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01x08 - No Big Thing

Posted: 05/08/23 17:30
by bunniefuu
Michael, he's coming right at us.

I can see that.

Do something.

Put him in the squad.

You're not serious.

- Where's Devon?

- Your friend was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Oh, my God! Where are we going? To save Michael.

Don't let him cross that county line.

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Pull over.

Hey, rich car.

This guy should be good for some big bucks.

Your driver's license? What seems to be the problem, Officer? I was going to ask you that.

You got a burr up your muffler?

- I beg your pardon?

- You ran through a posted intersection without stopping.

- I don't wish to tell you your business, Officer

- Then don't.

But that sign is not legally posted; it's hidden.

You want to write up the vehicle, Rex? Right, Sarge.

You broke that light.

You'll pay for it.

Me? Never touched it.

A broken taillight, running a stop, failure to produce license.

You're running up quite a fine.

Which I have no intention of paying.

That stop sign is nothing but a poorly concealed trap.

I think he's trying to tell us that we set him up.

Crudely put, but accurate.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll see if I can find a lawyer to deal with this matter.

That'll come later.

Let's put him in the squad.

You're not serious.

We're making real good time, buddy.

We should be at the Foundation in about an hour.

I'm afraid there'll be a slight delay.

I'm going to have to make a pit stop very shortly.

Pit stop? Quit kidding around.

You're not that human.

I was using the term in its literal sense, Michael.

If you'll glance at my fuel gauges, you'll see that I'm virtually operating on fumes.

Boy, you're right.

Bonnie really goofed up this time, didn't she? It wasn't Bonnie's fault.

It's just that her route plan didn't include the 200

-mile diversion involving you and that young lady you met back in Yeah.

Never mind that.

I'll find you some blood, Dracula.

A very inept analogy, if I may say so.

Blood has virtually no combustible capabilities at all.

Now remember, Michael, my synthesizers can operate on any kind of combustible fluids.

That's some kind of car, Mother.

Oughta be good for one new tire and a couple of hoses, at least.

Give me the ice pick, will ya? I don't want to have to spend a day getting my tanks purged.

A very distasteful procedure.

Okay, okay.

Afternoon, mister.

What'll it be? Afternoon.

Fill 'er up, please.

Uh, where's your cap, buddy? That's okay.

It's a little complicated.

I'll take care of it.

Check under your hood? No, sir, don't bother.

Oh, no trouble.

I wouldn't do that to my tire, if I were you.

That's enough help, my friend.


You okay? Uh, sure.


How much do I owe you there? Uh, nothin'.

Forget it.

It's on the house.

Hey, thanks.

- Some people.

- I know, buddy.

I know.

He do any damage? To me? You must be jesting.

Perhaps with some plastique, a jackhammer a diamond

-edged hacksaw, he may have had an outside chance of throwing out a circuit or two, but damage? The least you can do is give me some decent bread and water.

His Highness is still complainin', huh? Nonstop.

You can listen to him for a while.

I'm due over at Sinclair Headquarters.

I'm acting night watch commander for the whole county tonight.

What a delightful thought.

Almost makes me feel glad to be spending the night in jail.

It's all yours, Rex, old buddy.

Have a cool evening, hear? ¢ÜIf I shy away, it's only because ¢Ü ¢ÜLove's been a little bit hard on me ¢Ü ¢ÜLove's been a little bit ¢Ü ¢Ü Well, love's been a little ¢Ü ¢ÜLove's been a little bit hard on me ¢Ü ¢ÜLove's been a little ¢Ü ¢Ü You know, it's just been a little ¢Ü ¢ÜLove's been a little bit hard on me ¢Ü ¢ÜI can't remember It's been so long ¢Ü ¢ÜLove's been a little bit hard on me ¢Ü I don't know, KITT.

I don't know.

Michael, if you didn't want my expertise, why did you just program me with all this data?

- Okay, okay.

- Here it is, Michael.

I'll take S.


Over Notre Dame, but I think you're dead wrong about Penn State.

