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03x05 - Old Trophies

Posted: 05/09/23 04:12
by bunniefuu
What's going on? Is Suzanne okay?
I mean, the coach wouldn't let us out.

She is. Just a few cuts and bruises.

Your mom...

Mrs. Woods is going with her
to the hospital just for precaution.

- What happened?
- Suzanne smelled a leak,

and she got out of the way
just before her engine exploded.

- So, there was a gas leak?
- Yeah.

How can they be sure
someone didn't mess with her car?

No, no, that's crazy.
Who would wanna hurt Suzanne?

Mr. Woods, when is Suzanne expected
to get out of the hospital?

Well, I really can't answer that.
I don't know.

But I'm sure she'll be here very soon.

Did they check to make sure this leak

- wasn't foul play?
- Brooke...

Uh, that's a good question.

But, yes, we've ruled out
that possibility.

In 20 minutes?

Yes. Thank you, Brooke.

Now it's late.

I suggest you all go to bed. All right?

Oh. Just a reminder, guys...

Uh, the Eagles have a big game tomorrow
versus Briarwood Prep.

So, I wanna see you all there. All right?

Let's go, Eagles!

Guys, I also have
an exciting announcement.

Leo and I are now dating.

Sorry about the mess.

Care for a drink?

Is Suzanne okay?

Of course.
She's probably happy to get some days off.

But hey, more importantly,
we now have the magnetite,

which means we're on track
to extracting millions of dollars.

To friendship.

Second down and nine...

- Mmm.
- ...from their own 45...

What the hell are you doing here?

Well, hello to you too.

How's your teacher?

I should be asking you that.

Why? Do you think
I had something to do with it?

Yeah, the thought crossed my mind.

Look, if I had anything to do with it,

she wouldn't have had the time
to get out of the car.

Wanna join me for dinner?

- I want you out of here.
- Uh... No.

This is the best job I've ever had.

You think I'm afraid of you?

If you're not out of here in an hour,

I'm gonna tell Ryan
everything I know about you.

No. You won't.

- I don't care.
- Okay.

I don't care what you say
about my past, okay?

These people, they're my friends,
and they care about who I am now.

Look what I found, poking around.

This guy mean anything to you?

He's cute.

- Where did you get that...
- Yeah, thought so.

If you tell anyone,

I'll make his life, and yours,
pretty awful.

And you know what that entails.

You're a monster.

Nothing but open field ahead of him...


What a block! 45!

Back so soon?

Brought down at the 50.

Good evening, janitor.

What the hell are you doing here?

I'm on a nature hike.

All right, all right.

See, the boss is a little upset
that you skipped town without paying him.

Look, I got a job, okay?

Just give me...

Give me two months,
and I'll have his money ready.

- Two months?
- Yeah.

Do I look like a bank?

You got 24 hours to get the money,
or it's out of his hands, and into mine.

Good morning, sweetie!

Someone woke up late today.

I bet you're hungry as a bear.

Oh, uh...

Becca, this is all really nice,
but I can... I can feed myself.

No, you need someone to take care of you.

I really, really don't.

Guys, uh, Ryan has an announcement
for us in the clubhouse.

Okay. Great.

I know you lost
your challenge yesterday.

It's just one of many to come.

- You'll bounce back.
- Not without Hayley.

So, I thought I'd bring you
a little something to inspire you.

This is a piece of magnetite.

I discovered it as a student here.

And I thought, "This should go back
to its original home."

It used to live on a shelf.

Well, you'll find the right place for it,
I'm sure.

Uh, yes, we will!

Um, thank you, Ryan.

Um, on behalf of myself
and our captain, Leo...

We're a couple now,
so I can speak for him.

I'd like to say thank you

from the bottom of our hearts.

Come in, it's open.

- Hi, Carter. You wanted to see me?
- Hey.

Do you have any news about my brother?

Oh, uh...

No, no, we still have no idea where he is.


I'm sorry, Brooke.

And look, I found this
in a cupboard in your old room.

I thought you might like to have it.

Yeah. Sure. Thanks.

Well, I, uh... I guess I'll get going.

Yeah, okay.

Well, if you don't hear from me
in a while,

then I've probably fallen into
one of these bottomless boxes,

so call for help.

I will.

Hey, Mom.

Hi, honey. Sit down.


So, it seems like the Ravens
are pretty lost without you.

I doubt it.

Though, they did suck
in yesterday's challenge,

but someone's gotta win, right?

Oh, stop it.

You have to go back to your old clubhouse.

You're not serious, right?
We talked about this.

Uh, we didn't, really.

And I found out you never formally applied
to switch houses.

Who told you that? Leo?

Uh, no, actually. Uh, Suzanne.

Well, I wasn't aware
this was a dictatorship.

I thought I had the freedom
to choose where I wanna live.

But you're a Raven.

You really see yourself cheerleading
at the gym today?

Absolutely. Why not?

I'm sorry. I... I don't buy it.

Well, too bad, Mom,
because this is my decision.

I'm just worried about you.

I'm... concerned by your motivations.

Are you doing this
to get back at the Ravens?

At Leo?

Are you upset that he's dating Becca now?

What? No.

I mean, though,
I'm... sure he's kind of upset about it.

This is not over.
I need to think about it.

Thanks, Mom.

I do know I can't wait to see you later
with those pom-poms.

Can you believe it?
This was born on the Moon.

It traveled through space

when Earth was just
a little ball of lava and gas.

Let's get it up on the wall.

I'll hold it and you drill.

This is very powerful.

Just do it.

I'm trying.

