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01x15 - Give Me Liberty… or Give Me Death

Posted: 05/08/23 17:34
by bunniefuu
I gotta get some sleep.

I'm running a race tomorrow.

What if I give you a reason to stay up? KITT could win this race with one booster tied behind his back.

Your job is not to win the race.

- I believe we're being shot at, Michael.

- Accidents are a part of any race.

Here's to good sportsmanship.

Our saboteur may be planning a few new surprises for the last leg of the race.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Hi, Bonnie.

Hear Devon's got us in a race.

I've augmented KITT's scanning system with a special infrared tracking scope.


Um, listen.

When you finish up work tonight, how about you and I going out for a little dinner? I'd love to, Michael, but I'm spending the night with KITT.

Oh, well, you two have a real good time.

First I have to recharge his components.

Then I have to convert the engine to run on liquid hydrogen.

Then I have to flush his systems and adjust his timing.

Recharge his components? Flush his system? KITT, don't you dare take advantage of her tonight.

I won't.

Would you get out of here, you yo

-yo? KITT, I hope you're not picking up his warped sense of humor.

- I'm trying my best not to.

- Good.

KITT! Try a little harder.

That driver was very lucky to walk away from the trial heat.

Devon, are you sure it wasn't an accident? Michael, it looks like somebody's out to sabotage the Alternative 2000 race.

Well, quarter million dollar purse That could be an incentive.

Absolutely right, Michael.

However, our goal is to ensure that no further disruptions occur.

Therefore, you have joined the field as my personal entry.

Yourjob is not to win the race.

It is to find out if indeed there is a saboteur.

And if there is, to put him out of business.

Michael, I can serve you better if I'm familiar with your strategy.

Good point, KITT.

Our game plan is simple, yet complex.

We lay low.

We blend in with the other racers on and off the course.

We observe, deduce and analyze.

In other words, we're winging it, as usual.

You got it.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a great day for the auto industry the first international grand prix to compare alternative energy sources.

Drivers from all over the world are here, and you can positively feel the excitement mounting.

Not only are these cars fuel efficient, but their performance reflects state



-art auto engineering.

Michael, I want you to meet Dr.


Michael, it's nice to meet you.


Kempler, it's a pleasure.

I promise you.

I'll do what I can to help.

Thank you.

I appreciate it.

I can't tell you how important all of this is.

The entire credibility of alternative energy research and development lies on this race.

- Oh, Devon, I still have to get your signature on the entry form.

- Certainly.

Excuse me.

Nice meeting you.

Nice meeting you too.

Catch you later.

- Hi.

- Nice car.

- You must be the late entry.

I'm Liberty Cox.

- Michael Knight.

Will all drivers please report to the main tent.

All drivers to the main tent.

Thank you.

- I'll be your personal escort.

- I can't think of a nicer way to start a race.

You know, you win, uh, first prize for the, uh, wildest dashboard on a car.

No kidding? Where do I pick it up? I don't know.

I'll find out and let you know.


I'm driving for Devon Miles.

You're Michael Knight.

Yes, sir.

Ed Shaw, race coordinator.

Interesting car.

Yeah, well, it's an interesting race.

Best of luck.

Thank you.

Uh, where do you think you're going? I beg your pardon?

- This meeting's for drivers only.

- Do you happen to know who I am? I sure do, lady.

That's why you stay right out here.

Catch you later.

Now, remember, you'll be clocked at each of the two overnight pit stops.

The first day, each car will be handicapped according to his starting position and his own specifications.

Next two days will be a flat

-out race for the flags 2,000 miles overall.


Kempler and I have designed the course to challenge you.

Not each road is gonna be in top

-flight condition.

I know what's at stake, but let's be careful out there.

In case you haven't noticed, we have a new driver.

Meet Michael Knight.

That's it, gentlemen, ladies.

Uh, Ed, just a second.

Before you go, I would like to introduce Clark Sellers, President of the Sellers Cable Network.

If it weren't for his generous contribution, you would be racing for a lot less than $200,000.

- Clark? Yeah, about $195,000 less.

No, that isn't true.

The truth is I consider that a bargain to get the exclusive worldwide television rights to this race.

I think it's going to be an exciting event, and the Sellers Cable Network is proud to be broadcasting it.

Now, go out there and show the world the future is alternative energy and cable television.

That's all.

Hi, guys.

Good luck.


I'm Michael Knight, the new driver.

Before you go any further, I think you should know I have no intention of making friends.

I'm interested in two things finishing first and doing so in one piece.

