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01x05 - Black Smoke

Posted: 05/09/23 04:25
by bunniefuu
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Hayley Woods.


You're embarrassing me.

- Good job on bringing her back.

- I barely did anything.

- She practically jumped in the car.

- No, I didn't! I swear I never saw someone pack a bag so quickly.

She pretty much waited at the window for me to show up.


Hey, Alex.

I saw Leo and Hayley in the driveway.

She's back.

- Really?

- Yes.


- One, two, three!

- Eagles! Our job was to describe Sheriff Woody in one word.

The word I chose is cowboy.

I think every leader needs to be a bit of a cowboy.

You know, a tough, protective sheriff that gets lonely sometimes.

That's what Woody is.

Who could lead those toys better than him? The Slinky Dog? Mr.

Potato Head? Don't you dare insult Mr.

Potato Head.

Woody always recognized the danger before the rest of the toys, and he always took responsibility at the right moment.

I have a little confession to make.

I only saw the movie for the first time today.

And I'd also like to thank Max for organizing a very special VIP screening for me.

So the first word I thought of was friendship, because this is a movie about a friendship between two leaders.

One leader being older and more experienced, and the other being new and fresh.

At first, Woody thinks he's going to be the leader forever, but then Buzz Lightyear comes along, and he realizes he isn't as perfect as he thought.

Hayward! Take a break on the bench.

- What?

- Woods, you warmed up?

- You need to get in there.

- Coach, I'm fine.

There's just two minutes left.

Let me finish this game.

No way.

Go on, Alex.

Woody was willing to sacrifice Buzz to stay the leader, but he realized his mistake as soon as he did so.

That's why the word I chose is humility.

I think Woody only became a true leader once he was able to admit to his mistake.

Well, hurry up already! Sorry, Coach.

If Daniel says he's fine, he should be in the game.

Go on.

- Thanks, Coach.

- Yeah, yeah.

As soon as he did that, not only did he earn his role, he also earned a friend for life.

That's what leadership means to me.

Stop it.

Stop it.

Eagles! Eagles! Eagles! Eagles! Eagles! Eagles! Now, if he makes both sh*ts, we win this.

My son's clutch.

He won't miss.

All right! Come on, Daniel! Just one more, bro! Come on.

Come on.

The Eagles win the game! Eagles! Eagles! Eagles! Eagles! I'll never forget this, Alex.

- Daniel?

- Daniel?

- Daniel?

- Daniel!

- Daniel!

- It's okay.

Daniel, can you hear me? I know I said it already, but thanks.

- It was nothing.

- It wasn't nothing.

It was a big deal.

Why did you do it? We're Ravens.

We're supposed to help each other out.

Okay, so I owe you now.

Breakfast in bed for a week? No, thanks.

I would get crumbs in my bed and then ants.

Okay, I'll clean up afterwards.

It's okay, you don't owe me anything.

Yeah, but that's not how it works.

You do me a favor, I do you a favor.

I'll still figure something out.

Guys, you wouldn't believe what just happened at the Eagles game.

What happened? He'll be fine, Judy.

I know Dr.

Schwartz well.

He's in good hands.

I just don't understand how a strong, healthy boy just collapses like that.

The important thing is he comes out of the operation safe and sound.

And didn't you suspect anything? I knew he was going through something, and I chose to ignore it.

Now look what happened.

Hey, don't blame yourself, okay? You didn't do anything wrong.

I should've insisted he tell me the truth.

The doctor's here.

I'll call you later.

Okay, cool.

Keep me posted, okay? Dr.

Schwartz, how's my son? He's in recovery.

He's still unconscious, but there's no need to worry.

- And his leg?

- It's too early to tell.

It all depends on the damage done by the Taser barb we pulled out.

Taser barb? What are you talking about? That was the cause of the infection.

Judging by its severity, the barb had been there for several days.

- Did you know about this?

- No.

In any case, I have to notify the police.

