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01x19 - White Bird

Posted: 05/08/23 17:36
by bunniefuu
Michael, I'm picking up two men on the ridge above you.

One has a r*fle.

Stephanie, get inside! Go! KITT, cover us.

! Our conspiracy case rests on your testimony.

No matter what happens, you stay with KITT.

But you just seem so familiar to me your voice, the way you move.

They're gonna try and take her out of the picture before she gets to the grand jury.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Yes, it's been set for, uh, 10:00 on Monday.





We'll see you then.




It's almost 5:30.

Anything before I leave? No, I can't think of anything.

Oh, wait.

If you're going down, you could help a forgetful client retrieve his briefcase.

He's on his way over.

A silver sedan, chauffeur, the works.

Sounds hard to miss.

Anyone I know? No, no.

Just another wealthy bachelor with tax shelter problems.

You're right.

It's no one I know.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Good night.

Good night.

It's a setup! Hey, what are you doing? Let me go.

- Calm down, miss.

You're not going anywhere.

- Stop it.

Let me go.

Federal agents, Department ofJustice.

Right this way.

Let's go.

¢Ü We run like bandits ¢Ü ¢Ü¢Ü Michael? Yeah, KITT.

"C" is beyond your grasp, and "D" is beyond your vision.

I didn't know you had perfect pitch.

- It's a cross I have to bear.

- You do it so well.

Thank you.

De nada.

¢Ü The heart of the night ¢Ü¢Ü

- Can I get you something?

- Very funny.


The money in that briefcase is marked.

It's illegal money.

It's dirty.

It comes from a man named Anthony Solan.

Now, that name may mean nothing to you, but it's well known at the Department ofJustice, the F.



And various other circles.

What isn't as well known is the very special relationship that exists between Anthony Solan and a well

-known attorney by the name of Gilbert Cole.

I don't believe that.

You don't have to.

We've had your boss under investigation for six months.

We know of the connection between him and Solan, but we haven't been able to prove it.

Now we can.

That briefcase proves conspiracy.

If that's true, why don't you arrest him? He's a smart lawyer.

Would you let a guilty man go free just because he's smart? Look, I'll spell it out for you.

Our conspiracy case rests on your testimony.

You've got to say that he gave you the briefcase with specific instructions.

What if I refuse? If you refuse, and there's insufficient evidence to prove that the briefcase is Gilbert's, then there's only one person left to hang it on, and I'm looking at her.

Michael, I love you.

Don't ever leave me.

Michael, I love you.

Stephanie? Yes.

I'm Michael Knight.

I arranged for your bail.

Do I know you? No.

Do you work for Mr.

Cole? No, I work for the Foundation for Law and Government.

I'm sorry.

I don't know of them.

Why would a foundation I've never heard of post bail for me? Well, we're interested in your case.

We help people we're interested in.

I'm not sure that answers my question.

Maybe I can fill you in on the way.

On the way where? To your apartment.

Unless you want to hang around here.


I didn't think so.

How did you know I live in an apartment? Your address was on the arrest report.

And how did you get your hands on the arrest report? Stephanie, the Foundation has a lot of friends.

It seems like everyone has friends in high places except me.


Just a little self

-pity slipping through.

You're entitled.

But Stephanie, you do have friends if you choose.

Thanks, really.

But my boss is going to help me.

In fact, he's probably arranging bail for me right now.

I appreciate your sense of loyalty and trust, I really do.

But Stephanie, so far the facts indicate your boss is much more than an innocent bystander.

Everyone seems to think that he's guilty of I don't know some major tie

-in with the underworld.

- I don't believe it.

- I'm not saying you have to.

All I'm saying is that until we can develop some more information, you'd be real wise not to lock yourself into a particular defense or a particular person.

Well, what do you think? I don't know what to think.

Tell you what do it my way for 24 hours.

If you're not convinced by then, you're free to handle it any way you choose.

Why are you doing all of this? I told you why.

I know.

The Foundation and all that.

But it just seems like there's something more.

Is there? No.

But you just seem so familiar to me your voice, the way you move.

Hey, do we have a deal or what? All right.

All right.

I'll see you in a couple hours.

Now, you keep this door locked.

And don't let anybody in.

Michael? Yeah, KITT.

Are you all right? I took the liberty of scanning your vital signs.

Your blood pressure is 190 over 120, and your pulse is 104.


Not according to my information on the human body.

What I mean is, it's not as bad as I thought.

Gilbert Cole.

Hello? Stephanie, is that you? Who is Stephanie Mason? Bonnie In my other life, when I had a different face, when I didn't have this identity, when I was Michael Long, Stephanie and I were engaged to be married.

Michael, I'm sorry.

I didn't know.