They'll never make the point spread.



Oh, hi, Bonnie.

What's up? Help.

Help? What's that supposed to mean? It means Devon's in jail.

Devon's busted? Come on.

That's ridiculous.

Unfortunately, it also happens to be true.

What did they get him for? as*ault with a deadly crumpet? He was on his way to meet a reporter named Reston when he was picked up on a traffic violation.

A traffic violation? And he's probably gonna fight it, huh? This I would love to see.

Where's he being held? A little town called Lyndhurst Flats.


That's exactly 412 miles straight ahead of us on this route.

Why I called.

And that's where we're going.

All right.

Let's go.


All right.

Well, well, well.

What've we got here? Our favorite member of the press, Frank Reston, in person.

You guys are absolutely hilarious.

Come on.

Let's go.

Wait a minute, bozo.

You can't book me without a breath test.

You're a troublemaker, Reston.

We don't need no breath test to tell that.

Why don't you just get on in there? Reston? Frank Reston? Fifth Amendment, old boy.

I'll have a Fifth Amendment.

That's a great name for a booze, huh? I'm Devon Miles.

That's an okay name for a liqueur, I guess, but not for a real booze.

I'm Devon Miles from the Foundation.

You wrote me a letter about an investigation you're conducting.

Oh, I remember you.

How come you never wrote me back? I decided to come and talk to you personally.

Well, you picked a lousy place for a meeting.

We can't talk here.

Wallace here.

Hey, Sarge.

You're never gonna believe who we picked up on a D & D rap.

The mayor.

Come on.

Be serious.

Frank Reston, that creep.

That loudmouth reporter's been trying to nail something on us for the last three and a half years.

Reston, huh? All you got was on drunk and disorderly? Yep.

- That's it.

- Too bad you couldn't get something real good, something like a sex offense.

Well, you know, Sarge, something could be arranged.

I'll tell you what.

It's gonna be a slow night.

Why don't you bring good old Frank over here to see me at Sinclair.

He and I are gonna have a long talk.

- Right away, Sarge.

- Thanks, Rex.

Okay, guys, fun time's over.

! How much is it gonna cost me to get outta here? Are you insinuating that we might take a bribe? Oh, just a shot in the dark.

I don't know what ever made me think that I could corrupt a couple of honest officials such as yourselves.

Look, why don't you just take it easy, huh? I'd like to give you the same advice.

These fellows have a unique way of interpreting the law.

You don't have to tell me about it, pal.

I know all about these guys and their boss, Judge Paxton.

- Ain't that right, boys?

- I wouldn't know about that.

But I do know they want to see you at headquarters in Sinclair.

So let's get going.

Well, suppose I don't wanna go to Sinclair just right now? Well, the book doesn't say anything about what you do or don't want.

They tell me to take you, you're gonna go.

An offer I can't resist, huh? All right.


Let's go.


My mother'll get mad at you.

All right.

Let's go.

KITT, you sure you know where this place is? Of course I do.

We're approaching the city limits even as we speak.

Hey, right you are, old buddy.

Michael, remember we're due in Phoenix at 5:00 today.


That can wait.

I wouldn't miss the chance to bail out our illustrious leader for all the pasta in Italy.

Two officers are here to see you, Judge Paxton.

Show them in.

All right, Wallace.

What's the big emergency? What's the problem? It's that reporter, Reston, we busted last night.

What about him? We were sort of talking to him and went a little overboard.

He's dead.

What? Look, we barely touched him, Judge.

I mean Well, the guy just sort of blacked out all of a sudden.

You incompetent fools.

Do you realize what this means? That's the last thing we need for this county to be swarmin' with investigators.

Judge, I think we can cover it up.

Make it look like an accident? No one will even know he's been arrested.

Except that guy in jail.

What are you talking about? Some British dude we picked up in the speed trap.

He's the only witness.

Well, in that case, you boys better make sure you find a way to keep his mouth shut till this whole thing blows over.

- Right?

- Right.

