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04x05 - Windows

Posted: 05/09/23 05:03
by bunniefuu
You know, I just don't see how one piece of computer hardware can stop a space launch.

He doesn't make his connection by midnight, it's game over.

Just a scrap of silicone with microchips and yet men die for it.

Countries may even go to w*r for it.


What the hell was that? It's here somewhere.

I got three hours before I have to call off a billion dollar space shot.

Come on, hotshot.

Make your move.

I can't stand much more of this.

Three weeks we've been on this guy's tail now.

That's longer than most of my relationships.

You don't get to be the number one courier for the KGB by rushing into things.

This cat, Devereau, is one smooth operator.

He may be cool, but he's on a deadline, too.

He doesn't make his connection by midnight, it's game over.

You know, I just don't see how one piece of computer hardware can stop a space launch.

When it's the circuit board for the satellite, you'd better believe it's crucial.

Let me check monitor two and see if our launch is still in countdown.

MAN: Houston, this is Mission Control.

Systems go for final countdown in T

-minus seven hours and counting.


MIKE: Heads up, pals.

SAINT JOHN: What do you have? Possible contact coming up behind Devereau.

Can you get a clear enough shot to run a make on him? I'm way ahead of you.

Got him.

Uri Tatloff.

Not what you'd call a major


He's a file clerk at the Soviet Embassy.

Strictly small potatoes.

So what's a low

-level civil servant doing hanging out with a top brass like Devereau? (CHUCKLING)

I don't know.

Maybe he's trying to make the Party's social register.

Or maybe he can't wait to share one high

-tech circuit board.

Why don't we go ask him? LOCKE: Mike.

Stay with Devereau.

Looks like he's heading home.

All right.

I'll alert Jo.


Get in the car.

You cannot do this to me! You are breaking my civil rights! Yeah, I'll break more than your civil rights if you don't talk to me.

Now get in.

While you're at it, the third floor exit light is out.


I'll take a look.




You sure you got a good reading on him, Jo? Of course I'm sure.

If he had the circuit board on him, I would have picked up the titanium on my detector.

Yeah, well, keep on fishing.

He's got to make contact in the next few hours.

This waiting around is driving me crazy.

How about something less stressful next time, like preventing the overthrow of some banana republic? (CHUCKLING)

She does governments, but she doesn't do windows.

You're my kind of girl, Jo.


-huh, well, remember that when I need you, okay? Yeah, hang in there.


MIKE: Locking in to Whisper Mode.


Oh, geez.

All right.

Come on, Devereau, you always watch the 6:00 news.

What's with this Julia Child stuff? (BEEPING)


Oscar, you little demon! You wait for Mama! You bad boy! Such a trouble maker! (CHUCKLING)

Nice catch, Eric.

Oh, thank you.

Come on, Oscar.

Come, come, come, come, come.

That's a good There, there.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

You are glad to be back with your mama? Hmm? I guess having Oscar's a little like having a kid around, huh? He is always into trouble.


My doctor tells me having pets makes you live longer, but he doesn't have to chase that little monster all over God's green earth.

Don't listen to her, Oscar.

We all know she loves you.

You've been such a help since you started working here.

Please, let me make tea for you soon.


Maybe later.


Mike? I'm going downstairs to check the basement.


He's going to be in orbit before our satellite.

MAN: Weather conditions are A

-okay for launch in T

-minus six hours.

Well, don't count on it.

We've only got six hours before we scrub the entire Quasar Defense System.

Keep in touch.

Oh! Ms.

Delaney! Geez, you scared the life out of me.


I'm looking for Eric.

Oh, I think I just saw him go upstairs with Hannah and Oscar.

Thanks, Jo.

He's only been home for a few days and that dog's already his best friend.

Well, you know, boys and dogs.

Yeah, I guess.

You said you would take me to your office, not my consulate.

Think of it as a compromise, comrade.

First you talk, then we bargain.

We still haven't heard any mention of Devereau's contact.

Come on! I'll tell you! Stop! Devereau is working with somebody else in that apartment building.