- So if you don't mind

- In that case, I'll see you at the finish line.

She wasn't your type anyway.

Who are you, anyway? I told you already.

I'm Liberty I know.

Liberty Cox.

But I mean, what are you doing trying to crash a drivers' meeting? Oh, I'm covering the race for New Wheels magazine.

Ever read it? New Wheels? Yeah, yeah, once or twice.

Actually, I really want to experience the race.

I want to live it and breathe it You mean, like, gonzo journalism in the flesh.

I guess you could say that.

Listen, if you like, I could run the first leg of the race with you.

Oh, I'm sorry, but I travel solo.

Hey, lovely lady.

How would you like to ride in the lead car? No thanks, boys.

Come on there, magazine lady.

You have absolutely no idea what you're gonna be missing.


It's true.

Come on.

Would you believe their car is supposed to run on moonshine? No kidding? Looks like they're halfway through their fuel supply.

- Get out of the way, you fool.

- Who are you calling a fool, schnitzel breath? That boy's driving illegally.

I'm calling you a fool.

You know, you're a little I'll see ya at the pit stop.

Could we have the racing cars to the starting bridge.

All cars to the starting bridge, please.

Ladies and gentlemen, in car number one, fueled by an alcohol

-based mixture, Sonny and Lester Prince.

In car number two, driving what might be the most advanced methane

-powered automobile in the world, from West Germany, Helmut Gras.

In the third car, from Japan, running on propane, Hito Osaka.

In the solar

-powered vehicle, we have Dorothy Ackridge.

- Next up, from the sheikdom of Kuwait

- Ready, KITT? Michael, you do realize this race is academic, not to mention unnecessary.

- Why is that?

- The car of the future is already here me.

And finally, running on liquid hydrogen, in the K

-2000 Special, Michael Knight.

That's our little secret, pal.

Let's do it! The starter is lining up the cars.

Just look at those beauties the newest and fastest alternative

-energy cars in the world.

And remember the challenge is to win the race using the least amount of fuel.

The drivers all seem to be okay.

The cars are ready.

The starter raises the green flag.

And they're racing.

! Looks like these guys are playing for keeps.

Michael, why do you have my engine on half

-throttle? We got to blend in, KITT.

You know that.

Ah, yes.

Observe, deduce, analyze.

You got it.

We're under strict orders not to strut our stuff.

Listen, check your data banks and give me a rundown on the competition, will ya? As you wish, Michael.

Beginning with the letter "A," there's Dorothy Ackridge, the woman you attempted to pick up.

I was just trying to be friendly.

I've heard that before.

She's the daughter of Henry Ackridge.

No kidding? President of Ackridge Automotive.



Kinda makes you wonder why she's driving a solar

-powered car.

You got a reading on her on the tracking scope? She's approximately half a mile behind us.

I'll decrease speed.

I appreciate that, partner.

I know how tough this is on your competitive sensibilities.

- KITT, what was that?

- I believe we're being shot at, Michael.

There's been another shot behind us.

The solar car's been hit.

Michael, she's skidding out of control.

She's okay.

Zoom in on her.

This is terrific.

This is better than The French Connection, and it's for real.

Come on.

Take it easy.

You okay? I think so.

I'll let you know after I stop shaking.

Thank you.

The way I treated you before, you're very kind.

You'd do the same for me.

Hang on.

I want to take a look at that tire.

Ladies and gentlemen, the cars are coming into view now.

Yes, here are the early finishers of the first leg.

I see Michael Knight's K

-2000 Special.

We're awaiting word now of Dorothy Ackridge, Excuse me.

Whose car apparently sustained a blowout.

There she is now, and she seems to be all right.

I'm all right.

I'm really more concerned about my car! Your crew's working on it.

They'll have you back in the race tomorrow.

Don't worry about a thing.

As soon as she comes out, I want some quotes to go with the footage.

Looks like a Fellini movie.

How's KITT holding up? Like a champ.

You might check out his grappling winch.

And while you're at it, check out this.

Hi, Liberty.

Another interview.

Go for it.

Hi, guys.

We've reserved you a seat right here.

I bet you did.

Come on, here.

Oh, yeah.

Step right on in here.

Gonna fix you right up.

What you want, darling? You want a beer? Ah, you have to be disappointed with your time today.

Well, guys, I only worry about one thing that's who crosses the finish line first.

Sure you'd have finished sooner if you hadn't stopped to help poor Miss Ackridge.

- We know you would have never stopped to help her.

- Accidents are a part of any race.

Question is will it continue to happen? They will, the way he drives.

