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01x10 - Inside Out

Posted: 05/08/23 17:31
by bunniefuu
My men are trained to go into instant action.

They're gunning for you, Colonel.

You're the Muhammad Ali of crime.

What was that?

- Why does he need a driver like me?

- That is on a need


-know basis.

There's something wrong with this guy.

This operation goes into high gear within 12 hours.

There is no time for rivalry in the ranks.

KITT, take over.

I'm going out.

Hang on! Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Yeah, we got somethin'.

Whoa! Eighty miles an hour! Damn kids.

They think they own this road.




-ninety? Two twenty

-five? He's off the scale! Maybe it ain't a car.

What was that? A Pontiac.

Michael, if you want me to drive, don't bump the controls.

Just finish him off and take the wheel.

Michael, are you tying him up again? Michael! KITT, open the sunroof! You don't have to shout.

Sorry about the accommodations, but it's the height of the season.

You understand.

Hi! We were so worried.

Are you all right? Yeah, I'm okay.

I had a couple bruises.

How are your shocks? Are you still in alignment? Everything is in proper order, Bonnie.

But thank you for your concern.

Oh, KITT, that's sweet.

But let me check anyway.

Your surveillance scanners might need adjustment.


Hello, Devon.

When we didn't hear from you on schedule, we decided to intercept you en route.

What happened? Mr.

Dugan got loose about an hour after I picked him up.

He jumped me while I was driving.

Well, you seem to have managed all right.

Is he secure now? Well, I locked him in that trailer you prepared, but I still think he'd be a lot more secure in a prison.

Well, in case another inmate recognized him, he'd blow the whistle.

What's this? Oh, I found that on Mr.


Obviously, some sort of cryptic invitation.

Maybe to the Army

-Navy game, huh? Michael, Kincaid is a very clever man.

I suggest you treat him seriously.

Although his style may be somewhat outrageous, his techniques, I assure you, are deadly.

Devon, it's perfectly safe.

Kincaid and Dugan have never met.

As far as Kincaid will know, I'm the world

-famous wheelman.

I sincerely hope so.

Several law enforcement agencies and military intelligence have tried to put an end to his criminal career several times, and all those efforts have come to a disastrous end for each one of the operatives concerned.

Can you rephrase that? They got knocked off.

Huh? They didn't come back.

You know, I liked it better the first way.

Really? Sorry.

- How's that?

- A little higher.

Oh, no, lower Stop! That's it.

I gotta get out of here.

I wish you'd had more time to prepare.

I wasn't patient when I was a cop.

I'm still not patient.

Michael, there is a fine line between audacious and foolhardy.

Relax, Devon.

I'll watch it.

And I'll still nail Kincaid from the inside out.

You really are quite impossible.

If only Wilton Knight hadn't conceived such an extraordinary obsession for you

- We'd both be out of a job.

- Ah.

- I'll stay in touch, huh?

- Good luck.

How's Frankenstein? Ready to roll? I've increased the range of all his scanners, and I've added an electrical jamming device.

Oh, yeah? What's that? KITT, I think that's your cue.

As you can see, Michael, I can now disrupt electrical activity within a range of 50 yards.

KITT, I think you've made your point.

Boy, you certainly turn him on.

And off.

Right now there's only one thing wrong with this car.

I know.

The nut behind the wheel.

That's That's very funny.

Very funny.

I wonder if there's a real woman under those overalls or just a robot.

Under the overalls, she is 168 centimeters tall, Other measurements: 97 centimeters, 61


- Yes, Michael? Shut up.

Michael? Yes, KITT.

I've been wondering about something.

Nuclear physics? No.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't we en route to Colonel Kincaid's current base of operations? Yeah.

What about it? Unless I'm mistaken, didn't Mr.

Miles say that no law enforcement agent had ever returned from there? That's right.

I see.

Do you happen to know what happened to their cars? Go ahead.

Go ahead.


Yes, KITT?

- Have you considered parking me out here?

- No, KITT.

I didn't think so.

Hello? Mr.


We've been waiting for you.

Kindly raise your hands.

Hey, what is this? You're late.

Since you're known for promptness, I'm highly suspicious.

What are you talking about? I'm right on time.

But one full day late.

You've had it, turkey.

Hold it, Thompson.

Stay put.

He tends to be a little impulsive.

I'm nobody's employee, Colonel.

I'm a professional for hire.

This little kangaroo court of yours is gonna cost you an extra 10 grand.

Hey! Nobody, I mean nobody shakes down the colonel.


I think I'm capable of handling this matter.

We have a contract.

The price was set.

And dance lessons weren't a part of it.

I get another 10,000, or you get yourself another man.

Very well.

Linda, show our, uh, driver to his quarters.

Colonel, are we gonna buy this bunch of lies? Thompson, we are trying to get Mr.

