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01x12 - A Plush Ride

Posted: 05/08/23 17:32
by bunniefuu
There's nothing about any of these cars here that's ordinary.

They'll take a hit that would send a production

-line model directly to car heaven.

One of the security team may be a plant, sent in on a hitjob.

I have the assassination team on the scanners.

Those cars are heavily armored.

Five at once could be a problem.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Yesterday's bombing was the latest in a string of deadly t*rror1st assaults that have left scores of casualties throughout the world.

One can only wonder what effect this will have on the summit conference, organized by the Foundation's Devon Miles, which is scheduled to convene five days from now.

At that time, Mr.

Miles hopes to negotiate a treaty among three of the nations currently harboring the t*rror1st brigades.


Yes, we're looking forward to the meeting.

Yes, I'm watching it now.

Absolutely terrible news.

It means that we will have to approach the mission with a renewed sense of urgency.

Oh, don't worry.

You'll soon see what steps I intend to take.

The important thing is that words, not g*ns, should be employed now.

We don't need any more v*olence, and I'm sorry, we have no more statements to make.

Thank you so much.

Michael, what is this? Seaweed.

What is seaweed doing under KITT's hood? Oh, yeah.


I can explain that.

- Perhaps you shouldn't, Michael.

- Don't tell me Remember all those jewel robberies down at the marina? Well, it turns out the two thieves are scuba divers.

Anyway, KITT and I are on the pier, and these two guys, they jump right in the ocean, so naturally Michael.

Devon! What's the good word? I wish I had one.

I'm sorry to disturb you both.

I'm afraid I need you to drive me somewhere immediately.

All right.

KITT should be ready in a couple seconds.


We won't need KITT.

I've arranged for another car.

Come along.

We must move quickly.

Time is of the essence.

- Good

-bye, Bonnie.

- Well, I'll catch you guys later, huh? Here.

Why do you suppose they excluded me, Bonnie? I don't know, KITT.

But don't take it personally.

I won't.

You know I can't take anything personally.

I've always known you were a class act, Devon, but, uh, is it really necessary for me to chauffeur you around like this? In this case, absolutely essential, Michael.

In fact, you're virtually indispensable.

Looks like we got some company.

Any ideas? Yes.

Lose it.

Anyway you can.

Okay, Devon, but this sure isn't KITT.

We're like a t*nk against a fighter plane here.

What am I supposed to do? Be skillful, Michael.

Be skillful.

Well, Mr.


What is your opinion of my opinion now? Well, you were not kiddin', Mr.


This boy can hold his own with the best.

He's gonna do just fine.

Do what fine? Would somebody like to tell me what's goin' on here? All in good time, dear boy.

All in good time.

Next week, the leaders of three rather unstable Third World nations will come together here in order to sign an anti

-terrorism treaty.

If this treaty is signed, it could put international terrorism out ofbusiness.

Devon, I still don't see the problem.

Because, Michael, one of the security team may be a plant sent in on a hit job.

Or at the very least, to make sure that the treaty isn't signed.

And I'm supposed to find the hit man.

Right? Exactly.

Now, in order to polish their skills for their assignment, the members of the security team will attend a special session at Mr.

Redmond's Victory Academy.

He normally handles groups of up to 100.

He teaches tactical and evasive driving techniques along with advanced, hand


-hand combat, and weapons

-oriented bodyguard techniques.

I'm familiar with the place.

Now, do you have any more information for me beyond the fact that one of these guys just might be a ringer? Very little, I'm afraid.

Here are their dossiers, but there isn't much to be learned from them.

So, with no leads, I got less than one week to catch a bad guy who may not even exist.

Doesn't sound to me to be too simple.

On the contrary, Michael.

It seems perfectly simple to me.

Devon, let's say there is a bad guy.

And he overreacts and decides to waste me.

Oh, that would be a most serious and unfortunate resolution, Michael.

But you're quite right.

It would solve our problem.

What we're to do do our best to make any possible suspect blow his or her cover.

I must say, it's an extremely clever plan, though.

Must've been Mr.

Miles's idea.

- Why would you think that?

- Because it entails a rather objective and sophisticated insight

- into your basic character.

- Oh? Of course.

With your usual lack of subtlety, you would have no problem at all in panicking anyone with anything at all to hide.

- Actually, we might even go so far as to say


- Yes, Michael.

I know.

- Shut up.