Well, this looks like the place.

Don't you go sightseeing, huh? I shall return.

- What if you're required to post a bond?

- Don't worry.

I promise I won't put you up for collateral.

Sorry, Mrs.

Reston, we can find no arrest record for a Frank Reston.

Who said anything about arrest? All I want to know is where he is.

I've checked down at the paper, and they don't know.

I've looked in every bar in town.


He couldn't have just disappeared.

If I were you, Mrs.

Reston, I'd go home and wait for him.

He's bound to show up.

- First of all, he's my ex


- I wish I could help, Mrs.


Yeah, I bet you do.


What can I do for you? Well, I'm here to pick up Devon Miles.


Well, as you can see, Mr.

Miles is no longer staying with us.

What'd he do, spring himself? No, nothing like that.

We transferred him over to Sinclair.

It's about 20 miles from here.

Why's that? We're not equipped for long stays.

Besides, your friend preferred a cell to a fine, so we moved him where he'd be more comfortable.

- When's his court appearance?

- You'll have to check with the county clerk about that.

That's all.

I'm busy.

Excuse me.

Seems like we got a kind of similar problem.

I'm kind of a stranger in town.

I was hoping maybe you could help me.

Don't see why not.

Look, I'm on my way to Sinclair.

You're welcome to come along.

Maybe he's there.


Thank you.

Hey, this is some car.

Yeah, it is.


Wait a minute.

Carol Reston? My boss, Devon Miles, stopped off here to see a guy named Reston.

Same fella? Uh, yeah.

It has to be.

Any idea why? No, not a clue.

Well, maybe our meeting like this could turn out to be a lucky break for both of us, huh? Maybe it could at that.

¢ÜI'll be back when I calm my fears ¢Ü ¢ÜLove's been a little bit hard on me ¢Ü ¢ÜAnd I'll see you around in a thousand ¢Ü When was the last time you saw your ex? Of course, that was always his excuse when we were married.

What kind of work does he do? He's an investigative reporter.

And let me tell you, in this town that's a full

-time job.


There it is.

Sorry, we haven't got a Frank Reston or a Devon Miles.

Wait a minute.

The police at Lyndhurst Flats just told me they sent 'em over here.

Now you're telling me you don't have 'em in your jails here? That's correct.

- Well, I'm a little confused.

- You want me to call 'em? Yes, sir, I'd like you to call 'em.

I'd like to find some answers, if you don't mind.

Uh, no, that's okay.

We've gotta go back there anyway.

We'll straighten everything out.

- Whatever you say.

- Wait a minute.

We're not going anywhere.

Michael, your boss is not here.

Please, let's just get out of here.

You folks have a nice day on your way out of town.

What was that all about? I think there's a few things that you're not aware of.

Yeah, like one, the whereabouts of Devon Miles.

All right.

If you wanna go back on your wild goose chase, go ahead.

I just thought you might like to know what you're up against.

What do you mean? Have you ever heard ofJudge Paxton? No.

Who is he? He runs this county.

And from what Frank tells me, he does it with an iron fist.

If he wants someone to disappear, nobody asks any questions.

Carol, all Devon did was break the speed limit.

He, uh, enjoys his tailor


My, my, what a smell.

All squeaky clean, are we? I've had the pleasure of one of your antiseptic showers.


Well, the county hates the thought of nasty bugs in your designer pants.

By the way, I love your accent.

Just a fitting, Pink.

Save the socializing, huh? What's your shoe size?

- Ten and a half, "D.


- Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

We've just had a run on half sizes.

You'll have to wear two pair of socks instead.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Oh, we aim to please.

If you need anything else, Your Highness, just ask for Pink.

Come on before he invites you to tea.

There's some guy in town asking questions about Devon Miles.

Well, I don't doubt that.

This just came in.

Seems that Mr.

Devon Miles is the executive director of the Foundation of Law and Government.

You have gotten us into one fine fix, Wallace.

Now, you listen to me, and you listen good.

We can't take the risk of Miles talkin'.