Dugan into the team spirit, and I would appreciate it if you would show some.

And get yourself a towel.

In here.

This is your room.

Workout clothes are in here.

If they don't fit, please speak up.

And wake up is at 6:00 a.


Sure you don't mean 0600 hours? I see you've heard about the colonel.

I heard he doesn't know he's been retired.

What's with all this West Point stuff? What's the caper? Why does he need a driver like me? As our leader says, that is on a need


-know basis, and so far he's the only one who needs to know.

Lights out at 10:00.

That's, um Right.

And if you're outside after that, your room had better be on fire.

That about covers it.

Any questions? Yeah, how about a personal one?

- You mean, what's a nice girl like me doing in a racket like this?

- Well, I would've phrased it better.

You'd get the same answer.

I'm here because I spent too many of my formative years with lowlife and scum.

- Like Kincaid.

- Like you.

KITT? Nice of you to drop in.

It's also necessary.

My room was bugged.


Should I scan the area? That's exactly what I had in mind.

It's not just your room, Michael.

There are monitors all over this estate, and every telephone line is tapped.

Then we can't contact Devon from here, can we? Not without being overheard.

I estimate one

-quarter mile away would be secure.

Shall we go? No, not just yet.

Let's wait till we get something definite.

Maybe I can get something from the girl.

I wouldn't touch that line with a 10

-foot driveshaft.

What's that supposed to mean? Merely that you always seem to use our assignments as convenient springboards for your social life.

Don't be ridiculous.

That girl is a source of information.

- That's all.

- I've heard that one before.


Dugan, since you're our latest recruit, no doubt you have a few questions.

Yes, sir, I do.

I've been wan I'll try to fill you in.

The next few days are gonna be spent in practice, practice, practice.

Without training, without drill and practice, any military maneuver is doomed to failure, and I do not fail.

Where was I, Dugan? You don't fail.

People at the Pentagon will give you an argument about that.

But then, what do they know? They gave me napalm and defoliants, helicopter gunships, and they called me brutal.


Shocking, Colonel.


Yeah, indeed.

One man's "brutal" is simply another man's "efficient.

" And watching lesser men rise through the ranks over the years, I learned a very valuable lesson the deadliest w*apon in the world is the human mind.

We'll hone that w*apon to a fine edge.

By the time I'm through with you, young man, you'll cut steel.

I'm looking forward to it.


Miss Elliot, your drill, please.

The ball, Miss Elliot.

The ball.

Always expect the unexpected.

Overconfidence can be fatal.

Speaking of which, now that you're dead, you can do without lunch and without dinner.

We'll hope that your stomach will inspire a better performance next time.

He acts like he owns you.

He does.


Dugan? Mr.


They call you "the driver," don't they? Yes, sir.

It's a bit obvious, but descriptive.

All right, Mr.

Dugan, I'd like to see you and your vehicle duplicate that jump.


Not until you move those ramps another 20 feet apart.

I like a challenge.

Boys! Move Mr.

Dugan's ramps for him.

Ready? Lift.

Michael? Yeah, KITT.

- Do we really have to do this?

- That's why we get the big bucks, buddy.

You ready? Of course.

With my rocket power thrusters, I could do this on four cylinders.

You can't use your thrusters.

We're supposed to be undercover.

Do you think they could lower the ramp? Well, that's excellent, Mr.


That's excellent.

Oww! What are you doing? Trying to hold on to my dinner.

Since you're dead, I thought you might like one yourself.

- I don't know what to say.

- How about "thanks"? Thanks.

- You don't happen to have some

- Right here.

I guess, for a change, crime does pay.

What, not always? Not for me.

I guess you wouldn't know about that, would you? We've all heard about the job you pulled in Paris.

Paris? Oh, yeah, Paris.

Well KITT, activate the surveillance unit.

- The usual routine.

- Meaning, I keep you out of trouble.

- Just don't start giving yourself a tune

-up while I'm in there.

- In where? Well, since the colonel has a little boudoir labeled "off limits," I think that's just the place I'm going.

You got trouble? That's a reasonable assumption.

Two people are headed your way.

They'll enter from the hall in 15.

4 seconds.

I would recommend you exit via the back door.

Good thinking.

The only trouble is there is no back door.

It's something I don't want to concern myself with right now.

Dugan's a phony.

Oh, Thompson, we've been through many campaigns.

I trust your nerve.

I trust your loyalty.

I even trust your trigger finger.

But when it comes to your instincts, that's a different matter altogether.

Colonel, I'm telling you something.

There's something wrong with this guy Dugan.

I don't like him.

- Is there anyone you do like?

- Come on, Colonel, I'm serious.

So am I.

This operation goes into high gear within 12 hours.