The police? Why? It's standard procedure with Taser

-related wounds.

- Um can I see him?

- Yes, of course.

Dad, we need to talk.

So he's in the hospital now? I can't believe it.

Come on, guys! Let's party! That's what the Eagles get for messing with us! Please turn the music off.

I said, turn the music off! What is wrong with you people? How can you celebrate something like that? If this happened to us, the Eagles would do the same thing.

Yeah, have you forgotten how they made you look like a ninja turtle? That's exactly my point.

We're not like them.

I'm going to their clubhouse to see if they need help.

Are you guys coming?

- So you knew this whole time?

- I told you, I wasn't sure.

No, you told me you saw him throwing the Taser into the ocean.

But I was so far away, it was hard to tell what it was.

He told me it was just a rock.

I did not raise you to be this gullible! Anything else you haven't told me? Some small detail that might complicate things even further? I can't believe you still think I'm lying.

That's what happens when you betray someone's trust.

And you could have saved your friends the trouble of taking unnecessary polygraph tests.

- This already hurts enough as it is.

- Don't you see how this makes us look? Having the Taser on Greenhouse premises? Can you imagine what that will do to the school?

- You're worried about your reputation.

- I'm worried about you, Brooke! If the barb matches the Taser the FBI found on the beach, they'll arrest you both.

Me? You're a witness who remained silent.

That makes you Daniel's accomplice.

He's the captain of the basketball team.

Honor roll.

Very popular, too.

So why is he walking around with a Taser injury? It's a good question.

Well, you let me know as soon as that barb comes out of the lab, all right? Do you really think he has anything to do with that missing park ranger? How many Tasers do you think are lying around that beach? The moment we establish a match with the park ranger's Taser, you call that kid in for questioning.

You got it? Mmm


So you were able to get everything out? Yes.

Your son is in great physical shape, so I'm confident he'll recover in no time at all.

Of course he will.

Thanks to your brilliant surgical skills.

What about the, uh, Taser barb? I'd like to see it.

That's an odd request.

Oh, well, I'm I'm just curious to know what injured my son.

Well, even if I wanted to show it to you, I can't.

It's classified.

I see.

You know, I really can't thank you enough.

In fact, I I may want to make a contribution.

You know, I'm very devoted to fund


I'm behind the new gym at the Greenhouse Academy

- where Daniel attends.

- Oh.

I would love to sponsor you in any of your endeavors.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to bribe me.

Anyway, the evidence is already on its way to the lab for analysis.

Oh, sorry.

I didn't want to interrupt.

The vending machine had Daniel's favorite flavor.


Daniel, can you hear me? Hey.

Let me guess, the Eagles didn't let you in.

Of course not.

But I did talk to Sophie.

They found a Taser barb in Daniel's leg.

God, that's awful.

How did it get there? Do you think that has to do with what the FBI was looking for? Kind of a coincidence, don't you think? Okay, Leo, but it's his problem now.

Do you realize what'll happen if the FBI finds out that Daniel's connected to all this? It'll mean a criminal investigation.

Louis will have to kick him out of the school.

So? That's good news, right? I don't know.

It's bad for the Greenhouse.

Come on.

Where we going? Follow me.

Jackie? You wanna play chess? Becca? No.

Emma! Do you want to play chess with me? Um I already asked Jackie and she was She never wants to play, actually, but Becca seems to be zoning out, and I really All right.

All right, I'll play.

Yes! So, have you ever played chess before? A few times.

Well, if you have any questions, just ask.

You go first because it's white.

Not bad.

What? English open.

Not bad.

You know, I've been playing since I was four.

My grandpa and I used to play for hours.

I once calculated that I've played three times as much as Kasparov did when he was my age.

Kasparov? Garry Kasparov.

The greatest chess player of all time.

So you're basically saying you're better than the best chess player of all time? Wow.

Losing to you would be an honor.

Thank you.


I didn't expect that.

It was about two weeks ago.