Looks like the training here is pretty rough.

Maybe this is what they do for roll call.

You sure this is part of the program? You big gorilla.

I didn't know you were in this class.


I would have turned it down if I knew they let little wimps like you into it.

Ha! If that's how they greet an old friend, I wonder what they do when they meet an enemy? If we're careful, we'll never find out.

- Margot Wells.

- Michael Knight.



The freelance fightin' game's been a little shaky lately.

We're just trying to keep our hand in.


We get high

-strung sitting around.

Oh, man.

Ain't nothin' gonna get you high.

I know what you mean.

That nervous energy keeps buildin'up.

Name's Corey.


Now you know who to call when you want to work it off.


-huh? I, uh, can think of a lot better ways to burn off excess energy.

Well, you can start by burning off a little energy with that.

I hate to be the one to break this to ya, but this isn't Club Med.

You mean, I'm not gonna need my perfume, my makeup, my sexy gowns and my string bikinis? That sounds great to me, but it's probably the wrong kind of amm*nit*on.

Hey, buddy.

How about a little snapshot of that little package, huh? Anything? Yes.

A semiautomatic p*stol,.

32 caliber, three clips of amm*nit*on.

- Yeah?

- Also, seven blouses, four pairs of slacks, two pairs of shoes, six sets of undergarments, three KITT?

- Yes, Michael?

- Shut up.

Well, as you can see, this isn't your ordinary, Sunday



-meetin' windshield.

Matter of fact, there's nothing about any of these cars here that's ordinary.

They're not indestructible.

But they'll take a hit that would send a production

-line model directly to car heaven.


! Any chance I can get one of those for my live

-in? I don't think you could afford the both of them, Keller, anyway.

Unless one, or both of'em, were a dog.

Seems to me that a water bed would be more your style.





-ha! Hey.

Why don't you just save that for the hand


-hand class? Stow this, Jacobs.

Now, none of you should be too impressed with this little demonstration of mine.

The best security measures are those What, are you nuts? It's practice, remember? It was an accident! The strap caught the trigger when I put it in the rack.

No more accidents.

All right? All right, Knight.

All right.

Now, if you ask me, it's crazy using live a*mo in the first place! Yeah.

You're probably right.

But it does keep everybody on their toes, now, doesn't it? Come on.

We got work to do.

Let's go.

Come on! Hey, why don't you come back and join the party? What's with that guy, anyway? Ah, he spent three years in a Cuban prison in solitary.

Ever since then, he gets in these weird moods.

Hey, where's Margot? I don't know.

She said something about having to make a phone call.

Man, I hate white bread.

Better go round her up before Bigfoot here eats everything in sight.

Hey, wait for me! I need to call my bookie.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Michael? Good morning.

Is that your idea of an alarm clock? Uh, good morning, Mr.


No, it's just a little Halloween smoke, that's all that is.

But, uh, it could just as easily have been dynamite, fulminate, les plastiques, you name it.

Jacobs, shut up! But if I'd been a, uh, a for

-real bandito, now, I could have blown you people all so far that your memories would have just been memories.

And then, with you out of the way, your V.



Would be defenseless.

A sitting duck.

Don't take yourself for granted.

A bodyguard is a target too.

But what I want you to remember is you gotta be on, every minute.

All 24 hours of the day.

Now you're on your own until roll call.



All 24 hours of the day.

That goes double for you, amigo.

Comprende? Comprende.

Michael, where are your pants? Never mind.

KITT, I got a bone to pick with you.

According to my data on human anatomy, you have 206 bones,

- give or take some questionable cartilage.

- I left you in your surveillance mode.

Now, why didn't you signal me when Redmond went into my bungalow? If you recall, you yourself told me that Mr.

Redmond could be trusted.

Oh, is that supposed to be an idea of your logic? No.

It's an example of yours.

Speaking of which, when are you planning to start making these people nervous? I'm starting tonight.

I'm gonna organize a card game.

I'm gonna get rowdy, and drunk, and indiscreet.

Very well.

But when are you planning to do some work? Seven.

Oh, that's good! I like that.

Man, that's a fool's bet.

Don't be bettin' that.

That's a good one! I like this.


- Here.

Go ahead.

Go ahead.

- Here's $60.

Hey! Seven! Oh, man.

Pick up your money.

Listen, you guys.

You guys know anything about this weirdoJacobs? I mean, you ever work with him before? He's weird.