Uh, where are the thingies?

- "The thingies"?
- The...

You mean screws? I don't know...

- Damn it.
- What are you doing?

It's not my fault.

You're the guy who doesn't know
how to use a drill.

Oh, because I'm a guy, I'm supposed to
know how this thing works?

You guys need help?

- Nope.
- God, yes.

I've always wanted to sit out here
with someone special.

I've never had a boyfriend before.

Am I doing everything right?

Oh, did I go overboard with the breakfast?

Maybe just a little.


No, don't be.


I was in a really weird place yesterday,
and then you came in, and...

I sort of acted impulsively.

I know! And I'm so glad you did.

Five, six, seven, and...

I was too shy to say it,

but I've had a crush on you
for, like, ever.

- Becca, listen...
- Clap!

- Five, six, seven, and...
- Oh! Look who's here!

Clap! High-V! Down! Kick!

Hey, Woods!

I think you missed a step. Literally.

Oh, my God.

This is the best thing
that's happened all week.

All year.

Yeah! Whoo! Eagles!

- I can't believe she gave it to us.
- I know.

How much do you think that
that thing's worth, anyway?

Can't even imagine.

It's the only piece
other than the original.

Someone must pay... tens of millions.

Max, only you would pay that much.

But hundreds of thousands for sure.


All done here.

Wow. Nice work.

You're really talented, Enzo.

Thank you.

But after listening to you kids
talk for five minutes,

I really know who the talented ones are.

Have a good one.

Okay. Well, thanks. Really appreciate it.

♪ Throwing lights like dynamite ♪

♪ Got me blown away every time... ♪

Hey, babe.

What's up?

What's all these?

Bunch of stuff from a long time ago.


You know, babe, you should really put this

in the display case
with all the other Eagles trophies.

What? No.

These are from when I was a kid.
No one wants to see these.

Um, so, you coming to the game, right?

It's my first game
with my mom as headmaster.

I suppose I have to.

Gotta cheer, right?



Hey! Eagles!

- Hey!
- Hey...

Come on, bro. We got this.

Hey, I'll see you at the game, right?


Eagles! Eagles!

Hey! Eagles!

Hey! Eagles!

I already knew that.

How dare you?

We're on the 16th fairway...

Businesses were boarded up once...

After everything they did to you,

you still miss that place, huh?

What? No! No, I don't.

Why do you have this, anyway?

Left over from when I was watching
your every move last fall, I guess.

Hmm. It's great entertainment, though.


What's that?

There's another piece?

This is not good.

♪ Extra, extra ♪

Listen up, guys.

I wanna remind you that
there is no second place in basketball.

There are only losers. And what are we?

- Winners!
- I can't hear you!

- What are we?
- Winners!

On three, Eagles. One! Two! Three!


Go get 'em!

And now,
let's hear it for our new headmaster,

American hero, NASA astronaut Ryan Woods.


Eagles! Eagles! Eagles!

Eagles! Eagles!


- Whoo!
- Yes!


Everything okay, Brooke?

I'm fine. Just need to...

Eagles! Eagles! Eagles!

Um, how did you get my combination?

Oh, silly.

I know where you hide things.

I know everything about you,
which is why I did this.

- Isn't it great?
- Uh, um...

I can't do this anymore.

Do what?

Any of this.

Uh, did I go overboard again?

I can change it.

- Or, or...
- No, this.


I'm so sorry.
This is all my fault,

but I shouldn't have started
anything with you when...

when my heart is in another place.

Well, that's too bad,

considering her heart
is in another universe

and stomping all over yours.

It's a magnetite.

A Moon rock. It's priceless.

Is this real wood?

Who cares about the base?

Didn't you hear me, bro?
That rock's from the Moon.

The rock alone is worth thousands.


I was planning on camping around here
for a few days,

while you desperately tried
to get the money.

I was kind of looking forward
to breaking your legs.


Well, I'm kinda looking forward
to never seeing you again.

We'll see.

If this doesn't check out, I'll be back.

Isn't there a game on right now
that you should be out at?

Dad, it's awful here.

I hate seeing Ryan doing your job
and living in your apartment.

It's our home, not theirs.

Oh, honey,

don't you know that a home
isn't made of walls,

but of the people that care for you?

Well, right now, those people
are riding a bike to nowhere.

Well, you can't be doing too badly,

if you can still take a jab
at your old man.

How do you stay so positive
after everything that's happened?

Well, I can sit around
and feel sorry for myself,

or I can enjoy this time off

and look forward
to new adventures in life.

What would you do?


What should I do with all these trophies?

Honestly, I'd throw 'em out.
Forget the past. Move on.

There's nothing more liberating
than freeing up space in your life.

And making room for better things to come.


Eagles! Eagles!
Eagles! Eagles!


- A sixth foul for Hayward...
- And one!

...and he is out of this game.

Come on, ref! You need some glasses!

Do you even know what happened?

I don't know. I just try.

Eagles! Eagles! Eagles!


Bring it in, Eagles.

- What I'm talking about, guys.
- Good.

Okay, Woods,
I wanna get this game over with.

All right? On three.

One! Two! Three!

- Eagles!
- Let's go, baby.

Make it, Woods. Okay? You got it.

Hey, Brooke.

Where were you?

I had something important to do.

What, more important
than being here for me?


You know what?

I think I need to be alone for a while.

Wait, are you breaking up with me?

I'm sorry, I...

Okay, Woods, back out on the court.
This time-out is over.

Look alive!

Come on, Alex! You got this!

Come on.

That's it.
The Eagles have lost the game.