Who? Not here.

In your office.



I got the license number.

Tatloff? I'm afraid our office ain't gonna do him any good now.

I'll call Mike.

Better pick us up, Mike.

Looks like the party's over.

MAN: Astronauts, prepare for final run

-through and check

-off for launch in T

-minus three hours and 10 minutes.

MAN 1: Roger, Mission Control.

Somebody in the apartment building? Didn't he say anything else? He ran out of time.

Okay, here's the data on the tenants.

Hannah Molnar.

Maiden name Kolcheski.

Born Warsaw, Poland.

Husband, Joseph Molnar.

Deceased, 1941.

Two children.

Ilse and Katia, both deceased, '43.

She's got one sister, Carla.

Still living in Poland.

She immigrated in '53.

Yes? Ah, you came.

Come in.

Come in.

I just thought I'd check to see if you got back from your walk okay.

Oh, yes, yes! And I have tea already on the table, so you have to come.

Come on.

Come in.

Thank you.

Hi, Oscar.

Now, Oscar, you behave yourself for our guest.


Oh, you take milk? Just a little, please.

Oh, I will get.


HANNAH: There.



It's so nice to have the company.

I watch you do your work and you do such a good job.

Oh, thank you.



What's the range on that detector, anyway? Ten, twenty feet, depending upon the titanium content.

That circuit board is not very big.

So, tell me.

Why does a nice girl like you have no husband to do this work? Oh, I don't know.



Oh, sit down.

Oh, thank you.


We're barking up the wrong apartment.

Switch to Devereau's.

MIKE: Oh, would I ever like to tie a feedbag on now.

I can't stand much more of this.

We're up here chasing our tails and he's playing house.

SAINT JOHN: Keeps checking the time.

Oh, well, it's 9:00.

He doesn't want to miss that educational program of his.

I got three hours before I have to call off a billion dollar space shot and this joker is timing his roast.

You know, maybe this has been a setup.

Maybe they threw us their high

-profile man as a cover for the real courier.

Yeah, but if Devereau's not our man, why k*ll Tatloff? That's true.

Besides, he's all we've got.

What's that kid in the next apartment up to? Let's take a closer look.

Whoa! Look at that wrist action.


You should draft that kid, Jason.


That's a great idea.

Might even be able to fit in your flight suit.

Forget I said that, okay? Oh, come on, Devereau.

Make a move! (SIGHING)

Here, take this with you.

You could use a little weight.

Men don't like skinny girls.

I can't right now, but thanks.

I gotta get going.

I'd love to come back, if that's okay.

Of course! Come soon.







Hey, guys, when this is all over, remind me to call my mom, okay? No, just kidding.

I've got a bogey on infrared.

Let's take a look.

There's somebody in the basement.

Switching to port camera.

It's a kid! Call Jo.


Where are you going so fast? Let go of me! Come on, let's get you upstairs.

I bet your ma's worried sick.

I hate her! She's not my mom! Come on, you don't want to talk like that.

Let's go.




I remember trying to sneak out.

I was a little older.

SAINT JOHN: Maybe this is it.

Looks like Devereau's getting ready to go out.

Or expecting someone.

SAINT JOHN: Can't get away from the time.


The man is a creature of habit.


You had me worried to death! I don't know how to thank you.

Oh, that's okay.

I was just doing my rounds.

He's a real tiger, that one.

Tell me about it.

After slinging burgers all day, it's all I can do to keep tabs on him.

Well, I have to change into something that doesn't smell like French fries.

I could keep an eye on him.

Just in case.

Why not? If you can take it.


Just let me change.


Go to your room, Eric.

I ought to lock you in there.

He can be a holy terror.

It's his rotten dad's fault.

He's been that way ever since I got him back.

DELANEY: Took him right out of daycare.

Can you believe the gall? Must have been awful.

What's that thing? Oh, it's a rat detector.

No rats.

No rats? Nope.

I gotta tell you something.

What, hon? Eric! I said to stay in your room.


Thanks very much for bringing him back.

Oh, you're welcome.