No one knows, except Devon.

Now you.

I've programmed KITT with everything I could get on Cole.

I hope it helps.

Yeah, me too.

Thanks a lot.

Michael, be careful.

Stephanie? Hey! Stephanie! Stephanie, it's me! It's Michael! Oh, Michael.

Oh! Oh, I thought they'd come back.

I didn't know Who? What happened? Two men came while you were gone.

They tried to break in when I wouldn't open the door, so I ran out the back.

L It's okay, Stevie.

It's okay.

Why did you call me that? What? "Stevie.

" Nobody calls me that anymore.

I guess I'm pretty thorough, huh? I must've read it in the Foundation's files.

Come on.

I gotta get you out of here, get you someplace safe.

Go put some clothes together, huh?

- They just left the apartment.

- Find out where they go.

Right now that's all I want to know.

What are you looking for? The microwave and the sunlamp.


I've never seen anything like this before.

I'm still amazed if someone has a phone in their car.

All right.

Might as well deal with this now.

KITT, say hello to Stephanie.

Stephanie, meet my car, KITT.

Say something, KITT.

Come on, say something.

She's gonna think I'm crazy.

Hello, Stephanie.

Michael isn't crazy, not in the clinical sense, at least.

Thank you very much.

He talks.

How can a car talk? Computers.

Don't ask me how.

I don't know.

I don't wanna know.

How you doin'? Feel better? Aside from trying to adjust to being in a car that talks? Yes, better.


As a matter of fact, the farther away we get, the better I feel.

Where are we going? The Foundation has a retreat just north of here.

What's the matter? I just realized I hadn't asked you that.

That scares me.

What scares you? That I would trust a stranger so much.

I think the reason I did is this feeling I have, this feeling I know you.

Michael, there's a car following us.

A blue sedan.

- You think it's the men that came to my apartment?

- That's my guess.

KITT, give me the car's license number and visuals on both men inside.

Right away, Michael.

There are the visuals, Michael.

And I have the number.

Then let's go.

Hang on, Stephanie.

There's an obstruction ahead, Michael.

Michael? I see it, KITT.

Hang on, Stephanie.

Whoo! How was that? That was fantastic.

Any reading on them, KITT? None.

- Not only does he talk, he has a sense of humor.

- I wouldn't go that far.

I beg your pardon.

The guy's got a car twice the car we've got.

What am I supposed to do? All right, forget it.

I think I know where they're going.

Seems they've got a place in the mountains, 40 or 50 miles north.

Well, here we are.

Ah, it's beautiful! A fireplace too? You want a fireplace? Yeah.

You got a fireplace.

Well, thank you.


You're late.

I expected you over an hour ago.

Who is he? It's my boss.


Since Michael seems to have lost the power of speech, let me introduce myself.

I'm Devon Miles.

And you are Stephanie Mason.


How do you do? Fine.

Won't you make yourself at home? By the way, uh, the tea is very good.

And now, if you'll excuse us, I'd like to have a word with Michael outside.


I'll unpack.

Does she know who you really are? No.


Keep it that way.

Devon, it seems to me the Department ofJustice is trying to put the squeeze on her.

Either she testifies and implicates her boss, or they're gonna try her for conspiracy charges.

Whoever's behind this whole thing knows that if she testifies, they're in big trouble.

I think they're gonna try and take her out of the picture before she gets to the grand jury.

I'll see what I can do, starting with the car that followed you.

Michael, you've chosen to do the most difficult thing a man in your position can do to help someone you love.

If it had been anyone other than you and that girl in there, anyone other than who she is I'd forbid it.


Hey, you hungry? Please say yes, because I'm starved, and I don't want to feel guilty.


What? Have you ever had the feeling you've been someplace before, said the same things to the same person? I know it can't be true, but that's how it feels.

Come on.

You're just too tired.

Yeah, I guess.

I guess I've been working so hard trying to get my life together, and take care of myself Look at me now.

I can't even go home.

I can't do anything without you.

I'm dependent on you.

The last time I depended on someone, I lost him.

His name was Michael too.

Michael Long.

You know all about me.

I don't know anything about you.

It's not fair.

I'll tell you later.

Tonight? Yeah, maybe tonight.

In the meantime, I refuse to let this gorgeous day go by without picking some flowers.

Is that all right? It's all right.

Just don't go too far.

¢Ü Or she will die ¢Ü ¢Ü White bird must fly ¢Ü ¢Ü Or she will die ¢Ü¢Ü Michael, I'm picking up two men on the ridge above you.

One has a r*fle.

Stephanie! Get inside! Go! KITT, cover her! Stevie! Let's go.

Morning, Michael.

Come now.

It's unlike you not to eat.