Well, here's to good sportsmanship.

That's what I figured.

Now, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Let me ask you a question.

What is it with all these questions? I thought you wanted to party.


Wrong? Give you a little acupressure.

No, no, no, no.


Listen, you guys.

I would really love to stay.

Really, I would.

But I think that you two are so unbelievably sexy that I don't think I can control myself much longer.

Wait, wait, wait.


I haven't finished your kidneys yet.

Boy, you got a way with women, Sonny.

I got to hand it to you.

I told you she had the hots for us.

Our mother raised an idiot, and it ain't me.

That girl ain't got the hots for us, or she wouldn't be going over there toward him.



It is cold out there! Well, come on inside.

You know, you seem very calm for a man who may be the next one to go.

What makes you think there'll be a next one? Call it a journalistic hunch.

But there's someone who wants to win this race by whatever means it takes.

Like, by eliminating the competition.

I can't believe all this is happening.

Two years of planning, coordinating, finding sponsors for the cars, developing fuels Gordon, try to relax.

Take a deep breath.

Have a drink.

We'll work it out.

You're not in this alone, you know.

One way or another, your Alternative 2000 will succeed.

Believe me.


Kempler, could I see you for a minute? Alone? Ed, you know I don't have any secrets from Devon.

What is it? In that case, I think you better come with me, both of you.

Looks like something's up.

You can go now.

She said she found this under the bed when she was cleaning the room.

Uh, senora.

Uno momento, por favor.

A collapsible Rexman.

A highly sophisticated long

-range sn*per's r*fle.

Not at all common.

sn*pers? Devon, do you think that this could be the r*fle that shot at Dorothy's car? Bonnie said the b*llet was a.

308 caliber, and the Rexman uses.


What's the meaning of this?

- What are you doing in my room?

- I believe the question should be, "What is that doing in your room?" Well, you can breathe easy again.

The ordeal's over.

Naturally, my hunch was right on target.

- Am I in the wrong room?

- No, no.

You're in the right room.

Anyway, um, as it turns out, it was the Arab; although, I thought it might be the German.

Anyway, I guess the crisis is over.

They did find the smoking g*n in his room.

If I'm in the right room, then you're in the wrong room.

L I thought I'd surprise you.

I hope you don't mind.

Well, as a matter of fact, I do.

Well, I


-I was just being spontaneous.

I figured this gave me a good opportunity to find out what makes a man like you tick.

Yeah, well, I don't think your readers would be real interested in me.

I don't care about my readers.

I find you very interesting.

Are you gonna stay mad at me all night? No, I

-I wasn't planning on it, but Liberty, I

-I gotta get some sleep.

I'm running a race tomorrow.

What if I give you a good reason to stay up? Is that reason enough? No.

But it's a start.

This is an outrage.

I've never seen that r*fle before in my life.

You can't do this to me.

I'm warning you.

If I'm jailed, my country will lodge a formal protest.

Well, we can all finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Hah! I hope so.

All this craziness is making me a nervous wreck.

You can relax now, I think.

I feel certain the case is closed.

The police did the ballistics tests on the r*fle and the b*llet, and they matched.

That still doesn't mean Hashi pulled the trigger.

No, it doesn't.

Just because he was driving doesn't mean he didn't either.

He could've left the road, assembled the r*fle, fired, and in the confusion, got back into the race.

Remember, he comes from one of the major petroleum exporting countries in the world.

Devon, it's it's too perfect, you know? I think I should stay in the race until we're sure all the shoes have dropped.

You sure it isn't because you want to win?

- Devon, don't you know me?

- Yes.

That's why I asked.



It is a glorious morning a double


Not only do I get to be with you, but I get to ride in this mysterious black beauty.

Listen, I've got everything arranged.

I've got chicken and sandwiches, iced tea Liberty, I'm sorry.

You can't ride with me.

What? It's not me.

It's my sponsor, Devon Miles.

He's touchy about these things.

I don't believe you! Hey! Didn't last night mean anything to you? I don't beg rides, Michael Knight.

They beg me.

Liberty Come on, baby! Bonnie.

! I wanted to see if I could extend the tracking scope's range.

Did you? No, but I see you extended yours.

Ladies and gentlemen, the cars are moving to the starting line for the second leg of this historic race.

There's the green flag.

And we have a start.

Busy morning? You could say that.

Did Liberty Cox ever find out what makes you tick? KITT, didn't anyone ever tell you it's not polite to eavesdrop? I had no choice.

After all, I was in surveillance mode.

