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04x03 - A Town for Hire

Posted: 05/09/23 05:01
by bunniefuu
I'm going to (LASER g*n FIRING)

It's Jo's.

You know, my friend crashed into a mountainside and nobody around here seems to give a damn.

Get him off the street before I have to.

We just sold our souls to Lundahl.

Ready or not, here it comes.


JO: Dead on target.

I'm reading you perfectly, Saint John.

Laser digital communication.

According to Locke, it can sing, dance, juggle and walk the dog.

But can it cook? (LAUGHS)

Hey! Where's the fire? Put the pedal to the metal, fly

-boy! Never challenge a man who can burn rubber on a cloud.

JO: "Burn rubber on a cloud!" Where do you get that stuff? SAINT JOHN: The same place you got, "Put the pedal to the metal.


Catch me if you can! Ladies first doesn't count in the air, so don't expect any favors.

JO: Remember that summer Uncle Dom took us up to the lake and you beat me in that swimming race? SAINT JOHN: (SCOFFS)

What about it? JO: Ah, well, this is where I get even.

Hang on to your hat.


Looks like we're not the only ones doing some testing.

I'm going to Saint John? Jo? Jo, come on.

No kidding around.

Jo, where are you? Come in, Jo.



Jo, come in.

Damn it, Jo, come in.

Oh, God! Mayday, mayday.

This is two




Pilot down, approximately ten miles south east of Santa Mira.

Please respond.

Damn it! (GRUNTS)

Crash Jo crashed.

Tracey, you can't leave, not like this.

Give me one good reason why I should stay, Daddy.

Because I need you, honey.

What for? To cover for you? Drive you home at night when the bar closes? I came here to help you with the hospital, Daddy.

Not to babysit.

I'll finish my caseload and then that's it.


Don't you talk like that.

I'm not gonna let this happen again.

Yes, you will, Daddy.

And if I stay here, I'll just pick up all the pieces like Mom did.

Tracey, I Will you let me go? I gotta go find Jo.

Settle down there, son.

Whoever this Jo is, I'm sure he's in much better shape than you are.

She! She crashed.

Hasn't anybody You're the one who crashed, son.

You can't go bouncing around like that just yet, Mr.


You got a slight concussion.

Would you hold still, please? Will you listen to me? A friend and I were flying, she crashed.

She's the one who needs a doctor.

The nurse said you were mumbling about that all night.

We figured you were just delirious.

I've been here all night? You've been unconscious since they brought you here yesterday.

All night and you haven't even looked for her? I've got to find her.

Now hold on.

You're not in any shape to leave here.

Forget it.

I'm going.


I'll drive, you point.

I'll start downloading the photos and shipping them through to the Company.

Those close

-ups of the South China Sea ought to make them happy.

What'd make me happy is a hot sauna and a nice cold beer.

I'll get on the blower to Jo and Saint John and tell them to get your office nice and toasty.

Tell them to put a cold can on your desk.


Wolf to cubs.

Wolf to cubs.

Do you read? Is anybody home? Nobody there.

Maybe that means that they've already got the beer in the cooler.

I don't understand.

You're sure this was the place? Yeah, I remember this area.

The rocks, this pond.

I couldn't land.

I saw her here.

Mister, I hate to say it, but there's nothing here.

Look at it.

No whirlybird, no pilot, no sign of a crash.

I know what I saw.

I know what happened.

Somebody would have noticed a helicopter crash.

Let me take you back to the hospital.


I want to look around some more.


Look, mister, I think Doc Kensington should get another look at that head of yours.

I don't need a doctor.

Where's my plane? (SIGHS)

What do you think, Mr.

Lundahl? I think I think we've got a loose end here, Baker.

We're going to have to tie it up.

Now listen, the doc says you shouldn't be walking around, much less flying.

Look, Sheriff, I know what happened to my friend yesterday.

If I have to be a one man search party, then that's what I'll be.

What the hell? LUNDAHL: Mr.

Hawke! Mr.

Hawke, I keep a crew on hand to service my own planes.

I thought I'd let them earn their keep.

Who are you? My name is Martin Lundahl.

I'm very pleased to meet you.

It appears as though your plane isn't going to be ready to leave for two or three more days.

Then let me use one of yours.

I'm afraid I can't.

All my planes are grounded.

You know, my friend crashed into a mountainside and nobody around here seems to give a damn.

Look, sonny, you come roaring in here yelling about a crash, get everybody and his dog looking for what? Scrub brush and ghosts.

