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04x01 - Blackjack

Posted: 05/09/23 05:00
by bunniefuu
Airwolf, Hawke.

That's my brother.

That's Saint John.

I'm here to find out about Saint John Hawke.

Saint John bought it.

Major Rivers.

Uncle Dom was like a father to all three of us.

I want Airwolf.

The Company wants Airwolf back.

Your brother will be flying it.

Be patient.

I have.

How's our parrot? Singing yet? Not a damn note, sir.

Get him singing, Burke.

I want to hear him talk.



I'll help him.



I said I'd help him.

BOUCHARD: Soldier.


Still playing the hero, Hawke? Any movement from the other side? Negative.

Let's raise the stakes.

A wind

-drift auto



It's wired into the RPM governor.

Allows for hands

-off hovering in really erratic wind conditions.

It's great in air

-sea rescue.


Well, if it works, I'm impressed.

I just hope the world market shares that opinion.

Let's see how she handles some high

-speed maneuvers.

You know, kid, you're one hell of a pilot.


Uncle Dom's one hell of a teacher.

Oh, he's kind of like an old mother hen.



How about some coffee? I'll join you in a minute, I'm just gonna get the unit out.

I've put it through the best equalizers and noise

-reducers money can buy.

That's as good as it's gonna get.


Let's hear it again.


That's my brother.

That's Saint John.

I'll take over from here, Chick.

What the hell is this? It's called following orders.

You're not going anywhere till I talk to Archangel.

All you're seeing is me.

And you're not gonna see much of that, if I don't feel some space between us quick.

I want some answers, partner.

And I want them now.

Where is Saint John? I can't hear a word you're saying.

Something stinks here.

If you didn't have orders from the Company, why are you seizing that stuff? All right, fellas, take it easy.

He's my problem.

Come with me.

Listen, Hawke.

Archangel has been stationed somewhere in the Far East.

I've taken over your file.

Real nice of him to tell me about it.

Okay, spill it.

What's going on? I really am sorry what happened with your brother.

But you know the scene here.

They don't tell me, I don't tell you.

This says here my brother's still alive.

A scribbled note and a tape so scrambled This could be my mother.

Adds up to squat, and you know it.

You know, this isn't my idea of a good time, either.

But according to orders, you're my pain in the butt and I'm yours.

So you better sit tight.

I'll access our files on Saint John and verify what I'm saying.

In the meantime, be patient.

I have.

And what was this going to be? Blowgun? (CHUCKLES)

Though I must confess, you keep me highly amused wondering what sort of ingenious toy you're going to come up with next.

All made with you in mind.

Airwolf, Hawke.

I want to know.

Can't hear you, Bouchard.

Look, I'm tiring of this game.

So with or without your help, this will end soon.




Got your message out.

You sure of that? I said so, didn't I? One problem though.

Your friends need proof that it's really you.

Well, that stuff could've been sent by anybody, couldn't it? Where's Dom going? He's on a short cargo run up the coast.

I need to talk to him.



Davis, telephone, please.


Davis, telephone, please.

I want to see the patient in that room.

I'm sorry but nobody's allowed inside.

I've been listening to that for three days now, and I'm not listening anymore.

Miss Santini? My name's Locke.

I'd like to ask you a few questions about your uncle, Dominic Santini, and about Stringfellow Hawke.

What do they have to do with you people? We had a mutual interest in Airwolf.

I don't know what that is and right now, I'm not in the mood to find out.

So if you don't mind? WOMAN ON PA: Dr.

Bruce, telephone, please.


It's me, Jo.

I know you can hear me.

I'm going to stay here until you come out of this.

You and Uncle Dom were the only family I ever had.

I'm not gonna let you go, too.

LOCKE: Rivers? Major Rivers.

Hello, Locke.

I thought you were supposed to be on some sort of survival training course? Where are the others? Oh, they'll catch up in two

-three hours.

I'd offer you a drink, but I seem to have run out of glasses.

I've got a new assignment for you.


I'm all booked.

Well, get unbooked.

You've got yourself a new partner.


Orders? Does it say I can't finish my drink first? Cheers.

You saved my life.

I am indebted.

You don't owe me anything.

We just try and survive.

My tradition demands it! They are using you.

Something big.


We're all being used here.

As you will.

But preparations are being made to get everyone out, except yourself.

Something else.

I saw Ackroyd give Bouchard something small and gold.



You mind? You just blew a perfect deflection shot.

You want to try acting like a Major in the US Air Force? I've got something to show you.

Come here.

Airwolf's capable of Mach speeds, stealth, and whisper modes, infrared and radar jamming.