I really appreciate it.

JO: He's a great kid.

DELANEY: Oh, yeah.

What do we have on this Annie Delaney and her ex? LOCKE: Nothing so far.

That's funny.

I thought we had something on everyone.

I did, too.

I'll have to cross check our Interpol files.

Hold on.

Our big show's on the road.

Looks like Devereau's moving out.

MIKE: Finally.

Let's not lose him.


What the hell is going on now? (RINGING)

What is it? Oh, that's the fire alarm.

You better get out.

Oh, my God! Eric.

Come on, let's get out of here.

Come on.



Devereau's cover, that's what.

Go to infrared.

He set us up! Make sure Jo's okay.


Everybody downstairs.

Come on.


Just look at that smug son of a We'll never get our hands on him now.

MAN: All systems are 100% for launch in T

-minus two hours.

MAN: Roger, Houston.


I think we've got something.

Stay with her.

It's here somewhere, but not on Devereau.

Not yet, anyway.

It's hard to zero in on it with all these people around.

I'm going down.

Hand me my harness.

This thing breaks, she's gonna need help.

MIKE: Hang tough, Jo.

Saint John's coming to back you up.


I'm going to keep looking.

Look, Jo, I don't mean to worry you, but we're running out of time.

We gotta find that microchip.

JO: Yeah, yeah.

I'm on it.

No rats? Just one, Eric.

There you are.

Any luck? Well, whoever has our board keeps moving around and hasn't come near Devereau yet.

I'll stay on him.




Hannah! (MOANING)

What the hell was that? I don't know.

Some kind of ultrasonic interference.

It's coming from inside the building.

It's her heart.

Get the paramedics.

Increase the power! Override the jamming signal, Mike.

Yeah, I'm trying.

I'm trying.

Ah, damn it.



Clear the way.

Come on.

I think she has a pacemaker.

It must have malfunctioned.

Her heartbeat's all over the map.


Yeah, I gotcha.


Yeah, that's better.

We now return to regular scheduled programming.

Just find Devereau.

Her pacemaker's kicked back in.

She's stabilized? PARAMEDIC: Don't ask me how.

Stretcher, please! JO: She should be okay now.


WOMAN ON RADIO: Paramed unit 42.

What is your status? Listen, there's something strange about that fireman.

I wanna check our tapes.

You gonna be okay? Yeah, I'm just gonna search the building again.

SAINT JOHN: Okay, let's see that tape.

SAINT JOHN: Let's see it again.

Go to the other camera.

That's him! Look at his shoes.

Damn! He probably set that fire.

Who's less suspicious at a fire than a fireman? I'll put a search out on him.

What's Devereau doing now? MIKE: It looks like he's auditioning for a department store window.

How long before they have to call off the launch? Not long enough.

MAN: Shuttle systems are go for T

-minus one hour and thirty minutes.

MAN 1: Roger.




Do make yourself at home, Ms.


Your dinner's getting cold.

MAN: Personnel prepare to clear gantry for launch in T

-minus one hour and twenty minutes.

MAN 1: Gantry control vacating.

Do come in.

We don't want the neighbors to talk.

I think you've made a mistake.

Your mistake.

My pleasure.

Watching you watch me.

Don't make me resort to v*olence, Ms.


It's so vulgar and so time

-consuming to clean up.



Enjoy the food, the wine.

I prepared it especially for you.

It is the least I could do after causing you such a bother.

No, thanks.

It's perfectly safe.

One would never sully a Rothschild '37 with poison.

It's just not done.

Look, why don't you just sh**t me and get it over with? Oh, that would be terribly unimaginative.


Now, a heart attack? (SCOFFING)

You caused Hannah's heart attack.

It's quite simple, really.

Ultrasonic waves muddling with the rhythm of her pacemaker.

All part of the game.

This isn't a game! No, but it is, my dear.

And this is my trump card.

Just a scrap of silicone with microchips and yet men die for it.

Countries may even go to w*r for the lack of it.

If that is not a game, my dear, then what is? Hmm.

