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01x04 - Private Screening

Posted: 05/09/23 04:24
by bunniefuu
So? Just kidding.

I passed the test.

I knew you would pass.

Even though, statistically speaking, innocent people fail lie detector tests 50% of the time, and the guilty are more used to the psychodynamics of lying on a regular basis, so They're just numbers.

They don't really mean anything.

- Thanks, Hayley.

- No problem.

Anytime you need someone to take a lie detector test for you, I'm your girl.


- We need more time.

- I think you've had enough time here.

Listen, Louis If you don't have a search warrant, you're no longer welcome here.

I see.

Take care, Louis.

I know the Taser's here somewhere.

We'll get him a warrant.


Relax, I'm not going to hurt your diaphragm again.

Listen, um, thanks for taking the lie detector test for me.


You're welcome.

But if you ever snoop through my stuff again, I will do more than hurt your diaphragm.

- You're getting pretty good.

- Thanks.

Now I know three chords.

- You can start your own band now.

- Mmm.

- What's wrong with my Louie?

- Here, let me see it.

I've been having problems with it all day.

- Um, that's because this is a fake.

- Are you sure?

- So where is my Louie?

- Here.

I'm checking to see if your real Louie had access here last night.

There you are.

5:00 a.


- That's impossible.

I was asleep.

- Your Louie wasn't.

You meet any Eagles yesterday? No.

Why would I hang out with them? What about your brother? I saw him at the cafeteria, but So that's why they were being so nice to him.

Stole my Louie so they could break into our clubhouse.

Tell me it's not true, Alex.

- What?

- Did you steal my Louie? Did you hug me and make peace with me just to take my Louie? Alex, is it true? What do you want from me? Drop something? Oh.



Are you going on vacation already? You just got here.

Actually, I decided to go home.


Was it the polygraph test? No.

It's just this place is a little too much for me.

You know, the first few days at the Greenhouse are always the most stressful.

I'd be worried about you if you were feeling fine right now.

I know what you mean, but it's not that.

It's just not for me.

Can you make sure Alex gets this? And take care of him.



Just know our door is always open to you.

If you change your mind, don't hesitate to come back.

What is it? When did you have time to cook all of this? I don't know.

Running on the beach sort of filled me up with energy.

So I thought I'd make us some dinner.

I was looking for you, actually.

And I saw you at the beach.


I was just clearing my head, you know.

Throwing rocks in the ocean.

You were throwing rocks? Silly, huh? It sort of helped me relax.

All right, what you got for me, Miller? Captain, I managed to reroute the water supply to the laundry room.


You get the paint from the storage room? Perfect.

That's what I call revenge.

Great work, guys.

Eagles are going down! I forgot what it was like not to have seven other people snore in your ear when you sleep.

Did Alex call?

- Dad?

- Huh? I'm sorry, did you say something? I asked if Alex called.

So, I'm joining a convent.

Yeah, I'm gonna move to the Vatican next week.

That sounds great, sweetie.

Uh Wait, what?

- You're not listening to me.

- I'm sorry, I I was just Look, a month before your mother went up to the space station, she was meeting with all kinds of people I'd never met, and I never bothered to to read these documents properly.

What's the point of all this? I want to know what your mom was doing during the last month of her life.

Hey, wait.

You expecting anyone? Yeah.

Owen and Meredith.

Maybe she went for a walk.

Her bed was made.

She didn't spend the night in our dorm.

She did seem upset yesterday.

Something's not right.

Cover for me here, guys.


You okay, kid? You know, with your sister and all?

- I'm relieved.

- Yeah? Yeah.

We're gonna kick Whitney's butt today.

- Yeah!

- They're gonna cry all the way home.

- Yeah!

- They might as well go home right now.


- That's what I'm talking about.

- Eagles! Eagles!

- Eagles! Eagle

- Whoa.

- Bro

- What is this? What the It must be the Ravens.

- But how?

- I don't know.

Parker, I didn't know you joined the WNBA.

Very funny, Brooke.

Help me get this off.

I don't understand.

Why didn't she say something? I guess she didn't want to bother anyone.

Doesn't make any sense.

I mean, she belongs here.

Leo, you know the Greenhouse is not for everyone.

You know, we made a bet to see how long it would take you to break.

I said two days.

So you owe me five bucks, Owen.

Five? I thought it was worth at least ten.

It's not like you wanted to be the next president or something, right? So, what did I miss while I was gone? Oh, my God.

They're giving us way too much homework right now, though.

Probably nothing compares to the Greenhouse, though, right? Actually, all we got was just a glorified treasure hunt.

Such a pretentious school.

Look, the main thing is is that you're here with us now.

It's what matters.