Then you should've noticed she left and I went to bed.

I've heard that one before.

KITT, let's run profiles on the remaining drivers and key personnel.

Does the phrase "key personnel" include Miss Liberty Cox? Yeah.

That's a good idea.

Let's start with her.

Shall we begin with personal data or criminal activities? "Criminal activities"? Come on.

The lady may be many things, but she's no criminal.

- Is she?

- You tell me.

June 1980.

Breaking and entering.

Bailed out by her editor.

September 1980.

Malicious mischief.

Bailed out by her publisher.

January 1981 ?? Leaves the wrong impression on her mind ?? ?? On her mind ???? Hey.

Do you want a little blast? It'll get your motor runnin', that's for sure.

You know, it's guys like you that give alternative fuel supply a bad name.

A bad name? Hell, lady, we love it.

Why don't you lighten up a little bit? We don't know, but we sure can go! Whoo! Let me out of the car! Looks like Liberty bit off a little bit more than she can chew.

If you have any thoughts of rescuing her, Michael, I'd advise you check my schematic visuals.

In that case, buddy, we better step on it.

My God! Whoo! I don't need your charity, Michael.

Oh, my God! Devon, I need a coroner's van and a wrecker here right away.

There's been another accident.

- Michael, that was no accident.

- What are you talking about, KITT? My electronic sensors picked up a detonation signal two milliseconds before the expl*si*n.

Is that all this is to you is a hot picture and a cover story? Ladies and gentlemen, we have a report of a possible accident to the number one car driven by Sonny and Lester Prince.

Meanwhile What a disaster.

Look at it.

There isn't a sober journalistic face to be seen.

There isn't one scientific quarterly writer.

Whole thing has turned into a blood


-guts demolition derby.

It's a car crash carnival.

Well, Doctor, you aren't thinking of canceling the race? I don't know what else to do! Well, if you cancel now, it'll be interpreted as as the failure of alternative energy.

The entire concept will be set back 10 years.

Gentlemen, may I make a suggestion? Since our primary concern is the safety of the drivers, why not let them decide? Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to thank you all for coming.

As you can well imagine, there's been a considerable amount of concern over what's been happening, and there seems to be a variety of opinion as to whether the race should be allowed to continue or not.

Uh, Devon Miles has come up with what I believe to be the best solution.

Since it's really your race, and it's certainly your lives, he felt that you should be the ones to decide whether to continue or not.

So, I'm going to ask all of those who are in favor of continuing the race to please raise your hands.

All right.

The race will continue on schedule.

All drivers report to the staging area at 7:00 a.


Sharp, and, uh, good luck.

We must talk.

Let me grab a quick shower first.

Shaw, how can you act like it's business as usual? You k*lled two people today.

Lower your voice.

To hell with my voice.

! Look, I hired you to arrange an accident or two.

A near miss.

Some excitement, so at least I'd end up with a promotable show.

Not death.

Not m*rder.

You know what's wrong with guys like you, Sellers? You want accidents, explosions, chills and thrills so you can sell what would have been a turkey and keep your little cable network alive.

But you don't want any of the responsibility.

What was that? Aah! Hey, Liberty! You home? The girl can't just disappear from the face of the earth.

She won't just disappear.

They'll find her what's left of her at the site of the next accident.

That's insane.

! It's too risky.

Just shut up and listen.

They're looking for a mystery saboteur, right? We'll give it to 'em a dead one.

You think it's that easy? You think the police are that stupid? I don't think we have that many options.

Now, she already has a history with the local law enforcement.

The police will come to the only conclusion they can: She made a mistake setting a b*mb.

No doubt about it, Michael.

That is identical to the signal I monitored two milliseconds before the Prince brothers were, uh What is the phrase? Blown to smithereens.

Well, Michael, it seems we found our saboteur.

Really? And who's she working for? Middle East? Detroit? The whole thing doesn't track.

Give me a motive.

All right, Michael.

I'll give you a motive.

And not one as byzantine as ones we've considered.


At the start of this race, the only interested people were idealists and dreamers.

But now, in light of the events of the past few days, it's news.

Our Liberty has her camera bag chock

-full of negatives which could command a fortune from magazines and newspapers all over the world.

It's too easy.

It's the Hashi



-r*fle thing all over again.

I mean, her bed wasn't slept in.

Why weren't her bags unpacked? Where'd she go? The racers are lining up.

Michael, if Liberty is not in the wrong, our saboteur may be planning a few new surprises for the last day of the race.

I think you'd better go.

Why? So you can put an A.