Oscar, I sure wish you were a lot bigger right now.

Is he asleep or what? MIKE: Why don't we switch out of whisper mode, get the guy up? Come on, move! For I don't like this.

Let's take a closer look.

Go to infrared.

Oh, yeah.

That's one plastic spy in there.

He must have made the switch while we were jammed out.

Find Jo.

Funny, isn't it, Ms.

Santini? An unsavory person, we call an animal.

And yet, animals possess such charming qualities.

Trust, devotion, unquestioning loyalty.

The same qualities as a good spy.

Now what? You don't really believe I'm flying in this solo, do you? (CLICKING TONGUE)

I'm in the pilot's seat.

You're bailing out.

SAINT JOHN: Jo? Jo, do you read me? She's gotta be there.

Keep scanning.

No fuss, now.

After all, we wouldn't want to hurt any innocent bystanders, would we? Let's just keep this between me and you.

I knew we shouldn't have left her down there.

Take her in.

If you think I'm just gonna do a swan dive onto the pavement, you're crazier than I thought.

Your choices are limited, my dear.

SAINT JOHN: Bodies on the roof! (SCREAMING)

Sure you're okay? Well, not a trace of it in his apartment or on the roof.

Find anything out here? Nothing.

Just doesn't make sense.

I saw it.

He had to have it on him when he fell.

Unless he handed it off somehow.

But I was the only one with him.

What about me? What about you? You've been nothing but trouble.

You just do as you're told, or else your mommy and daddy are gonna get hurt.

That's the deal.

Remember that! Will Oscar come with us? Yeah.

MAN: Astronauts, prepare for final run

-through and check

-off for launch.

Hello, down there.

Guys, come on in.

Ow! You're hurting me! Shut up! What else does Interpol have to say about her? MIKE: She's a freelance agent.

No loyalties.

Goes out to the highest bidder.

It seems she's one of the best in the business, too.

That's why Devereau was so cool.

He had a good backup.

I should have pegged her.

What about Eric? Yeah, I thought about that, too.

So I ran his description through missing persons.

It seems he disappeared from a park a couple days ago.

His parents must be going crazy.

Talk to me, Mike.

MIKE: She's on the lam with the kid.

In the alley! (OSCAR BARKING)

Ow! Get back here, you rotten little Gotcha! She's coming down your alley.

Oh! It's all right, Eric.

I want my mommy! I'm gonna take you to her.

I'm sorry I didn't believe you.

It's gonna be all right.

Oscar! Ow! Get off me! (GROWLING)

Okay, Oscar.

Okay, Oscar.



Good boy.

Good boy.

Nice work.

Lose it! Here.

That's enough.

How much time is left till the launch? Enough for one important phone call.

Where's the hardware, Annie? You'll never find it.

We'll search you if we have to.

Go ahead.

Maybe he ate it.

Mike, call the launch pad.

Looks like we're gonna have to scrub the mission.

Hold that call.

Eric? What's this thing? Mike, cancel that.

Meet me on the roof and take this baby to the cape.

Good work, Eric.

MAN: We have liftoff.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have liftoff.

All right, I'm taking her on home.

Good night, Irene, good night.


Oh, it is wonderful! You shouldn't have done such a thing.

That's right.

And it's got a vibrating heating pad.

It's got a stereo in the headrest and much, much more.



I don't know.

You are all so kind.

We're just glad you're home safe and sound.


Well, I still don't believe my Oscar was a spy.

Well, maybe not willingly, but he was going to be recruited.

Annie was gonna take Oscar to Amsterdam.

She figured they wouldn't look in his jacket.


Such awful people.

Oh, and the boy.

He's all right? You should have been there when we brought him home.

I think his parents had given up hope.


You can never give up hope.

It's one thing I have learned.

That is why I get so old! (ALL LAUGHING)

Oh, I almost forgot.

We have something for Oscar, too.

Oh, thank you! Oh, look! Look, Oscar! MIKE: It's the only color we could find.

He's a real member of the team now.

Probably turn out to be a real hot

-dog pilot, too.

It's a joke.