Judge, he can't do much talkin' at the facility.

I said I don't wanna take any chances.

Now, Miles is the only link that can tie us to Reston.

So I want Mr.

Miles out of the way for good.


It's for you.


Wallace? Butler.

That smart

-mouthed Knight just left with Mrs.


They're headin' back to Lyndhurst Flats.

I don't think either one left here very happy.

We'll take care of it.

Pauly, come in.

This is Sergeant Wallace.

Yeah, this is Pauly.

What is it, Sarge? We got a report on a black car.

License plate: KNIGHT.


- N





Came sh**ting through town like a bat out of hell.

- Where's he headed?

- Toward Lyndhurst Flats.

He's about three miles ahead of you, heading your way.

Well, I should be coming up on him real soon.

That boy's gonna hurt somebody, the way he's drivin'.

Would you mind helping us nail him? Not at all, Sarge.

Thanks, Pauly.

We'll be right there.

The more I see of this county's law enforcement, the more suspicious I get.


If you knew half as much as I do, you'd be positively paranoid.

Michael, there's a large vehicle approaching at high speed on the wrong side of the road.

I advise evasive action.

What was that? I'll explain later.

- I'm coming up on him now, Sarge.

- You know what to do.

That truck sure picked a bad time to pass.

He's coming right at us.

- Do something.

- Michael, hit the brake.

Michael, put it in reverse.

Just hang on.

What the No car can go that fast in reverse.

Michael, why reverse? We could have jumped over.

Because I wanna stay with these guys and find out who put 'em up to it.

Who can drive that good going backwards at that kind of speed? What the hell kind of a car is that? Look out! Whoa! Aren't you sorry we gave that guy such a hard time? We're gonna fix him now.

You okay? I think so.

That trucker sure has a strange way of getting his jollies.

That's only because you think he was kidding.

Anyway, as I was saying, thejudge has this county in his pocket.

Not a buck changes hands that he doesn't get a piece of somehow.

And Frank was onto this? That's what was keeping Frank alive.

Look, five years ago, Frank and I were this real hotshot team working on the biggest newspaper in Texas.

And then he started drinking heavy and, well, one thing led to another, and we wound up in Lyndhurst Flats.

And that was mostly the judge's fault too.

Really? Why's that? Remember that skywalk that collapsed at the Skylighter Hotel down here about three years ago? Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do.

A hundred people were k*lled, right? Right.

Well, the judge's principle source of income was the Paxton Cement Company.

Anyway, it seems that there was too much sand and not enough cement in that skywalk.

And things got pretty hot down here for a while.

And Frank found a story he could win with.


He could smell the Pulitzer prize and just see the Washington Post or the New York Times begging him to go back big


Anyway, he has been sniffing at Paxton's heels for three years now and getting nowhere fast.

The story's there, all right.

It's just the proof isn't.

Well, that's tough, huh? It's tough for both of you.

I mean, the connection's there between Devon and Frank and the judge.

But, I mean, where are they? I mean, if they're not in the jails, where could the judge be stashing them in this county? k*lling them would be the easiest.


No, ease up.

If the judge wanted to do that, he could've done that a long time ago.

If the judge put up with Frank all these years, he's not about to do something that drastic now, especially with Devon Miles in the picture.

Well, of course, there is the county correctional facility.

Can we get in there? No way.

Unless, of course, we announce ourselves, and then I'm afraid we're gonna get the same old runaround.

Well, then we'll just have to go in unannounced.


Pink, you awake? Shep, what are you doing here?

- How'd you get those keys?

- It wasn't easy.

Look, I got it all figured out.

We're bustin' outta here first thing tomorrow morning.

- Shh!

- What's the matter?

- Damn! Who's he?

- He's my new cell mate.

His name's Devon.

I think he's British or somethin'.

I don't care what he is.

He's foulin' up my plan good.

How? Because three is a crowd when it comes to escapin; Put your mind at rest.

I have no intention of leaving this place until I have my day in court.

- That's what you think.