So what does it mean to be a leader? Is it something you're born with? Is it something you learn? I would like us to think about these questions using a test case.

We all know what a test case is, right? I know what a case officer is.

Any ideas for a leader who could be our test case? How about the best of the best, Mr.

Steve Jobs? RIP.

But he didn't lead a country.

What about Barack Obama?

- Or an artist, like David Bowie.

- Over Kim Kardashian? These are all good examples.

I actually thought we'd start with someone you all know.

Turn on your Louies.

Say hi to Sheriff Woody Pride, our leader test case.

Your first activity this year is a short one.

I want you to think of one word.

When we meet again, I want each of you to give me one word which describes Sheriff Woody as a leader.

I'll see you in a few hours.

I hope you bring some interesting ideas to the table.

One word? That's it? You want us to think about Sheriff Woody all day? Welcome to the Greenhouse.

I can't believe a cartoon character is our test case.

Who invented Woody? Pixar.

And who was Pixar's chairman of the board? The best of the best, Mr.

Steve Jobs.


I loved Mr.

Potato Head.

Jackie, who did you like better, Woody or Buzz Lightyear? I don't know.

- Why are you following me?

- I'm not.

But listen would you want to work together on the Toy Story assignment? No.

- You sure? Why not?

- 'Cause I work alone.


You're okay? You looked upset in class.

- I'm fine.

- Oh, cool.

Good luck.

As Woody always says, "To infinity and beyond!" Yeah, I love it when he says that.

Actually, Woody never says that.

Buzz Lightyear says that.

It's okay.

I knew you never saw the movie.

- What do you want from me, Max?

- Nothing.

But I can help.

You see, Woody is this toy cowboy who belongs to a boy Stop.

I don't need your help.

Leave me alone.

- Another leg cramp?

- It's nothing.

You know, Leo's gonna be sorry when I'm done with him.

Like, I'm so tired of this guy just Listen, I saw the medicine in your locker, Daniel.

What's wrong? I don't know.

Maybe you not respecting my privacy.

I'll respect your privacy when you stop keeping secrets from me.

I should go.

What do you mean you found my file? I thought I deleted everything.

There's no file.

Sorry, it was the only way I could get you to come here.

What's this for? I figured you can't finish the assignment if you haven't even seen it.

I didn't know if you liked buttered or not, so I got you both.

Here's a blanket in case the AC is too strong.

My servers are sensitive.

You're really something, Maximilian Miller.

That's what my mom always says.

Have fun.

It's a great movie.



Dad, come in here! Dad! How can you live like this?

- Live how?

- In this filth.

I mean, what is this, a scientific experiment or something? If I'd have known you're coming, I would have cleaned up a bit.

Well, I didn't know I had to give a heads

-up before coming to my own home.

You don't.

You're right.

I'll be in my room.

Aren't you a bit curious as to why I left the Greenhouse? Yeah, sure.

I didn't wanna bother you.

Bother me? How? By communicating with me? Why? You feel like I don't communicate with you? You don't communicate with anyone.

Only with Mom, and she's not even here anymore.

Now what's wrong with me thinking about your mom? She's dead, Dad! She's not here! I mean, you don't care! You haven't said a word to me since I got home! All you do is sit there with that stupid bulletin board.

But you and your two kids are still alive.

We're alive, Dad.


- What?

- As usual, you were right.

I have to move on with my life.

Thanks for reminding me what's important.

You're welcome.

Oh, and, uh And one more thing.

Hmm? This guy just showed up.

- Hey.

- Hey, Woods.

Dad, why are they back? Oh, he wanted to tell me they found what they were looking for.

- They found the missing ranger?

- They found the Taser.

Off campus, thankfully.

A fisherman found it at the beach.

So the Taser has nothing to do with the Greenhouse.

- Okay? End of story.

- Okay.

What are you doing? Just looking for embarrassing photos of you from the second grade.

- Oh, here.

- Thanks.

So, Leo, you here to give me an inspirational speech about why I belong to the Greenhouse? Uh, I don't do speeches, Woods.

I just wanted to see where you grew up.

Look, I just came home to be with my dad.

Really? Is that the only reason? He needed me.

- What?

- I don't know.

Your dad needed you.

Your brother needed you.

When you gonna stop taking care of everyone else and start taking care of yourself? I thought you don't do speeches.

- This part always makes me cry, too.

- Shh! How long have you been there? I wanted to see the third act again.

- It's a great movie, isn't it?

- It is.

I feel stupid for not seeing it before.

So what? Now you've seen it.

It's it's not just that.

Why are you being so nice to me? What? Look.

They're getting back at Sid for everything he did to them.

Eagles! Eagles! Eagles! Now that Hayley's gone, we got to get rid of her brother.

Working on it.

Work faster.