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03x01 - The Hike

Posted: 05/09/23 04:08
by bunniefuu
Come on!

Were you two aware
that you had a live b*mb in your hands?

Actually, no.

We thought it was just another challenge
our headmaster Louis thought up.

Yeah. I was actually trying
to grab it from him.

That's why we were both carrying it
before it blew up.

And you, Miss Woods,

what was the first thing your mother
said to you when she woke up?

Uh, you know, the usual.

"What have you done to your hair?"
"You're wearing too much makeup."

Uh, actually, she said that she loved me,
and I told her the same.

Alex, you know you're gonna have
to kiss me in front of my dad eventually.

Yeah, I don't think so.

I like Brooke's choice in men.

Stay scared, son.

Stay very scared.

Mr. Osmond,
what's next for the Greenhouse?

- How do you follow something like this?
- We get back to normal.

The Science Olympiad is coming up.

A team from the Greenhouse
has placed first for six straight years.

I expect nothing less
from my champions again this year.

Jackie, I know you wanna be
with your family, but why can't we...

Actually, I read that there are, like,
3.5 million long-distance relationships

in the United States, and...

But I don't wanna say goodbye.

Goodbye, Jackie.

Hi, Emma.


I don't know, babe.

I think you'd be pretty great on the team.

Hey, Woods. We really need you over here.


I wish we could study together.
I miss you, babe.

I know. I miss you, too.

Are you coming?

About to start geology and geography.

Yay, we're studying rocks.

What did you just say?
I just fell asleep.

You know...

there's no reason
why we can't study together.

What do you mean?


- Hey, guys.
- We brought reinforcements.

- Uh, what's going on, Woods?
- I invited everyone over.

Thought we could all study together.

Wow. It is nerd kingdom in here.

- Right?
- Right.

Hey, when was the last time
we were in their clubhouse?

Probably the night
you guys trashed the place.

But... but now we're just a bunch of kids

that have to study
for some silly Olympiad, right?

- Yeah. Yep.
- Okay, let's get to it.

Let's go.

What do you mean,
they studied together?

The Ravens
invited the Eagles over.

Well, that obviously
wasn't a great strategy.

I didn't even know they had a ribbon
for tenth place.

Unfortunately, they do.

This is a disgrace.

- I don't know what happened, Louis.
- I do.

I created the two houses at Greenhouse
to encourage community and competition.

But after what's happened,
they've unified, they're friendly.

Their fire to be the best is gone.

Well, what are we gonna do about it?

I want you to all turn in your Louies.

- What?
- Why?

This is a navigation
and teamwork challenge.

You're all gonna be hiking
in the Santa Barbara mountains

for the next two days.

Two days?

Three flags for each house
have been hidden along the trail.

The first house
to find all three flags wins.

The house that loses has to clean
and clear the entire Greenhouse grounds

since we haven't had a groundskeeper
for the last month,

while the winning team gets to enjoy
a day at the beach.

- Wait, wait, so what is this?
- That's called a map.

That's what people used to find their way
before smartphones and Louies.

Captains, please.

These walkie-talkies
are for emergency purposes only.

Once it's used,
the house forfeits and loses.

Everybody, do what you have to do.

Get ready and pack your bags.
Bus leaves in ten minutes.

- Ten minutes?
- What?

It's this way. You're looking at it wrong.

I got a 1590 on my SATs.
I think I can read a map.

Look, my dad would take us camping
for three weeks every summer

with only a compass to find our way.

But, hey, it's your call.


We're going this way.

I can't feel my legs.

I can't breathe.

Come on, you guys.
We have to keep going.

I know we're close to our first flag.
I can feel it.

Can we just rest for a second?
I'm exhausted.

Says the girl whose dad put us here.

Hey. Don't blame the spawn of Satan,
blame Satan.

Did you just call my dad Satan?

No. No.


My beautiful spawn.

Okay, guys, we can stop,
but just for five minutes.

Let's make some quick sandwiches
and get our energy up.

- Good idea.
- All right.

So, how are things with Jackie?

It's crazy her mom found her
after all this time.

Thank goodness for national news, huh?

Yeah, thank goodness.

- So, how's she doing?
- Great! Awesome.

We're great. So great.

Oh. Great, that's...
I'm glad to hear that.

I don't know why people say
long-distance is so difficult.

I think it makes
our relationship better.

If you see your partner every day,
it could get boring, you know?

I guess so.

I'm in a long-distance relationship, too.

- Wow. Really?
- Yeah, you don't know him. Obviously.

Wow, cool.


What's his name?




Yeah, his parents were hippies.

Found it! I found the first flag.