- Wait a minute.

Why does he have to go with us? 'Cause he knows we're goin', that's why.

What's to stop him from blowing the whistle on us the minute we make our break?

- You have my word.

- Right, we have his word.

Shut up, Pink.

I say he's coming, and that's final.

- I assume I have some say in this matter.

- Look.

You either come out with us, or stay here dead.

Personally, I'djust as soon not k*ll you.

The choice is yours.

Thank you.

What's your plan?

- We get out in the truck.

- Truck? What truck? The one that starts with this key.

It'll be right outside in the morning.

All we gotta do is get over the wall, and we're home free.


Absolutely brilliant.

How do you propose to climb a 15

-foot wall in broad daylight? I was working on it.

You were working on it.

The whole key to the success of this plan is our success in getting over the wall, and you were working on it.

- Well, you got a better idea?

- Not at the moment, but, if pressed, it wouldn't be difficult to come up with one.

Somehow, Devon, you don't strike me as your typical jailbreaker.

Yes, that's what the Gestapo thought.

That's how I was able to escape from two German prison camps during the w*r.

That's kinda interesting.

If you insist on my coming with you, please give me the pleasure of devising a suitable scheme for our departure.

How much further? We got about 40 minutes before we get there.

Maybe you can tell me some more about this wonderful car of yours.

Well, since we'll be going into action real soon, I think this is as good a time as any to introduce you to KITT.

Kitt? Who's Kitt? You're on, KITT.

Very well, Michael.

Allow me to introduce myself, Carol.

I am KITT, whom you may regard as the voice of the Knight Two Thousand.

What was that? A recording? Not exactly.

In fact, not at all.

Now, if you'll allow me to continue, I will attempt to describe most of the qualities and capabilities of this truly unique vehicle.

You only got 40 minutes.

I'll try to squeeze it all in.

At any rate, starting with the indestructible alloy that makes up my outer shell Sign, Devon.

- What the hell do you think you're doin'?

- You looked hungry.

- Man, you're askin' for it.

- So are you, pal! That does it! Hold it! Way to go, Devon! Save the applause.

We're not out of the woods yet.

Wallace here.


You better get over here right now.

What's going on? Three men just escaped from the workhouse, and one of them is Devon Miles.

Excuse me, sir.

Where is the warden? Someplace around.

Who are you? I'm just a messenger.

Judge Paxton sent me over with an urgent message for the warden.


Judge Paxton? Hmm.

Well, I guess that's okay.

You might start looking for him in the administration building.

Around to your left.

Thank you.

By the way, what's going on around here? Three guys just busted outta here, and there's gonna be hell to pay over that.

I bet.

Glad it's not my problem.

Thank you.

They may be over the wall, but they're not off the grounds.

Step on it! We can still catch 'em! There they are.

! We got 'em.

! No sweat.

! They're still gaining on us.

There's no way.

We can't outrun 'em.

Devon, watch out.

There's a work crew there.

I have an idea.

What are you gonna do? You'll see.

Oh, my God! Watch out! Hey, KITT? Yes, Carol.

- What's going on?

- I'm receiving a transmission from Michael.

Go ahead, Michael.

KITT, wejust hit thejackpot.

Devon's here.


Was here.

Where's Devon? That's what I'm trying to find out.

He and two inmates just busted outta here.

Devon Miles busting out of jail.

I don't believe that.

- Oh, it's true, all right.

- What was he doing here in the first place? Your friend was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and so are you.

Let's go, hero.

I need help fast.

Where are we going? To save Michael.

Sarge, this is Saunders.

Yeah, what is it? We caught Pink and Shep in the pickup.

What about Miles? We think he's hiding in the grove down by the river.

All right.

Flush him out and sh**t to k*ll.

All right.

Get in the car.

Get in the backseat.

You'll never get out of here.

They'll blow this car to pieces.

We'll see about that.

Get in there! Wallace is in trouble.

! If he moves, put a hole in him! Open fire.

! Where are those groves your partner was talking about? Take a right at the next dirt road.