You got a phone around here I can use? Of course, we do.

If you would go right through these doors and around to the right of the building.

Did you see all the high

-tech junk he's got wired into this thing? That guy's no crop duster.

I don't care who or what he is.

I just don't want him nosing around right now.

Is that clear? Clear enough.


Pull up as tight as we can get on that fleet of ships.

Okay, going into super

-snoop mode.

Mind if I use your phone? Sure, go ahead.



Company store.


Listen, I need you to come.

Jo's chopper Mike? Mike? Saint John.

Saint John.

What happened? We got cut off.

He said he needed us to come.

He and Jo might be in some kind of trouble.

Give him five minutes.

If he doesn't call back, put a trace on it.

The line's dead.

You got another phone I can use? It won't do any good.

They're putting new lines into the factory.

They've probably cut the cable again.

Well, how long till they get it fixed? Last time it took over a day.




Now listen, there's no medical reason to get him back.

Then find one! He's getting to be a problem.

I think it's a little late to worry about what Mr.

Hawke's gonna find out, isn't it? It's never too late, Doctor.

Get him off the street before I have to.

Too bad about the girl, though.



Saint John's call was too short to get a pinpoint on it, but I think we got a general area.

Jo filed flight plans for an air


-air test on that laser communications package.

They're out in the Santa Mira mountains.

Well, let's put the two together and hope that they come up with Saint John and Jo.

Help you? Yeah.

I need to rent a car.

I'm afraid there's not much I can do for you there.

Like to try, but But right now, there's nothing for rent.

That's right.

I'm plumb out of cars.

Well, how about one to sell? No, I'm afraid I can't help you there, either.

You might try Ralph up the road a ways.

You see, I already tried him and he suggested I come see you.

I can't help you.

Sorry about that and all.

Yeah, right.



Are you all right? I've been worried about you.

There's nothing wrong with me, it's my friend Jo.

She's laying out there hurt somewhere.

Sheriff Duranti said I don't care what he said.

Look, Dr.




Look, right now all I need is a ride back up there.

That's all I'm asking.

I may have bumped my head, but I am not crazy.

Okay, come on.

Get in.

Looks to me like the flight plan only crosses a couple of towns.

The call had to either come from Crestridge or Santa Mira.

Well, first one, and then the other.


There's nothing.

She was trapped.

I saw her crash.

Look, I'm here to help you.

Then tell me what the hell is going on around here.

Helicopters just don't disappear into thin air.

What is it with this town anyway? Hey, I don't know.

You know, I'm a stranger here myself.

I just came here to help my dad.

Something metal hit this rock.


Jo's chopper.

Then where's the wreck? It's Jo's.

Are you sure it's hers? Yeah.

I have to contact some friends.

Can you help me? I can try.

Pull over.

What? Just pull over, quick! Hey, where are you going? Slide over.



What's he trying to do? Hey.

The guy keeps pushing.

I tell you, he's gonna keep digging until he comes up with something.

What are you suggesting, Hank? Are you gonna shove a g*n in his face and pull the trigger? Well, I'm not going to let him get to the state police.

In 24 hours we'd be dead in the water.


Boys! Accidents happen.

Or can be made to happen.

Could be he's a dead issue already, Doc.

Just like the girl.

The girl didn't just happen.

Lundahl pushed the wrong button on one of his toys.

I suggest that you remember who gave a rummy doctor and this whole town a second chance.

How many people are gonna get k*lled before we pay back Mr.

Lundahl? As many as it takes.

We just sold our souls to Lundahl.

I don't see you passing up any of the benefits, Doctor.

I'd like to report an accident, Sheriff.

Another helicopter crash? SAINT JOHN: No.

White sedan.

Reckless driving.

Went up like the Fourth of July.

Almost k*lled the lady and me.

Tracey? I'm all right, Daddy.

Where's Jo? Daddy? Well, that's it.

We've done everything but cross

-stitch a pattern over their flight plan.

Not a sign.

I've got something.

Huh? Heading 207.

I can't see a thing.

That's because it's five feet underground.

Check out your monitor.


Looks like Jo's.

Is there any sign of LOCKE: Negative.

Nobody's there.

Alive or otherwise.


Well, I think it's time that we checked out Santa Mira.

I don't care.

Lou, I'm in the middle of the most important deal of my life.

I don't need any interruptions.

Hawke got Baker up on the mountain road.

The doc is folding on us.

This whole cover up's going to hell.

In 24 hours, there's not going to be anything to cover up except our bank accounts.