There is no time for rivalry in the ranks.


Okay, fine.

Forget I said it.

But when I turn out to be right, there's one thing I want This is a formal request, I assume? You bet it is.

I want him.

Okay, KITT, I got the caper.

In less than 12 hours, we break into the federal penitentiary at Flint Mountain.

We're going to break into a prison? Well, that's a new one.

Why? I think it's obvious.

It's a maximum

-security prison.

The kind of clients they got in there would pay plenty for a ticket out.

Looks like Kincaid's playing travel agent.

Michael, I believe Devon would find this information very interesting.

No kidding.

But this place is bugged.

You slip out of here and contact him.




- Don't worry.

I'll distract her.

- I'll bet.

Go make the call.

- You're breaking curfew.

- So are you.

Gonna turn me in? No.

As a matter of fact, I was looking for you.

Why were you wa ?? Tell me ?? ?? That the words you say are true ???? ???? You don't seem to have much faith in our employer.

Do you? What's that supposed to mean? About those nuns in Paris the ones at the orphanage.

I told you I wasn't responsible for that.

I made that up.

What? I said, I made that up.

You're obviously not Dugan.

Who are you? Uh


Sorry, ma'am, but there's a tractor

-trailer overturned up ahead, and we got molasses and honey all over the highway.

But if you make a U

-turn, you can take Route 13 and get back on on the next on


Well, thank you, Officer.

Uh, hang a U

-ie and drive down Route 13.

Uh, sorry about the inconvenience.

Sorry about the inconvenience, but, uh, we got a tractor

-trailer spill up ahead.

Do you know that cutoff on Route 13? Yes, Officer.

It's 3.

2 miles to the southwest.

Uh, yeah, right.

Just take that and catch the next on


Thank you, Officer.

Now, you drive careful, hear? I always do.

Hey! Come back! Stop! What's wrong? That car! That's the car! The one that went like Over up high! Damn! Did you get a good look at the driver? Yeah, I Michael Knight.

That's a nice name.

Getting used to it.

You know, I was hoping you might tell me a little bit more than just your name.

When we know each other better.

I mean, the ambience here I'll break the ice.

I'm not like the other people here.

Kincaid's paying them.

With me, it's a different relationship.

He's blackmailing me.

Five years ago I was a champion gymnast at an ivy

-covered school.

You'd know the name.

But what I didn't know was that my father was paying my tuition with dirty money.

Eventually, he got caught with his hand in the till.

The trial didn't go well with him.

He got very sick.

He didn't want to go to prison.

So, when I got on the stand I said all the right things.

Within a week, my father did die.

But he was a free man, thanks to my convenient lie.

At least that's what I called it.

But Kincaid called it perjury.

And he said that I would end up in prison if I didn't help him.

Well, he's got a point.

But if you help me nail Kincaid, I think the courts will see things your way.

Help you how? We gotta catch Kincaid red


If the caper doesn't go down, neither does he.

If you and I stay in the colonel's little army, he'll get the prison sentence, Linda, not you.


Dune buggies? Beanie bags? No, bean bags.

A beanie is a small head covering which Yes, I can speak English, KITT.

Yes, sir, and splendidly.

You tell me that they are attacking a prison? Yes, sir.

Flint Mountain Federal Penitentiary in 10 hours and 38 minutes.

Yes, it's unbelievable.

It's absolutely unbelievable.

And Michael is quite certain of this? I am, sir.

Would you like me to give you a 40

-point, cross

-indexed statistical readout? Good Lord, no, it's 2:00 a.


All right, KITT.

I'll deal with it.

Tell Michael we'll be ready and tell him "good show.

" And you too, KITT.

Thank you, sir.

KITT signing off.

Thank God.

Okay, go.

I trust you, and I know this is gonna work.

I'm glad one of us knows.

Go, go, go, go.

Well, what was that all about? Biology.

Oh, that.

- Did you call Devon?

- I certainly did.

Michael, we've got them right where we want them.

Okay, you hold on to that thought, huh? Yes? Excuse me, Colonel.


I just captured an intruder by the north wall.

Intruder? What'd you do with him? He's out cold.

I put him in the basement cell.

When he comes to, call me.

It's been a long time since I interrogated anyone.

Gentlemen and lady, you've all been waiting very patiently to learn our ultimate objective.

Well, now is the time.

I assure you.

You're going to be very pleasantly surprised.

Interesting, this little operation? For some other time.


Within a matter of three hours, we're going to use every skill, every move, every technique we have practiced, and we are going to steal $12 million in gold.

Now, if you listen carefully, I'll explain each and every step of the operation.

Of course, it's very short notice, Mr.

Miles, but my men are trained to go into instant action.

"A" Team, position to repel as*ault.

Arch! "B" Team, position for cover fire.