Way to go, Becca.

Good thing we went this way.

Hey, how about we move the rock
to point the other way

to throw off the Eagles?

You mean, like, cheating?

Well, it's not really cheating,
it's just... throwing them off a little.

It's dirty.

Come on, guys.
Let's win this the right way.

- Hayley's right.
- Yep.

Of course.
I was just kidding.

Let's go, uh, find the next flag, guys.

My dad isn't Satan.
We deserve this. You know that.

I know, I was just teasing.

Hey, you... You got a little something...

- Where?
- Yeah, right there.

- Alex!
- Oh.

- Ah!
- You guys, gross.

Let's just eat our sandwiches and go.

Seriously, guys, grow up.

- Soph, can you help me up?
- Mmm, sure.



- You are a dead man!
- No, no!

Ew, ew!

Dude, you're eating that?

It's just peanut butter and bread.

And sweat, dirt, dead skin.

- Parker, you're disgusting.
- Yeah.

Where are your manners?



Thanks for listening to me today.

Thanks for telling me
I didn't know what I was doing.

I'm happy to be your moral
and literal compass anytime, Cruz.

We still make a pretty good team, Woods.

Hey, babe.

- Hey.
- Wanna go for a walk?

Yeah, sure.

All right. See you, dude.

- I found this off-road spot...
- Ooh.

♪ If you could erase me from your mind ♪

♪ Could I leave my mistakes behind? ♪

♪ Give us a reason
To repair the life we love ♪

♪ This is me erasing you ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ This is me erasing you ♪


- What do you see?
- Well, I hate to break it to you,

but they're getting along
better than ever.

They're singing.

My Eagles are singing.

If we don't get 'em back on track,
they'll never get back on top.

Well, what do you wanna do?

Turn up the heat a little.

What do you mean, boss?

You know these kids.
You know what will motivate them.

Just do whatever you need to do.

Okay. You got it.

♪ Molecules ignite
I'm caught on fire ♪

♪ Overwhelmed colliding atoms
Keep me from my sleep ♪

♪ Chemicals electric through the wire ♪

♪ Overloaded circuit buzzing you and me ♪

♪ You and me ♪

Uh... Leo?


This is typical Eagle behavior.

We should rename you the Vultures.

I don't know how many times
I have to tell you, we didn't do it.

Dude, it must have fallen in the fire.

- Right.
- Right.

What's going on?

What are you wearing?
Are you kidding me?

- What? I was cold.
- Unbelievable.

- Take it off.
- You're gonna tell me what to wear now?

Whoa. Never tell a woman what to wear.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Um, guys...

- What did you guys do to my guitar?
- We didn't do that!

I did not...

Did we?

Oh, I suppose it was done
by a little critter

who's a fan of the Eagles.

Hey, hey, hey.

Maybe someone's just trying
to mess with us.

Who would do that?

Or maybe... you guys did it to yourselves.

Maybe you wanted to start something.

- Why would we do that?
- You tell me.

Guys, stop. Stop, stop! This is crazy.

If they say they didn't do it,
they didn't do it.

These people are our friends.

No, they're not.


Happy now? Huh?
Now both flags are burnt.

- What are you doing?
- Just forget it.

And what about my guitar?

Look, if you want,

I'll slash all our basketballs
when we get back to make it even.

Get over it, man. Come on.

Good luck. Be strong, okay?

Come on, Eagles. Let's go pack.

Let's go.

Aren't you in the wrong group?

Eagles went that way.

Here. Happy?

I'd be happier if you threw it off
the edge of a mountain.

It's a sweatshirt.

You're just trying to tear him apart,
aren't you?

Stay out of this, Becca.

I'm just standing up for my captain,
which is more than you can say.

- Why don't you just go join the Eagles?
- Becca, stop.


Eagles, watch your step.
It's a little slippery.

Thanks, Parker. Ooh!

Hey, there's the flag. Let's go get it.

I got it.

Okay, that's what
I'm talking about, Parker.

There it is, guys.

Look who showed up.

- I'm not worried about a Raven.
- Yeah, Parker, come on.

Parker! Yeah!

All right, I'm gonna go in.

That's right, Parker!

You stay here.


Come on, Parker. You got this.

Do it. There you go, Parker, easy.

All right, guys,
let's fill up our water bottles.

I've got the iodine pills.


Leo, careful. Those rocks are slippery.

- Leo, are you okay?
- Nice one!

- I'm fine, I'm fine.
- Need some help?

Get off me.

Good job, Leo.

Nice one!

Nice, dude. Good job.


- Whoa. Becca, what the heck?
- Becca! Hey, hey!

Parker, are you okay?