So you can be another quarter of a billion dollars richer.

Lou, you're gonna get your share.

Just hold up your end.

Santa Mira.

Population 471 as of last census.

Current estimate 2,200.

Looks like a boom town to me.

No, but it's got one heck of a factory.

Lundahl Industries Incorporated.

Sole owner, Martin Lundahl.

Bought an old paint factory and turned it into a chemical plant.

Anything on Lundahl? Man seems to be a model citizen.


What is it? LOCKE: SAM

-7 s, air


-air missiles, a*tillery, ranks of them, like a corn field.

Like an a*mo dump from World w*r III.

Welcome to the lion's den.

Hey, you think maybe Jo and Saint John stumbled onto this? Only one way to find out.

You're right.

Okay, hold on.

Going down.


I think I'll just go down, have a little tour of the factory.

Mike, hold on.

Keep in touch with this.

She's lucky I was able to hide her.

She's gonna be okay.

Jo? Saint John, hi.

Hi, yourself.

How are you feeling? Oh, uh, stiff.

At least I feel something, thanks to the doc here.

Heck of a stunt, huh? I still can't figure out how I did it.

We've got to get you out of here.

Can you get up? She should be able to walk to the car.

I think they're testing some kind of w*apon out there.

My chopper got in the way.


What the hell does Lundahl make? I don't know.

Some kind of g*ns, amm*nit*on.

Why would anybody around here go along with something like that? The paint factory closed.

People had no way of making a living.

Lundahl offered us one.

Not much of an offer if you ask me.

You know, folks, it just ain't polite to leave without saying goodbye.

Gentlemen, we're not simply talking about advanced firepower here.

We're talking about one of the most significant developments in ballistics since the Chinese invented gunpowder.

We can actually customize the concentration of each of these expl*sive tips to meet any of your requirements.


I'm sure you gentlemen can understand the critical factor that the quality of your amm*nit*on will be in a combat situation.

As you can see, accuracy is no problem.

Neither is power.

Our version of the M16 is not the only w*apon that can utilize that kind of power.

And when it comes to armor

-piercing capabilities, gentlemen, nothing beats our Mark Seven.

Which we like to call around here, our t*nk buster.

LOCKE: What the Mike.

Do you read me? I believe I've made my point.

We can provide that amm*nit*on in quantity immediately.

Our mass

-production facilities are, of course, state of the art.

Gentlemen, I would like you to take a look at the catalog and please, if you wouldn't mind, turn to page 12 where it says, "Laser

-sighted a*t*matic r*fles.

" Mr.


Would you excuse me for a moment? Locke, Mike.

It's Saint John and Jo, they're here.


What's the plan? MIKE: You can blow the front doors off this building in two minutes and we'll try to make our getaway.


You should have stayed out of my business.

Nice business.

Production of illegal weapons.

What's the matter? Don't you people believe in free enterprise? That was goodbye, folks.

Hank? Next, gentlemen, I would like to take you outside and give you a demonstration of our laser

-sighted a*t*matic r*fle.

We'll look at our laser cannon.

Which, by the way, is capable of taking out any type of aircraft.

Would you uncover that and start it up for us, please? We'll let it warm up for a while before we take it outside.

Heads up.

Get down.


It's gonna blow.

Get out there, come on.

Get them out of here, I'll cover you.

You bet.

Come on.

Stop the truck! Stop it.

What the hell kind of a chopper is that? Never mind that.

Let's get out of here before this whole place blows up.


Not a very friendly bunch, are they? Let's give them some southern hospitality.

What the I'm losing power! Everything's out.

I'll have to switch to manual override.

Come on.

Come on.

That's the one.

Back in business.

Now let's put this place out of business once and for all.

Anybody for a taxi out of Santa Mira? Hi.


You about ready? Mmm


You know, it's funny.

All the time I was in here, I thought they shot you down.

You never gave up on me, did you? How could I do that? I didn't finish teaching you to dog fight.

I can still wax your tail, fly





Oh, thank you.

You're welcome.

You two packed and ready to go? Oh, no, no.

I'm staying.


I'm gonna stay, too.

I think there's still a lot of good medicine I can learn from my old man.

There'll still be enough people left in Santa Mira to make a go of it? Well, the town is a little empty, but if one person needs a doctor, that's a reason to stay.

Say, you two wouldn't mind if we signed you off duty for the night, would you? We're starving.

Why don't we go out and celebrate? Sounds good to me.

I'm hungry, too.

Let's go.

Can you grab my bag? Thanks.