Arch! Very impressive, Warden.

Thank you.

This is the moment we've all been training for.

This is the ultimate test of our will, our courage, our fine cutting edge.

Regardless of the outcome, I want you to know that I personally am proud to have served with each and every one of you, and I'll be with you every step of the way.

You have your maps, your communicators.

Good hunting.

And good luck.

All right, Thompson, move 'em out.

All right! You heard the colonel! Go! KITT, we gotta call Devon as soon as we're secured.

Why? What's wrong? Because we're robbing a gold shipment.

That's alarming.

What do you suggest we do? You're the computer.

You figure it out.

I think we're in trouble.

All right, everyone, listen closely.

You've been briefed on the convoy and its defenses to protect the gold.

If you follow my instructions to the letter, they'll present no problems.

But remember, the monitoring device attached to the bullion truck wheels will be activated if the truck stops for any reason.

That device will alert law enforcement officers within a 50

-mile radius.

Therefore, we must execute this operation while it is moving without any of them realizing that we're doing it.

All right, Baker, Waldorf, get ready.

We'll need a copy of all the convoy transmissions.

Convoy, this is Midas.

We're on schedule and approaching checkpoint 19.

Request status check.

Midas, this is Front Door.

All clear.

Midas, this is Back Door.

All clear.

Roger, Back Door.

Condition: Green.


Condition: Green.

Maintain normal status.

All right, everyone, take up your positions.

Deploy, deploy.

Well, what are we waiting for? With all this, you must have a phone in here.

I do, but Kincaid will monitor any calls we make.

We gotta go along with the robbery until we think of something else.

Well, what about last night? I thought you had a plan.

So did I.

Colonel, this is Waldorf.

I have the convoy in sight.

They're passing my position now.

All right, you know what to do.

Knock out that rearjeep.

Bingo, Colonel.

They're sleeping like babies.

They'll be out for hours.

I'm taking their position in the convoy.

Baker, Clark, snap to it.

Convoy, this is Midas.

We have just passed checkpoint 20.


We havejust passed checkpoint 20.

Doors report, over.

Midas, this is Front Door.

All clear.

Condition: Green.


Roger, Front Door.

Back Door, please report.

Back Door, do you read? Baker, Clark, what's happening? Come on! Come on! Back Door, request status check.

Back Door, do you read? Back Door, do you read? This is Back Door.

This is Back Door.

Roger, Back Door.

Request status check.

Midas, this is Back Door.

All clear.


Midas, this is Front Door.

Request status check.

Hey, Front Door, this is Midas.

We are A

-okay all the way.

Condition: Green.

Roger, Midas.

Good work.

Over and out.

All right, Mr.

Dugan, Miss Elliot.

It is up to you.

KITT, take over.

I'm going out.

- Affirmative, Michael.

Do you think that's safe?

- Of course not.

Hang on! Who's got the car? It's okay! I got you! I got you! Who's got the car? Oh! Ohh! Dugan, Elliot, what's going on? Report.

You all right? I think it's sprained.

Kincaid, this is Dugan.

We got a problem.

Linda is hurt.

She can't get in the truck.

All right, then let her drive and you go out.

- Could you do it?

- If I don't do it, we can't bust him.

If we don't bust him, I can't help you in court.

Kincaid, this is Dugan.

We're still on.



Kincaid, this is Dugan.

I'm inside.

That's excellent, excellent.

All right, Miss Elliot, drop back about three feet.

- Miss Elliot, do you read me?

- Uh, yeah.

It's all taken care of.


Dugan, empty that truck.

Bravo, team.


All right, all of you rendezvous at headquarters.

Thompson and I will linger just a bit to humor the convoy.

Colonel, since your gear is packed and stowed, could we move out now, sir? No, no, not just yet.

Not just yet.



Yes, sir? No.

No, not you.

The real Mr.



Dugan and I had a conversation this morning, Mr.


I didn't want to distract you from your duties today by discussing it with you.

Thank you.

That was very thoughtful.


-bye, hotshot.

I'm sorry about this, son.

I really like you.

Yeah? Personally, I thought you were a jerk.

Kincaid, we've been had! It's just lead covered with gold paint! Lead? What are you talking about? I don't believe it.

! KITT! Aaah! Get in there! Freeze! First thing in the morning, huh? Right? Right.

Unimpeachable source.

Right? Did I really say that? Michael! Where in the name of heaven have you Hello, Devon.

Sorry about the misunderstanding.

"Misunderstanding"? Do you realize what you've done? You've caused me a great deal of difficulty.

You've embarrassed me.

You've Devon, I'd like you to meet Colonel Kincaid.

You've saved me a great deal of paperwork.

One man can make a difference, Michael.

Michael Knight, a lone crusader in a dangerous world, the world of the Knight Rider.