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01x11 - Great Scott

Posted: 05/09/23 04:29
by bunniefuu

"Dear Carter, I hope you never have to read this letter.

In the last few years, I've kept a secret from you.

This tore me apart, because we've never lied to each other.

But you deserve to know the truth.

For the past several years, I've been researching the connection between magnetite and seismic activity.

This space mission is a cover story.

The public does not know I am actually on a classified assignment to test out my theory."




Ryan, dinner's ready.


Quick! Hayley's gonna eat all the cake!




"If my theory works, we will have the ability not only to detect earthquakes but to predict when they will strike, saving countless lives.

Unfortunately, this technology, in the wrong hands, can also induce earthquakes.

I know there are people out there who will be happy to see our mission fail.

I suspect Judy Hayward, my mission's project manager, but I don't have the evidence to prove it.


"If you are reading this, it means that my concerns are correct and that something has happened to me.

My dear Carter, you are the love of my life.

" I think we should start with a toast.


"It broke my heart to hide the truth from you.


- To Mom.

- To Mom.


"But I did it to protect you and Hayley and Alex.

I love you always, Ryan.


Oh, cool.

Guys, so let's put the DJ booth over here in this corner.

Yeah? Thank you.

Leo, my man with the guitar.

Thank you so much for bringing that.

You rock.

You're gonna be great tonight.

Hey, so I like this fish here, but I think it would be better in the back and just Oh, my God.

Parker! That is so cool.

Where did you get this from? Yeah, well, my uncle does props for commercials, so he let me borrow it for the dance.

- Seriously?

- Yeah.

- Oh, my God.

Parker, thank you so much.

- Of course.

- You are the best!

- Yeah, well, I'm glad you like it.

I love it.

Thank you.

I'll see you later? Okay.

Good luck.



- Hayley, focus, all right?


I can't decide.

Which one do you like more? What, are you You asking me? I don't have a clue.

- Your mom never wore dresses.

- Let me see the blue one again.

Could you just put it up against yourself? What? Oh, come on.

Sweetie, I'm already late for work.

I know, Dad.

And I'm really excited that you're back to your old job.

But this is really important.



Did you know that until the 1980s, this was the most censored book in American schools? Teachers felt like it was a bad influence, which is probably why it was popular in the first place.


would you like to be my date? What? [STAMMERS]

Would you like to be my date to the party tonight? I I tried asking Emma, but she's not going.

So I figured, what the heck, I'd ask you.

What do you say? No, thanks.

- Why not?

- I'm not going.

But why?

- I'm trying to read.


Show me the other one.

Which one is more '50s? You're from the last century, you must know.


Yeah, uh, I'm going to ignore that.

Uh [MAX]

Come on, Jackie, it'll be so much fun.

And you even get to wear a 1950s outfit.

I'm not wearing anything.

Leave me alone.

- You know what, Dad? Send me them both.


Sure thing.

What's your problem? [SIGHS]

Yo, D, could I talk to you for a second? What's up? [SIGHS]

All right, I may need to ask you for a small favor.

- All right.

- All right.

I thought it would be pretty cool if I asked Sophie to be my date.

- Sophie?

- Yeah.

Really? Okay.

Anyway, I You know, I just figured you could talk to Brooke and, like, see if she's dating anyone right now.


What are you, in the second grade? You want me to go pass her a note in math class? Come on.


Yeah, you're right.

Forget it.


Where are you going? D Hey, why don't I take a picture of you two, huh? Oh, that's okay, Daniel.

We got some good selfie sh*ts.

Oh, I'm sure you did.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- Nothing.

Here, why don't I, uh, take a photo of you two? Uh, no, thanks, Alex.

I wouldn't wanna be a third wheel to your party.

Hey, Alex, I need your help with some of these party decorations.

Why is Daniel mad at me? [SCOFFS]

Daniel's mad at the world.

But I have an idea that might calm him down.


NASA reports there's still no communication with the satellite after 48 hours.

Growing opposition demands reduced funding for future NASA space [SIGHS]

What's up, Sophie?

- Oh, hey, Parker.

- Hey.

- Uh, you got a minute?

- Yeah, sure.

Great, great.

Um Listen, I was just kind of thinking maybe you'd you know, like to go with me to the dance tonight.

Oh, my God, that's so sweet of you, Parker.

But Alex just asked me to go to the dance with him, and I said yes.

- Oh, wow.

- Yeah, sorry.

- Yeah, no.

It's it's totally cool.


- Yeah, but you look super nice, though.


Thank you.

It's the Well Yeah, I'll let you finish.


Good to see you.

Guess I act too quickly I'm probably a fool Should I have taken one more breath And try and keep my cool But all the time Just never seems to be What is this? Nothing.

I can't tell you.

It's kind of a surprise.

I really hate surprises.

You'll love this one.

Trust me.

Now, what kind of school is this? Don't you kids have homework to do? Dad!

- Hey.

- I thought you were late for work.

I told Chief Diggs I had a special delivery to make first.


Thank you.