Hey, pal.

In our line of work, asking anything about anybody is a risky proposition.

Lopez, don't get so touchy.

I'm not asking anything about you.

- Not yet, anyway.

- And that's the way I like to keep it.

Hey! Come on, let's just play cards, all right? Let's just play! It's practically the 21 st century.

You wanna bet anything worth knowing about you, Lopez, or you, Keller, or any of us here at the table, is stored up in some computer somewhere.

And all you gotta do is know one thing.

- What?

- What buttons to push.

Shut up.

Shut up! Come on.

Let's play cards, huh? Okay, today you're gonna practice some ambush and evasive tactics.

It'll be two on one: Two cars of baddies to one good guy.

Now, Lopez, I want you and Corey to take the limos.

Knight, you and Keller will attack Lopez.


I'd like you and Jacobs to attack Corey here.

All right? Two against one.

Devon, I've been here two days, and I thought I'd give you a preliminary report.

Redmond is a genius in denims.

What he doesn't know about terrorism hasn't been discovered.

Corey is the wise guy.

There's always one in every crowd.

He gets away with it because he's good.

Keller, he's the best driver in the group.

He does things they haven't thought of in Detroit.

Lopez Well, he always has a smile on his face.

He's as tough as two men twice his size.

Margot is the brains of the group.

In class, she even startles Redmond.

Jacobs is a k*lling machine, Devon, through and through.

In short, they're a perfect team.

The kind I'd be real happy to go into combat with.

The problem is how do I detect an assassin in a group of trained K*llers? The local hangout in town is called the Buckaroo Club.

I'll meet you there.

Maybe one of us will have a bright idea.

Hello, cowboy.

- Bonnie!

- Howdy, partner.

Trail boss sent me to round you up.


Did you change your hair or something? Devon, you look ridiculous.

Really? I thought I looked like Gary Cooper.

Michael, we've had a devil of a time trying to find you tonight.

Say, is this the only pub in this town? It's country western.

And yeah, it is.


Very primitive.

And hideously noisy.

Wait, wait.

That's chili! And believe me, a gourmet like you wouldn't be interested.

Very unassuming.

And much too simple.

You know, cayenne is no substitute for cumin.

And all those beans.


And now, for a progress report.

Do you realize that we're running very near the edge, so to speak? Devon, I've tried running it up the flagpole, but so far, nobody's saluted.

- Hmm.

- Meaning what? Meaning that he hasn't had any reaction worth talking about.

Meaning that either there is no ringer, or if there is one, his nerves are a lot better than we thought.

Or you're not as obvious as you might be.

Though I find that very hard to believe.

Bonnie, did he actually give me a compliment? Listen, do any of the drivers know exactly what the mission is yet? No, of course not.

Why should they be briefed before it's absolutely necessary? That's true.

But if there is a bad guy he would have to know, wouldn't he? What a brilliant thought.

Yes, of course he would.

Well, Michael, I guess we can call it a day.

Not yet, KITT.

I want to search Margot's room.

I've heard that one before.

It'll give you something to brood about during the night.

Ow, that hurts! It's supposed to and are you armed, or do I have to embarrass both of us by a frisk? What are you doin' in my room? Would you buy lust? I wouldn't buy anything, at this point.

Want to tell me why you're packin' a g*n in your suitcase? Yeah, just as soon as you tell me why you want to know.

You want to let me go? Look.

We're all in this to do a job.

Not to spy on one another.

Or are we? Okay.

In this scenario, Lopez is the bodyguard, Knight is the V.



Now, Keller, Corey, Wells and Jacobs are hunting them down.

The Uzis will be using wax loads.

- Hey, what's the effect of the wax load?

- Well, they sting like hell, and they leave a nice, red splat, so you know you're dead.

And when you find 'em, don't be gentle.

A little pain can be highly motivational.

This could get very interesting.

Knight, Lopez.

Remember, you're gonna have to be on your toes.

It doesn't matter what hat you pull your particular rabbit out of, all that matters is survival and as for the rest of you, the hit team remember, when you find those two boys, don't be gentle.

Make 'em remember that being stupid can hurt.


! You bozos are stuck out in the middle of nowhere, and you're unarmed.

These people'll give you two minutes head start.

- Okay, take off.

- So what happened to the two minutes? Corey, the t*rrorists don't play fair.

Why should we? Go! Come on.