Out on Liberty after I leave? What would you do? Same thing.

Good luck.

Be careful, Michael.

Thanks, Bonnie.

All right.

Okay? Now, don't make it any harder.

Got her? Yeah.

Oh, you've got a lot of energy.

If I get some time, I'll help you work it off.

Give me that bag.


I'm gonna set this with a fuse.

Now tie her to the rock.

All right.

When the dust settles, they'll figure that she made a mistake, couldn't get out of the blast area in time.

We'll have to hurry.

I told the camera crew to get some run

-bys, but they should be here 10 minutes.


I took care of that.

You took care of it? Who the hell do you think you are? The new vice president of Sellers Cable Network.

"Vice president"? Come on.

No, please? Ow! KITT, I know we have missed something.

Run the stats on the rest of the race the racecourse Just give me everything you got.

Very well.

Help! KITT, I think you made a mistake.

There's only been three accidents, not Michael, I was about to say that this is a readout of all the S.



Camera positions.

Yeah, but this one, this one and this one They all took place in the same place the accidents happened.

You know, that's why I thought Wait a minute.

Give me an overlay of the accident sites and leave up the camera positions.

Right away.

KITT, every accident has taken place right in front of a camera crew.

Michael, the odds against a freak accident being synchronistic with a random deployment of cameras is I know what it is It's way too coincidental.

Remember what Devon said about why Liberty might have sabotaged the race?

- To make her feel more valuable?

- Well, the same theory applies to cosponsor Clark Sellers.

Exploitive publicity.

Where's the nearest camera position? We just passed it Apache Wash.

KITT, get me a readout on that canyon.

With all your scanners, the visuals, the chemical detectors Give me the works, buddy.

Michael, there's an expl*sive charge there.

And a person too.

What? Come on.

Give me maximum enlargement.

KITT, it's Liberty! Michael, at the rate that fuse is burning, we have less than 20 seconds to stop it.

Help! Oh! Help.

! Help me.

! KITT, I need some help! Michael, I'm monitoring the signal from the S.




Yeah, it talks.

Yeah, I know.

It's got monitors too, huh? Clark Sellers is there.

Liberty, I know Sellers is in on it.

What? Shaw? You're telling me Shaw's in on it too? Mm

-hmm! All right, KITT.

Sellers and Shaw are gonna take off the minute they see us.

Get me some overdrive, buddy! Huh? What? Michael, she would like you to take the gag off.


I don't think so.

You know, this is the first conversation I've ever had with you where I can get a word in edgewise? All right, KITT.

We're gonna give Clark Sellers a real big finish for his cameras.

The cars are coming into view, and it looks like Helmut Gras.

No, wait a minute.

Another car is coming, and his speed is off the scale.

! He's got the girl.

And the winner is Michael Knight.

Coming in second is Helmut Gras.

And third, Hito Osaka.

Come on, come on! Let's go! Wait a minute, ladies and gentlemen.

The race is over, but there seems to be some kind of a disturbance in the pit area.

Please don't panic.

Please stay in your seats.

Michael, they're getting away.

Ouch! Mr.

Sellers? Say "Leavenworth.

" Ready? Okay, smile.

All right.

! Great.

! Just Let me turn this just a little bit this way.




That looks pretty good.


Just one more.

How about that? Okay? Ready.

Ready? Say "cheese.

" Hello? Why, no.

It's Bonnie.

Oh, hi, Dr.


What do you think, Devon? It goes against the grain to see a man rewarded for insubordination.

Can you run that by me one more time? I'm not sure I heard you right.

Okay, Devon, I'm sorry.

I apologize for winning the race.

But how else was I supposed to nail Sellers and Shaw? I have no intention of discussing this case ever again.

Now, would you please tell me what she's doing here? I'm here because I want to find out what you told my editor.

I had the world's greatest racing scoop.

Death, mayhem, a talking car to the rescue.

I simply told him that we're involved in a sensitive area here, and that publicity is something we could well do without.

Explains why he k*lled my story.

- It's alive again.

- What? Well, it seems that Hashi Al Qatar's ambassador called the state department, and they agreed that the disqualification was illegal.

Does that mean that the race will have to be run all over again? Does that mean I'll have to give back my trophy?

- It looks like that.

- Oh, what a shame!

- Sic transit gloria mundi.

- You took the words right out of my mouth.

Uh, hold on a minute.

I'll ask him.

Um, Dr.

Kempler wants to know if Michael's entering the race again.

- Yes!

- No! Michael Knight, a lone crusader in a dangerous world, the world of the Knight Rider.