- Mmm


Oh, gosh.

I haven't been here in years.





Your mom always used to be up on that board when she was a student here.


No pressure.

That's nice.

Yeah, it is.

Which reminds me, I also brought you this.

Your mom would've wanted you to wear this tonight.

It's beautiful.

Thank you.

I just don't get it.

One minute Daniel's fine, and the next, watch out.

Well, he's obviously going through something.

But that doesn't mean he should take it out on you.

I know.

That's what I'm saying.

You know, he's just mad at me because I suggested his mom had something to do with the car accident.

Well, maybe he's right, Brooke.

I mean, you know how protective he is of his mom.

But, hey, don't ruin the dance for yourself.

Okay? You're just going through a rough patch.

You two are a great couple.


I know.

Thanks, Soph.

So, you and Alex? I told Alex he had to ask me out to the dance to get Daniel off his back.

But you know what? Alex really isn't afraid to be himself.

- I think that's kind of cool.


Plus, he's cute.

Once in a gazillion years, I ask you for one favor.

And now I don't even have anyone to go to the dance with.

- So you're blamin' me?

- Yeah! Wow, Parker.

I really didn't think you were that naive.

Naive? That guy is a snake.

Alex pretends to be our friend, then he hits on my girlfriend behind my back.

And now this dude's trying to come between me and you.

- So you think

- Look, just between us, he is the one who's been telling me to convince you to stop running for captain.

- What?

- Yeah.

Hey, Dad.

Wait there.

I'm coming.


Sorry about what happened with Daniel.

Don't apologize.

You did nothing wrong.



So I get why Daniel's mad at me, but what did I ever do to Parker? Oh, my gosh.

I was afraid of that.

Of what? Remember when I asked you to ask me out to the dance? Parker came and asked me out right after.

Should we tell him what happened? No.

No way.

That'll only make things worse.


I'm so screwed.


Remember, it's always best to do one button, and just the top one.

I know how a suit works, Max, thank you.


- Cut it out.

- Hey.

- Hey.


- Wow.

- Look at you! I feel weird.

I can't breathe.

You look so different.

In a good way, I guess.

I mean, I'm sure.

- Do you remember the rules?

- I think so.

No, I don't.

A, no slow dancing.

- B, do not call me your date.

- Okay.

Great Scott! And C, don't quote Back to the Future to me again ever.

You're dying to kiss me, aren't you? You like to get right to the point, don't you, Woods? No.

I just remembered that you once said kissing me wasn't a good idea.

I say a lot of stupid things.

I'll keep that in mind.

- Ready?

- Yeah.



Hello there.

So, are you guys dating? Um, I'm sure we'll find out the answer on your blog tomorrow.

- Very funny.


Did you see Dad? Doesn't he look great? Totally.

I'm so happy he's back at work.

- Me, too.

- Yeah.

Things are starting to fall into place, don't you think? Yeah, except that every guy at my clubhouse hates me.

So there's that.

How'd you swing that? I thought he choked.

He came to his senses.

Dad told me he brought you this.

She'd be proud of you.


Max, stop it.

You're embarrassing me.

My mom's made me take dance classes since I was five.

She said they would come in handy if I became the president and had to dance at a state dinner.

- Same with us at juvie.

- Really? Come on.


Don't you see these? So we'll dance real slow.




This is Brandon Thomas, Director of NASA.

Please leave a message after the tone.



My name is Emma Geller.

I'm a student at the Greenhouse.

I would like to talk to you about what happened to your satellite.






- Thanks.


I'll join you.

Hey, that jukebox of yours Great idea.

You're an amazing DJ, you know that?


Thanks, Sophie.




- Oh, that's me.

I gotta go.

Be back.


This is Brandon Thomas, Director of NASA.

Please leave a message after the tone.




My name is Emma Geller.

I'm a student at the Greenhouse.

I would like to talk to you about what happened to your satellite.


All right, guys.

We have a special surprise for you.

So he may be a Raven, but the Eagles had to have the best guitar player around.

So I'd like to welcome our very own Leo McFly!


- Go get 'em, rock star.

All right, this next one's an oldie but it's a goodie.

Hope you guys can keep up.


You know, there's good reason this dance move is extinct.

It's ridiculous.

- Great Scott!


I didn't know you liked Back to the Future.

Like it? I have the entire movie memorized.

- I must have seen it, like, 64 times.



Is this a flux capacitor? It is.


- Where are you going?

- To have some fun.


All right, so I wrote this one for someone special I met recently.


Whoo! Hayley, this one's for you.


It happened in a moment Nobody gave a cue One look into your brown eyes I knew it was you I knew it was you It's like a perfect casting You're born to play the part There's no going back now You've taken my heart You've taken my heart I guess I act too quickly I'm probably a fool Should I have taken one more breath And try and keep my cool? But all the time Just never seems to be enough When you're the one and only thing That I am thinking of When you're the one and only thing That I am thinking of When you're the one and only thing That I am thinking of [ALL CHEERING]

Aspen, what are you doing here? [SIGHS]