Its surveillance equipment is state of the art, and its weapons are damn near unbeatable.

Think you can fly her? If it moves, I can fly her.

It's somewhere up the West Coast.

Probably isolated country.

But we got to find her, and fast.

Satellite scanning, multispectral and thermal.


But not probable.

What do you need? For starters, complete plans of the ship's offensive, defensive and communications systems.

And that's just for starters.


Well, you can just sign this, and you can get to work.

What's this? Just sign it.


Now, you so much as talk about this file in your sleep, and you're history.

Welcome aboard, partner.

I always hated history.

JO: You remember the first time Dom took us up in that junky old chopper? He shoved the stick in your hands, and I screamed.

And Saint John and you told me to shut up or bail out.


String, I can't do this alone.

You've got to help me.

What? What is it? (BREATHING HEAVILY)


Saint John Saint John is alive.

Please take Airwolf.

Find him, please.







All right.

Here we go.


COMPUTER: Birth, May 9, 1942.

Go back where you came from, man.

All you gonna get here is grief.


I'm here to see Montrose.

I'm here to talk about Storm Season.

I see I gotta make my point.

Hatch! Bring him in.

Show me your pedigree.

I don't work for the Company anymore.

You should know that.

I'm here to find out about Saint John Hawke, Mr.


He's dead.

When they rolled up Operation Storm Season, I was all that was left.

A nine millimeter slug in my spine and not very happy memories.

You should know that, too.

It's in the files.

Well, unfortunately, most of our files have, shall we say, disappeared.

We don't even rate a file? That's gratitude.

What happened to Hawke? Saint John and I were captured by the Khmer Rouge a year ago.

The Company financed a rescue mission.

It was a total disaster.

They hired an independent.

A Brit mercenary called Colonel Ray Bouchard, he led the mission.

Oh, he got into the prison all right, we got cut to ribbons on the way out.

I got this slug.

Saint John bought it.

LOCKE: You saw him go down? Bouchard did.

He was standing right next to Saint John.

They say you don't make friends in the field.

But I did.

Saint John was my friend.


Does that mean anything to you? Blackjack? That was Bouchard's nickname.

Thank you for your time, Mr.


So you got the ring out, did you? Told you.

No sweat.

With Bouchard acting as your runner, I'm not surprised.

What are you talking about, man? You know damn well, Ackroyd.



I'd like you to meet my elite corps, Hawke.

These fine lads are going to get Airwolf for me.


LOCKE: Look, I realize this is a bad time for you, Miss Santini, but there's still a few things I've got to find out.

How close were you to Hawke and Saint John? We were family.

Uncle Dom was like a father to all three of us.

He taught us all how to fly.

Did he ever talk to you about his work? I figured there was more to their rent


-plane business than they let on.

Did they ever confide in you? What is it you want exactly, Mr.

Locke? My friends call me Jason.

Whatever you say, Mr.


Do you know what they were doing? Let me just say that you can be very proud of the work that they've done for this country.


Miss Santini, did you know that Hawke still believes that Saint John is alive? Well, if he does, he never mentioned it to me.

I'll be in touch.

Good night, Miss Santini.

Good night.

LOCKE: No, sir, she appeared to know nothing about the brother.

Did she mention Airwolf, Mr.

Locke? No, sir, she didn't.

I have no reason to believe she's aware of its existence.

Make sure.

I want Airwolf.

The Company wants Airwolf back.

I'm working on that, sir.

Anything on Stringfellow Hawke? He said nothing.

I've put the word out on the street that he's on special assignment, deep cover.


That's all, Mr.


About Saint John Hawke, sir That case is closed.

He spent two and a half years MIA before we got him out.

Then the fool went into deep undercover work for the agency just like the rest of us.

If he is alive, we have to find him.

What you do in your spare time is your own business.

Good night, Mr.



You see, Hawke, it doesn't matter anymore whether or not you know where Airwolf is.

Your usefulness is almost over.

I don't really care, Bouchard.

Ah! But you will when you see her.

Besides, your brother will be flying her.

What do you say, Burke? Should we give this man a program? (CHUCKLES)

He's got a box seat, sir.


BOUCHARD: As soon as your brother sees that little scene out there, he'll dust off the guards with some drum fire.

Then he'll drop in for a running pinpoint pickup.

Stage one.

The moment the aircraft doors open, poison gas canisters are fired by remote.

Convulsion to death.

Thirty seconds.

Stage two.

We attack while the aircraft's vulnerable on the ground.

Destroy her rotors, the aircraft can't fly.

You do see the simplicity of the plan.

We repair the rotors, Airwolf's mine.