I was out on my morning run.

And that's when I found the Taser.

It was stupid to pick it up, I know.

But I was curious.

What were you thinking? Go on.

And then it hit my leg.

I didn't want to get into trouble.

I panicked.

I was going to give it to you, I swear.

But then the FBI showed up and I panicked again.

So I threw it into the ocean.

I'm disappointed by your poor judgment, Daniel.

Dad, stop! Can't you see he's in enough pain already? It's good he's in pain.

- Judy, how can you say that?

- She's right.

I screwed up big


I'm so sorry, Louis.

Unfortunately, I'm not your biggest problem.

It's the FBI that you should be worried about.

You can't touch that.

I checked you.

Right, you did.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Is that checkmate? Did you checkmate me? The last time an amateur player checkmated me was at the Poughkeepsie Chess Fair last year.

- That was because I had the measles.

- Good game, Kasparov.

Who knew quiet girl was such a con artist? No, she's not a con artist.

She's amazing.

Someone once told me the best way to let out anger is to play music.

Do I look angry? You kinda do.

Come on.

Play something for me.

Louder! Yes! Whoo! Okay, maybe I was a little angry.


- Hey, Daniel woke up.

- Hmm.

Sophie blogged that the doctor says he's out of danger.

All right.

Okay, I just spoke with Perry.

- And what did the lab say?

- Well, Perry never made it to the lab.

He's fine, thank God.

- But his car overheated.

- What? He was lucky to run out of the car just before the car exploded.

Oh, my God.

Wait, what about the evidence? All the evidence is gone.

The fire destroyed everything.

- I can still question the kid.

- Well, that won't help us now.

We have nothing to link him with the missing park ranger.

We're at another dead end.

- All gone, Judy.

- Are you sure? Mmm



I knew I could count on you.

Are you googling Emma? I'm just researching her background to know what I'm up against.

She uses techniques that I've never seen before.

Yeah, I bet you like her techniques.



What? No! I just respect her as an opponent.

What? Come on, Maximilian.

I'm here to help you.

I told you I owe you one.

What do you mean? I know you like Emma, and I am going to help you get a date with her.

- All right.


- Okay.


Okay, just

- Okay.

- Okay? Okay.

All right, these are gonna take some getting used to.

- You got it.

Come on.

Come on.

- Mmm, okay.


Okay, okay, not so fast.

- I don't want him to fall.

- I got it, Ma.

I just spoke with the FBI.

It's your lucky day, Daniel.

- What?

- Case is closed.

There was some kind of an accident and the evidence is all gone.

Wow! That's Wow! Wait, what accident, Dad? I don't understand.

- Who cares? Right, Mom?

- Yeah.

What a break.

Louis, I will never let you down again.

I promise.

I believe you.

But as a leader, you failed miserably.

Now, I appreciate all the contributions you've made to the Greenhouse, and that's why I won't expel you.

But you'll no longer be captain of the Eagles.

You know, something just don't make sense here.

Where exactly were you when the car caught fire? I already told you.

Black smoke from the motor came out of the AC vent.

I stopped the car and got out 'cause I was choking.

And then, boom, the car exploded.

So why didn't you take the evidence with you when you got out of the car? It all happened so fast.

I wasn't thinking.

I'm sorry, boss.

That was a close one, wasn't it? Yeah, acting's not for you.

Don't quit your day job.

Don't spend it all at once.

So, what's your deal with Daniel? What deal? You know We both have a job to be the best.

And often it comes at each other's expense.

I respect him.


Okay, don't get me wrong.

I can't stand the guy.

But you care about him.

And I think it's great that you feel that way.

It's just that I want to keep beating him 'cause he's a worthy opponent, you know? It's completely professional.

Yeah, totally.

I mean, you hate him so much that you kind of like him.

Will you stop it? Look, I just want you to admit that you're not only sensitive, but you're also nice.

Nice? Now you're just getting carried away.