Just look at the breakfast I had prepared for you.

All your favorite things steak, eggs, greasy potatoes.

Michael, she'll be fine.

You have Doctor Carlysle's personal assurance on that.

God, Devon, I've gone over KITT's programming twice.

I've got nothing.

How about you? Any luck? Some.

What? Regarding Gilbert Cole.

It seems he's everything the Department ofJustice says he is.

Which is what exactly? Well, amongst other things, that he's a business partner of Anthony Solan.

His primary contribution to that partnership is laundering Solan's money.

It's a strange world we live in, isn't it, Devon? The Department ofJustice knows that Gilbert Cole is breaking the law.

I know he's behind sh**ting Stephanie.

We can't move a damn finger against him.

Calm yourself, Michael.

It serves no one's purpose to react from emo I'm not reacting! I'm feeling.

Is it okay to feel? Does the Foundation permit that? Do you? Come.

Let's take a walk.

I'm not so much concerned about Stephanie dying.

I'm more concerned about her living.

What does that mean? Well, have you thought about afterwards? When this is all over, what are you going to do then? I know I want to be with her.

And how do you propose to accomplish that? Tell her who you really are? Set up housekeeping, and, as the saying goes, live happily ever after? I don't know.

You saying that's impossible? You know better than to ask that question.

You have too many enemies in the real world.

You can't go back.

You can't even afford to look back.

I suppose loving her means making another kind of choice.

Michael, when I was with the O.



In France, I met a young lady, a very special young lady.

I met her in a little cafe just outside of Paris.

I remember she was wearing a white dress, and she looked like an angel.

Well, we were young.

Time was short.

We fell very much in love.

But soon I realized I had a choice to make.

After all, I too was in a dangerous occupation.

I love her, Devon.

You telling me I can't ever love anybody? Everything changes, Michael.

I can't look into the future, but I know that right now you have a choice to make.

A decision.

I know you'll make the right one.

Oh, uh, before I go, I have something else.

I don't want to tell you this, but I feel I must.

Stephanie was arrested twice, represented by Cole on both occasions.

For what, jaywalking? Solicitation.

I'm sorry, Michael.

- I want to talk to you.

- Who the hell do you think you are?

- Name is Michael Knight.

- It's all right, Claire.

I'll handle it.

It's okay.

All right.

You're here.

What do you want? Did you defend Stephanie Mason on criminal charges?

- You have her? Is she with you?

- I didn't ask you what you wanted.

You asked me.

- Just answer my question.

- You get tough with me, I won't answer anything.

Stephanie Mason was never arrested on solicitation.

So when it popped up on a computer, I started asking some serious questions.

The first was who salted a phony bust on her and why.

I'm still working on that one.

The second question is who represented her.

I got that one, man, and that's you.

Now, my plan for the first one is to start rattlin'cages.

And I'm gonna keep rattlin'cages until all the monkeys fall.

So you get yourself a real good grip.

KITT, if I'm right, a call should be going out of Cole's office right about now.

See if you can pick it up.

Right away, Michael.


He was just here, Michael Knight character.

He was hot, raging about how Stephanie was never arrested, and how he was gonna find out who salted her record.


Let him spin his wheels for a while.

It'll buy us time to find out where they're keeping her.

We'll find her.

- How'd we do?

- We drew a blank, Michael.

A call went out on his private line, but he has a scrambler on it.


Bonnie, I think we've got something here.


-reference the union case.

Coming right up.

- Oh, Michael.

Glad to see you.

- What's up? Look at this.

Those two cases Cole recently lost.

In one of them he represented a splinter group of a large labor union.

They were trying to form an independent bargaining unit and lost.

Guess whose name pops up on the winning side

- Anthony Solan.

- His name keeps popping up.


Well, Solan was also a principal behind the scenes in Cole's other major defeat.

That was a

-a zoning dispute over a shopping center site.

I'll bet a little more digging will turn up a connection.

You need some more, I'll get you some more.

Michael, the grandjury convenes the day after tomorrow.



Anthony Solan.

Michael, my sensors detect the electronic signal of a silent alarm.

There is a security guard approaching, Michael.

- How much time does that give me?

- One minute, Michael.

He's approaching this corridor, Michael.

Okay, pal.

Hey, Stevie.

It's me.

It's Michael.

Michael? Where are you? I'm here.

Right here.

I woke up, and you were gone.

I was Don't talk, huh? You're not alone anymore.

Michael, don't go away again.

Please, don't leave me.

I won't.

It's okay.

I won't.


"Lawyer names law clerk in gangland conspiracy.

" It's a lie! Everything in there is a lie! What does he hope to accomplish? Does he really expect the grand jury to believe that I'm a


-a money courier for the underworld? Stephanie, don't be too sure they won't.

