Look, I'll ride with him.

You take the Lady.

No way.

Why would you volunteer to be locked up with Darth Vader for 25 hours? To keep him and Locke from k*lling each other.



Karlovich was scheduled to make this run.

The home office needed him.

Then I take it you've been briefed on the nature of the gas and the shielded train car.

I understand there is only one way in or out and we remain locked in with the gas until it is dumped.

That's right.


We still don't know these cylinders contain the gas in question.

Your scientific crew saw it loaded.

They chose the numbers for your part of the valve locks.

I have the remaining numbers.

Let's get on with it, then.


All doors secure.

Let's go.

Now, like the man said, let's get moving.

We've got a lot of territory to cover.

SAINT JOHN: Your ETA to first black hole is 30 minutes.

LOCKE: Roger.

Time check and position confirmed.

And we have no unaccounted for personnel in the Milkrun red zone.

Let's keep it that way.

Milkrun out.

Russian roulette's a personal affair.

One b*llet into any of these cylinders and millions could die.

I still have no proof you or your country is telling the truth about what's in these cylinders.

An even if you did, would you believe it? As I told you a long time ago, Jason, agents stay alive on distrust.

You gotta trust somebody some time.

Everything checks out.

I just need your signature here, as the observer.

Still a glutton for procedure, too, I see.

I thought I taught you, routines are K*llers.

This isn't Tel Aviv and I'm not a junior agent anymore.

Ten years has changed both of us.

Don't let me spoil it for you, Gregori, but I'm out here to get a job done, not to rehash old business.

Okay, spill it.

What? Well, the Russian and Locke.

They were as abrasive as a couple pieces of sandpaper back there.

Who is Nobokov, anyway? KGB's best.

Has been for years.

He's the Russian who saved Locke's life.

But he's been trying to take it back ever since.

MIKE: Locke must have told you why.

You know Locke.

He said, "Stay out of it!" Wolf Point, this is Dustbuster.

Wolf Point.

This is Dustbuster.

We're at Checkpoint One.

Roger, Dustbuster.

How's it look? Clean outside.

We're proceeding into black hole.

SAINT JOHN: Roger, Dustbuster.

We have you at black hole.

We're running point to Check Two.

Skywatch will pick up here.

Affirmative, Wolf Point.

Dustbuster out.

Ten years hasn't changed anything.

Your King's still in jeopardy.

Nevertheless, I'll win.

I assume the air

-conditioning can stand a cigarette.

It's your lungs.


Not nearly as lethal as poison gas or a friend turning Judas on you.

A friend doesn't ask a man to do something that will cause a village full of innocent people to be blown to smithereens.


I'm Colonel David Randolph.

What's your name, soldier? Lieutenant Robin Walters.

Well, Lieutenant Walters, I don't imagine you'd wanna wave that surveillance chopper on over when it comes by.

No, sir.

I couldn't.

That's too bad.

(g*n FIRING)

RANDOLPH: Get that camouflage down and get the barricades up in the tunnel.

Now! Take command of that cab, Jenson.

We got three minutes to get that train lined up.

SKYWATCH: Skywatch to Airwolf, we have an ETA of three minutes.

You guys can move on down the line and let the experts take over, all right? (LAUGHS)

That's a negative, Skywatch.

SKYWATCH: Please say again, Airwolf? We read negative on changeover.

That was affirmative on changeover.

Negative on experts.

SKYWATCH: Didn't copy that, Airwolf.

Request status report.

We have a preliminary Code Green on black hole, Skywatch.

I need visual contact with ground unit.

Confirm? Roger, Airwolf.

We'll wave to them for you and see you at Check Two.

Skywatch, out.

All right, we've got 200 miles worth of snooping to cover fast.

MIKE: Turbos ready.

Engage! So much for your check.

Let's keep it casual, now.

Dustbuster to Skywatch.

Dustbuster to Skywatch, over.

SKYWATCH: We read you.

Code Green on Check Two.

Train will enter black hole in five minutes.

A billion dollars worth of new hardware and the codes remain the same.

The system needs to change, Jenson.

It's people like you and me that are gonna make it happen.

Yes, sir! Let's go.

SKYWATCH: Milkrun, this is Skywatch.

We confirm Code Green at Check Two.

LOCKE: Roger.

Keep the safety zone clear.

Our companies agreed.

Your air strike team was to cover my ground units and destroy that t*rror1st training camp.

But I told you what I had learned.

That wasn't just a t*rror1st training camp.

That village was full with women and children and old men.

Not according to my contacts! Well, your contacts were wrong.

You could have waited until the t*rrorists made a move.

I had my orders! I saved your life, Jason.

I expected you to back me.

I would have done anything.

Except m*rder those innocent people.

So six of my best agents get cut down.

That's m*rder in my book.




Okay, men! (GROANS)

Locke! Locke! What kind of Company trick is this? You don't get off so easy.

Do you hear me? We haven't settled up.

Give me your card.

Give it to me.

I'll put a stop to this charade.

You never intended to dump any gas.

I don't care what you believe.

We're not opening that door.

Locke to Skywatch.