You get on that walkie


You call your boys.

Tell 'em you're on your way.

Forget it.

sh**t him.

Saunders, listen to me.

Don't worry, Sarge.

He's hiding in the grove down by the river.

Keep him cornered, but don't I repeat, do not k*ll him.

Wait for me.

Whatever you say, Sarge, but I oughta tell you Judge Paxton's got a $10,000 price tag on His Highness's head.

These boys want at him pretty bad.

We got him now! He went this way! Come on! KITT, you got the scanners going? Michael, I'm picking up a single individual being pursued by two others.

It should be Devon.

Heading: 183.

Range: 350 meters.

Who said that? I'd love for you to stick around and find out, but I'm afraid we need the room.

Enjoy your flight.

Your timing couldn't have been more felicitous.

"Felicitous"? That mean you're glad to see me? I've never been happier to see anyone in my life.

I hit him! I swear I hit that car! Come on.

! We can't let 'em get away.

! How do we get outta here? You better swing around and go back the way we came in.

Damn farmers! We'll take the high road and cut 'em off.

There's one above us and one below us.

Michael, the brake.

Look out! Now, that's incredible.

We still have to make it to the county line, though.

We should have a clear shot now.

Doesn't that deserve a word of thanks? Pauly, this is Saunders.

Listen, I don't care what it takes.

Just don't let him cross that county line.

You got it.

Pete, are you anywhere near the bridge? About a half a mile, Pauly.

What do you need? Block the bridge for me.

There's a guy in a black car that needs stopping.

Will do, Pauly.

I'll hold him here in the middle of the bridge, Pauly.

Sucker won't get past me.

Michael, we're approaching the county line.

It's just over the bridge.

Thank God.

Yeah, I'm on their tail.

We got 'em in a squeeze play.



Michael, I've done a scan on the stalled vehicle ahead.

Automotively speaking, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

It's a trap.

We got 'em.

We're gonna make tin tortillas out of that flashy car.

Michael, don't you think you'd better do something? Hold on.

You're not thinking of Oh, my word, you are! What is that? Good afternoon, Judge.

I was beginning to fear that you might not show up.

Who are you? And how did you get in here anyway? Oh, details.

Mere details.

The important thing is that I'm here, and I'm quite sure that you know who I am.

- Yes, Mr.

Devon Miles.

- Very perceptive of you.

But they told me you'd escaped yesterday.

And how right they were, but, as you see, I've come back.

For what? Why, to collect you, of course.

Once we got away, we went straight to the state police.

They were very interested in our assorted tales about you and your colleagues, especially in how you k*lled Frank Reston.

- Now, just a minute.

- In point of fact, they've already rounded up Sergeant Wallace, Officer Saunders and all the others, whom, I'm happy to say, talked quite freely about a great number of things, but mostly about you.

So you see, Judge, you've been bagged.

Not on your life, Miles.

I'm leaving, and you're not about to stop me.

My! That felt simply wonderful.

I'd forgotten how exhilarating freedom can be.

Nothing like a little time in the slammer to make you appreciate the wide

-open spaces.

True, but it was time well spent.

We managed to clean up some rather nasty business back there.

The bad guys behind bars and the good guys walkin' away.

All except poor Frank Reston.

I'm afraid he paid a rather heavy price for his persistence.

Yeah, but like Carol said when she found out they k*lled him, by dying, he accomplished everything he tried to in life.

The story he left behind, Devon he's a cinch for the Pulitzer prize.

It's rather an expensive price, don't you think? I wonder if he would have thought so.

Yeah, I wonder.

KITT, what's happening? Why are you slowing down? I've picked up what could be a police officer about a hundred meters ahead.

That's okay.

You're only doing 55.

I know, I know.

But considering Mr.

Miles's tact when it comes to dealing with the police, I thought it'd be best not to take any chances.

Now, look here, KITT.

What are you trying to say? Michael Knight, a lone crusader in a dangerous world, the world of the Knight Rider.