It's all a matter of credibility.

It's your word against his.

Well, I'll take that chance.

My credibility's intact.

Isn't it?

- Michael?

- I didn't want to get into this until I could prove otherwise.

What are you talking about? Stephanie, a routine computer run shows you got a record.

- What?

- Two arrests in Las Vegas.

That's ridiculous.

I've never been arrested in Las Vegas or anywhere else.

L What was I supposedly arrested for? Solicitation.

That's a lie! How can he do that? You can prove that's a lie, can't you? We're working on it.

Do you believe me? Oh, yeah, I believe you.

It's the grand jury that I'm worried about.

Michael, Devon wants you.

Ah, Michael.

I have Stephanie's arrest record.


"Stephanie Mason, Las Vegas, June 10, 1982.


Arresting Officer, William Donner.

"Las Vegas, July 23, 1982.


Arresting Officer, William Donner.

" The same arresting officer.

That's very interesting.


Now listen to this.

William Donner.

Ten years on the police force.

Indicted last fall in a police scandal, but it didn't stick.

Then he disappeared.

And here he is.

Wait a minute.

I've seen this face.

The car that tailed us to the retreat.

KITT, the visuals on the two men who tailed us to the retreat.

Patch 'em through.

Right away, Michael.

That's our man, Devon.

That's the proof they salted a phony record on Stephanie.

Wait a minute.

This may be enough to question the veracity on Stephanie's record, but it doesn't touch Gilbert Cole, not yet.

What will? We're running out of time.

I know a way.

Gilbert, it's me, Stephanie.

I need your help.

Where are you now, at home? No, they've got me at the Foundation.

But I heard them talking.

They're taking me to a retreat, somewhere in the mountains.

Someone's coming.

I'll try to call you from there.

All right.

No matter what happens, you stay with KITT.

I will.

Stephanie, promise me.

I promise.


Devon's standing by.

All we have to do is bait the trap.

KITT, scan the cabin.

There's no one inside, Michael.

Michael, I'm a little afraid.

Everything's gonna be all right.

I promise.

He knows what he's talking about.

I certainly hope so.

Michael, a vehicle is approaching at high speed.


I hit it with everything I got! Ram him!

- Here they come.

- Surely you don't expect me to just stand here, Michael.

Just one second longer.

Now! You okay? Where's Cole? I don't know what you're talkin' about! Michael, are you in need of assistance? No, just a little privacy! All right.

It's your last chance, man.

Where's Cole? No call.

I checked with the operator.

The car phone's dead.

Something's wrong.

Let's get out of here.

Do you think we'll be in time? I hope so, buddy.

They're waitin' for a phone call they're not gonna get.

- Michael, there's a fence ahead.

- No problem, pal.

Can we catch 'em? No problem, pal.

They're approaching airspeed, Michael.

Yeah, I know.

There's only one way to stop 'em.

Ready whenever you are, Michael.

Way to go, pal.

As usual.

Usually, I'd wait for you to swing first.

But I talked to the federal attorney.

He said that after I testify, I'll be in the witness relocation program.

New place to live.

New identity.

Sometimes it doesn't seem like any of this ever happened.

Well, it's all behind you now.

The nightmare is over.

And the dream? Hey, what happened? You lose your necklace? No.

I gave it back.

It's gonna be strange becoming somebody else.

Leaving my life behind.

You know, I read about a bird once a long time ago.

A white bird.

It eats, sleeps, spends its entire life in flight.

It never lands.

That's its purpose.

Its destiny.

To fly forever.

¢Ü Or she will die ¢Ü Good

-bye, Michael.


-bye, Stevie.

¢ÜDreams of the aspen tree ¢Ü ¢Ü With her dying leaves ¢Ü ¢Ü Turning gold ¢Ü ¢ÜBut the white bird ¢Ü ¢ÜJust sits in her cage ¢Ü ¢Ü White bird must fly ¢Ü ¢Ü Or she will die ¢Ü ¢Ü White bird must fly ¢Ü ¢Ü Or she will die ¢Ü¢Ü I'll make it up to you, I promise.

Name it.


All right.

What do you want me to do? It's not within your power.

I didn't know they were gonna sh**t up the place.

Do you know what that was? A 150


-old clock.

Oh, here.

Maybe I can fix it.

I guess not.

I'm gonna take a little drive.

It's really nice outside.

I'll come back in about an hour or so when you've added up all the damages.

What is it, Michael? I wonder if she really knew, KITT.

Look in the glove compartment.

Why did she leave it for you? A mutual friend gave this to her a long time ago.

He's dead now.

I think she wanted me to remember him with this.

What was his name? Michael Long, KITT.

Michael Long.