- Guys, stop! This is insane.
- Are you crazy?

Stop. Everyone, stop. Stop.

- They've been fighting since they woke up.
- Good.

I'm glad they're back
into a little healthy competition.

They're trying to drown each other
in the river as we speak, Louis.

Look, if there were any real trouble,

they'd use the walkie-talkies
to call for help.

And if they're true winners,
they'll tough it out.

I don't know.

You sure you don't wanna just call it
a tie and bring 'em back in?

No, they need to finish this.

There needs to be a winner and a loser
to keep the fire going.

Okay, boss. You call the sh*ts.

That looks bad, Cruz.

It's nothing.

- What's this for?
- To clean off the blood.

I thought you'd like
to mess this thing up a bit.

Here, put that bandage on.


All right. Let's move, Eagles.

Let's get going, guys.

- Are you sure you're okay to walk?
- I hurt my hand, not my leg.


We have room for one more, you know.

What's stopping you, Woods?

You really want me to go, don't you?

I really don't care.

Hayley, don't.

I didn't know Hayley was that upset.

She's been dying to join them for weeks.

Let's go.

Ravens are gonna win this.

Eagles are gonna realize
what a burden they've taken on.



- You actually look better as an Eagle.
- You think?

Wait. Something's still not right.

Here we go.

Little bit of this.


And one of these.

- Guys, we have a major problem.
- Now it's perfect.

- I think I lost our iodine pills.
- Are you sure?

Yeah, I mean, I... I thought I left them
by the river,

but I looked everywhere. They're gone.

- Wait, by the river?
- Yeah.

What if the Ravens took them?

I swear we didn't take them.
I mean, I didn't take them.

It doesn't matter who took them.
We have no way to purify our water now.

I think I should call Louis.

No. Are you kidding? No. No way.

- Alex, no, you could get Giardia or worse.
- Don't do that.

Maybe it's fine.

Maybe the river is clean.

I don't think that's a good idea.

- Alex, stop.
- Alex, no.


- You okay?
- Yeah. I'm fine, I'm fine.

Come on, Eagles, let's go.

All right, let's do it.

- Parker, do not drink that water.
- I'm not.

Parker, what are you doing?

- I'm throwing the Ravens off the trail.
- No, we can't do that. That's cheating.

You mean
like how they stole our iodine pills?

I'm sick of them.

Maybe we missed the trail fork.

I'm sure this is right.

No, I think Emma's right.

We went up too far
and we must've missed the trail sign.

Maybe I can figure out
where we are from up here.

- Max, just be careful, okay?
- It's fine.

Oh, Max!

- My ankle.
- Are you okay?

Can you walk?

I think so.

I think not.

Guys, we have to keep moving.
We're losing time.

Leo, he can't walk.

We need to call for help
on the walkie-talkie.

No. We do that, we lose.

You should keep going, captain.
Come back for me when you win.

You sure?

Okay, you heard him, guys.
Let's get moving, this way.

I'm staying with Max.

Fine. We'll come back for you, okay?
Let's go!


- Oh. Ugh.
- What do we do? Should I call Louis?

- You have to.
- Yeah.

No, let's just keep going now.

Just don't...
Just don't drink the water.

But Alex, you're sick.

I'm fine.

- Here, give me your bag.
- No, no.

Let's go.

Yeah, let's go. Come on, Eagles.

Jackie's gonna be so worried about me.

Like I'm sure you would be about Leaf.

Oh, yeah.


Leaf is actually...

Actually what?


He's actually a really great athlete,

so he wouldn't really be
in this kind of situation.


Well, that makes sense.

There it is.
There's the last flag. We made it!

So did they.

What's wrong with him?

He's sick, thanks to you guys.

- What are you talking about?
- You stole our iodine pills.

No, we didn't. But Max sprained his ankle
because you guys moved the trail sign.

What? No, we didn't.

- Whoa!
- Alex. Alex.

Let's just finish this.


Go get it, D!

You're not gonna win.

Hayley's with me. I already did.

Come and get it, huh?

Yeah. Come on.

Go ahead. I'd rather take the win.

Come on!

Daniel, stop!
I'm your captain. I say stop!

Daniel, please don't hurt him.

It's over, guys.

- No, it's not!
- Leo, stop.

Alex and Max are hurt.
We all decided to call for help.

No way. I'm the Ravens' captain,
I haven't decided anything.

Do not set that off, you haven't won!

I'm not trying to win!

I got you. I got you, hang on.

- Help me up!
- Hang on. Hang on.

- I got you.
- Oh, I can't! My hand is slipping!

- Hang on!
- I can't hold on!

Help me up!