All right.

- I'll outflank them.

- Yeah, that's a good idea.

I hope you're on your toes, man.

Yeah, it's mutual.

It's a perfect setup.

It's a good thing their b*ll*ts aren't real.



I think that we better split up.

It'll double our chances.

Yeah, okay.


Good luck! KITT.

If anyone's playin' for keeps, this would be the perfect time for them to try.

Get into this area and monitor everything that moves.

Michael, I'm scanning the area now.

Stand by.

I should be able to home in on your recent communicator.

Come on.

Come on! Was that Knight? Michael, I'm locked onto you.


You're due south of my position.

It may take a little time to reach you.



Michael, there's someone stalking you.

Approximately 150 meters northeast of you.

KITT, I was right.

They're using real b*ll*ts.

For someone who's been proven right, you don't sound very pleased.


What are you doing out here? Where's your target? He's in trouble.

Somebody's trying to k*ll him.

Wait! Are you sure? Jacobs.

I got away.

But he's hunting down Michael, and Michael's unarmed.

Come on.

Let's get some live a*mo.


You got me on your scanners?

- Yes, Michael.

- Look, Jacobs is stalking me.

- Can you tell me where he is?

- I believe so, Michael.

There's another person about 12 meters southeast of your position.

That's all I need to know.

Congratulations, Knight.

You found your assassin.

Are you hurt? Tell me the truth, Michael.

Devon, I'm fine.

My first hunch was right, though.

It was Jacobs.

Has he talked? Who financed him? Did he I'd like to be able to pick his brain, but Unfortunately, he challenged an U*i and lost.

Well, you'd better start home.

You can catch up in your paperwork while I go meet the Third World leaders.

See you in a few hours, huh? Okay.

Looks like I'm out of here.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, Mike.

Good luck.

All right.

See you, guys.


And you? Thank you very much for saving my life.

Hmm! Michael, you're strangely quiet.

Is something bothering you? KITT, the first day we arrived, Jacobs tried to k*ll me before we put the game plan into action.

Why did he make the try then? He had no reason to be suspicious at that point.

Perhaps it was just an accident, as he claimed at the time.

And perhaps there really is a tooth fairy, and perhaps there really is a Santa Claus.

Go to manual.

- What are you doing, Michael?

- We're goin' back! We're gonna find out why our game plan worked so flawlessly.

What's he doin' here? Jacobs? You look pretty healthy for a dead man.

You shouldn't have come back, Michael.

I figured that one out for myself.

How many of you were involved in all this? All of us.

The whole class.

No kidding! Boy, I got to hand it to you.

That's brilliant.

You set me up, didn't you? You staged Jacobs's death.

All so I could call Devon and everyone breathes a big sigh of relief.

Right! Then, when security is relaxed, the Third World leaders are sitting ducks.

Where's Redmond? He's in town.

He plans on coming back to escort us to the airfield, but, uh, I think we're gonna leave a little bit earlier than that.

You didn't k*ll him! Michael, we're professionals.

We only k*ll people if we get paid for it.

Or if they get in the way.

One thing still bothers me.

Your dossiers are clean all the way back.

How'd you get past the security check? Wouldn't you like to know? Leave him alone.

Go out and move his car.

We don't want Redmond to see it.

We all have our political beliefs, Michael, but, uh, sometimes Jacobs gets a little carried away.

To answer your question, we had a man on the inside.

Michael? Michael, are you there? Michael, your audio isn't on.

I can hear you, but you can't hear me.

I'm sorry about this, Michael.

I really am.

Yeah, I bet you are.

You know what? I liked you.

I liked you a lot.


But I think, behind your pretty smile and your pretty face, there's nothin' but a grinning skull.

You both are forgetting one thing.

You k*ll me, there's gonna be a lot of questions.

As far as Devon's concerned, I'm driving home right now.

Michael, don't give them any ideas.

He's right, you know?

- There will be questions.

- No kidding.

You don't get b*llet holes cruising down the highway.

Michael, how clever.

You want me to cooperate with them.

- Perhaps we better arrange a little accident.

- What kind of accident?

- Lopez, why don't you go see what's keeping Jacobs? I think we're gonna need that car.

Got it! I wish there could be another way, Michael.

Hey, Jacobs! Hey, hey! What's the matter? You've gone loco or something? Yeah, you try opening the doors.

I've never seen anything like it.

Hey, man.