However, it's a pity you've only just Don't k*ll him! Not yet.


Major Rivers, before entering my office, would a polite knock be too much to ask for? I suppose not.

I just figured you'd want to know that I found it.

Found what? Airwolf.

The word? The brother's gone underground.

It's a special assignment.

Well, it looks like you won't have to spend much more time this way.

Your brother has taken the bait, he's on his way.

He won't fall for it, Bouchard.

Oh, you think these scarecrows won't fool a state



-art machine? They wouldn't fool a toaster.

Each one is equipped with a heat coil to fool the thermal scan.

Even sound loops to produce heartbeats on stethoscopic pick


Perfect, isn't it? (CHUCKLES)


LOCKE: Tell me something, Rivers.

How is it no one's been able to solve this problem but you? Well, we got a hundred possibilities from multispectral sweeps, but the key was high resolution photographs.

And a bit of keen logic.

I'm sorry I asked.

See, they'd been in and out of their lair so often that I figured that their prop wash must have formed a distinct pattern on the landscape.

And there it is.

Turn right at the next crossroads.


Pull over! What? Can't you hear it? That your baby, partner? Damn, someone beat us to it.

Wouldn't I just love to lay my hands on that ship.

Come on.

All right, come out of there.

Who are you? What are you doing here? Well, you sure know how to make an entrance.

That was you flying that thing? Yeah.

It was me.

Who are you? Miss Santini, what the hell are you doing here? This machine is top secret.

Was top secret, Mr.


Santini? Dom Santini's Niece.

I'm Jo.

I'm Mike.

Mike Rivers.

It's nice to meet you.

You're a great flyer, you know? Thanks.

She's a great machine.

Want to check her out? Yeah.

All right, you two, hold it right there.

Miss Santini, I don't know what the hell you're up to, but I'm going to have to order you to leave this area right now.


That's not how it works.

I found her first and I'm not finished with her.

You any good in the air? Miss Santini, let's get one thing straight.

This machine belongs to Look, Jason, I know your people want her back.

I just think we can help each other.

I want to find Saint John.

I know he's alive.

I think so, too.

Trouble is, I don't know where he is.

Well, don't look at me.

I do.

Look inside.

Coordinates? Well, what are we waiting for? This baby is incredible.

Check out the turbo thrusters.

Sunburst decoys, missiles, chain g*ns.

This is a flying army.

Now you can see why the Company wants to get its hands back on it.

Well, if we're going to do it Let's do it! (ENGINE WHIRRING)


RIVERS: Coordinates? JO: Locked and set.

MIKE: Going to afterburner.

Hold on.

We've got a target on the radar, closing supersonic, sir.

That's a bit fast for a gunship, isn't it? Not this one.

Get into position.

All right! Let's move out, you guys! Quit standing around! Move! LOCKE: Objective five miles, four point nine, four point eight.

JO: Large force encircling the target.

Fixed positions.

We're expected.

MIKE: Activating weapons systems.

That's a military machine.

JO: That's him.

That's Saint John.

Well, let's get him.

Hold on a second, Mike! Something's wrong down there.

I can wipe out the guards and scoop up Saint John.

LOCKE: Why aren't they turning around to look at us? Try running a life scan on the area.

Find their back





-two Every man on that firing squad has identical heart rate! That's impossible.

MIKE: Keep scanning.

Let's see what else they've got waiting for us.

He must've smelled the trap.

He'll be back.

Place patrols on all the approaches.

LOCKE: Scanners are picking up one chopper, no heavy a*tillery, light ground personnel.

JO: What kind of trap is this? I don't know, but Saint John is the bait! Looks like we've got no choice.

MIKE: Okay.

Let's fall for the trap.

This is it.

They'll take out the dummies first and drop in.

Fire up the chopper, Burke.

LOCKE: What the hell's that? JO: Poison gas.

Ok, let's give him some cover.

Fire at anything that moves! Burke! Come in, Burke! JO: Mike! Behind us.


Let's see what this baby can do.



Saint John.

Is that you? You bet.


There's so much I've got to tell you.

Let it go.

I know.

Dom I know.

Don't let me die.

You're not gonna die.

I'm not gonna let you.

I don't want to die in this place.

You won't, String, I promise you.

I promise.


Can you hear it this time, Jason? Music to my ears.

There was something I had to do.

We'll all have a lot to do from now on.

Locke has an idea.

Yeah, I think it's his way of keeping me off the streets.

The fact is, we got the best of everything, right here in this room.

I'd like to continue what we started.

But we need you, Saint John, to complete the team.

We keep Airwolf our secret, but we work for the Company.

What do you say?