Do you read me? Engine, come in.

Do you read me? Damn! Antenna must have been cut.

All set? Yes, sir.

She redlines at 50 miles an hour.


SKYWATCH: What are they doing? Crawling? Come on out, you guys, come on! (HISSING)

SKYWATCH: Contact! Here she comes.

Airwolf, we finally have visual contact with Milkrun.

How's it look on our end? Every railroad tie intact.

Let's go.

SKYWATCH: Skywatch to Milkrun.

We're your new nurses.

Milkrun, this is Skywatch, please respond.


All right, move it out! LOCKE: Drop your g*n, Gregori.


You want to sh**t it out here or deal with whoever's outside first? Gas transport car, this is change of command.

We need that door opened up now.

Identify yourself.

Colonel David Randolph.

I want that gas, gentlemen! Now we can do this the easy way or my way.

Forget it, Randolph! We've got protection overhead.

Not since we gave them another train to chase.

You're all alone.

SKYWATCH: I'm reading their speed at 30 miles an hour.

Airwolf, we are unable to make radio contact with Milkrun.

We're going to Code Yellow.

Request instructions.

This Skywatch Code Yellow bothers me.

I vote we turn around and go back.

That makes it unanimous.

Light a fire under us.

You open that door or we cut you out.

And I warn you, that gas doesn't like heat.

This is Jason Locke, Randolph, and you can go to hell.

There's a town just That's about 150,000 people that might join us there.

Then call this stunt off.

Look, Locke, I headed the team that made this gas.

Our country spent a lot of time and money and I'm not about to see it go to waste.

Cut it open! Remember, men, when we get inside, we do not, I repeat, we do not k*ll those men.

I need them alive.


SKYWATCH: Airwolf, this is Skywatch Command.

We read you, Skywatch.

Try to establish visual contact with the motor man.

SKYWATCH: Airwolf, we have visual contact.

Transport car appears secure.

Wait a minute, hold it! We have a Code Red.

Say again, we have a Code Red.

I have a runaway train.

Skywatch, this is Airwolf.

We read Code Red.

Give us coordinates.

SKYWATCH: Transmitting.

I've got the train on the monitor.

It's 22 miles up the track.

SAINT JOHN: Hit the afterburners, Mike.

Lf, given, there is gas in these tanks, how much heat will they take? About the same as us.

What's the temperature now? What happened to the cooling system? The heat from Randolph's torches probably blew it.

And if the gas leaks? Holding your breath doesn't help.

It hits the skin and the whole central nervous system evaporates.

Locking on to train.

He's right below us.

Hold it.

I've got a maximum heat source reading from the cab.

Got it.


MIKE: It's burning up the tracks.

Skywatch, what do you have? SKYWATCH: Two men in the cab.

Two dead men.

No respiratory indications and their body temperature is dropping.

I'm not getting any life signs from the gas car.

The canisters must have ruptured.

SKYWATCH: What's the plan, Airwolf? We're going in for a closer look.

It'll be just a short while, Colonel.

That's right.

And then we save this country from making one of the biggest mistakes in history, Jenson.

One thing, Locke.

What's that? I won't let Randolph get you.

I'll k*ll you myself.


SKYWATCH: Airwolf, we read Milkrun's speed at 48 miles per hour and climbing.

Anything on the audio scan? Nothing.

Not even ambient sound.

It's like there wasn't even a radio onboard.

All right, I'm set.

Nothing fancy out there.

Are you kidding? And blow my chance to drive a train? Heat source could be a b*mb.

Don't leave yet.


JO: Mike! Mike! Mike! The train.

It's gone, man! SKYWATCH: Airwolf, this is Skywatch.

We have a Code Omega.

We are not sealed.

Leaving the area.

Airwolf, are you trimmed for toxic fallout? Roger.

We are over the site, checking for gas contamination levels and scanning for survivors.

SKYWATCH: We need weather data from you immediately, Airwolf.

Skywatch, transmit data on the molecular structure of the gas and we'll track it for you.

SKYWATCH: Acknowledged, Airwolf.

Now, scan for Locke.

No one's down there, Saint John.

Do it anyway, damn it! Roger.

There's nobody alive down there, Saint John.


Okay, men.

I'm gambling that you won't risk anything that could blow one of those tanks.

Think about it, Locke.



That's an insane threat.

No more insane than nations threatening each other with nuclear weapons.

Not as insane as acts of terrorism.

The whole world's insane, Locke.

I'm just playing by the rules.

Now, throw out those weapons.

They'll have card keys to the cabinet.

Find them and start unloading.

Take 'em away.

It doesn't check out.

I've got problems here, too.

Run an internal diagnostic.


We ran a full onboard diagnostic this morning.

What's wrong? MIKE: The train made like Mount Saint Helens.

The atmosphere should be full of nerve gas.

So, how bad is it drifting? It's not.

According to our computers, there's no gas at all.

You're telling me there never was any gas? Not on that train.


Careful, soldier.

What kind of agent have you grown into, Locke? The kind that takes risks or forces them on others? The cautious kind.

Until I know I have my best shot.

This would be a rotten time to play hero.