The pressure's getting to you! I know you're never gonna believe me, but I didn't want to hurt you.

It's a little late for that thought, isn't it? No.

You won't feel any pain.

Too bad, huh? The guy wrapped up the big case, but got totaled in an accident on the way home.

Whoever said life was fair? Okay, let's go.

We got 30 minutes until our sitting ducks touch down.

Michael, you're gonna be very proud of me.

I did exactly what you wanted.

I let them drive me up here and put you inside and Michael, you can stop pretending now.


Michael? You're not pretending, are you? Michael, wake up! This should help.


- I see you're awake.

Michael, I'm afraid we have a problem.


-eighths of a kilometer ahead is a steep drop.

A drop? Actually, a cliff.

At our rate of speed, we'll pass over the edge in less than ten seconds.

We will then fall 456 meters to the canyon floor below.

- Great!

- I may survive the impact.

However, you will not.

- Just hit the brakes!

- I am hitting the brakes.

Stop the car! I'm trying, Michael.

But the law of gravity takes precedent.

If you're familiar with Newton's Laws of Motion, then Rotate your turbo



That wa That's just too close.

And also, a brilliant demonstration of Newton's Third Law of Motion.

Yeah, great.

Grade me later.

Just Let's get out of here.

Come to Mama.

Foundation Control, this is Summit One.

Request landing clearance.

Summit One, this is Foundation Control.

Devon Miles is standing by to greet your party.

You are cleared to land.

Roger, Foundation.



Would you follow me, please? Summit One, we are on a strict schedule.

Please clear the runway.

KITT, patch me through to Devon.

I want to warn him.

Sorry, Michael.

I can't get through! Why? We got to be in range of the airfield! We are.

But the security precautions for the Third World leaders

- include a telephone security code.

- You don't have it? Human error, Michael.

You told Devon the case was closed.

- Can you break the code?

- Do we have an hour? We don't have five minutes.

Michael, I have the assassination team on the scanners.

We will overtake them in a matter of minutes.


! Don't let 'em out of your sight.

I don't intend to.

Michael, I should point out that those cars are heavily armored and capable of great rates of speed.

Although I'm more than a match for any one of them, five at once could be a problem.

In that case, we'll whittle 'em down one by one.

There they are, KITT.

We're not too late.

This way, please.

Summit Two, please clear the runway.

Summit Three, this is Foundation Control.

You are cleared to land.

Everybody, we're being pursued.

I don't know how, but it's Knight.

- That's impossible!

- Yeah, well, "Impossible" is following at about 90 miles an hour! Pull the limos over.

We'll stop him right here.

- Got it.

- Uh, yeah, that's a roger.



Okay! Here we go, KITT.

Whoo! Yeah! That's two down, KITT.

And three to go.

How very nice to see you.

Won't you come in?

- He's back! He's still there!

- You go on.

We'll nail him.

- And then catch up with you.

- Yeah.

I got you on the right there.

Michael, they've split up.

Two of them are heading directly towards us.

I noticed.

I noticed.

It's worse than I thought.

The limousines have reentered the picture.

Michael, all four vehicles are converging on our position.

They will impact with us in less than ten seconds.

Not if I can help it.

Whoo! Yeah! Let's get out of here, KITT, and save the Third World leaders.

Not to mention our reputations.

Jacobs, where are you? Jacobs? Corey? Keller! Lopez! Are you there? I'm sure the cars will be here at any moment, gentlemen.

She's dangerously close to the Third World leaders, Michael.

We have to, KITT.

I owe that lady.


Miles, there's a single car approaching.

Stop that gray car at all costs!

- Hello, Devon.

- What kept you?

- Am I late?

- No.

?? A discouraging word ?? ?? And the skies are not cloudy all day ?? Oh, Devon! Hi! Michael, are you out of your mind? These people have a serious and critical meeting.

! Well, that's why they got to unwind!

- I'll be right there, Abdul.

- Devvy! Come on, I'll buy you a beer.

"Devvy"? Devon! You represent the Free World to these people.

You don't want 'em to think we're all sticks in the mud, do ya? Come on! Come on! Now, look here ?? Home on the range ?? ?? Where the deer and the antelope play ?? ?? Where seldom is heard ?? ?? A discouraging word ?? ?? And the skies are not cloudy all day ???? Michael Knight, a lone crusader in a dangerous world, the world of the Knight Rider.