I've never played hero in my life until you forced it on me in Tel Aviv.

The Cold w*r goes on even here, I see.

Gentlemen, when I get these tanks loaded, I need one more thing.

The valve lock combinations.

That's tough.

Not with sodium amytal.

Think about it.

I'll get my answers no matter what you decide.

SKYWATCH: What you're saying is impossible, Airwolf.

Then call it a miracle or a mistake, Skywatch.

There is no gas! SKYWATCH: I can't accept that answer.

Report back to base for a diagnostics check.

Look, we already ran one.

There's nothing wrong with us or with that coyote down there on the ground.

SKYWATCH: Nothing could have survived that gas.

I supervised loading Locke's train myself.

Then this pile of scraps wasn't Locke's train.

A switch? Like a shell game and I think I know where the shell is.

SKYWATCH: Wait for backups, Airwolf.

That's an order! Sorry, Skywatch, but we didn't copy that last order.

You must have radio problems.

Checkpoint Two? Roger.

Let's find Locke.

When you finish unloading the train, put it and the jeep in the tunnel.

That should keep investigators confused until we leave, Colonel.



You know, Jenson, right now we hold the security of this country in our hands.

Get out! I'll cover you.



Damn it! Patch this one so we can have a little talk before he bleeds to death.

I think I've got something.

g*nf*re, very weak.

Source? Couldn't make it out.


Any sign of life down there? Around the mountain? Negative.

SAINT JOHN: And inside? You don't want much, do you? I want Locke, alive! Take a look at your screen.

There's our train, but no sign of activity around it.

That mountain is riddled with old tunnels and abandoned mines.

See if you can zero in on anything in them.

Widening scan.

JO: Whoo! That rock's playing hell with the sensors.

Hey! Those combo locks on the canisters gave out a little VH signal, didn't they? Homing devices.

MIKE: Well, I just homed in on them.

There, in that cave.

Can you hear me, Russian? Yeah.

What is your name? Gregori Nobokov.

RANDOLPH: And you work for the Russian government? I worked for KGB.

You don't work for them now? (GRUNTS)

Last assignment Last chance to k*ll Locke.

Get him talking and keep him going till I get what I need.

Skywatch, this is Airwolf.

We've located the gas.

SKYWATCH: And Locke's train? Roger.

But they're not together.

The train's in the tunnel.

The gas is in what appears to be a large mine entrance.

Do you copy, Skywatch? SKYWATCH: Loud and clear, Airwolf.

If any of those canisters have even been partially compromised, they must be disposed of immediately.

You want us to bury it there without going in after Locke? SKYWATCH: He'd order it up himself.

Look, I can scramble a squadron of F

-14s if you don't want to do the job.

We can do it.

Airwolf, out.

Saint John, we can't just We follow orders.

But first, we find Locke.

Way to go.

Let me out.

I'll start a recon.

You fly.

I'll hit the ground.

Find any vents out of that mine.

We have to seal them off before we can bury it.

I'll hit them with X

-9 rockets.

Give me 12 minutes, then blow the vents.


Why do you want to k*ll Locke? He didn't back me up.


I lost six agents.

Gregori, you know a secret about the gas.


If you tell Locke the secret, he won't be able to keep it quiet.


You must tell Your superiors would want you to tell.


My half of the combination.



-N T




Now, it's your turn, Locke.

Sir, Relling reports a chopper is nosing around outside the tunnel.

Keep an eye on it.

We only need a few more minutes.

A timed sequence.

The first three rockets cave in the lower tunnels.

The next three collapse the mountain.

We'll be waiting.

Be back in 15 minutes.

If I'm not, bury the works.

Skywatch, this is Airwolf.

We're laying the charges.

SKYWATCH: Affirmative, Airwolf.

Ready on one.

Fire one.

Ready on two and three.

Fire two.

That chopper is sealing up the mountain.

Then sh**t it down! Yes, sir.

Take this man to the truck.

Leave the Russian.


Three, no, four Stinger missiles.

Try to crack their fix on us, Mike.


Enable sunbursts.

That's all of them.

Let's return the favor.

I want that combination, Locke! I want it now! Like I said before, tough! SAINT JOHN: Drop the g*n! Stay there! Let's go.

We've got two minutes.


If it had leaked, we would have been dead five seconds ago.

You don't know how many times I said that today.

Airwolf to Skywatch, the gas is no longer a threat.

I repeat, the gas SKYWATCH: We read you, Airwolf.

And Locke? He's A


We'll be going home.

SKYWATCH: That's a roger, Airwolf.

Over and out.

If you need me, I'm right behind you.


You asked to meet.

I expected you on time, at least.

Somebody once taught me, make the other guy wait.

It gives you the edge.

The important lessons you didn't forget, I see.

They told me you're going home tonight.


As much as I like your American nurses You could have left me in that mountain.

So, a life for a life.

We have a draw on our hands.

Gregori, I'm sorry about the people that you lost in Tel Aviv.

Take care of your people, Jason.

They're the ones you'll remember when you forget everything else.

You take care of yourself, you hear? For you.


You'll mail his move to Moscow.